X Men Tales

By NPhillyDogg/Scedmark

Published on Dec 15, 2009


Disclaimer: X-Men Tales: is loosely based on the X-Men- Evolution t.v. cartoon series, as well as the comicbook produced by Marvel Comics. ______________________________________________________________________

The X-Men are mutants, unfortunate people born with an X-gene that gives them extraordinary powers and abilities which makes them outcasts to those considered "normal" in the world. _____________________________________________________________________________

X-Men cast: (Teachers) Professor-X, Angel, Banshee, Beast, Bishop, Forge, Polaris, Storm, and Wolverine, Dr Mora MacTaggert,

(Students) Cannonball-17, Cyclops-17, Colossus-18, Gambit-17, Iceman-16, Multiple boy-13, Nightcrawler-16, Northstar-17, Spike-15, Sunspot-16, Thunderbird-18 / Amanda-16, Jubilee-13, Karma-16, Magma-15, Premonition (Jean Grey)-17, Rogue-16, Shadowcat-14, Spirit-17, Syran-16, Wolvesbane-15 _____________________________________________________________________________

ALPHA FLIGHT: is a super powered team based in Canada that Wolverine was affiliated with long before the X-Men. They are: Lady Deathstrike, Sabretooth, Guardian, Puck, Shaman, Sasquatch, & Stryker _____________________________________________________________________________

X-Men Tales: -pt18



Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters, Salam Center, Ny.

The sun shone high in the sky, a tranquil summer breeze gently blowing majestically through the trees despite the rainy forecast originally reported by meteorologist [thanks to Storm].

The large crowd of mostly students and staff gathered in the back of Xavier's Garden Estate, to grieve the passing of their beloved professor and mentor. X-Men from two generations [old and new] gather to pay their respects as Charles Xavier's body is laid to rest in a marked grave bearing his name and likeness.

Many of the X-Men speak on the Professor's behalf, sharing stories of how they first met the legend, how he wowed them with his mental telepathy, and how he convinced many of them to join his school to learn how best to use their powers for the greater good of humanity. Each person who spoke on his behalf spoke of his compassion, his commitment, and his integrity. But none put it as eloquently as one of Xavier's first students..., --Hank McCoy, the BEAST.

"What can I say about a man who had no peers...?" asked Beast, standing before a podium facing out towards Xavier's memorial. "Professor Charles Xavier was a pioneer in bridging the gap between humans and their counterparts, --mutants. He'd spent a lifetime legislating for mutant rights, trying to solidify a safe haven for mutants worldwide that were considered too dangerous to let live. He was an ambassador, a leader, a pioneer, a statesmen, an innovator, a visionary, a prophet, a mutant, and a humanitarian all rolled into one. But his legacy doesn't end with his death..., it is up to each and every one of us here today, his chosen pupils, to keep his dream alive by honoring his memory in the best way we can..., by becoming better beings!"

The memorial service slowly began to disperse after everyone had finished speaking. Beast, Banshee and Dr Mora MacTaggert set up a counseling center for grieving students to express their anguish over the Professor's death. Many of them couldn't understand why the Professor had to die, and many others wondered if the school would continue to function without their Head Master?

"That was a wonderful speech, Hank..." complimented Storm, approaching Beast by Xavier's memorial after the services were over.

"It wasn't a mere speech, Ororo..." corrected Beast. "...it was a proclamation! We need to keep the Professor's dream alive by keeping the school he founded open, --AND the X-Men roster active!"

"I agree..., but how are we to do that...?" asked Storm, concerned about funds. "Charles' death was so unexpected..., do we have the funds to continue running the school in the way he'd become accustomed to running it...? We are not independently wealthy as he was...!" stated Ororo.

"Yes..., but Charles did have a last will in testament, with strict instructions on how he expected his wishes to be followed in the case of his untimely demise!" countered Beast. "You know Charles had the utmost respect for you, Storm..., it should come as no surprise that he intended YOU to take over his duties as Head Mistress!"

