Gareth and Sam

By moc.loa@maShteraG

Published on Aug 26, 2003


This story is a work of fiction. It contains scenes that involve sex between consenting adult men and if this offends you, you are underage, or prohibited by law from viewing such material leave now.

Nothing in this story should be taken to imply that Gareth Gates is gay or that the events portrayed are in any way real or based on knowledge of actual events or people. It is a work of pure fiction.

The real Gareth Gates has a speech impediment when talking (but not singing). While I have acknowledged this in the text I do not attempt to truly represent it.

Introductory comments

I am so sorry that this chapter has taken so long to produce. And sorry to all those who emailed and I misled into thinking that it would appear in mid July. No excuses other than I was busy and it took longer than I thought.

I know some of you have felt the story has `drifted a bit'. Please understand that I have had to set up what happens in the rest of the story. The plot thickens from now on!

I continue to be amazed by the number of people who comment. Please do, I enjoy the comments and will try to reply.

Two advanced notices: 1. My email address may have to change in November. I will try to keep it as close to it's current one, but AOL don't have a broadband version for Mac's. 2. I don't know if anyone reads this story in South Africa. I will be in Cape Town and Stellenbosch in December. Anyone want to show me around?

Thanks to Jamie, Jake and Mango for reading the draft.

All comments on this gratefully received at

Chapter 11 Discovery?

Early starts really aren't my thing and I've had more of them since getting to Australia than in the previous six months.

Gareth dragged me out of bed and led me through the shower. I brightened up considerably when I got hold of his dick and worked some shower gel in. He was rock hard (as per), but wouldn't let me have any fun as we had to get to the plane. As I stood there I realised we had not given each other a blowjob to completion for a while.

That would have to change!

Steve drove us to the airport. Gareth concentrated on catching up on his text messages and sent what seemed like 20 himself. This was usual. He then phoned his Mum for their daily call saying goodbye as we arrived at the terminal.

John, the PR guy, met us there. He greeted me cautiously, I don't think he was really sure who I was or why I was there. He knew I was Sam, and Gareth's friend, but I could see he was puzzled by my presence. Gareth made no attempt to explain and seemed oblivious to John's confusion. Maybe that was just John, after all I had only seen him at the TV station in Melbourne, and then only from the background.

There was only a short wait of 25 minutes before we could go to the plane. Gareth and I sat in the lounge and chatted about nothing in particular. John sat across from us and occasionally tried to join the conversation. But he had little to say and each time he lapsed into silence.

Gareth and I sat close on the bench type seats, but I moved away when John seemed to be staring a little. Maybe I was paranoid. Maybe he was just searching for a way to join in.

We boarded the plane and settled down. Only Business Class? What was going on? Cost cutting I expect.

"What's this then?" I asked, "Can't afford 1st Class?"

"There is no 1st Class." Gareth said.

I looked up and down the plane. Yeah not enough room. It was a Boeing 737 and it was quite small. I guess on an hour and a bit flight there was no need for the luxury section. It was okay though, four seats across the plane rather than six. I sat with Gareth, with John across the aisle.

Short flights are so different to long haul. The flight attendants quickly brought us a breakfast, nothing special, but better than the boxes of stale bread products they wheeled through to economy class. There was plenty of tea and Gareth and I drank it most of the way. I am sure they had to make more just for us. The stewardess was putty in Gaz's hands. He fluttered his eyelids and asked `Any chance of some more tea Cindy?"

Within five minutes we had hot fresh tea. Fifteen minutes later we were landing, but not before we got a great view of Sydney Harbour and the Opera House as we came in to land.

Unusually we had to walk down the steps on to the tarmac. We could see the sky was hazy as we got off the plane, especially into the distance.

"Bush fires." John said, seeing our inquisitive looks. "There has been a long drought here and people have been starting fires in the bush."

"It looks like a lot of smoke." Gareth said, "So it must be a big fire."

"Lots of them." John said.

"How close are they to the city?" I asked.

"Some are quite close, they are burning towards the city. But they can only reach the outer suburbs."

"How frightening for people living there." Gareth said. Typically thinking of others.

