X Men Tales

By NPhillyDogg/Scedmark

Published on Jun 24, 2014


Disclaimer: X-Men Tales: is loosely based on the X-Men- Evolution t.v. cartoon series, as well as the comic book produced by Marvel Comics. ___________________________________________________________________

The X-Men are mutants, unfortunate people born with an X-gene that gives them extraordinary powers and abilities which makes them outcasts to those considered "normal" in the world. ___________________________________________________________________

X-Men cast: (Teachers) Angel, Calisto, Forge, and Dr Mora MacTaggert,

(Teacher's Assistants) Cannonball, Gambit, Northstar, Thunderbird, Marvel Girl [Jean Grey], & Spirit

(Students) Iceman-17, Multipleboy-14, Nightcrawler-17, Sunspot-17, / Amanda-17, Jubilee-14, Karma-17, Magma-16, Rogue-17, Shadowcat-15, Syran-17, Wolvesbane-16, WeaponX-17

(Morlocks) Fish-15, Ghost-18, Ladybug-16, Magik-16, Mole-15, Neanderthal-17, Smoke-16, Tether-17, Genesis[1], Nemesis[2],

(Genosha refugees) Darwin,






The sliver Avenger's Quinn-Jet lowered slowly onto The Xavier Estate, generating interests from many of the students who ran to their bedroom windows. The side door slid open as Wanda Maximoff [aka The Scarlet Witch] exited the craft and dashed into The Institute where Dr. Mora MacTaggert was waiting...!

"Doctor MacTaggert..." called Wanda, visibly shaken as she met Mora standing outside of the main entrance! "...I came as SOON as you called...! What's happened to my children...?!" she asked, as she followed MacTaggert inside!

"You must forgive me, Wanda..." apologized the doctor right off, rushing across the hard wood floors to the elevators leading to the lower levels of the mansion! "...we've been swamped with kids coming back from spring break, as well as the survivors of the Genosha disaster...what with them all having lost their memories and trying to run test to determine their ages and identification...!" she said as they descended passed sub-level-1 and straight down to sub-level-2!

"I understand..." said Wanda, as the elevator doors opened! "...I saw some of the footage on the news..., I'm really glad The X-Men were able to get IN there and stop them for ruining anymore mutant's lives...!"

"Yes...well..." said Mora, getting back on track as she rushed Wanda into one of the medical labs...! "...I was swamped with more work than usual...I know it's NO excuse..., but when I went in to check on William and Thomas, THIS is what I found...!"

Mora and The Scarlet Witch entered the med-lab where Wanda's eyes widened in shock...

"Wha...what is this...some kind of joke...?!" she asked, staring at the 2 young boys that were supposed to be her sons...! "Where are Thomas and William...?!?"

"This IS Thomas and William...!" said Dr. MacTaggert, pointing at the two 5 year olds looking back at their mother...!

Wanda looked appalled...!

"H...how...is this possible...???" she asked, reaching out for something to hold onto!

"I...I'm not sure...!" said Mora, honestly [sympathetically]! "We've speculated in the past that William and Thomas MAY not be normal children..., what with their father being an ancient mutant fused with alien technology [Apocalypse] and their mother a mutant witch with powerful probability abilities...! Who KNOWS what kind of DNA molecules could be hidden inside that kind of offspring...?"

"I don't understand..." said The Wanda, staring at her 2 sons...! "...when I left them here in your care..., YOU said they didn't show any abnormalities...! You said they were NORMAL children...!"

"All the tests showed there WERE...!" explained Mora! "They STILL do...!"

"But that's impossible..." said Wanda, almost hysterically! "...LOOK AT THEM!"

"Despite having aged 5 years in a matter of months...they're still JUST CHILDREN, Wanda...!" reasoned Mora! "There's NOTHING in the tests to indicate otherwise!"

"Yet LOOK at them..." argued Wanda, "...CLEARLY they are not `normal' children!" she added, before turning and heading back into the corridor towards the elevators!

"Wanda..." called MacTaggert, chasing after her...! "...where are you going...? What do you want us to DO with your children...?!"

"I told you before, Mora..., those two monstrosities ARE NOT my children!" said The Avenger, pressing the button for the elevator! "I don't care WHAT you do with them!"

"You can't MEAN that...!" said Mora, feeling sorry for the boys...! "You can't just abandon them...they're just children...! They're innocent beings! They NEED their mother to care to nurture them!"

"When will you get it through your HEAD, Mora..., they're not MY children...!" yelled the Witch! "I have NO emotional attachment to those kids...! I hated their father! I was FORCED to have his offspring! I never wanted them!"