"I am overwhelmed..." said Storm, looking out over the school grounds Xavier founded so many years ago. "...but I cannot take on that kind of responsibility right now...!"

"Why not, pray tell...?" asked Beast, believing Storm should be honored to be left Xavier's Estate. "The children are counting on you...!"

"I know, Hank...!" said Storm, looking back towards the students in the distance. ONE student in particular. "But Evan just discovered that T'Challa and I are his biological parents...[chap-15]..., he wants to take him back to Africa, to show him our homeland and his legacy..." said the wind rider, looking back towards Beast. "...OUR legacy! T'Challa wants us to go as a family!"

"How do you feel about that...?" asked Beast, knowing the relationship between Storm and the Black Panther cooled off many years ago, before Evan was born.

"I don't know..." she answered, honestly. "...part of me wants Evan to know his parents, to know his family background and his father's rich ancestral history...!"


"But then there's another part of me that is scared to death...!" admitted Storm. "What does going half way around the world as a family mean...? What would Evan think of how we chose to lie to him about who we were...? Is this supposed to be a new beginning for T'Challa and I...? I'm so confused...!"

"Do you want it to be...?" asked Beast, curiously.

"I..., I don't know..." answered Storm, the air about her suddenly growing colder as she wrapped her arms about herself for warmth.

"Looks like you have a lot of things to consider..." said Beast. "...maybe you can delegate leadership to someone else until you get back and decide what you're going to do...?" suggested the blue fur ball.

"Like who...?" asked Storm. "You're far too busy, what with your loyalties with The Avengers and maintaining your position in Washington as Mutant Ambassador...! I'm may be headed to Africa...! Angel has his own family businesses and charitable foundations responsibilities...! Wolverine's always going off half cocked on personal missions...! Banshee and Mora have their wedding to plan...! And Polaris has never showed an interest in running the school! Who do we get to take over responsibility...?"

"Yes..., that is quite a quandary..." agreed Beast, thoughtfully. "...but I may have a solution...!"

Storm looked at Beast hopefully, praying that he had an answer. "After news of Xavier's death got out..., we got offers of help from Magneto, and Emma Frost...!"

"You've got to be kidding...!" said Storm, feeling a chill run up her spine at the mere mention of their names. "Let Xavier's arch enemies run the school...?! Are you MAD, Hank...?!!"

"Just think about it for a minute, Ro..." advised Beast. "...Magneto helped Charles establish this school back before WE were students..., HE has a vested interest in seeing it succeed...!"

"Yes..., a vested interest of mutant dominance worldwide! He would make Xavier's school public enemy number one! Do you really want HIM teaching our students..., teaching them that they are superior beings and that no one else matter...? Is THAT how we are to honor Charles' legacy...??!" argued Storm.

"Okay..." said Hank, going another route. "...Emma Frost is the only other mutant with the psychic capability to continue Charles' extensive psyche program! Jean Grey, Dana Moonstone, Karma..., all need an amp telepath to help teach them how best to hone their powers...! Without her added to our curriculum, we will not have the sufficient tools to teach them what Xavier could!"

"Emma Frost is the leader of The Hell Fire's Club that kidnapped Roberto [Sunspot] and tried to kill us [chap-10]...!" reminded Storm.

"That was while under the control of Mountjoy...!" countered Beast, thoughtfully.

"So..., you recommend allowing The White Queen access to the school and our students...?" asked Storm, skeptically.

"Supervised, of course..." said Beast, "...but yes! We could bring her onto the staff, have her monitored while she teaches her class!" suggested Beast. "I don't believe we have too many options if we want to keep our psychic courses active...!"

"I don't like the idea of that...!" said Storm, the sky suddenly growing darkened with clouds and wind swirls.

"I'm not too fond of the idea either..." said Hank, "...but our students need her!"

Not far away, some of the students gather to witness the rapidly changing weather system, while meteorologists at the weather stations scramble to make head or tails of it...

