Encountering Nick

By Kevin K

Published on Jan 31, 2002


Obligatory warnings and disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal where you are or at your age, or you don't want to read about male/male relationships, go away. You shouldn't be here.

  2. I don't know any of the celebrities in this story, and this story in no way is meant to imply anything about their sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "kdawg96@hotmail.com".

Thanks again to all who have written. I love hearing what it is you have to say. For other great reads, check out theses incredible stories as well: 'Nick and Ashley' and 'JC's Hitchhiker'. I recommend you check them out! For the past few days now I have been posting a new chapter every day. I'd just like to warn readers that I start school again on Monday, and that chapters will not be posted as regularly as beforehand. I will try my best to post two, possibly three chapters a week. I'll try post one for chapter for tomorrow, but if I don't, I'm sorry. Hang in there guys! Now lets get back to what you came here for.

*** Encountering Nick - Chapter Four

We lay in bed, both of us naked, with Nick's arms around me. Brian stood across the room by the door; his jaw dropped in awe, and wasn't saying a word. He stood frozen for a second, then turned and hurried straight out of the room.

"Brian wait!" Nick screamed after him, as he quickly put on a pair of pants and began chasing after him out the door.

I now sat alone on the bed, in Nick's hotel room, and I couldn't figure out what had just happened. 'What the hell did I do!? I just ruined Nick's life. Brian would tell the other guys, and they would disown Nick. Nick would despise me, and what I once did have with him would be gone. It would be a thing of the past, something I'd look back on and only regret. They're for sure going to fire me! Why do all the terrible things in the world always have to happen to me!?'

I began crying uncontrollably. 'It wasn't fair! Why me!?' I crunched myself into a ball on the bed and I cried for at least twenty minutes, until I felt a hand placed on my shoulder. I looked up to see Nick, smiling down at me. Brian was behind him, smiling as well.

Now I was confused.

"Geoff, its all right. Don't worry," Nick told me.

I still didn't know what to say. I looked at him, and then I looked at Brian, then back at Nick again.

"Geoff, Nick explained everything to me," Brian clarified, "I was just taken back at first, and a little shocked to be honest. But Nick and I talked. He told me everything and I'm totally okay with it. I'm not offended at all; I have no reason to be! Nick's my best friend, and although you and I just met yesterday, I know we're going to be real good friends as well. And what kind of friend would I be to spoil something between the two of you that could end up being the best thing in both of your lives?"

"Thanks Brian," I said as I got up off of the bed.

"No problem Geoff. Now do me a favour and put some fuckin' clothes on!" Brian said as he and Nick burst into laughter.

I looked down I realized I was still completely naked! Why I hadn't realized this before, I have no clue. I guess I was getting totally carried away with what had just happened, and it just slipped my mind. I became really embarrassed and turned completely red.

"Awww," Nick said, "You look so cute when you're embarrassed."

"Shut up!" I joked as I grabbed a pillow off the bed and threw it at him. Brian and Nick just kept laughing.

I picked up my clothes, which we tangled up at the end of the bed, and began to get dressed.

"So, do you plan on tell the other guys any time soon?" Brian asked.

"Yea, we will soon," Nick replied, "Just not right now. We will when the time's right."

"I wont say a word until then, guys. You can count on me. And if there's ever a problem, and either of you need someone to talk to, I'm your man." Brian told us.

"I don't mean to be rude and all, Bri," I said as I decided to humour up our serious moment, "But I prefer to keep Nick as my man!"

"Fine, whatever," Brian said, pretending to act hurt. He couldn't act for shit! Now it was mine and Nick's turn to laugh at Brian.

"Shut up guys," Brian said with a huge grin on his face. "But in all seriousness, I see a bright future for the two of you. Now come here and give me a hug!" The three of us embraced in a group hug, to symbolize the bond and trust that was just reestablished.

Today was our last day in New York, thank god! I headed back to my room after our little group hug. I left Nick and Brian to talk more about what had just happened. Even though Brian is totally accepting of us, I'm sure he still had a lot of questions to ask Nick. Anyways, I needed to pack my things for tomorrow before I headed to rehearsal, and now was a better time than ever to do that. When I got to my room though, I noticed I had a message on my phone.

I checked it and was a little surprised by who it was.

Britney called. She said to call her back on her cell when I got the message. When I was on tour with them, Brit and I were very close. We were practically best friends, and inseparable at times. She knew I was gay, and it didn't bother her one bit. In fact, when I told her I was gay, all it did was make our friendship even stronger. It crushed her to see me leave the group when they fired me. She did all she could to get me to stay, but management wouldn't allow it, the bastards.

She must be calling to check up on me. She's always been a sweetheart. I grabbed my cell, and dialed her number and waited while it rang.

"Hey, It's Britney," she answered.

"Hey Beautiful!"

"Geoff! Oh my god, its so good to hear from you!"

"Thanks Brit, it's great to hear from you too. I miss you."

"I miss you too hun! I just want to say I'm sorry again about last week. I did all I could, but sometimes management is too stubborn."

