Blakes Saga

Published on Jun 29, 2017


Blake's Saga IV Part 2

Warning: This story does not contain any sex. None of the characters are based on real people nor are they meant to resemble any living or dead people.

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Copyright ©2010-2016,2017

Family – Brother's Letter

Book IV - Chapter 2

Brother's Letter

Trace, Ben, and Blake have pulled up to the house together. As they get out of the car Trace looks at Blake and asks.

"Can you get the mail Blake and bring it into the house?"

"Sure Dad, I'll grab it."

Blake gets the mail out of the box and turns towards the house. Ben walks up to Blake and takes his hand, and together they approach the house. Usually, Blake would get the mail and have it sorted before he gets into the house, Ben and him talk as they walk up to the house.

"You know my parents expect me to get my homework done before I do anything else."

Ben just rolls his eyes because; he knows what they expect from Blake. He wonders if they will expect the same thing out of the kid that they are adopting. The more he thinks about it, the more he realizes that of course they will require the same things from the new kid as they do Blake. They continue talking as they enter the house. The minute they are in the house, Blake begins sorting the mail into the proper slots in their little mail box thing that Ian had made for Trace on one of his birthdays. After mail sorting, they head into kitchen for some lemonade. With some drinks in them, they head upstairs so they can do their homework. Somethings are more fun with your boyfriend, and homework is one such thing. Even small talk is fine as long as they are working together. The sounds of footsteps on the stairs can only mean that one of the adults in the house is coming up the stairs.


The door to Blake's room is open and it's not long before Trace is standing in the doorway. He stands there looking into the room to see what the teens are up too. Convinced that everything is okay, he then looks at Blake and speaks.

"You missed a piece of mail Son."


"Here you go."

Trace reaches out the sealed envelope to Blake. Once the piece of mail is in Blake's hands, Trace turns and leaves the room as Blake glances down at the letter.

"Who is the letter from?"

Ben asks out of curiosity.

"It's from my older brother, Simon."

Holding it in his hands, Blake wonders if Simon's letter is tainted with hate or warm with love. It seems like forever since his older brother left on his mission, and now that he's home it is wonderful. It is not easy to schedule impromptu trips out west but hopefully he'll be able to see him either on video chat or in person.

"Well, are you going to open it or not?"

`Do I want to open it now or wait till I am alone? I think I'll wait.'

He wants to open it, sit back, and just read the letter without having to explain anything to Ben. Ben can hear about the letter after Blake has a chance to read it and process it.

"Nah, let's relax a little, I want to spend time with you."

Ben does not understand why Blake is not tearing into the letter. If he had received a letter from a friend back home, a minute wouldn't go by before that envelope would be opened and the letter would be in his hands. It's Blake's choice though, so he has no right to ask his boyfriend why he isn't reading it. Blake sets the letter up on his bed and goes back to his homework. After their homework is done, and the guys have a chance to relax a bit, Ben decides it's time to go home. Together, they head downstairs to see Trace about giving Ben a ride home. Trace agrees and the guys head off towards the car. As much as Blake likes to spend time with Ben, he cannot wait to get back home to his room and to the envelope on the bed.


When they get back home, the anticipation is too much and Blake is both excited and scared all at the same time. He runs upstairs as fast as he can safely go. Jumping onto the bed, he grabs the envelope just as it begins to fall to the ground. He carefully unfolds the letter and begins to read it.

"Dearest Blake,

How are you? I am good. Mom and Dad sat down with me on the first night that I was home, and they explained everything about your situation to me. They told me about how you ended up living in Indiana. I am deeply saddened by their actions, however I also very happy that they have a chance to be in your life again. I can't say that I ever thought of you as being gay. I honestly had no clue. You must have God on your side considering that you were safe on the streets until you found your family in Indiana. I don't know Trace and Ian but from what our folks have told me, they seem to be amazing people. I think that you are going to go places little brother. I love you.

Now, I know you're wondering where I stand on you and your life. I am not giving up on my beliefs however, I love you and because of that, I can be your big brother, and I can love you forever. You will always be in my life. Don't ever stop being my brother. I had better be invited to your wedding, because if I am not, I will invite myself. Would you ever adopt? I hope so Blake because I really want to spoil my future nieces and nephews.

