Gareth and Sam

By moc.loa@maShteraG

Published on Dec 6, 2002


This story is a work of fiction. It contains scenes that involve sex between consenting adult men and if this offends you, you are underage, or prohibited by law from viewing such material leave now.

Nothing in this story should be taken to imply that Gareth Gates is gay or that the events portrayed are in any way real or based on knowledge of actual events or people. It is a work of pure fiction.

The real Gareth Gates has a speech impediment when talking (but not singing). While I have acknowledged this in the text I do not attempt to truly represent it.

Thank you for the continuing kind comments on the story. Please let me know if you are reading and, if you like, what you think. Thanks to Jamie for reading the draft.

This story is now also appearing on the Gareth Gates Gay Fantasy website. If you are a Gareth fan check it out at

All comments on this gratefully received at

Important note

In this chapter the narration of the story switches between Gareth and Sam. The reason for this will become fairly obvious, but it is best to be on the look out for the changes to avoid confusion.

I have placed a line between changes in narration to help you see them. I hope this comes out in Nifty. Sam starts the narration.

Gareth and Sam Chapter 6

Another step

We returned to the hotel at about 7.30.

"Denis will pick you up at 8.30. See you Monday lads." Steve drove off and we made our way to the suite after giving the picnic box back.

Steve had made all the arrangements for the evening. He had recommended a restaurant after hearing our preferences. Gareth had gone for somewhere intimate' and I had asked for cultured' because I love eating out. The biggest club in Melbourne, The Metro, had also been told we were coming later. Fuck I'm on the guest list. I've arrived. Well I'm arriving with my boyfriend, which is why I'm on the list, but what the hell.

Once inside the suite we had to get ready and that was going to mean another shower. This was fast becoming my second favourite room in the suite. (I suppose the favourite is obvious).

"Are you coming with me hon.?" Gareth asked as he stepped out of his boxers.

"Try and stop me." I said and quickly finished undressing and followed. The red line around Gareth's waist showed how strong the sun had been. I followed him into the shower, but first caught a glimpse of my tan line in the mirror. I caught myself thinking `I'm looking good,' as I looked at myself, then Gareth. No doubting where my self-confidence was coming from.

We stood under the water and then began to wash each other.

"That was a great afternoon."

"The best. All my favourite things." Said Gareth as he lathered his hands with shower gel and applied it to my chest.

"You planned the whole thing didn't you? What would you have done if we hadn't found that cove? Shagged me on the open beach?"

"Of course. So everybody could see how much I love you." He grinned that sexy lopsided grin and bobbed his hands from side to side like little aeroplane wings.

"That was fantastic. The shag I mean. I felt so loved."

"I hope I'm doing it right." Gareth said looking down a little like he was embarrassed.

I put my fingers under his chin and lifted his head a little. "Babe, you are fantastic. You make love; it's not just a quick fuck. You're turning me into a bottom." I kissed him to reinforce the point.

We finished off and dried. Gareth started gelling his hair.

"I'm not `221ing'." He said. "I've actually stopped using it in the UK, but they wanted it back for Oz. I'll just stand it up."

"Fine with me." I had virtually nothing to do to mine it was so short. I decided to nick some gel anyway, just to join in.

I went in search of a drink while Gareth finished. I returned with two beers and immediately put them both on Gaz's bare back. He jumped away.

"Bastard." He screamed.

"Owed you that for the sun cream down the shorts." He took one of the beers.

"Let's see what we have to wear." He said.

I had very little there. We had left Mum and Dad's in a bit of a rush and I only had a minimal amount of stuff. Luckily Gareth had enough for both of us.

"Can I pick for you Sam?" he asked.

"Sure." I sat on the bed and watched his bum sway around as he flicked through the racks of clothes.

He pulled out a light brown shirt with lines of pattern along the seams. It had pockets on both breasts. "You'll look good in this." He found some trousers, and held them up. "Like them?"

