
By dog

Published on Sep 14, 1999


Disclaimer: This is pure fiction. NOT facts about any celebrities.

Warning: This story is blah blah blah homosexuality. Do not continue yada yada yada. Leave now.

My Note: this story is dedicated to Jonathan [simply words] and Tonny [when u say nothing at all], thank you for... thank you for being you. :)] oh and thank you for putting up with all my blabbering. you're the greatest pals. :D

And this is also for Jonathon [Brian 7 seas of loneliness] who is now not feeling too happy. Hope this will get you to smile a bit. :)

With that, I shall begin the story: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The sun is shining bright and warmly; the grass is waving to me from side to side, beckoning me to play with them. But I couldn't, because (like what my master would always say) I'm stuck in this goddamn bus. Sign, I drop my head back to my front leg and did the only thing I could, and that is to wait.

Sniff. Sniff. What's that I smell, could it be true? Could it be real. Yes it is true. It is real. It's FOOD. Jumping of the widow ledge I ran to the back of the bus where the kitchen is. I pant and ran as fast as I could with my four feet. I slide into the turning of the door, almost missing it, then I run in. facing me was table legs and human legs.

"Busta." Exclaimed Lance, he's the guy who is the whitest amongst them all, I kinda like him because master always says that he is non-replaceable. He picked me up in his arms and rubbed my head, making my skin wrinkled together.

'Yes, yes. Ain't all glad to see me.' I said but the words don't seem to come out right.

"Hey, Busta. Where's Chris?" asked JC, he's the guy that has very nice defined cheekbone and funny nose. I like him too because he feeds me but, it's time like this when I wonder if he has much brains.

'And you think you could understand me?' I said in sarcasm but as usual they do not understand me.

"Ha! And what make's you think you could understand a single word he say?" mocked a Joey.

'I love this guy, well not as much as me master. But he second.' I wagged my tail to show approval of his ability to use his brain.

Enter stage is Blondie 2. The prince charming of all prince charming that look like shit now. "Hey ye' all, where's the food?" he asked as he absentmindedly scratch his head.

'Yuck,' at least me master make me take a bath everyday, him? I doubt so. As you can predict, I don't really like him because he once stepped on me causing my leg to lip for a whole month, and yes because of that I hate him. Well, what can I say I'm a dog, I don't forgive and forget like humans do, which I doubt most do.

'Bah.' Ignoring him I turn my head this way and that way looking for food but the one that carries me moved me.

"You want some of these?" he asked pointing to the plate of fried chicken wings on the table.

I wagged my tail and struggle to get to it. 'Of course I want them! Put me down!' I shouted, ok well it would sound like barking to human ears. But who cares so put me down already!

"Ok, ok. Stop twisting, I'll get you some. JC get his dish out." as he turn to sat me on his lap, holding me down and scratching my ears. 'I love this guy.' I signed in contentment.

"Why give him those wings, why not bones, better yet, I think he should go on diet. He's bloated." Said Blondie as he sat at the other side of the couch across me. 'I hate him.' I growled to show my hatred by he just scoffs it.

"Why don't we give you bones and give Busta meat. Don't be mean Justin. He's a part of the family too." Said Joey as he flung a pillow towards Blondie.

'Haha! Serve you right Blondie, go superman!' I said...ok so I barked, as I wagged my tail and turn to stare at the food.

"Yeah. Yeah. Whatever." Justin shrug his shoulder and rolled his eyes, I prayed everyday that his eyes would fall off.

The dish came, I attacked it but was hold back by Lance. JC took the meat apart from the bone then split them to smaller pieces and set them on the plate. Lance then let me go I set upon like a hungry beast I was born to be. Well, maybe not hungry beast, so hungry dog.

I finish the meat and was about to gnaw on the bone when the world's most beautiful voice called out to me. I scrapple to my feet and off I go, knocking off the dish to the floor and creating a mess, which causes Justin to scold foul words while JC and the rest just laugh. I ran and ran and slide to a break stopping right into an open hand which swipe me off my feet.

