
By dog

Published on May 9, 2000


Disclaimer: Everything written here is NOT TRUE. It's just for FUN, so chill and don't sue me.

Warning: NO SEX! ;b hehehehe. Ok ok, serious warning: there is no sense of realism AT ALL. There is no such town, no such place, and no such church. Sorry, I can't find a place that's perfect for my scene. Please use a lot of imagination when you're reading this. Thanks. OH! WAIT! PAUSE um, Ton say not to read this before you're going to sleep. :)

Thank you notes: I thank you Jam, Ton and Jon. :D just because. :D I thank Clive for being him, and Keith for always smiling. :D To Francis, be happy and if you need an ear, well, I've got two. :) And to the Trevor. :D thank you very much for the support to my story. :D thanks. Congrats on the BF. ;D The three new readers. :D Matt the DB of the DBs, [hehehe] Raz the emphatic and kind person. :D Erica also the author of Waking up with Vengeance. [Hint: it's getting interesting, go read it. :D] And the latest reader. :D Farah, thank you very much for reading and writing to me. :D thank you. I thank you all of you for noticing my story. :D thank you.

If you guys love this story, you'll have to thank Lanze, :D he's my inspiration. :D thanks Lanze. :D

Summary: Car Crash and lots of fainting.

Busta 11

~{~~@ ~{~~@ ~{~~@ ~{~~@ ~{~~@

[From Busta's point of view]

"Hey baby," I said in a low sexy voice, wetting my paw and running it through my head. "What's a pretty little thing like you doing in a nasty town like this?" hey! It works on TV, why not here. ;b [shrugs]

"And who wants to know?" asked the sexy little fox, lifting her brows and teasing me with her smile.

"Oh, just Busta the pug of N'sync" I said as cool as possible, waving my hand [um, paw] as if it's not such a big deal.

Her back straightens, her chin lifting up to expose her born-to-be- bitten neck and her tail covering her butt in a peak-a-boo kinda manner. She flutters her eyelashes at me and purrs, "Impressive."

I strode dangerously to her face and said, "Lift your tail up and I'll show you that EVERYTHING about me is impressive."

You know what? Life sucks! Cos' before I could make a move on that fox, I was swept up from my feat and thrown into the air.

"FUCK!" I barked and landed into Lance's arms.

"There, take Busta with you." Said the perpetrator walking back through the door. "And take my car, there's something weird going on with your car."

"Let me down!" I demanded and struggled in his arms. Then watch in disappointment as the little fox turns her head and walked away with her head and tail high up. 'Damn! That's one fucking fuckable butt!' I growled.

"Stop squirming Busta, we're gonna get some ice-cream for Chris's Birthday." Said Lance as he tried to arrange me, then shouted at JC, "There's nothing wrong with my baby." He pouted to JC who had walked back down.

"Yeah! Well! I was about to give me Master some baby cubs! CUBS! Beautiful Cubs! And you fucking ruin it!" I growled at him, but was thrown into the box's seat [AN: Car seat] through the box's hole [AN: window] and was ignored.

JC walks up to Lance and kissed his pouting lips and rubs his cheeks and said, "Of course there's nothing wrong with me. I just don't like the idea of you being in that car of yours."

"There's nothing wrong with my..." Lance stopped in the middle of his sentence and groans because JC was giving him that hurt puppy look.

"HEY! HALLO!" I barked and knocked my paws against the interior of the box. "I'm trying to make a statement here! This is abduction!"

JC bats his eyelids and quivers his chin dramatically and asked, "Aren't I your baby?"

"I...Ooo! I give up," said Lance lifting his hands up and letting out a sigh, "you win, I'll bring the car down for check up. And," holding his fingers to JC's opening mouth, "Yes, you're my only baby."


But of course you people will have no sympathy for me. In fact! I'll bet that you're ignoring me and focusing on the two lovebirds showing loooovee and afffeection for each other. [Busta making gagging noises]

The other side of the box open and in comes a very pinkish but happy looking Lance, "Ready Busta?"

"No!" I said, crossing my arms and ignoring him. "And you don't care either, so why ask!" I grumbled.

"Ok," he said, starting the machine to the box, "Let's go."

