Gareth and Sam

By moc.loa@maShteraG

Published on Sep 26, 2004


This story is a work of fiction. It contains scenes that involve sex between consenting adult men and if this offends you, you are underage, or prohibited by law from viewing such material leave now.

Nothing in this story should be taken to imply that Gareth Gates is gay or that the events portrayed are in any way real or based on knowledge of actual events or people. It is a work of pure fiction.

The real Gareth Gates has a speech impediment when talking(but not singing). While I have acknowledged this in the text I do not attempt to truly represent it.

Introductory comments

I am sorry that I have taken so long to post this chapter. It was largely completed in February, but I just never got around to the final part. This is due to trying to do two jobs in the time it takes to do one! You may want to remind yourself of chapter 13. Briefly Gareth and Sam have received a blackmail demand and they have enlisted the help of their bodyguard/driver Steve to help. Steve has a plan, but you don't know it yet. Also Gareth's Mum and Dad have arrived in Australia and they now know that Gareth is gay and Sam's his boyfriend. Gareth and Sam are waiting to hear what they think.

Please do let me know what you think.

Remember my email address has changed. It is now

Chapter 14 Risky Business

We sat on the settee, waiting for Gareth's Mum and Dad to come back.

Gareth's Mum had taken the news so well I was stunned. I know my Mum had been supportive, but there was none of the shock or outrage that had characterized my accidental outing to my parents. It made me feel a little better, but I was inevitably drawn to think about the blackmail now.

We couldn't just smooch on the couch. Although we said nothing, neither of us wanted to be discovered like that. Gareth broke the silence.

"Why do you think people want to beat up people just because they are Gay?" he asked.

"It's just bigotry I think. Like racism."

"It was very frightening. Not just the physical fear. It was the hatred. I don't understand that."

"But you don't have the nature to hate someone babe." I said. I couldn't imagine Gareth having the capacity to hate.

"I suppose not. I believe that everyone deserves to be respected. And if someone is less fortunate than you they should be helped."

Gareth was just such a nice bloke. I was lucky to have met him. I was about to tell him when the bedroom door began to open and we quickly put some space between us.

"Right then." Gareth's Mum said as she and his father sat down in the chairs opposite.

I looked at them, unsure of what was to come.

"I presume Nicola already knows about you and Sam?" his Mum asked.

"Yes." Gaz replied. "Well we have decided we are quite happy to support you Gareth. We trust you, your judgment and of course we are just as proud of you as we always have been."

Well this sounded fine.

"But we don't want the girls knowing about you yet. They would find it difficult to understand and I am sure they would tell people you wouldn't want knowing."

"That's fine." Gareth said. "We should tell James though."

"Yes. Straight away. You know how he feels a bit of an outsider sometimes since your success." His Mum agreed. "You must be very careful around the girls. Sam is your friend as far as they are concerned Gareth."

"Sure." Gaz said.

"Absolutely." I agreed.

"But you must tell Simon Fuller as soon as you can. This can affect your career, and he is your professional advisor."

"I know." Gareth said. Then, surprising me, he reached across and took my hand. Gareth's Mum smiled, his Dad looked a little uncomfortable. "I'll tell Simon. I'll ask Simon Cowell what he thinks too when he arrives."

He looked across at me, and then continued. "I'mÉNoÉ We are, very grateful for your support and understanding. We do appreciate it."

I felt I had to add my thanks. "Yes. Thank you. It was a very difficult day when my parents found out." I shivered a little at the thought. "My father still refuses to accept it. That's why I've been staying with Gareth."

We briefly talked about the way my parents had reacted. Gareth's Dad made his first significant contribution.

"I am so sorry to hear this Sam. Gareth means the world to us and we would never do anything to push him away. We love him and will support him, and if you are the person he chooses then we will support you as well." He said. He stood and walked across to me and extended his hand.

I stood up and took it. He shook my hand. I had never expected such generosity. Tears came to my eyes. Gareth stood next to me and I turned to him.

