X Men Tales

By NPhillyDogg/Scedmark

Published on Jul 23, 2009


Disclaimer: X-Men Tales: is loosely based on the X-Men- Evolution t.v. cartoon series, as well as the comicbook produced by Marvel Comics. ____________________________________________________________________

The X-Men are mutants, unfortunate people born with an X-gene that gives them extraordinary powers and abilities which makes them outcasts to those considered "normal" in the world. _____________________________________________________________________________

X-Men cast: (Teachers) Professor-X, Angel, Banshee, Beast, Bishop, Forge, Polaris, Storm, and Wolverine, Dr Mora MacTaggert,

(Students) Cannonball-17, Cyclops-17, Colossus-18, Gambit-17, Iceman-16, Multiple boy-13, Nightcrawler-16, Northstar-17, Spike-15, Sunspot-16, Thunderbird-18 / Amanda-16, Jubilee-13, Karma-16, Magma-15, Premonition (Jean Grey)-17, Rogue-16, Shadowcat-14, Spirit-17, Syran-16, Wolvesbane-15 _____________________________________________________________________________

SENTINELS: government sponsored robots created to capture dangerous mutant.

The Black Panther: once an African prince, now the ruler of a nation as King of Wakanda, as well as the first black member of The Mighty Avengers. _____________________________________________________________________________

X-Men Tales: -pt14

Title: Mansion Siege

Salam Center, NY Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters

The skies grow dark and cloudy as the X-Man Strom soared high in over the Xavier Institute. Her companions (Beast and Wolverine) rode alongside her, coasting on the wind shears she created to give them flight.

They return from a disturbing mission in the Manhattan sewers, battling a group of renegade mutants calling themselves Morlocks, after kidnapping one of the X-Men's original members, (Angel) [chaps-11-13]. Angel was in need of serious medical attention in the Mansion's med-lads located deep beneath the mansion in the lower sub-levels, after being accosted by the Morlock's leader Callisto. Polaris carried the injured Angel gently, using her powers over magnesium to help keep him a lift. As they approached the Mansion, Storm began to get concerned that they had not been able to mentally contact Professor Xavier since leaving the sewers nearly an hour ago. With the Mansion now in view, she began to descend, lowering herself as well as her two male companions.

"Goddess...!" gasped Storm, taking in the school grounds. "The school looks like a battle zone! What on earth has happened here...?!"

"Drop us down anywhere, Ororo..." suggested Beast, wanting a closer look from ground level.

On the ground, the school's automated defense systems activated. Laser cannons spring up from hiding places underneath grassy mounds and shrubbery, aimed at the descending targets. "uh..., Ororo...!" called Beast, eye balling the first cannon as a long laser beam shot in their direction.

Storm suddenly dropped the winds floating her companions as they fall to the ground like sacks of cement, out of the beam's path. Both Beast and Wolverine hit the ground on their feet as Storm used a stray lightning bolt from her own hand to hit and explode the first cannon.

On the ground Beast and Wolverine maneuver through an obstacle course of defenses, knocking out automated guns and explosive disks designed for the unexpected trespasser. "Why are the school's defenses turned on...?" asked Storm, gliding down to a soft landing beside her friends.

"Beats me..., but could it have anything to do with why we weren't about to contact the Professor...?" surmised Beast.

"Check THIS out!" said Wolverine, spotting a body lying on the school grounds.

"One of the students...?" asked Storm, frightened that one of the children may have gotten hurt by the school's weapons.

"No..." answered Wolverine, turning the body over. "...it's not even human!" he added, noticing the empty ear holes and vacant facial expression.

"A robot...?" asked Storm, looking over Wolverine's shoulder. "What's a robot doing on the school's grounds...?"

"Not just ANY robot...!" said Wolverine, taking a sniff. "...call it a GUT feeling, but I believe this is the same robot responsible for Robbie's and Kurt's abductions awhile back!"

"You think it attacked the school while we were out looking for Warren?" asked Beast, couching beside Wolverine.

"More than think so, fur ball..., KNOW so!" answered Wolverine, pointing towards another fallen robot a few feet away.

"The students...!!" gasped Storm, running towards the house on foot.

Beast and Wolverine beat her through the broken front entrance. They found Professor Xavier's empty wheelchair lying vacant on its side. As Storm came running in, Beast came back downstairs from the second floor, jumping over the balcony.