"There are millions of women out there that have had children out of wedlock...or under even less desirable circumstances..., but they DEAL with the hands they were dealt and they move on with their lives! Dumping and abandoning your children isn't solving the problem, its avoiding it!" argued Mora as the elevator doors opened...!

"You've never given birth to monsters...!" stated Wanda, stepping onto the elevator! "So unless you've walked a mile in MY shoes..."

Mora stopped the elevator doors from closing on her, wedging herself in-between...

"Least you forget I DID give birth to a monster..." reminded MacTaggert, emotionally...! "...one of the most powerfulest mutants capable of destroying the entire planet...! But that didn't stop me from being its mother...!" she added, before allowing the doors to slam shut!

The Scarlet Witch fell back against the elevator wall, clutching her breasts as she recalled the time when Mora MacTaggert gave birth to a baby mutant! She'd had a tough pregnancy, and the X-Men thought she might die as the baby seemed to be leeching her life's essence! Xavier and Beast decided to give her an emergency caesarian before the baby could finish killing her! It's anyone's guess what happened to the baby after that, Wanda always assumed it died shortly after birth...?

When the elevator doors opened, she briefly considered going back downstairs to face her fate head-on...but an instant later she found herself rushing from the mansion, strapping into the pilot seat before hitting the ignition switch and soaring off into the sky [heading home to Avenger's Mansion in Manhattan]...!

Meanwhile Mora walked back into the lab, finding the twin boys playing amongst themselves on the exam table... "Don't worry little ones...you're not alone..." she smiled, stroking their bright red hair...! "...there's someone here who loves you...!" she added, wondering where The X-Men were...?


XAVIER'S OFFICE The current staff discuss the future of the school...

"Ranks'r startin' to feel a lil' THIN around here...!" said Calisto, closing the door to the office as he, Angel, and Forge [the only surviving X-Men left] sought a solution for the school's current situation!

"We've GOT to figure out a solution soon...!" added Angel, leaning on his elbows against the back of one of the high back chairs facing Xavier's prize oak desk [his big beautiful white wings tucked neatly behind his back while not in flight]! "CAN the school stay open as a legitimate learning academy if we've only got 3 certified teachers on staff...?" he asked!

"Not with the number of students we have enrolled...!" answered Forge, sitting behind Xavier's desk as acting headmaster! "We still have our original students on register..., and now we've added The Morlocks AND the survivors from Genosha onto the roster! We NEED to find more teachers if we want to keep the school open for our mutants...!"

"Human teachers...?" questioned Angel, skeptically! "HERE...? At mutant central...??"

"What's the alternative...?" asked Calisto, leaning against a bookcase!

"Public school!" answered Forge!

Calisto cringed, recalling how horrible public school was for HIM once his mutant abilities started to manifest!

"Geez..." he said in response!

"We've ALL had issues with public school..." said Forge, looking up at Angel...! "Well, MOST of us..." he corrected, recalling how Warren Worthington-III went to private schools and had tutors all his life...!

"Don't hate me because I was privileged!" joked Angel, coming from a wealthy background!

"Let me get something straight..." said Calisto, realizing with Xavier's and Warren's rich backgrounds, MONEY shouldn't be a problem...! "...the ONLY issue here is keeping the institute opened as a state certified school...?" he clarified, "NOT because of money...?"

"Correct...!" answered Forge, "After his initial death, Charles appointed Power Of Attorney to anyone acting as headmaster, enabling them access to his family's fortune to keep the bills paid...!"

"AND my inherited fortune insures money never to be a problem...!" added Angel!

"So what can we do...?" asked Calisto, "Any teacher who comes to The Institute will immediately KNOW somethin's different about our students...!" he assured! "They'll go RUNNIN' to the police as soon as they see Kitty walk through a wall..., or see Fish's scales and gills, or Tether's green skin, sharp teeth, and alligator tail...! We'll have every anti-mutant activist and government agency comin' down on us faster than an inmate on a street corner prostitute...!"

"Very vivid imagery...!" said Forge! "We CAN'T expose our students to public school either..., not after LAST time...!" he reasoned!

"Why...? What happened last time...?" asked Cal, curiously!

"Mystique was impersonating the school's principal...and Jean Grey nearly leveled the entire school when Mastermind awakened her Abigail persona...! [back in chaps-25 & 26 Psych Madness' & Attack On Bayville High']!

"Do you have any mutant friendly staffing in mind...?" asked Calisto, curiously!

"No...not really...!" said Forge, knowing it might take time to find just the right teachers...! "Gambit, Northstar, Marvel Girl, Thunderbird, Spirit, and Cannonball are currently taking college courses to become certified teachers..., but that could take SOME time...!"

