Garden of Songs

By Sun Child

Published on Mar 19, 2001


Well, here we go again. Garden of Songs returns yet again.

WARNING: I'm not going to care if you're underaged or not, you know whether you are or not, I accept no responsibility if you are and get caught, just as I accept nothing if you are offended. I ain't in the mood. All songs belong to respective artists. All owners noted at bottom of the chapter. If it's mine, please ask before using it. I've met Savage Garden but don't know if they like guys or girls.

Feedback: Feedback is great, it let's me know how I'm doing. e-mail: or ICQ: 104300787 (Sun Child) MSN Messanger is connected through Please feel free to add me should you wish.

Author's comments: Thanks to all those who have provided me with the great feedback, it let's me know how I'm going and that I'm doing it right. Thanks to the support all readers have provided me with while posting. I love it ... thanks. Thanks also to Serge and Matthew. Both are regular readers and write to me frequently and give me heaps of feedback, I appreciate it.

Stories Recommended:

Jamie's Romance - (boy bands) its coming to a close and I will be sad to see such a beautiful, well crafted story finish. I hope it stays for a while longer though. Involves Justin from Nsync and Jamie (non-celeb).

Black the Promise - (boy bands) my latest series I have started. Involves JC and Justin from Nsync.

JC Dreams - (boy bands) My first series which is still running strong... thanks to all those who have made it possible. Casey my friend, you are a legend! MWAH! JC from Nsync and Tony (non-celeb).

Yesterday's Child - (high school) This is my third series. I'm proud of the way it's running. I'm glad that so many people enjoy it. Thanks to all those who have sent me the feedback. I'm glad to know you enjoy my work.

Search and Rescue - (boy bands) a heart warming, and heart breaking story. It hasn't been updates in months... write to the author and demand more. JC from Nsync and sorry, can't remember... they're non-celeb.

Alpha Male - (college) it makes for an interesting read. Sometimes indepth but a good read all the same.

Begin Anew - (high school) this has some funky shit. I am totally enjoying it... DaBeagal is da BOMB!

I'm going to try a different style of writing this time, tell me how you think it goes. Well, time for me to stop yabbering and start writing huh... well here we go.

Garden of Songs 14 by Sun Child

Daniel held open the door and Jason and I walked into the house. walking in the lounge room, Jason and I sat down on the couch while Daniel took the seat oppostite us. I looked at him.

"So what did you want to say?"

"I wanted to say I love you."

"Noted and do I care?" I said tiredly.

"Dan, There was a reason to what I did, you may not be able to see that, but there was. Darren said... he said that if I... I... well y'know, he'd leave us alone. The band would continue and it would all just end."

"Daniel, the band is dying it's own death. What was the last song here that did anything?" Daniel thought for a moment.

"I Knew I Love You."

"That was released a year and half ago. As far as the public here is concerened, Savage Garden is over. I still support the garden 100%, but it's not enough to have me and a handful. I mean, you've got little or no fanbase here anymore. The more 'mature' sound as Darren puts it has killed your success, your digestable sound was what survived and succeeded. I'm sorry baby, the band is over in Australia."

"I guess, but I'm going to keep it going. For now at least, we have the tour. After tour I'll see what happens." I nodded and looked at Jason. Jason made a motion for me to stay there and talk so more.

"Dan, I'm sorry I betrayed you. I ... I tried to sleep without you after I was so ceremoniously taken from the club last night and I couldn't. I lay there feeling as though there was a part of me missing."

"Let me guess, your soul mate. Daniel, we are the tarnished and tinted soul mates that love each other too much."

"You didn't have trouble sleeping last?"


"He passed out from intoxication." Jason threw in. I looked at Jason and frowned at him.

"How much did you drink last night?"

"A bit."

"Probably two hundreds worth." Jason again piped up and again I frowned at him. A look of horror crossed Daniel's face.

"How was your head this morning. Or afternoon as it would have been if I know you."


"Yeah, he blew straight zeros on an RBT machine." Jason told him. Daniel rolled his eyes and looked at me.

"Asshole, you handle alcohol too well." Daniel grinned at me.

"Daniel, much as you might like to pretend nothing happened and everything's fine, it isn't. You still cheated on me."

"It was so he would leave us alone."

"I know, you told me that." I told him dryly.

"Why do you get the feeling you don't believe me."

"Because you hurt me and I'm finding it hard to trust you." I think that was the biggest slap in the face I could have ever given him. Trust is one of the biggest things to Daniel. If you don't have trust you have nothing.

"Please Dan."

"What do you want me to do? Come back and next time Darren rocks up, face him knowing what he's done. Can you honestly think that my first instinct will to be not to kill him?"

"I know it will Dan, but I want you here with me, I need you here with me." Tears trickled down his face leaving intricate patterns as he looked to the floor. I leant over to Jason.

"Kitchen is down the hall, second door on the left." Jason nodded, taking the hint and left." I squatted down next to Daniel and lifted his head in my hand.