I want to see you Blake, and I want to visit with your dads. Do you think they would be okay with me staying at the house? If there is something, you would like to do, then call me. Here is my number 208-555-5550. Call me! Love you Buddy!"

It wasn't a long letter, but it was still exciting nonetheless. He isn't going to reply to the letter at least not right now. He would rather call Simon and talk with him.


Knowing Ben wanted to know what the letter said, Blake gets on the phone and calls him. It takes a few seconds for Ben to answer.

"Blake, what's going on?"

"I read the letter and I can't wait to see and talk with my brother.

Ben is quiet and he is dying to know what Blake's brother said in the letter, but he won't push things. Next thing Ben knows Blake begins to read the letter to Ben. As he listens, Ben begins to smile as he realizes that Simon is an okay guy. He's hoping that Simon truly means what he says.

"Do you think he'll be okay with you being in a relationship?"

Blake is surprised by Ben's question. Didn't he hear what Blake just read, Simon is going to be okay with their relationship.

"Yeah, he's going to be okay with us. Didn't you hear what I read to you?"

Ben gets a little upset with the way that Blake responded to him.

"Blake, you know I was listening. I always listen to you."

Problem is Blake cannot see what Ben is doing on the other side of the phone. He can hear the edge on his boyfriend's voice, a tell tale sign that he's upset. He wants to let it go, so he hopes Ben will do so too. Luckily, his boyfriend remains quiet for the most of the call.

"I'm sorry Blake, I didn't mean to get upset. I love you."

Blake smiles both at the apology and those last three words. It feels so good to hear him apologize.

"Thanks Babe. I love you too."

"I have to go."

Ben says and he immediately ends the call. Blake feels a little put out by it. Blake sets his phone down and then leaves his room.


Blake comes downstairs to share the letter with his dads, whom he finds sitting in the dining room.

"Do you want to hear what my brother has to say in his letter?"

"Course we want to about your letter."

Ian says looking at Blake. Trace too says that he wants to hear.

Blake pulls the letter from the envelope and starts reading it. His dads are listening to every word that their son is saying. His dads do not say much but they do offer an occasional smile. It is hard for Blake to know what is going on in their heads. He stops worrying about what they're thinking and relaxes a bit more. He realizes that they will speak up when he is done. When he's done reading the letter, he carefully folds it and puts it away. Despite not worrying, he questions their silence during the reading of the letter.

"Is everything okay? You just seemed off while I was reading."

Blake may have opened a can of worms. Trace looks at his husband as he tries to come up with the words to say. Blake is beginning to wish that he had not asked his dad's the question. Ian and Trace still haven't said anything to him.

"Blake, do you believe what your brother wrote?"

Ian asks wanting to get a sense of Blake's feelings.

"Yeah, I believe him. Simon and I have always been close. He's never given me any reason to doubt him."

Blake could have taken what Ian said the wrong way, but he did not. He knows that his dads are just watching over him. They don't want him being hurt from a family that has a history of being mean.

"Blake, Ian and I are just worried that Simon isn't being truthful."

"Relax, I know you're just watching out for me, but I trust my brother and I know he wouldn't hurt me."

Trace and Ian hope that Blake's trust in his brother is not misplaced. Blake needs to check on the animals, so he leaves and his dads to do just that.


While Blake is off checking on the pets, his dads are still sitting there in the dining room. They may not totally trust Simon's words, but they trust Blake's guy instincts.

"I'm worried about what might happen if Simon breaks Blake's trust."

Trace nods his head in agreement.

`I'm afraid to say anything because; I don't want to curse Blake. I want good things for our son.'

While it doesn't sit well with Trace, but he's trying to be positive. If Simon is being real then things will be good, but IF he is lying then Blake could be broken.

`What was that line the letter "I am not giving up on my beliefs, however, I love you and because of that I can be your brother, and I can love you." It bothers me just a little.'

Ian's thoughts are easily dismissed because he realizes that Trace is right. If he wants good things for Blake then he has to trust Simon, but something is holding him back. Trace too finds himself doubting everything that Simon says in his letter. Time can only confirm or dismiss the guys' opinions of Blake's older brother.


