
By dog

Published on Apr 11, 2000


Disclaimer: This is a total FICTION! I.e. everything written here is NOT TRUE. This story is NOT related to any of the celebrities mentioned, and Dogs were not used either.

As usual: Three of my best friends, I'd not be writing this without you guys. So thanks Jam, Ton [when you say nothing at all's author] and Jon [Brian's seven seas of loneliness] go read these stories, if you haven't read them. This story was written for the purpose of getting them to smile. :) And hopefully you too would smile. ;) There's Clive, there's Keith, there's Tim, there's a lot of people that I'd have to thank, but if I run through everyone of them, :b I could write a whole chapter of a story. Thus I'd like to say, thank you ALL of you that's reading this, extra thanks to those that have written to me. And yes yes yes [nodding head in shame] I know I'm late, reason being I had left my brain in the computer and it had broken down on me. I'm sorry [really]. And last note, I lost the use of my previous email adds so please redirect your mails to busta@yifan.net [praying for mails]

Note: the BSB had already left the boys and we're now in another scene where about Jordan, the Psycho one. And Lanze, thanks for helping me with this. Sorry, I can't access to my icq mail, can you please write to me if you're reading this? Thanks.


Basketball. :) It's another interesting humanoid game that is almost similar to any animal form of ball-catch. And like any other ball game, it's all about people [who do not need the exercise] running after this little ball and thousand of others [who needs the exercise] cheering them on. Well, the only difference between a humanoid game and an animal's ball game is that, in the humanoid one, the ball runs WITH the human, and in the animal one, the animal runs with the ball. :b

So here I am in a great big stadium between two big balls watching My boys running after this orange ball. And so far...um, well, Justin seems to be the most successful 'ball runs with him' type of player and the rest... well, God is fair to the DB. ;b Anyway, the objective of the game is to make sure that the ball gets through this hook that is on the end of each hall, and when that happens, the whole crowd of humanoids [the ones that need exercise] will stand and shout and scream. :) Isn't it amazing? [Sigh in content] the power of a little orange ball.

"Busta!" a voice broke my trail of thought and I look up to see my Master all drench in sweat and running to pick me away from the perfume infested ball carrier humanoid.

"Master Chris!" I barked in happiness, but when he place me to his chest I had to move away, "Um, sir, as much as I love you. You need a bath." :p

"Why don't I carry him for you, while you guys go take a bath." Said the sweet smelling humanoid as she took me back to her arms.

I look at Joey who stared at me enviously, it always happens so I barked, "Wanna change places?" I look at him pitifully. He's always on a hunt for these types of humanoids. You know, the long hair, smell nice, long legs, nice ball type. Well, they always seem to like me more than him. :b

But this time the gal humanoid seemed to have recognized Joey's existence and smiled to him, Joey's eyes lit up and it says 'there is God.'

While, they were playing with their eyes, my nose had to spoil the mood. As we were about to walk through a tunnel, away from the screaming crowd, a familiar stinking smell passed by. I struggle out of the gal's hold, cos' she's affecting my smelling with her perfume, to get nearer to the source of smell.

"Here, let me help you." Say Joey as he took me in his arms, then promptly dump me into DB's arms cos' I was moving too much. And then, he ignored me and started talking to the gal humanoid.

Now how many times did I tell ya' that the air here is better. Well I take it back because the minute DB took hold of me, [he's tall] I could smell the foulest smell in the air named: "JORDAN!"

"WHERE IS HE! LET ME AT IM' LET ME AT IM'!" I barked and tried to get out of Justin the DB's hands. Twisting my head to the entrance of the tunnel I saw a suspicious looking brown hair, glasses dude looking back at me then scowling and rushing away.

"Woah! Busta!" Justin shouted as he held me up high with his hands, "Chris!" he shouted.

"S'up?" me Master shouted from another side, seeing me in mode-panic he quickly grabbed me and held him in his arms.

"I saw him Master, I saw him!" I protested and struggle.

"Easy Busta, easy boy." he said pacifying me.

"But I did saw him." I barked as I calmed down under his hands.

"That's it Busta, calm down. Hush." He said as he held me.