I knew she'd feel bad. She's honestly the greatest person ever, and it wasn't her fault. And if the blame were to be placed anywhere, Jack would be receiving it.

"Listen, Brit, you don't have to worry about it. I was upset at first, but it's not bothering me anymore. It's not your fault. It's Jacks, remember?" She knew what Jack did to me, and she hated the guy too.

"Yea I know. We fired him yesterday!"

"What!?" I asked. I wasn't expecting that.

"Yea, he got in a fight with management about something. I'm not quite sure about what it was, but he's gone now and everyone's relieved! You know, I might be able to get you your old job back now! Wouldn't that be great?" she asked. I think she was getting pretty excited. This next news was sure to disappoint her.

"Oh, well that would be great. But I can't Brit, I'm sorry."

"What?" she sounded like she was about to cry, "How come?"

"I've already got another job." I told her.

"You did?" she asked, sounding happy for me. I know she wants me back, but more than anything she wants me to be happy. "So who you dancing for this time? Is she prettier than me?" she said, trying to lighten up the moment.

"Brit, I'll never ever dance for any girl prettier than you. There's no such girl! That's why I'm dancing for five hot guys!"

"Yea right! Who?" she asked ecstatically.

"The Backstreet Boys!"

"Holy shit! How'd you score that Geoffy?"

"I've got my secrets!" I snickered.

"Listen hun, we're about to rehearse for tonight, so I have to go. But don't you go and disappear on me! I want to hear from you as much as possible. And remember, if anything happens, I'm here for you. Alright?"

"Thanks hun. I'll try calling you from LA in a day or two. I love you!"

"And I love you too! Bye!"

"Bye Brit."

She was the best friend a guy could ask for. I missed her so much, and speaking to her really made my day. But by talking to her, I got distracted from my packing, which I eagerly needed to do. So I quickly began to pack up all my things from the hotel suite into my all of my cases. Once that was all done and finished, I then headed to rehearsal.

Rehearsal today wasn't as long as it was yesterday. It was only three hours, and then we were done for the day. I didn't realize we had the afternoon off before, so I really didn't have to rush with my packing. But now that I was finished packing, I could do whatever I wanted.

Unfortunately, Nick wasn't as privileged to have the afternoon free, so I couldn't spend it with him. I had lunch with him though, and he told me not to make plans for tonight because there was a big group dinner for everyone at the hotel. All the guys were going to be there, as will all the dancers, and most likely Leanne, Brian's wife, and Kristin, Kevin's wife, as long as their flights arrive on time.

Lunch was quick, because Nick had to get back to the studio, and I was left with nothing to do until dinner. So, I was sitting in the lobby of the hotel again just watching the people go by. As I mentioned before, I'm always very curious and interested about people, so this type of thing fascinated me, while it might bore someone else to death. The last time I did this was maybe three days ago, just before I met Nick.

Wow. My life sure has changed in the past three days. I've got the greatest job, I've got wonderful new friends, I still have Brit as my best friend, and Nick Carter's my new boyfriend. On top of that, I think I'm falling in love.

"Hey there Geoff, what you up to?"

I was brought back to reality from my daze by TJ, who had come and sat next to me.

"Oh, hey Teeg," Teeg was a nickname I used for him. I just blended T and J together. I thought it sounded cool, and he liked it too.

"What's up man? I just came back from lunch and saw you sitting here. You looked like you were in a daze or something?"

"Yea, something like that," I answered, "I was just thinking."

"That's cool. So what you doing this afternoon? Have you got any plans?"

"No, I don't."

"You should come out with us!" he offered, "Me, Jenny, Natalie and Greg are just going shopping and site seeing. It'll be fun, come on!"

"Alright," I accepted, "What else would I do today anyways?"

"Exactly, so it's settled. And we're going to have fun!"

I smiled, "Good."

TJ really was a nice guy, and it was even nicer of him to include me in his plans.

We left soon after my invite, and spent the day walking around Manhattan. It was January, but there was no snow on the ground at all. But believe me, it was cold enough for there to have been.

We went into what seemed liked thousands of stores, and we all bought tons of things. We went skating at Rockefeller Center, and we also visited Ground Zero, where the World Trade Centre used to be. That was heartbreaking, and I decided to do something my parents would have done. I got out my chequebook, and made a cheque out to the relief fund for five million dollars, and gave it to the FDNY. The firefighters began to cry when I gave it to them, and I knew my parents would be proud. Greg, Jenny, Natalie and TJ were all stunned at what I had just done.

I spent the next twenty minutes explaining to them about my parents, and my present money situation. They found it hard to believe that a billionaire would want to be a dancer, but I told them that dancing was my true passion, and money didn't matter to me. I think they all had grown a newfound respect for me.

I almost told Greg, Natalie, TJ and Jenny about me being gay, but I decided not to at the last moment. At any rate, we'd been out on the town for at least a few hours, and we needed to head back and get ready for tonight.

Once I was all showered and dressed, I went to Nick's room before we headed to dinner together. When I arrived at his room, he was still getting dressed, and he opened the door wearing nothing but a pair of boxer briefs.

