Garden of Songs

By Sun Child

Published on Sep 2, 2000


Hey people... I'M BAAAAACK! I know you all missed me. Guess what ... now you get the warning/disclaimer thing ... you think you got it bad ... you aren't the ones who have to write it.

WARNING: Should you be under the age of 18 (or 21) you are required to leave by law. Should you be offended (I ask you now what are you here) by m/m concepts. I know Savage Garden (kinda) and all their songs are theirs... all poems are mine unless otherwise quoted. Look at the bottom for details, if you want to use a poem, I don't mind ... just ask first ... people have asked to use my poems before and I don't mind because they asked.

Okay, praises or flames? Send it to -= =-

Derwan, as always and as forever, you are my one special man ... I will never stop loving you.

Stories ... do people actually read this? Write and let me know:

JC Dreams -- like I said, shameless self-promoter (boy-bands) Brandis Redemption -- He's disappeared from the big and little screen but this story is still a way cool read (celebrity) Justin's Dark Angel -- love it love it love it (boy-bands) Ummm.... whatever -- Gotta love it purely for the title (boy-bands) Affirmation -- GO SAVAGE GARDEN!!!! (boy-bands)

I would kick myself if I missed this chance to plug the band's new single ... latest off the album... the single is 'Affirmation' it's in store now for the people in the US and the film clip rocks ... we've already seen it in Australia.

Usual disclaimer about spelling because of where I live ... in Australia so sorry to the overseas readers. Okay here we go:

Garden of Songs 2 by Sun Child

Daniel looked at me in shock.

"Dan. What are you doing here? You never called?" I smiled.

"You told me I never needed to."

"Yeah, when you were 5." Daniel retorted.

"Oops then." I grinned at him. "Aren't you at least going to invite me in?" I asked him. Shaking his head slightly he opened the door properly and motioned for me to enter. I picked up my bags and walked inside and down the hall to my usual room.

I then returned to the lounge room to him. He was sitting on the lounge chair, still somewhat shocked at my unexpected arrival. Smiling I walked over and sat astride his lap facing him.

"So how is the garden?" I asked refering to the band.

"Same as, same as." Was the response. My face clouded over.

"Darren still giving you problems."

"A little. He's coming around later." Daniel told me. I just grinned.

"Good, I can sharpen my claws again, I need a scratching post. They are totally not worth it at the uni, they're like drive by slayings, no decent banter." Daniel just shook his head.

"You never change do you."

"Of course not." I grinned again. "That's why ya love me so much." He just shook his head and gave me a hug. When he let go I got off his lap and moved to the seat next to him, still watching him.

"How's mum?" I asked curious.

"She's fine ... she's also gonna be pissed if you don't call her to let her know that you're in town. How long are you down for?" Daniel asked.

"About three weeks, then I go back north to get my stuff before I move down."

"Move down?" He asked, eyebrows hitting his hairline.

"Yeah, my parents are still giving me shit big time so I'm moving down here."

"Still? I didn't know they started. It's been nearly a year since we last spoke Dan."

"Oh yeah, ummmm..." I was lost for words. Life with my parents wasn't peachy. I came out and got kicked out. My mother was kinda okay with it but my father was a total asshole about it all.

"You don't have to tell me yet if you don't want to Dan." I looked over at him.

"Thanks Daniel. I couldn't have asked for a better big brother." He looked at me and laughed.

"Well you have four of us remember."

"Five." I corrected him.

"Who's the fifth." Daniel asked not comprehending.

"The one who married into the family when 'Savage Garden' was born. The estranged one." Daniel's face darkened slightly.

"Dan, change that tone of voice now. You know I don't like you talking that way about Darren."

"But he treats you like shit on a professional and personal level. You are such a great person, I hate the way he tears you up." My voice betraying my concern.

"It's getting better. You don't need to worry about me. So who's your latest conquest?"

"I will worry about you ... don't change the subject. You look after me so much ... my turn to return the favour." I told him.

"Okay okay ... you couldn't ask for a better older brother and I couldn't ask for a better younger one." I smiled and hugged him.

"So who's the new conquest? What's his name come on..." I stopped dead.

"How did you? I mean ..." Daniel just laughed.

"How long have I known you Dan? 13 years now? Give me some credit... that and you left a copy of 'Gay Times' here last time you visited." He laughed harder and my face turned several colours of red within a matter of seconds. When he stopped he hugged me.

"I take it that's what the fall out with your parents was?" I just nodded, still holding him. He looked at me.