"No one's upstairs!" he announced, reporting the house empty.

"During emergencies we've instructed the children to hide underground in the lower levels...!" reminded Storm, heading for the hidden exits. "...perhaps they've all made down there safely...?" she hoped, punching in the key codes.

The elevator to the lower levels began to ascend. The doors opened just as Bishop and Forge exited, holding their guns defensively.

"Bishop...!" called Storm, happy to see him.

"Ororo...!" called the muscled black man, dropping his gun by his waist side as he took the weather witch in his arms.

Forge rolled his eyes as he too exited the elevator with his weapon, watching the two African Americans kiss like lovers.

"Sheesh, get a room, why don't you...?" he muttered to himself as Polaris came in through the mansion's entrance, carrying Angel.

"Can we get some help...?" she asked, holding him up in her arms.

Med-lab #1

"Warren is going to be okay..., he was apparently given some sort of sedative to keep him dazed and looped, but he should return to normal as soon as it burns from his system!" said doc Mora Mactaggert, the school's resident physician. "And what about YOU, Storm..., do you need tending...?"

"I'm fine, doctor..." said Storm, getting patched up by Bishop [from wounds she sustained during her hand to hand battle with the Morlocks' leader Callisto, (last chap)] whom had plenty of experience patching fallen victims in his XSL unit. "...I appear to be in good hands!" she smiled, causing Bishop to blush.

"What exactly happened here...?" asked Polaris, once they found the majority of the student body safe and sound in bunkers beneath the school.

"Ask Bishop, here..." said Forge, holding his laser rifle over his shoulder. "...HE seems to know our attackers by name!"

"Bishop...?" asked Storm, confused.

Bishop stopped attending to her wounds as he thought back to his time zone (Bishop is from a possible future where mutants are hunted by the government)...

"Legend has it that the X-Men failed in their long time devotion to make mankind accept mutants, after a well known politician by the name Senator Kelley was assassinated by a mutant! More and more people began to fear and attack us! The X-Men, as well as other super powered groups such as the Avengers and the Fantastic Four were all branded outlaws, and hunted down by the military! Groups like Magneto and his Evil Mutant fought back, making matters even worse! The government deployed a series of robots, what they called The Sentinels, to locate and exterminate each and every mutant they could find! It took years..., decades even, but eventually they nearly wiped out every mutant in existence! A small pocket of resistance fighters led by two of the original X-Men went underground, organizing attacks to try to destroy the factories building the Sentinels! I was only a kid when I first joined the resistance, but I quickly learned how to fight and survive!"

"Who were the two X-Men who led the resistance...?" asked Beast, curiously.

Bishop looked around the room, his pupiless eyes focusing in on one face...

"Wolverine was one..." said the time-traveler, fondly. "You were older, of course, but no less fierce and feisty as you are now!" smiled Bishop. "And the other was..." he paused, lowering his head as if in mournful memory. "...Storm!"

"Me...?" asked Storm, as Dr MacTaggert finished off her bandages. "...but I thought you said that I was died in your time line...?" [chap-10].

"I lied..." admitted Bishop. "...I didn't want you to know the truth..."

"What truth...?" asked Storm, intrigued.

"That I watched you die in my arms...!" said Bishop, trying to hold back his emotions. "...shot down by the man who betrayed us..." he added, the whites of his eyes focusing in on... "Forge!"

"Hold it, now...!" defended Forge, backing up. "...I haven't betrayed anyone...!"

"Not yet..." said Bishop, balling his fists in anger. "But it was YOUR designs that the government used to make the Sentinels! It was YOUR brain child!"

"Wait a second..." said Wolverine, thinking back. "...didn ya work for tha government briefly, after ya graduated from tha Institute...?"

"Yeah..., but that was a long time ago...!" defended Forge.

"Did you work on any projects designed against mutants...?" questioned Beast, suspiciously.

"Hold on now..., I KNOW you guys aren't giving this...this, --time jumper, credibility...?!!"

"Answer the question, Forge!" demanded Storm.

Forge thought back, his eyes fluttering as he recalled some of the many projects he worked on during his time working for the government...

"Yeah..., I worked on government projects about mutants..., but who hasn't...?" he responded. "Mutant affairs were a big concern to the White House...!"