"Hold them up a bit." I said, and then waved my hand to indicate higher still. "That's better. I can see your dick now."

"But do you like them?"

"All three." He threw them at me.

"I like them. I want to be seen with you in them." He was serious about this and turned away.

"Sorry Gaz. I want to look good with you too." I was trying to sound contrite. He spun round beaming and jumped towards me. I just held on to my beer as he pushed me back.

"I know. Gotcha." I put the beer on the floor and hoped it would stay upright as we laid back. Gaz was stroking my thigh and began to kiss my neck. I stroked his back and arm. We exchanged kisses for a bit as we lay there. God it was so good just to be with him.

Eventually we got up and got dressed. It was nearly time to leave and sure enough the phone rang to tell us Denis had arrived for us. We went down to the lobby and saw a tall guy in a blue shirt and white trousers standing by the desk. He had short-cropped brown hair and a deep tan. He looked about 28 or 30, so I guessed he was about 26 to 28, as the sun tends to do that to Australians.

"Hi guys. I'm Denis. Good to meet you."

"Hi" I said. "Know where we are going?"

"Yeah. Steve told me. We're not going far."

Denis drove us to a restaurant about half a mile away. It was underneath the Adelphi Hotel and was called ezard', (yes with a small e').

Denis said he would wait nearby and gave us a phone number.

"No rush guys, take you time." He locked the car and walked away. We descended the steps to the restaurant.

As we entered I realised Steve had chosen exactly the sort of restaurant Gareth had wanted, `intimate', it was dimly lit with a closed plan design. It was also pretty classy, meeting my criteria. He knows his stuff that Steve.

We were shown to our table in an alcove that could only be overlooked by walking straight past. A candle burnt on the table and there was a small light on the wall between us. We looked at the menu and Gareth ordered a bottle of red wine. He seemed to know what he was doing.

"Do you mind if I muck about?" he asked.

"At what?"

"With the waiter. It's a game Nic and I play sometimes in posh restaurants."

"And that is?"

"We ask for really simple everyday things." He said.

"You lead." I replied, not at all sure what he was up to, but he had an impish grin all over his face that said he would blow it on sentence one.

The waiter approached. "Are you ready to order gentlemen?"

"What is the soup of the day?" Gareth asked.

"Leek and potato sir." The waiter replied.

"Is it Heinz?" Gareth asked, but totally straight faced.

"I'm sorry sir?"

"Is it Heinz? I don't like Asda's own."

"Chef makes it fresh sir." The waiter said. He had clearly cottoned on, but wouldn't rise to it.

"Okay then. I'll have it." Said Gareth.

I saw the potential then. I ordered my starter, they had crocodile steaks on the menu and so I said, "Where does the crocodile come from?"

"From Queensland or New Guinea sir."

"Ah. Could you check? New Guinea crocodile brings me out in a rash." Gareth blew the whole thing by collapsing in laughter.

"Sorry." I grinned at the waiter. "My friends an idiot."

"Quite all right mate. We get them all in here." The waiter said dropping the initial formality.

"Lamb cutlets please." I said.

"Me too." Gareth said, recovering some composure.

The waiter went off with the order and the wine and water arrived. We had a really good meal, talking about nothing in particular. I discovered that Gareth was a Leed's fan. (Sorry Bradford) and that apart from not drinking coffee he couldn't eat oranges or cheese because it gave him a migraine. Pizzas for some reason were an exception. (Not that he could have oranges or coffee on pizza, but he could eat the cheese.)

The lamb cutlets were fantastic. If you are in Melbourne go to the Adelphi and try them!

It was another step in the getting to know you process. A real date. Time and again I looked across at Gaz and thought `you are fucking beautiful mate.' I must tell him later.

By 10.30 we were ready to leave and we phoned Denis. The bill arrived and Gareth took it and placed a credit card inside the folder.

"How much?" I asked.

"I have it." He said. "My treat."

"I don't want to make an issue of it love. But I don't want to sponge."