This put a big smile on my face. There was still about fifteen minutes before we were expected downstairs, so I decided to have a little fun.

"Oh, Hey Geoffy!" Nick said. 'Geoffy'. Only Brit's called me that, but I liked the way it sounded coming from Nick. "Sorry, I'm running late. Let me just put on a pair of pants and..."

"Not so fast," I interrupted, "We still got at least fifteen minutes, and you being in your underwear already speeds things up a bit."

I then dropped to my knees and jerked his boxer briefs right off. Then I stood up to give Nick a deep wet kiss. I slipped my tongue into his eagerly awaiting mouth, where it met with his.

After a couple minutes I broke the kiss, and dropped to my knees once more. Nick was hard already, but I didn't take it all in right away like last time.

I took my tongue, and licked his shaft up and down. I sucked on the head of his dick, and flicked my tongue underneath it, where it's most sensitive. From above me, I heard Nick whimpering in ecstasy. I then decided to take the seven and a half inch meat into my mouth. Nick's whimpering now changed to loud moaning, and he began panting furiously. He tensed up, and then shot his load deep into my mouth, where I swallowed it all.

I looked up at him and smiled, "That was fun."

"Oh yea, you can say that again."

"I would, but you got to get dressed," I said looking at my watch, "Now we're late!"

Within a couple minutes Nick and I were in the elevator heading downstairs to the hotel banquet hall, where the dinner was being held. We were holding hands up until we stepped out of the elevator, because that's where anybody would recognize us... well, mainly him.

There was a time when I was recognized for who I was too, the son of Daniel and Ruth Goldman. But since I sold the business, and moved out of Toronto, barely anyone stops me on the streets anymore. I'm not complaining. In fact, I glad that I'm just another guy. I don't want people to think, 'Hey! There that rich guy". I'd rather they not like me how much money I have, but like me for the decent of person I am, like Nick does.

The banquet hall was so fancy, just like the rest of the hotel. There was one long table, where sixteen people were seated, including Nick and I. There were all the dancers, Jenny, Melissa, Jody, Natalie, Greg, Matt and Teeg, as well as all the guys, Brian with Leanne, Kevin with Kristen, AJ, and Howie, who I was meeting for the first time tonight.

Nick and I sat down together, with Brian on one side of Nick, and TJ on the other side of me. Dinner was very pleasant, and everyone was getting along incredibly well. Kristen, Leanne and Howie were asking me many questions about myself, which I was glad to answer. Matt was talking a lot about the movie he was soon to act in, and we were all excited about that too. Everyone found out about my generous donation I made earlier today, and almost everyone said that was unbelievably kindhearted of me. I once again had to explain to Leanne, Howie, Kristen, and the other dancers about my parents, my money, and my love for dancing. It seemed that I had told that story more in the past two days than I have my entire life!

Near the end of the meal, Kevin tapped on his glass with his knife, which indicated he wanted to say something. Everyone went silent. "Thank you all for coming tonight," Kevin began, "It truly has been a wonderful evening. I'd like to thank my beautiful wife Kristen, as well as my cousin's just as lovely wife Leanne, to be able to be with us tonight, and we're glad that they will be able to be with us until we arrive in Orlando for the break." We all clapped, and then Kevin continued, "I'd also like to welcome Geoff to the family. You've already shown us that you're such a great person, and we look forward to spending many months being in your company. However, with joy there must come sorrow, and unfortunately we are soon to say goodbye to our friend Matt. We wish you all the good luck with your movie, and look forward to seeing you on the big screen very soon." All of us applauded, agreeing with Kevin, and thanking Kevin for such a wonderful speech.

The next thing I knew Nick was standing up, dinging his glass to get everyone's attention, and within seconds the room was silent once again. Nick began, "Great words, Kev. You really put that together nicely. I would also like to say something tonight." Nick quickly glanced down at me, and smiled, before looking up again and continuing. "I look upon all of you, and I consider you all as family to me. And as family, I have grown to love and trust all of you with my life." Both Brian and I knew what Nick was getting into, and I knew Brian was here to support us no matter what. I think having Brian's support is what gave Nick the courage to say what he was saying right now. "I hope you all feel the same way about me as well, so that you can accept what it is I'm about to say." Nick paused, took a deep breath and then continued, "You see, I'm gay. And Geoff here is my boyfriend."

The room was silent, and Nick stopped talking. No one said a word, and the silence just continued. Just then, Brian began to clap, as did I. It caught on very quickly and soon the whole table was applauding at Nick, and also at me. Everyone got up, and hugged the both of us, congratulated us and wished us good luck together. Everyone was accepting and just wanted to be happy. It felt so great to be part of a loving and accepting family again.

End of Chapter Four No cliffhanger this time, 'cause I know the readers hate them. But I can't promise this every time! Please e-mail me with all questions and comments at kdawg96@hotmail.com - and I'm always open to new and fresh ideas. I look forward to hearing from all of you. Check back soon for Chapter Four!

Next: Chapter 5

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