"See." He beamed. "I told you it would be fine." He hugged me and I hugged back. He was right and my fears on this score had proved unfounded.

"Let's get the others back and organize some breakfast." Gareth said.

"Not sure I want anything." His Mum said. "But I know everyone else will."

Breakfast was mad. I was starving, but hadn't realized it until after we had managed to get through telling Mum and Dad. Thinking about it I hadn't eaten properly since lunchtime the day before. Just a snack on the plane from Sydney.

We weren't able to tell James about us before Sam and I had to move our stuff. I was able to quickly tell Nic how well it had gone with Mum and Dad, but apart from that it was all about trying to act normal. That wasn't difficult, the girls were wildly excited about eating, being in Australia and what they were going to do while they were here. Kangaroos seemed to be top of the agenda.

And the girls loved Sam. He was happy to chat, answer all their questions and joked with them. He made French toast for them, and that made him a man who could do no wrong in their eyes.

James was also very interested in getting to know Sam. He hung around him as he made the French toast. They started a conversation about sport and got on to rugby. There was some sort of good-natured debate about rugby league and rugby union. But they got on well. Actually I had never seen James take to anyone quite as quickly.

At 11 o'clock we started moving our things. We declined James's help to prevent him seeing our double room, but Mum and Dad carried some stuff. We left the PS2 for James to play with, in what was now Mum and Dad's suite. A smart move if I say so myself.

The room was quite adequate. It had a large `sitting area' and the bathroom was very similar to the one in the suite. Quite big enough for Sam and I to get in the shower together!

Mum and Dad left us after one trip. I looked at my watch.

"Shit I have to get ready." I said. Steve will be here in twenty minutes.

"Sorry I can't be with you this afternoon. You will keep me up to date?"

"Of course I will." Sam said.

"I am rehearsing all afternoon, probably until six. I'll leave my phone on though."

"Sure. I'll call the moment we have everything sorted." He came to stand with me and held me around the waist. "Don't worry. I know it will be fine. Steve knows what he's doing." He held me close and we kissed.

"We are having a good day." I said, "I feel..confident."

I had to get on so I tore myself away from Sam. I collected up the stuff I needed. I took my keyboard and speakers and my laptop. Then I changed into some fresh clothes.

I needed the keyboard to carry on composing my song for Sam. I was up against a timetable now. Rehearsals are not all go. There are lots of breaks as they work things out and I have to wait around while they do it. And today, as well as going through the set for the concerts I had to record my voiceovers. We can't rely on my speech during the concert.

There was a knock on the. Sam let Steve in.

"Hi. I know I'm early, but I brought this." He held up a large envelope, one of those padded ones. Sam examined it and handed it to me.

"I thought you would like to see it Gareth." Steve explained.

"Thanks." I said. Looking at it carefully. I looked inside. "Good luck. You think this will be an end to it?"

"I think so." Steve was confident and it made me feel better.

"Ok. Let's go." I said. "Sam, I'll be waiting." I grabbed him, hugged him and gently kissed his cheek. I let him go and looked at Steve.

"Sorry Steve. Don't mean to embarrass you."

"No worries mate." ***********************************************************

I sat on the bed and watched the TV. I needed to keep myself occupied.

I was so tired. Almost no sleep for two nights, but every time I closed my eyes my mind raced. What if we cocked up the exchange? What if the photos appeared on the internet?

I put Gareth's album into my laptop and let it play. At the same time I watched the TV. Two things to distract me. It didn't work that well, but the time passed less slowly.

I had agreed not to go out of the room. Just in case I ran into James or the girls. We didn't want them to know I was staying with Gareth. I ordered a sandwich from room service. When it arrived I ate half of it before realizing it was going to come up again if I wasn't careful.

I fingered the envelope I was to deliver nervously. I knew that I could screw the whole thing up if I did things wrong.

I wanted to get on with it, but couldn't leave until the exact right time. God Australian TV is shit.

I got to the rehearsal studio and put all my stuff on a table. I was lucky because there was so much to do we got straight into work.