"What happen Chris? Busta looked like he saw his...enemy or something." Said Lance as he rushes to us.

And I think belatedly, my Master found his brain...well, he always had his brain but I think he misplaced it for a while, while playing with the orange ball. Hence suddenly he perked up and then twirled around to look at the crowd.

"Quick look for a suspicious looking guy! Busta find." He said as he release me to the ground.

'Beep! Wrong move.' "Um...master, I can't smell very well amongst these mass of humanoid foots." I whimpered and stayed on the ground.

"What? What's wrong Chris?" ask JC as he looked at Master Chris bounced up and down and all around, "What cha' looking for?"

"That guy, that bomb dude." Said me Master, then he looked at me, "Go find Busta!" he ushered me.

"But..." I protested.

"You're joking! He's so little, how's he gonna find that person in the middle of these crowd, and...are you sure he's on to something?" said DB skeptically as he looked at my pitifully small form on the ground.

"I can't find him here." I whimpered.

"I'm sure he's around somewhere, Busta knows him...it's just...I'm positive that he just lost his senses for a minute or two." Retorted me Master as he picked me up and walked into the place with lots of metal cupboards and waters.

"Yeah whatever." Said DB as he rolled his eyes.

'Damn it! why didn't it roll off!' I cursed as I watch the DB carefully.

"No, Chris is right Justin. Busta may have seen that person, you better be carefully Josh." Said Lance as he looked at his most prized carrot.

"Now," JC stopped and looked at Lance sternly, "you promise you will not get paranoid on me." he said wiggling his fingers to Lance. Then walking to his metal cupboard. "And besides, if there's any danger, Busta will protect me."

Me Master sat me on a wooden chair and stood up to get to his cupboard that was beside JC's, "Yeah, and who will protect Busta? He's just a little dude, I don't want him getting hurt." He hissed at JC, who looked in embarrassment, "go get your own Dog!" he said as he slammed his cupboard.

The movement shook the other cupboard and from my sitting, I could sense movement from JC's direction. I jumped of the chair and move near JC, as I hear the soft noises that could have been made when you scrape your claws.

Lance kneels down to me and pats my head, "I'm sorry to burden you Busta, we don't mean it."

"Yeah Busta, we don't really mean it." said JC as he opens up his cupboard.

"LOOK OUT!" I barked and jumped towards the direction of the cupboard.

"Josh!" Lance shouted as he pulled his boyfriend away.

"Shit!" Josh jumps away, and in the process dropping/throwing the towel into the cupboard, covering that thing and me up.

A few tiny paws away and I would have been stunned, the towel in the cupboard entangled it for a moment and as I jumped back, the towel got out too. The pulling of the towel revealed a small...well about 3 of my paws sized looking creature. It's yellowish red with a fat stun thing on his tail and thin pointed claws in front of him. I circled around it and barked [nonsense stuff] to it.

"What the hell...it's a scorpion." Said Justin, from the corner of my eyes I saw him move to Lance's bag for something.

"We gotta get Busta away from it." said JC, then stupidly decided to grab the things attention by moving near it, making silly noises with his shoes. The thing turned and dashes towards JC.

"OH NO YOU DON'T!" I shouted and pounce on it, wanting to save JC.

Ever done something that you would regret because you forgot to use your brain?...I did, I forgot that there would be someone in this world that would want to save me.

My movement cause the thing to turn and grabbed my left paw with it's pointed claws, digging through it as it stung tries to stung me. But instead, it's tail stabbed itself to a very familiar hand.

"Chris!" a voice shouted.

Because the tail was still launched onto the hand, I could bite into its body, ignoring its claws, and flung it as far away as possible. I watch it land on the floor upside-down and didn't get the chance to get back to his feet. Because the next thing I know a very thick book was on his body and Justin was jumping over and over on it.

"Die! Die!" he shouted as he jumps up and down on it.

"Chris?" the voice called out again, I turn to see Lance holding on to me Master as he held on to his hands.

"I'm ok...it just hurts a lot...." I saw me Master struggling for his breath as I move quickly and painfully to his side. And me Master took me in his arms near his chest.

I could hear his heart beat increasing abnormally, "Get help!" I barked at Lance who still looked at Master Chris in concern and not moving. Then silently I smack myself on the head for asking help from him, 'Stuffed Cucumbers have no brains!'