"The Morlocks homeschooled our young underground..." explained Cal, "...I could possibly bring IN Healer, Mother Mayhem, Masque, Plague, and Caliaban to help with classes until you find replacements...OR until The X-Men return...!"

"uh..." hesitated Forge, skeptically...! "...I'm not sure that's a good idea, Cal...!" he declined, respectfully...! "Several members of The X-Men weren't comfortable having YOU join our ranks..., let alone an entire STAFF of Morlocks waiting to greet them the moment they get back from space...!"

"IF they get back from space...!" corrected Cal, watching Forge's eyes narrow on him!

"The X-Men WILL return..." said Forge, "...we've faced bad scenarios before, and have come through in flying colors every time...!"

"But you weren't abducted into SPACE by ALIENS, were you...?" asked Calisto [flipped]!

"Guys, guys...can't we all just get along...?" asked Angel!

"How LONG've I been a part of The X-Men...?" asked Cal, irate! "I've fought beside yall against Apocalypse...! Against Genosha...! I've PAID my way as a trusted ally!" he argued!

"No one's saying you haven't..." agreed Angel [touching Cal affectionately on the shoulder], trying to calm his boyfriend down!

"Don't patronize me, baby...I don't like it...!" stated Cal, seriously!

"I'm sorry...!" said Angel [removing his hand], respectfully!

"I could understand him not trustin' me inna beginnin'..." continued Calisto, "...but I've EARNED my place in this house...! I'm NOT the enemy anymore...!"

"We know..." said Angel, "...don't think for a minute that Forge doesn't realize the contributions you've made for the team..." he agreed, "...but we've had very little if ANY relationship with the Morlocks still living under Manhattan...! You can't blame him for not wanting to risk exposing our students to people we don't know or trust...! Despite our differences, rather its living underground or set apart from society in a gated off mansion..., we've all had the same issues with trust...!"

"The Morlocks will DO whateva I tell `em to do, Warren...!" assured Cal, not seeing the point! "Whether you trust them or not...they wouldn't DO anythin' without my consent! Your students would be safe! Your SCHOOL would be safe!" he added, before storming off [angrily]!

Angel turned towards Forge...

"I think you should reconsider Cal's offer...!" he said, having a change of heart!

"Please...!" responded Forge, sucking his teeth...! "Cal storms off angrily and you cringe and quiver like a frightened school girl, ready to do whatever he says to make him happy...!" he laughed, getting up from his chair! "I have a news flash for you, Warren..., I don't make my decisions based on how CAL feels...! The STUDENTS are the important ones here... We CAN'T risk their safety just to appease YOUR boyfriend!"

"Cal's an X-MAN now..." argued Warren, his feathers ruffling as his adrenaline heighten...! "...HE wouldn't harm the students...!"

"HE wouldn't..." agreed Forge, "...but that doesn't mean The MORLOCKS share his sentiments!" he countered! "Can YOU vouch for them...?" he asked, suddenly! "Are YOU willing to wager our student's lives on Cal's judgment...? If you are..., then I'll consider letting his Morlocks move in as teachers...! But if ANY of them so much as harms a HAIR on the head of one of our students...it's on YOUR head...!" promised Forge, giving Angel something to THINK about...!


ELSEWHERE ON THE ESTATE Down by the lake running through the property...

Original x-students [Iceman, Nightcrawler, Sunspot, Karma, Shadowcat, Rogue, Syran, Jubilee, Kitty Pride, and others] found themselves standing apart from the newer students, hating to have to share living space, classroom space, and training sessions with the newbies! But while they HAD to be mindful and respectful during school hours [unable to refuse learning with them in a classroom setting], they were better able to express their freedoms and differences on their own time, CHOOSING to sit separately and segregated along the water banks, where the original students gathered in a picnic setting [basking in the unusual tranquil weather as they frolicked and swam, playing amongst themselves] while down river sat some of the newest arrivals; Tether, Fish, Ghost, Mole, Smoke, and Ladybug [teenage members of The Morlocks], sitting apart from `the surface dwellers'!

"Look at them..." said Tether [the teenage reptilian hiding in normal human form], staring at the `other' students playing upstream...! "...they think they too GOOD to hang with us...! What makes THEM think they any better than WE are...?!"

"Because THEY grew up above ground..." said Smoke [a black teenage boy with the power to transform into various forms of smoke], whispering in Tether's ear! "...in the SUN, getting suntanned like normal human beings...!" he added, floating by his friend's head before backing away to see IF he'd gotten under Tether's skin!

"Fuck that..." said Tether, throwing his towel to the ground! "...we were ALL born equally..., we only started to differ when our powers began to manifest...!" he argued!

"Ignore them..." yelled Ladybug [wearing a tight 2 piece bikini], standing at the top of a large boulder sitting in the center of the lake! "...pay attention to ME...!" she added, diving into the drink!