"Oh Forge...?" signed dr MacTaggert disappointed.

"Hey..., MY designs were created to combat EVIL mutants like Magneto and the Hell's Fire Club, not to attack the X-Men and innocent mutants!" defended Forge.

"You can't be that naive to b'lieve tha government ain't gonna see us ALL as tha same threat to be exterminated, can ya, bub?" asked Wolverine, sarcastically.

"That's not fair, Logan..., how was I to know...?"

"Xavier's been teaching us that this could happen for years...! How could you NOT know...?" questioned Beast, angrily. "Oh well, what's done is done..., we need to find a way to find what out happened to the others...!"

"Bishop..." called Storm, still intrigued by his story. "...in your time-line..., were we lovers, as we are now...?" she asked, curiously.

Bishop looked at her, drinking in her younger beauty...

"No..., you always said I was too young for you..." admitted Bishop.

"How old are you...?" asked Forge.

"17!" answered the muscular black man.

"17...??!" choked Forge. "You mean now...??"

"Yes." answered Bishop.

"Oh dear..." gasped Beast astonished, knowing the consequences.

"My my my..." laughed Forge, getting a hardy kick out of Storm's shocked facial expression, "...all this time you two have been doing the nasty mambo bump n grind..., you never thought to ask the boy his age...?" cried the older man, hysterically.

"My age has nothing to do with my maturity..." stated Bishop, hastily. "...just as yours doesn't!"

Forge silenced his laughter after realizing no one else was joining in. "Storm..., Ororo..." called Bishop, reaching out to her..., "...we need to talk...!"

"Bishop, don't..., please..." rejected Storm, suddenly ashamed of their love affair.

"I'm still the same person I was a 10 minutes ago...!" reminded Bishop.

"That still doesn't excuse your age..." said Storm. "Bishop..., you're just a child to me!"

"Was I a child when we made love in the air...?" asked Bishop, bringing more shame to Ororo. "Or in your attic...? Or in the gazebo...? Or at the lake...? Or in the..."

"I get it!" shouted Storm. "I need to think!" she added, walking out of the room.

"Women...!" smirked Forge, getting a cold look from Bishop.

"Okay people, the show's over! Time to get back to business!" intervened Beast. "Forge..., we need to know everything you can remember about your secret government projects against mutants! And Bishop..., we need to know everything you could possibly tell us about those Sentinels! Their powers, their weaknesses, anything that comes to mind! I am going to use every influence I have as an Avenger to find out where the government might hold these robots, and the captives they have captured!"

Sometime later THE WAR ROOM...

Scott Summers walked down the lone corridor after checking in on some of the more shaken students in the private bunkers in the Mansion's underground tunnels. Many of the students were young adolescents, whom hadn't really begun to hone their powers. They needed reassurance that the Sentinel monsters weren't coming back to get them. Scott had to promise them that the X-Men would protest them, that they wouldn't let anything harm them. He wandered the corridors in deep thought, with one thing heaving heavily on his mind. As he walked by the War Room, he found Logan [Wolverine] sitting behind the console, testing the school's automatic weapons in case of another attack.

He walked into the dimly lit high tech room without saying a word, wanting to just watch Logan at work. His eyes [hidden behind his special ruby quartz glasses] roamed over Logan's broad back and wide muscled shoulders as the older man studied the computer consoles before him.

Logan didn't need to see Scott to know he was there. He heard the boy walking up the corridor long before he reached the door. He smelt him before he entered.

"Ya juss gonna stand there, or ya got sumpthin' to say, bub...?" asked the manimal, turning around in his swivel chair.

"I guess I shouldn't be surprised you knew I was here..., given your heightened animal like senses...!" said Scott, walking into the small room. He looked around at all the monitors. "How good are our chances at finding the Professor and the others alive...?" he asked suddenly. Wolverine started to see Scott in a different light, not as a teenaged boy, but as a young man with a great deal of responsibility.

"Pretty damn good, if I have anythin' to say bout it!" said Logan, chewing on an unlit cigar.

Scott stepped further into the room...

"Bishop said the uh..., the Sentinels, were programmed to kill mutants..."

"That was in HIS timeline, not ours! There's still a good chance everyone is still alive!" assured Logan. "Mutants haven't been declared a world threat yet..., Senator Kelley's still alive...!"