"We better get help." Said Joey as he got up and run out of the room.

'YES! Superman to the rescue.' I thought as I look gratefully to his exiting figure.

"Chris?" ask JC in concern.

"Ok...I don't feel so good now..." said Me Master as he falls back, leaning onto Lance, "That was one mean dude..." he could still joke.

The next thing I know, I was being pushed aside by another guy that Joey had brought in. And within minutes me Master was being pushed out of the room and I was left alone.

I watch the spot where Justin dropped the book on the scorpion and dragged my injured leg to and jumped onto it. 'die!' I jumped on it continuously as I cried knowing that I had some how failed to protect my Master/Parent/Owner.

"Busta?" a voice called out, I look up to see Justin coming into the room. "Come on Busta, let's leave...it's dead now." he said as he dragged me off the book and picked me up in his arm.

I was brought to a long-white-coat guy [AN: Vet] for my swollen paws and then left in the hotel room waiting for them to come back. I waited patiently by the door for noises or sounds to indicate me Master's presence but none.... I didn't know when but they brought me back to the room, the sun was on my head and it was only when Mr. Sun went to bed did I hear noises from outside. "Master!" I bark happily, carefully avoiding my swollen paws. As the door opens I watch wistfully at the four figures entering the room, "Master?" I ask as I tried to look out of the door but no one was out there. I look disappointedly at Joey who looked at me with sympathy. "Come on Busta, let's get you some food." Said Joey as he tried to pick me up. But I struggle out of his hold and position myself by the door. "I'm waiting here." I said stubbornly looking through the little opening between the floor and the door, and waiting for footsteps of Master Chris. "Busta, you gotta get some food in your tummy." Argued Joey. "Joey," Justin called out for attention, "Leave him alone, he's not gonna move from there till Chris gets back." "But he'll get hungry." Said Lance in concern as he place his hands on my head and gently stroke it. "Hungry?" Justin lets out a snigger, "Are you guys hungry now?" With that everyone kept their peace and left me be. I waited and waited and eventually slept on the floor by the door. I slept till Mr. Sun came out and there were movements from the guys. [AN: they were in a shared Suit with four bedrooms attached] "Yo' J, you wanna see Chris or not?" asked Joey as he pounds the door. "Morning Busta," said Lance as he smiled warmly and placed my milk bowl in front of me. "I wanna see Master Chris," I barked and limped away from the bowl. Lance picked me up from my position and placed me in my portable turtle shell [AN: Crate] and placed my milk bowl in it. "You be a good dog and stay here till we get back ok?" "I WANNA GO!" I shouted as I tried to crawl my way out and spilling the milk all over the turtle's base. "Come on Busta, good dog. Stay here." Said Lance as I watch him move further and further away from me. "WANNA GO! WANNA GO! I wanna see...let me out." my shouting was reduced to a whimper as the logical side of me took over and realized for me that it's a pointless situation. The stress that had build up from yesterday got to me and I began to sob for myself. Minutes later, the door opened and I jumped up in attention. 'huh?' I look, in surprised, at the figure walking towards me, it was DB. He took me out of my turtle shell and put this gag thing over my mouth and then a muzzle and places me in his backpack. 'What?' I struggled away from his hold. "Quiet Busta! I'm taking you to see Chris." He scowls at me. 'Master Chris?' I thought excitingly, then realizing the situation. I snuggle quietly in the bag. And when I could no longer see the light, I started to pray hard that he's not lying and that I would not be sold. The bag was thin, and I could hear the voices from outside. "Did you get it?" asked a deep booming voice, that's obviously Lance. "Yeah, let's go." Answered DB. Then more movement, then I could feel the bag being gentle sat on the floor and Justin's hand gently patting my nose. To show that I'm still alive, I nuzzle back at that hand. "So Lance, what did the doctor say yesterday?" asked DB, um, I mean Justin [For today]. :b "He said that Chris was bitten by a fat-tailed scorpion. The um, wait let me get my note book here," a couple of moments passed by before Lance continued, "ok, here it is, it's an Androctonus australis. It's a dangerous type of scorpion, numerous deaths in Middle East countries and North Africa are attributed to it, though it's more a danger to children, elder people and small animals. I guess Chris being an adult stand a bigger chance against it." "Lucky it didn't get to Busta, or he'd have died instantly." Said a different voice, that I think it's Joey. "Yeah, scorpions are generally not so dangerous now cos' of the various anti-bites available. But this one was one of the more dangerous type. Though the doctor reckon that Chris got it bad cos' he's immune system was down, due to the flu." Said JC, I'm certain of the voice. "When did the doc say he can come back with us?" asked Justin. "Tomorrow," replied Lance. "Good, I don't want to see Busta's sad face again." Joey sighed. "Too bad we can't bring him to the hospital, or Chris would be happier. He's been asking for Busta since he woke up yesterday." Said JC. "He'll see him tomorrow," said Lance in a comforting voice. "Did they find out who place the thing in the locker?" asked...um, somebody. [shrug] "No, but they found a piece of paper that wrote, 'LEAVE MY MAN ALONE.' I don't know what it means, but it's creepy." Said Lance. Then silence, I could hear the ticking of their brain as they thought about the information. 