Encountering Nick

By Kevin K

Published on Jan 30, 2002


Obligatory warnings and disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal where you are or at your age, or you don't want to read about male/male relationships, go away. You shouldn't be here.

  2. I don't know any of the celebrities in this story, and this story in no way is meant to imply anything about their sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "kdawg96@hotmail.com".

Thanks to all who have written. I enjoy hearing what you have to say. I'd also like to thank ND and Joel for their inspirations to me. Check out their incredible stories as well: 'Nick and Ashley' and 'JC's Hitchhiker'. Both are great reads, I recommend you check them out! Now lets get back to what you came here for.

*** Encountering Nick - Chapter Three

There I stood, in a room alone with Nick, after telling him the great news of me getting the job, now with his lips on mine. With this sudden surprise, I was frozen, unable to move, unable to kiss back. After a few seconds, he noticed that and pulled back.

"Oh Geoff, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to... well, I did, its just that I thought you were..."

"I am," I interrupted, and pulled him into a wet passionate kiss. I can be quite the romantic sometimes. I moaned into his mouth as I felt his tongue slide in and begin fighting with mine. His hands roamed wildly across my back, as mine wondered down to his ass. I could feel Nick thrusting his hips slightly into me. It was getting pretty hot until we heard footsteps coming closer. We immediately stopped, but both of us had huge smiles fixed on our faces. I was so hard, and I think Nick was too because we both quickly readjusted. Nick gave me a quick look to indicate we'd finish this later, and then turned towards the door where Brian and AJ were now coming through.

"What the hell are you guys so happy about?" AJ asked jokingly.

Did he suspect anything? Did he know Nick was gay?

"Uhh... Guys, this is Geoff. You know, the guy I was telling you about," Nick said, "We're so happy 'cause Geoff just got the position of our new dancer. He'll be touring with us and everything!"

"Wow! Congratulations man!" AJ said, as he grabbed my hand and pulled me into a hug. You know, one of those very manly hugs, with the pat on the back and everything.

"Welcome to the family," Brian said, as he also came up and gave me a more traditional hug. I was beginning to notice that these guys were very big with hugs, but it didn't bother me at all. I was now 'part of the family' and I couldn't be happier!

"Thanks so much guys! I appreciate everything!" I managed to say in this moment of exhilaration and delight.

"You're one of us now Geoff!" Nick said.

This was great, a dream come true. Nothing could ruin this.

"Thanks! So where are the rest of the guys? Where are Howie and Kevin?" I questioned.

"They had some things to take care of," Brian said.

AJ then added, "They said they'd meet us for lunch. You busy Geoff? You should come with us."

"You don't have to ask me twice. I'm in!"

"Great," Nick said, "So where are we going? I'm already starting to get hungry."

"Well, hold up Nicky. We still got to wait around for an hour or so," Brian said, "I told Kev we'd meet him at 12:30 at the restaurant."

"OK, I guess I can hang out until then." Nick said a little frustrated.

"Yea me too," I said.

About an hour later we were at this restaurant in upper Manhattan. Soon after we got our table, Kevin arrived. He was alone, saying Howie was feeling kind of sick and headed back at the hotel.

Lunch was very enjoyable. The guys were so nice to me. They told me the plans for the next month. We were to stay in New York for one more day, which I was very grateful for. As much as I love this city, I was getting pretty sick of it and just wanted to start dancing again. From New York we were heading to LA to perform a concert, which will be my first one with them. After LA, we're to head through a couple other cities. Then we are to head back to Orlando for a week off, and restart touring again after the break.

The guys were interested in knowing much about me too. I hadn't realized it until now, but Nick didn't know much about me either. And how did he know I was gay?

We were halfway through lunch when the 'Britney issue' came up.

"So, Nick says you used to dance for Brit," AJ said. He was very direct and said what he thought before he could think what he was saying. "And they fired you right? How'd you fuck up?"

"He said it wasn't his fault AJ!" Nick proclaimed. I think he knew that the question might have frustrated me, but I've been asked it a lot already by numerous people in the hotel. I know I said before I didn't want to embarrass myself, but what the hell, who cares! I'm just about to start living with these guys and going on tour with them, and most likely be embarrassing myself on a regular basis, being the klutz that I am.

"It wasn't my fault," I began, "It happened about a week ago. Britney was performing that night at Madison Square Gardens, and the dancers were rehearsing on stage. However, at the same time the crew was setting up the stage for that night's performance. You know the lights, big screens, microphones, and speakers, and basically everything. I had great friendships and was very close with all of the dancers, except one. His name was Jack, and we never got along. There was something about him that just didn't make me feel right."

The truth is Jack knew I was gay. He was very homophobic, and always hated me because of who I was. He would always call me a 'fag' and a 'cock sucker', and would always try to mess me up while we were dancing. But I couldn't tell the guys that part because I wasn't ready to tell AJ and Brian I was gay. If they knew I was gay, and didn't know Nick was, perhaps they would begin to suspect Nick. I don't want that to happen to Nick. He doesn't deserve to be in suspicion.

