Blakes Saga

Published on Jan 22, 2022


Blake's Saga V Chapter 5

Warning: This story does not contain any sex. None of the characters are based on real people, nor are they meant to resemble any living or dead people. The car license used in this story came from a car tag generator and is believed to be fake for the use of this chapter. The Amber alert is designed after an actual amber alert; the name of the character used in the amber alert was generated by a name generator, as always.

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I want to thank everyone who has emailed. I also want to thank those who have read the story. It means a lot to hear from you. Please continue reading! There is a lot more to come. I own all rights to this story.

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***** Before you start reading this chapter, there could be potential triggers in it.

Copyright ©2010-2021

Blake's Saga

Book 5 – Chapter 5


Blake and Michael are out and about. They stop at the shelter that Blake was at when Mark attempted to kidnap Blake. It may not be the best day for Blake to visit. Blake has a box of goodies to drop off for the teens. Michael pushes the doorbell. Blake is standing in view of the camera, so the security person can see who is standing outside.

"Hi, Blake!"

The buzzer goes off, which signals that the door is unlocked. Blake opens the door, and Michael carries the box into the building. They allowed them to enter the building because the staff knew Michael and Blake. The two guys realize that something is up. There is tension in the room. Blake would usually take the box into the common room so that the kids could open it up.

"Sorry, Blake, we can't let you go any further than this room. I'm afraid we have a situation going on right now. We have a boy who usually comes in every day, and he hasn't been in for a day. We immediately called the police. Some of the other kids reported seeing a red car in the area of the park where a lot of the teens seem to gather. We asked the kids to see if they got information about the car and a license plate number. They gave us the information just about 15 minutes before you got "here."

Blake is very upset about it. He's not crying, but Michael can tell that Blake is stressing about it. It wasn't even 2 minutes later when someone came out of the main office. While they were not rude, they were straightforward.

"I'm sorry, but we are going on lockdown, and you're going to have to leave the building."

Michael didn't need to be told twice.

"Come on, Dude! You can leave the box, and they'll see to it."

The teen listened to his uncle and left the care package at the door. Together, they head out to the car. Getting into the car, the duo heads off for Blake's home.


Before Michael and Blake reached the shelter, a call came over the radios about there being a kidnapping of a street kid named Shane Herbert. He was taken from Driver's Park about six blocks away from the shelter. The voice of the Dispatcher came out sounding like this:

"Attention, this is a call to all squad cars. We got a call about the kidnapping of a kid who resides part of his time at the City Center Shelter and within Driver's park. The teen's name is Shane Herbert. Shane is blonde, with blue eyes. He stands 5 ft 7 in and weighs 116 lbs. He was last seen weighing a navy blue T-shirt with a werewolf and black jeans. We don't know anything about the kidnapper. It appears that Shane entered the kidnapper's car on his own. The car is red with a black skull on the hood. Be on the lookout."

Jay Savage and Trace immediately take notice. Jay wonders if Michael knows about the kid. Trace pulls over immediately after hearing the call come over the radio.

"Trace, why are you calling me when you're supposed to be working?"

Ian asks his husband. No one at the house knows anything about the kidnapping.

"Ian, is Blake home?"

Trace sounds slightly panicked. It's never a good thing when Trace calls, and he sounds upset. Ian knows something is wrong.

"No, Blake isn't home. He's out with Michael. Trace what is going on?"

Trace doesn't want to worry his husband, but he also doesn't want him to find out the truth from someone else. Trace tenses up a bit.

"Do you remember when Blake was being groomed for a possible kidnapping? We had kids get kidnapped from the park near City Center Shelter. We are doing our best to find this kid. We believe this kid will be sent elsewhere."

Trace asks Ian and tells him what else has been going on in the city. Ian's heart sank deep into his stomach. He's holding back tears. It brings back memories of Trace and Ian's emotions when Blake had his run-in with Mark. Ian is worried about Blake? He doesn't know what memories or feelings might be hitting Blake if he knows about the kidnapping.

"Yeah, I try my best to not remember that day. I can't help but worry about Blake. Have you heard from him or Michael?"

Ian answers Trace. Trace is worried about him too, and they haven't heard from Michael, so they have no idea how their son is feeling.

"I haven't heard from Michael. I'll call him and check on Blake."

Ian is glad that his husband is calling Michael. Ian and Trace say goodbye, and Trace gets ready to call his brother.

"Trace, what is going on?"