We moved quickly through the airport, collecting our bags within a few minutes. John led us to a white limo. The driver took our bags and put them into the boot.

"Hi, I'm Steve." He said.

"Well that's easy then." I said. "Do you have to be called Steve to be a driver in Australia?" I joked.

"Sorry mate?" Steve said.

"Their driver in Melbourne's called Steve too" John explained.

Ah maybe John understood better than I thought! `Their driver' was a bit of a giveaway. I guess his standoffish attitude to me might be disapproval then. But he couldn't be so obvious with Gaz.

"Nice to meet you Steve." Gareth said, in his usual polite and respectful way. He, as far as I could see, had none of the aloofness of a star; he was just a lovely, friendly guy who liked people. But maybe I was biased.

Steve 2, as I was determined to call him, drove us into the city. It was not far and we sped along an excellent dual carriageway and found ourselves in the depth of the centre in no time at all.

"This was built for the Olympics." John said, explaining the road. "It has made it so much quicker to get from the airport.

We stopped outside a large building, in a busy street. There were shops on the ground floor, but the entrance to offices on the floors above was close to where Steve had pulled up.

We got out and John led us towards the entrance. One of the signs read `BMG Australia Pty'. Guess we were at local HQ.

I had not expected this at all, but I had not asked about what we were going to do. I had been so pleased to have been brought along rather than being left in Melbourne I had just assumed it would be a round of interviews and public appearances.

John showed us into the offices, he led us quickly upstairs and then into a large room with a huge oak table and ornate chairs.

"We are a little early. I will go and tell them we have arrived." He said and hurried off without looking back.

Gareth and I were alone for the first time since our' Steve picked us up. Our Steve?' why did I think that? But he had been very kind and understanding.

"What's happening babe?" I said.

"We are having a meeting with the big wigs here." Gaz said. Nothing really important as far as I know, because Melbourne is the Head Office. Just `hello and lets sell a lot of CD's' sort of thing. But they all have to justify their cut." He laughed.

"Cool. Want me to wait outside?" I said, realizing this was business, but also sure that I didn't want to cause Gaz any problems by being seen to be too close.

"Stay." He said, and moved towards me and put his arm around the small of my back. "I brought you so we could be together." And as he drew me close he kissed me gently on the lips.

"I love you so much." He said, in an unexpected and sincere demonstration of affection.

"Love you too. I said quietly, placing my hand around his shoulder.

There was the sound of people walking along the corridor and we quickly moved apart. It was a false alarm, but it showed how nervous we both were about discovery.

John returned a minute or so later. "Right they will be down in a few minutes. Sam, would you like to have a look around the city for an hour or so? Steve will take you."

Gareth breathed heavily. "No." He breathed out again and it was clear the tension he was feeling. "Shham will stay." His breathing made elongated his pronunciation of my name.

"Oh, ok." John said.

I moved towards Gaz keeping my back to John. "I'll go if it's difficult." I said quietly.

"It's okay." He said. "Stay."

Three men entered the room, all in open neck shirts and jeans.

"Gareth. Nice to meet you." The first man said, "Dave Williams. This is Phil Toms from Technical Support, and Gerry Anderton from Marketing." Each man shook Gareth's hand in turn.

"Hi." Gareth said to each in turn and gave them a big grin. "This is my friend Sam." He continued introducing me.

"Hi Sam." They said in turn, clearly unconcerned by my presence. John looked away, embarrassed perhaps, but now it was obvious he didn't like me being around.

Everybody sat down and Gareth indicated I should sit next to him. Gerry sat next to me.

"First time in Australia Sam?" he asked.

"Yeah." I hesitated, and then offered an explanation. "My folks live here at the momentÉ.In Melbourne."

"Like it here?"

"Oh yes. It's been great."

David began the meeting and I shut up. They discussed the publicity so far. How well Gareth had come across, but how Will was not appealing to the target audience as well. Their concern was the concerts themselves. They intended making Gareth headline act and there was to be a change in the concert order.

"Will does a set first, then you will do your first set Gareth." Gerry explained. "I know this was not how it worked in the UK, but we feel most people will be there to see you, not Will."

"Have you discussed this with Simon Fuller?" Gareth asked.