"Where you go little one?" he asked as he rubbed his face to mine. He is the greatest of them all, Christopher Alan Kirkpatrick. My master/owner/savior and whatever other nice terms you can use for master, I was named after his favorite music, Busta Rhymes. At first he wanted it to be Beastie of Beastie Boys but decided against it because I was so damn cute.

"Hey Chris, Busta there just created a riot with all this stuff." Said Joey in a funny tone, I think he finds it amusing for me to rush out as soon as I hear Chris calling me.

"So you have eaten. Haven't' you?" he asked me in an affectionate tone. "Ok, it's time for your bath before the bus stops." With that I struggle as hard as I could from his grip and I win. I jump out of his arms and landed on the floor and sprinted off.

Blah blah blah. The rest was uneventful because with the help of the other guys, I got my bath. Which was an irony because I am getting a bath from guys who needed the bath. Humans are definitely the weirdest creatures in the world. ~~~~

Days past, Weeks past, months past. Who cares especially me? I never cared. Till I realize that humans tend to talk to us animals about stuff which they want to hide thinking that we could actually handle it better then them. Weird.

It was this day, the same day like others. It was already nightfall when I felt myself being lifted off the couch and held on by somebody. I open my eyes to darkness, if it was not for the familiar smell of JC, I would have bitten him. He just sits there holding me on his lap and stroking my head. No offence but it gets very annoying when they take you as a toy and decided to play with you as and when they like it. I twisted and turned from the hands that hold me.

"Hey, you're awake. Sorry, I couldn't sleep and needed company."

I knew it, humans think animals are toys. I sign and look up to him. Amidst the light that comes from the moon I could see tears from his eyes. JC looked so sad, so worried, and so old. I looked at him with curiosity, what could make a human so sad? I mean they get to eat everyday, so why worry?

"You know what Busta, you're a lucky little fellow. You never have to worry about how others feel or how much you love them." He said as another tear falls from his eye.

'Love' I barked, I kinda had this conversation with Chris once. And the truth is I think humans blew things out of proportion. There are so much other better things to do, like chasing butterflies or eating.

"And it gets much more difficult if the person you love is one of your best friends." He said trying to hold back his tears but failing miserably. Ok now he looks like a mess of nothing with all his face wrinkled together.

'If you love someone, you must tell that particular humanoid, because it is ridiculous to interrupt a dog's beauty sleep for this. After all we don't live long enough to enjoy our sleep.' I barked, and that humanoid holding me didn't understand a word. I always ask myself why do I bother. I guess I'm just so kind hearted.

"I'm...gay Busta, and I love Lance." With that his voice broke and he sobbed, tears falling to my fur as he holds me for comfort.

'Ok someone get a towel or switch off the tap.' I barked, then I gave up barking and started to lap his face.He calmed downs by a bit and just held me in his chest and lying down on the couch. And within minutes he fell to sleep. I sign in my head and tried to sleep too, dreaming of swimming among fried chickens.