After one box of ice-cream for me and a new soft doggy collar from the pet shop, my anger was appease and I was once again a happy little cute puppy...well, almost happy...as long as I don't remember how I missed to chance to have cubs of mine. 'Must spread the seed,' I thought as I sat my chin down on the box's seat and started plotting my territory. "I'm gonna tell mum about JC." Said the driver, then looking at me with his sparkling blue eyes, "Do you think I should tell mum about JC?" I tilt my head to the side and asked, "Do you think my breed and fox breed will make beautiful cubs?" The driver giggled and said, "I haven't even tell mum about myself." "I think Master Chris has to know that I want to have cubs," I said to him, "Then he'll get me a bigger house." And I smiled about having little pugs running around. "I think mum will understand...I HOPE mum will understand." Said the driver, turning the round thing and started talking into the air. "I HOPE Master Chris can understand why I have to fuck around. It's important for me to mark my territory." I placed my paws on my chin and continued to think. The air was silent for a full minute and I was beginning to worry that the driver's brain had really turned to a cucumber so I barked, in concern. "You ok up there?" looking up to him with my pug face. He looks down to me and I saw his face, it was laced with a little bit of sadness as he said, "It will hurt me very much if mum doesn't understand..." "Ok," I said, blinking my eye lids, and then a pause later I waved my paws and said, "Continue." And as predicted his smile blinded me as he said, "But I'll never leave Josh, for it will be suicidal." "Duh!" I rolled my eyes, "The whole world can feel your love for him." I barked and hobbled over [cos' the box is moving pretty fast] and placed my cute furry paw on his leg. "You can marry JC and everyone will support you." I comfort him by trying to pat his thigh. [Shrugs] Master Chris does this all the time. Lance lets out a laugh and then picks me up and placed me between his legs and said, "You crazy dog!" placing one hand on the round thing and the other on my head. Then pausing for a moment he chuckled again, "Crazy me, for a moment I thought you're comforting me." '[Sigh] humans', I thought, then suddenly the box jerked and I was thrown to the headboard. "Shit!" said Lance grabbing the round thing. That was the last word I hear him saying before the box was slammed again from behind and I was thrown up to the window. The box slammed again sideways to a tree and I landed in Lance's body. ~{~~@ ~{~~@ ~{~~@ ~{~~@ ~{~~@ [Chris' point of view] Closing the car door, "Thanks for the ride Blair." "No problem, glad to see you around Chris, let's meet tonight to properly celebrate your birthday." Said my friend. Blair Sandburg was my old friend from way back when I was taking my psychology degree. "Yeah, call me tonight." I said as I waved to the moving vehicle. Turning back to my house I let out a sigh of loneliness. Being a singer is fun and all, but it sucks when you think about all the friends whom you've lost because of this. I shook my head out of my own self- pithiness and straighten my back, looking forward to taking my dog out to the park. At the end of the day, no matter what happens, I can always depend on having him there for me. Not much, but better than none. I opened the door and was surprised by shout of: "SURPRISE!" I wince and opens my eyes and grins to the crowd. "Guys, what cha' all doing here?" "Hey, it's your birthday, and it shouldn't be spent alone." Said Joey in his stupid party hat. And Justin stupidly nods his own head at that reason and blows that stupid little party horn. "Happy birthday man," said JC, the ever serious one, as he walks over and hugs me. All in all, it was the most pleasant surprise and the only thing missing is my dog and Lance. 'hmmmm...' ~{~~@ ~{~~@ ~{~~@ ~{~~@ ~{~~@ [Busta's point of view] 'Drip' 'Drip' 'I...m' 'B...' 'Drip' 'So...' 'Drip' 'Baby...' 'Drip' 'I'm...' 'Drip' My nose started flared as I took in the heavy medical smell surrounding me. I tried to move but found my limps to be wrapped with some kind of cloth and I think my back is broken... "I'm so sorry." I heard, this time clearer than before. I opened my eyes to look at my surrounding and then pray that I be not dead yet. For it was a bright but cold place that surrounds me. I look for the source of the voice and saw to my horror a stranger. The stranger had Lance, naked, in his arms. The heavy medical smell came from that area too as the stranger discards rolls and rolls of bloodied cloth on the floor and placed fresh medical cloth onto him. I tried to get up, I tried to bark at him to get away from Lance, but the only thing that I succeeded in doing is to faint into darkness again. The last words I heard were. 