Blakes Saga

Published on Sep 5, 2016


Blake's Saga III Chapter 10

Warning: This story does not contain any sex. None of the characters are based on real people nor are they meant to resemble any living or dead people.

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I want to thank everyone who has emailed. I also want to thank those who have read the story. It means a lot hearing from you. Please continue reading! There is a lot more to come. I own all rights to this story.

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I want to thank everyone who has been reading the story. I am now on the second book in this story. I will not be doing a hardback version of the story. It will remain for sale on Kindle at: as long as readers show interest.


Blake's Saga

Book 3 – Chapter 10

This Changes Everything

Blake wakes up from a good night's sleep. He gathers up his clothes and heads to the bathroom. Entering the bathroom, he discovers a note taped to the mirror. Before he takes it down to read, Blake gets into the shower and is all cleaned up. After getting cleaned up, he takes down the note and reads it:

"After you get finished in the bathroom, I want you to come downstairs so we can talk. It is important. Signed Your Dads."

The note is indeed signed by both of his dads. A few months back, if he had found this note, he might have been facing his parent's possible divorce. Luckily, for him, his dads' relationship is much more stable. He wonders why they want to talk to him. It could be anything from moving to someone in the family being sick. Hopefully, it's not the latter. Leaving the bathroom, he heads down stairs to talk with his dads.

Ian is in the kitchen while Trace is sitting in the dining room reading his newspaper.

"You guys wanted to talk?"

Trace looks up from his newspaper and sets it down on the chair next to him.

"We decided to wait until we had breakfast."

After talking to Blake, Trace picks up the newspaper again. Waiting makes Blake feel a little anxious. They did nothing to ease their son's nerves.

"Blake can you set the table please?"

Ian is busy loading up the French toast, scrambled eggs and toast on their own plates. Blake quickly sets the table. Last thing Ian has to do is grab a ladle and the maple syrup. He puts those things on the table and then he picks up the milk and places in on the table.

"Honey, time to eat."

Trace closes the paper and sets it on the counter. They sit around the table as a family and eat their breakfast. When they've had their fill, Ian looks at Trace. They seem to be talking telepathically. The silence is deafening.

`Someone say something.'

Blake wonders if they can see his anxiety. It doesn't matter though because Ian immediately breaks the silence.

Dad and I have been talking about adopting another kid. We know this may not be something that you want but it's something that we have been wanting for a long time. We were planning on adopting a little kid just before you entered our lives."

Ian and Trace were seriously looking into it for several months prior to them first seeing Blake. In fact, they came very close to their goal. It seems like maybe Blake was an afterthought.

`Do they love me?'

Blake's heart sank and they could see it sinking even more. He watches them hoping that they'll finish the story or whatever this...this talk is about at the moment. There is also some dread in Blake's heart.

"Blake, we didn't want to you to get upset. We wanted to be honest with you, big guy."

Trace stands up and pulls their son in for a hug.

"We are never letting you go. We just want to add another angel to our family."

Something about hearing that helped his mood immensely. Blake breaks Trace's hug. For a second, he gazes into his dad's eyes. What he finds is the love that has been there since he was adopted.

"You guys don't expect me to forget about my brothers will you?"

Ian gives their son a smirk.

"We wouldn't be good dads if we didn't let you be a brother to your brothers."

It feels good to Blake knowing that they expect him to simply be a brother to his biological brothers and his little brother.

"Thanks Dad, thanks Daddy."

He's still not sure how to address them when they're together, but somehow these titles feel right to him.

"Do you know which kid you want to adopt?"

His dads' smile because now they know that Blake is now on board.

"No, we don't. Do you have any idea on what we should be looking for in your little brother?"

Thinking about his little brother, he makes up a checklist in his mind. After thinking about it long and hard, he looks up at Trace and Ian.

"Are you doing to share your thoughts with us?"

Ian knows from observing his students that the light has come on in his son's mind.

"I think we should adopt a kid who will fit into our family. A kid who will benefit from being in our family.