Blake pulls out his journal to record some thoughts. Taking out his letter from its envelope he scans over it before putting it away. Taking his pen off his headboard, he opens his journal up to the first empty page. Taking off the cap, he puts the pen to paper and begins writing.

"Simon has been gone for two years serving a mission for the church, and now I find myself reading and rereading his letter. I have read it to my boyfriend and also to my dads. I am not sure that I liked their reactions, they don't seem to trust my brother. They may not but I trust him with all my heart. When he says that he can't wait to meet my dads, then he really cannot wait to see them. I also know that Simon cannot wait to see Ben. He really does want to attend my wedding. I guess everyone else will have to see that Simon is in fact being completely honest in his letter. Love you big brother."

His entry is much more than he anticipated, because he's tired. He closes up his journal and puts the cap back on his pen.


The next day has arrived and Trace and Ian are thinking they really need to find a new house. Breakfast has come and gone and everyone is sitting around the house. Around 10:30, they get a call from one of Trace's friends from work. Apparently, there is a house up for auction that meets their needs. After hearing about the house and the money that they have to put towards the house. They discuss the house and the money that they have to put towards the house. At first, they are afraid that maybe the house would slip through the cracks. Either, they wouldn't be able to afford the house or someone would out bid them. It didn't take long for Ian and Trace to put calls out to their parents, trying to get some extra money. Their parents reached out to their siblings and other family families members. Their parents contact a cousin who is a lawyer to look everything over in connection with the house. Trace and Ian look at the address of the house and decide to drive out to see the house. They invite Blake to head out with them. When they reach the house, they can't enter it, but they can check out the house from the car, and what they see impresses them enough to go forward with the purchase of the house. They leave the house behind and go back home.


At home with the help of their cousin, they sit behind the computer and search for information on the house. Trace and Ian dig into taxes, existing liens if any, or any other debts that might be lurking out there. The search revealed nothing, which is surprising to everyone at the house and on the phone. Everything so far checks out and that is a good sign for the family. Right then and there, they decide on the price that they are willing to pay on the house. They are looking at paying $500,000 dollars to put towards the house. With the amount picked for their bid, they do what they have too to put up their bid for the house.


Now all they can do is wait, wait to see if they get their bid accepted. It seems like forever since their bid was placed for the auction, and then magic happens. They receive a call that the house belongs to them. Trace and Ian gave a celebratory shout and then leave the office. Ian goes downstairs to start a great dinner of Chinese stir-fry. Trace tracks down Blake who is hanging out in his room.

"Hey Blake, I got some good news for you. We won the bid on the house and from what I understand, we can move in just two weeks or so. We need the house to be packed up."

The smile on Blake's face is amazing because they can bring Collin home hopefully once they move into the new house.

"Cool Dad, I can't wait to move out and let everyone come over and enjoy it."

Trace shakes his head and just smirks. Trace doesn't care if Blake has people spend time at the house.

"Okay kid, just do me a favor, no crazy parties okay? Ian would leave me if the new house gets messed up. I'll let you get back to whatever you are doing."

Trace gets on the phone and tells his parents that they got the house, and then he calls Ian's parents and tells them about the house. With the calls over, his husband who is eager to help dinner finished a little bit faster if possible, joins Ian in the kitchen. Ian loves having his sexy husband working in the kitchen with him. It takes another 10 minutes for dinner to get done and then Trace calls Blake down for dinner. When dinner is done, the guys relax a little in the living room.


Up in his room, Blake is feeling a bit homesick. The feeling isn't going away. He wants to have more contact with his family, but time does not always allow him to have the kind of contact that he would like. It's hard sometimes to be so far away from them. Things have got a little harder since Simon has come home to Idaho. He feels like he's missing out on so much in their lives. For now, he'll have to get busy on some project of his so his mind can focus on it instead of his family


The next day after lunch Blake goes up to his room to reach out to his older brother. He opens up the envelope and digs out the letter to find his brother's phone number. He carefully uses his fingers to enter the number into this phone. Even though he knows his brother loves him, he is still feeling a little nervous. He cannot help but feel a little anxious, because he's a little afraid that Simon still might reject him.