"Don't worry, you're still the same Dan I knew and loved. Just don't bring any stray guys home okay." He smiled. I grinned back and put my head on his shoulder.

I guess the bus trip had warn me out, because I woke up, my head in Daniel's lap, the TV playing on and Daniel stroking my hair. I didn't stop him, it felt comforting, something we'd always done, it made me feel at home. It was then I heard the voice in the kitchen

"Hey idiot! Do you have any coffee left?" I grimaced, Darren was here. I slowly lifted my head letting Daniel know I was awake, then rolled onto my back, head still in Daniel's lap.

"So sleeping beauty lives does he." Daniel laughed softly.

"Oh you think I'm a beauty do you." I flirted with him.

"Always." Daniel flirted back. Darren returned to the room.

"Oh, you're awake." Darren commented on seeing me talking to Daniel. "Daniel, your out of coffee again, I'm going to go get some. I'll be back soon." Darren commented.

"Oh do you have to go, you know I miss you so much while you're gone." I told Darren, my voice dripping with sarcasm. All it did was earn me a whack on the head from Daniel. Darren just sneered at me and got his keys.

"I'll be back soon, teach your bitch to be nice while I'm out hey." Darren said speaking to Daniel. Daniel physically held me down while Darren left.

"He deserved what I said." I told Daniel.

"No he didn't ... he just commented that you were awake."

"He also called you an idiot." I shot back. Daniel just shook his head.

"Let it slide Dan, let it slide." I just nodded, my face letting him know I wasn't happy about it.

Daniel just sat there with me, head in his lap just talking to me when Darren returned. He walked into the room.

"Oh get up you lazy brat." He told me. Again, Daniel physically restrained me. I was about to say something when Daniel clapped his hand over my mouth. Darren just snorted and returned to the kitchen. Daniel removed his hand from my mouth.

"You started this, but it ends now." Daniel told me commandingly. I just nodded and closed my eyes again.

Next thing I knew I felt someone sitting on me. My eyes flew open.

"MUM!!!!!!" I yelled happily.

"Heya kiddo. You didn't call me to let me know you were coming down." I closed my eyes then opened them again with a goofy grin on my face.

"Will a sorry get me outta trouble?" I asked.

"Only if it's accompanied by one of your quiches." I groaned ... she never passed up and opportunity for me to cook for her. I rotated my head in Daniel's lap.

"Do you have the stuff?" Mum then piped up.

"No but I do." She lifted a bag of shopping. I looked again at Daniel.

"You called her right." He just nodded and grinned. Returning my gaze to mum.

"Well, you're gonna have to get off me first aren't ya, unless of course, you don't want me to cook." Mum rocketed off me so I could stand. I stood up and took the bag from her and went into the kitchen to start cooking.

I had just put it in the oven when Darren came back again. He walked in the door and saw me standing.

"So you finally got off your lazy ass." He commented. I looked him up and down.

"At least I have an ass stick boy." I threw back.

"Oh please, that makes you sound so tragic."

"And I suppose if I'm tragic you're just misunderstood."

"That's what I totally am ... misunderstood which is why my music has so much meaning."

"Yeah well just because your misunderstood doesn't make you an artist." I glared.

"For your information, I am a world famour music artist."

"Yeah and a bad one at that. You sing like Smurfette on speed." I retorted. Smiling slightly as his jaw dropped open, I turned on heel and went back to the kitchen to check the food.

I stayed in there and did a crossword while Daniel and Darren were discussing band matters. When I called out that food was ready I head Daniel call that they were coming. What made me angry was when I head Darren

"Yeah bringus food bitch. Come on be my good bitch and bring me food." I brought out mum's and Daniel's food, went to the garden and told mum the food was ready then came back and grabbed Darren's food, which should have been nice and cold by now. I walked out into the dinning room.

"Right now you have my food, drop to the floor and suck my cock, dirty little faggot." I shot a furious look at Daniel. He just looked down, I realised then that Daniel had told him. I decided to make the best of the situation and give Darren some of his own.

"Not until you tell me where you want me and the food." Darren just pointed to the table.

"There." I walked over, sat on the table, legs together.

"Right now, where do you want the food or you get none of the pleasure that I can provide." Out of the corner of my eye I could see Daniel just about in tears for the way I was acting. I was his little brother and about to service his band mate. I looked over at him and winked slightly then looked back at Darren.

