X Men Tales

By NPhillyDogg/Scedmark

Published on Feb 4, 2017


Disclaimer: X-Men Tales: is loosely based on the X-Men- Evolution t.v. cartoon series, as well as the comic book produced by Marvel Comics. ___________________________________________________________________

The X-Men are mutants, unfortunate people born with an X-gene that gives them extraordinary powers and abilities which makes them outcasts to those considered "normal" in the world. ___________________________________________________________________

Charles Xavier, Hank McCoy (Teachers). Scott & Jean Summers: husband and wife living in Anchorage Alaska with their 2 daughters. T'Challa [The Black Panther] & Ororo: king & queen of a nation in Africa called: Wakanda.

S.H.I.E.L.D [Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division] AGENTS: Colonel Alvin Calisto [Director], Agent: Steve Rogers [aka: Captain America], Agent: James Logan, Agent: Victor Creed, Agent: Clint Barton [aka: Hawkeye], and Agent: Sam Wilson [aka: The Falcon],

HOUSE OF M: Magneto, Scarlet Witch, Mystique, Quicksilver, Polaris, Juggernaut, Avalanche, Pyro, Blob, Vertigo, Toad, Mimic,

OTHERS: Charles Xavier, Hank McCoy, King T'Challa (The Black Panther), Queen Ororo, Scott Summers, Jean Grey Summers,

X-Men Tales: -pt89




The morning sun was just starting to come up over the mountains surrounding Anchorage! Along the 5 block stretch was Anchorage's version of `downtown' [with a row of stores, shops, eateries, and theatres] was a Motor Lodge Inn housing a very special couple: James Logan [secret agent of SHIELD], and Scott Summers [a local fisherman]!

The 2 men lay asleep in bed together, wrapped lovingly in spoon-position as Logan cuddled closely behind Scott, pulling his bare back into closer his hairy chest as he kissed him `good-morning' on the back of his neck and shoulders...!

"hmm..." moaned Scott, awakening in Logan's muscular arms...! "...what TIME is it...?"

"6am." answered the older man [without looking at the clock]...! "How'r you feelin' this mornin'...?" he asked curiously, genuinely concerned. "Any regrets about last night...?"

Scott thought...

"Surprisingly..., no...!" he answered, "I know I SHOULD feel wrong for what we did..., -leaving my family behind..., cheating on my wife, staying out all night with a man I'd just met yesterday..., but to be honest...THIS feels more right than my entire marriage...!

"Don't get me wrong..." added Scott, turning on his back to look into Logan's hairy face hovering just behind him...! "...I LOVE my family..., I couldn't imagine life without my daughters..., but my marriage was always stale...! Jean and I were high school lovers..., but we've always been more FRIENDS than soulmates...!"

"If its any consolation..., this ain't the first time you and Jean broke up for US...!" comforted Logan! "It's happened at least TWICE before over the years...!"

"Wow..." sounded Scott, realizing the significance of it all...! "...it's like FATE...!"

"Yeh..." answered Logan, touching his hand smoothly to Scott's facial cheeks, turning his head directly towards him as he moved in for a good-morning kiss...! "...it IS...!" he agreed, as the 2 men kissed soulfully, exchanging early morning fluids as Logan's tongue automatically wormed its way into Scott's mouth!

They were both just starting to get worked up [both becoming instantly erect]..., when there was a sudden [unexpected] knocking at the door...!

"Scott...? Are you IN there...?" called Jean Grey-Summers, standing on the opposite side of the door [on the deck], wrapped in a plaid winter coat...! "I've spoken to the desk clerk and HE said THIS was the room Mr. Logan registered...! Are you IN there...? Open the door...!"

"Oh shit! It's my WIFE...!" panicked Scott, jumping out of bed to scramble the floor for his pants...!...he and Logan throwing on their clothes as fast as possible...!

"Scott...? I KNOW you're IN there! Open the door!" insisted Jean [banging harder]!

"Let's just stay very quiet..." suggested Logan [half-dressed], "...maybe she'll give up and go away...?"

"She's NOT going anywhere..." assured Scott [slipping on his sneakers]...! "...she's stubborn that way...! She once stayed outside this girl's house all night that she suspected I was cheating with when we were in high school...!"

"Wanna slip out the BACK window...?" asked Logan instead [in case Scott wanted time to run and figure things out...?]!

"No..." said the married man [searching for his pullover], "...its about TIME we had this out...!" he added, just as the door suddenly BLEW IN off its hinges...!