"How can you be so sure...?" asked Scott.

"Call it a gut feelin' kid! If the others were dead, I'd've sensed it...!" assured Wolvie.

"Thanks, Logan..." said Scott, touching his teacher on the shoulder.

Logan felt the electricity between them, even though he was trying to deny it. Like Storm, he found himself involved with an underage student, one Professor Xavier would not approve of. But While Logan did his best to ignore his primal urges, Scott Summers was a horny teen whom had no such conflicts. He lusted after the older man, and that was that. His innocent show of affection quickly started to grow into something more as he moved in closer and inched his hand down into the chest of Logan's tattered uniform.

"Scott..." said Logan, wanting to put a stop to it before it started. "...we should'n..."

"Why not...?" asked Scott, straddling Logan's legs as he sat across his thighs face to face.

"I'm a teacher, you're a student..." protested Logan, weakly.

"So..., teach me...!" challenged Scott, removing Logan's cigar to kiss. Logan accepted the kiss, allowing Scott's tongue to venture into his mouth.

The two mutant men kissed and suckled each other's tongues with growing passion. Logan's large hands reached for Scott's compact ass, grabbing two hefty handfuls as they sucked tongues and moaned into each other's mouths lustfully.

Scott could feel Logan's hard cock through his spandex uniform. He reached down and began massaging it, making Wolvie moan in his mouth. As Logan reached into Scott's pants to finger his anal pucker, Scott reached into Logan's uniform and freed his uncut erection.

"You trynna make me fall in love kid...?" growled Logan, loving how Scott's soft hands felt on his rough cock.

"If you think you can handle it...!" sassed Scott, half serious.

"You'd be surprised whut I can handle, kid!" said Logan, swiftly.

"Like I said..., teach me everything..." whispered Scott, slipping his tongue back into the older man's mouth.

Wolverine groaned erotically as he gave into his lust and ripped open the back of Scott's pants with his bare hands. Scott felt Logan's bare hands cupping his exposed bottom as he straddled the older mutant's lap. Logan kneaded the ass firmly, pulling the tight cheeks apart to expose the pinkish/red rosebud hidden between the near hairless crack. He positioned Scott's ass above his cock, the head nestling against the teen's sweet bunghole. Scott continued to suck Logan's tongue, breathing hard through his nose as Logan pressed his pre-cum leaking cock head up into Scott's bud. Scott groaned into Logan's mouth as he was descended down on the cock.

"UHH, Logan..." he whimpered as the fat cock penetrated him.

"Just relax, babee..., let it in ya..." whispered Logan, caressing the back of Scott's neck as he stared up into the boy's face.

Scott relaxed his anal muscles, then moaned aloud as Wolverine's cock slowly sank into him, stretching his boy hole wide.

"oooohhhhh godddd...!!" he moaned, his buttock nestling in Logan's lap.

"It hurt...?" asked the older man, concerned.

"Yeah..., but it hurts good, cause it's YOU...!" said Scott, making Wolive's cock throb in his ass.

Wolverine started to slowly rise and lower Scott in his lap, impelling the boy on cock. Scott threw his head back as he closed his eyes and concentrated on relaxing his straining hole. Each time he took Wolverine's cock was easier than the last, he yearned for the day when he could accommodate his teacher with no pain at all.

Logan kept a close eye on Scott, not wanting to hurt or damage the boy as he slowly rode his cock. Wolverine watched [leaning back in his swivel chair] as Scott started to bounce, impelling himself now. Scott groaned softly as he slid his ass up and down the girth of Logan's thick manhood. Scott's own cock was hard against Logan's rippled abs, having popped free from under the torn material of his shredded pants.

Wolverine reached down and covered the 7" hardon with his hand, stroking the lad off gently in his rough callused hand. Scott squirmed on Wolverine's cock as his own cock was roughly manipulated. He bit his lower lip as he rode Logan's cock, sliding his hole up and down the thick shaft faster.

"Yur doin' good, kid..., take it deeper if ya can...!" encouraged Logan, wanting his entire cock in the teenager's ass.

"OOOHHH...!!" moaned Scott as he sank down further. He ground his ass around in Logan's lap, churning the manimal cock around in his gut before resuming his steady bounce.

"Datz it babee..., work dat pussy...! Give it to me! Make it sing on yur man's cock...!" whispered Logan, hoarsely.