"Dude...she's totally INTO you...!" said Smoke [whizzing by like a fog], watching Ladybug's splash into the water!

"You THINK so...?" asked Tether, skeptically!

Ladybug quickly resurfaced, tossing her wet hair from her face...!

"Come on in the water...!" she invited, waving Tether in...!

"See..." whispered Smoke, playing on his friend's mind...! "...she WANTS you, man...! Go ahead..., get that pussy...!" he insisted, solidifying his hands enough to shove Tether in the back, pushing him forward...!

Tether ventured into the water, submerging in the cool cold lake, headed towards Ladybug's bobbing head! Once submerged up to his neck [where his feet no longer touched the bottom], he gently swam over to her as she smiled seductively and welcomed him with open arms! "Hi..." he smiled nervously [bobbing next to her], having always had a crush on her...!

"Ever have your cock sucked...?" she asked bluntly, causing Tether to double-take...!

"H...hu...huh...?" he asked, unsure he heard correctly!

"Don't move...!" she smiled, taking a deep breath before disappearing underwater...!

Tether felt hands on his waist, then felt his red swimming trunks being pulled down off his hips as a warm mouth suddenly wrapped around and enveloped his cock...! Tether looked around nervously at his friends sitting along the water banks, none of them paying him any attention as they went on about their play, enabling him to concentrate on the feelings happening to his cock as he treaded water and got his cock sucked simultaneously!

Tether couldn't believe Ladybug was sucking his dick in public with their friends only yards away! He tried turning his back to them so they couldn't see what was going on, but Ladybug kept a firm hold on his hips, making it difficult to move as her mouth moved back and forth, swallowing him whole, taking his entire [impressive] 10" schlong down her throat in one swift move [her lips touching fully into his groin as she suckled his shaft like drawing a thick milkshake through a straw]...!

"Oh my god..." he thrilled, feeling her starting to suction as she suckled his entire erection from tip to base like someone starving! "...you're so GOOD at that..." he glee, blushing bashfully! "...how'd you learn to suck cock so well...? You've must have had a lot of practice...!"

Then he thought for a moment, realizing that didn't sound too good...! "Oh, uh, I'm sorry...! I didn't mean for that to sound like you're a WHORE or anything...! I meant that as a compliment! I LIKED the way you suck cock! You're really good at it! GREAT at it, in fact...! I'm just staying...you must really like to suck cock to be so good...?"

"Oh, I'm alright at it..." said Ladybug, perched back atop the boulder like she was before [sunbathing]...! "...but I wouldn't say I was no expert...!" she added with a seductive grin, as Tether looked UP at her, wondering HOW she was up there AND sucking his cock at the same time...??

He looked down at the water, trying to see WHO was latched to his cock...? He could still feel the suctioning mouth wrapped around him, drawing him further down the back of its throat! He wanted to reach down and PULL the culprit up by its hair...but felt his orgasm quickly approaching, despite having no idea WHO was sucking him...!

"Oh shit..." he gasped, as the mouth below started to pound into his groin, WOLFING his cock down its throat with lightning speed! "...I'm gonna...I'm REAL close...! I'm about to...! ARRRRRHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...!!" he screamed as he came [shooting a geyser worth of cum into the sucking mouth and throat housing his massive meat], garnering the attentions of everyone on shore...!

Tether splashed, trying to keep afloat while the cum was being drained from his cock...! Once his orgasm started to subside a bit, he reached down and grasped the culprit's head, yanking them off his cock and up to the surface...!

"FISH...!" he yelled, holding the amphibian's grey scaly head in his hands, having wondered how whoever it was sucking his cock was able to hold their breath for so long...?

"hehehehe..." laughed the amphibian teenager, slipping from Tether's hands [like a slimy fish] before diving back underwater and swimming away swiftly!

"MOTHERFUCKER...!!" yelled Tether, grabbing the boulder Ladybug resided on [causing her to peel her insect like wings from her skin {which resembled tattoos}, before taking to the air like a dragonfly], yanking it up out of the ground before hurling it upstream in Fish's direction!

Fish leaped out of the water several times [like a dolphin] before changing directions, avoiding the boulder altogether...!

"Hey...incoming...!" yelled one of the old students upstream [Sunspot]! Charging his body from the SUN, he turned pitch-black in color [like an actual sunspot] before punching the boulder head-on, destroying it into a dozens of smaller [but no less harmless] pieces! Nightcrawler grabbed Multipleboy and Magma and teleported them a few yards downstream; while Shadowcat [Kitty Pride] grabbed Wolvesbane and Karma, phasing them through the debris landing in the dirt in their direction; and Amanda [the school's resident sorceress] created a protective barrier to shield the rest of the students [Iceman, Jubiless, Rogue, and Syran] from falling debris, which crumbled against her force-shields like a shower of stones falling from the sky!