"Storm must be very angry about something..." surmised Dana Moonstar (aka Spirit).

"She and Beast are discussing the future of the Institute...!" explained Jean Grey (Premonition), gently probing their minds.

"So the future looks bleak...?" asked Kitty Pride (Shadowcat).

"I'm not sure..." said Jean, not wanting to probe too deeply. "...with the psychic blocks the Professor taught them, they would know I was reading their minds if I went too far...! I don't want to chance them finding out we're spying on them...!"

"Don't need to be a telepath to know how the conversation's going..." said Rogue, looking up at the blackened sky. "...all you gotta do is look up...!"

Suddenly thunder roared as the sky opened up and a torrential rain began to fall. X-Men and students ran for shelter, heading into the mansion to get out of the rain while some other students [Cyclops, Thunderbird, Gambit & Spike] ran in a different direction..., down towards the barn.

"Looks like Evan's mother's having some emotional torments...!" scoffed John Proudstar [aka Thunderbird], leading the way into the stables.

"I still can't believe Storm's my mom..." said Evan [Spike], pulling his jacket down from over his head to shake the rain off. "...I mean..., after all the times I've jacked off thinking about her...!"

"eewww, that's gross, dude!" said Scott Summers [Cyclops].

"Yeah, gross..., but hot!" smiled Gambit, a red flamed sparkle in his eye.

"How does it feel to finally know who your parents are...?" asked Scott, an orphan himself.

"I'm not sure..." said Evan, listening to the heavy rain hitting the wooden roof. "...on the one hand I'm excited to learn that my real parents are not only alive, but are two of the most powerfulest superheroes in the world! But then on the other hand..., I'm pissed that they allowed me to believe they were dead all these years!"

"If Storm didn't tell you..., I'm sure she had good reason to keep it secret all this time...!" reasoned Scott, already knowing the truth [as explained in chap-15].

"Storm..., --MOM said she felt ashamed and embarrassed, not being married to dad in all. Said she thought I would have a better life living as a normal human with regular parents!" explained Evan.

"Wish my folks were that considerate...!" joked Gambit. "I grew up inna shit hole!"

"So how long before you all leave for Africa...?" asked Thunderbird, sliding the wooden bar over the barn doors to lock them in.

"I dunno..., couple of days maybe..., why?" asked Evan, curiously.

"We want to make sure we have enough time to give you a proper goodbye...!" smiled Thunderbird, unzipping his slacks.

"Put that Indian dick anywhere near me and lose it, Hiawatha!" threatened Spike playfully, growing porcupine thorns with his bones all over his body at will, making it nearly impossible for the boys to touch him without hurting themselves.

"That is no problem for me, mon'ami...!" said Gambit, tossing an energized playing card in the teen's direction. A mini-explosion sent Spike reeling back into a mound of hay, his t-shirt ruined.

"Yo Scotty..., you want in on this...?" asked Gambit as he and Thunderbird chased Spike up into the loft.

"Naw..." chuckled Scott, ignoring their immaturity as he stared out an open window at the storm bustling outside. His face showed the worry of the question that had been plaguing his mind ever since they returned back to the mansion..., `...where is Wolverine...?'



"AAARRRHHHH...!!!" yelled Wolverine, awaking from a sound slumber as a sharp searing pain suddenly erupted through his torn bottom.

"De-ja-vu, eh Logan...?!" laughed Sabretooth, standing behind Wolverine with his big stiff cock buried bone deep in Wolverine's fighting rectum.

Wolverine tried to struggle free, feeling the shamefully familiarity of Sabretooth's cock moving through his bowels as he quickly realizing his limbs [arms and legs] were securely strapped with steel cables, effectively holding him spread-eagle upright and captive. Wolverine was instantly reminded of an incident many years ago when he was dazed and disorientated, unsure of his own name as he went running through the snowy embankment of a military fortress that he [to this day] did not fully comprehend the severity of.