"I meant put the food on the table, now get under the table and suck my cock." Looking down, I could see it straining within his jeans. Looking back up and then looking Darren straight in the eye.

"Well, if you want me to do that, you'll need to unzip yourself and remove yourself from the confines of clothing won't you." Darren got a sickeningly lewd look his eye. He then reached down and unzipped himself, freeing his hard cock. I looked down then straight back up.

"Is that as big as it gets? Cover that thing up!" I told him, then tipped the good over his cock, then dropped the plate on top. I then slid off the table and walked back towards the kitchen, before I walked through the door I turned.

"Darren, just so you know... I may be gay, but I'm no one's bitch." I turned again and walked into the kitchen.

Daniel came straight in after me.

"What was that for?" He exploded.

"He asked for it." I felt my anger starting to rise

"Yeah well there was no need to go to such lengths. That was childish and pathetic. That's something that I would expect from him not you. Why don't you grow up?" He continuted. Telling me to grow up was what pushed it.

"I wouldn't have had to if someone had kept their trap shut would I. If they hadn't opened their big mouth, he wouldn't have known I was gay and then he wouldn't have said anything." Daniel grabbed my arm and I shook it free.

"Let go of me." I told him coldly. "I think I'll stay in a motel while I'm down."

"You'll do no such thing."

"Really who are you to tell me what to do." Daniel raised his hand to hit me.

"Come on do it ... let me see you sink as low as my father." I turned my cheek out to him. "Come on hit me." Daniel lowered his hand. "No I didn't think you could. I got out of where I was because of things like that, that's what my father would do. I came here looking for a friend, not a traitor." I turned around and walked to my room, grabbed my bags and walked outside.

Pulling out my mobile phone I called a cab. I hung up and Darren came out after me.

"So are you going without saying goodbye whore?" He asked sneering again as the taxi pulled up. I turned and glared at him.

"Why would you give a fuck?"

"Because you just exploded at someone who, for a long time has wanted you as more than a friend. Wake up sunshine, Daniel ain't playin' for women, he plays for you." I walked up to Darren.

"Why should I believe you?" I seethed at him.

"Because, he tells me everything, because isn't that what friends do. The only reason I'm not with him is because of you. He sits there pinning after you and I want him. Now that you are gone, he's mine." I glared at him.

"Lay one hand on Daniel and see what happens." I warned Darren.

"Yeah? What can you do?" He asked sneering.

"This." I told him and drove my fist as hard as I could into his gut. I then picked up my bag and walked down to the taxi. The driver got out and opened the boot. I threw my bag in then climbed inside.

"Cheapest local hotel." I told the driver. Then I turned to look up and the house. Daniel was standing at the window, tears falling down his precious cheeks. Then I was away, out of his sight.

As I sat down in the room I had just booked, I pulled out my portable CD player, put my headphones in and pressed play.

No, no, no, no

No, no, no, no

No, no, no, no

No, no, no, no

Listen little child - there will come a day

When you will be able, able to say

Never mind the pain, or the aggrivation

You know thee's a better waym for you and me, to be

Goodbye my friend

(I know you're gone, you said you're gone, but I can still feel you here)

It not the end

(Gotta keep it strong before the pain turns into fear)

So glad we made it, time will never change it

No, no, no, no

No, no, no, no

Just a little girl but imagination

Never letting no one take it away

Went into the world, what a revelation

She found there's a better way, for you and me, to be

Look for the rainbow in every storm

Find out for certain, love's gonna be there for you

You'll always be someone's baby

Goodbye my friend

(I know you're gone, you said you're gone, but I can still feel you here)

It not the end

(Gotta keep it strong before the pain turns into fear)

So glad we made it, time will never change it

No, no, no, no

No, no, no, no

The time we would play about

The way we'd scream and shout

We'd never dreamt you'd go your own sweet way

Look for the rainbow in every storm

Find out for certain love's gonna be there for you

You'll always be someone's baby

Goodbye my friend

(I know you're gone, you said you're gone, but I can still feel you here)

It not the end

(Gotta keep it strong before the pain turns into fear)

So glad we made it, time will never change it

Crying I stopped the song and looked up towards the ceiling.

"Why did I just kill the best friendship I ever had?" I asked. "Why?" Then beside me, my phone started to ring.

Okay the song in here is 'Goodbye' by Spice Girls... been a while scince we heard from them isn't it. Oh well. Well what did you think of the story? I hope it meets your approval. Yours, Sun Child.

Next: Chapter 3

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