"Hello! Blake is this actually you?"

Blake is laughing because he can hear the nervousness in his brother's voice.

"Yes, it's me. Who else would be calling you?"

"Hmmm...maybe some friends or maybe my girlfriend but for the record, I'm glad that you called, but honestly I was expecting a letter not a phone call."

Blake understands why Simon was expecting a letter, but this phone call is just what the doctor ordered

"Well you know about me being sent away to Indiana. Well, when I made it here, I ended up living on the streets but was found by the greatest couple in the world, Trace and Ian are the greatest dads. I've been bullied since I've lived here and even found love here."

`I knew when I found out that he was gay, that he would face some bullying but there was a part of me that was hoping he wouldn't find love, but I'm glad that he's happy.'

He doesn't believe that anyone should go thought this life alone, no matter their sexuality.

"So does this love have a name?"

"Ben, my boyfriend's name is Ben. He is the sweetest and the most handsome guy that I know. Someday, I'm going to marry him."

A part of Simon is glad that his brother has found someone, but there is a part of him that wanted to cry when Blake said that he would marry Ben. In the end, if Blake is happy with Ben, then he needs to get over himself and be happy for him.

"I hope Ben makes you happy. You deserve to be happy."

"Thanks Simon."

Blake smiles as he thanks his brother. Wonder what Blake would think, if he knew about his brother, if he knew about his brother's coming close to tears at the thought of his brother wanting to marry Ben. At least Blake is in good hands with his brother. Blake isn't going to lose his brother one way or another and it's all good to him.

"Sorry Blake, I really need to run. I will talk to you later."

Blake didn't want to end the call. This conversation is the first one that either of them have had with each other in two years, and he doesn't want it to end, but it has too.

"I'll talk to you later, but I really don't want you to go."

"Sorry bro, but I do need to get going."

With that, the guys end the call.


While Blake is upstairs on the phone, Ian and Trace are downstairs in the living room. They are discussing what they need to do in order to finish up the move. They have been packing up some stuff but there are somethings that they will need help with such as the major appliances and the large pieces of furniture.

"We need to do a walk-through of the house room by room and decide what goes to the resale shop and what we are going to be keeping."

Ian says as he looks at Trace and then he looks around the room.

"Okay, let's get it done."

Trace says as he gets up and makes his way to the office to grab a notebook and pen or pencil. Returning to the living room, Trace and Ian make make it through the room before heading off into the rest of the house. Slowly, they make their way through the rest of the house cataloging everything that they agreed needed to be packed up and everything else is simply being given away or taken to the resale shop. When they are done, the guys sit back down in the living and continue to plan their move into the new house. Over the next hour, they get everything else lined up that will help them with their goal. Ian's happy because everything is planned out and ready to go.


Ian has dinner already on the table and everyone has dinner on their plates. Ian walks into the living room and tells Trace that it's time to eat. Going to the stairs, he calls up to his son too. Blake runs down the stairs to the dining room to get ready to eat. After eating, Ian decides that it is time to talk about the move.

"Blake, you have two days to finish packing up your room. We need to get the house packed up and ready for the movers. I am glad that we've got most of the house wrapped up but we have so much more to get done. We have a bunch of people lined up to help us out, but we really need you to help out too."

Blake didn't know how much more they have left to do. They still have quite a bit more to do.

"Okay Dad, I will do whatever you want me to do."

Blake is super excited about the move so, he'll gladly do whatever is needed to get them moved.

"Are we not going to school over the next two days?"

Ian was quiet while he thought about the situation. Trace can see his husband thinking over their son's question.

"So what do you think?"

He isn't sure what to think about Blake's question because he really needs to be in school because the year is wrapping up and that could mean finals.

"Blake, I would rather have you in school than at home, however, we need your help."

There is no doubt that his dads could use his help.

"I guess, I'll go upstairs and pack up the rest of my stuff."

Blake says as he gets up from the table. Sometimes, he makes the guys happy when they see him helping or doing the right things just because it's the right thing. His dads are doing the same thing in their bedroom and in the office. When it's time to go to bed, they call it a night and leave the boxes right where they are for now.