"What the fuck was THAT...?!" asked Bobby Drake [Iceman], once the danger passed!

"I believe it came from THAT direction...!" pointed Kitty, downstream towards the new mutants...!

From a distance they could see Ladybug buzzing overhead with her insect wings, shooting spitfire into the water from her mouth, as Tether kept diving under water, trying to get away from her blasts!

Just then the river suddenly froze over, as Tether and Fish sprung from the frozen lake like 2 jack-n-the-boxes!

"What gives...?!??" asked Tether, freezing as his trunks lay frozen on the icy surface!

The New Mutants [Tether, Fish, Ladybug, Smoke, Ghost, Mole, and Neanderthal] all gathered together once they noticed the old students coming their way...!

"WHO froze the fuckin' lake...?!" asked Smoke...!

"WHO threw the fucking boulder...?" asked Sunspot!

"The boulder was a mistake..." explained Tether!

"No one heard an apology...!" said Iceman!

"No one GAVE one...!" challenged Ladybug, hovering overhead...!

"Maybe someone ought to teach you newbies some manners...?" suggested Rogue!

"Maybe you should FIND someone to teach us...?" challenged Neanderthal [a big muscular caveman looking mutant with the strength of his namesake]...!

"Don't think WE couldn't do it ourselves..." countered Karma, "...WE'VE been working as a team a lot longer than you guys have...!"

"From where WE sit...yall powers don't come CLOSE to challenging ours...!" argued Smoke! "What'chall got...? A teleporter...a werewolf...a fireworks display...an ice cube maker...a screamer...a strong guy...a multiple guy...and a couple of chicks! WE'VE got a reptile...a ghost...a firefly...a Neanderthal...a fish...smoke...and a mole! Yall don't stand a chance!"

"Is THAT a challenge...?" asked Kitty, eager to show these newbies the error of their ways...!

"COULD be...!" said Smoke, as everyone present looked around at everyone else..., wondering WHO would start the feud...?"

With no one making a move, Sunspot was surprised when he suddenly felt a pair of invisible HANDS socking him in the face! He fell backwards to the ground, as The Morlock Ghost climbed on top of him, then began pummeling him [the strongest mutant present] in the face with his fists!

"Arrhhhhhhhh...!!" screamed Iceman, forming an ice-wall between the 2 groups with his bare hands...! The wall formed quickly [instantly], five feet thick and ten feet tall...!

Mole leaped down into the ground, digging himself a tunnel underneath Iceman's ice-wall [faster than an Olympic swimmer could win gold], popping up on the other side and tackling Bobby like a linebacker on the 10 yard line!

Ladybug spit FIRE at the ice-wall, melting a large hole through the majority of it so her teammates could jumped through [while she took to the air, preferring to attack from above]...! Syran took to the skies as well, hitting Ladybug with a sonic-blast from her mouth as she screamed at her in high pitch: "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE...!" she screamed at supersonic blasts, causing a solid wave to HIT Ladybug like a wall as she fell from the sky as if sprayed with a can of raid! However Syran's screams were quickly silenced when SMOKE suddenly appeared before her, clogging her lungs as she lost descent and slammed into the ground like a fallen jetliner!

Neanderthal and Tether leaped through the hole Ladybug made in Iceman's wall, as Jubilee counteracted by throwing a blast of disorienting fireworks their way! Both boys were temporarily blinded by the display, allowing Rogue to reach in and physically TOUCH Tether with her bare hands, a second of physical contact [skin to skin] rendering Tether unconscious for a few minutes while SHE obtained his powers, memories, and physical appearance..., --growing taller, greener, and scaly as she grew claws, sharp teeth and a tail! "Wow...!" she said, feeling Tether's powers swell inside her! When Neanderthal already started to recover from Jubilee's attack, Rogue countered him by slapping him silly with her tail, knocking him across the frozen lake, clear to the other side...!

Wolvesbane transformed into wolf-form [watching Sunspot struggle against an invisible ghost], and dove straight through the ghost after trying to tackle him off her friend! Landing on the opposite side, she watched Sunspot continue to struggle, knowing she couldn't possibly best a GHOST!

Shadowcat [Kitty Pride] noticed Sunspot's dilemma as well, and used her powers of intangibility to match Ghost's invisibility, tackling him successfully as she knocked him off her teammate! Sunspot was free to stand as Mole tried to jump him from behind, easily getting knocked out when Sunspot turned around and physically punched him square in the face!