"Urhh...!" yelled Scott, falling to the floor to avoid getting hit by the flying door...!

"HOW THE HELL...?!??" he questioned, looking up to see his WIFE [Jean Grey] standing in the doorway with an odd red glowing aura circling about her [the cool manifestation of her latent mutant powers]...!

"JEAN..." yelled Logan [rushing to Scott's side, making sure he wasn't injured]...! "...HOW'D you DO that...?!"

"I...I don't know..." said Grey, staring at her red glowing hands...! "...I...I just imagined kicking the door IN..., and it suddenly went FLYING...!"

"Can you DO it again...?" asked Logan, curiously!

Jean looked down to see Logan and her husband poised on the floor together, both half dressed in only their jeans..., and couldn't resist sending Logan flying backwards into the east wall [smashing through like a wrecking ball]...!

"Jean STOP it...!" yelled Scott, grabbing his wife..., trying to shake some sense into her...! Jean saw the `passion mark' bruises on Scott's neck, AND LOST IT, as she turned her telekinesis on her husband, crippling Scott in the red aura and forcing him to the ground with the force of a brick wall! Scott could feel an invisible barrier weighing him down to the floor, -smashing him, with the potential to break his bones...!

"JEAN..., DON'T...!" he screamed, just as his eyes turned blood RED and a powerful burst of plasma-energy exploded from his eyes, shooting straight up through the ceiling and causing major damage to the Motor Inn Lodge...!

The blast also sent Jean soaring backwards out the door and out into the street where she fell..., surrounded [luckily] by the protective kinetic shield still surrounding her!

"SCOTT...!" yelled Logan, rushing back into the room to rescue his lover from beneath the ceiling rubble...!...pulling him from the debris! "You alright...?!" he asked, checking his limbs for broken bones...!

"HOW'D I...?" questioned Scott [his eyes returning to normal]...! "How's I DO that...??" he asked, frantically [grabbing hold of Logan]! "Where's Jean...??!"

"I dunno...!" said Logan, as he and Scott both leaped over the front deck to check on Jean [who was lying in the street like a hit and run victim]...!

She was just as upset and shaken as they were...!

"Let's git OFF the streets...!" suggested Logan, noting the `early birds' starting to come out and stand around, watching [some of them videotaping them on their cellphones]...!

Logan reached into his pocket and pulled out the keys to his car..., then quickly ushered both Scott AND Jean inside before jumping into the driver's seat and tearing off from The Lodge...!

"Whe...where'r we going...?" asked Jean [sitting slumped in the backseat with Scott], somewhat dazed by the events...!"

"Someplace SAFE!" assured Logan, pulling up outside of The Tavern to find his brother [Creed] outside in the gutter in a drunken stupor...!

"Jean..., WHERE'R the kids...?" asked Scott [concerned for his children]...!

"At a neighbor's...!" answered Jean, as Logan stuffed his brother in the passenger's seat, then took off like a bat out of hell [police sirens in the background]...!

"I...don't think we can outrun them...!" said Scott, looking out the back window...!

"We don't hav'ta...!" said Logan, putting the car in `flight mode', as the wheels suddenly turned inward as exhaust jets appeared in the center of the hubcaps, sending the vehicle skyward...!

Anchorage police stopped their pursuit as they got out of their squad-cars and watched the vehicle veer out of sight...!



"So...traumatic stress episodes triggered their powers, eh...?" questioned Charles Xavier, standing on the other side of a 2way mirror [along with Logan, colonel Alvin Calisto and a few other agents], watching Scott and Jean arguing with one another in one of SHIELD'S interrogation rooms...!

"Interesting..." said Hank McCoy [a teaching professor at Xavier's private school]...! "...so it stands to reason that we ALL have to suffer some sort of traumatic encounter for our supposed powers kick in...?" he questioned [sarcastically]...!

"And then hope it's not too late to save us...!"

"Maybe we can figure a way to TEST e'erybody's power if we can simulate some kinda stress disorder to their system...?" questioned Logan [knowing they'd need the firepower if they were going to invade Genosha (a mutant government that banded humans from traveling to their country)...]!

"We don't have TIME..." intervened Calisto, "...SHIELD's already AWARE of our recruiting stunts..." he informed, "...which means we don't have long before they send someone to shut us down completely...!"

"The AVENGERS!" stated agent Creed!

"Exactly!" agreed Calisto!

"So much for figuring this thing out...!" said McCoy [sensing a lost cause]!