The vocal coach warmed me up with some new exercises. That was a benefit of traveling abroad and meeting new people. While I worked there was a discussion of the running order now that we had changed the format of the concert from the UK.

We agreed that my first solo section would be exactly as it had been for the UK tour. The band had already rehearsed those songs with me and we got right on with it. We ran though each song and then worked though the stage dynamics, walking though the routines.

It was 2.30 by the time we had finished that and we stopped for a break. I wasted no time in going to my phone and dialed Sam.

"Hi." I said, weakly.

"Hi." He replied.

"Just phoned to say good luck."

"Thanks Gaz. I am sure it will be fine." Sam said.

I knew he was only trying to reassure me. I could think of nothing to say and there was a brief silence.

"How long before you leave?" I said, knowing the answer.

"About 10 minutes. I'll phone you as soon as I get back."

"Ok. Got to go." I didn't really, but I thought I was probably not helping. "Love you."

"Love you too. Bye."

"Bye." And I rang off. I realized how lucky I had been to be busy for the last few hours. I went and grabbed a can of coke and a bar of chocolate and set up my keyboard to work on Sam's song. I needed to keep my mind busy.

The time came for me to leave. I picked up the envelope for the hundredth time and walked to the door. I felt my stomach churn as I left the room. Well it would soon be over.

The walk to the river would have been pleasant had it not been for the gravity of my task. It was a hot and sunny day and the street was busy with people.

I crossed the main road and began to walk along the tree-lined avenue. I turned down the road to head to the MCG, following a group of English cricket fans. It was only a few days until the Test Match began and there were probably hundreds of them here. I walked past them as they were dawdling. Their main concern was where they could go that evening.

I was sweating by the time I got to the MCG. I didn't think it was just the heat. I crossed the railway line and headed for the river. I had walked the route before, so I knew where I was going, but I was scanning the horizon, searching. I had no idea for what. It was nerves, but Steve had told me that we had to be prepared for the blackmailer to have an accomplice watching me, ready to tip him off if he saw any sign we had called the police.

At last I got to the river bridge. I checked my watch. It was five to three. I waited briefly as I didn't want to be early. I looked across to the far bank and as I did I thought of Gareth. I knew he was relying on me to get it right. I was almost overwhelmed by my feelings of love for Gareth and my fear of what might happen if the photos were ever published. Whatever happened I had to protect him, at this moment with my life if necessary.

I headed across the bridge.

Neither Gareth nor Sam narrates this section. This is because neither was present for the action.

Sam rounded the corner of the bridge and looked along the bank. The first barbeque was taken by a family of four. The second was free. That was the one he would deliver his package to.

The municipal authorities in Melbourne have provided stone built, gas fired, barbeques along the bank of the Yarra River. The tree-lined bank provided an ideal location and it is free to use.

None of that concerned Sam as he walked carefully towards the second barbeque. Sam looked around nervously, briefly looking at the group using the next barbeque, but then focused on his target. He reached it and placed the envelope against the stone. He turned and walked away, never looking back. Just as he had been told.

Sam was nearly back to the other side of the river before anything happened.

The family using the barbeque nearest the bridge was having a great time. Smoke rose from the grill as the fat burned. The two teenage boys threw a ball to each other while the father poked and turned the meat. The younger son threw the ball to his brother, high over his head.

"Great pass Ted." Said the older boy sarcastically. He was a big boy for 16, physically well built, and the spitting image of his dad. He ran towards the ball, which had come to rest a few feet from the second barbeque.

As he picked the ball up he saw the envelope Sam had left. He walked towards it and picked it up and looked inside the open flap.

"Hey Dad." He called. "Look what I found." He walked back towards his family.

Father and son stood looking in the envelope. If they were aware of the man in his mid-twenties moving towards them from the other side of the road they didn't show it.

The man was moving fast, but without running. He was clearly agitated. "Hey. That's mine." He called out.

He soon reached them and held out his hand. "Thanks. I dropped it." He said breathlessly.