Multipleboy tried catching the elusive fish, as Fish slithered out of Multipleboy's grasps no matter how many times he replicated his body! Soon there was nearly 2 dozen Multipleboys chasing one fish across the frozen lake! Fish slipping through Multipleboy's fingers before finding a hole in the ice to slip through and escape!

Amanda created a spell [waving her arms in a precise manner] to give Ghost's body density, solidifying his form and allowing him to be seen! Ghost [a 17 year old who spent most of his teen years being invisible] was shocked to see his body suddenly materialize! But he didn't have long to ponder HOW it happened, cause he was quickly attacked by Wolvsbane who finally got the chance to tackle him, sinking her teeth into his arm before standing on his chest, growling in his face!

Smoke saw his teammates suddenly bested by what he thought was an inferior group, and moved in for the kill! That's when Karma [the resident psychic with the power to possess people's minds], seized Smoke's brain and ceased his attack!

"Not bad for `a teleporter...a werewolf...a fireworks display artist...an ice cube maker...a screamer...a strong guy...a multiple guy...and a couple of chicks!'" laughed Karma!

"ENOUGH...!" shouted Angel, swooping in from overhead, his large white wings expanding 16 ft. across as he came to a gentle landing by the edge of the lake!

Calisto came running up seconds after...! "What's going ON here...?" asked Angel, looking around at all the damage and bodies lying about...!

"We were just...playing...!" said Jubilee, hunching her shoulders as if nothing was wrong!

"`Playing' eh...?" asked Angel, KNOWING that was an understatement! "That's what the Danger Room is for...!" he scorned, as the students started helping each other up off the ground...!

"THEY started it...!" said Rogue, already beginning to resume her own true form...!

"I don't care WHO started it..." argued Angel, with authority! "...you're ALL equally to blame...! You shouldn't be out here fighting each other..., there's a WHOLE WORLD of people out there hating you...why bicker amongst yourselves...?"

The students all sulked, but took heed Angel's argument, knowing the rest of the world viewed them all as filthy mutants who needed to be destroyed...!

"Smoke...?" called Calisto, calling to one of his best students...

"I don't wanna talk about it...!" said Smoke [feeling played], as he transformed himself into smoke and blew away...!

Angel and Cal watched the students heading back towards the mansion, the x-students gathered in one bunch, and The Morlocks in another...!

"Yeah...they're starting to get along marvelously...!" said Angel [sarcastically], starting to believe Forge's way of thinking, wondering if it was a good idea to merge the 2 groups...?

"It's gonna take TIME, Warren..." said Cal, walking over to stand next to Angel...! "...look how well WE did...!"

Angel blushed...

"It didn't hurt that you had a 13 inch cock, either...!" he admitted, as Cal playfully reached under Angel's wings and caressed his ass through his pants...!

"Ain't hurt that YOU had one of the best looking asses I ever fucked, either...!" smiled Cal, forcing his huge hand down the back of Angel's pants to toy with his asshole...!

"Cal..." protested Angel, feeling Calisto's middle finger POP into his moist hole, causing cum previously dumped inside earlier to seep out about his digit...! "...one of the students might see...!"

"I have a feelin' ain't too much THESE students ain't seen already...!" said Calisto, adding another finger to the already well-worn hole...!

Angel could FEEL the sperm escaping from his stretched anus, as Cal added yet another finger to the pot, pushing all 3 fingers in all the way up to the third knuckles...!

"Ooohh..." moaned Angel, reaching over to feel Calisto's dick snaking down the leg of his pants...! "...want to go back to the cottage...?" he asked, knowing it was only a matter of time before Cal would want to bury it in his ass...!

"No..." answered the Morlock, pulling at Angel's pants fasten...! "...I wanna fuck you right HERE...!"

"Cal, no..." protested Angel [weakly], feeling his pants fall down about his ankles, even as he continued to watch the kids walk further away [Angel had eagle-eyes and could see further and clearer than most humans]...!

Cal ignored his lover's protests, and whipped out his enormous [infamous] 13" cock...! Mesmerized, Angel fell to his knees to worship it, licking the long hard dangling black cock all over before taking the mean looking uncut head in his mouth...!

Calisto peeled his shirt off overhead, tossing it to the ground! He loved being naked outdoors, feeling nature and the cool air all around him [Calisto had colt-black colored skin which helped him camouflage in darkness and shadows {much like Nightcrawler}]!

Cal loved looking down to see his lover [Angel] struggling to suck his enormous cock...! Angel [the handsome all American blonde-hair, blue-eyed California surfer type] wrapped his pink lips around Cal's colt-black cock, trying to get as much of the dark sausage down his throat as he could, his face turning crimson with strain as veins began to pop out on his brow and his neck ballooned to house several inches before he came to his 10" limit!