"We can STILL do this...!" argued Logan! "We have enuff firepower between The Elite Team and The Recruits...!"

"Are you joking, Agent...?" asked Calisto! "There's no guarantee these people's `powers' will come into play early enough to HELP us should a battle ensue...! Its suicide to go into Genosha with just a hope and a prayer...!"

"I'm willing to chance it...!" said Xavier [turning from watching Scott and Jean argue through a 2way mirror]...! "Logan has shown me too much to start doubting his sanity now...! If someone's mucked with our memories and we have a chance of regenerating them...!...then I'm all FOR it!


McCoy looked skeptical... "I'm on The Colonel's side..." he informed, "...its suicide...! But wherever Charles go..., I go...!"

"Thanks old friend...!" smiled Xavier!

"We'd better get a MOVE ON then..." said Calisto, looking at his wrist-tablet...! "...The World Council just sent in my replacement...! I suspect all aircraft will be shutdown momentarily...! If we wanna get off the launch deck, we'd better get going...!"

Logan got on his communicator... "Elite Team..., meet me at the hanger bay...! Bring The OTHERS...!"

SHIELD's Elite Team and The Recruits met up on one of The Quinn Jets for takeoff...! As a last act, Colonel Alvin Calisto punched in secret clearance codes, allowing the jet to take off unopposed despite the swift change of command!

The Quinn Jet soared quickly, with the pilot [Hawkeye] disabling the GPA Tracking System! The jet flew Northeast, heading for the European Country: Genosha!



A few hours later...

"We're about to head into Genosha airspace..." informed Falcon [Hawkeye's co-pilot]! "...all hell's about to break loose if we're caught entering THEIR airspace...! Anybody got any suggestions...?"

"Yeah..." answered Logan, unhooking his seatbelt...! "...touchdown in the ocean...! I have an idea...!"

The Quinn Jet hovered to a stop over The Atlantic Ocean...before underbelly exhausts slowly lowered the aircraft to a smooth landing in the water surface! A back hatch was opened, and a small air-boat exited, powered by a tiny engine propeller!

The boat sped across the dark waters [at night] towards the lights coming off the island in the distance! Logan steered the boat towards the shores, riding up on its white sandy beaches as he exited the craft and started heading towards the lights...!

"HALT RIGHT THERE...!" yelled an eerily familiar voice [from the back of Logan's brain]!

He felt his body stiffen [before he could even figure out WHO spoke]...! Unable to control himself, he was easily flung across the beach and into a bolder resting above ground! Surely any normal person would have cracked his back..., but Wolverine merely grunted from the impact, falling into the sands as he looked up to find his antagonist levitating above him [in a free-flowing red cape]...!

"I am MAGNETO..." said the mutant master [his feet never touching the ground]! "...surely you didn't think you could SNEAK upon my island on a speedboat...?" he chuckled! "No matter how small or insignificant the metal..., I can detect it!" informed the master of magnetism!

"Interesting..." added the mutant, using his powers to levitate Logan as well...! "...your entire bone structure seems to be encased in metal...! You were a FOOL to come here..." he gloated [as the 2 flew off towards The Genosha Citadel]...! "...an act I'm SURE you will come to regret!"



Another boat [a rowboat] was touching down along the rocks of Genosha...! This boat held the rest of Logan's carvery [Colonel Calisto, Hawkeye, Capt America, Falcon, Agent Creed, King T'Challa, Queen Ororo, Charles Xavier, Hank McCoy, Scott Summers, and Jean Grey]..., THEY all climbed out of the crowded lifeboat and onto the rocks, venturing forth into The City [unseen and undetected]...!

"Logan's allowed himself to be captured so WE could make it aboard the island..." reminded Calisto, as they hid behind structures and kept to the shadows...! "...we need to take advantage of HIS sacrifice and split up into teams to cover MORE ground...!

"Hawkeye, Capt..., take HALF of The Recruits and find another way into the city...!"

"Yes sir!" snapped Barton, as Hank McCoy, Charles Xavier, and Scott Summers went with Hawkeye and Captain America..., while King T'Challa, Queen Ororo, and Jean Grey-Summers went with Colonel Calisto, Falcon, and Agent Creed...!

"You're separating the married couple...?" asked Creed [referring to Scott and Jean], as his team slipped into the forest [heading towards the city]!

"She's pissed at him at the moment..." reminded Calisto, leading the charge! "...we can't risk them getting into an argument out here...!...they could inadvertently give up our location...!"