"Yes. And Will has been told too." David said.

"Then we go to the duet set, and you leave the stage to change for your Elvis set, while Will does his second set. The finale will be your Elvis set." Gerry concluded.

"If you think that is for the best." Gareth said, clearly pleased with the arrangement.

They talked for 40 minutes or so about the technical aspects of the concerts, the single and album release and some travel arrangements. It was fairly boring and I was pleased when a secretary brought in some drinks and `leamingtons' a sort of sponge covered with coconut. I concentrated on them.

John was silent throughout the meeting. He seemed to take a few notes, but otherwise the others neither sought nor received his input. Finally the meeting wound up.

We said our goodbyes and as we were leaving John was in animated, but hushed, conversation with Dave Williams.

"You coming John?" Gareth asked.

"See you at the car." John said.

"No you go with them." Dave said, "And don't worry about that problem."

"Ok" John said, in a quiet voice that may have been embarrassment, or might have been a secret victory.

We got to the car and set off.

"Right first stop is the Sydney Entertainment Centre. That's where the Sydney concerts are. There is a photo shoot and then a couple of interviews later." John explained as we drove into the city centre.

Sydney has a lot of junctions, like New York, on a grid system. It was a start stop journey with so many traffic lights. It made the journey seem much longer than it really was.

Gareth and I listened to a UB40 album. Gareth had started listening to them before he left the UK and wanted me to hear it. I was not sure about them, as I had never heard them much before.

"Do you like them John?" Gareth asked.

"No. Not really." He replied, cheering up considerably. "I really like Westlife."

"Me too, but I like to listen to a variety of music. I think it is important to see how other people have used musical forms and lyrics. It helps to develop your own ideas." Gareth explained. "They have such cool drum rhythms."

John didn't reply; he seemed deflated again. I was beginning to form an altogether unfavourable opinion of John, I just couldn't explain exactly what it was, but there was something in the way he behaved around Gareth and I.

At last we arrived at Darling Harbour and we pulled up alongside the Imax theatre where they show 3D films (I think) and looked past it to a large expanse of water surrounded by buildings.

"Thought you would like to see this." said Steve 2. "You can walk down to the Entertainment Centre from here and I'll pick you up outside when you've finished."

"Thanks." Gareth said.

"Ok then." Was all John offered.

I got out of the car first and walked towards the harbour. As I passed some pillars Gareth caught up with me and we walked to the top of the steps that edged the water. The area was busy with people walking around and a street entertainer was performing acrobatic tricks in the corner.

We were clearly at the very end of the harbour which stretched out before us. There were restaurants and shops all along the sides, a boat that was also a restaurant and a warship were moored in the harbour.

"Wow. This looks a wicked place." Gareth said, putting his sunglasses on to cope with the glare of the sun off the water.

"Yeah really wicked. So busy." I replied. I could now see there were many people wandering along the wide pavement between the water and the buildings, the bars with their open fronts were crowded and there were at least four street performers competing for attention within my sight.

My instinct was to explore, but John called to Gareth to come to the venue. We turned and walked towards him as he hurried away. We walked past a huge exhibition centre hundreds of yards long. The weather was glorious so we didn't mind, but John kept rushing ahead then stopping for us to catch up.

`Fuck him.' I thought. I was really getting fed up of him. I continued to walk at the same pace and Gaz was happy to walk with me. I looked around at the buildings and people and kept looking across Gareth so I could look at him. Just looking at him was such pleasure.

We moved towards an expanse of doors that led to the foyer of what was apparently Sydney's premier concert venue. It was another large building and we stepped through the doors into the cool of an air-conditioned environment.

John was waiting for us and was standing with another man who wore a collared shirt and slacks. That is formal in Australia; I guessed he was a manager.

The SEC, as it is known, would get no points for taste. The floor was a series of large squares, dominated by pink, off red and brown. The pillars were painted like sticks of rock; pink and light brown spirals. Yuk! If there hadn't been so much glass it would have been like an LSD dream.

"This is Will Turner." John said, "the marketing manager for the SEC. Will, this is Gareth Gates."

"Hi." Gareth shook his hand. "Wicked place. This is Sam." Gareth introduced me, John wasn't going to it seemed.

