Garden of Songs

By Sun Child

Published on Mar 7, 2001


Well, here we go again. Garden of Songs returns yet again.

WARNING: I'm not going to care if you're underaged or not, you know whether you are or not, I accept no responsibility if you are and get caught, just as I accept nothing if you are offended. I ain't in the mood. All songs belong to respective artists. All owners noted at bottom of the chapter. If it's mine, please ask before using it. I've met Savage Garden but don't know if they like guys or girls.

Feedback: Feedback is great, it let's me know how I'm doing. e-mail: or ICQ: 104300787 (Sun Child) MSN Messanger is connected through Please feel free to add me should you wish.

Author's comments: Thanks to all those who have provided me with the great feedback, it let's me know how I'm going and that I'm doing it right. Thanks to the support all readers have provided me with while posting. I love it ... thanks. Thanks also to Serge and Matthew. Both are regular readers and write to me frequently and give me heaps of feedback, I appreciate it.

Stories Recommended:

Jamie's Romance - (boy bands) its coming to a close and I will be sad to see such a beautiful, well crafted story finish. I hope it stays for a while longer though. Involves Justin from Nsync and Jamie (non-celeb).

Black the Promise - (boy bands) my latest series I have started. Involves JC and Justin from Nsync.

JC Dreams - (boy bands) My first series which is still running strong... thanks to all those who have made it possible. Casey my friend, you are a legend! MWAH! JC from Nsync and Tony (non-celeb).

Yesterday's Child - (high school) This is my third series. I'm proud of the way it's running. I'm glad that so many people enjoy it. Thanks to all those who have sent me the feedback. I'm glad to know you enjoy my work.

Search and Rescue - (boy bands) a heart warming, and heart breaking story. It hasn't been updates in months... write to the author and demand more. JC from Nsync and sorry, can't remember... they're non-celeb.

Alpha Male - (college) it makes for an interesting read. Sometimes indepth but a good read all the same.

Begin Anew - (high school) this has some funky shit. I am totally enjoying it... DaBeagal is da BOMB!

Well, time for me to stop yabbering and start writing huh... well here we go.

Garden of Songs 13 by Sun Child

Standing at Robert's door, I felt open, hurt and vunerable. I had been hurt yet again, loved someone to have them throw it in my face. Robert opened his door a few moments later and looked at me then ushered me inside. After I had explained what had happened, I felt tears rolling over my cheeks and Robert was livid. I don't think I had ever seen anyone as angry as I saw Robert at that moment.

"Doesn't he realise what he's thrown away?" Robert fumed. He was angrier than I was.

"Rob, don't worry about it, I'm dealing and I'm fine. I just need a place to bunk if that's okay?" Robert sat down beside me and hugged me.

"You're always welcome here Dan. That's what friends are for. You'll just have to excuse me if I make you sleep in the spare room this time." I looked at him confused, then smiled.

"Who is he?" I asked.

"His name is Cris... Cristian. He's a nice guy... I think you'll like him. He should be here soon."

"Well, do you think he'll mind if we go out tonight? I want to get out and socialise and it is Friday night after all." Robert nodded slightly.

"If you're sure?" I nodded.

"I am. Thanks for letting me crash." Robert hugged me and then sat back.

"Have you eatten yet?" I tried to remember the last time I had eatten. Yesterday? Day before? One of them. I guess I took too long to answer because Robert got off the couch and headed to the kitchen, I followed him into the kitchen.

"Do you still love him?" He asked. I nodded slightly.

"I always will. It just hurts that he would do that to me." (If you want to know what is going on look at the previous chapter). Robert nodded, totally not knowing what to say I guess. Still it was all good. I think the silence made it easier. Robert looked at me.

"You have any clothes?" I shook my head.

"Well, I think you'll be about Cris's size. I'll call him and get him to bring some clothes for you. Where are we going?" I thought for a moment.

"Beat sounds good. There's always plenty of people and decent music... not to mention cheap alcohol." I smiled.

"Beat it is then." Robert smiled back. he left the kitchen to use the phone. I looked at what he had out of the cupboard. Totally nothing that was worth cooking with. I put it away and looked in the fridge and rest of the cupboard. Selecting a few ingredients, I started to prepare. A short time later I Robert walked back into the kitchen.

"There we go all... HEY! What are you doing? You're not meant to do that."

"Oh shut up and deal sista. I'm a trained chef so accept what you're given." Giving up, Robert leant back against the bench and watched me prepare. Soon, I had the food ready. Passing him a plate, I grabbed one and we got ready to walk into the lounge room.

"What's with the extra food?"