"I like those ideas and I think you've made our job harder somehow."


Blake doesn't understand how hard it can be to choose a kid to adopt. His ideas have given the guys something to think about as they read profiles.

"You've given us more to think about is all."

Ian likes how his husband answered their son's question. Blake deserves to have his questions on the topic, no matter how small or large. The guys get up and go about their day.

Blake also gets up from the table and smiles; he is way more excited over the adoption than he let on earlier. He wants to share the news with someone, but who should he tell. He knows Ben would be excited over it, but he's not ready to tell him just yet. The question remains who would he tell. Grabbing a pencil and a piece of paper, he plans to write a letter to his future brother.

"Hey Little Man, it's me, Blake. I don't know you yet but I can't wait to meet you. I want you to know that I love you. You can come to me with any problem and I'll do my best to help you out whenever you need it. I hope we get along great."

He carefully seals the letter in an envelope. The letter gets placed inside his journal and he sets it on his nightstand. At some point, Blake hopes his new little brother will read this letter. There is still a question burning in his chest about who to tell about the future adoption. He doesn't understand why he feels so good about this.

As Blake sits in his room, there are a hundred questions. He wants to ask some of the questions while other questions are still forming in his head. He runs downstairs hoping that his dads are still around to listen to him. No one is in the living room. Blake heads to the office. Knowing his parents would be hiding away, working on something. Sure enough, his parents are in there away on their own things. Trace is starting the adoption process. Ian's fingers are busily at work typing on the computer. He's working on some school stuff.

"Hey guys, I have some questions about the adoption thing."

Trace gets up and he heads downstairs. Blake follows his dad to the living room too. Sitting on the couch together, Trace wonders what is going on in his son's mind.

"Dad, where is the new kid going to sleep? We've used up all our bedrooms."

"Well I think, we might have to move."

Blake doesn't like that, he doesn't want to move. He's afraid of being torn away from Ben.

"Will we leave the city?"

"Are you kidding me Blake? We do not want to move out of the city. Dad has his teaching job here, and if I want to keep my job with the police force here, I need to live in the city. Plus, if we leave, you will have a harder time seeing Ben not to mention developing your new friendship with Riley."

There is no sense in starting over in another city. It would not be good for the family to move away. This city is his home and has been for almost a year now. Someday when Blake graduates maybe, just maybe they can move.

"Will I need to step back into the closet because of my little brother?"

Trace looks down at the floor as he thinks on the answer to this question.

"Would that be fair to you or to us?"


Blake did not think about the answer. It just came out.

"I don't think we need to hide ourselves from him. You can give your answers to his questions, if and when he comes up with them, but only those answers in words that he can understand."

Blake did not want to have to go inside the closet for anyone. Trace and Ian do not want him to hide either. Blake takes a long look into his dad's eyes, and he wants to just kiss him. He'll hold back that kiss so maybe instead his dad will hopefully accept a hug. In a flash, Blake stands up and hugs his dad. Trace looks down at his son and smiles.

"Did you get all your questions answered?"

He does not want to walk away until Blake feels that all his questions have been answered. There should be no fears in his son's heart

"Maybe just one more question Dad. Will I have to share a room with him?"

"No, Dad and I want you to have your own room?

There are no frowns, no smiles, just a simple fist pump in triumph.

"I'm good now Dad. Thanks."

"You're welcome buddy."

Blake walks away a little bit more confident about the situation. Trace returns to the office to continue the search.


Blake has tried for a couple hours now to hold in the excitement. Finally, he walks up to his room and grabs his phone. He carefully scans down his contacts until he comes to Ben's name. In less than 30 seconds, he manages to start the call. Ben answers the call with a smile on his face. They exchange their usual banter and then Blake gets ready to drop the news.

"Ben, I have HUGE news."

He pauses for just a minute. Meanwhile, his boyfriend is ready to choke him.

"So what exactly is this HUGE news?"

