
By dog

Published on Nov 6, 1999


Disclaimer: this story has nothing to do with the actual lives of the celebrity mentioned, it's a big joke, no facts here.

Author's notes: Jam and Ton and Jon, three of my best friend. Thank you. :) To Lanze thanks for the help. :D To Fern, thanks for your mails. :D Be happy. :) And to everyone else reading this but didn't want to reply, thank you. :D oh and Trevor if you're reading this, Busta is a pug. :)

Thank you David for posting. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Busta-BSBII

"Matthew Shepard was murdered for being who he really was, he was beaten and then tied like scarecrow on a cross pole to left to die." Explain Master Chris gently, I could do nothing but shiver at the memory of being tied under the hot sun. "But he's human," I mumbled, I can't believe humanoids would threat each other like that.

The room silent when Master Chris said this to me. 'Humans, God made a big mistake creating some of them without a heart' I thought then I thank God that the people in this room had a warm heart.

"Do you think he actually understands?" ask Howie in a curious tone as he watches me frowning away by the news.

"Doubt it, but Chris never gives up trying," says Justin the DB in a disapproving tone as he rolls his eyes.

'And I'll never give up hoping that one day your eyes will fall off.' I growled at him.

"I think he's recovering," said Lance with a smile and his words was met with curious stares, "you see Busta is most normal when he's growling at Justin, he doesn't necessarily bit him, but he'll just be um bitchy to him or something. And since he's growling, it mean's he's ok now." He explains.

I was surprise by his insight. 'Wow, and I didn't even realize that.' I thought.

"Wow, and I didn't even see that." Said DB in surprise, and I stared at him in surprise, 'Woah! Now how did that happen?' I ponder a bit then attribute it to one thing, 'I guess you enemies know you best,' I thought then look at bushy to continue with his tale.

"So how long did the guys take to come to terms with your situation?" ask Master Chris, I reshuffled my feet and sat on his lap in attention.

"I don't know about Nick, but for me, it was hard for me because of my up-bringing and stuff, and the worst part is that I've known Kevin since...Gosh too long." He said as he rolled his eye and just frown in disgust. Kevin threw a cushion to him and everybody just laughs at it.

'These guys gotta get rooms with no cushion nor pillows,' I sighed and waited for the commotion to end.

"Anyways, it was after that minor chest pain." his words were cut off again.

"Minor? You call suddenly dropping to the floor a minor chest pain?" said Howie in a sarcastic manner.

"The doctor say it was minor, so it was minor." Said puppy-man as he rolled his eyes and moved his hands defensively.

"You got heart problem?" I ask in confusion.

"See even Busta agrees with me," said Howie.

'I give up.' And I just sat back on Master Chris's lap and looked boredly at them.

"Whatever." Puppy-man says and he rolled his head up and put his hands up in defense. I must admit, that looked dumber than DB's cross his hands and rolled his eyes look.

"What whatever?" ask another voice as the door opens. I turn to look at the owner of the voice 'YIKES' then jump and tried to run away but was caught by ponytail one.

"LET ME GO!" I struggled but of course I lost, he's human I'm just a puppy.

"Hey! Where you going?" he ask me as if he could understand what I say. And Master Chris took me to his hands then pushes me towards crazy one.

"MASTER!" I barked and panic at the same time.

"This in Nick, Nick this is Busta, shake hands um paws something." He said confidently.

'Huh?' I wondered at his words, close up the crazy guy doesn't look that scary and in fact a little stupid looking as he look at me with dopey eyes. And he actually took my upper paw [considered as one of the hand] and shakes it.

"Hi I'm Nick, I'm sorry that I swing you around like that." He apologies.

"Ok, can you remove your sweaty hands from my beautiful paws now." I said nervously as I pull my paws away, 'funny guy, nice but weird.'

"Hey he likes me, he's wagging his tail." The funny/weird/crazy one say with a silly grin as he looks around in triumph. I rolled my eyes at his stupidity and amazingly, so did Justin whom I saw from the corner of my eyes.

"And this is AJ, the one with your dinner." Said Master Chris as he pushes me to crazy guy 2.

'Dinner?' and I barked, "You're the most beautiful person in the whole world, second to me master." I smile and this time wagged my tail and held out my paws willingly.

"Hey little dude!" he said and I felt a tad bit offended but decided to get back at being sarcastic to him later, after my dinner. "Yo JC, there's a box for you outside your door, we picked it up for you." He said as the toss the box over to JC.

The passing box let off a familiar sense that I couldn't attach to. 'Maybe after dinner', I thought as I was placed in front of my food bowl and was feed a nice chicken drumstick.

"You sure it's healthy?" ask DB Justin, and he always wants me to go on diet. I was about to devour it when it was removed from me by, [GASP!] Lance. I growl at him, till I saw Master Chris staring at me reprovingly.

"Don't worry I'm just gonna separate the meat for ya'" he said, and I look down in shame. :C

"So Brian how did you manage to accept Kevin?" ask Master Chris as he sees that I have settled down for my dinner.

