
By dog

Published on Sep 3, 2000


Silly Notice 1 Um. :D [Goofy Grin] :D I got nominated. :D um. :D [Continuous Grinning] :D um, ok. :D wow, :D um. I guess I have to say thank you. :D and yeah, I know it's only nomination, and I should be so big headed about it, but...:D I've never been nominated before. :D So a belated thanks.

Silly Notice 2 Ok, um, first of all, I'll like to thank all of you for the patient you've given me in writing this story. As usual, it was not out till now because I didn't like it enough....[frowning] I still don't like it enough. I'm not sure what's wrong with it, just a hunch. So if anyone can tell me what's wrong with my story, I would be grateful.

Short Thanks to Hamado, who pointed out that my English is not Americanish enough. :b sorry to everyone out there who's offended. Colleen, who was the first one to read and reply to me. :D thanks Jay, who has a very cute dog. ;D thanks for reading and replying. Arch, missed you. Reply if you can. :) because I miss my friend. Raz, :D thank you for mailing. :D for a moment, I didn't think anyone cared about my story. So thanks to you I was happy that day. :D thanks. Regina. :D I'm very flattered by your letter and very honored to be the first one to receive your letter. Thank you for reading my story. :D Casey, :D the last mail I've gotten before I posted this. :D thank you for finding my story. :D CJ, :D thanks for not passing my story, thanks for giving it a chance even though the title didn't look like anything. :D thanks. Rosey, :D you're very funny. :D you made my day by sending me that cute mail. :D thank you. And um, Yuli is a girl's name. so, :b i'm actually a gal. sorry to disapoint anyone.

My Friends: Jon [who have not been mailing me] Jam [who's very cuddly] Ton [The level headed one, and one of my most cherished friends] Keith [The first person to congratulate me, and also a very beautiful person, inside and outside] Clive [whom, I'm almost convince he has forgotten me.] Francis, [whom I hope will one day be happy.]

Final Note: Um, I know that most of you don't check Nifty everyday, so um, if you guys want it, I could send my story directly to you. That way you don't have to waste your time wondering if my story is out. If you're send me a mail.

Oh yah, disclaimer: Nothing here is Real. It's fiction!