'I'm so sorry baby, I didn't mean to hit you, I thought you were JC.'... ~{~~@ ~{~~@ ~{~~@ ~{~~@ ~{~~@ [From Chris's point of view] "You got anything?" I asked. But JC shook his head and continued to press the redial button on the phone irritatingly. "Chill out bro," said Justin sitting on the seat opposite us, "It's probably nothing." "Or probably something!" snapped JC, then turning to me in an apologetic manner, "I'm sorry Chris, it's your birthday, go cut the cake first, I'd be there in a minute." I shook my head, "Don't be ridiculous, my pug is gone and so is my friend. And you want me to cut my cake now?" JC nod his head in gratefulness and continued his futile mission of redialing Lance's mobile phone. 'Lance is not the irresponsible kind, and it's been hours since he left with Busta...And it's getting dark' I feared. The door, leading to the backyard, behind us slammed open and out ran Joey who stumbled to the ground as he shouted. "JC!" "WHAT!" snapped JC, his irritation was understandable. "J, They found your car man. It's all trashed up." Said Joey, wiping the dirt off his face...or is it his tears. My heart stopped at this information, and I'm sure JC died somewhere behind those paled face and lips of his. Justin jumped up and ran to the door then ran back and started pulling JC's arms. "Come on man, we've gotta see if they're ok." JC and I both snapped out of our near-death trance and we quickly got out of the house to the site of the crash. ~{~~@ ~{~~@ ~{~~@ ~{~~@ ~{~~@ [From Busta's point of view] "GET AWAY FROM ME!" 'A shout, a scream...stupid wake up call.' I thought to myself as I blink away the darkness again. I opened my eyelids to see two figures fighting. One I loathe and the other I adore. "DON'T TOUCH ME!" he shouted, pulling the blanket over his naked body. I saw the bandages soaked in red and saw his face losing blood. "Lance please you're bleeding, let me help you." Said the one I loathe, there was blood running down the edge of his eyes, which I'm sure Lance placed the scar there. "I SAID...AOW!" was the last word I could hear from his as he clutches the side of his stomach in pain. "Lance," said the other one in panic, ignoring Lance's protest and unbinding the bandages. I couldn't stay awake even if I wanted to, and the one thing that strikes me of this entire scene is: 'I wonder if they had cut the cake without us...' [Darkness] ~{~~@ ~{~~@ ~{~~@ ~{~~@ ~{~~@ [From Chris's point of view] 'This is so Not happening.' I said to myself as I saw my friend Blair standing at the edge between a huge pathway into the forest and the highway. Blair is part of the Major Crime unit, and if they appear that can only mean either Lance is dead or Lance killed someone. "Chris!" shouted Blair as he got to my side, giving me that sympathetic look of his. "I'm so sorry man." "Yeah me too Blair," I said as I hugged my friend then releasing him I asked, "What's going on here?" "WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED HERE!" shouted JC, already running to the site as I hugged my friend. "SHUT THE FUCK UP AND DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING!" shouted another voice. "Jim," said Blair as he ran into the woods. I too ran in, but find it crazy that the car could have been found inside the forest and not somewhere outside, near to the highway. "Jim!" said Blair, running up to his side then rubbing his back. "Calm down Jim, relax." "JC?" I asked as I walked tentatively to his side. His face was flushed with anger and in frustration. "JC," I said then place my hands on his shoulder. Instantaneously a tear fall from his eyes as he look to the trash he called car. "Blood," he whispers allowing more tears to run down from his eyes. I looked to the car, I saw the broken glasses, the tented door and then choked when I saw a dog collar hanging by the windshield wiper of the car. I felt JC's hands on my shoulder as I bit my lips from crying. I blink back my tears and mumbled. "Not the time to cry." I look to Blair who had managed to calm down his Jim who is now mumbling evidence. "There was a man, pretty strong one who drove a truck and slammed them sideways into the woods." He mumbled. "Why man? Why truck?" asked Blair still patting the big guy's back. "Truck because of the impact, he obviously wanted to kill whoever was in the truck. Pretty strong man because he dragged them out and tried to save them." Said Jim looking to the trashed up car. "Tried to save them?" asked Justin then immediately shutting up as Jim stared at