"Nice to meet you both." Will shook my hand and continued. "We are really looking forward to your concert. Let me show you around."

We got the full tour; it took about half an hour. The main auditorium was huge. We stood on the stage and looked out at the sea of seats, stretching back to meet the walls that formed a horseshoe shape. The seats towered above us, bright red.

"Awesome room." I said, "how many will it take?"

"Twelve and a half thousand for your concert." Will said.

"And we are about 60% sold out already." John volunteered.

"That doesn't sound a lot." I said.

John audibly sighed.

"That's a lot for Australia." Will said helpfully. "Tickets sell late. For a two night gig 60% is huge this far in advance."

"Three nights." John said.

"Well even better. You guys must be good." I realised he thought I must be Will Young. Flattering in a way.

"I don't perform. I'm just Gareth's mate.

John let out an unsubtle "Hmmm" .

"Sorry mate." Will said, "still good though."

I wasn't listening to Will however because I had just worked out John's problem. He knew, or at least correctly suspected, about Gareth and I; and he didn't like it. I also felt, and I can't say why, he might be upset because he liked Gareth himself. Gaydar is not one of my natural strengths though.

I am not usually given to paranoia, but I immediately thought of John's earnest conversation with Dave Williams earlier. Had he told Dave about us? What was he up to? I was suddenly scared and I had a sick churning feeling in my stomach. I had to hurry after the others who had moved off while I fretted.

I took little notice of the rest of the tour. I was lost in thought. Worried that John was going to cause trouble with the record company because of me. Shit. I should have stayed in Melbourne.

Will waved us goodbye outside the foyer. Steve 2 had brought the car to the front.

"Have a good Christmas mate." He said as he waved us goodbye.

"Oh yeah. Christmas." Gareth said, turning to me. "We must ask your parents if they want to come to the hotel for Dinner,É.or a drink or something."

"Yeah." I said shaking my head to get Gareth to shut up. I didn't want to discuss domestic arrangements in front of John. "Where now." I asked?

"Photo shoot in front of the Opera House, magazine interview and then an interview with the Saturday TV show." John said, looking at his file, but never at me.

"Great. Do we get lunch today?" Gaz enquired.

"Nope, just grab a sandwich. Sam can pick some up." John said.

We drove through the city the short distance to the Opera House. The junctions and traffic lights meant it took enough time for me to begin to worry again and get that sick feeling. I said nothing because I didn't want to do anything that John might then use to cause trouble.

But I wasn't really sure I was right about him. I watched John, suspicious and looking for something to confirm my worst fears.

John never looked in my direction as he sat in the front of the car with Steve 2. I sat behind him, with Gareth behind Steve. John turned frequently to talk, about nothing in particular. But each time he looked long at Gareth. Just like I do. By the time we arrived at the Opera House I was convinced of at least one thing: John liked Gaz.

We had a quick walk around outside the, surprisingly small, Opera House, and looked out into the harbour and towards the impressive harbour bridge while waiting for the `groomer' to show up. When he did he was towing a small caravan, which he was allowed to park on the large paved area in front. Apparently the area is used so much for publicity shots arranging to set up in the public area is a simple matter of paying a fee.

I was sent in search of food for everyone, which was not a particular challenge. I returned to find Gareth having his hair done. He was sat in front of a mirror with only had a towel round his shoulders. John sat behind him watching him in the mirror.

I put the drinks down on the table and threw Gaz a ham salad sandwich and then turned to John. I really resented the fact he was sat there watching my boyfriend naked from the waist up. "Here." I said throwing him a crab salad roll. Well he did say `anything' and that was the weirdest thing they had. It was a small victory, but it was mine. I enjoyed watching him read the label and then put it to one side.

The photographer, Dale, arrived and discussed the set. They wanted Gareth in front of the Opera House and then down on the rocks. It was for the Australian `Smash Hits'. They get everywhere.

The set in front of the Opera House went well, but why they wanted Gareth jumping on a small trampoline was beyond me.

Gareth was wearing a white shirt with wide vertical blue stripes. A sponsor of Smash Hits Australia supplied it. It was kinda cool.