The next day, a few hours after breakfast amid all the packing, Blake gets a phone call from home. It's Simon calling from home. He has a question for his little brother. Blake immediately answers the call.

"Hey Simon, what's up?"

"Question little bro, do you think that I could come for a visit?"

There is too much going on with the adoption and the move. On the other hand, he really wants to see his brother.

"I need to check with my dads but I want to see you, so let me talk to them and then I'll call you back."

"Sounds good Blake."

"Do you think they'll let me come?"

Knowing how his dads want him to have contact with his birth family, he cannot imagine that they would stop him from visiting.

"I don't think they'll stop you from coming and I know they'll love you."

"Doesn't make me feel any less nervous."

Ian and Trace pose no risk to Blake's brother.

`He needs to stop worrying so much.'

"As long as you love me, there isn't going to be an issue."

It does help Simon to hear his brother talking that way about his dads. It tells him that they really do love him. After a brief conversation, the guys end their calls and they move on to whatever they are going to do next. Blake knows he needs to talk to his dads.


Walking into the office, he finds them packing stuff away in the office. Ian doesn't want to pack away the router and the computer just yet because that little voice in his head says to wait on it. There are plenty of bits and pieces to pack up like the extra reams of printer paper, notebooks, and other non-essential bits.

"Trace, Ian, Simon just called to ask if he and come visit. What do you think?"

His dads turn and look at each other and start talking amongst themselves. It doesn't take long for them to reach a decision.

"Okay, but he can't visit until after we are moved into the house."

Trace says as Ian nods his head in agreement. Blake similes at his dads.


"You're welcome, now go finish up in your room."

Blake does exactly what he is told and goes back to his room to finish his work. It takes a couple hours for him to wrap things up in his room. Now, he has just one thing left to do before lunch.


Blake goes to his phone log and clicks on Simon's number. It doesn't take long for the call to be accepted by his older brother.

"Simon here, is this Blake?"

"Yes, it is Simon. I have good news. My dads gave permission for you to come visit. Problem is we are getting ready to move into a new house, so they thought it might be easier for you to visit once we are in the new house."

Simon is amazed that they actually gave permission. He is amazed that since they are gay, that they might have issues with him being the same religion as his parents. Maybe, everything is okay after all with his brother.

"Well, how much time do you need?"

Blake runs through the time schedule through his head.

"I think about 2 weeks."

Simon doesn't want to wait to see his brother but if that is what they want then so be it.

"I don't wait but if I have too, then I will."

"Sorry Simon, but I have to listen to my parents."

For Simon, it feels weird to hear his brother refer to Trace and Ian as parents after all his parents live in Idaho. Blake wants to see him just as much but he realizes that they need to be able to pack up the house and move without distraction.

"No sweat little brother, I completely understand. I'll wait and see you after you move."

There is a hint of disappointment but there isn't much that Blake can do about it.

"Oh good, I found you. Is that Simon?"

Blake turns and looks at his father.

"Yeah, it's Simon. Why what is going on?"

"Ian said that if Simon wants to come here earlier he can come as soon as he can, he can stay here and help with the move. If that is okay with him?"

Blake takes a second or two to relay the information that Trace just gave him to Simon. In another two seconds, Simon gives his answer. Simon and Blake hang up the phone allowing Blake to get back to his packing.


An hour later, Kelly Conrad calls Ian to discuss an idea of hers.

"Mr. Richards would you like to meet your future son?"

At first Trace has no idea who is on the phone but it isn't long till he does realize what the phone call is all about and he loves it.

"Mrs. Conrad with your permission, I would like to put you speaker so that my husband can participate in the call as well."

Trace just stares at Ian waiting for a clue as to what is going on with this phone call.

"That's fine Mr. Richards, go ahead and put the call on speaker. I think your husband would want to hear what I have to say."

Now Trace is even more curious about what Mrs. Conrad has to say. Knowing how she helped them out with Blake, Trace's heart is pounding.

"Is this about Collin?"

"Yes, it is about Collin, and I have a little surprise for you."

Now, she even has Ian's attention.

"Okay, I'll bite what is the surprise?"

She quietly moves Collin up by her in preparation for the surprise.

"I'm not going to tell you just yet, but you'll find out soon enough."