him. "Save them, a dog and a teenager. The blood moved outwards to the grass showing signs of the man dragging the victims out of the car, trying to save them." Snapped Jim. "You sure Jim?" asked a big Afro-American man. Jim nods his head, "Pretty sure, the dog collar give the indication. And there is a childish looking watch under those blood that says 'JJ forever'." Then getting up he said, "Send the forensic team in captain, tell them that the blood over here belongs to two different people and one of them is the victim the other is the killer. And on the side of this car there should be paint marks that belongs to the killer's truck. Have them match it to the local dealers, there shouldn't be many trucks to hunt." I raised my eyebrow in surprise at all the information he had gotten from looking at the crash site. I look at Blair for some understanding only to have him place a finger on his lips to shut me up. I look at Jim who looked deeper into the woods then saw him smell the air. "He took them away," Jim mumbled as he walked out to the highway. Blair and I followed him as JC continued to stare at those bloods. He walked to the edge of the highway then stared at some broken branches. He started pulling those huge branches away to reveal a slightly tilted tree. "Here," he said, pointing to the tree. "The truck slammed them sideways into this tree, thus bending it. Then the driver got out of the car, got the kid and the dog out then dragged the car into this open area." "Dragged?" I asked in skeptic. "Towed away perhaps," suggested Blair with more vocabularies than his partner, which Jim nods his head absentmindedly as if used to having Blair explaining what he said. "Ok, so this crazy person crash JC's car with Lance inside the car. Then saved Lance and my dog and then towed the car into this huge clearing. Is that it?" I asked rubbing my forehead. Jim nods his head, "he drove off, scraping his car to the side of that car hence leaving marks behind. But he was very clever in hiding the dent and his the tracks that his truck made while leaving." "Ok, so...Now what?" I asked, ultimately this is the most important part. "Now you and your friends go home while we wait for the lab report to be out." Snapped Jim then walking away. "Jim," chines Blair then walking towards me as if to apologies. "It's ok Blair, as long as he finds my friends." I said waving him off. "He would, he's just...I don't know how to say this, but when your friend stomped into the side he stepped on some car tracks. That's why Jim's so pissed." Explains Blair. "Oh man," I shook my head in disbelieve at the happenings surrounding my birthday. ~{~~@ ~{~~@ ~{~~@ ~{~~@ ~{~~@ [From Busta's point of view] 'Cold,' I thought as I felt an arm around me. I took a breath and sigh in relief as I smelt Lance trademark cucumber smell. "Hey Lance," I mumbled. Lance didn't answer, instead he shivered and a warm tear fell on my head from his cheeks. 'Lance?' I tried to look up but the effort cause too much pain for me. "I'm scared Busta," he whispers letting another tear fall on my head. "I'm so scared." He choked on his words. And the only thing I could do is blink. 'Is there any use of being scared?' I wonder. My head continued to be his bucket of tears and the final words I heard was "Josh, where are you?" ~{~~@ ~{~~@ ~{~~@ ~{~~@ ~{~~@ [From Chris's point of view] 'Thank you Justin.' I thought to myself as I strip to take a bath. As JC was stoned to the blood and Joey was scared, Justin took over and ordered them around, which got us home. I got out of my bath and got into my clothes quickly, in time to hear shouting from outside. "JC BE REASONABLE!" shouted the unmistakable sound of Justin. "I AM REASONABLE, I'M GOING OUT TO FIND Lance!" retorted JC. "I am NOT letting you out in the dark!" shouted Justin. I ran out and saw JC threw a punch at Justin. "Ouch," I said shaking my head. Justin touches his lips and found blood. "Fuck!" he said then threw himself onto JC. "Chris help me out!" shouted Joey trying to pry them away from each other. I shook my head and wave my hand and walked back to my room. "If they wanna fight, let them fight. Hopefully they'll kill each other before Lance comes back." "Fuck you Chris!" shouted JC in anger as he got away from Justin. I turned and stared at him also in anger, "No JC, fuck YOU. Of all times you choose to fight. Of all times you choose to lose control, you choose it during the time Lance is not around. That means fuck YOU. Screw you and screw that fucking brain of yours." JC's hands clench tight and his jaws tighten, his face was all red and his body tense. As I thought he was going to punch me, he broke down and