Trace has to make sure that everything is okay. He has to know that his brother has Blake with him. Michael had better have Blake in the car. Trace has no clue that Blake knows about the missing teen.

"Michael, is Blake with you?"

Blake can hear his dad via the Bluetooth device in the car. Trace knows that Michael has this device in his car.

"Yeah, Dad, I'm with Uncle Michael. Have...have they found that kid?"

Trace isn't too happy that Blake knows about this kid. He wants Blake and Michael to return home.

"Blake, I can't give out that information. Now, I need you to go home or stay with Uncle Michael. Michael text Ian and let him know that you have Blake."

Blake heard his dad, and he got it. He will feel better at home then being out and about.

"I will, Trace. I'll keep him with me until we get home to your house."

Trace is happy to hear that Blake will be safe. He's also glad that Michael will text Ian because he can get back to work.

"Goodbye, kiddo, Goodbye Michael!"

They hang up with each other, and then Michael uses the Bluetooth device that came with his car to message Ian.

"Text Ian!"

The device starts up and asks for him to state the message.

"Ian, Trace asked me to let you know that Blake is with me. We are going to grab lunch via the drive-through, and then we'll be home."

After sending the message, Ian goes back to what he was doing before speaking with Trace, and Michael heads towards one of his favorite places to eat. When the message arrives at Ian's phone, he quickly lets Michael and Trace know it is okay.

"Michael, I received your text. It's okay with me if you grab lunch with Blake. Be safe!"

The car's Bluetooth device says the text to Michael and Trace. Now, something big is about to happen in the search for the missing kid.


As Michael and Blake head towards the restaurant and Trace returns to the search, something is about to happen that will get the word out to the entire community. The police are getting ready to send out an amber alert.

"An AMBER Alert has been issued for Shane Herbert. Shane is a 15-year-old male, 5'7" tall, 116 lbs, with blonde hair and blue eyes. He was last seen weighing a navy blue T-shirt with a werewolf and black jeans. It appears that Shane entered the kidnapper's car on his own. The car is red with a black skull on the hood. If you see Shane or the vehicle, please call the emergency number immediately. Do not approach the car; the driver is believed to be armed and dangerous. Shane is believed to be in danger."

Immediately, Shane's alert is appearing on all cell phones as usual. Now, his disappearance is spread across the entire country. Few people know what the real danger is for Shane.


Out on the streets, many people see red cars all over the place. Quite a few calls to the emergency center have come in, and all the drivers of these cars have met the police. In every case so far, the vehicles and the drivers were sent on their way. With every vehicle that isn't the kidnapper, the red car with Shane in it is able to slip past unnoticed by a large number of the population. The good news is that people are out looking for the missing teen. When Ian sees the alert, he does his best not to cry. Instead, he quietly pleads to whoever might be listening:

`I don't know if you are listening, but Shane is out there somewhere, and you may be the only being who can save him.'

Ian has seen Blake pray before, and this is as close to a prayer that Ian has ever said.


Michael and Blake are able to stop to grab lunch. This restaurant is one of Michael's favorite places to grab Mexican food. They get plenty of food for Collin and Ian, the two of them.

"Uncle Michael, I'm struggling a little."

Blake's emotions are all over the place right now. His mind is revisiting the feelings when Mark tried to groom him for kidnapping. This time around, though, it's not so much worrying about how Trace and Ian feel about him because they love him. It's the fear of being taken away from them. He doesn't want to lose them. He doesn't want to be sent away. Even though he knows that he isn't going to be kidnapped and sent away. It feels very real.

"What's going on, Blake?"

Michael knows that something is wrong. He's felt it since they left the shelter. Blake is trying to put his emotions into words.

"I know that I'm not going to be kidnapped. I know that Trace and Blake love me, but I can't stop the fear of being taken away. I just don't know how to deal with the fear."

Michael is doing his best to keep Blake calm. He doesn't want him to fear what is going on around them.

" Look, your family will keep you safe! I think we need to get us back to your house."

Michael tells Blake as they head for home. When they do get home, Ian gives his son a hug.

"Are you okay, kiddo?"

Ian says while hugging his son. It's at this exact time that Blake breaks down to tears.

"I'm...I'm scared...for...this -this kid."

Everyone older than 15 is scared for this kid. They want him returned to where he belongs. They want this stopped dead in its tracks.

"Blake, we are all scared for this kid."