"Oh. Okay mate." Said the father, who had thoroughly inspected the contents. He handed the envelope to the man who quickly looked inside himself.

"This isn't right." He said, looking up, almost accusingly at the father. "Shit." He said involuntarily as he pulled out a magazine from the envelope.

"Say mate. I think this is yours." Said a voice behind him. He spun round, a look of relief and joy on his face. It was short lived as he only heard the impact of the fist on his chin. He fell backwards and landed on his arse.

"Jeez Denis. Steady on mate."

"Sorry Steve. But we don't want the mongrel getting away." Said Denis.

"Great punch Denis." Said Steve's eldest son, Mike. Ted just laughed in delight.

Denis picked up the guy he had just flattened and held his arms firmly. He was still groggy and his lip was beginning to swell.

"Right mate. Now you have upset some very special friends of mine." Steve looked hard at the person Denis held. He was not very tall, unshaven and wore clothes that had been washed far too often.

"If you don't pay I'll send the pictures to the press." He said. But Steve's gaze and Denis's harder grip made him cower and look down. He was a man of little physical courage.

"Well mate have it your way. We'll just take you to the cops now. I don't think you'll be making any money."

The man said nothing.

Steve put his hand under the mans chin and made him look at him. "Of course if you give us all the pictures and the negatives then maybe we will forget it."

"I want $50,000." He said, in no more than a mumble.

"You want a good beating mate." Denis said in his ear.

"Yeah." Mike chimed in. He was enjoying this, as was Ted, who thought it was a great adventure.

"Now just take us to the pictures mate, and this can all be over."

"Ok." ***********************************************************

As I reached the far bank I looked back. I was just in time to see the action.

Denis approached a shabby looking guy from behind and `Bam' as he turned to face Denis he was felled by a right hook.

I wanted to run back and beat the guy myself. I felt a surge of hate. I was not like that usually but I was so scared for Gareth I wanted to make him suffer.

Steve had told me to go back to the hotel and wait. I trusted Steve and seeing that he now had our tormentor in his grasp I turned again and walked away.

As I walked I pulled out my phone and called Gaz. He answered on the second ring. There was music in the background and I could hear Gareth saying `Sorry guys'.

"Hang on." He said to me, I could hear him moving away.

"Yes. What's happened?" he asked, speaking quickly.

"Steve's got him."

"Great." Gareth almost screamed. "What now?"

"I don't know." I explained what I had seen, but as I was now returning to the hotel as per my instruction I knew no more. "But at least we know they have the bastard."

"Yeah. It's a relief. Thanks for telling me. Look I am really busy here and everybody is waiting. I'll see you later." Gareth said, the relief clear in his voice.


"Let me know if there is any more news."

"I will babe." I said.

"Hey before you go; what is your favorite Elvis song? Apart from `Suspicious minds?" Gareth asked in a sudden return to normality.

"Ummm dunno." I said. "Can I think about it?"

"Of course, but not for long. Talk later. Love you."

"Love you too. Bye."


I returned to the hotel. As I walked into the lobby James was sitting in a chair looking out of the window. He waved to me.

"Hi Sam." He got up and walked towards me. "What you doing?"

"Oh nothing really. I said.

"Gareth's not back yet and everyone else is still asleep." James explained. "Jet lag. Want to hang out?"

"Sure. What do you want to do?"

"Can we go to a bar?"

I knew James was only 17, and only just at that. But I couldn't see the harm. "Well just for a bit I guess."

"Not here though." James said.

I guessed that James did not want Gareth's Mum and Dad to see him. "Ok. I know where there are a few." I led James out of the hotel and we walked towards the centre of town.

We walked along until we got to Federation Square. There was a large pub opposite Flinder's Street station and I decided that it would be better than a smaller bar for an underage drinker who looked it. Actually James was cute, slim, fresh faced and clearly fit. I could have fancied him if I didn't have Gareth.

The pub had high ceilings, a wooden floor and was busy despite the time of day. I ordered a beer and James said he would have the same as me. We went and sat at a table in a smaller room off of the main bar. There were quite a lot of people passing through, but we were not in the direct gaze of the barstaff.

