Garden of Songs

By Sun Child

Published on Jan 28, 2001


Welcome back to the land of 'Garden of Songs' which I know has taken me one hell of a long time to update. Still, I'll do my best to get it up and running again.

WARNING: If you are not of legal age to be here, please leave now. I'm not the one who is gonna get their ass fried for you doing something illegal. I have met the band before, but I do not know their sexuality, not that it is my business, but I am still gonna dream... I mean Daniel is so HOT! Any songs that appear in the story will be credited at the bottom. If it says that the song is mine and you want to use it, just ask. Probably won't be a problem but just ask. If you are offended by m/m concepts, please leave and don't come back to any of my stories, I don't appreciate abuse for it which I am really pissed off about. T. Churchill don't ever write again... you have been warned.

Stories I like:

Search and Rescue - (boy-bands) great JC from Nsync story. LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!

Jamie's Romance - (boy-bands) A fantastic story that is worth the time to sit and read. Never doubt the power of love is the message I seem to get from this story. MORE MORE MORE!

JC Dreams - (boy-bands) I enjoy writing this one as much as Garden. If you haven't read it, do me a favour and read it then let me know what you think.

Yesterday's Child - (high school) same as above. :o)

Brandis Redemption - (celebrity) Jonathan Brandis... I haven't seen or heard from him for a while. Except in this fan-fucking-tastic story.

Feedback can be sent to -= =- apart from the previously mentioned T. Churchill. I do appreciate hearing from my readers, lets me know how my story is going.

Thanks to my matey Casey who gives me lots of feedback and who has joined the JC Dreams crew. I appreciate it though mate, thanks.

I am Australian and trying to write in an international lingo so give me a break if I spell something different or have a different phrasing to what you are used to.

Well, now that's over I'll start the story.

Garden of Songs 9 by Sun Child.

Resting there with Daniel, after making love for the first time, I lay there, my mind dancing over what had happened. The song 'Amazing Grace' kept singing itself in my head. Climbing up from where I was, I walked into the studio closed the door and sat down at the piano. I found my notes and pressed record.

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound

That saved a wretch like me.

I once was lost, but now I'm found.

Was blind, but now I see.

'Twas grace that taught my heart to feel

And grace my fears relieved.

How precious did that grace appear

The hour I first believed.

When we've been there ten thousand years

Bright shining as the sun,

We've no less days to sing God's praise

Then when we first begun.

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound

That saved a wretch like me.

I once was lost, but now I'm found.

Was blind, but now I see

As I played the last notes of the song I found tears pooling in my eyes. I had broken the vow to myself of never listening to or singing the song since... since I had lost Brendon. As they had taken his body away they had been playing this song. The longer I sat there the more I felt like crying. I was just sitting there thinking over what had happened. I had run from Brendon, from the pain. That's why I had come on the trip in the end. It had taken me nearly 7 months now. I couldn't believe that it had been so long... and how much it still hurt. All the pain filtered through my body. Not knowing what to do. I flipped my song book to hunt for a new song to put on the record