Blake knows his dads are scared for this teen, and he knows that Trace will do all he can for the kid. Michael's friend, Jay, is worried and doing all he can for the kid. He has an entire police force looking for him. Ian was going to call his brother-in-law just in to see what Blake knows, but it's clear that he knows about the kid. Everyone sits down for lunch.


After having lunch, Michael heads out to go home, and Ian takes the kids shopping. Ian and his sons head out of the department store just to pick up a few items; toothpaste, backpacks, pencils, a few other school supplies, deodorant, and soap. Blake counted six squad cars, and one of them was his dad's. The store had security at the front and an officer at the entrance. They aren't taking any chances.

"Okay, listen, I didn't want to go out shopping, but we needed to get some stuff. I want to grab what is on my list and then head home. No wandering off to look at stuff!"

Ian tells the boys as they enter the store. True to his word, Ian is in the store less than 20 minutes, and then they are headed back home.


While Michael is on his way home, he decides to get some gas. He pulls into a gas station. Before he can pay for his gas, a red car goes by the station, and although he can't be one hundred percent, it looks like there could be something black on the hood. Immediately, he gets on the phone to call the police.

"Tylerville 911, what is your emergency?"

He is a bit tongued but quickly gets over it.

"I'm at First-Choice, the gas station. I'm pretty sure that I just saw that red vehicle with the skull on the hood. It was traveling east on 11th Avenue."

Michael didn't want to waste time answering a thousand questions. The dispatcher immediately sent out the info on the radio.

"I'm sorry, but I didn't get your name?"

He thinks the fact that he might have just seen the car that the kidnapped teen in it would be enough.

"My name is Michael Andrews."

Dispatch receives at least 5 calls of the car coming in one right after another. Every caller says that it's moving east on 11th Avenue.

"Mr. Andrews, I have sent out a dispatch to all squad cars in the field right now. I am not sending out an officer to your location. You are free to end the car."

Michael gets the reason for not sending out an officer. He just hopes that someone can stop this guy before any harm can come to the abducted teen.


Jay doesn't know it, but he's about to get an answer to his prayers that he's been saying all day long since receiving the first dispatch. Afraid the lights and sirens might spook the driver into hurting his captured youth. The goal is to arrest this guy and, in doing so, save the teen inside.

"Car 30 to Tylverville, I have the kidnapper's car in sight. Going to go 10-40 ( running silent ) as I follow the car. I'm going east on 11th Avenue. Looks like he is headed towards The Pharaoh Motel."

It doesn't take long for parts of that message to get sent out across the airwaves. Dispatch wants more information from Jay.

"Tylverville Dispatch to Car 30, can you see the victim?"

Jay can't see anything for sure, but things change in just a second.

"I can; the victim is sitting in the front seat. Dispatch, the car has parked at the Pharoah Motel. I can see, driver get out and enter the office. He is out of the office and has opened the car; he is removing the victim, who appears to be handcuffed and entered the room. Requesting Back, again Car 30 requesting back up in arresting him."

Jay wasn't about to approach the hotel by himself. Hopefully, the criminal doesn't try to move the victim. Jay is scared that he will somehow move the teen.


Officer Savage is anxious to get this guy. He's afraid that he might end up in a battle if he goes in at it alone. He doesn't want to do anything that might harm the teen. He just doesn't know what the adult in the room will do to the kid if he suspects that the police are here.

"Car 30 to Tylerville, curtains are closed. Don't see any movement within the room. Can you give me an eta for backup?"

It doesn't take long for dispatch to get back to Officer Savage. Jay finds out that car 12 is going to be 2 minutes away. He's watching that room with binoculars. He refuses to allow this one to get away from him.

"Tylverville to Car 30, eta is 2 minutes."

Two minutes later, two officers arrive in the same car. They get out of the car and with their guns ready.

"Car 21 to Tylerville, we are 10-9."

They are heading out towards the door to the room. Behind that car, 3 more cars arrive on the scene. They tell dispatch that they are on the scene, and then they stand ready as the other 3 officers approach the door.


One of the officers goes into the office and asks for the keys as Jay and the other officers approach the door to the room. Jay knocks on the door.

"This is the police; open the door NOW!"

Jay is being watched by binoculars by one of the other officers. He can hear shuffling in the room.

"Police open the door now."

No one is talking or even acknowledging the fact that the cops are at the door. Out of nowhere, they hear a muffled voice. Then they hear a crash in the room that really scares Jay. Jay waves to the officer with the keys. He wants in the room now.