We talked about sport again. Mainly football this time, and I knew far less than James. However when we got the second drink James turned the conversation to Gareth.

"So you guys met on the plane then?" he asked.

"Yeah. Well at the check-in. Gaz got me a upgrade."

"He's always doing things like that. He likes helping people."

"I think he wanted someone to talk to on the plane." I said, trying to divert James away from the real reason.

"But I can tell he really likes you."

My heart raced. What had James already picked up on? James was the one loose end we still needed to tie up.

"He treats you like his mates from Bradford already."

Relief. He had not discovered our real relationship. And it was not my place to tell him on my own.

"And I think you are really cool too." James said smiling. "You're not like he usual new mates. Much more normal."

"Thanks." I said.

"Most of them seem to be poof's."

I picked up my glass and drank to let me think. What should I say? I didn't do that well. "Oh?"

"Yeah. Like Will Young. He's a real twat." James said with venom.

I was struggling now. I didn't know what to say. And I knew I was going red as my heart beat faster.

"Not met him yet." I stalled.

"Total asshole. Makes my skin crawl."

James was clearly going to go on to deride all gay men in general if I let him. I wanted to change the subject. Luckily my phone rang. It was Steve. My mind and anxiety was jolted back to the really important problem of the day. Obviously I could not speak freely.

"It's ok." Steve said.

My heart leapt. I could tell from Steve's assured tone that he had everything under control.

"But I need to explain. Look we got the guy and we think we got all the pictures. He's a chancer, nothing more." Steve explained. "I don't think there is any chance he will talk. Denis scared the crap out of him. But I have to ask you, is it okay to tell him that if he drops it so will you and Gareth?"

"Yes that is absolutely fine." I spoke for both of us. I didn't think about it, I just knew I was.

"Gareth will be okay with that?" Steve asked.

"Trust me."

"I do mate. I had to ask. I will see you when I bring Gareth back. Bye."

I decided to use the natural break the call had created.

"I think we should to go back now." I said. "In case Gareth comes back." "No problem. We can grab a beer in the hotel." James said draining his glass. He seemed much more at ease now. "I like this Carlton stuff."

We left and I talked about Aussie beer, leaving the subject of gay men behind. We went to the hotel bar as soon as we got back. I told James to sit at a table while I ordered drinks.

"What's the joke?" James asked as I walked over with the beer.

I looked quizzically at him.

"Well you are laughing?"

I realised my delight at a successful outcome from the afternoons events was showing although it was only a broad smile. "Just a joke I thought of at the bar. Luckily I was able to tell him one of my best jokes and it got us going on a safe area of conversation.

We sat and talked and joked for half an hour until my phone beeped and a text from Gareth told me he was on his way back.

"You had better go and see if your parents are up yet." I suggested.

"Suppose so." James replied, clearly reluctant. "One more?"

"Gareth's on his way back. He might have a drink with you then."

"Ha. Not likely. We never hang out now."


"He invites Nic, and his mates, to London all the time. I've only ever been with the family." James was obviously resentful.

"I know he thinks the world of you." I tried to mend clearly broken fences. I was sure Gaz didn't know there was a problem. "Tell you what I'll organize for the three of us to go for a beer."

"Cool." James smiled.

"Hang on." I went and got a bowl of peanuts from the bar. Eat some. It will hide the smell of the beer."

James stuffed a couple of handfuls into his mouth.

"I'll see you later." I said and watched him leave the bar. After a couple of minutes I followed and headed for our room to await Gareth's return.

Steve told me exactly what had happened during the afternoon. I was already feeling the huge weight lifted from my shoulders. I had been so scared. I don't think I would have coped without Sam's love.

Steve told me how they had gone to the guys flat and got all of the pictures. Luckily he had taken them on film, not on a digital camera, so there couldn't be any floating around cyberspace. Steve said they had looked around the flat and there wasn't a computer there either.

"You're a lifesaver Steve." I said as he concluded the story and told me Sam had ok'd the deal. No further action by both of us. "Of course that's ok."