"My dads are going to adopt a little kid. They are hoping to be able to adopt a 3 or 4 year old but we'll see what happens."

Ben is smiling. There is a possibility that the big news was a little less than huge so when Blake gave the news, he was a little loud.

"That is awesome!"

Ben has a huge grin on his face. Blake's face can hardly contain his smile.

"Thanks Ben."

"You're welcome Blake."

It is easy to tell by hearing their voices just how much these guys love each other.

"Do you know a name or have you seen a picture of him yet?"

It's hard to hear that question because it's the one thing he wants to see and know so badly. Blake wants nothing more than to put a name and a face to his little brother.

"No, Trace and Ian just know that they are going to adopt. Trace is working in the office trying to find a kid to adopt."

"Wow, will he let you know when they find him?"

"I'm sure they will Ben."

All he wants is to have the whole adoption process over with and his little brother home with him and his dads.

"I know you already know this, but I love you, and I can't wait to hang out with you and your little brother."

"I love you too Babe. I know, I want the same exact thing."

In the background, Blake can hear Ben's mom talking to him. He knows what that means so he gets ready to end the call.

"I need to run. I'll talk to you soon."

"Okay, Ben talk to you later."

He ends the call and then rests on his bed for a few minutes.


Trace does not want his family to find out about the adoption by their new grandson showing up on their doorstep. He picks up the office phone and calls his parent's house. A few rings later and someone picks up the phone.

"Hello Son, how are you?"

"I'm good Mom, is Dad home too?"

"Yes he is, did you need to talk to him?"

"Well actually, I need to talk to both of you."

"Hold on let me go get him so I don't have to scream."

Trace hopes his mom and dad will be as excited over this adoption as they were over hearing about Blake for the first time. He can't see them being negative about it, but it's the uncertainty of the situation that bothers him. He can hear his dad's heavy footsteps as they approach the phone. There is a click on their end of the phone. His mom set the phone to speakerphone, so they can both hear what Trace has to say about it. His mom is at least a little nervous over what her son has to say to them. She hopes it's not because of a potential divorce; she too is worried about them as Blake was for a time.

"Go ahead son."

"Mom, Dad, do you remember when we were first talking about adopting a kid a few months before we called you about Blake?"

There is a moment of silence on the phone while his parents looked at each other trying to figure out why he could be mentioning that point in time.

"Yes, we remember you mentioning something about wanting to adopt, but we figured Blake was an answer to that prayer."

Now Trace is worried about his parent's reactions to his announcement. His dad made it sound like they really aren't ready for the news from Trace. As for his mother, she seems to have the same attitude as his father.

"So I take you guys aren't really excited about the adoption?"

Trace isn't happy about their reaction. He wants them to just be happy that in a next few months to a years time, they will be getting another grandson.

"Trace, we just don't understand the need for you to adopt another kid."

It is about what Trace expected.

"We support you but we just don't get it."

He does not believe that his parents really do support him. His parents end the call, and Trace hangs up the phone.

"Well, I hope your parents are more excited than mine about the adoption."

He said to Ian who is rady to phone his parents.

Trace could really use some alone time. He wanted his parents to be okay with this new step in their lives. All he can do now is hope and pray that they will be okay in time.


It is now Ian's turn to call his parents. After Trace called his parents, Ian is a little worried. He takes a deep breath and then makes the call. He waits for them to pick up the phone.

"Hi Son, how is the family doing?"

Ian takes a deep breath before continuing.

"I have big news. Trace and I are going to adopt a kid."

There is silence.

"Really, are you going back to what you planned before adopting Blake?"

"You mean adopting a little guy?"

He can hear his mom talking in the background. He just does not know who she's speaking too.

"Yes, are you adopting a little boy?"

Ian smiles and Trace can only hope that means good things.

"We are hoping to adopt a little kid."

She told someone what he just got done saying, and now focused her attention on him.

"When are you going to know for sure?"

"Mom, I don't know how to answer that question."