cried. "Fuck," he whispers covering his face with his hands. I shook my head and pull him into my arms and pat his trembling back. "I can't...I-I can't live without him." He said, crying into my arms. "You'll get him back." I said, slowly patting his back. "We'll find him. But not now, not at night JC. Tomorrow, we'll go with Jim and Blair. Now we rest so that we can look for them tomorrow." "What if..." "Shuu," I said, "No what ifs. We'll find him; we'll be on time. Come on JC, Lance doesn't need this from you." My last words seem to work as he straightens his body and broke away from my hug. JC nods his head, "Thanks," he mumbles as he wipes his tears away. Then turning to Justin he held out his arms. "Sorry Ju." Justin shook his head and gave his friend a big hug, "It's going to be alright, we'll find him...we'll find him." ~{~~@ ~{~~@ ~{~~@ ~{~~@ ~{~~@ [From Busta's point of view] 'Water,' I thought as I licked out to taste in. with my lids still shut I licked what I thought was water. "That's it doggy, see Lance, he's still alive." Said a voice I recognize as psycho Jordan. I pry my eyes open and true enough he's holding me in one of his big arms and pushing a bowl of water under my nose that I quickly lapped up. "Easy doggy, don't want you to choke and make Lance cry again." He said rubbing a thumb over my ear. 'Yeah, fuck you too!' I thought as I continued to lap as he walked the bowl and me over to Lance's side. "See, Lance, the dog is ok. I like dogs remember?" he said placing me in Lance's trembling arms. I look to see Lance's eyes darting around and his arms holding onto me like I could protect him. 'Like a trapped animal' I thought, then tried to growl at psycho but only managed a whimper from the pain on my back. "I wouldn't hurt you." Said psycho reaching out to caress Lance on his face. "I would never hurt you. I love you." He whispers. "Then let me go." Said Lance in a pain quiet voice, letting a tear fall from his eyes. "Shuuu," said psycho rubbing the tear away, "Not yet. Not like this. Not when you can't remember me." "But I don't know you." Said Lance. "YOU DO KNOW ME!" he shouted banging the bed, making Lance jump and squirm away. "No!" he said then reaching out to Lance, holding him by his shoulders. "No," he whispers, "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to scream at you. I'm so sorry." "Please," Lance said in a soft begging sound, more tears fall from his eyes. "Please let me go." And I BITE! "Ouch! Fuck!" he shouted, then the rest became a blur as I was slapped away from Lance's arms. ~{~~@ ~{~~@ ~{~~@ ~{~~@ ~{~~@ [Chris's point of view] 'Morning', I thought as I lifted my eyelids and watch the clouds lightening outside. I quickly got up and did my business and started to walk into the kitchen where Joey had started coffee. I lifted my chin in acknowledgement to the lifting of his eyebrows and took the coffee that was offered to me with a mumbled of thanks. That's Joey, when there is stress or trouble, Joey would do small little stuff to show he cares, and making coffee is one of them, recharging our cell phone batteries is another. Doing both means he's really worried and he doesn't know what to say. "They're still asleep." He said, placing his coffee down beside mine. I nod my head, then turned to him and said, "We'll find him." He nods his head absentmindedly sipping his coffee. I look to my coffee and realized that nothings going through my mind now, as if it was at peace with what are happening around me. 'Amazing.' I thought to myself. Then deciding that I need to do something I got up and walked to the first guestroom that housed JC now. I opened the door and saw Justin sleeping with JC, hugging him protectively in his sleep. I raised my eyebrow, 'Is this what I think it is?' I wonder. 'Only one way to find out.' I rapped my hand on the door and surprisingly it was Justin who stirred from his sleep. "What time is it?" asked Justin looking out lazily out to the window. JC soon stirred as his human pillow stretch from his side. I tilt my head to analyze the body languages from these two then smiled in satisfaction that there is nothing but 'Brotherly kinda love' that radiates from them. "It's 7:30, I'm thinking of catching Blair early at the station." JC nodded his head, agreeing with the suggestion and bouncing out from the bed and started stretching. Justin, maybe the one that stirred first, but JC could always easily jump-start his body faster than us. "Come Just, Joey made coffee, I'll get you your Cereal." I said making my way back to the kitchen. "Put it in a container, I'll eat in the car," shouted Justin from the bedroom and I waved my hand in acknowledgement.