"Sam, babe. I know you wouldn't ever do that, but I earn a lot. I mean a lot. You are a student. For now, at least, let me cope with the bills."

I felt bad about it, but I couldn't think of how else we could do it. "Okay." I said, but I must do something.

Denis arrived at the table.

"Ready guys?"

"As always." Gareth said.

"Were going to the `Metro'. Its no more than 5 or 600 metres, but we are going to drive."

"Fine." Said Gareth.

"When we get there we will go in the side door because there is a huge queue. They know you are coming and I've just phoned to say we are on our way."

In the car Denis continued our briefing. I'm coming in with you, as they will park the car for us. I will keep in the background, but if I think there is a potential problem I will come over."

"You can hang with us if you like. Can't he Sam?"

"Yeah. No problem." We had agreed that it would not be possible to show any affection to each other in the club. I didn't mind that much, and I was up for a good dance.

"Thanks. I will then."

The club was huge. It looked like it was probably an old theatre or cinema. The queue outside was at least 100 yards long. Denis eased the car up to a door about 30 yards from the main entrance. A large, white shirted, bouncer opened the door for us to get out.

"G'day mate." He said to Gareth. "Saw you on the telly this morning. Kids loved it."

"Thanks." Gareth replied.

"This way." We followed him as three more staff appeared at the door to shepherd us in. We were led down a corridor and then up some stairs. The d^Îcor was a bit overpowering. Red flock wallpaper. We arrived in a large room with a bar, small dancefloor and had an open balcony. There were only 10 or 12 people there.

"This is the `Guest area.' Feel free to come and go as you please into the club. There are more people booked in tonight, but it's still quite early."

"Thank you." Denis said. The bouncer turned to Gareth.

"Could I trouble you?" he held out an autograph book and pen.

"Sure." He signed `With love, Gareth Gates.'

"Thanks." He said and took the book and disappeared back down the stairs.

I looked over the balcony at the huge dance floor below. There were several other large balconies around the building, but the main feature was the dancefloor.

"I don't know about you, but I'm going for a dance." Gareth said, throwing his jacket onto a bench, and headed for the door. Another bouncer opened it as he approached.

"G'day." He said and nodded to us. Jezzus he was a big fella.

We made our way down. The floor was not that crowded, but we decided to head for a relatively busy area. They were playing some 70's disco music. Bee Gee's I think.

We danced in a loose group for ten minutes and then the tempo changed to more modern dance and a DJ suddenly became evident. The night was hotting up.

My main concern was not to look a total twat dancing near but not with Gaz. He on the other hand just totally went for it. Shouting things like `Come on Sam, get into it.' every few minutes. Denis also was in his element, but had got the attention of a local girl and was clearly trying to impress.


We had a fantastic day at the beach. I could just look at Sam for hours. Just to make sure I had taken several pictures of him sunbathing while he was asleep. I knew Sam would be back off to the UK a long time before me, so I would be able to look at the pictures while we were apart.

Dinner had been a treat too. Nic, my sister, and I had got in the habit of messing about with waiters and Sam had picked it up too well. `New Guinea crocodile brings me out in a rash.' Fucking idiot. He is such fun to be with.

I couldn't help just starring at Sam over dinner. God I'm lucky to have found him. Clever, funny and soooo good looking. I want to tell him, but this is too public.

Now we are dancing on the main dancefloor of this huge club. I'm not totally sure about the music; it's a bit repetitive for me. But I'm really enjoying watching Sam move, even though he seems a bit self-conscious, he has timing man and some neat moves. I just jig about really.

"Hey you're Gareth Gates." A girls voice said behind me. This could be good or bad. When one person recognises you there isn't a problem, but if a lot do it's a running job.

I turned towards the voice. "Hi." I said. She screamed. Denis was by my side.

"Time to go mate." He said and took my arm. Sam appeared next to me and there were some more screams of `Gareth'. We reached the stairs but there was now a crowd following us. Denis dropped behind me and I continued to bound up the stairs.