He does not know how to answer that, because it is still early in the process. As he ends the call, Blake walks into the room. He stands behind Ian and Trace.

"So are your phone calls over, I don't want to interrupt?"

They turned around and looked at him.

"Yeah, our phone calls are over, what's up Son?"

There was a shrugging of shoulders.

"Nothing much going on to be honest. Just wondering, how you guys are doing?"

They smile as they get up from what they were doing.

"We're good, lets go downstairs."

Blake leaves the room so that his dads can get out of the room and head downstairs. The guys want to talk about what his grandparents' said to them. When they sit down in the living room, Trace and Ian glance at Blake for a second. Blake can tell that Trace has something to say.

"I spoke with my parents to tell them about the adoption, and they were not very supportive. They said they were supportive but they didn't get why we wanted to adopt again."

Blake feels a little different about Trace's parents. He never thought that they would have questioned the adoption.

"So what is the problem?"

Trace looks at his son and shrugs his shoulders.

"Apparently, they thought that you were the answer to our prayers as far adoption goes, and that being said, they don't understand why we want to adopt again."


His son doesn't get their issues at all. His dads realize that Blake does not get their issues at all.

"I don't know how I feel about them. I thought Grandma and Grandpa were okay you you adopting me."

Trace looks at his son's face, and he can see some hurt in his son's eyes.

"Grandma and Grandpa will cave the minute that little guy enters our lives. They will love him just as much as they love you. Just relax and wait to see what happens okay?"

This moment will pass and everything will be right again.


As they are sitting there, someone knocks at the door. Ian gets up, answers the door, and in walks Caden.

"Hey all, how is everyone?"

Trace looks at him and smiles, Blake looks around for Riley, and Ian pats him on the back.

"I think we are all good."

"Is Riley with you?"

Since meeting Riley, Blake wants to spend time with him.

"No, Riley is spending time with Jared."


Blake is a little sad that Riley isn't there, but he'll get over it.

"So what is going on with you?"

Trace wants to know what his friend is up to today.

"Jared gave me a chance to get out and relax, and I thought I might come over and see you guys."

"Sometimes, we all need a break."

Ian gets up and grabs some glasses of water for everyone. Starting with Caden, he passes them out to everyone ending with him.


Everyone says to Ian and he nods.

"You're all welcome."

For the next little bit, the guys enjoy a chance to kick back and spend time with their friend. Towards the end of Caden's visit, Ian gets ready to tell him the big news.

"So Trace and I have exciting news to share with you. We are planning on adopting a little guy."

He looks happy.

"Guys that is awesome. So when will you know about the adoption finalizing?"

"We haven't decided on a kid yet and hopefully, we can decide, and then we have to work through the adoption."

Trace finishes his sentence, then stands up, and heads towards the kitchen.

"Anyone want to grill?"

"I could go for some grilled burgers."

Caden wants to spend time with them, so he can sit back and relax. The stress of dealing with home will come soon enough but this; this visit is good for the time being. It will go a long way in helping Caden deal with life. At the same time, it gives Trace and Ian a break in their dealing with the adoption process. For the rest of the visit, the guys go outside and shoot some hoops in the driveway.


Trace and Ian say goodbye to Caden and go back upstairs to work in the office. Their goal is to find someone who can help in the adoption process. They reach out to someone who has helped other gay men that live in the area. An adoption specialist named Kelly Conrad. She promises to work with the guys as they move through the adoption process. She is known to work with future gay dads to become parents. She is an incredible mover and shaker in the community. Contacting her made the guys feel like they've accomplished something.


The guys are in the office continuing to pour over each profile on the adoption sites. Trace carefully looks at each profile looking for a child who has traits found in both Ian and him. He also includes the things that Blake mentioned. Ian is doing the same thing. Looking for just the right kid for the family, someone who needs attention and love. Eventually though they will find a kid, a little one who will make them smile. They feel as if they are close to finding him.


Ian disappears to grab a drink of water, which leaves Trace to continue the hunt. Blake finds his way into the office.