We moved to the rocks on the waters edge. Gareth sat on the rocks, the side of the Opera House behind him. Dale got waterside of Gareth, for several shots actually standing in the water. At any moment I thought he would fall backwards and drown.

"Gareth, can you undo a couple of buttons." Dale asked. Gareth did it and showed some of his fine chest hair. It looked sexy. I was standing with John ten feet or so away, he too looked closely.

Dale picked up a denim jacket. "How about this?" he asked.

"Ok." Said Gareth.

"Take the shirt off and just put this over your shoulder?" Dale said.

"UmmÉI don't know." Gareth breathed out heavily to get the words and looked at me.

John thought Gareth was looking at him. "Sure why not?" he called over.

I hoped Gareth would not ask me directly, it was exactly the sort of confirmation I knew John was looking for. Only one boyfriend would ask another about topless shots. Gareth was not thinking about that.


"Well John is the professional." I said as dispassionately as I could. Actually I didn't mind. I had topless pictures of Gareth on my laptop. I had downloaded them from fan sites on the web months ago. However it was exactly the question I did not want to be asked.

Gareth removed his shirt and took the jacket, swinging it over his left shoulder. John got a little closer; I sat on the nearest rock.

Gareth did look cool; Dale got him to point his elbow towards him so the hair under his arm was in full view. Remember my thing about armpits? I began to get a stiffy, but quickly controlled it.

John turned around, not realizing I had moved, he was facing me directly. His erection clear to see through his light grey trousers. He quickly continued his turn so he faced the water away from all of us. Well that was confirmation enough about John's feelings.

The shoot complete Gareth and I walked towards the caravan. John was talking to Dale.

"Be careful around John." I said


"I think he is jealous of me and might cause trouble. We can talk later, just be careful for now." I explained.

"Ok." Gareth accepted my request without further question.

Next there was then an interview with a Smash Hits journalist who had turned up towards the end of the photo shoot. He was about 23, with short brown hair, and such clear skin. Cute really.

Gareth sat in the caravan to talk to him and I waited outside, watching the hundreds of people walk up to the Opera House to look around. Most never went inside.

The reporter left after about half an hour. Gareth waved him off.

There was time for a quick touch up from the groomer and then the TV crew arrived. They were to film an interview for tomorrows Saturday morning teenagers magazine programme.

The interviewer would ask a series of questions. Gareth just had to answer them. Apparently the whole show was recorded, a series of items with lots of music videos in-between.

Gareth sat on the steps in front of the Opera House. The interviewer, a girl called Jay, was reluctant to disclose the questions.

"It's sort of a test too." She explained. So Gareth prepared to answer.

"What do you think of Australia?"

"Really wicked. Love it."

That was easy.

"Who is the Prime Minister of Australia?"


`HOWARD' I tried to mouth from behind.

"Sorry, dunno."

"John Howard." Jay said.

"Oh yeah." Gareth looked suitably ashamed.

"What do you find most difficult about being a Pop Idol?"

Gareth began to try to answer. But nothing came out.

"I'm sorry. ..My speech." Gareth explained, "Can I have my pad?"

"Cut." Jay shouted, "What?"

"To write down my answers. It helps." Gareth said.

"It can't be in shot."

"Ok." Gareth ran to the caravan and returned with a small notebook and pencil. This was new to me.

"Hang on." Gareth said. "You ask me the question then let me start to write the answer. I should be fine then."

"Ok.." Jay said cautiously. "Rolling."

"What do you find most difficult about being a Pop Idol?"

Gareth scribbled a few words. "The spoken interviews." And he collapsed in laughter.

For each of the next few questions he wrote a few words then his answer burst out. One or two were too quick and he had to do them again. But I realised what a trial speaking in these interviews was for him. Last week he had been fine, but this was much more difficult.

It was nearly 4.30 by the time Jay was happy. We said goodbye and while Gareth changed John called Steve 2 to come and pick us up.

"How does writing the words help? I asked as we waited for Steve and the car.

"It gives me a start. I write down what I want to say. Usually just the first few words."

"Okay. You didn't do that in Melbourne."

"No. But I was having a good day. And you were there, which seems to help. I was really bad in Perth."