We arrived at the hotel and I sat for a moment. I didn't have the proper words to thank Steve at the moment. "I'll see you tomorrow and can you get Denis over after we have finished tomorrow?"

"Sure mate." See you in the morning. Enjoy the evening with the folks.

I bounded up the steps of the hotel. My life had changed in the space of a few hours. I was `out' to my parents and they were cool and I was free of a blackmailer. I was beginning to realize how good things were. Now I was going to see the man I loved.

I couldn't get to the room fast enough. I put the key card in the lock and burst through.

"Sam, babe." He was jumping off the bed to greet me. We met in a passionate embrace and kiss. His tongue explored my mouth, his hands roamed across my back and head. We broke and Sam had a huge smile that lit the room up. "We're safe." He said.

"It's such a good feeling." I replied and grabbed him again wanting his lips on mine. I felt so high and my dick was as hard as a rock. I pulled away and looked at Sam. He had been so strong throughout both the bashing in Sydney and the whole affair with the pictures.

"I love you so much." I said, without thinking. He was my man, my Sam and at that moment I wanted him more than anything.

"I love you too Gaz. More than anything." He said tenderly and moved to kiss me again. His kiss was sweet, but I wanted more.

"We have time to make love before we need to go to my parents." I said, "Fuck me Sam."

Sam smiled. "I don't need asking twice."

Sam put his hand on my waist and pulled my shirt out from my jeans and then pulled it over my head. Before I could do the same to him his mouth was on my neck and he began to kiss and lick it. His hand ran across my chest, playing through the short chest hairs. Sam pushed me back onto the bed and as I lay down his mouth moved to my chest and he began to lick my left nipple.

I began to moan softly. Sam was so good at this; he made me feel all tingly. I reached down and began to pull at Sam's shirt. He looked up and helped me take it off. I kissed him again and pulled his bare chest to mine, it felt so good.

Sam began to undo my jeans and I was so eager to get them off that I almost jumped out of them. My boxers quickly followed and before Sam could do more than hold my cock I was working on his belt. I wanted him inside me and I wasn't willing to wait any longer than I had too.

Once Sam was naked I pulled at his cock, stroking it. "I want this. Now."

"Your wish is my command." Sam smiled and reached to the bedside drawer. I led back and let Sam smother his finger with lube. I pulled my legs up and Sam was soon between them, one finger poking at my hole the other rubbing my thigh. As he worked his finger inside me I writhed, pushing down on it, taking it deep as quickly as I could. I wanted him desperately.

Sam began to suck my cock, moving his mouth in time with his finger. He stopped briefly to put more lube on his finger s and then as his mouth returned I felt a second finger enter me. By now I had learned to automatically relax and work my arse muscles like I was having a shit.

"I'm ready. Fuck me Sam."

"Ok. Ok." Sam said, moving up to my face. "You're impatient today." We kissed.

"I want you so much. I want to feel you deep inside."

Sam reached for a condom and rolled it down his beautiful tool. He looked magnificent. My Sam. I shivered as he moved between my legs on his knees. He pushed my legs up and back against my chest. I pushed a pillow down and Sam lifted me and positioned the pillow in the small of my back. My hole was perfectly presented for him.

Sam lent forward, his hands on the back of my legs. I felt his dick against my arse and I reached around to grab it and guide it home.

"Ahhhh" I let out an involuntary gasp as Sam entered and stretched my hole. Sam waited a moment then I pushed down to make him enter further.

"Fuck me Sam." I demanded, and he pressed further in until I felt the warmth and softness of his body hard against my arse. Sam started to fuck me, slowly and with a gentle rhythm.

"Oh Sam, babe that's so good." Sam lent forward and kissed me.

"Fantastic Gaz." Sam gasped.

"Oh yes, yes. Fuck me harder, faster Sam."

"PERVERTS! I should have known." James screamed.

Well I hope the next chapter won't take as long as this one. I enjoy all your emails so do tell me what you think.

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