Garden of Songs

By Sun Child

Published on Sep 19, 2000


Hey guess what ... I've got another chapter here for you. Ain't ya just so lukcy :o) .

WARNING: okay usual stuff now. If you are under 18, or whatever the legal age is ... rack off, I don't want my ass busted for you being here illeagally. I do know Savage Garden (sorta ... met them at a few meet and greets), but I don't know their sexuality and so on. Any songs used in here belong to their respective artists, any poetry unless otherwise noted is mine ... you touch and watch me tear you a new asshole. Now have a nice day.

Okay here's where I reccomend other stories right? Wrong! I'm too lazy this time around.

To Derwan, apart for now, together forever, in my heart an eternity. I love you more than you know, please don't leave my life totally.

Okay, got any comments? send them to -= =-

Okay well that's it ... or do you all want me to talk more? If ya do let me know at the above address. Here we go:

Garden of Songs 3 by Sun Child

I stared at my mobile, sitting there, innocently ringing, not knowing which way to turn. I knew who it would be, I knew what they would say. Giving way to the ringing I picked up the phone.

"Hi mum." I said quietly into the speaker.

"Dan, are you okay?" I heard her voice come softly through the phone line.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Just a little tired and out of it I guess." I told her, half lying.

"Okay, well Daniel's here and he doesn't know which way to turn. I know he's done the wrong thing and he's sorry for it. Please don't hate him for it."

"Mum, I don't hate him, I'm just hurt. I'll be back in the morning, right now though I just need a break to sort out what's in my head."

"Alright Dan, I know... hang on, Daniel wants to talk to you. Here let me hand you over."

"Mum, no! Not right now. It still...." I was about to continue when I heard Daniel take the phone. "Hurts." I finsihed softly, hearing him talking to mum.

"Dan?" Daniel asked softly over the phone.

"Yeah it's me." I replied gently.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to tell Darren, it just came out. I was so excited that day I found the magazine. I loved you more than the friend basis, that's why I let you lie with your head in my lap, why I let you do what you do. I do love you Dan, never doubt that." I could feel tears building in my eyes.

"I know Daniel but you still told him. Because you told him, that's why he hates me so much and why he acts the way he does. I'm the one tearing apart Savage Garden. That band is your life, your baby. If I destroyed it ... I would be taking your hopes and dreams. I can't do that Daniel." I could hear him whimper softly over the phone.

"Daniel, keep your head up, I'll be home soon okay, then we can sit down and talk it through. Is that okay?" I asked softly.

"That's okay. I'll see you soon." Daniel said almost crying. I just nodded and hung up. Grabbing my bag I went to the front office and checked out. Walking down half a block I arrived at the local taxi rank and looked into the closest. The cabbie got out then opened the boot for me to put my bags into. I then climbed into the cab, gave the driver directions and sat back and watched the world go by.

I must have totally zoned out of everything because the next thing I knew, the cab had stopped and the driver was asking me for money. Without really thinking I reached into my wallet and pulled out some money and handed it to him. I then opened the door and climbed out and looked up at the house. Daniel was standing there, at the same window I saw him at when I left earlier that day. I smiled faintly then went around to the boot to get my bag again. Looking up at the drive way, I thankfully noticed both mum and Darren had departed, leaving Daniel and I alone to talk. Collecting my bag I walked up towards the house. I was just about to knock, when the front door opened and there stood Daniel. My friend and brother, some one who I had known for years, some one who I trusted more than anything. He held open the door and I carried my bag in and set it down in that hall. Daniel looked at me.

"So, where do we go from here?" I looked at him.

"We go here." I told him. With that I stepped up to him and wrapped my arms around him giving him a hug. I could just feel his knees give way and melt into the hug. I didn't want to let him go, but had to in the end because I had to answer my phone which had started ringing.

"Hello? ... What the hell do you want? ... Not fucking likely! ... Is that really any of your business? ... Get a clue you fucked up little boy." With that I hung up my phone. Daniel looked at me blankly.

"Who was that?"

"Who else would I call a fucked up little boy?" Daniel nodded, understanding then that I was talking about Darren.

"What did he want?" Daniel asked.

"He wanted to know if I was leaving to go back home, then where I was. He then told me to stay well away from you or I would regret it." I told him bluntly. Daniel started to hug me again.

"I'm sorry that I told him, I know I shouldn't have..." He was going to continue but I put up my hand and shook my head.

"We'll talk about it when we are sitting down huh." I told him, then looked at my watch and back at him. "Did you eat what I made?" He nodded stupidly.

"Mum made you I take it." Daniel just nodded.

'Why does that not surprise me.' I thought to myself. Gently Daniel led me into the lounge room and sat down on the couch. I the sat astride his lap and looked him directly in the eye.

"Daniel, how exactly do you feel about me?" I asked, my eyes never leaving his. Daniel's eyes wandered away from my face and then they came back, only to drop away again. In the end, he exhaled heavily.

"Dan, I ... I feel more than just friendship for you. I'm sorry, you probably didn't need to hear that." I reached out and gently caressed his face.

"Daniel, I did need to hear that. Granted, I don't feel the same, you are more or less my big brother..." I was going to continue when Daniel shifted and tried to move me off his lap. I just reached forward and pushed him down again. Daniel looked up at me in surprise.

"Let me finish. You are more or less my big brother but I care for you a lot more than most brothers." Daniel looked at me in surprise and I leant forwards to kiss him. Daniel's lips gently met mine and his arms slipped around my waist. I felt his tongue pushing at my mouth, trying to get within. I pulled back and nipped lightly on his bottom lip. I then brought my lips up to his and let him slide his tongue into my mouth. Coming back from his mouth I looked into his eyes again.

"Now Daniel, does that explain how I think I am begining to feel about you?" I asked. Daniel just nodded and I smiled back. I then slipped off his lap to beside him and lay my head down on his lap and kissed his hands lightly before drifting off to sleep.

--- There we go guys, the latest in 'Garden of Songs" I hope that you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Keep safe y'all. SC.

Next: Chapter 4

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