He remember being attacked from behind, forced over in the fidget snow as Sabretooth roughly shoved his hard cock straight up into his ass, fucking him right there on the spot.

"Definitely feels like de-ja-vu to me...!" snarled Sabretooth, holding onto Wolverine's broad shoulders underhand as he rammed his hips up into his tight hairy compact ass from behind.

Wolverine's eyes rolled up into his head as the memories of days past flashed through his head like a picagram. He could still feel Sabretooth's hot breath on his neck as he fucked him, feeling his hairy chest against his back as he thrust his big thick cock in and out of him.

Wolverine recalled hearing Sabretooth howl like an animal, feeing his cock jump and jerk inside him as he filled his anal gut with a fresh batch of his semen. Wolverine remembered feeling tired and worn from a long day of cruel and unusual torture. Then after Sabretooth was finished using him, he tossed Wolverine off the side of a mountain cliff, to what he believed would be his certain death [all took place in psychic flashback with Professor-X in chapter-1].

"Of course YOU might not remember it all..., seeing how you were thrown from the top of a 200 foot drop off! I still don't know how you managed to survive that stunt runt, but ya won't be gettin outta this one so easy...!" laughed Sabretooth, thrusting harder as he drove his cock straight through Wolverine's upright body. "Did ya fall asleep, boy...??!" asked Sabretooth, grabbing a fistful of Wolverine's distinctive hair to yank his head back hard. Wolverine's eyes flew open as he stared upward into bright spotlights. With a [SHINK] his adamantium claws popped out of his knuckles, bringing a reminder to Sabretooth just how truly dangerous Wolverine really was.

"Can't cut what ya can't reach, runt!" taunted Sabretooth, enjoying his role as antagonist. "For the life of me I'll never see what SHE saw in ya...!" he said, feeling a replenished hatred building in his loins as he continuously fucked into Wolverine bare back. "She was broken up after you left her..."

"Yuriko...?" whispered Wolverine, vaguely recalling the era in his mind.

"That's right...! You never deserved her! She was too good for ya!" said Sabertooth, thrusting deeper as he talked about Wolverine's former love. "I had to pick up the pieces after you abandoned her..." he added, grinding his sharp teeth together as he speared Wolverine with full long gut wrenching strokes. "...it took her a long time to get over you, but she finally did after I showed her how a REAL MAN could bang it out! I saved her from the pain of heartache, while you only knocked her up, then dumped her!"

"Knocked...her...up...?" repeated Wolverine shakily, his body fighting against the invading cock pummeling his backside.

"Yeah..., she was with child..." informed Sabretooth, never missing a stroke. "...you're gonna pretend like you don't remember...?"

"I...I...did'n know...!" defended Wolverine, shutting his eyes as he lowered his chin to his chest in shame.

"Whateva runt...! She hates yur guts now! Something we both can relate to! I'm gonna have a ball watchin' her carve her initials into yur arrogant hide, fo sho!" teased Sabretooth, slapping his hairy pelvis into Wolverine's hairy butt harder and harder as his orgasm finally began to build. "You ain't shit, Logan...! I was always a better man, a better lover, and a better mutant than you!"

Logan stifled his grunts, not wanting to give Sabretooth the satisfaction of hearing him groan or suffer. He could feel the manimal's thrusts getting wilder as Sabretooth neared climax, his animal instincts kicking in as he became more and more savage. He hammered hard into Wolverine's ass, slamming his body into Wolvie's with enough force to seriously injure a normal human. With a mighty yell of triumph, he rammed every inch of his enormous rod straight up into Wolverine's ass and came, shooting a gut full of hot fresh of cum directly into Wolverine's rectum. Wolverine could feel the cock spasm inside him, filling his hairy hole to the brim with hot ball jiz. He couldn't help feeling some of his masculinity slip away with each spurt of cum into his ass, while Sabretooth relished from his orgasm, feeling energized as he continued to hold the X-Man on the end of his erupting dick.