"Kev, you told them?" ask Nick guy in surprise as he took a seat on the floor beside me with a burger in his hands. 'I hope he doesn't touch me, it's irritating to be touched when I'm eating' and lucky he didn't I guess he do really have dogs.

"Kevin didn't tell them directly, he outed Lance and JC." Say Howie with a smirk and JC grabbed Lance affectionately.

"You two are together? No wander Lance looks pinkish all the time." said Nick with another of his silly grin. : D

"What do you mean by pinkish?" I bark curiously at him then chew another meat.

Nick looked at me then looked at the rest of the guys who was staring at him in a admonishing manner, " I mean um I mean he look happy." He said, "What did I say?" he looks confusingly at the faces around him.

AJ broke to laughter followed closely by Howie then the rest of the guys. Except for Lance and JC who had the look of embarrassment. I still don't get it. Till Master Chris decided to tease him outright.

"Gees Nick, for a moment I thought you're gonna say they look flushed from all the fucking." He laughed hard till he's rolling on the floor.

"Ah! Now I get it!" I barked as I jump onto Master Chris's body and was rolled with him.

"I did not mean that!" Nick blush and laugh at the same time.

"This is fun!" I barked as Master Chris stopped rolling and let me off him and I trotters' back to my bowl and start gawning at the chicken bone. While the rest of the guys went back to their burger stuff, somehow I think their tummy told them to eat first then have fun later because they manage to finish their meal quietly before the Master Chris ask the question again.

'I think master is trying to get to something.but what?' I ask myself as I look at puppy-guy prepare himself to tell his side of the story.

"You guys know that I went for a surgery around May last year right? I felt was ok after that till somewhere around beginning of this year."

"January the 6th," supplied Howie.

"The January incident?" asks Nick as his eyes bulge out like this 8(

"The," specky puts his palm to his heart then gasp then fall to the floor, "incident?" he ask as his face turns to pain and disgust.

"YES! That incident, gees guys drop it, I mean it was just a small." puppy-guy tried to explain.

"SMALL?" they shouted at him. And he covers his ears in despair.

"You have to forgive us, that little incident got all of scared to death, we thought we're gonna lose him. And luckily it was during our off-days or the media will definitely blow it out of proportion." explain Kevin as he looked at Master Chris and gang apologetically.

'You got heart problem?' I looked at him in surprise cos' he looked very healthy to me. So I trotted over to his lap. [Note: there was only a 2-seater and 2 other sofa seat in the lounge. Thus, Lance and JC was seating in one sofa seat with JC at the edge, and Kevin took the opposite seat, AJ and Howie took the two-seater. Whilst the rest of the guys just sat around on the floor leaning towards the seats, Justin is the only one who stood up after eating and was leaning by the bar.] I nuzzle his hands and predictably he took me to his chest and I could hear his heartbeat.

"Hey he likes Me.," said puppy-man with a glee and strokes the back of my ears.

'Sounds normal' I thought to myself. And wiggle out of his grip and got to Master Chris's side, "I don't think he has anymore heart problem master." I reported back.

Master Chris took me to his arms and said, "I think he likes me better." I look back to see the puppy-guy giving the lost puppy look. "So tell us your story, maybe I'll convince Busta to play with you later." He said.

"Do I have to?" I whine and was quieted by his hands, 'I guess I have to.'

"Ok, so I had chest pain and was rush to the nearest hospital. The doctor said it was minor."

'Oh shit he said minor again.' I thought and quickly covered my ears, but the shout didn't came, though he was interrupted.

"But he had to stay for observation." explain Nick solemnly.

"They had to run a dozen of test on him." Said Howie with another serious look.

"He looked terrible." Recalled AJ.

"He was very weak, it was a chest contraction or pressure of some sort that was caused by stress. Although the doctor say he was going to be ok, we're so scared that we stayed through the night." Explained Kevin.

They all answered for him and he shakes his head in a 'I-don't-believe- they-are-doing-this' manner. Actually I find it very touching, like they really care. :)

"Can I finish the story now?" he asks in an irritated manner, after getting nods from all direction he continued. "So there I was in the hospital for a day or so, I drifted in and out of conscious cos' they gave me some medication that puts me to sleep. During that time, I thought a lot about life. I thought about what would happen if I had died and was there any regrets, was there something that I have not done yet? So."

"So he called out to me as soon as he gain conscious. We were all in the hospital, we didn't want to leave but only one person could accompany him in his room. Kevin chooses not to be there because Brian was still homophobic." Howie pause for a moment to allow the information to set in.

I hold my breath for a while then, "GET ON WITH IT!" I shouted.

Howie looked at me and started explaining stuff, "well, Brian was a strict Christian thus it was difficult for him to accept his cousin's sexuality."

"I didn't ask for that." I grumbled and sat my head on the floor, I think he took it as an approval for the explanation or something so he continued.

"Anyway, the next morning when he woke up Bri wanted to see Kevin."