Cal latched his strong hands to Angel's blonde hair and started fucking his face, thrusting back and forth as he tried to force MORE cock down his throat! Angel could feel the cock forcing further down his throat, lodging somewhere in his chest as Angel's eyes bulged wide and his mouth stretched even wider! Cal pulled back for a few moments [giving his man time to rest and breathe] before forcing in again, fucking deeper as he tilted his head back and pounded through his throat!

Angel's eyes were squeezed shut as tears started to fall from the corners, his mouth hung open wide, spittle escaping the edges to drool down over his chin and drip down over his chest, his throat all stretched out as the cock forced more mast down his straining gullet...!

Cal held onto Angel's head until his face was firmly planted in his groin, his scratchy pube hairs pressed indiscriminately against Angel's handsome mug! Angel felt the entire cock wedged down his mouth, throat, esophagus, and chest, as Calisto started to thrust back and forth, dragging it in and out of his chest cavity!

Angel was able to suffer through the amazingly DEEP throat for several strokes, before his feathers ruffles wildly [reflexes], and he physically PUSHED away [pulling Cal's cock from his mouth and throat] to breathe...; falling to his hands and knees as his body lurched, threatening to throw up...!

Cal watched his boyfriend convulsing on the ground, and walked around behind him [to his exposed ass] and roughly shoved his enormous cock up his ass...! "URRRRHHHHH...!!!" yelled Angel, feeling the cock ram into him full throttle! Cal buried his cock to the hilt, then grabbed his waist and ground [HARD] against him, churning his meat around in his inflamed gut!

"URRHHHHHH...!!" grunted Angel, his anal ring snapping wildly around Calisto's thick cock base as it tried to repel him physically! Angel's wings began to flap automatically, as he tried subconsciously to escape! But Cal held him anchored, his hands gripping his waist tightly as his cock remained locked inside [holding him in place]! Cal started to fuck after a few moments, pulling and pushing his hips back and forth as he began driving his massive cock through Angel's perfectly sculptured body!

Angel's wings flapped harder as they tried to pull him up off the ground...! He actually started to lift upward, when Cal suddenly grabbed him tighter and pulled him back down to the ground, pinning him face down in the dirt, using his muscular weight to help hold him in place!

Angel felt the cock moving through him, dragging his innards in and out with the massive shaft! It felt like getting fist-fucked, but his body was starting to get used to it, adjusting to the pressure as his anal muscles relaxed to allow a safe pathway through him...!

Angel started to struggle less and less, accepting his lover's cock as his body started to mold about it as usual [only needing some time to adjust to the frightful penetration]...! He lay face down against the ground, his ass plowed from behind as Calisto started to pound him into the ground beneath them!

Angel was just beginning to get used to the cock moving through him, when he felt his own hard-on suddenly fall through a small hole in the ground! At first Angle was concerned about injuring his appendage against the hard ground and gravel, but then he felt it plunge into something soft and wet! As Calisto started to fuck him harder [driving Angel's hips into the ground], Angel's cock started to slip and slide in and out of the hole, feeling almost as if someone was sucking on it!

Angel couldn't believe the pleasant surprise the earth was giving him, as his hard cock continued to plunge in and out of the wet sucking hole under him! Calisto started to fuck harder, slamming his pelvic bone into his upturned ass, repeatedly ramming his cock deeper and deeper into his gut!

"Damn, I love you...!" said Calisto, lying across Angel's feathered back [his wings spread widely across the ground while Cal remained on top], his face beside Angle's as he twisted The X-Man's head and began to passionately kiss his facial cheek and lips!

"I love you too...!" gasped Angel, as Cal's fingers slipped into his open mouth, causing him to instinctively begin suckling...!

Calisto loved fucking Angel's ass [his lean body and succulent buttock the perfect fit for his amazing prowess], slamming his hips into his delicious backside with increasing speed, causing Angel's cock to ram faster through the wet sucking hole!

"Oh fuck, baby..." gasped Calisto, feeling his cock already starting to swell and throb as he fucked faster...! "...you about to get that nut...! I'm gonna cum...!" he warned, beginning to crush Angel underneath him as their bodies crashed together again and again! "ARRRRHHHHHHHHHH FUCK...!!" he cursed, ramming in one last time as he buried his LOG 13 inches deep, causing his swollen prick to pulse and start shooting big heaping gobs of hot molten cum into Angel's entrails!

At the same moment Angel's cock started to pulse and throb, shooting hot cum directly into the hole underneath him, seeding the earth with his mutant DNA...!

"Oh my god..." he groaned, after an unbelievable orgasm...! "...I just came in a HOLE in the ground...!"

"A hole...?" questioned Cal, already starting to recover after climax...!