"You've got such an electrifying cunt, runt..., I could fuck it all night...!" teased Sabretooth, his dick as hard as before he came.

Wolverine sighed, knowing he was in no position to fight him.

"Enough Victor..." said a familiar male's voice, one Wolverine recognized all too well. "...you will have another chance to humiliate Logan later..., but right now..., I think he needs some time to think about what he's done, and what he needs to do to fix it...!"

"Fix it...?" asked Sabretooth, yanking his dick from Wolverine's sore anus. "Yur not thinkin' of keepin' him around...??!!" he questioned/stated.

"This is bigger than you and he, Victor..., let it go...!" warned Stryker, looking down from his observation booth.

"Like hell I will...!" said Sabretooth, slashing Wolverine about the ribs with his claws.

"ARRHHH...!!!" yelled the X-Man, blood gushing from his deeply cut wounds in red rivers down his side.

"SABRETOOTH...!!" yelled Stryker sternly, causing Sabretooth to stop. Every animal instinct in him told him to kill Wolverine while he had the chance, but killing Logan against Stryker's command would only result in him being placed on the headman's hit list. So Sabretooth backed off slowly, licking Wolverine's blood from his claws (as would an animal).

Wolverine frowned in pain, his side burning profusely where he was wounded. An ordinary man would probably only have minutes to live before he bleed to death, but Wolverine's body was already beginning to regenerate itself, healing at a phenomenal rate.

"You've always fascinated me, Logan..., with how much your body can endure...!" said Stryker, opening a large steel door leading into Wolverine's holding chamber. "You were the ultimate warrior, the ultimate fighting machine! A man who cannot die or be killed...!"

"Hey..., don't forget, I hold all of those same qualities...!" reminded Sabretooth, jealously.

"Yes Victor..." agreed Stryker, barely acknowledging Sabretooth as his eyes remained on Wolverine and his quickly healing skin. "...but you lack the..., fineness your brother has...!"

"Brother...?" questioned Wolverine with a snarl.

"Why yes, Logan...! Victor is your brother...!" smirked Stryker, standing between the two men. "I met you both after your..., assassination by a firing squad for treason against the Canadian Army for killing your senior officer while fighting in Nam...! I offered you both the opportunity to become a part of Department-H, to be a part of something bigger than any government agency..., and thus ALPHA FLIGHT was born!"

"I remember all ov that..." snarled Wolverine, already completely healed. "...where does the BROTHER part come in...?!"

"Well, quite naturally you both have the same father..., don't you remember Logan...?" asked Stryker, as Wolverine's eyes cut to a growling Sabretooth...


A young James Logan lay in the comforting warmth of his bed, trying to stifle the grunts and groans of pain emitting from his aching innards as his older step brother lay atop him, rapidly drilling his erect male phallus into his virgin anus for the first time...

"I told you to be quiet...!" whispered the older boy, holding James face down on the bed against his will as he humped away on top of him.

"I...I'm trying...!" cried young James, tears streaking down his innocent face as his burning asshole took the full brunt of his step brother's pelvic thrusts. "...but it hurts...! It hurts so bad...! Why do we have to do this...?!"

"Because..." snarled the step brother, picking up the pace as his cock slammed repeatedly through the tight bowels. "...YUR mother's banging our mother..., so I'm banging you for MY mother!"

"Please...!" begged James, feeling the older boy spread his legs wider as he fucked, ramming his male cock well into his sore and swollen colon.

"Shut up...!" warned the step brother, shoving James' face down into the pillows as he fucked faster. The bed springs began to pop and squeak, rivaling the ones in their parents' bedroom.

James felt his breath cut off as his face and breathing passages were totally shut off. He struggled against the bigger boy, but was no match for his strength. He could feel the cock growing bigger inside him, swelling tremendously as the older boy began to pant like a rutting pig.