Ok on with the story. :D

"Come on Busta, just one little story, please?" Busta shook his head solemnly, "What's there to tell? Why are you so obsess with this." "There's a lot to know, like did Lance suffer from nightmares, how did JC deal with it, and um, what's the other guy's reaction." Busta raises his eyebrows at Author, till author obediently took a hair brush and started brushing his fur. Busta purred in satisfaction then replied, "Of course he did you idiot!" [Author let out a sigh at the abuse] "Lance screams every night, waking me from my beauty sleep. JC couldn't and wouldn't leave him alone...heck they even share the toilet together. The rest of the guys would hover around Lance like he's made of crystal, no one had a good night's rest and most irritatingly, they don't remember to feed me UNLESS I whine. That is sooo degrading." "So he suffered, anything else?" Busta squinted his eyes and looked at typist suspiciously. "Are you a sadist or some kind of moron. I told you, he suffered, what else do you want me to say?" Author held out hand in beta-dog position, "I don't mean anything, you know. The readers like reading this stuffs." Busta snorted and looked away, sighing at the passing cloud that looked like a dog bone. After a very long minute, [and after a very tiring session of fur brushing] author asked, "So um...how did Lance got out of um, his depressed situation?" Busta looked at author then prop his hand up to hold his chin, mimicking the thinker's post. "I remember pissing..." [rolling eyes] ~~~~~~~~ 'Piss piss, need to piss' I told myself as I search the area for pissing. "Busta! Don't wander off like that." Shouted Joey as he approaches me. Ignoring him, for I had found the perfect place, I lifted my leg and...." Aaaaaaa," I sigh in relief. "Busta! Shit! Not here!" shouted Joey in protest as he started looking around nervously for help and rubbing his hands over his hair. "Chris!" I shivered and shook off the excess leak off, "Ok, I'm ready to be lifted now." I barked happily and looked innocently to Joey's panic. "What?" asked me Master as he approaches cute little me. "Busta actually pisses HERE!" Said Joey in a hissing tone. "What?" Me Master protested in a loud noise. "Shuu, shuu." Said Joey hushing him. "Where? Aww, shit, quick find some cloth or mop or something." Said me Master frantically. "But Master, pissing is a very natural occurrence." I protested to their activity of jumping on the spot. "Where am I suppose to find a mop here!" hissed Joey, his face looking like it's gonna burst any moment. I lifted my butt and walked away, knowing that it's one of those funny things that humans have to do. "Panicking over piss," I mumbled and snorted. Sometimes I think me Master's brain is being reduced to mere Tofu by the presence of other humans surrounding him. I walked towards the huge door where JC and the chocolate-covered man are. [AN: All doors look huge to Busta] "Thank you so much for letting us use this place Simon." Said JC as I approach them. "Don't mentioned it. My cousin was very pissed by what had happened here. He wants to help out as much as he could...too bad nothing could be said about what had happened...it would be very useful for the investigation." Said Simon with a frown. "I know...and I apologies again for any inconvenience caused...if it wasn't a desperate situation we would not have thought of coming back here." explained JC in a desperate tone. Simon smiled and patted JC on his shoulders with his big paw...or hand, and said, "We understand the situation, don't worry it's gonna be all right now." "I hope so," said JC, running his hand over his hair nervously. "I would be, and I know so. I'm older." Said Simon sagely, making JC chuckle with amusement. "Yo' JC!" I interrupted, "Pick me up you idiot!" I barked then wagged my tail innocently. "Oh, hey Busta." Said JC with a smile as he carried me to his arms. "Lance coming soon." Assuring me with his stroking of my fur. I put my paws on his chest and pushed away then sigh and tried to comfort him. "It's ok JC, Master say as soon as this is over, Lance could let go of his nightmare and can start healing...and you can start sleeping. You haven't been sleeping well, a pup needs as much rest as he can get." I barked patting his chin. The sound of boxes approaching stopped me from further lecturing this human-pup. Looking out I noticed the approaching boxes to belong to DB and Hair-boy. Stepping out from one of the boxes is Simon's cousin, a lighter chocolate covered huge man called Calvin who's supporting the frail and worried looking Cucumber called Lance. "James," JC whispered and dropped me to the ground and almost running to his lover's side. I got on my feet and ran to my Master's side. [He's still trying to wipe away my piss, weird human] "Master, Lance is here." I barked helpfully, trying to get his attention away from the puddle I created. "Joey, get more water." Instructed me Master. "Master, you're suppose to get up on that funny stage and say, 'Dearly beloved, we gather here to...um, blah blah blah. Come on." I barked irritatingly as I tried to drag his cufflink. "Chris, Lance is here." said Joey as he dropped the bucket on the floor. "Shit." Said me Master as he abandons his task and rushed to the scene, causing me to fall on my back when he rushed off like that. Joey quickly pushed the bucket and mop away then jumped over my body and rushed to Lance. Deciding that no one likes me, I walked to the stage and pouted unhappily. Grumbling as I watch the others treat Lance like's a very fragile piece of glass. 'I was hurt too!' [Grumble, Mumble, Pouting]:C "Lance," Chris and Joey both called out as they approach him but not daring to run into him. Justin stood behind, almost ready to hold on to Lance if he falls, which is understandable considering the fact that Lance rarely eats and seems to be vomiting all the time. "Can I...Why am I...I want...Why are we here again?" Lance's grip tightens as he looks around wearily, almost anticipating someone to attack him. JC looked at Chris for help in explaining. If one looks at him now, no one would believe he's only 24 as he looked more like 42 from the lack of sleep and rest. I know for I'm always the object of his whining my beautiful fur is almost matted down permanently from his constant crying. "We're here to end it all." Said Chris gently as he led Lance into the church. Me master is the only sane one around, trying to get them out of their shell, trying to make them see that it's ok now. "End it all." Lance repeated in a ghostly tone, unable to remember when he had agreed to this. Joey walked closely in front, waiting for signs of Lance's breakdown or JC's but staying a safe distance away showing that he trust them. It was Joey that took over getting food for the rest of them guys, it was Joey who dealt with the management when they called up demanding to know where the rest of the guys were. [I.E: Joey's the one who screamed into the phone then slammed it and acted like nothing is wrong] Most importantly, Joey is the one who remembered to feed me. :) "It's ok son, we're here for you." Said Simon's cousin in an assuring manner as he led Lance closer to the stage. "Lucky you." I barked and pouted more, decided to stare at their cufflinks then their unconcerned face. "Busta?" Lance looked at me, surprise to find me here then worrying for