"Yes..." answered Angel, as Calisto got off top of him...! "...it was almost as if the GROUND was sucking me off...! It was amazing!"

"Really...?" asked Cal, pulling Angel up [as his wet cock pulled from the oval hole with suction]...! Calisto looked curiously as the hole AND his lover's dripping wet dick, then punched his hand down into the ground, shocking Angel who thought his boyfriend had just lost his mind...! Cal reached down into the new hole he created, then yanked someone out hiding under the rubble...!

"Mole...!" shouted Angel in surprise [learning how the short stocky boy had tunneled a cavern underneath them and sucked his cock through a hole he made {like a gloryhole}], stunned that one of the students was responsible for helping his erotic orgasm...!

Calisto held Mole up by the back of his collar [a stream of Angel's uneaten cum drooling from the corner of his mouth {Cal could SMELL it}], shaking his head at the boy, --wishing he had the heart to punish him like he wanted..., before releasing him and watching him run away [heading back to the mansion with a belly full of Angel's juice]!

"I think from now on, we ought to have sex ONLY in our bed at home...!" suggested Angel, reaching for his clothes...!


BACK AT THE MANSION Level-2B, Underground Labs

Forge walked into one of Dr. Mora MacTaggert's laboratories [nestled far beneath the mansion in sub-levels], to find her testing one of the new mutants from Genosha [Darwin]!

"How is everything down here, Mora...?" asked Forge [casually], as Darwin lay upside down submerged in a holding tank of water]!

"Fascinating..." thrilled Mora, taking a break from reading the results! "...his metabolic levels are off the charts...! His entire body physically ADAPTS to his environment, no matter how restrictive...!

"Like Mystique's...?" asked Forge, liking their similar mutations...!

"Sort of...!" agreed Mora, reluctantly! "Mystique's powers mutate differently...allowing her to camouflage and mimic other people's likenesses, almost down to the cellular level...! But Darwin's powers adapts to his surroundings..., meaning if he's submerged in water, he grows gills..., if he's in a fire, his SKIN becomes fireproof..., or if he's hit by a car or struck by something hard, his body becomes invulnerable! Making him VERY tough to beat...!"

"Awesome..." said Forge, as Mora pressed a button to drain the water from the tank! Within a matter of seconds the tank was empty, as the young the black man exited a door while wearing only a pair of tight fitting speedos...! Forge couldn't help noticing Darwin's gills, fish scales, and webbed feet and hands starting to disappear, returning to normal as his body readjusted to breathing fresh air, but Forge's eyes also couldn't help smoldering over Darwin's gorgeous muscles as they became more evident with his regular physique! "...ho...ho...how is his memory...AFTER his sessions with Xavier before The X-Men were whisked off to outer space...?" he questioned, trying not to look too obvious while looking the handsome young black man over...!

"Charles was WORKING on repairing the victims of Genosha's memories before he left...!" revisited Mora, "Darwin and several others were in the process of full recoveries when Xavier and The X-Men were taken..., and with no other psychic currently on staff, we won't be able to learn all of their backgrounds until he returns...!"

"IF he returns..." countered Forge, "...we STILL have no idea where The X-Men are, or WHAT's happened to them...?"

"You found The Blackbird in the Nevada Desert...!" recalled Mora...!

"Yeah...empty!" reminded Forge! "I hazard to think what might happen to the school if they never return...!"

"Let's NOT think of that right now...!" suggested Mora, passing Darwin a dry towel! "As X-Men we're faced some pretty difficult times and have always come through on the other side...! Look at The Sentinels...Phoenix...Apocalypse...and Genosha...!" she recalled off the top of her head...! "We may not always come through with flying colors..., but we survive...! That's what The X-Men do better than anyone else...!"

"You're right..." agreed Forge, "...but we've never been abducted by ALIENS before..., how can we be certain they'll return after this one...?"

"We're never certain..." said Mora, storing Darwin's information in her computer files while Darwin returned topside to be with the others...! "...but we NEVER give up hope either...! It's what Xavier's dreams were based on!"

Forge smiled, realizing Mora's words spoke true! The school would stay open [barring they found some suitable substitutes to teach classes in the absence of Xavier, Dr. McCoy, Storm, and the others]...! Mutants needed a place where they were safe, where they could test and hone their awesome powers without fear or ridicule, not become villains and outlaws simply because society chased them before they had a chance to learn who and what they were inside! For as long as there were new mutants, there was a need for `Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters!'

NEXT: Sins Of The Father!

If you would like to read MORE X-Men, hit me up @ NPhillydogg@aol.com with your comments and/or suggestions. OR you could join me on my Facebook page under the same name _______________________________________________________


Next: Chapter 71: Sins of the Father

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