We drove into the police station and then deciding that I look plain enough not to be noticed by any one, especially the press, I was nominated to be the one to go up and look for them whilst the rest of them drove to the Mac two blocks away. I walked into the station's booth to ask for direction and then walking right into Jim's big frame.

"Ofgh! Sorry," I mumbled rubbing my nose, and looking at Jim's frowning face.

"You're Blair's friend." He said.

'Yeah, bright boy, I'm Blair's friend.' I thought, but said, "Yes, that's me. Is Blair around? Is the report out? Have you found Lance?"

Jim shook his head and mumbles, "Just like Blair." Then pulling me into the pen avoiding a lot of staring and then into a room. "Stay here." Then shutting the door.

'Friendly,' I thought shaking my head. Then pulling a chair out to sit and look at my surrounding and snorted. 'Friendly.' And shook my head.

"Chris!" shouted Blair, very typical of him, as he ran into the room, slams the door then crosses the distance between him and me, striding towards me he shouted, "What are you doing here? We were about to go over to your place."

"I wanted, or we wanted to look for Lance with you guys, so here I am...you promised me remember?" I said, daring him to take his promise of 'me following him while they look for Lance' away from me.

"Yes, but you shouldn't be here. Think of what will happen if the press catches this news. We're already hiding all evidence of the fact that it is JC's car that's being trash. We can't afford to have you be seen around here." Then he paused and groans, "Don't tell me the rest of them are nearby."

I shook my head, "I'm not stupid, they're waiting at Macs two blocks away."

Blair nods his head, "Good, that's good. Come let's go, I've told everyone that you're one of my students looking for me for advice on your dissertation." And I snorted but followed him anyway.

~{~~@ ~{~~@ ~{~~@ ~{~~@ ~{~~@

[Busta's point of view]

"No, please don't do this."

I heard a sobbing and begging sound and feared the worst. Forcing my eyes to open and my body to awake I saw Lance grabbing...'Woah! Play back, is that a shotgun in psycho's hands?' I shake my head trying to deny what I'm seeing. But it's true, it's a shotgun in psycho's hands and Lance is grabbing his arms to prevent him from walking away.

"Please, don't do this." Begged Lance, using all of the strength his left with, and causing his side to bleed again.

"No," said psycho coldly, "If I don't kill him, you'll never forget him. I must kill him." Then softening his voice, he leans in and touches Lance on his chin and said, "Don't worry, I'll only be a while, and soon you'll remember me."

Lance shook his head, "Please, this has nothing to do with Josh..."

"DON'T SAY HIS NAME LIKE THAT!" shouted psycho, grabbing Lance by his throat, then quickly releasing it and said, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean that. I...I just...It just makes me so crazy when you say his name when you should be saying mine." He hissed.

'In your dreams.' I thought as I slowly creep to his side, from the far end of the bed where I was placed, I was thinking that maybe if I bite him again he'll drop his gun, then Lance can grab it and shot him.

But Lance apparently has his own plan as he place his hands on either side of psycho then leans in and kisses him lightly on his lips then say, "Let's get married."

"Ok people let's speak English here!" I barked. 'What the fuck are you thinking Lance?'

Lance ignored me and psycho was smiling like an idiot as he licked his lips and asked, "Serious?"

Lance smiled his 'Fake' smile and said, "Yeah, I think...maybe I can remember our past if we get married."

The idiot lets out a grin then frowns and said, "You're just saying it so that I wouldn't kill him."

Lance shook his head, maintaining his calm. "I don't like you killing people. I hate killers...My future husband." He said leaning in and kissing him again on his lips, seducing him as he continues, "will NOT be a killer." Looking into psycho's eyes, entrancing him with his own bright green eyes.

'And the fish is caught.' I thought as I watch Lance manipulate psycho into his palm.

Psycho looked to him like he was God, then shaking away the daze he's in, he said, "Yes, we'll get married. Now, today." He said happily.

"Now?" asked Lance in surprise.

"Not in your agenda Lance?" I asked sarcastically as I wince and sat my broken body near his side.

