Encountering Nick

By Kevin K

Published on Apr 20, 2002


Obligatory warnings and disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal where you are or at your age, or you don't want to read about male/male relationships, go away. You shouldn't be here.

  2. I don't know any of the celebrities in this story, and this story in no way is meant to imply anything about their sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "kdawg96@hotmail.com".

Check out these fantastic authors as well: My buddy ND, author of 'Nick and Ashley' (a.k.a. 'All I Need Is You'), and my pal Joel, author of 'JC's Hitchhiker' and 'Brian and Tommy'. I recommend you check them out!

http://jcv.5u.com/all/worldofslash/ - Jayson Vascardi's website and also Dream Slash, at http://www.geocities.com/dreamslashuk/, that features my story and many other slash fiction stories. Go check it out.

Alex, author of 'Fame, Love and Reality' has approached me to write a sideline chapter for his excellent story. That should occur within the next month, so go check it out soon!

Don't forget to go and vote for the BBSA awards before voting closes!

I realize chapter 12 was somewhat shocking to many, but I assure you most of your questions will be answered in this chapter. To further discuss any and all questions, comments, suggestions and remarks please email me at kdawg96@hotmail.com! Now lets get back to what you came here for.

*** Encountering Nick - Chapter Thirteen

"Oh God!" Geoff cried out.

In front of him Nick laid completely naked on Brian bed, getting a blowjob from his so-called 'best friend'.

"Wha?! Geoff!?" Nick gasped.

"Fuck you!" Geoff yelled and ran out the room crying, leaving Nick and Brian alone to grasp what had just transpired.

Nick turned the palest shade of white. "Oh no! No, no, no!! No!" he muttered throwing his hands over his face as tears began to stream out of his eyes.

Brian looked at his friend and felt guilt painfully stab him in the stomach. 'How the hell did it get this far?' he thought to himself.

Three hours earlier TJ was in this same bed with Brian, lying with him, free from anxiety.

"What are you thinking Bri?" TJ asked Brian curiously, lying in his arms staring up at the ceiling.

"Oh nothing special. Just about how good you were in bed last night!" Brian responded smiling at him. Since confessing their secret love to each other for Nick back in LA, they have been able to console each other greatly. They have been helping each other get over Nick by being with each other. Brian was even starting to believe that he was developing some other feelings towards TJ, and that it was not simply just a sexual fixation between them anymore.

"Ah, what a coincidence! I was just thinking the same thing!" TJ said, smiling back at the man next to him. He believed that he might actually be falling for Brian. TJ also believed that he was almost already over Nick, who he had been in love with now for the longest time.

"Great minds think alike..." Brian said coolly.

"So true..." laughed TJ. They laid there in an enjoyable silence for a while longer until it was broken by TJ. "Bri?"

"Yea?" Brian responded.

"What's the time?" TJ asked, having the strange feeling as though he was forgetting something.

"Ummm, it's just before 9:00am." Brian said looking at his watch.

"Fuck!" TJ yelled leaping from the bed, searching the room for his clothes.

"Uh, TJ? What are you doing?" Brian questioned.

"Rehearsal! I'm late again!"

"You're kidding me! Again!? TJ, Andrew is going to be pissed."

"Ya think!?" TJ exclaimed sarcastically while pulling on his shirt.

"Just hurry up! He came up to me the other day when I was with Kevin and AJ, complaining about your unpunctuality. I think he even brought it up to management as well."

"Fuck!" he said, rushing to the door and throwing it open. To his surprise Nick was standing in front of him.

"Nick!?" TJ gasped.

"Trevor!?" Nick said confounded. "Where's Brian?"

"Uh... He's inside. Yea... We were just... He was just... helping me. Yea."

"Uh, okay." Nick said, frowning a bit.

"Yea. Anyways, I got to get to rehearsal! I am so late! Bye!" TJ stepped past Nick, who then stepped into Brian's room and shut the door.

"That was strange." Nick thought out loud. "Hey Bri?"

"Nick? Nick, is that you?" Brian yelled from the bedroom.

"Yea, it's me." He responded heading towards the bedroom. He stepped inside Brian's room and saw him standing there shirtless, pulling on a pair of pants. "Bri, what are you doing?" Nick asked him, although was beginning to get a pretty good idea as to what was actually going on.

"What does it look like?" Brian laughed, "I'm getting dressed man!"

"Yea I can see that." Nick said.

"Yea, I just woke up and when I heard you come in I wasn't dressed, so..."

"Brian, stop." Nick interrupted.

"What? Why?" Confusion spread across Brian's face.

"I saw TJ leave. I know you didn't just wake up." Nick told him.

The confusion disappeared and Brian's face just remained blank. He just stared at Nick and didn't say a word. He was in awe and couldn't figure out what to say to Nick. The gig was up.

"Brian?" Nick began, "Are you... are you gay?"

Still Brian didn't say a word, but instead he looked away from Nick's gaze and stared down at the floor.

Nick walked over towards the bed and took a seat next to his friend. Although Nick came to Brian in search of comfort and support for his personal dilemma, Brian needed him more now. "If you are Brian, it's okay. There is nothing to be ashamed about. So are you?"

Brian nodded, still staring at the floor, not meeting Nick's eyes. Emotion overcame him and all of a sudden Brian began to sob. Nick embraced his friend in a much-needed hug, comforting him and telling him that it's all right.