"Chow time for Cris if he hasn't eatten and hang over food." I told him smiling. Robert nodded and we went into the lounge, sat and ate. When we had finished, we went back to the kitchen and cleaned up. When that was done we went back and talked idly until Cris turned up.

About an hour later there was a knock at the door and Robert went to the door. He appeared a short time later with a familiar face in tow. I jumped out of the couch and ran over to Cris.

"Cris! I haven't seen you in ages." Robert looked at the two of us.

"You know each other?"

"Yeah, we've known each other for ages! My god, I haven't seen you in months and months." He laughed.

"I know." He smiled and we hugged again. Cris handed me some clothes.

"These are your style and size." I took the clothes smiling.

"Okay, I'm claiming the shower. Can I get a towel?" I asked. Robert showed me where they were and I then headed for the shower.

A while later, I was showered and dressed and then headed to the lounge room. Robert's jaw hit the ground.

"My God, makes me wish I was single." Both Cris and I looked at him, Cris punched him playfully in the shoulder while I slapped him. Robert stood up.

"Well, I'm going to shower... you guys can catch up." Cris and I sat there talking and he hit me up about what had happened. He knew I was seeing someone, but he didn't know who. I told him the full story and he hugged me close.

"I'm sorry Dan, I wish I'd known. I would have been there for you." We let go and I looked at him.

"Well you are now so that's all that counts." We talked a little while longer when Robert appeared.

"Are we ready to go yet?" I looked at the clock ... it was already 11 pm. I looked at Cris.

"You eatten?" He nodded. I stood up.

"Well, we're ready." Arm in arm we all walked out and waited for a cab.

Arriving at the beat, we all walked in and out to where to the back bar. It was open and more comfortable. I saw several people who I knew and said hello to them. I was sitting down, talking to Cris and to several others when Jason, an old friend, came up and sat beside me. I looked at him, not fully realising who he was. When he spoke it dawned on me. I leant over and gave him a hug. It was refreshing to see him again. We sat there talking for God only knows how long. We got up and moved to the dance floor. They went from Madonna's 'Don't Tell Me', to 'Mama Mia' by Abba. By the time we got back, our chairs were taken so I ended up sitting on his lap. We went back to talking. After more than a few drinks, we were both very cosy. We ended up with our tongues stuck down each other's throats. We had been going at it for some time apparently when Daniel appeared. He looked at me and walked over, he grabbed me by the shoulder and spun me around.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"What does it matter to you... it's not as though we're together."

"Since when?"

"Since you fucked Darren." I glared at him. I saw him wince and silently smiled to myself.

"You don't understand that."

"I don't want to. We're over Daniel. Deal with it."

"Dan, we're going home. We need to talk."

"This is really bugging you isn't it." I said, a total hint of nasty edging my voice.

"It's pissing you right off that you can't get me to do what you want. That I'm standing on my own feet. That I'm not wallowing in breaking up with you. Well deal with it, I am free now Daniel. You fucked up, you fucked Darren. Hell, I would have thought you had better taste."

"Dan, you're plastered off your skull. Just let me take you home and we can talk."

"Nope sorry." I looked over and saw Brock, a bouncer I knew. Waving to him.

"Brock hunny, can you take this away from me, he's annoying me and won't leave me alone." Brock came over and put a hand on Daniel's shoulder.

"Come on mister, time to leave." Daniel looked at me hurt.

"We'll talk later."

"Or not. Bye." I gave Daniel a coy wave and went back to Jason and sat down on his lap.

"Who was that?" Jason asked.

"That was my ex-boyfriend."

"You were going out with Daniel Jones?" Jason asked slack jawed. I nodded.

"Yeah, but he was cheating on me, I caught him so I left him."

"When was this?"

"This afternoon." I grinned drunkinly.

"And I was going to be the rebound of unadulterated night of passion." He surmised.

"No. Well maybe. I don't think I'd be capable of even getting it up tonight." I giggled to him. He shook his head.

"Well, now that I know that, I don't think I would sleep with you. Well, share a bed maybe, but no sex." He told me. I nodded.

"That's cool." Someone opened the door into the club and I heard Jennifer Lopez filtering out. Grabbing Jason's hand I dragged him out of his chair.

"We gotta dance." With that I dragged him inside the club. We stayed on the dance floor for several hours when Robert and Cris came and started to dance with us. Robert was the funniest dancer I had ever seen. He had no sense of rythm. We danced for a while longer then stumbled back outside. I went straight to the bar and got another vodka and orange. I sat down beside Robert, Cris and Jason.

"How much have you had to drink?" Asked Robert.

"Not enough." I told him.

"How much have you spent at the bar tonight?" He asked. I opened my wallet and looked. I had a fifty in there. I had arrived with two hundred in there.