Where is Sam? I looked around. Oh, how sweet. Sam is standing with Denis slowing down the twenty or so girls following. He stayed to protect me. As I reach the top of the stairs the huge bouncer at the door came down to make sure none of the girls got in. Denis and Sam ran up the stairs and we went back into the `Guests' area.

"Close call." I said. "Well done Denis. Shows how successful the publicity has been though."

"Beer?" Sam asked and I nodded. He went to the bar. There were about twenty people in the lounge now and more seemed to be arriving. I sat on the plush bench seat and Denis sat next to me.

"You guys normally stay up here. The dancing gets going up here too."

"Probably best." Sam returned with three beers.

"Hope this is okay Denis." Sam handed Denis a beer.

"Just one mate. Thanks."

We sat and watched for a while as the room filled up. It was just past 11.30 and clearly this was the time to arrive.

"Hey Sam. You didn't have to put your life on the line back there." I said, taking the chance to touch him lightly.

"No problem." Sam smiled, "I couldn't leave Denis on his own."

I felt like I wanted to dance some more, and looked over to the small dance floor at the end of the room. There were about 100 people in the room, but none were dancing. I didn't feel like leading.

Several girls came towards us.

"Hi. I'm Kelly. You know my sister Holly, Holly Valance." She smiled.

I got up. "Yeah. Met herÉon the Smash Hits Tour." I stammered a little, as usual.

"This is Jen and Di." Kelly said introducing her friends.

"Is Holly here?" Sam asked.

"No. She's in the UK still. Can we join you?"

"Sure." I said, "This is my friend from the UK, Sam, and DenisÉMy minder."

They sat down and we engaged in some small talk. Sam and Denis did most of the talking. I struggled a bit. Then Kelly asked me if I wanted to dance and we all got up. The dance floor had fifteen or so people on it now.

This was strange. I danced with Kelly, Sam and Denis with Jen and Di. But this was the first time I had ever danced with a girl knowing for sure I was gay. In addition my boyfriend was six feet away dancing with another girl. I wish I was dancing with Sam.

Despite all that it was a good evening. Kelly and her friends were fun. Because Kelly's sister was famous it wasn't like meeting a fan. Sam seemed to be happy too. However when the slow numbers came on we quickly left the floor. By 2am we were quite exhausted.

"I think we might go." I said to Sam.

"I'm ready." Sam replied. "I've been up for over 20 hours."

We said our goodbyes to the girls and Denis drove us back to the hotel.


`Well that was an experience' I thought to myself as we drove back to the hotel. Getting chased by girls, even if they were after Gareth, was another first. But it had been fun, although I had ached to dance with Gareth the whole evening.

Denis saw us into the lobby.

"Thanks Denis. You were great." Gareth said.

"See you again I expect." Denis replied " Nice to meet you, and thanks for including me." He ran back to the car.

We went up to the suite. It was nearly 2.30.

"You very tired?" I asked

`Quite. I need some sleep."

I, however, had a plan. (And not the one you think.) I went to the bedroom while Gareth checked his phone for messages. I returned with my Discman and my Beautiful Thing' soundtrack. I plugged the Discman into some small speakers. I put track 7 on repeat Ð the Mammas and Pappas, Dream a little dream of me'.

I walked over to Gaz and took his hand.

"Dance with me." I said.

He stood and I put my arms around him and held him close. He placed his hands around my waist and we began to move slowly to the music.

This was my dream. I had loved the scene at the end of the film where Jamie and Ste had danced. Now I was holding my love close, feeling his warmth and gently smelling his hair.

"I've wanted to do this all night." Gareth said.

"Me too." I pulled away a little and smiled. I put my lips to his and gently kissed him. We resumed dancing, my head on his shoulder, cheek to cheek. I loved having him so close, gently swaying, feeling the warmth of him against me and the slight brush of his beard against my face. It was so romantic. Romantic rather than sexy if you understand what I mean.

I don't know how many times the track repeated. Three, four maybe five.