"My man...?" asked Scott, looking down into Wolverine's eyes.

"So long as ya want this cock buried in yur gut, I'm yur man!" stated Logan, making Scott whimper weakly as he began to fuck himself harder. He leaned forward to kiss his instructor again, this time heated by the rising passion of Wolverine's cock sliding in and out of his relaxing hole.

Wolverine grabbed Scott about the thighs, then picked him up in his hands as he stood upright on his own two feet. Scott wrapped his arms around Logan's neck, kissing him desperately as Wolverine turned him around and slowly lowered him back down into the swivel chair he had been sitting in. Scott allowed Wolverine to raise his legs into the air, pulling his ass down to the chair's edge of the chair as he continued fucking in and out of his ass. In this position Wolverine had more leverage, allowing him the freedom to fuck Scott as hard and deep as he wanted.

"Fuck me, Logan..., give it to me...! I can take it!" whispered Scott breathlessly, as he prepared himself to be plowed.

"You shure...?" asked Logan, knowing how wild he could get.

"I think so..., I want to be there for you when you need me!" said Scott, a hint of uncertainty in his voice. Logan loved the idea that the boy wanted to be good pussy for him, to let him cut loose and go wild, but Wolverine knew the boy had no idea what he was asking, for if Wolvie was to allow himself to let go, he could surely cause Scott more harm than good.

To show his appreciation, Wolverine grabbed Scott by the ankles, then started to fuck long hard strokes into his vulnerable ass, giving Scott the illusion that he was getting all the maninmal had to offer.

Scott's cock leaked a steady stream of pre-com into his navel as his stomach folded in half at the bend of his body. He could see Logan's wrist thick cock sliding in and out of him, pulling the inner lining of his tender boy pussy outward with each withdrawal before fucking deeply back up into him. Scott couldn't help grabbing his erection and stroking it as Wolverine's cock beat a path into his intestines. It didn't take but a dozen strokes before his cock suddenly spurt 5 full streaks of hot boy cream onto his face. Scott's mouth opened instinctively as his own cum load shot directly into his mouth. He tasted his own cum as the last of his load emptied out onto his chest and stomach.

Wolvie saw Scott cream his own face and taste his own load. His cock jumped inside the boy's straining boy hole as soon as he saw the cum splatter Scott's face, coating his mouth, nose, cheeks. And ruby quartz glasses in gobs of his youthful sperm.

Logan fucked Scott a little harder, driving his cock through the flexing man cunt. Scott gasped and grunted with each inward thrust, his ass suffering the slings of his premature ejaculation. Wolverine came in him 10 minutes later with a howl as he picked Scott's ass up out of the chair by his stiff thighs. Scott grabbed onto the computer console to keep his balance as Logan continued to ram into him, his cock spitting thick gobs of potent Canadian ball juice well deep in the teen's tortured innards before his cock slowly started to wilt.

Logan's strokes slowed to a stop as he caught his breath, panting like an animal, as if he'd just run a hundred miles. He lowered Scott back down into the chair, his now soft and satisfied penis falling limp from the teenager's hole.

"Ya alright...?" asked the Canadian man, tussling Scott's hair. "Ya did good, kid! Much betta!"

"Thanks...!" said Scott, taking a break as his sore asshole throbbed painfully as it tried to regroup its former seal. "uh Logan...?"

"Yeh, kid...?" asked Wolverine, tucking his cock back into his tights.

"...could you stop calling me kid...?"

Wolverine smiled...

"Shure thang, squirt!"


"Avenger's files don't show very much research on any government projects named `Sentinels', Hank..." said African King T'Challa, aka the Black Panther (an Avenger), as he spoke with Hank McCoy over a live link monitor.

"Thanks T'Challa..., I knew it was a long shot, but I figured I'd give using the Avenger's computers to locate these Sentinels a try!"

"Hold on, Hank..." called T'Challa, spotting something Online. "...there nothing listed under the name Sentinel..., but there's something listed under `Sentential Prototype'..., it's a top secret robotic division headed up by agent Gyrich!"

"That might be it..., send me that link and I'll cross reference it with our computers here at the Mansion!" advised Beast.

"We'll do!" okayed T'Challa, sending the link. "Is everything okay? Has something happened that the Avenger's might assist in...?" asked the African King, concerned.