"You KNOW its only a matter of time before The Avengers are sent in to rip us new assholes, right...?" advised Creed, knowing protocol!

"I doubt The Avengers would be willing to risk an international incident by violating the `peace code' and entering into Genosha without permission..." challenged Calisto, "...which SHOULD buy us some time...! We need to act FAST!" he added, as the agents cocked their weapons [in case of trouble]!



President Magneto carried Logan through The Citadel [using his magnetic powers], having him hovering behind him helplessly for all his followers to see...!

"Father..." said Pietro [Quicksilver], speeding up to his father's side...! "...you've captured someone...?"

"Yes..." said Magneto [levitating nearly a foot off the ground at all times] as he escorted Logan to one of his torture chambers...! "...send out a scouting team to search the shorelines for MORE...! I'm sure he didn't come alone!" ordered The President!

"You HEARD my father..." ordered Quicksilver [Magneto's highest ranked General]...! "...search the outer banks for intruders...!"

Magneto's Mutant Force [Mystique, Polaris, Juggernaut, Avalanche, Pyro, Blob, Vertigo, Toad, and Mimic] rushed for transportation to go in-search for any more invaders..., while Quicksilver accompanied his father to the torture room where Magneto used his powers to SLAM Logan to an exam table [facedown] while Pietro quickly stripped the captive naked...!

Magneto forced Logan's arms and legs to open spread-eagle...!

"He's a VERY interesting specimen..." said mutant master [intrigued], as he lowered him feet to the chamber floor [for a closer look]...! "...his BONES are laced with a form of metal..." he determined independently, running his hand over Logan's bare hairy back, causing the metal bones to buckle and protrude [painfully] through the skin with his magnetic powers...! "...I detected him easily as soon as he entered the no fly zone...!"

"An assassin...?" questioned Quicksilver, staring at the muscular naked man on the table!

"Unlikely..." said Magneto...! "...it would be unprecedented to send a man made of metal to assassinate a man who CONTROLS metal...!

"Even the Humans aren't THAT stupid...!" he declared!

"Perhaps you put too much FAITH in the Human's, father...?" flipped Pietro!

"Maybe..." agreed Magneto [purposely causing the stranger more PAIN as Logan cried out several times]! "...but I'll find out what his purpose here is for..., even if I have to KILL him to figure it out...!" he assured!

"His uniform doesn't have any distinctive emblems or insignias..." informed Pietro, now studying the plain dark jumpsuit Logan wore to the island...! "...no military symbols...! No weapons either!" he added [making it difficult to determine WHERE he came from]...!

"Isn't that odd..." asked the mutant son [looking to his father's wisdom]...! "...to send a soldier into a hostile zone with NO weapons...?"

"I suppose so..." said the father [curiously running his hands down along Logan's hairy forearms]...! "...unless the soldier IS the weapon...!" he added, causing Logan's CLAWS to pop [painfully] out of his knuckles...!

"URHHH...!" screamed Logan, just as surprised as the others when the razor sharp claws popped out...!

"WHAT'RE YOU DOING HERE...!?" asked Magneto, raising his voice over Logan's screams! "Were you sent here to KILL me...?!"

"I'M...HERE...TO...JOIN YOUR MUTANT BROTHERHOOD...!" lied Logan [fighting through the severe pain shooting through his body (his Healing Factor saving him from certain death)...]!

"He's a mutant...?" questioned Pietro [surprised]...!

"I doubt it...!" said Magneto [knowing ALL the mutants lived on Genosha and nowhere else]...!

Magneto ran his hand down over the small of Logan's hairy back, then over his muscular buttock...where he allowed his fingers to explore the densely haired space between the ass cheeks...! Logan squirmed on the table [unable to move] when he felt Magneto playing around with his asshole...! Without using lubricant, Magneto jammed a beefy finger up his hairy ass, causing Logan to grimace in discomfort!

Logan knew what was about to happen next [as he struggled on the table against Magneto's formidable powers], having been raped by his brother CREED many times in his childhood [see flashback sequences in: chap-18 `Wolverine's Origin']...! He grit his teeth as Magneto roughly twisted his finger about, before adding another digit!

"He's tight...!" informed The President, as Pietro openly groped himself at the thought of fucking the soldier after his father finished with him...!

Having properly tested the hole for weapons...Magneto removed his fingers and [using his powers...]...physically forced Logan into doggy-position, as he removed his own clothing and got into kneeling position behind the strange captive...!