"Shall we go to sleep?" I asked.

"One more time love." Gaz said. So we carried on, holding each other and slowly moving around. "Okay. Let's get some sleep." Gaz said.

I reluctantly let go of Gaz and turned off the music, then followed him into the bedroom. He had already taken off his shirt to give me full view of that flat hairy stomach of his.

"Did I tell you how beautiful you are babe?" I said

"No. Go on, tell me." He teased.

"I think you are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I can't get over it." I said.

By now Gaz had taken off his trousers and socks and came over to me and helped me remove my shirt.

"I knew you would look good in this." He said. "I was watching you at dinner and in the club and you're wrong."

"Wrong about what?"

"You're beautiful. I'm pretty. And I'm so glad I've got you." Gareth smiled and kissed me.

I finished undressing and we got into bed. Gaz rested his head on my shoulder and I wrapped my arms around him.

"I've had a great time today babe." I said.

"Me too. I love you Sam."

"Love you too babe." And we went to sleep, two soppy gits together.


I woke first. It was just gone 10 am. Sam was still sleeping like a baby. I watched him for a while and leant across to catch his scent. I loved that smell. I didn't want to wake him and luckily he had rolled away from me. I slipped out of bed and went to the bathroom in the other bedroom to keep the noise down.

When I returned Sam was still asleep and so I grabbed a pair of shorts and went into the lounge. I plugged my laptop in and put the kettle on. I had to check my emails. I phoned home first, just to check in and catch up with the family news.

I sat at the table and connected to the Internet. There were loads of emails, at least twenty, some from the office so I opened them first. They wanted several things, including a written report of what I had done and was going to do. There was a set of questions for another interview too. I put my headphones on and plugged into my iPod and set to work.


I woke aware of the strong sunshine outside. I reached for Gaz and found nothing. I turned and was disappointed again. I was wide awake, where was he? I sat up and looked around the room. Nearly 11 o'clock. He must have got up.

I got out of bed and looked into the bathroom. No sign. I walked into the lounge and saw him at the table. His back was too me and he had earphones on. His back wasn't as red as last night.

I decided that a sneak attack was called for. As quietly as I could I walked up behind him. Bare feet on thick carpet are pretty quiet. I was almost there and planned to stand on tiptoe and brush his ear, or shoulder if I couldn't get that high, with my dick.

As I got there he turned round. Shit he had seen my reflection in his laptop screen.

"Morning babe." He said getting up. "Nice to see you up." He reached out and squeezed my cock.

"Hi. What you doing? I missed you." And gave him my best lost puppy look.

"Just some stuff. Replying to emails."

"Come back to bed babe." I said, continuing to look as sad as I could.

"Hey. Soon. Lets order some brunch first. Then I'm all yours." He began to kiss me and opened his mouth to let our tongues meet. I held him close and began to rub my hand up and down my side.

"Come on. Breakfast." Gaz said pulling away. "What do you want?"

"I would love bacon sandwiches." I said.

"Okay." Gareth ordered room service. Apparently bacon sandwiches weren't on the menu, but they would do some as a favour.

"Better get some clothes on before it arrives." Gaz said. "Let me just finish this."

When it arrived we sat and ate the food on the small balcony. The sun was glorious again and fifteen minutes was the most we could stand without sun cream.

"Finished your work?" I asked.

"Yeah. I'm all yours now."

"Mind if I check my emails. I left my laptop at the folks."

"No problem." Gaz said.

I went to his laptop.

"Neat computer." I commented.

"It's a Macintosh. They are the dogs bollocks I can tell you." Gaz enthused.

"Great. How do I get on the internet?"

Gaz showed me how to use it and I got my emails. Not many, but there was one from Mark. I opened it. He had run into one of my mates from Warwick (Mark had left in the summer). He missed me. Would I like to go to his place in London for Christmas and maybe try again?

I thought of telling him the truth. I had met the man of my dreams and he could stuff his offer up his arse. He hadn't worried about me when he decided it was time to move on. `Go our separate ways and fulfil our own destiny' was his phrase.

