Encountering Nick

By Kevin K

Published on Jan 29, 2002


Obligatory warnings and disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal where you are or at your age, or you don't want to read about male/male relationships, go away. You shouldn't be here.

  2. I don't know any of the celebrities in this story, and this story in no way is meant to imply anything about their sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "kdawg96@hotmail.com".

This is the second chapter to my first attempt at a story. I'd like all the feedback I can get! Thank you to all who have written me to far. I love hearing from you! Thanks again. Now on with the story...

*** Encountering Nick - Chapter Two

My heart was beating so fast that I'm sure Nick could hear it on the other side of the phone. I wasn't saying anything, and Nick instantly recognized that.

"Hey Geoff, did you hear me? I said I've unfortunately got some bad news."

I knew this would happen, but I didn't want to believe it. I was getting all excited at the chance to dance for the Backstreet Boys, and be able to spend more and more time with Nick. But now it was all going down the drain now and my dreams were ruined.


"Yea, sorry, I'm here." I said in a very depressing tone, "I didn't get an audition, did I?"

"What? Of course I got you an audition!" Nick said a little perplexed.

"Really?" I said, my voice back to its normal vigorous tone.

"Of course," said Nick, "That's one thing you have to learn about me Geoff, I don't break promises."

I was very relieved, "Thank you so much Nick. That's one thing you have to know about me, I always overreact."

"Ahh, I'll have to remember that for next time."

But he said bad news before. If I had the audition, what was the bad news? I began to worry again. "Nick?"

"Yea Geoff?"

"You said bad news before?"

"Oh yea, that's right. The guys can't make it to dinner tonight. But we can still go, alright?"

Oh! That was the bad news? As much as I was looking forward to meeting the other guys, I was more then happy to have dinner alone with Nick. It will give me a chance to find out more about him! "Oh I don't mind at all. It sounds good to me! Should I meet you there?"

"Of course not, I'll pick you up!" Nick said cheerfully, "I'll be at your hotel room at six, ok?"

"Yes, that's great. I'll see you then!"

"Can't wait!" Nick said before he hung up.

'Can't wait?' Nick sounded pretty excited about tonight. I wonder if... no it couldn't be. Could it? Could this be my first date with Nick Carter?

It funny, when you're looking forward to something, time moves by so slowly. The two hours after my phone call with Nick until he finally showed up at my door seemed like eternity!

He took me to this Italian restaurant, which was also really fancy. He ordered spaghetti and I just order a pizza. We talk about different things. He told me all about the guys, and told me more stories that happened to them on touring. Whenever I began to talk, Nick would always slurp up his spaghetti and get sauce all over his face, and no matter what I was saying, whether it be serious or not, I would crack up into laughter. This happened at least five times! There's no stopping the guy! At some points during the dinner, we'd be silent. Although it was not an odd silence, it was more like a pleasant one. And we'd eat and just stare at each other, and into each other's eyes. I was growing very fond of Nick, but could he be feeling the same way?

We'd both about finished our meal and were about to order dessert. We'd been silent now for a couple minutes so I decided to break the silence and continue the conversation. "So, when's my audition?"

"Oh, I completely forgot to tell you. It's tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? So soon!?" I said, as I began to panic.

"What's the matter?" Nick said a little concerned.

"Oh nothing I guess. It's just that I didn't have time to prepare anything."

"Don't worry Geoff. I'm sure you'll impress them with your natural charm. Hey, it worked on me!"

'It worked on him?' what did he mean by that? I continued talking though, "I guess so. I'll give it my best!" I said, regaining my enthusiasm once more.

"That's the spirit!" Nick said, flashing me his million-dollar smile, "You'll come down to the studio with me tomorrow, and you'll have the audition then. Now let's finish up dessert and get out of here."

"Sounds good to me!"

We left the restaurant and walked down to Rockefeller Centre. It was so beautiful at night. It was late January, but the Christmas tree was still up and glimmering with loads of lights. People were skating on the rink and everyone was just so happy. Although it was night, Nick had to wear sunglasses and a hat. He said it was so that he doesn't get noticed and he doesn't want me to have to wait aside while he signs scores of autographs for an hour. It was sweet of him, thinking about me.

When we got back to the hotel, he insisted on walking me back to my room, but I told him the his room was so much closer that it wouldn't make sense for him to come to mine. He kept on insisting, but I didn't see the point and I kept telling him it didn't matter. When we got to his floor, we said goodnight. He gave me yet another hug, except I kind of expected it this time. And as he got out of the elevator, I swear it he looked a little disappointed.

Was I reading too much into this, or was Nick interested in me?

I woke the next morning to my cell phone ringing.

"Hello?" I groaned. My voice was so groggy that who ever was on the other side must have known that I was sleeping.

"Wake up sleepy head! It's almost time to go!"

"Oh, hey Nick. OK, I'm getting up, don't worry!"

"Good. Have a shower, the come by my room and have some breakfast and then we'll head out? Sound alright?" Nick asked.

"Yea that sounds fine," I said still a little sleepily, "I'll be by soon."

"Great, see you then." Nick said as he hung up.

I took a quick shower, and then got dressed. I was sure to pick some of my nicest clothes, because, like Nick said, I have to charm them. I headed to Nick's room where he had breakfast all laid out and ready for us. It looked so great, and everything you could think of was there.

"Wow Nick, you didn't have to go to so much trouble."

"Hey, I wanted to. I didn't know what you wanted, so I ordered a little bit of everything." Nick said smiling at me.

"Awww, you're so sweet!"

"Yea I know," he said and we both laughed.

We caught a cab to the studio right after breakfast. It wasn't too far, about ten minutes away. The studio was just a place they rented while in New York to practice dances and routines and rehearse their songs. It wasn't to record a new album. When we got to the studio, Nick showed me where to go and told me where he and the guys would be. He said to come find him after and tell him how it went. He again hugged me, wished me good luck and sent me on my way.

The audition was long, about two hours. There were about four people auditioning me. They asked me to do different moves, and asked to see what I can do. They asked me a lot of questions, and already seemed to know a lot about me, because of what Nick told them. But they also found out about why I got fired. They said they spoke with my previous choreographer, who told them the story. Thank god they didn't care. They said they were exceedingly impressed with me and see a lot of potential. They just asked that I be more careful with them. I had gotten the job!

When they let me leave, after telling me all I needed to know, I ran over to tell Nick. He was alone in a room just reading a magazine and drinking a bottle of water. He must have been on break. He looked up as I entered the room.

"Geoff! How'd it go?" he said eagerly.

"Incredible!" I said excitedly, "I got the job!"

"Congratulations!" Nick began as he got up to come and hug me, "I'm so happy for you!" He pulled me into a hug, but then what happened next startled me.

He kissed me.

End of Chapter Two I hoped you all enjoyed that. Please e-mail me with all questions and comments at kdawg96@hotmail.com - I look forward to hearing from all of you. Check back soon for Chapter Three!

Next: Chapter 3

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