Many moons past by, I say moons because every night I was postponed from my sleep by JC's constant need for comfort. If it were not for the fact that me master Chris always drool in his sleep, I would gladly sleep with him. But tonight would be different because tonight we're no longer on the bus but in those tall building with lots of bedrooms. And since me Master Chris will be sharing the room with Snow White [male] I would get some sleep while they go off...somewhere called clubbing. So there I was on the bed dreaming of chicken wings and drumsticks. I bite in it and then I felt myself being lifted off the bed. "Busta!" a voice called me and I was awoken, as soon as my mouth opens I felt myself falling. And I landed gracefully on the bed, well not gracefully but I did land on the bed. "Shit Busta, what do you think you're doing? I was only going to move you." I look up and saw that it's Lance, and he looked so hurt. He's face was tearing as he sat back in his own bed holding the hand, which I have left nice teeth mark on it. "Everyone hates me. Now you hate me too." He said in whispery voice and soon more tears fell from his face as his face turns slightly red and hiccups could be heard from his voice. It kinda reminds you about how a child would look like if they cry. Ok back to me: shock was an understatement to express my emotions, I was...gee how would I know what I feel, I mean lately, I only know what it felt to be hungry or sleepy. But looking at him, and feeling the sadness from his aura, the despair, and those feelings brought back sad memories, which I had before Master Chris adopted me. Then I kinda understand the feelings of being unwanted. I jumped to the lamp- table that was between the bed then cross it and landed on his side of the bed. "Go away, I know you hate me. Everyone hates me because I'm gay." He shouted at me and sat on the floor away from me. Humans are weird. I mean if I hate him, why would I want to approach him. I sign and jump off the bed and this time got on to his lap and licked the hand, which I had bitten. I whimpered and looked at him in apology. The look I gave always works well into Chris's heart so why not his. He turn to look at me and sniff back the tears, "Oh Busta, I'm sorry for snapping at you." He said and he rubbed my head and scratches my ears. I smiled in contentment and wagged my tail in approval. "Ha. At least someone is happy." He then lifts me to the bed and lay beside me, propping himself by the elbow he looked at me. I look back into his face and I realize that he has the same face that JC had, so sad so weary of life. He looked at me and said, "I'm not going to be here for long. I can't stay here Busta. I'm weird." 'ARE YOU NUTS?' I barked my loudest woof. But he just laughed. Crazy fellow. "I'm glad you'll miss me. But I can't stay here, it's not about being gay that scares me most, it's about loving...god I need to get this out," I saw him taking a deep breath before he continues,"it's about loving Josh more and more as the day go by," He turns to the ceiling and a single drop of tear fall from his eye. "and I don't know when would I actually fall apart from all this." 'Stupid' that was the only thing I could bark out. And the only thing I could think of. I realized that stupidity knows no boundary with people who are in love. I sign and did the only thing, which I could do with people like them. I move my head under his hand and as predicted, he move to his side and hold me while he cry. Minutes later he fell asleep while I had nightmares of Justin making me go on diet.

The next few days was a frustrating day for me, in the day time I had to entertain JC while at night I had to entertain Lance. The crazy thing that they could do is to proclaim their love for each other, to me, but not to each other. It was only the few short hours with Master Chris that kept me sane, somehow he could sense that I was tired and just cuddle me while I sleep and clobber all over him. I swear to end all this nonsense as soon as I could, and I already had a plan. I got this plan after they decided to watch Ghost last night.

That morning, I got up in Lance's arms again [I seem to be spending more time in his arms then on Master Chris's arms] and I got out of bed. I got to Chris's bed and jump on him, and barked.

"Oh, Busta. Don't bug Me." he moaned and turned to the other side of the bed to face the wall.

I whimpered to show that I needed attention.

"Oh, ok alright. You win. What do you want? Breakfast?" he asked as he look to the clock.

"Hey Chris, I'll get it for you." Said a voice at the other bed. Aha. I knew that he would fall for it.

"Thanks Lance. I really need to nap." He said and falls back to his pillow and within minutes he snored.

Lance looked at him and smiled, "Come on Busta, we're gonna get you food." I followed him, like a good little puppy I should be. I didn't wake Lance first because under normal circumstances, Master Chris would be the one that feeds me.

He turns to the small kitchenette while I turn to the door and scratch it while I barked.

"You want to get out Busta? Ok I'll let you out and we can go for a walk." He said as he opened the door.

I ran out of the door with the voice of him calling me. I ran all the way to the elevator then ran back again slipping though his legs causing him to fall as he tried to take hold of me.

"What the?" a voice could be heard from the bedroom door that faces our bedroom door and I stopped on my track. And looked at the figure coming out of the room and moving towards lance. Ha ha. I won. Humans can be so predictable, and the fact that they underestimate us makes it a very fun game, indeed.

