Blakes Saga

Published on Oct 17, 2022


Blake's Saga V Chapter 7

Warning: This story does not contain any sex. None of the characters are based on real people, nor are they meant to resemble any living or dead people. The car license used in this story came from a car tag generator and is believed to be fake for the use of this chapter. The Amber alert is designed after an actual amber alert; the name of the character used in the amber alert was generated by a name generator, as always.

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Blake's Saga

Book 5 – Chapter 7 – Part 1

The Gift

Blake is leaving his second-hour class and heading to his locker. When he is just about there, a friend stops him, and he pauses to speak with them for a minute or two. This pause gives Jamal enough time near Blake's locker to place the bag by the locker. Blake turns around and heads to his locker. Jamal wastes no time leaving the area without being seen. Blake gets to his locker and looks down at what's at his feet; the bag. Picking it up, he places it inside his locker. While he is there, he also grabs his books for his next class and heads out for his class.


After 5th hour, he's ready for lunch. He drops his books and grabs the gift bag. Entering the lunchroom, Blake joins his friends.

"Looks like the secret admirer strikes again?"

Rick asks as he points at the gift bag. Juan and Riley smile at Blake.

" you something nice?"

Riley asks his friend about what is in the bag. Blake digs into his gift bag, pulling out a 9.75" X 7.5" notebook and some gel pens. The mystery guy included a note too. He takes the letter out of the bag. Unfolding the note, he starts to read the words written by his admirer.

"Dear Blake,

I hope you put this notebook and the pens to good use. I can't wait to step out and meet you. We'll see each other soon."

Blake's stomach is tied in knots over the idea of meeting his secret admirer. He puts everything back in the bag. When he places the last item into the bag, Ian drops off a bag that contains his son's lunch. Eyeing the gift bag, Ian says nothing as he turns to leave after some small talk with his son. Before lunch is over, he leaves the cafeteria with his bag in hand.


Blake heads down to his dad's room, so he wants to show his dad the gift bag and its contents. Walking into the room, he walks up to the table where his dad is sitting.

"Hey, Dad, look what my admirer left for me."

Ian looks at his son. He doesn't look very happy.

"Look, Blake, I know you are excited, but this is strange. This kid is leaving gifts for you. Hope, he isn't luring you into a trap."

Ian isn't the one to be a downer; however, Trace is the one who is more suspicious of others' actions. Their oldest son cannot believe his ears.

"Dad, this doesn't feel like a trap. Can't you just be happy for me?"

Blake doesn't even show his dad what his admirer gave him. He walks out of the room without saying anything, without listening to his dad. Ian will continue this conversation later.


Honestly, Blake should have listened to his dad instead of walking away. As mature as Blake may appear, he is still a teenager; and that means getting attitude at times. Ian loves his son, so he ignores the attitude. If this had happened at home, it might not have been ignored. For now, though, he has class to prepare for, so he gets busy. No idea what will happen at home. He can't determine if this secret admirer is a friend or foe. Ian wants the kid to be a friend to his son. Still, he can only wait and see what happens. Ian hopes that nothing bad happens to him.


It's after school, and Ryan went to pick up Riley, and now they have shown up at Blake's house. Ian answers the door and sends them up to the bedroom.

"Hey Blake, what's up?"

Blake is surprised to see his friends. Do they know anything about the secret admirer? Ryan won't know anything about the secret admirer unless Riley has mentioned something.

"Do you guys know anything about my secret admirer?"

Ryan looks at Blake. He's a little confused.

"Wait, you have a secret admirer?"

Riley's boyfriend asks as he looks at his friend.

"Yeah, he's been sending me notes, and today he sent me a gift bag with stuff in it and a note."

Riley looks at Blake and shrugs his shoulders.

"No, no, I don't know."

This is pretty much what Blake thought would be Riley's thoughts. Blake knew asking them was risky because of Riley's memory.

"Thanks, Riley!"

Blake pats him on the back. Ryan and Riley stay a bit longer, staying long enough to catch their friend up on what's new in their lives.