Pietro smiled [deviously] as he watched his father's raging 8.5" erection about to be rammed up the soldier's ass...! Without being summoned, he rushed over to his father's side, then took his dad's hard cock in his mouth and started sucking, speeding his mouth up and down the royal staff, getting it nice and wet with spit for the fucking!

As heir to his throne, Magneto made sure his son knew his place as SECOND in line..., having made Pietro humble himself years ago when he was just a teen..., forcing his son to suck his cock as a way of honoring his father kingship while displaying his loyalty and devotion! Pietro [as it turned out] was one of Genosha's best cocksuckers..., his incredible speed causing a tremendous suction in his mouth and throat which took cock-sucking to another level and allowed him to vacuum the sperm from men's balls in seconds...!...even extracting multiple loads out of them in minutes!

Magneto felt the draining effects of his son's insatiable cock sucking many times over the years..., having had multiples loads sucked out of him on various occasions! In fact he could feel his son's suctioning starting to effect his cock now..., make it throb wantonly and threatening to make him climax before he was ready...!

"Enough!" he yelled, slapping his son off his throbbing rod as Pietro fell back on his ass, staring up at his father's mighty erection while wiping his drooling mouth on his sleeve [a tab bit jealous that his father's royal load would be shot up the captive's ass instead of HIS mouth]...!

Magneto aligned his cockhead to the prisoner's hairy asshole..., then SLAMMED his hips forward, ramming his mighty cock straight up the soldier's ass with one thrust!

"ARRHHHGG...!!" screamed Logan, feeling his anus penetrated as if for the first time [due to his Healing Factor always resealing his anus to virgin status after a rape]!

Magneto grabbed Logan's waist...then ground his hips into the hairy man's ass, churning his cock around in his snapping gut as he prepared to fuck!

"Exquisite!" sighed the mutant president, loving the ultra-tight grip of the soldier's sphincters as they tried [in vain] to repel him!

Magneto pulled back with his hips, withdrawing three quarters of his 8.5" cock [watching the thick hard shaft emerge from the soldier's ass] before thrusting back in and reburying his tool over 8 inches deep! Logan struggled against Magneto's powers [which continued to hold him in place against his will], but Magneto was too strong, his powers too formidable as he held the captive in place easily, even while his mind was distracted with the raping! Logan just simply had to bare it, as the mutant president fucked his ass as if he owned it [casualties of war]!

Watching his father fuck the prisoner gave Pietro a major woody...! Simply rubbing his erection wasn't enough..., he physically pulled his hard-on out through his fly and started to jack-off at a super-speed...! When he was ready to cum, he simply jumped up onto the table top [along with Logan and his father] and shot his princely load all over the soldier's unsuspecting face...! By the time Logan felt the sperm dripping down his face [having accidentally tasted it while licking some of it off his lips]..., Pietro was back where he was standing before..., a new erection already having replaced the old!

Even Magneto didn't see his son move from where he'd been standing...! He held onto Logan's waist and thrust powerfully into his hairy ass..., sending his thick cock masterfully through the soldier's buttock as a proclamation to the world `not to fuck with him!'

He LOVED fucking over his enemies! There was no greater pleasure in the world than forcing a powerful opponent or opposition into submission! How many human military soldiers had he and his Mutant Force fucked during the war against humanity [hundreds? thousands?]...? Releasing them [broken shells of who they were] only when the governments of the world agreed to The Peace Treaty with Genosha! And while the treaty has lasted for YEARS..., Magneto often miss the days of opposition, where he got to FUCK the human leaders, showing them exactly WHO was more superior of the species...!

Logan could feel the mutant's hips slamming into his backside, sending the rigidly stiff cock successfully into his bowels repeatedly! No matter what he did to prevent it, the cock just kept bursting through his rectal ring and slamming into his murky depths and repeating the motion again and again!

Eventually [as with his brother in the past] it started to feel kind of good..., causing Logan's own cock to swell thickly between his hairy thighs...!

"Oh..." sounded Pietro, quickly appearing by his side...! "...it appears the soldier's enjoying his torture, father..." he informed, after wrapped his hand around Logan's cock and jacking him rapidly [feeling the super-thick tool throb in his fist]...!

"...he's as hard as a rock down here...! Does that metal extend into his cock as well...?" he asked, feeling how HARD Logan was!

Magneto reached up and grabbed a fistful of Wolverine's hair..., physically yanking him up into kneeling position as he continued to fuck him from behind...!