"We're coming in one way or another. Now open that door."

Whoever is in that room isn't opening that door. The officer with the keys sticks them into the door and gets ready to turn the key when the door opens up.

"Don't shoot! Don't shoot!"

The man in his 40's opens up the door. Jay enters the room, and one of the other officers puts the handcuffs on the man. Jay doesn't see the kid, so he walks towards the bathroom. Carefully, he opens the door to the smaller room. There sitting in the dark, is the kid. His hands are handcuffed, and a gag is in his mouth. If you could see Shane's eyes right now, you would see fear. One of the officers heads back to the car and grabs the bolt cutters. He enters the bathroom and proceeds to cut the cuffs off the kid while Jay removes the ball gag.

"Thank you! I...want...I want to go home."

The kid wants to go home. Shane is crying.

"Listen, it's okay. You're safe. We have that guy in one of the cars. We are going to put you into one car, but you are not going to be arrested."

Jay escorts the kid to his car and puts him in the back seat.

`Hopefully, he'll be okay.'

Jay doesn't know what the future holds for Shane. He just knows that the poor kid has a long road ahead of him. He's glad that the young man is safe, and he's thankful for everything that has happened today.


Shane is in the back of the car, and he is thankful for the rescue. Jay wishes he could make things better for the kid. Shane looks at the officer in front of him; Shane wipes the tears away.

"Thank you for saving me! He promised me that he could take me home. He...he...he promised. He...he...he promised."

Jay knows the guy who kidnapped Shane doesn't work alone. They have a whole network. Maybe, just maybe, there is a hope that this guy might just cave.

"Car 30 to Tylerville, I have the victim on my way to the hospital."

Jay hopes the kid wasn't hurt in any way. A visit to the hospital's E.R. will figure out if Shane was injured and if he was how bad of an injury he sustained. Jay knows that Shane was fortunate, just like Blake. The problem here is what to do about Shane. He wants to go home, but where is home, and would his parents want him at home. Could he be another kid like Blake? Jay can't exactly take him in the way Trace and Ian took in a kid. Something good has to happen in this kid's life. It needs to happen, and it needs to happen soon.

"Listen, Shane, my name is Officer Jay Savage. I'm going to take you to the hospital to make sure everything is okay. I promise they will take good care of you. I promise. As for the guy who, kidnapped you he's going away for a long time."

A slight smile broke out on the teen's face. He could tell that Officer Savage meant what he said. This man would do all he could to make things right. Jay escorts the teen into the hospital and stays with him till they dismiss him with the blessings of the chief of police. Meanwhile, Shane's good luck is about to strike again.


They put him in a room where he can't see anyone but himself. The man who tricked, cuffed, and gagged, Shane, is about to face his demons. He is about to face Trace, a man who almost lost his son to these freaks.

"Good old Mark, He was kind of enough to drop your name to us. We've been watching you. We knew that you had been targeting that kid. Too bad we can't make a deal like we made with him. The judge would never be okay with that. I mean, it's bad enough guys like you get put into solitary to save your lives. It's okay because, well, we don't have to put you in different cells away from all the real bad guys. Mark told us you were just a little worm in a big old compost bin. Mark would do anything to save himself. By the way, I understand that you are going someplace real fun. Mark knows you failed."

Trace can see the sweat on this guy's face. Mark had been a bigwig, but a new guy took over with his arrest. The problem is guys who double-crossed Mark have never been found. They took a ride and never came back. Are Mark's men still watching over his turf? Could they be gunning for him? Could they reach him in prison? Course they could. Maybe, he could rat them out. If he squealed, perhaps something good might come it.

"If I gave names, would you protect me?"
Trace can't make promises, but the attorney general might do something for him. This guy is about to spill names, and it's about to blow up. She is right there and starts to speak.

"I'll do what I can for you, but you have to give us names."

He doesn't even miss a beat. Instantly, names start rolling off his tongue. He dropped at least 16 or 17 names. Trace is so happy that this guy is dropping names. They start on the list of names.


One by one, the police work with the feds to arrest them. They actually use methods similar to Trace's that he used against the guy who took Shane. It's amazing what fear will do to a human. Maybe, it's entrapment, and perhaps it's not. What matters is that these guys are off the streets. The fewer monsters off the roads, the fewer kids will be taken off the streets, making them happy. They did a great job on this arrest and all the other arrests that will come from this one. Trace can't wait to call Ian.