Blake is up in his room; when Trace gets home, and his dad isn't happy with the situation. It's important to note that in no way is Trace angry at Blake. Though, he's not pleased with his son over the attitude thrown at Ian.


Trace calls out to his oldest son. His son grudgingly comes downstairs.

"Yes, Dad! Should I sit down, or can I just stand up?"

Ian cannot believe the attitude that their son has been throwing around today. He might not have had the attitude if Trace hadn't yelled at him. Trace is holding in some of the anger before he explodes on Blake. He heard how their son walked out on his husband at school earlier then, on top of it, he had to respond to a domestic battery case that was very much one-sided.

"Look, this attitude isn't cutting it for me, son. Tune it down so we can talk."

Trace says to Blake. Blake may not hear all the emotions inside of his dad, but Trace's showing it, which doesn't sit well with Blake. The young man doesn't do a good job of holding stuff inside.

"Like you are doing such a good job of it."

Ian thinks Trace is at the end of his rope with this one.

"Blake, Trace, the two of you need to calm down and come back and talk."

Trace nods his head because he knows he is holding back, which isn't fair to Blake. Course, Blake needs to calm down as well. Father and Son go their own way for a little while.


Once again, Trace, Ian, and Blake come together to talk. Trace and Blake sit down together, and they start talking.

"Dad, why are the two of you making such a big deal out of it. It's just a bag of gifts."

Blake doesn't get it, and Trace wants his son to understand why they are upset. The question is will Blake listen to his dads.

"We are making a big deal out of this because you aren't. I need you to just listen. You need to be careful, Blake. I'm not saying this guy is fake, but you aren't taking this seriously."

Blake isn't sure what he should be worried about because he doesn't see any problems with it. As far as he's concerned, Ian and Trace are being silly.

"Dads' come on, it's a secret admirer, that's all. He's not out to get me."

Trace shakes his head. His son doesn't get the risk.

"Look, Blake, we would love for you to find someone, but you don't know who this person is. What if it's a predator getting ready to suck you into a trap?"

Trace finishes talking and waits for his words to sink into his son's head. Blake cannot prove that the secret admirer isn't a predator, but he doesn't understand why a predator would be at the high school during school hours. But then he thinks back to Mr. Reyes, and he realizes that maybe there could be an issue. Blake knows in his heart that everything is okay.

"Look, Trace, Ian; I know right now that some things don't add up, but I want you to wait and see what happens."

Trace and Ian can't argue with their son. Jamal's actions may be borderline stalkerish, but he hopes his admirer proves his dads are wrong.


Collin goes outside to play while everyone is talking. He is playing alone, hoping his dad won't keep Blake much longer. He seems to be watching the neighbor's dog. He wants a dog like his neighbor has so he has a friend to play with when everyone is busy. A puppy would be so cool. Course, the dog would be Blake's friend too. Now how does he convince his dads to get a puppy? Blake ends up going outside to think.


Blake has to get out of the house. He walks out the patio door and right out into the backyard. He finds himself spending time with his little brother. After Collin goes inside, Blake reflects on his discussion with his dads.

`I know Trace and Ian are just being cautious, but they should trust my instincts on the matter.'

Blake knows he is right. There is no doubt that Blake is correct, but his dads are right, also. He decides that maybe he needs to look at this from his dad's perspective.

"I can't ignore the fact that my secret admirer does seem to know a lot about my family and me. I'm one of the friendliest guys at school. He could come up to me at any time to talk.'

Maybe, his dads have a point after all, but his admirer must have a reason for acting the way he is; Blake just doesn't know why he's acting this way. He hopes that maybe his admirer will reveal himself, and then Trace and Ian will relax a bit about the secret admirer thing.


The next day at school, Blake isn't sure what to expect, but he's hoping that his admirer will make himself known. He gets to his locker right after breakfast and finds yet another note. Quietly, he stuffs it away in his planner without even reading it.

`Why won't he just reveal himself?'

It would be nice if they would just come out of the shadows already. Blake wants to know their identity. He's hoping that one of his friends will recognize the handwriting, or maybe they have seen whoever is dropping stuff at his locker. How can this guy be so secretive?


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Next: Chapter 47: Blakes Saga V 7b

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