Saying I miss you

Is saying only words

They can't describe what's on the inside

In ways that are honest and true

Love of mother and father

Kindness of a a lover

Feelings that are on the inside

Shown in one way or another

Crying over things that can't be undown

Help no-one rid themselves of the pain

Whether it is loss of family, friend or my lover

The pain is there through it is something

I want to shun

Within my heart

Will you be always

Making my love ache

As though an arrow has pierced my heart

Laying down the final base notes I stopped the recording equipment and got up and walked around. Feeling the hurt building again I walked out of the room and to Daniel's room. He was still lying there is total undress. Gently, careful not to let the few tears that ran down my cheek drop on him, I lifted the sheets up to cover him. Leaning down I kissed and turned and walked out of the room. Venturing downstairs I grabbed my smokes, phone, wallet and the car keys. I then headed to the garage. Opening the garage door I cimbed into the car and reversed it out a bit then closed the door. Returning to the car I reversed the car the rest of the way down the drive. I then turned the wheel and drove off. Pulling up at the lights, I wound down a window and pulled out a smoke and lit it. Taking a drag I turned on the radio. Listening but not really concentrating on the mindless music that was coming out of the radio, I accelerated as the light turned green. Twisting and turning I managed to find myself outside 'The Beat' nightclub. Turning the wheel I rounded the corner then went back to the club. Walking inside I went upstairs and was greeted by a dazlzing sight and sound show. Wakling outside I sought out the bar. Standing there, I quietly wished Daniel was there with me. I threw the last down of my drink which at some point while thinking had collected. Walking downstairs and out to the car. I unlocked it and opened the door. Starting the car, I drove slowly away and back to Daniels. Pulling into the garage I stopped the car and got out. I went inside to find Daniel sitting at the kitchen table, coffee in hand. As I walked in he jumped up.

"Where have you been?" He demanded.

"I went for a drive." I threw back.


"The Beat if it's any of your business."


"Because I needed to get away from it all. I needed to think." I felt my anger rising.

"Think about what?"

"Different things Daniel. I have more things on my mind than you realise." I told him harshly.

"Yeah like what?"

"What does it matter Daniel? I went out, I'm home now and I'm sorry. Please just get over it." "I'm not going to just get over it. Dan, you went out at 2:15 in the morning. Don't worry you say. Are you doing drugs or something?"

"No." I felt myself getting over the angry and close to the tears that had sent me from the house.

"Is there someone else?"

"No... there hasn't been for a long time. You are the first person I've seen or slept with since Brendon... since he died and I can't take it Daniel. I loved him so much and now he's gone and I just can't deal with it. Being back at home with my parents was too much so I ran. I ran down here but the hurt and pain followed and I just can't take it. I can't cope with the hurt and pain and Darren and his comments and everything right now. I'm just hurting too much. I just need to be loved but everyone I love turns their back on me." I told him, dissolving to tears and just letting it all out. Soon the tears and sobs can in huge hiccups. Daniel came and held me. I buried my head in his shoulder and just continued to cry. I couldn't help it. I was hurting so much and I didn't know what else to do. Daniel just sat there holding me and loving me for all he was worth. At that point I didn't care who else was about I took his hand and led him up the stairs. Closing the door I turned on the air conditioner and pulled him to me. Gently, I pulled his shirt up over his head and dropped it on the floor. Reaching down, I pushed his boxers to the ground then started to unbutton my own shirt, but he moved my hands away and did it for me. He then reached down and undid my three-quaters, letting them drop to the floor. My boxers soon followed suit and he leant in and kissed me. I kissed him back hungering for his love. I gently kissed his neck softly and pulled him back onto the bed with me. I felt him kissing my lips and I ran my hands up and down his back. Reaching down in between us, I grabbed his hard, swollen member, spreading my legs a little I guided it down. Daniel pushed up off me.

"Dan, are you sure?"

"Yeah I am. Just get protection and lubricant." Applying both to his own member, he came back and gently rubbed lubricant over my opening the started to lean in again and push into me. I gave a small gasp as I felt him fully slip in to me. Slowly he started taking strokes, I leant up and kissed him slightly then lay back down as I watched his face contort into ectasy. His strokes soon became harder and faster. The faster he got, he kept hitting my prostate with more regularity. As he hit his climax he took one last stroke and hit my prostate again.The last hit pushed my over the edge and I came with more force that I ever have before. Daniel leant down and kissed me as he pulled out of me and kissed me lightly. Lying there, we looked at each other and I finally spoke up.


"Race you there?"

"You're on." With that we both ran from the room, my mood from earlier forgotten.

--- well, it short, it's been delayed but it's out. So you can all stop whinging. Okay songs: 1) Amazing Grace. 2)Saying I Miss you. - mine Okay, play it safe, keep it safe, and stay cool. SC. If you want to contact me you can also on icq #104300787. Later all.

Next: Chapter 11

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