me, "What are you doing here?" "Being ignored." I said, pouting more, then sighing in content when he picked me up and gently stroke me. "Hey Buddy it's ok, don't frown...I'll get you those nice doggy treat from the store later...ice cream perhaps?" he prompted, holding me up to his level, assuring me with his sea-blue eyes. With that kind of bribe, I couldn't frown for long and barked happily instead. "That's why I love you second most cucumber." I barked happily. As Lance stroke me to blissfulness I hear muttering and tuned my hearing to it. "Luckily someone brought Busta along, his instinct to protect and comfort allows him to calm down then to panic." Said Mr Stone [Jim Ellison aka The Lieutenant] "It was Justin's idea, he didn't want Busta to be alone at home...I think he's worried for the little dude." Whispered Hair-boy [Blair Sandburg aka The Consultant] I snorted at the idea that DB likes me, "Crazy humans with crazy ideas." JC chooses this moment to seat beside Lance and Justin sitting on the other side, both extending their arm behind to protect him. The rest of the guys took seat behind us, and Calvin went up to the stage. I was vaguely aware of the change of air current in the air, it seemed soothing and also acts to fill up the empty seats behind us. I look up to the statue of Jesus looking down at us, and sometime wonders what he thinks of all. This crowd of human-pups, the black color box that is sitting on the corner, what does he think? But I didn't dwell on it for too long, my mama always says we're too intelligent to think of this stuffs-that-has-no-answer for too long. :) "To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven." Shuffling of paper, then looking up, "Dear Friends, we gather here today, in memory of Jordan Blout. A young man who had died trying to protect what many of us here considered as dear to us. Because of that I would like to invite Lance to come up and say a few words about this man." Lance frozen on his seat and for encouragement, I gently nip him on his hands. "It's ok Lancy, I'm here for you." "Here, let me hold that for you." Said me Master as he took me in his hands. Lance walked unsteadily to the stage and stood behind the position originally occupied by Calvin then stared at us. He cleared his throat, was about to say something when he suddenly looked to the ground then his vision didn't moved beyond it. "What's going on?" whispered Joey worriedly. "I think he's remembering things." Explains Blair helpfully. "Is that good or bad?" asked Joey. "Frankly? I don't know." Said Blair. He walked down from the stage and walked to the spot where he had shot someone and Jordan [aka Crazy One] had been beaten to death. "James?" JC stood up to move to him, but Lance ignores him as he approaches the huge brown box on the other end of the stage. Very slowly he reaches out his hands and touches it. His body trembling, signs of his tears can be seen on the surface of the coffin. Before I could barked at him, just because, the sound of the grand piano filled the room. I turned and wondered when did JC moved to it, then a strong deep voice accompanied the music as it sang: "Spend all your time waiting for that second chance, for a break that would make it okay. There's always some reason to feel not good enough and it's hard at the end of the day. I need some distraction, oh beautiful release, memory seeps from my veins. Let me be empty, oh and weightless and maybe...I'll find some peace tonight." The room was silent as we watches Lance struggle with his tears and emotions. Then with strength he continued: "In the arms of the angel...fly away...from here...From this dark cold hotel room...and the endlessness that you fear. You are pulled from the wreckage of your silent reverie, you're in the arms of the angel, may you find some comfort there." Clenching his fist, he sang the next words angrily and tiredly: "So tired of the straight line, and everywhere you turn. There's vultures and thieves at your back, and the storm keeps on twisting. You keep o building the lie, that you make up for all that you lack, it don't make no difference, escaping one last time. It's easier to believe, in this sweet madness. Oh this glorious sadness that brings me to my knees..." "In the arms of the angel...fly away from here, from this dark cold hotel room and the endlessness that you fear. You are pulled from the wreckage of your silent reverie, you're in the arms of the angel, may you find some comfort here..." With a final reach into his pull of courage and strength he sang out to the heavens above: "You're in the arms of the angel...May you find...some comfort there..." As he reaches his last note and collapse before me, I didn't release my breath and looked to my Master worryingly. "Master?" But my Master, with tears in his eyes, smiled to me and said, "It's ok Busta...It's alright now...It's over." He said stroking me gently. "Um, let me check the equation. Lance is suppose to make the nice speech but he didn't and instead he sang. Then after singing he dropped onto the floor like a puddle of piss...no offence Master but that doesn't look ok to me." I barked, pointing at Lance, trying to get his attention. But it was pointless as all the humans huddle around Lance with tears in their eyes. 'Humans! If they didn't need guidance, then us Dogs would have an easier life.' ~~~~~~ [Later] "In the end, JC knows him best." Said Blair with a smile to his partner the rock. "I think he likes you!" I barked helpfully to the rock, from the hair boy's arms. [Note: everyone likes to hold me. :D] "Yeah...sometimes words can be better understood with songs..." said Jim, nodding his head and having his own smile. "I think he likes you too hair boy." I barked. But they both ignored me, smiling stupidly to themselves. I sigh, then braced myself for the ground and reach out to pull hair boy's hair. "Aow! Aow! Aow! Busta!" Hair boy complains as he tries to untangle my claws from his hair. Score one for him when he didn't try to throw me to the ground. "Here, let me." Said Jim as he took me in his arms then very insistently unclench my paw from hair boy's hair. "there ya' go." He said, rubbing hair boy's scalp gently. I could see hair boy blushed a little at the administration, but didn't move away from the touch. 'Humans need guidance' I reminded myself then barked. As expected Jim looked down and Blair looked up and their eyes meet, and their breathing system stopped as they looked at each other. I waited, and I waited then when I wanted to bark at them, I heard the teasing voice of me Master. "Kiss him already!" he teased then took me from Jim's arms, "No wait, ok now you can kiss." And he waited wide-eye and all making Blair blushed in embarrassment. Jim smile then slowly took his hands and said, "Blair would you go out on a date with me?" "Say yes, Say yes." Whispered more teasing noises from behind them. I turn to see the rest of the gang hiding part of their body behind the big door with only their heads popping out. What really makes me smile is Lance, he's smiling and also teasing them. That is the first true smile I've seen and at last I know what me Master mean when he say everything would be alright now.

ok, um the end of this part. :D if um, it's not too trouble please give me a mail. :D thank you. :D


Next: Chapter 15

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