"Yes now," said psycho turning to grab a jacket and then pulling a shirt and pants from a luggage bag. "I know there's many churches around, but there's one that's on top of a hillside that you'll love, and it's really near. I know that we'll get married there one day."

"That's nice, what's the name?" asked Lance casually, but I could feel his fear.

"It's called Spirit of the Mountains...it's a part of the United Church...remember?" he asked, then frowns. "We've been there before."

'In your dreams.' I rolled my eyes.

"I'm sure if you bring me there I'll remember." Said Lance in a very sweet voice and smiling to him. "Now can you please turn back so that I can wear my pants?"

Psycho actually blushes and quickly said, "I'll be right outside, when you're done just hollowed." And quickly went out with his gun in his hands.

Lance released his breath and his mask of calm. Then quickly he presses on his wounds with one of his fingers causing it to bleed.

"Lance?" I barked in concern with his sanity.

He clenches his jaws then with his bloodied finger he wrote on the wall, close to the bed, Spirit Mountain and a cross then covered it with a pillow. "Please find me." He prayed closing his eyes, then looking at me.

"Lance?" I begin to worry when he places his hands gently over my body and then leans in to kiss me.

"I'm sorry you're dragged into this." He whispers.

"Lance?" shouted from outside.

"Almost ready." Lance shouted back and quickly got his act together quickly, the perks of being a performer is the ability to wear your clothes quickly. "Done!" he shouted and psycho came in.

"Let me carry you." Said psycho swinging his shotgun over his shoulders and letting it hang there. "Carry the dog."

Lance shook his head, "Let him stay. His back is broken, I don't think he can move far. Besides, he bites you, I don't like that." Said Lance, convincing the smiling psycho that he's leaving me behind for his benefit.

"Ok, lets go." He said, carrying Lance up.

I quickly got up and sat over the pillow that's covering the bloodied letter. "I know what you're doing. Don't worry, we'll find you." I barked.

"Bye Busta." Said Lance giving me a sad smile, allowing his fear to run through his face, then quickly fading.

"Yeah, bye dog. Sorry I hurt ya'." Said psycho in a generous mood as he walked out with Lance.

~{~~@ ~{~~@ ~{~~@ ~{~~@ ~{~~@

[Chris's point of view]

It took the lab another four hours before they got all the result out for Jim, and another hour for Blair to find out the car dealers that actually sells tow trucks that matches the paint scraps found on JC's car. And all the while they were finding new ways to convince JC that Lance is ok, and finally I just calmly asked him what Lance would do at times like this and he started praying.

Blair came in and quickly gave us a list of car dealers and told us to split up and casually asked around. "Make it like you're buying a car." He suggested, "That way, they'll open up better."

"Hell, I'll buy a car if that's all it takes to get Lance back." Said Joey walking out with his list.

"Keep in touch," I shouted and gain a nod. Then turning to Blair, "My list?" taking it I turn to Justin, "Ju, you and JC together, and no arguing."

"Right," said Justin, binding his head with a scarf. "Come on J, you're with me." And strode out of the Mac.

I turn to Blair and said, "There shouldn't be so many list right?"

Blair gave me an innocent look and said, "what?"

I shook my head, "Blair, I look stupid. The key word here is LOOK I am NOT stupid. There shouldn't be so many car dealers to look for. You're just giving this useless list to us so that we feel like we're doing something."

Blair looks at me innocently for a full minute before letting his disguise fall as he calls Jim on his mobile and said, "Jim, Chris is my friend. My friends are not stupid."

I shook my head, hiding my smirk as I cross my arms and waited.

Blair raised his eyebrows in surprise as he asked, "It's ok for Chris to come? Oh, um, ok I'll take him to the truck." with that he closed his mobile and looked at me. "Jim say it's ok for you to come along."

"Ok, let's go." I said, already walking out of the door and holding the door for my longhaired friend who's still shaking his head mumbling about Jim's choice.

I got into the truck and acknowledge Jim with return nod and sat quietly behind the truck.

Blair got into the truck and as Jim started to drive he asked, "Why is it ok for Chris to come?"

Jim shrugs his shoulders. "He seems calm, not like the rest of them."