"You're not supposed to enjoy this, human...!" snarled the president, not intending to cause the soldier pleasure! "This is supposed to be humbling and humiliating for you!"

"I'm no stranger to pain...!" growled Logan [his head reared back far enough to SEE Magneto's face as the 2 men stared at one another competitively]!

"We'll SEE about that...!" said Magneto, using his powers to physically SLAM Logan facedown against the table before climbing on top of him and purposely ramming his cock back up his ass [mercilessly]!

Indeed Logan grit his teeth as Magneto increased the pace of his fuck thrusts..., slamming his hips into Logan's ass much harder and faster, determined to cause the soldier physical pain like he's never felt before!

With Logan now lying facedown..., Pietro rushed back over [table-side] and jacked another hot load over the prisoner's unsuspecting face..., this time aiming more of his sperm into Logan's moaning mouth, making his eat the load!

Having happened in a FLASH..., Logan was very much unaware that his mouth [and throat] had just been penetrated by Pietro..., until he started to TASTE the foul flavor of his cum permeating throughout his mouth!

He glance over at the president's son, giving him `the evil eye' as Pietro smirked, nursing another hard-on as he awaited sloppy seconds after his father!

"Urhh..." groaned Magneto, showing signs that his climax might be coming on quick!

The master of magnetism could feel the climax building in his loins...! Like with all great battles, he wasn't ready for it to end so soon..., but the satisfaction of besting his arrogant opponent was far too alluring as he continued to hammer at the ass beneath him, despite knowing it would all come to an abrupt end soon!

Logan could feel the fuck-pace increase as Magneto got closer to shooting his load! And despite his animal like senses [taste and smell] being overtaken by the scent and flavor of Pietro's semen lingering in his mouth..., Logan could literally SMELL the oncoming scent of Magneto's sperm as it rose from his balls..., preparing to shoot off inside him!

Pietro watched as his father's eyes started to roll up into their sockets...! His orgasm was fast upon him as he power-fucked the prisoner for over a dozen more strokes or so..., before finally ramming himself in balls-deep and holding position as his big mutant cock thickened and swelled, straining sorely in Logan's tight gripping backside before finally bursting a series of hot liquid gushes into the captive's innards...!

"ARRRHHHHHHHHHHGGG...!!" yelled the Genoshan leader..., grinding against Logan's ass, losing his master load to the soldier's bowels!

Logan could feel the hot cum spurting into his innards as Magneto came on top of him! Indeed he felt a level of humility for being captured and fucked like some mangy dog...!...yet his own cock was still rock-hard underneath him, smashed [uncomfortably] against the cold metal table as Magneto thrashed about on top of him, emptying his balls load into his ass!

Magneto could feel all of his energy depleting along with his climax..., as his arms struggled to keep him uplifted [in pushup position] over the captive! He fell [weakly] against the soldier's hairy back, physically taxed [and exhausted]..., panting breathlessly as he tried to recuperate from the intensity of his orgasm...!

Pietro saw Logan's hand move, as Magneto's control over his powers waned, freeing the prisoner from his hold!

"FATHER...!" shouted the prince, yanking the dad off the prisoner and away at a safe distance [putting him to rest in his own chamber bed]...!

But before Logan to recover completely, Pietro rushes back into the torture room [at super speeds], then climbed on top of the solider and rammed his hard erection straight up the prisoner's just cummed ass!

"Urrhh...!" grunted Logan, suddenly realizing his anus was pierced [yet again] only after Pietro had speed-fucked him for a about 30 seconds [the equivalent of a 20min fuck from a normal man]!

He couldn't feel the rapid thrusts of Pietro's speeding cock [which fucked far too fast for his body to feel]..., but the suddenly aching of his innards told him that another cock was indeed inside him..., followed by the warm flood of fluid shooting into him as Pietro came again...! The mutant prince had slowed down to enjoy the throes of his orgasm [adding his own royal load to his father's deep in the prisoner's guts]..., when Logan [suddenly free from Magneto's magnetic hold] suddenly popped his claws..., then spun around [unexpectedly] and sliced straight through Pietro's neck..., decapitating him! Pietro had a surprised expression on his face when his head left his shoulders..., then tumbled down to the ground...!

Logan shoved Pietro's body aside, then jumped down off the table and started to make his way through the palace...!


If you would like to read MORE X-Men Tales, hit me up @ NPhillydogg@aol.com with your comments and/or suggestions. OR you could join me on my Facebook page under the name name!


Next: Chapter 103: Mutant Island

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