I continued my story, "It wasn't only me that didn't like Jack though. He was an asshole to pretty much all of the dancers, so we all hated him. Anyways, that afternoon, while we were rehearsing and going over our routine on stage, Jack started saying things to me, which got me distracted and..."

Kevin interrupted, "What type of things?"

"I don't know," I answered, "Like he would tell me I suck, and that I would never accomplish anything. I was a failure, and a loser," and that I was a 'fag' and a 'cock sucker', "and, like I said before, I became distracted. Jack was just making me angry, and when other things are bothering me, I become rather of a klutz. And I just happened to get fucked up with my steps and I stumbled into two of the crewmembers that were connecting the lights. One thing led to another and the damage "I caused" was costing at least a couple thousand dollars. They had to cancel that night's show. So they fired me."

"But it wasn't your fault! It was Jacks!" Brian insisted.

"I told them that, but Jack denied the whole thing. He told them that I've been trying to get him fired for a long time now, and this was just another scheme of mine! The asshole! I still get mad thinking about it!" which I'm sure the guys realized, because my voice had turned really cold, "All of the other dancers believed me and stuck up for me, even Britney did, but management had no choice but to get rid of me. I'll never forget the look on Jacks face though when I was leaving. It was so evil, and I knew he planned this all along. He always hated me, and he always wanted to get rid of me." I didn't realize I was going to tell the story in so much depth, but once I started to tell them about Jack, and how angry he made me, I couldn't stop.

"Forget about him Geoff," Nick said, trying to comfort me as best as possible, without getting the other guys suspicious. "Don't worry about it. You're with us now, and everything's going to be fine."

"I hope so, Nick." I said, "I really hope so."

"Well I guess it was nice of Britney's management to set you up in such a fancy hotel while you stayed here in New York." AJ pointed out.

I didn't realize that was the impression I gave out. I think that's what they all thought, even Nick. I mean, how could a dancer, particularly an unemployed dancer, afford staying at the Plaza hotel?

"They didn't even set me up with a hotel at all. They left that to me, so I'm paying for it myself." I replied.

I think AJ was caught off guard with this and again said what he thought, "You paid for the hotel by yourself! Are you nuts!? It's like $400 a night here! How can you fuckin' afford that!?"

I knew I'd have to explain it sooner or later, but I would have preferred later.

"My parents were very exceedingly wealthy. My dad was the proprietor of one of the most successful businesses in Canada. I never really knew what he did, I think it had to do with computers or communications or something. But whatever it was, he was amazing at it, and it showed. We were one of the richest families in the country, if not the richest. But the money never consumed my parents. Not only were they the richest people in the country, but also the kindest, most compassionate, most generous and thoughtful people in the world. We used to walk through downtown Toronto, and every homeless person we'd pass, my parents would give him or her at least hundred dollar bill. They would always give to charity and always help a person in need. They were truly the most wonderful people. And then when I was fourteen," I paused and was becoming very teary eyed, and I think they knew what was coming up, "there was an accident."

The guys were staring at me, and were very caught up in what I was saying. They had all stopped eating and were just waiting for me to continue.

"What happened Geoff?" Nick asked quietly and cautiously.

"A drunk driver. My parents were driving home from a New Years party they had just attended, and were near home. But this guy hit them head on, and he was intoxicated. He killed my parents. He killed them and all he received minor injuries!" I was crying now, but quickly recovered myself and continued the story, "Four years later, when I was eighteen, I inherited everything. I acquired all the money, the house, and the business... basically everything. My parents never expected me to operate the business if anything were to happen to them; they knew it's not what I would have wanted. They always told me to follow my dreams, and dancing was my dream. I'd been dancing since I was six years old, and I'd been taught by the best. So I sold the business, and donated the house to charity, because I didn't plan to stay in Toronto. I'm still technically a billionaire, but I never pride on it. I'd give it all just to have my parents back in the world with me," I paused for a second, then continued, "Because of who I was, I had a lot of connections. I organized lots of auditions, and received a job after a couple of them. It was with Britney. I then began touring with them, and that lasted until a week ago. And then you know the rest." I had finished my story, and was still crying a little bit.

"I'm so sorry," Nick said. Since he was sitting next to me, he gave me a quick hug to comfort me.

"Nick, why don't you take Geoff to the washroom and get him cleaned up. He has rehearsal after lunch, and I'm sure he doesn't want to go in with a tear stained face," Brian suggested, "We'll cover the check while you go do that."

"Good idea. Thanks Bri," Nick responded.

"Thank you," I managed to say as Nick and I got up and headed to the washroom.

I washed my face, and gathered myself together. Before we headed back to the table, Nick pulled me aside.

"You feeling better Geoff?"

"Yes, thank you Nick."

"I know you have rehearsal soon, but do you maybe want to go out after?" he asked.

Then I thought of something, "I was thinking we could stay in tonight?" I flashed him a sexy, suggestive smile.

"Alright!" Nick said, catching my drift, "I'll have dinner ready in my room for when you arrive at the hotel. Just come by when you're ready."

"Great!" I said.