"Hey Lance, you ok?" ask the voice as he picked Lance up.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just didn't realize that Busta needed to run." he said holding the back of his head.

I looked at them and I decided that I like what I saw but was surprise that neither knew that the other is in love with them. It was obvious because JC is holding Lance's head in one hand and his other hand is on his shoulder while Lance is staring at JC. JC looked at him and Lance quickly look away, unfortunately towards me.

"Busta, don't run like that." He said sternly to me. I look at the floor and whimpered, naturally he pitied me. And I got away again. ;p "Oh, come on I don't mean it that way." He said as he picked me up from the floor. I wagged my tail and smiled at him, showing my healthy set of teeth.

I turn to JC and stared at him and bark at him, he smiled and offered Lance the use of his room. "I've got milk in here so he could actually fill up his tummy and not run about so much."

They got a dish out and fill it with milk. I lap it a bit then look at them, and I suddenly remembered how stupid humans are. Here they are, alone and in love, yet they don't tell each other but they look to me. Yeah with loving eyes and all that stuff, but I'm not into bestiality here. Sign, luckily there is always a plan B. I took the final lap and pray that great one up there would forgive me for wasting food. Then I dip my face to the dish and then rolled on it.

"Busta!" they both exclaimed as they pulled me out of the dish. My face and body was dripping with milk as they pull me out.

"Busta! Don't play with your food." Chine JC as he tried to wipe my fur off the milk.

"It's not working, we need to give him a bath." Said Lance as he holds tightly to me, anticipating that I would struggle.

I didn't struggle because that is part of Plan B. I'm so smart, I'm gonna nominate myself for president. :)

They took me to the sink, clog it up and filled it with water and a dash of soap. Then holding tightly Lance put me into the water. I never struggle at all, though I wanted to. They soap me up and as soon as I felt their holding loosen, I go to Plan B part II.

I started splashing as hard as I could.

"Busta!" they shouted out, if love is counted by the number of times a person calls you, I'm pretty sure I would be married to both of them or something.

"Oh man, you got my clothes wet. Lance?" JC turn to Lance who was struggling with the soap that hit his eyes. "Lance? What's wrong man?" JC move closer to Lance trying to get him to stop rubbing his eyes.

"Soap...eyes." Whispered Lance as he continued rubbing.

JC washes his own hands and forces Lance's hands away. "Wash your hands first." He ordered and then took a handful of water and splashes Lance's face.

"What cha' do that for?" asked Lance as he brought his hands back to his face, but JC grabbed it to the side.

"No! Don't put your soapy hands on your face again, here let me wipe it off for you." He said as he took a clean tower by the side of the railing and wipe Lance's face.

By this time, the position is situated such that Lance's back is leaning to the wall and JC is leaning towards him. hehehe. Plan B done, now we pray that nature is good to them. Oh and we pray that the gift which god gave them, called intelligent, would kick in soon.

JC wiped the soap off Lance's face and then gently wipe more of his face, seemingly to caress it. Lance looked into JC's eyes, those soulful eyes that attract him so much, and for the first time he realizes that those eyes may only be for him. Their face got close, so close that each could hear the other's breathing.

I held my breath and my motion and prayed very very hard. I promised to forgo 10 pieces of chicken if they can be together. It was then I heard two voices.



I heard the two people call to each other and from my view, I saw the towel fall and heads slanting. Then I'm pretty sure the lips met each other as sloppy sounds could be heard. After that, I saw movements. Movements of hands tightening, movement of heads and the trading of tongues and spits. The grinding of hips. And then all movement stopped, they stared deeply into each other's eyes.

"I love you Lance." He said basking himself in those clear green eyes of his love.

"Not as much as I'm crazy for you, Josh." He giggled happily in JC's arms.

Yippee, happy them, happy me. I bark voices of happiness as I splash around in the tub. And laughter could be heard from both of them.:D

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not. --DLS author of Brian and me. :) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BE NSYNC

Next: Chapter 2

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