"About a hundred and fifty." I told him.

"Not to mention the drinks I've bought for you." Jason chimed in.

"Last drink Dan." Robert told me. I put on my best puppy dog eyes.

"Nice try, but they don't work on him." Cris told me. I shrugged.

"But I want to totally wipe myself out."

"You haven't done that already?"

"Hell no. I have a lot more to go yet." Cris spoke up.

"That's a nice wallet, can I have a look?"

"Don't take my money." I told him handing it over. He took it and put it in his pocket.

"No more drinks Dan. I'm with Robert on this one. Drinking is one thing. This is excess and totally not good for you."

"Oh please. I'm no alcoholic... I'm a drunk... Alcoholics go to meetings. And I stopped going to them months ago. So I'm not an alcoholic anymore." I giggled. The other three looked at each other and stood up.

"Finish your drink and we're going." I downed the last of it and stood up.

"Where are we going?" I asked.


"But we just got here."

"Yeah, five hours ago."

"Really? Wow, that's a long time. Okay, we can go then... I've got to say bye to a few people." With that I staggered off to say my farewells. When all that was over, the others helped me down the stairs.

"Who's going where?" I asked.

"Well, Jason can come back to my place if he wants." Robert offered.

"Sure, sounds good. Means I can watch this one." He said jerking a thumb in my direction.

"Hey! I can watch myself." I said and just about fell over on the last step. The others groaned and Jason propped me up with my arm over his shoulder. We somehow managed to make it to a taxi and climbed in. When we got to Robert's I was totally feeling the alcohol. I managed to untangle myself from Jason and looked to the sky.

"Love sucks!" I proclaimed. Jason looked at me.

"But it's beautiful when you have it."

"Oh yeah, but then they cheat and it sucks."

"They still care even when it's over."

"I guess." I looked to the heavens again and raised a hand.

"Love, is a many splendoured thing." I then quite promptly fell backwards on the ground and passed out.

I awoke some time the next day and looked around. I didn't recognise the room, it wasn't the one I shared with Daniel, it was different. It all came rushing back to me. I shrugged and bounced out of bed. I walked down the hall all chipper and found the others sitting in the lounge room.

"Morning all." I said cheerfully.

"Morning? Dan, it's 4:30 in the afternoon. How is it that you do not have a major headache?" Jason asked me.

"Never had one, well after drinking anyone. Yet to have my first hangover as well." I told them. Cris and Robert looked at each other.

"He's still to sober."

"I'm sober. I could down a Random Breath Test and blow zeros." Robert stood up.

"We'll see. My dad's a cop and I have an RBT machine." With that he went to fetch it. (RBT is Random Breath Test for those who don't know). He came back a few moments later with the machine in hand. He turned it on and handed it to me to blow on. I took a breath and blew on the mouth piece. The machine beeped and Robert stood there slack jawed.

"He's right... he just blew straight zeros." I smiled.

"Told ya. That reminds me... did I really get Daniel kicked out last night?" The others all nodded. I sat down heavily on the lounge.

"I was hoping that was just a bad dream. Man, he'll be pissed at me now."

"Not really, he's more worried about you. He's called three times already today." Robert told me. I groaned.

"I don't want to see him." I said wearily.

"Well, you've got to. You at least need clothes. If ya stay here, you're name will go on the bond and you'll pay rent as well." Robert told me. I just nodded.

"Fine." I told him. Jason stood.

"Get dressed, we're going to see him." He told me. I sighed again and stood up.

"Do I really have to?"

"Stop being an idiot, he loves you... give him a chance."

"Another one?" I asked.

"How many has he had?"

"This was his third."

"Well, what's another one."

"Too many?" I guessed. I got a smack on the upside of the head and pointed in the direction of the room and dragged in there. Jason sat me on the bed.

"Dan, I love you, you're a great friend, but build a bridge and get over it. I know Daniel may have done something stupid. He needs to talk to you, try and work things out. You two have something that so many want. Try it. For me?" I looked at him and nodded resignedly. Pulling on clothes that I had from the previous day, I grabbed my car keys and we walked to the door. I waved to the others and told them I'd be back to let them know how it went. We got in my car, I cranked the volume and we drove off.

Arriving out the front of Daniel's I took a deep breath.

"I don't know if I can do this Jason."

"shut up and get out and walk up to the door." He told me. With that he opened his door and got out and I shrugged and got out. Locking the doors, we walked up to the house and I knocked on the door. The door opened and Daniel looked at me.

"Hello Daniel, I hear we need to talk."

--- Well there ya go. Another cliffhanger I know... deal with it! Thanks to all those who wrote in. All appreciated. Keep safe, SC.

Next: Chapter 15

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