"Dad, I hate to be a pain in the butt, but have you and Dad made a decision on who to adopt yet?"

"I have three kids that need your dad's vote, and then we'll pass it by you for the final vote. How does that sound?"

Blake is mind blown by the news. They have to pick one of those three boys so that he can spread the news

"I'm really excited Trace. Please, please tell Dad to hurry and pick a kid."

Trace just grins at his son.

"Do you really think that I can tell your dad to do anything?"

Blake knows Ian isn't going to be made to do anything fast no matter how much everyone else wants him to make a decision. Ian is going to make decision when it's the right time for him. Someone needs to get him on this now.

"No, he's going to pick one in his own time."

It's amazing to see Trace and Blake excited. They know the person left to make a decision is Ian. It truly makes them happy and excited at the same time. Ian comes back upstairs feeling totally refreshed.

"Dad, Trace has something to tell you?"

Ian turns to look at his husband with a questioning look on his face.

"So yeah, I have three kids for you to look at and decide on if they fit our family."

"Okay, I'm ready to see their faces."

Ian sits down in his computer chair and turns towards Trace's monitor. One by one, Trace slowly brings up each one of the kids' profiles. He then stops, and go back to two of them. When he finally makes his decision, he turns to Trace and pinches him on the shoulder.

"Yeah! I think I found our son. Let's do this, and get this show on the road."

The process starts the minute they make that click on the site. Blake, after nodding his agreement, watches as his dads select the kid that will hopefully soon be joining the household.


Ian steps out for a while to take care of some errands. He needs to run out to the post office for stamps, drop off some stuff at the City Center Shelter, and buy some items for Blake's project. He stops at the post office, grabs two books of stamps, and then he's back on the road. He approaches the City Center Shelter and thinks back to the day that they brought Blake home. He parks the car and gets out, and then walks up the entrance. He pushes the intercom button.

"How can I help you?"

"I called earlier about having a care package for the kids."

The lady whose talking to Ian is quiet while she checks his story with Denise Walker. She gives Sally the okay to let Ian into the building. As he approaches Sally's desk, she immediately recognizes him.

"How is my Blake doing?"

"He's doing well. He's so happy being with us. We're actually looking into adding another kid into our family."

"Really, I might know someone who can help you with that the adoption."

Sally gets on her phone, and a familiar face walks out from Lee's office. Kelly Conrad, who was Blake's social worker, comes out with a smile on her face.

"Mr. Richards, it's good to see you. It's been forever. How is Blake doing?"

"He's had a few rough patches but he's doing really well. We're getting ready to adopt again."

"Oh really?"

She seems interested in their plans to adopt. She already knows that they would be a good match for just about any kid.

"Have you got on to the adoption website for the state?"

"Yes, and I think we have selected a kid already."

"Okay, well I have an office here in the center. Why don't we check where you guys are at in the process?"

Ian follows her into an office that previously didn't exist when they adopted their son. He's nervous going into the office, but hopeful that something good might come out of this impromptu meeting.

"Okay so, I'm going to see about wavering the classes since you already had them for Blake. I am not sure I can do anything about the home visit though. Have things changed at all?"

"No, we still have the same house. Trace and I have talked though about maybe moving into a larger house though. We want to have room to grow."

She clicked around on her computer a little bit. She smiles a couple times as she looks back and forth from Ian to the computer. Ian's anxiety decreases slightly as they work on the computer.

"Well, it looks the young man you have..."

Suddenly, Ian's phone goes off and he glances at the name on the screen. It's Trace, so he quickly takes the call.

"Is anything wrong?"

"Yeah...the kid we were hoping to adopt is going to be placed in a home."

"Sorry Babe, I guess it's back to the drawing board huh?"


"Have you told you Blake?"

"Yeah, he was a little upset. We are going to go back to searching."

"Love you Trace!"

"Love you too."

The call is ended and Ian's attention is back on Kelly.