"A lot of it is pressure. You calm me down. But today I am worried by what you said about John, so I'm a bit tense."


Steve 2 arrived.

"What now?" I asked.

"That's it for today. We'll go to the hotel now." John said.

We drove towards the centre of the city. Past the State Parliament and the Sydney Hospital. John pointed out various places as we passed them. We drove along the side of a park and pulled up outside the Marriott Hotel.

"Here we are." John said and got out.

"I dropped your bags off already guys." Steve 2 said. "Will you need me anymore today?"

Gareth looked at me and I shook my head. "No Steve. See you tomorrow."

We entered to hotel, which was on a corner of a busy junction on the other side of the road at the end of the small park. The air- conditioned foyer was very welcome. I had not realised how hot I had been.

John was already at the Reception desk and as we got there he turned and handed Gareth a key card.

"That's your room Gareth." He looked towards me and I could see in his eyes that he was planning something. He handed me another key. "And that's for your room Sam."

I realised that John had done this deliberately. Gareth did not and didn't stop to think.

"No John." He began, but was too slow.

"What's the matter?" John

"Nothing." I said quickly, trying to save the situation. It was too late.

"Sam and I will share a suite." Gareth looked at me, and he was now beginning to suspect an ambush.

"I don't understand." John said, blatantly lying, and continued in a way he might pass off as a joke. "you two boyfriends?"

I lost it.

I was furious; he had engineered the whole situation. I was physically bigger and stronger than John and grabbed at his collar. John recoiled backwards, but was not fast enough. He stumbled further backwards, but I took a firm hold and I pushed, his knees partly collapsed, but I held him up.

"What is your fucking problem you little shit."? I half shouted, "You know Gareth and I are boyfriends, so just stop fucking about. Organise our room and leave us alone."

John was shaking and the blood drained from his face. "SamÉ.I'm sorry.." he whimpered.

"And if you DARE cause any trouble for us I will see to it that everybody knows you are queer too! Understand?" I shook him a bit to reinforce the point.

"Sam. Leave him." I heard Gareth saying and his hand tried to pull mine from John. I let go and John almost fell on his arse.

"I'm sorry SamÉGareth." John backed away and sat down on a nearby armchair.

I suddenly became aware that everybody was looking at us. A member of staff dressed in a dark suit was coming towards me.

"Is there a problem sir? Mr.Gates?" he asked.

I turned to look at him. "Just a misunderstanding." I said. "Mr. Gates and I need a suite, not two separate rooms."

"Oh I see. Please wait a moment." He walked towards the Reception desk and we followed him.

"Sorry Gaz. But he did that deliberately."

"I hope you are right." Gareth said. I took his point. If I had overreacted we were in worse trouble.

"I'm afraid we have no suite available tonight Mr. Gates."

"Don't worry. Mr. Bates and I will share. Double room please." Gareth said, confidently.

I was a little taken aback. There was no doubt or embarrassment in his voice. Gareth seemed very confident in a crisis. His voice was as firm and strong as the evening at Mum and Dad's when he had stood up for us.

"107 is the better of the two you have."

I looked at my keycard. 415. John had even put us three floors apart. I gave my keycard back.

"Can you have my bag brought from 415 to 107 please?" I said.

"Of course sir." The man was the model of restraint and good manners.

We walked towards the lift, past John still sat in the chair, breathing heavily and covered in sweat. I had clearly shaken him.

Gareth lent down as we passed him and said "Our room, ten minutes."

"Yes. Ok." John almost whispered the words.

We went to the room and as soon as the door was shut Gareth said. "So what is going on?"

Gareth sat on the bed and I told him what I had seen and heard during the day. Gareth listened carefully, never interrupting.

"I see. But you can't be sure can you?"

"No." I admitted, "I'm sorry, I lost my temper. But I am fairly sure I'm right."

Gareth got up and put his arms round me. "I don't know if I want you to be right or wrong." He kissed me gently on the forehead as I lay my head on his shoulder.

There was a knock at the door. "Let me talk to John. Ok?"

"Ok." I said.

John came in and Gareth asked him to sit in an armchair. Gareth sat on the bed in front of him.