'Dumb humans!' of course its Jordan AGAIN! That basterd! He's dead when I see him. I'll bite his fucking balls off and spit on him!' {Grrrrr} I could feel the car stopping and the bag carrying me being shifted slowly to Justin's back. I pawed around and tried to get as comfortable as possible before settling down, and wait. I didn't have to wait long, cos the next moment, I hear Joey shouting happily. "Hey Chris! Glad you're alive man!" and I could hear a distinct smack of palms. "Hey guys!" 'Master Chris!' I thought happily. "Feeling better Chris?" asked a soft voice, which I think it's Lance. "I'd feel a whole lot better if I'm not confine to this BORING hospital room, there's absolutely nothing to do here, and the nurse is an N'Sync hater!" With that laughter came, it's good to laugh. :) Better if I'm laughing with them. So I struggle to get out of the bag, only to be smack on my butt. I wanted to growl, but luckily I was a bit late cos' there is a foreign sound in the room. "Excuse me! THIS is a hospital. Not a pub! So keep it down." With that the female voice left. Leaving the room speechless for a moment. Lance found his voice first, "Um, well, I guess you're right. She doesn't like us." "On the contrary dear," said JC, "I think she really loves us. It's a playground type of love. if you love someone, throw the ball at them to get attention." "Huh?" was the only intelligent answer that Lance could give, which reduce the guys to a fit of laughter again. '[sigh] ladies and gentlemen, I present you the entertainment of the day: THE DUMB CUCUMBER!' I shook my head in disbelieve. You'd think that after a year of being with me, he would have become smarter. "Ouch! I was just joking Lance." Said the cucumber's boyfriend. "Not funny!" the cucumber said. "Hey guys, I don't want to spoil your mood but...don't you guys have to go to the mall to do that signing thing?" said my master's voice. "Yeah you're right, we'll see you tomorrow." Said Joey 'But I haven't seen him yet.' With that I started struggling hard, then I felt myself being pressed against a hard thing. "Yo, J we've gotta go now. Come on." Said JC. "In a min, why don't you guys go on first." Said Justin, I could feel him squashing me harder into the seat. 'Can't breath!' I thought as my struggles weaken. "Ok, bye Chris." Blah blah blah, and not a moment too soon, I was released from the squashing and before I knew it, the bag was open and there was light. 'God?' I wondered. "You wanted to talk to me Just?" asked me master. "Just wanted to give you something," said Justin, with that a pair of hands lifted me out of the bag pack. 'MASTER!' I thought happily as I struggle to shake away the gag. "Gees, Justin did you have to treat him like that?" asked me master angrily as he took away the mask then removing the saliva soaked cloth from my mouth. "You could have killed him." "Master Chris!" I barked happily. "I wouldn't, it wasn't that tight. And if I didn't do that he would have barked far too much for my liking." Said Justin he said the last word with a hint of disgust. "Oh yeah! And you FU...mfgh!" "Quiet Busta, you don't want the nurse to throw you out!" hissed me Master as he covers my mouth. "I told cha' he's noisy." Said Justin as he shook his head, "and Lance is definitely gonna have my head when he knows what I've done." With that he left the room still shaking his silly head in despair. 'hehehe!' I snigger at the thought of Lance scolding Justin when he finds out that I'm missing. As much as I'm grateful that he brought me here, I still hold thoughts of revenge. Ignoring him for a moment, I turn to me Master and gave the best sad look I could muster and said, "Sorry." 'For being reckless and all.' I thought guiltily. "Hungry Busta? Betcha didn't eat much." Said me Master instead, then placing me on a table he took some of the mushy stuff on his plate and tried to get me to eat it. 'Will it bite me?' I wonder, then brazing myself, I tentatively stuck out my tongue and took a lick at it. 'Mmm, sweet.' With that, the rest of the meal went uneventful as I gobbled up whatever me Master refuse to eat. And after eating, I learned a very important lesson from me Master. The hospital is indeed very BORING. Other then the occasional hide and seek which I have to play when the nurse comes in, I was practically just another pillow of comfort for me Master to hold on.