Trace is done at work, and he is on his way home. He's anxious to tell everyone at home about Shane's rescue and the arrest. When he gets home, he plans on speaking with Blake and Ian. When he does get home, Trace heads for Ian first.

"Hey honey, I have good news for you."

Ian isn't sure what the good news is, but I suppose he'll find out about it. Trace is smiling, but he's not saying anything at all. Ian is feeling a bit like he is being teased.

"Trace, don't tease me. Just tell me what's going on, okay?"

Trace kisses his husband.

"Jay was involved in the arrest of the guy who kidnapped Shane. I managed to get this guy to give us at least 16 or 17 names of people who are all connected to Mark."

Ian knows that the police and the feds have been trying to end the ring. Shane is okay.

"I think we have reason to celebrate. Maybe, I should order pizza for us tonight?"

Trace nods his head and then goes upstairs to find Blake. As always, Trace knocks on his son's door.

"Come in!"

Blake says, not knowing who is knocking at his door. Trace quietly enters the room and sits down on the floor. He wants Blake to know the results of the Amber alert.

"Blake, I assume you saw the Amber alert issued earlier today?"

Trace can see the fear in his son's face. Blake doesn't know that Shane was rescued. He's trying to hide the fact that he is scared that maybe Shane didn't make it right now.

"Blake, you look like you're scared to death. Relax, dude, it's not what you think, buddy. Shane was rescued, and the guy who kidnapped him was arrested. He gave us a bunch of names, and they will all be arrested; I just thought you should know."

Blake almost instantly tears up, though it's not out of fear. He's crying out of happiness. The emotions at the moment are a bit overwhelming. Trace hugs his son and lets him calm down before he gets up to head downstairs.

"Thanks, Dad!"

Trace looks at his son and smiles.

"You're welcome! I had better get downstairs and see what your dad needs help with, or he might get mad at me."

Blake laughs because he knows that they sometimes have arguments, but for the most part, they love each other dearly. Blake decides to write something for the newspaper for the editorial page.


Before Blake can get started on his paper, Collin asks for help with something and then it is time to eat. An hour after the official announcement from law enforcement, one of the newspaper's reporters contacted Trace for his role in the incident. As Trace is talking to them, Blake walks up:

"Dad, can I ask you a question?"

Luckily the reporter had to put Trace on hold, so Blake could ask his question without interrupting his dad.

"I want to write up something for the community to see. How do I do that?"

His dad thinks for a second. As he thinks, the reporter gets back on the phone to talk.

"Mr. Andrews, I am sorry. I have all the information for my piece. Do you have any questions?"

She asks as she gets ready to compile her notes into an article. Trace gets an idea and immediately jumps to help his son with his inquiry.

"No, I don't; however, my son, Blake, was a street kid at one point, would like to speak to you about a question he had. It concerns today's events and what happened to him. I'll let him explain it to you."

He hands Blake the phone and whispers:

"You can do this; just be honest with her and say it from the heart."

Blake doesn't want to talk to her but, he knows this needs to be said, and Trace is only doing this for his own good.

"Hi, I'm Blake Anderson-Richards. I wanted to put something out there on street kids and what can be done to assist them. But I don't know how to go about doing that. How is the best way to do that?"

She is impressed with his forwardness. A skill that could be useful later on in life. She immediately goes into reporter mode.

"Blake, can you give me a minute? I want to speak with my boss about it. Can I call you back?"

She can smell a story waiting to be written, even if it's short. Course, she needs the permission of her boss to do it.

"Yeah, you can call me back."

He gives her the number. Ten minutes later, Trace gets a call on his cell phone.

"Hello, Trace Andrews here; how can I help you?"

The person on the other line is anxious to speak with Trace's son.

"Mr. Andrews, this is Alexia Elliott. We spoke just a few minutes ago. I spoke with your son, and I had to speak with my boss about what your son would like. My boss suggested that I do a side article on your son and what he wants to say. I thought there might be something to it and my boss agreed with me. Is he there?"

Blake is sitting in the living room, so Trace takes the phone.

"It's Mrs. Elliott. She wants to do an interview, so be good."

Blake smiles, and so does Mrs. Elliot. She is so excited to speak with him.

"Blake, I want you to call me Alexia, okay. So tell me about being a street kid; let's talk about your experience, to begin with. How did you end up on the streets?"

Blake hopes he doesn't offend anyone, especially his family.