I shrug my shoulder when Blair turns back for an explanation. "I have to be calm, I'm the only anchor left on this boat in this fucked up weather."

Blair accepted my explanation understandingly then went on a discussion with Jim about which dealer to approach first. I sat quiet again, silently praying for God to guide us to one of his son, the only few brothers I have.

~{~~@ ~{~~@ ~{~~@ ~{~~@ ~{~~@

[Busta's point of view=17:00]

'Darkening.' I thought as I lick my lips and look to the small window, there's still enough light but soon it will be too dark to find this place. I blink away my tears and my fears and started praying to the big guy up there. 'Dear God, even if they didn't find me, please let them find Lance, he's too young to be taken from JC.'

~{~~@ ~{~~@ ~{~~@ ~{~~@ ~{~~@

[Chris's point of view=18:15]

It was getting late when we reach to the site that one of the car dealers pointed out to us. He told us that there was only one tow car that was purchased by a stranger this week. His wife wanted him to run an errand for her, thus straight after selling the truck off he too drove off in his car then saw the stranger drove into the forest through one of the open parks for travelers.

I got out of Jim's truck, then in time to step sideways avoiding being run down by Justin's car as he drove in beside us.

"Where is he?" asked JC grabbing me on my side.

"Don't know yet." Then quickly grabbing him before he pesters Jim. "Let him do his work, we'll follow."

"Jim?" asked Blair standing beside his partner placing his hands on his shoulders.

"Nothing," said Jim shaking his head. "Ask around." He said, then walking towards a tent.

~{~~@ ~{~~@ ~{~~@ ~{~~@ ~{~~@

[Busta's point of view=19:00]

'It's dark,' I thought, then let my body sag into the pillow that I'm laying in. 'Master Chris, please find Lance.' And I whimpered.

~{~~@ ~{~~@ ~{~~@ ~{~~@ ~{~~@

[Chris's point of view=19:00]

I do not know how Jim did it, but after they've got the general direction of the movement of the tow truck, he entered the forest, took a deep breath then started running into the forest with Blair shouting for us to follow him.

We ran for 30 minutes with Justin and JC and Jim being the only ones not panting then suddenly stop. In the dark, I crash into Blair and almost fell if it was not for Joey grabbing me. "Thanks," I mumbled and squinting my eyes trying to look at my surrounding with the minimal light from Blair's torchlight.

"Shuu," said Jim, corking his head to listen into the night. "This way," he said, turning right.

I took a deep breath and we followed again, trusting him, yet finding the whole thing very bizarre. This time, when we stop, we're found a trailer and JC was onto it, yanking its door and shouting.

"OPEN UP!" as he pounds the door.

Jim picks him away from the door, then with a kick that shook the trailer he opens the door.

~{~~@ ~{~~@ ~{~~@ ~{~~@ ~{~~@

[Busta's point of view=19:05]

'Master?' I wonder, then shuts my eyes when a bright light shines at me.

"Busta!" shouted a voice that I love and I was quickly picked up into my Master's arms as his tears fall on my head.

"Careful Chris, he may have broken his bone." Said another voice.

"Shut up!" I barked at him for scolding me Master.

"He's not here." Said an anguish voice. Then me Master turns, allowing me to look at that voice. JC falls to his knees and placed his hands on his face as he cried again, "He's not here." Falling down to the ground he cried.

"Lance, you've gotta find Lance." I squirm from me Master's arms and tried to turn.

"Here, let me carry him. I've worked for a vet before." Said Blair trying to take me.

"Master! I know where Lance is!" I barked, ignoring the sharp pain on my back.

Me Master reluctantly looked away from his near-hysterical friend and looked to me. "Busta?"

"I know where Lance is! PLEASE UNDERSTAND!" I bark loudly, trying to make him understand.

He shook his head and frowns then lets me onto the bed that I so want to be on.

I struggle to move to the pillow then with my teeth I yank it away only to be covered by it. 'Come on! You stupid stuffed thing!' I grumbled, the pain on my back keeps calling for me to give up.

"Blair give me that torch light." Said me Master, then pulling the pillow away and then shouted. "I've got something."

"Finally," I thought, then giving in to the pain, I stumble back into the darkness of my head. 'I've done what I could Lance, I've done what I could'....


Next: Chapter 12

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