"No offense, but I'm ready for this surprise."

Trace feels like she is playing a game.

"Normally, I dislike impatient people but in this case, it's all good."

Trace and Ian are beside themselves as they try and figure out what the surprise is that Kelly has for them. Blake walks into the room just as Mrs. Conrad is ready to reveal the bombshell.

"I have a young man with me who wants to see you guys. Is Blake with you?"

"I am Mrs. Conrad."

"Hi Blake. Are you guys ready for my surprise?"

Altogether, all three guys said they were ready. She opened her laptop and brought up Skype.

"Okay guys, can you bring up Skype on your computer or laptop."

Everything is set for the surprise and the guys are a bit anxious to find out what exactly it is that is waiting for them. Kelly ends the call and smiles at Collin. Collin smiles and he nods his head, which says it all. He is more than ready to meet the people who want to save him from his loneliness.


In an instant, Kelly appears on the screen in front of the guys.

"Hi guys, are you ready for your surprise?"

"Of course, we are ready let's get to it."

Even Ian is feeling a bit impatient. The guys are all feeling weary.

"Ian, Trace, and Blake, this is Collin. Collin, these are your dads and your brother, Blake."

At first, Collin seems unsure over having two dads, but he is all about having a big brother. Trace, Ian, and Blake are both excited because they are seeing Collin for the very first time.

"Hi Collin!"

They all say it at the same time. Collin is feeling a bit overwhelmed with the new faces and everyone saying hello at the same time.

"Are you excited to come live with us?"

Ian asks looking at his future son on the screen.

"Yeah, but I'm also a little scared."

They don't want him being afraid, but they can understand him being scared. It's a huge adjustment not just for Collin, but for his future family too. Blake perhaps is even more understanding after all he's faced being on the streets and even having a new parents to get use too.

"You don't have to be scared because you have all of us to keep you safe and you can talk to me whenever you want too or need too."

Collin didn't say anything but deep down inside of him he's smiling as he thinks about what the teenager said to him. Hearing that gives him a boost to his self-confidence as well. It might be the smile on the teens face or the words that he just spoke but he wants to get to know Blake. He's also excited for whatever the about to happen in the near future.

"You're going to have some awesome grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins that are all going to love you and spoil you."

He had one set of grandparents who tried to be in his life but then even they seemed to lose interest in him.

"Wow, I can't wait. My grandpa and grandpa don't call me or write me."

It breaks their hearts to hear that Collin does not get calls from his grandparents. Shaun and Ian want to know why there is no contact, but they don't want to press him. As they talk, Ian notices that the young man bares a slight resemblance to his dad and himself. It's enough to make him question if it's possible for him to be a relation. Collin might just stand a chance in this family despite some members of their's feeling a bit of reluctance. Ian and Trace are hoping that the family will love him once they meet him.

"Do you have any questions for us?"

Ian asks as he looks at Collin's face on the screen.

"Are...are you guys married?"

Ian and Trace both look at each other then give Collin a warm smile. They don't get this question a lot but they do see a lot of people who give them questioning looks.

"Yupe, we are."

Collin's eyes get big.

"Do you like guys too?"

Collin asks looking at Blake.

"Yeah I do."

Collin looks down at the ground with a sad look on his face.

"Is everything okay buddy?"

Blake asks he watches Collin's head begins to drop.

"I like girls, I guess I can't come live with you guys."

Without skipping a beat, Ian immediately responds.

"We want you to live with us, and it doesn't matter to us if you like girls. The important thing to us is that you are happy. If liking girls makes you happy then that is fine with us."

Kelly gives Collin a hug, knowing that if his future dads could do it, they would already have him wrapped up in a sea of arms.

"Any other questions for them Collin?"

"I can't think of any right now."

Kelly and everyone else can see that Collin is overwhelmed so she is ready to call it a night.

"Okay guys, I am going to exit out of Skype and Collin is going to get some sleep."

"Good night Collin."

Trace and Ian say as they wave at the young man.

"Sleep well, little bro."

Their screen goes black and then they exit out of the program. Everyone including Collin are excited for the future.


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Next: Chapter 32: Blakes Saga IV 3

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