"Daniel, you know I love you. I always will but do you know how much it hurts?"

"As much as it hurts me knowing that I've done this to you."

"I will come back, but one condition."

"Name it."

"If Darren must come around, he has to call first so I can make sure I am out."

"That can be done."

"Right, I told Robert and Cris I'd go back and tell them what happened. Then I'll come back, with them, and cook a feast. We'll work from there." Daniel smiled and nodded and I threw my arms around him, sharing the tears that streamed down both our cheeks. To be honest, I'm not the cold heartless prick I pretend to be at times. Don't get me wrong, I don't have a heart of gold and I'm not about to grow one, but at times I can be in touch with my feelings. I held Daniel tight and then turned my head and kissed him. The kiss wasn't a quick pec like you see in so many movies, nor was it the full on passionate 'fuck me now' kisses that you see in the other movies. It was sweet, tender and I don't know... fulfilling. It was a blessing to me I guess. With the idea that Daniel and I were split, well it got to me more than I really let on, hence the reason I drank myself into oblivion. I looked at Daniel, suddnenly remembering.

"The feast will have to be tomorrow night. We have dinner with Andy and Cheyne tonight before the concert." Daniel looked at me then suddenly remembered and nodded.

"Well, tomorrow night then." I smiled and kissed him again on the lips. I stood up.

"I'll go see Robert and Cris and drop off Jason then come back. Want to come?" Daniel shook his head.

"Nah, I'll get ready." I nodded and went to get Jason. On the way back past the door, Daniel was there waiting. Jason shook his hand and went outside. I leant in and kissed him on the lips.

"I love you."

"I love you too Dan." With that I walked out and down to the car and reversed down the drive and sped away.

While we were driving I knew exactly what Jason wanted to know.

"Yes, we are back together." Jason cheered from beside me. I laughed and turned on the CD in the player. The sounds of Five filtered out.

Oh baby, I'm invincible

I smiled, with Daniel I guess I was, he made me feel so happy, so content... almost... oh what the hell, I'll do the stereotype, he made me complete. I didn't feel right without him. Pulling up a while later at Robert's, I walked up to the door and knocked and put on a distraught face, and looked down, Jason saw the face change and knew what I was up to (damn best friends huh), and looked away, his face expressionless. Robert opened the door and I looked up, still with the most distraught expression you could imagine on my face. Robert wrapped his arms around me and led me inside. Cris saw me and Robert walk in and was instantly on his feet. He came over and hugged me.

"What did he say?" Cris asked.

"He... he said he loved me."

"Insult to injury." Robert muttered.

"I made an idiot of myself while I was there though." Cris hugged me.

"No, I'm sure you handeled it fine.

"I did, I looked like a fool."


"Because I said I'd get back with him." Robert slapped me while Cris punched me, all three of us smiling. Well, they were smiling and I was laughing that I had gotten them so well. They both hugged me again.

"I'm so glad for you." Cris whispered in my ear. I smiled and held them both, not in that way... heavens ... will you lot get your mind out of the gutters. This is a gay story, but it's not all sex. I looked at them.

"Well, I'm gonna drop off Jason and then I'm going to Daniel's and then we're going to dinner and then to the Madison Avenue concert." The others all looked at me.

"That show was sold out weeks ago. Before you even got here. How did you get tickets?"

"Well, it's amazing what having a boyfriend in show business can do, especially when he knows the performers." I grinned... hey if you have the connections... why the hell not?

"Well, say hi to him for us."

"Tell him yourself at seven tomorrow night. You're both expected there so no excuses." The others smiled and said they'd be there. I grabbed Jason and led him out the door.

"Time to drop you home." I told him.

Pulling up outside his place I looked at him.

"You're expected there tomorrow night as well."

"Count on it... dinner with a star, who'd miss it."

"You've had dinner with me before." I laughed.

"No comment." I stuck my tongue at him and laughed again. He leant over and hugged me.

"I'll be there."

"Of course, I told you you would be." I laughed. He climbed out and went inside as I drove off, waving at him.

Pulling into the drive, I went inside and didn't see Daniel, but heard the shower running. I went upstairs and got undressed in the bedroom then walked into the ensuite where Daniel was showering. I climbed into the shower behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist and started to kiss his shoulder. Slowly he turned to face me and put his lips against mine. Closing my eyes, he I've got to keep some traditions, I kissed him back. There was no urgency, apart from the fact we were meeting Andy and Cheyne in an hour and a half. Cuddling into him I let the water run over me, cleaning away the residual evil of the past few days. Holding Daniel, it felt so right, like it was predestined by some demented diety with nothing better to do with their time. Not that I was complaing mind you, I loved Daniel and he loved me, so I guess it's all like really cool. But hey, who am I to complain?

There ya go, the latest in a epic. The small line of lyrics is from 'Invincible' by Five... if you have no idea who they are, don't be worried. Well, feedback to the usual addresses, which are, as usual, listed at the top of the story. Okay, later peeps. Take care, SC.s

Next: Chapter 16

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