"Now John. I am sorry about the commotion downstairsÉAnd so is Sam." He looked over to me, standing on the other side of the bed.

Taking my cue I said. "Yes sorry John. Lost my temper. Sorry."

John nodded and Gareth continued. "But Sam feels that you are not happy about us, .. about our relationship. And that you might be thinking of making life difficult for us by telling people before we are ready." He paused.

"John I can't have anyone working with me who I can't trust. I need you to give me your word that you will keep our relationship secret."

John cleared his throat. "Ok. If that's what you want."

"Have you told anyone already?"

"Yes. I told Dave Williams this morning. I'm sorry." John looked down.

"What did you tell him?"

"That I was worried that Sam was gay and that we should stop him going around with you."

Gareth looked over at me, smiled and looked back at John. "Ok. Well I don't think that is too serious. We will let that run its course. But do you have a problem with Sam, personally."

"No." John said. "I was just getting tired of you talking about him all the time, especially in Perth." He hesitated. "And I was trying to find out for sure today. ÉI'm sorry I went too far."

"Ok. John can we forget about it? Just put it behind us?" Gareth said with quiet and sincere concern.

"Yes. I'd like that." John said, half smiling, but seeming on the verge of tears.

"Good. Then we will see you tomorrow." Gareth stood and walked round the bed to where I was standing. He took my hand. "John you must understand that Sam is my boyfriend, I love him and I will do anything to protect our relationship."

"I know that now. I'm sorry Gareth. I'm sorry Sam." John walked to the door, opened it and turned to us. "I wish I had a boyfriend who would protect me like Sam protected you. See you in the morning." And he left.

I sat down heavily on the bed and pulled Gaz down with me. I pulled him close saying. "Well handled babe."

"You think so?"

"Yeah. He left on our side I think. Basically I think he was jealous of me."

"I didn't handle all the issues." Gareth said.

"Probably best. You let him save face." I kissed him, lightly at first and then we opened our mouths to kiss deeply.

It was a satisfying release. To be able to touch and kiss Gareth. There was also huge relief, that we had dealt with the threat John had posed. ButÉthere was still the feeling we were vulnerable and all my fears about what would happen to Gareth if our relationship became public had been brought to the front of my mind.

I broke the kiss and stood up. There was another knock at the door. I opened it and a member of the hotel staff handed me my bag.

"From 415 sir." He said.

I took the bag, thanked him and shut the door. I put the bag in the corner. "Want a drink?" I said.

"Yeah. Just some water."

I looked in the fridge and found it full of cans and bottles. As usual overpriced. I took out two small bottles of water and threw one to Gaz. I turned back to the fridge and replaced my bottle, taking a miniature whiskey instead. It had been that sort of day.

Gareth went and sat in an armchair in front of the TV. He drank the water and checked his phone. I went and sat in the chair next to him, sipping the whiskey.

I looked across at Gareth. "You were very open down at Reception. Asking for a double room."

Gareth looked up and smiled. "Well I didn't think there was any harm." He smiled and continued, "after all you had announced to everyone already we were boyfriends when you were shaking the crap out of John." "Oh shit. I didn't realiseÉ.Gaz I'm so sorry."

"Don't worry. I don't mind," he said, reaching over to stroke my arm.

He was so kind and tender. I finished my drink and got up and moved over to him. I lent down to kiss him while he sat; he reached up to hold the back of my head. I felt a wave of love for him wash through me, I felt so much a part of him, I wanted to merge with him so I would always be with him.

Then my feelings of romantic love began to be overcome by our mutual desire for physical love. My hand moved over his chest, feeling his firm pecs through his t-shirt. I rubbed his nipple hard and he giggled a little through the kiss.

His hands were pulling at my jeans, undoing the button and now pulling down the zip. I moved my hand under his shirt and felt the soft down of his stomach hair.

My jeans were on the floor and Gareth was stroking my hard dick as it poked out of my boxer fly. Our position was uncomfortable with me lent over him and so I stood up and helped him up too. We stood together and I lifted his t-shirt up and over his head, throwing it to the ground. He did the same for me, almost ripping it off me.