'Oh, Mr. Moon is up!' I thought to myself as I lean against the window looking into the black sky.

"[Sigh] 10 hours more before I can get out of this boring place." Said me Master with a sad pouting face. And I can't help but pout with him too. "And there's nothing good on TV either. [sigh]" and more pouting from him.

"There's cartoon." A voice whispers.

Master Chris, startled by the voice, jumped and spun around at such a speed that made me dizzy.

"Masstteer!" I whined when he stopped, but he ignored me and I looked at what he's looking at.

"It's just a little girl humanoid!" I protested at his extended attention span on this girl.

"Oh, um. Hi, you startled me. um, what are you doing in my room?" asked me Master as he walked towards the bed.

"I'm hiding." Whispers the girl.

"From what? Aliens!" I barked back, and the girl looked at me with wide-eyes expression. "What are you looking at!" I barked.

"What are you hiding from?" me master whispers.

The girl looked back to me master, then leans in and whispers, "I'm hiding from the nurse, I don't want to take my injection. It hurts."

"But," me master whispers in an even smaller voice, "if you don't take your shots, you'll never get better."

Then the leans in, this time cupping her hand over me Master's ear and whispers, "I've been taking it for years and I never ever got better..."

"What are you're whispering about?" I barked loudly.

Startling them, the two humanoids looked at each other and laughed.

'Huh?' I wonder and scratch my head and came out with only one conclusion. 'Humans and hospitals shouldn't mix.'

"That's a nice looking dog," whispers the little girl after she stopped laughing.

'Well, if you put it that way.' "You're a nice looking kid." I barked back.

"What's its name?" asked the child as she stared at me in wonder.

'yeah I am wonderful. Ain't I?' I thought with a certain smugness as I look at her.

"He's name is Busta. You wanna touch him?" asked me master softly, then with that nod, he carefully and slowly lifted her up and placed her on his lap. I moved down to his feet and when they finished arranging themselves, I move towards the girl.

"Worship me!" I barked again in smugness.

The little girl giggled and took me in her tiny arms. She's all cold and small and her hands are as soft as my fur. Basically, she's nice.

"What's your name little one?" asked me master.

"Lillian, but people call me Lily." She whispered as she continues to stroke my fur.

"Where's your mum and dad?" asked me master.

She paused as if to recall and then, "Daddy's working. He has to work very hard cos' the medication for my illness is very expensive."

"Woah! Four-syllabus word! Impressive." I barked and nuzzled her hand, which got more giggling.

"What about your mummy?" asked me master gently.

"She's not here." She said.

"OBVIOUSLY!" I barked with a little sarcasm. :b I can't change that, it's just me.

"She went to sleep and will never wake up again." She said as she began to stroke my head.

'Huh?' I wondered and scratch my head.

"And...Are you ok with this?" me master asked softly almost like his whispering.

She shrugs her shoulders and said, "I guess I am, I mean...life goes on right and I don't have much choice right?"

Me master raises his eyebrow at this thought then paused and said, "It depends...you do have a choice, to live this second happily or unhappily, and no one can take that choice away from you."