"Sorry that was my husband; I think he told me what you were going to tell me. The kid we were hoping to adopt is already taken."

She frowns a little up at Ian. Her face says it all. Ian feels a bit sad since they have to restart the search for a kid, but he's hoping the next one will be their next son. Kelly gets a call on her office phone and walks out of the office in a hurry. After she leaves, Sally comes into the room.

"Mrs. Conrad asked me to tell you that she'll continue to assist you in any way possible but she needed to step away from a while. She'll call if she hears anything."

He smiled and reaches out his hand to shake with her.

"Thanks again Sally."

"You're welcome Mr. Richards."

Ian shakes her hand and then he heads out to deliver his care package. Once it's dropped off, he leaves to take care of Blake's project.


Fifteen minutes later, Ian arrives at home eager to tell Trace about his conversation with Kelly Conrad. She didn't promise a kid, but what she did say was music to his ears. The closer he gets to the office the more excited he gets. He stands at the doorway and smiles.

"Trace, I got good news from Kelly Conrad, Blake's social worker. She was doing something at her computer while I was at the center. I think she was searching for potential matches for us. She said she would help us in any way possible."

Trace turns around and smiles at his husband. Hearing that she was willing to help them out has warmed his heart. Blake looks at his dads from the chair next to Trace.

"Is she really going to help us out Dad?"

Ian looks at his son.

"She helped us with your adoption, so I think she would help us with this adoption."

Blake looks awestruck. He hopes she keeps her promise, as do his dads. It doesn't totally make up for not getting confirmation on the kid they wanted, but it goes a long way in making them feel better about it.


Couple of hours later, and the family go out house hunting and grocery shopping. When they arrive back at home, Trace picks up the landline's handset and listens to the voicemail. There is a message from Mrs. Conrad on the landline's voice mail. Trace can't believe his ears.

"Ian get in here now!"

Ian comes running into the living to find out what his husband wants. Course, his heart is pounding because he thinks that something is wrong. When he stands next to Trace, there are tears coming down his husband's face.

"Babe, what's wrong?"

"Kelly Conrad left a message on the voicemail. The reason she left her office so quickly is that the police found a little boy and his mother was nowhere to be seen. They've been missing for a few days. I can attest to that because I've had to canvass the neighborhood earlier in the week. Anyway, she wants to place him in our home. He looks a little like you. He fits our age range, and he needs a home. Problem is we need our new home like tomorrow. She told her husband about our problem and he has a house that he thinks would be perfect for us. It's got five bedrooms and plenty of places to make this work. I think we should look at we should take it. She sent pictures to our email. It's still within the school system. It might even be closer to the school."

Even Ian's eyes are welling up.

"Blake get down here."

Blake walks into the room and sees his dads' eyes. He can see the expressions on their faces, and he knows whatever this is, that it's not bad. He pieces their expressions and their tears together. His eyes well up too.

"I...I...have a brother?"

Trace stares at him and smiles while Ian manages to get the words out of his mouth.

"Yes, his name is Collin, and he is going to need you."

"What do you mean?"

Ian stares at Trace because he isn't sure he can say it. The thought makes him sick. All he wants is to make things right for this little guy or try too. Blake waits for an answer but he can feel the sadness radiating from his dads.

"Collin was found wandering without any parents. The police cannot find his mother, and it looks like foul play. He's not saying much and Kelly said they want him in a home, like now. First though, we need a house, and yes we are moving."

"Are we really moving?"

"Afraid so, but we'll still be in the same school system. We are going to see the house tomorrow so we'll know exactly where it's located. Do you want to see it too?"

Blake simply nods his head affirmatively.

"Then it's final, Collin is going to be our new son and your little brother. The next week is going to be incredibly busy so better get some rest. I am going to take time off work to help move and then I also get time to be around Collin once he is home."

Blake runs to his room and texts Ben the news. Ben is happy for that the adoption is going to work, but scared for the move. Trace and Ian have also headed off to bed.