After a while of weeping Brian finally regained control of himself and removed himself from the reassuring embrace Nick had enveloped him in.

"Thanks Nick." Brian said.

"Anytime Frick." Nick said using the nickname him and Brian had used since the time they first started the band many years ago. "I hope this doesn't sound rude or abrupt or anything, but I take it this is why you're getting the divorce. Right?"

"Yea, this is why. But my marriage was never anything special. She never loved me, as I had never loved her." Brian began but was cut off by Nick.

"What!? You're marriage wasn't special? She didn't love you? Why did you get married in the first place then?" Nick asked amazed.

"Please don't get mad or anything, but my marriage was a cover up. I had always known I was gay. I needed a cover to protect my career, and Leighanne needed a way to get famous, to help her career. Yet lately our 'deal' doesn't seem to be working out and I can't take the pressure of it anymore. So I ended it."

"I'm not mad, Bri. I could never be mad at you. You did what you thought was best. But I must say, you sure had us fooled!"

"Yea," Brian smiled slightly, "That was the plan."

"So what finally caused you to end it? What pressure overcame you?" Nick asked curiously, since he realized that Brian was all right to talk about the issue.

"I couldn't live a lie anymore." He said.

"Yea, I can relate." Nick said. "That's how I felt too, before I met Geoff."

"You and Geoff sure do make the perfect couple." Brian commented.

"Used to make, you mean." Nick said glumly.

"You broke up?!" Brian asked surprised.

"He left me. I woke up this morning and he was gone."

Now Nick was the one to be overwhelmed by his emotions. Just as quickly as he was there to comfort Brian, Brian was there to comfort him. Seemingly endless tears were streaming from Nick's eyes as he buried his face into Brian's shoulder.

"It'll be okay Nicky. He's a fool to leave you. He's a fool." Brian told him.

Nick lifted his head of Brian's shoulder and looked into his eyes. "He's not the fool. I am. It's my fault. I shouldn't have said that to him last night."

"That's why he left you!?" Brian asked dumbfounded. "That's ridiculous!"

"No its not. I'm fully to blame! I should have known no one could love me." Nick wept, bursting into further tears.

"Don't say that! That's not true!"

"Yes it is! No one loves me!" Nick bawled.

"No, Nick, I love you." Brian said before realizing that the words had actually come out of his mouth.

The tears stopped and Nick stared at Brian. "You do?"

"Yea I do." Brian said, deciding that it was about time he disclose his feelings with the man he truly loved. "I always have. I love you more than anything in the world, Nick. I'd do anything for you and I can't stand to see you in pain. I'm here for you, and I always will be. People love you, Nick. I love you."

Nick didn't say anything, but he didn't break the gaze between his eyes and Brian's.

"I love you, Nick." Brian repeated.

Still Nick didn't say a word. Then Brian decided to do something he knew he would probably regret later. He leaned forward slightly, evermore closer to Nick's face, and whispered again, "I love you, Nick." Then he leaned further even more and gently placed his lips upon Nick's.

Nick didn't kiss back, but he didn't break the kiss. He just sat there frozen in time, unable to realize what was essentially happening. Brian was so gentle to him, so loving. 'Someone does love me. Brian does.' Nick thought.

Brian finally broke the kiss and looked into Nick beautiful blue eyes. "Nicky?"

Unable to find the words to express what he wanted to say to Brian, Nick seized Brian's face and brought it to meet his, engaging them into their first passionate kiss. Nick slipped his tongue into Brian's eagerly awaiting mouth, where it met with his. Their tongues were fighting madly with each other as they toppled on to the bed. Brian's hands roamed feverishly across Nick's chest, something he had been dreaming about doing for the longest time. He then jerked Nick's shirt off and began to kiss him all over. He began kissing and sucking, inching his way slowly from Nick's neck, past his collarbone down to his chest. When he reached his already stiff nipples, Brian softly began to suck on them, sending shivers down Nick's spine. Nick began to moan quietly as Brian continued putting them both through ecstasy. He began to suck on Nick's nipples and gently bite them. By this point both Nick and Brian were so incredibly hard that their pants were tenting. Brian continued to make his way lower, licking Nick's chest and making circles with his tongue around each one of his abs as he was coming increasingly closer to Nick's crotch.

Quickly undoing Nick's pants and grabbing his boxer briefs, Brian pulled them both down to his ankles, letting Nick's hard cock spring out. Bending forward, Brian allowed his lips to slip over it as he fervently took him all the way into his mouth, until his face was pushed up against Nick's abs.

Throwing his head back Nick groaned loudly. "Oh Brian!" He whimpered looking back down at him.

Brian stared back up at Nick, smiling as best as he could. This was a fantasy come to life for him. Nick threw his head back again, closing his eyes as he began to moan even louder. Brian began to swirl his tongue over the head of his cock, causing Nick to start whirling his head from side to side while his groans amplified. Running his hands up Nick's thighs, Brian took all of Nick inside of him again.

"Brian! Oh God, Brian!" Nick panted, starting to tense up.

He dropped down to Nick's balls for an instant, and then began making his way up the underside of his cock before taking all of him in his mouth again.

Suddenly, the door flew open from behind them.

"Oh God!" Geoff cried out.

End of Chapter Thirteen Please e-mail me with all questions and comments at kdawg96@hotmail.com - and I'm always open to new and fresh ideas. I look forward to hearing from all of you. Check back soon for Chapter Fourteen!

Next: Chapter 16

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