That made her stop her stoking and she turns to Master Chris in a questioning manner.

Me Master smiled and said, "You could have chosen this time to mope around in your room, but instead you choose to come here and play with Busta. That's your choice...your freedom. So like the rest of the days, you could choose your time to do happy things, or be unhappy all the time. So it's not the amount of time you live that makes you alive, but the amount of times that you spent being happy that makes you alive."

She paused, then think about it, then shook her head again, "How can I be happy when I'm in pain all the time?"

"Surely not all the time." me Master protested.

"All the time!" she insisted, "here look at this," she said as she pulls her sleeve up to reveal tiny punchers holes in her arm.

'Pain?' I look at it in pain, and licked it. 'Better?' I asked when I hear her giggling.

"See! You're laughing, doesn't that feel better?" me Master pointed out.

"Yeah...but that's because Busta's here." Said the girl.

"So? Without Busta, you can do lots of stuffs to be happy, there's twenty four hours a day, I'm sure you can find time to laugh." Said Master Chris.

'Uho! Here he'll go again.' I cover my ears to stop me Master's blabbering to enter. As much as I love him, he just has this irritating hyperness in him. That makes him want to do as much fun as possible, not wanting to waste time was his motto. And that makes him pushy sometimes.

"But there's nothing to do here. That's what you said too!" the girl retorted.

"That's why," he pulled the little girl up and made her face him, "You have to take your shot. So that you can get better and get out of here."

'Hmmm...she's thinking again....aha! a light bulb above her head.' I smiled as she nods her head.

"I think I understand..., would I see you again when I get better?" she asked in a small shy voice.

Me Master smiled and tickled her, causing her to let me go as she giggled. "You'll definitely see me again. In fact, if you take your medicine and get out of here, I'll buy you a dog and we'll have a great party. How's that?"

"That will be great!" she jumps up and hugged me Master, causing him to blush and me to be jealous.

'How come I don't get a partner?' I pouted.

"And Busta will come to the party too right? And he'll have a new friend." She squealed excitingly.

Me master let out a laugh and nods his head happily. "Yeah, this old dude will go to the party too. Now," he said seriously, "Do you promise me that you'll go take your jabs and medicine and be happy and get better?"

The little girl sat on the bed quietly for a moment and then say, "Yeah, why not? I mean, suffer a bit now and play and be happy for a long time later right?"

'See! I knew that humanoids are intelligent creatures. They just have to be little dudes, so that their skull is more connected to their brain.' I thought happily.

"That's right." Master Chris smiled too.

Then they sat back again, with the girl playing with me, whilst me master looked contently at her smiling face. Me? I was bored. There's only so long you can play with me till I ceased getting amused by you. Looking down at my paws, she asked, "What's wrong with him?"

"He hurt himself trying to save me. he's a very brave dog." Said me master.

"THAT is soo untrue." I barked, but the happy look that me master gave me made me give in to him. 'ok, maybe half true.' [shrug]

"oh yeah?" she said then lifted me up to her chest and hugged me.

'Weak heart.' I thought to myself.

"You're a good dog!" she said happily.

"LILY!" a voice shouted out, I was quickly pulled away from the girl's hold and stuffed back under the cushion.

"Oh there you are. I was worried about you." Said a voice.

"I was just talking to Chris here." Said the sweet voice.

"Well, it's time to take your medication and shot and go to bed now." she said.

"Ok, buh bye." Said the girl as she hopped off the bed.

"What did you say to her?" asked the voice in confusion, "one minute she's happy and the next minute she's ok."

"Why is she here?" asked me master.

The voice let out a sigh and said, "she's HIV positive."

And me master let out a gasp.

"She got it from her mother. And the mother..."

"I know," said Master Chris.

After a long silence, the voice said, "so...um, I think I'll go now."

With that the sound of the door closing could be heard and I slowly got out of my hiding place. 'Master?'

Master Chris didn't say a word, he lean over to switch off the light and pulled me to his arms. In darkness, I could hear the sounds of the crickets outside, the sounds of the nurses, and me Master's bleeding heart as his tears wet the top of my head.

Ok, that's it. And again, I'm sorry I'm late. :C I lost my brain. :C

Next: Chapter 11

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