"Yeah I wanted to tell." Brian tried to explain but was cut off AJ.

"I was scared, that you wanted to tell him off again cos' he was stressed out about this issue for months."

"Yeah he didn't hang out with you or Nick and he took pains to make himself scares so that you guys don't get offended and stuff like that." Said Howie then I saw Nick and puppy-guy look down in shame.

"Can we get back to the story now?" Brian asked again in irritation.

"Um, can I continue the rest?" ask Kevin and he got nods from all four guys before he continues, "ok, when Brian ask me to met him I seriously didn't know what he wanted. I mean I thought I was the cause of his condition and I was fully prepared to give up my career for him."

"Howie got him to come in and I started to tell him how I use to think of him as my hero. Someone to look up to, sort of my goal. Then the thoughts came crushing down as when he say he was gay.I was angry, I didn't understand how could he be gay. I mean I've known him all my life and he just suddenly blurt out that he's gay." Said Brian.

"Those words.I don't know how to explain...I felt so hurt...at that moment I thought it was better that I died or something...I wanted to run out, I wanted to cry...Though, I'm glad I didn't." said Kevin with a chuckle. The two cousins pause for a moment and sort of grin to themselves about the past.

Unfortunately I don't know what they are grinning about and being impatient I barked, "SO? What happen?" and this time that sort of snap them back to their places.

"Ok so um.where was I.oh right, ok. I told Kevin that.um gees this is weird," he grin to himself and blush a little, while I stared at him impatiently, "ok here it goes, I told him while I was lying here wondering if I would die, I realized one very important thing that I forgot to do."

"I thought he was going to tell me to go to hell or something." Said Kevin. "Which I would have gladly do."

"Which I will not be glad at all!" said Brian with force! "Nope, I didn't tell him to go to hell, I told him I forgot to tell him how proud I am to have him as my cousin and that he's always the one I look up to. And I love him and he'll always be part of the family." Said Brian with a smug face on him, "and dear old Kevin cried."

"Did not!," said Kevin laughing, and he grab AJ's cushion and threw it at Brian who grabbed it expectedly, " ok, maybe I did. I was surprise and touched. I mean for the past few months they will not even respond to me beyond a grunt and now here is Brian in the hospital talking about death and telling me that I'm his hero."

"An old one." Pointed out Brian.

Running out of ammo, Kevin just laughed and said, "I'll get you next time."

"Nah impossible, time can't turn back and you can't get younger only older" he teased bushy and bushy just laughed, with that the story ends.

I look around to see the reaction of everybody's face. I stood in attention and saw Lance holding JC's hands and smiling warmly at his lover. Justin had a smile of happiness mix with hope and contentment in his face. Master Chris had a satisfied and sneaky look on his face, and Joey looked like the guy that we always saw in those place with lots of drawings and stuff [AN: museum]. You know the one without clothes and is always wondering where his clothes are. Well Joey looked like that guy now.

I thought about it then I look at Master Chris then I thought about it again about what's the big deal about this, I place my left paw on my chin like Joey does. and seconds later, 'AHA! I got it!' I look up to Master Chris then smile at him. "I know what to do now master." I barked. I jump of his lap and charged towards Joey.

"HEY! OUCH! Busta GET OFF ME!" Joey shouted.

'Damn! Almost got him!' I thought as I got picked up by Master Chris, "I almost got him master, put me down and I'll get him again." I barked as I squiggle in his arms while he was laughing his head off.

"What are you laughing about? And why is he trying to bite me?" ask Joey as he rubbed his hands.

"I didn't succeed." I barked at him, "let me try again! I bite you, then you go hospital, then you become cleverer and you'll accept JC and Lance!"

"Busta good dog," said Master Chris as he rubbed my head.

"Good dog? I don't get it?" I mumbled and grumbled.

"I don't think he means to bite you Joey, I think he's just playing." Explained Master Chris.

"I was playing?" I ask in surprise, but was quieted by his big hands again, 'I guess this means I was playing,' I sighed.

"You call that playing?" he asks in irritation.

"Come on Joey don't be such a sissy. He didn't even get you, and you should have moved faster than that!" Said Justin as he shook his head.

'Justin DEFENDING ME???' I looked at Justin in surprise, 'wonder what he's up to?' I look at him suspiciously.

"How 'bout you Nick? How did you come to accept Kevin?" ask Master Chris as he sat back holding me tightly in his arms and ignoring Joey's staring.

"Me? Well, that you gotta thank AJ." Said Nick with a grin.

"That was the stupidest thing you guys had ever done." Said bushy as he shook his head in disapproval.

"What did you guys do?" I barked in curiosity. Although humans tend to ignore us dogs, they usually get the vibes of what we're trying to ask. Though half the time they ignore us or get it all wrong.

"So what did they do?" ask Justin towards Kevin as he took a glass of water and sat at the other side of the table on the floor.

"I took Nick to a gay club." Said AJ with a smug grin on his face.

Next: Chapter 8

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