"I'm not sure yet, T'Challa..., the school was attacked by mutant hunting robots! Some of the student body and staff were abducted..., including Professor Xavier!"

"Tell me, Hank..., was a student named Evan taken...?" asked the Avenger, suddenly sounding distressed.

"Evan Daniels...? Yes, he was!" answered Beast, wondering how T'Challa knew of the student's identity? Suddenly the screen went dark as T'Challa cut off communications, leaving Hank to wonder what that was about?

Med Lab #2

Roberto DeCosta sat in bed, the Mansion's computer Automated D.O.C. feeding him a steady stream of proteins and nutrients his body had been deprived since becoming the captive of the Hell Fire Club's newest member (Mountjoy) [chaps-4 throu 10].

He wondered when Dr McTaggert would tell him her was well enough to get back to his normal life? He was feeling better by now, surely he could go back to school and resume some shred of a normal life?

"Roberto...?" called a familiar voice as Roberto sat up and peered about the door's entrance, hoping it was his doctor giving him the okay to go.

Roberto had mixed emotions when he saw not his doctor round the corner, but classmates Peter Rasputin and John Proudstar [Colossus and Thunderbird].

"Hey guys...!" he said, bucking up when he saw them.

"Not too loud..." warned Proudstar, one of the school's only two Native American Indians. "...we snuck in to see you...!"

"Cool!" glee Roberto, happy to see some friendly faces.

"How are you feeling today, Roberto...?" asked Peter, the school's resident Russian.

"Okay, I guess...! I'll be glad when I can get out of here and get back to class! It's boring as all hell down here!" complained the teenager.

"Haven't you heard...?" asked Proudstar. "...the school was attacked by robots! Some of the students AND Professor Xavier were captured! The X-Men are trying to find them as we speak!"

"No...! Really...? No one tells me anything down here!" pouted Roberto.

"Has Dr McTaggert told you what is wrong with you...?" asked Peter.

"She said something about replenishing nutrients, or something..." said Roberto, looking at the I.V.'s coming out of his arm.

"We got some nutrients for you right here...!" joked Proudstar, groping his crotch.

"Now That's what I'm talking about!" glee Roberto, licking his lips hungrily. "I haven't had any cock in ages! Bring em here!!"

"Are you well enough for sex...?" asked Peter, concerned.

"Who gives a fuck?" asked Roberto, ready to abandon his treatment for some cock. "If I don't get some dick in me quick, I'm gonna die!"

"We can't have that, now can we...?" smiled Proudstar, pulling his uncut erection from his pants...


Wolverine and Scott Summers took the time to clean themselves up after achieving two resounding orgasms together.

"Did you HAVE to rip my pants to shreds...?" asked Scott, smiling as he held up the left overs of his tattered overalls, which were hardly able to cover his naked bottom.

"Dat happens when ya hang wit tha big dawgs!" smiled Logan, grabbing his crotch with a playful squeeze.

Just then the alarms rang as the automated defense system kicked in, alerting danger.

"What's that...??!" asked Scott, looking at the monitors as the sirens rang in his ears.

"Someone's approachin' tha Mansion...!" explained Wolverine, adjusting the camera angles to see a small ship beginning to land on the school grounds. "Don't worry thou..., the school's defense systems'll blow dat thing back from whereva it came...!"

"No, don't...!" yelled Beast, running into the room. Scott tried to hide his nakedness by backing his exposed bottom back against a darkened corner of the wall. "That's an Avenger's Quinn Jet..., it's my friend, T'Challa...!"

"T'Challa...?" asked Wolverine, wondering why that name sounded familiar?

"The Black Panther!" explained Beast, looking Scott up and down curiously before exiting the room.

The Avenger's Quinn Jet landed on school ground without incident. As the slick metal doors opened, the African born Black Panther emerged, somersaulting through the air to a graceful landing on his feet as members of the X-Men (Beast, Polaris, Storm, and Forge) came running from the X-Men Mansion.

Storm's eyes widened when she saw T'Challa emerge from the ship...

"Where is he...?" asked the Black Panther, ripping his black cat mask from his head to reveal his true princely identity. "Where is Evan Daniels...? Where is my son...??!!"

Written by Eugene Marvin NPhillydogg@aol.com Comments to the address above!

Next: Chapter 15: Stormy Revelations

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