"Oh I'm getting close, Jimmy..." gasped the older boy, hammering his hips into the younger one's bare buttock with ass splitting strokes. "...I'm about to seed yur asshole lil' brother...! Do you know what that means...?" he asked, never missing a stroke as the bed's headboard slammed against the wall. "That means when I cum inside you, you'll always and forever by my bitch...! Just like yur cunt mother is for our father...!"

James tried pushing up with his hands, trying to back his step brother up off him so he could breathe again. But the harder he struggled, the tighter the older boy held him, pinning him against the bed as he rammed his asshole savagely from behind. He was getting close to cumming, his body becoming more energized with adrenaline as his excitement built.

James felt more and more angry and frustrated, unable to get the bigger boy off his back. He could feel himself beginning to suffocate as he began to violently struggle for air. He felt his step brother's grip grow stronger, preventing him from budging even an inch.

"Here it comes, Jimmy..." warned the step brother, slamming his cock balls deep with his final thrust. "...I'm cumming boy..., straight up yur new cunt...!!"

James felt his step brother's cock jump and jerk inside him, firing rope after rope of thick hot rich potent boy cum deep inside his gut. During the older lad's excitement, he continued to hold James' head down, keeping him from taking a much needed breath. James thought he was going to die when he suddenly felt a burning pain shoot through his hands as tiny sharp bones began to extend from his knuckles. A surge of strength flashed through his veins as he gave one final push, shoving the cumming boy off his back.

With the roar of a lion he turned around and swung with his hand instinctively, cutting his step brother across the cheek with his new claws.

"ARRRHHH...!" screamed the step brother, falling back onto the floor, his cheek bleeding.

James flipped around on the bed on his feet, ready for retaliation as he poised his fighting fists (and extended claws) before him.

James' hands shook from fear and rage as he held back from reacting to the adrenaline coursing through his veins. He and the step brother were both surprised by the bones shooting out from young James' fists. The older boy wiped his bloody cheek, a viscous smirk forming across his thin peach fuzzed lips...

"Victor...! James...! What the hell's going on in here...?!!" yelled their father, kicking open the boy's bedroom door. Young James' first reaction was to lash out as he swung his fist in defense. His claws sliced out wildly, cutting across his father's face. The older man fell back into the hallway screaming, holding his neck as blood suddenly poured out of his severed artery.

"Oh god..., DAD...!!" yelled James, shocked.

Victor rushed to his father's side, kneeling over him as he tried to stop the bleeding.

"What have you done...?" called James' mother, running out from her bedroom. "What have you done to him...??!!" she screamed, believing Victor killed her husband.

Victor stood back as James' mother took his place by his father's side. She tried to stop the bleeding by placing her hand over the wound, but the blood poured out onto the hall floor like a red carpet. "You murderer...!" she screamed, looking up at her hated step son.

"Come on, James...!" yelled Victor, grabbing his little brother's hand as they ran towards the bedroom window and jumped out.

Falling two stories, both boys managed to land on their feet like cats. Inside they could hear James' mother screaming, causing concerned neighbors to run from their own homes to investigate. "Come on..., we can't stay here...!" said Victor, darting across the farm lands and out of sight, still holding his brother's hand.

"I didn't mean it...!" gasped James, crying profusely as he tried to keep up with the older boy. "I didn't mean it...!"

"It doesn't matter..." said Victor, grabbing some clean clothes from a neighbor's clothes line. "...they're gonna say we killed him on purpose! It'll be OUR word against theirs! We can't go back now! It's just you and me from now on, Jimmy...! Just US! We have to stick together..., no matter what!" said Victor, taking James deeper into the Canadian wilderness...


"Yeah..." smirked Sabretooth, witnessing Wolverine's realization. "...he remembers...!"

"RRRAAAHHHH...!!!" yelled Wolverine, pulling at the steel cables holding him captive. He popped his claws with a [SHINK] sound, swiveled his wrists around but his claws couldn't reach the cables which were strategically placed out of the way.