Gareth's hands returned to my dick and I pushed down on his loose fitting jeans. I made sure I got his boxers too so he stood there in just his socks as he stepped out from his clothes. I quickly pushed my boxers off and then moved forward so Gaz was standing up against the bed. He sat and I followed, positioning myself between his legs.

My lips approached his large and purple head, the foreskin already most of the way back. I pulled on it to reveal the whole head and moved in closer. The long day meant the musk was intoxicating; I loved the smell of Gareth and breathed deeply to enjoy it. To bathe in it.

I began to lick round the head, making it wet, one hand on the shaft the other rubbing at Gareth's stomach hair as he led back on the bed. He moaned softly, a `mmmmm' sound. My tongue found the slit and I forced it open by squeezing at the head. I pushed in as far as I could get the tip in. Gareth let out an audibly higher pitch moan.

But I wanted to eat his dick to feel it deep in my mouth and to suck it, bathe it in my mouth. I also wanted to swallow Gareth's cum; I was determined to make him cum in my mouth today.

I sucked deeply, working down on his cock, which was standing nearly vertical, as he lay flat on the bed. His hands were roaming over my shoulders and head. He moved very slightly in time with my sucking. I moved my hand to my mouth so surround the shaft to try to form a longer tunnel. I wanted Gaz to feel I was swallowing almost his entire cock.

Gaz was getting excited and I moved my spare hand to rub his balls. Suddenly Gaz sat up and pushed me gently away. I didn't want to stop sucking him.

"I'll finish you first." I said.

"No problem, but you sit on the bed."

Gareth moved in front of me as I sat down and he pushed his cock towards me. I took it in my hand and guided it into my eager mouth. I resumed rubbing his balls and put my hand into a funnel again. Gareth began to move his hips slowly, fucking my mouth and breathing heavily out each time his dick reached the back of my mouth.

My hand left his balls and moved to his bum. I ran my finger down his crack and found his hole. I circled it with my finger and played with it, pushing gently on it each time he moved his hips back. It felt fantastic, Gareth was fucking my mouth, and his hands gripped my hair and worked my head back and forth in time with his thrusts. All I could see was the top of his long shaft and his black bush pushing towards me. His pleasure was clear by the moans he let out. He moved, putting one foot up on the bed, bearing down on me that much more.

My dick was screaming for attention, but as I moved my hand from his bum to stroke it he pushed it back again with his. I pushed my finger in again and pushed the tip just inside his whole. He squirmed a little as I did so, and then wiggled his bum and let out a little laugh.

"Oh Sam. You are so good at this."

I couldn't make any comment at that point! But it was nice to know my efforts were appreciated.

Gareth began to move his hips faster. His dick felt much harder in my hand, I knew he must be close. I tried to suck harder as he pounded my mouth and throat, but he was in control.

"I'm going to cum in a minute." He said breathlessly.

I took this as an invitation to move away and let him cum, but I wanted to drink his load. His hips moved faster, and I let my finger leave his hole, only to find his hand again pushing it back again. I therefore pushed it back, but deeper and moved it in and out in time with his thrusts.

"I'm cumming. Sammmm."

I felt his hard dick pulse and heard his heavy moans and the next moment the warm, salty taste of cum was in my mouth and running down my throat. I swallowed and drank. I don't know how much there was, but I didn't waste a drop. He pulled out and I looked up to see his radiant smile.

"Fantastic." Was all he said.

I put my hand on my cock and began to stroke. It was so hard. Gareth looked at it and immediately understood. He quickly fell to his knees and took my dick. His mouth engulfed my length and his tongue was moving back and forth on the underside. I looked down on him and held his head, trying not to flatten the spikes of his hair.

After no time at all I was very close. I wanted to make it last, but I felt myself begin to lose it.

"Babe. I'm so close."

Gareth continued to work my cock and all I could do was push back gently. I began to erupt into his mouth, moaning loudly with each burst of spunk.

As I had done before Gareth took it all. He looked up and opened his mouth to show me.

"All gone." He said, and gave me a broad smile.

He came and joined me on the bed. We laid back and held each other, stroking and kissing. I guess the day had not been all stress, and it was all worth it to be with Gaz.

Next: Chapter 12

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