"My family didn't like that I was gay, so they sent me to live with an aunt, but the aunt had died, and the house had burned, and nobody knew, or they didn't care at the time. I ended up sleeping in abandoned buildings at first or when the beds at the shelters were filled. So yeah, that is that."

Alexia is done writing notes on what Blake had to say, and she is ready to add to it. She hopes that Blake will give her what she wants.

"Did you hear of kids being taken while out on the streets?"

He knew that some kids had "left" the streets. It's the word that someone used to describe the situation.

"I don't remember hearing of any kids being kidnapped. Sometimes, I would hear the staff talking about kids that had "left" the streets. The police would sometimes show up at the shelter, and I always felt safe, but I remember a couple times that we went on lockdown."

Blake's words form a question in her mind. She wants to ask, and she decides to immediately ask the question.

"Blake, do you think that the lockdowns were because of kidnappings or kidnapping attempts?"

Blake is sure that those lockdowns are because of kidnapping.

"I believe so, but I don't know for sure. I mean, there could be multiple reasons for those lockdowns."

Blake didn't provide much insight into the lockdowns. She knows that there were reports of kids that disappeared. No one made a huge deal out of it, but they searched for the kids. She wants to take a different turn on the story.

"Blake, what led up to your attempted kidnapping?"

It's incredible how clear that memory is for Blake.

"Well, there was a guy who worked for the shelter who befriended me. He knew enough about me to know that I would be taken off of the streets by my dads. He came to me and told me that my dad, Trace, came in and said that they couldn't adopt me. I remember feeling scared."

He told Alexia all about that and then waited for her to ask any questions she might have.

"What happened after that?"

She asks the teen. She is curious for sure. She hopes he'll give more.

"My dad was there. They called two different codes, and I had no clue what was going on. It happened pretty quickly, but I saw Mr. Hansen. After him, Lee, the director, and the officers came into the room. I remember Mark saying that "You may have saved this one, but you can't save them all." I think everyone was scared. Luckily, I had my dads to rely on."

Alexia doesn't want to just write about his experiences with his kidnapper. She wants Blake to have a voice. She hopes that now that his story is out there that maybe now people will listen to what he needs to say.

"People could do more, the city could do more. If people donate money to some of the shelters could afford to build more bedrooms or buy more beds. We need better records of who is coming and going from the shelters. We need to do better at background checks for those that work with kids and teens. Certain people like the guy who almost snagged me don't belong working around kids. We're doing better about it. Street teens need more focus put on them. Police need to have access to the list of teens sleeping at the shelters. We need to protect the teens who live on our streets. Everyone needs to play their part in protecting those who live on the streets. Many of the teens come from homes that no longer love them, and it means a lot to have the support of the community. These teens need the love of the community; they need the heart of the community to back them up."

She liked what he had to say. Blake's words may not be polished, but the reporter believes they came from the heart. Alexia has good news for him.

"Blake, what you told me is amazing. I plan to take what you told me and build an article out of it. Maybe, we could even feature some of the street teens in our paper from time to time. What do you think?"

What does he think of her idea? He loves the idea. Featuring the street teens is really a good idea. He thinks it's a wonderful idea.

"I think it's a great idea. Maybe some kind of interview-type thing. But then too much information out on the other teens could be dangerous. But overall, I love it."

She'll begin to work on the article after she ends the call with Blake. He can't wait to see what comes from the article. Maybe, the community will come together to help teens out on the streets.


Not every teen out on the streets is destined to get adopted by good people, but with the help of Tylerville police department and the whole network of shelters in the city, something amazing happens. Shane's family is contacted sometime after his release from the hospital. Blake never got a chance to tell Shane that things will get better.

"Blake, time for dinner."

Blake gets called down for dinner. Trace enters the house and can smell food.

"Ian is dinner ready??"

His youngest son runs from the dining room and takes his hand.

"Daddy made pasta."

Collin leads Trace into the kitchen. His uniform isn't even off yet, nor is his weapon put away, and normally Ian won't allow it at the table. Today though, Collin isn't giving Trace or Ian a choice.

"Collin, you know Dad isn't supposed to be at the table with his gun?"

Ian says to Collin as he sits down at the table. Collin nods his head.

"I know, Daddy. He just looked so hungry."

Ian isn't going to argue with their youngest son, so it's time to eat.

"Trace, let's just eat."

With that, the family sits down for dinner and enjoys the meal.


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Next: Chapter 45: Blakes Saga V 6

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