So I promised something special and I meant it. This paragraph is an introduction to one of the new stories. It is called In the Business and it features Alex Garcia, 28, and Bishop Smith, 25, as they develop their relationship. All characters and places completely fictional. All characters are the creation of the author and though they may resemble a living or dead person, their lives are purely fictional.

You should also be aware that the chapter this clip comes from has not been officially written and therefore may change from what is here, but the overall idea will be the same:

All day yesterday Michael has been telling Bishop that Alex isn't what he seems. It's given him much to think about over the past day. As he is sitting there contemplating over what's been said, there is a knock on the door. Looking out his peephole, he can see that it is Michael, one of his friends. Opening the door, he greets Michael who comes inside carrying a manila folder.

"You've got to see this? I've got the proof you wanted about Alex."

"Okay let me see it."

Bishop doesn't want to see whatever the folder holds. What if Michael is right and Alex is this...this porn star, what does it do to what he felt yesterday at the beach? He wants to have sex with Alex, but he also wants a future with him. Can he build a relationship with someone whose working in the adult industry? Michael spreads out the photos all over the coffee table. Sure enough, the pictures are all of Alex and they are either solo shots or shots of him in various action shots.

"See I told you, he's a porn star."

As Bishop looks at the pictures, he becomes intrigued by what he's seeing, and his cock is beginning to get hard.

"Yeah, I think that is proof, but I want to talk with Alex before I make a decision either way. I really clicked with him during our talk on the beach yesterday."

Michael is shocked by his friend's comment. He's surprised that his friend is even considering talking with this guy. After all, he's a porn star. Bishop feels like there is more to this guy besides his large cock and his sexy body. He felt some of Alex's spirit while they were walking yesterday. He wants to feel it again and maybe just maybe see where this leads.

"Please tell me, you won't talk to him again."

"I can't make that promise. I just can't."

Michael gathers up is pictures and looks his friend in shock.

"Dude, he lied to you."

"No he didn't, he told me he was an entertainer, and he certainly entertains."

Michael turns and leaves the house leaving Bishop with one picture of Alex nude as he's resting by a pool while sitting in a lounge chair. Bishop wonders what Alex will say when he talks to him about this.


So I promised something special and I meant it. This paragraph is an introduction to one of the new stories. It's called Love from the Ashes and it features Jamie Best age 29, and Cameron Lockheart, 26, as they develop their relationship. All characters and places are made up. All characters are the creation of the author and though they may resemble a living or dead person, their lives are purely fictional.

You should also be aware that the chapter this clip comes from has not been officially written and therefore may change from what is here, but the overall idea will be the same:

Jamie is sitting in the waiting area as the puppies are treated for whatever issues being in the burning home might have caused besides the smoke inhalation and the burns. As he sits, he is praying for their recovery. After a couple hours, someone approaches Jamie. He looks up to see a cute guy who stands around 5'7" with brown hair, and deep brown eyes. There are tears forming in those brown eyes that Jamie is fixated on and it makes him want Cameron even more. He knows whatever this guy is going to say isn't good.

"I'm sorry Mr. Best, Doctor Dillion, feels most of the puppies will not recover from their injuries. For some reason though one of the bitches looks like she might pull through."

Cameron is amazed that he was able to hold it together long enough to talk with this amazing looking firefighter. He doesn't want to take his eyes off the 6'1" stud sitting in front of him.

"Thank you, would you please call me when the puppies pass, I want to bury them if possible, and please call me when the other puppy pulls through?"

`I'll do anything for you.'

"Sure no problem. I'll be happy too. Are you headed home then?"

"Yes, I am."

`I don't want you too; I want you to come with me.'

Jamie has seen his fair share of hot guys, but this shorter guy has hit Jamie where it counts. He wants to stay up late, cuddle and talk into the early hours with this guy that he knows nothing about. Cameron somehow feels the same way. He wants to know what those muscles would feel like as they held him safely as they talked. Maybe, Mr. Best is the guy to make him forget the pain from his past.


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