"The cables are made of the same adamantum metal that makes up your skeleton, Logan..., they're virtually unbreakable!" taunted Stryker.

"What the fuck do you want from me, Stryker...??!" yelled Wolverine, spittle splattering from his mouth like a mad dog.

"You left Alpha Flight before the dream was realized..." said Stryker, circling Wolverine as he looked over his amazingly well formed body. There wasn't a single ounce of body fat anywhere on the man's lean muscular physique. Even his battered asshole had healed and resealed itself to its normal luster. "...the project was canceled as soon as the heads of Department-H found out about your departure...!"

"Good..." said Wolverine, bidding his time. "...Alpha Flight was a flunky anyway..., it was just a front for YOU to gain political power and dominance!"

"It was becuz of YOU that we went from superstars to nobodies...!" yelled Sabretooth, still angry by his brother's defection to the States.

"You always were a `nobody', Victor...!" smirked Wolverine.

Sabretooth relinquished his restraints when he charged towards Wolverine, gutting him across the stomach and exposing Logan's intestines.

"AARHHHH...!!!!" screamed Wolverine in severe pain.

"VICTOR..., Please...!!" yelled Stryker, trying to re-gain control.

"I'm alright..." said the older stronger mutant, smirking at Wolverine's exposed guts.

Stryker used his hands to shove Wolverine's intestines back in before his stomach healed.

"I'm giving you a tremendous opportunity here, Logan..., to right the wrongs you impacted on your government and your colleagues...!"

"Go to hell...!" said Wolverine, weakly.

"Are you sure you don't want to rethink that decision, Logan...?" asked Stryker, hopeful.

"I told you..., he has no respect for you or our cause, Stryker...!" said Sabretooth, the thrust for blood strong on his taste-buds. "You ought to let me kill him...!"

<"No one kills Wolverine..."> said a woman's voice [translated from Japanese], causing Stryker, Sabretooth, and Wolverine to look up into the doorway..., <"...except ME!">

<"Yuriko...!"> said Wolverine, staring up at the woman he once called his lady love.

<"I am no longer Yuriko..."> said the Japanese woman, <"...I am now Lady Deathstrike!">

With a sway of her hands, Lady Deathstrike flung open her demure clothing, revealing her well formed high defined cybernetic body. Wolverine's eyes roamed over her bare skin and cyborg parts, her body covered in patches of circuitry meant to keep her mechanical parts working.

<"Yuriko..., what have they done to you..."> asked Logan, his mouth draped open in disbelief.

<"I HAVE TOLD YOU..., I AM NOT YURIKO ANYMORE...!!"> screamed Lady Deathstrike, leaping through the air like a human spring. Her long fingertips grew 12" longer, the nails becoming as sharp as razors as she slashed across Wolverine's neck, slicing his throat down to the bone.

Wolverine's head sprung back as a long gash opened in his neck, a sudden spray of blood showering from the wound like a bright red wave.

"Yuriko...!!!!" yelled Stryker, furiously. "I thought I told you both that Wolverine was to be kept alive...!!"

"He'll live..." smirked Deathstrike, retracting her finger claws as she walked into Sabretooth's embrace.

Already Wolverine's super hyped healing factor was beginning to repair the wound, slowly sealing up the cut as his throat miraculously healed itself.

"You have made yourself a great many enemies here, Wolverine..." said Stryker, stepping carefully through Wolverine's splattered blood. "...are you sure you won't reconsider our offer...?"

Wolverine felt the soreness in his throat suddenly stop aching as he twist and turned his head left to right, getting out the kinks.

"Like I told you 16 years ago, Stryker..., --kiss my ass!"

Stryker's face shown bright red as his blood pressure boiled.

"Wolverine..." he said, turning towards the door. "...you will soon regret those words...!"

Continued... ________________________________________________________________________ Join me on Facebook for quicker updates of all my stories, or write me at NPhillydogg@aol.com for comments and suggestions. --DOGG

Next: Chapter 19: Weapon X

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