We left the restaurant and headed back to the studio. I was already pretty familiar with the place from my little tour with Nick this morning, so I knew exactly where to go when I got there. When I arrived, I met the new people I would be working with. Everyone was so nice and welcoming to me. The squad consisted of 4 girls and 4 guys, including me. There was Jenny, Melissa, Jody and Natalie, who were all extremely kind and seemed like great people. And then there was Greg, Matt and TJ. TJ was the nicest of them all. We bonded right away. He told me what everyone was like, and that everyone was great. Thank god there wasn't anyone like Jack. Unfortunately, Matt was only with us for another week, before he left to pursue an acting career. So soon there would be another male dancer added to the group. And that didn't bother me at all, because in a week, I wouldn't be referred to as the new guy anymore!

I caught on to the dance routine very quickly, and soon I was just as good as everyone else in the group. Everyone was really impressed with me, and I was fitting in extremely well. Things couldn't be better.

The rehearsal lasted about five hours. I was very long, and I was dreadfully tired once it was over. But the thought of being alone with Nick tonight allowed me to not pass out and go to sleep right then and there.

It was close to 7:00pm, so I though I better head home, get showered and go straight over to Nicks.

I glanced at my watched as I reached Nick's door, 7:10pm. When I'm motivated, I can perform quite quickly if I want to. I knocked, and within seconds Nick opened the door. He gave me a brief kiss hello, and then I glanced around the hotel room. It was a lot cleaner than this morning, and if I thought breakfast was fancy, dinner was no comparison!

It was like out of a movie! A candle lit dinner, with those metal lids over our dishes, and everything was just so romantic. As we ate dinner, I told him about my rehearsal. I told him now great the other dancers were to me, and how nice TJ was. Nick told me him and TJ used to be really great friends. He said they still are, but they're not as close as they used to be. I wondered why but I didn't question anything.

I told him how Matt was leaving next week, and he told me he knew. Of course he knew; he was in the band long before I was. It's just that I was getting so excited with everything that I couldn't stop talking. Nick told me that Matt was offered a job to act in the new Tom Cruise movie, and acting was always his true passion. He also told me that they weren't angry at all that he was leaving us, and that they totally encouraged him to take the job. I thought that was really sweet of them.

After dinner we cuddled up on the couch to watch a movie. When it was over, I got up and headed over to the bed.

"So, you're staying for the night?" Nick questioned.

"I didn't think you'd mind?" I replied, but now getting a little worried that maybe it was the wrong thing to do.

"I don't mind at all," he said before he pulled my into our second passionate kiss.

Our tongues were fighting madly with each other as we fell on to the bed. His hands were roaming fervently across my chest, as mine were to his back. Nick then yanked my shirt off and began to kiss me all over. He started at my neck, kissing and sucking. He inched his way down slowly, past my collarbone to my already rigid nipples. He softly kissed the left one, which sent shivers down my spine. I moaned quietly as he continued. He began to suck on them and gently bite them. By this point I was as hard as a rock, and I'm sure Nick could feel it too. He began to make his way lower, licking my chest all the way down. He tongue made circles around each one of my abs, as he was coming ever closer to my crotch. He tugged my pants off, and stared at me as I lay on the bed wearing nothing but my briefs. I glanced Nick up and down, and noticed that he was also enormously hard. Nick ripped his shirt off, before jumping back on top of me and getting back to work. He began to suck my dick through my briefs, which were already soaked with pre cum. My moaning was becoming uncontrollably louder. The next thing I knew, Nick had torn off my briefs and took in my whole seven-inch cock inside his mouth.

"Oh Nick. Oh this feels fuckin' incredible!" I grunted.

This encouraged Nick even more and he began to suck faster and faster. He was doing things with his tongue that I can't even describe.

I was getting close, very close. "Nick, I'm going to..." But before I could finish telling him, I shot my load into his waiting mouth. He swallowed it all, saving just a tiny bit for when he came up to kiss me. Our tongues were madly going at it again, with the faint taste of my cum, which turned me on even more.

I then broke the kiss and made my way down to return the favour. I didn't spend as much time as Nick did on his gorgeous chest, and I ripped his pants and briefs off right away. Like I said before, when I'm motivated, I can perform quite quickly if I want to. Before me was Nick's seven and a half inch cut dick. It was beautiful, and thick to, like mine. I took the whole think in my mouth, like Nick had done for me. Nick was moaning so loudly, I bet the guys could have heard us next door. After a couple minutes, without warning, Nick shot his huge load into me. Just like he did for me, I swallowed it all, and saved just a little bit for a kiss. I moved up him and let him taste his own juice. He seemed to enjoy it because he moaned into my mouth as we kissed.

We kissed for a while, before we fell asleep, naked, in each other's arms. It was so peaceful, and I the last thought I had before I drifted to sleep was that 'I think I'm falling in love'.

I awoke the next morning, in Nick's arms, to a loud knocking at the door. Nick awoke to the same noise. Though before we could do anything, the door burst open.

It was Brian.

End of Chapter Three Ahh, Cliffhangers. You got to love them! I hoped you all enjoyed that. Please e-mail me with all questions and comments at kdawg96@hotmail.com - and I'm always open to new and fresh ideas. I look forward to hearing from all of you. Check back soon for Chapter Four!

Next: Chapter 4

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