I sent a brief reply. Fuck off. But I was polite. I spelt it `Phuq'.

That felt better. "Right. What do you want to do now?" I asked raising my eyebrows and giving Gaz a closed lips smile. He took my hand and led me back to bed.

We lay on the bed; me on top of Gareth and I gently stroked his side and leg as we kissed. I loved the feel of our tongues together and Gaz was clearly enjoying it too. I felt no need to move on. I moved my hand to his chest; his hand was already rubbing and rolling my nipple, hard.

The feel of his light chest hair was too much and I broke from the kissing the next time we came up for air. I smiled in response to Gaz's longing look and moved my mouth down to his chest and began to lick his left tit. Gaz was stroking my back and hair.


God that feels so good. Sam's mouth on my nipple was hot and every time he licked and bit I felt light shudders radiate from my chest. His other hand was between my legs now, rubbing gently against the inside of my thigh. I was hard as a rock and I really needed some attention to my cock. I put my own hand on it and gently rubbed up and down, but that made it worse.

I put my hand under Sam's chin and lifted his head a little.

"Lower babe." I said. Sam got the idea and began kissing the middle of my chest and slowly moved down, kissing and licking my stomach as he went. He stopped to stick his tongue in my belly button and then moved on. He reached my cock and held it firmly at the base.

Sam gently moved my foreskin back and forth over the head and then began to lick around the top of my prick. I shifted my weight as he did so. I was now laying along side his body towards his arse. I began to rub my hand over his butt cheeks as Sam began to suck.

I licked my finger and began to run it over Sam's pucker. It seemed to quiver under my touch, but I couldn't see. Probably best to get the lube and I had to move away to the bedside drawer. Sam understood and let go, lying on his elbow watching me as I returned.

"Probably best to leave my cock alone," I said, "don't want to waste it" Sam smirked and started to massage my balls. He lay on his stomach and began to kiss my legs. I arched over his arse and he spread his legs a little more.

I began to rub his arse crack again and as I did so I squeezed a little lube on his hole. My finger quickly followed and I pushed it in gently up to the first joint, then the second. I had a good view of it now and Sam seemed to accept my finger easily.

I decided that more lube and another finger were called for. Sam squirmed a little as my two fingers went in. I started to search for that hard little knob behind his dick. I found it and Sam shook a little and let out a quiet `ohhh'. I wondered why it gave him such pleasure, but he definitely liked it. Moving my fingers back and forth across his prostate Sam was really getting off on this. I added some more lube and a third finger, Sam was wriggling on the bed and I felt it was close to the point where only my member would do in his arse.

I took my fingers out and was amazed to see his arsehole did not close up completely.

"Ready Sam?" I asked.

"Yeah babe. Very ready." He turned over onto his back. I preferred this position too. I could look at the pleasure on his face and kiss him too. Sam brought his legs up as I got onto my knees and opened the condom packet. Safely rubbered up I let Sam's ankles rest on my shoulders and placed my dick against his hole.

Slowly I slide my cock about half way in. Sam's head was back on the pillow. He breathed out heavily.

"Wowww." He said.


Gaz was so tender as he slid his magnificent dick into me. I don't think it had grown to that size before. But he had prepared my arse so well I took it easily. I was becoming a natural bottom.

My arse felt so full and as the warmth of Gaz's body met mine I felt the head of his dick push my guts upwards. Gareth was very still. Holding my thighs as he lent against my legs.

"Okay lover?" he asked.

"Fantastic." I replied.

He began to withdrawal slowly and my arse contacted as he did so. Then he slid back again and began a slow rhythm, breathing out every time his dick was completely buried inside me. I watched his face with each thrust; he smiled a little showing me that cute gap in his teeth.

"Come downÉ.here babe." I said between thrusts. Gaz lent forward and I dropped my legs down, his face ended up in front of mine. That's better, I began to kiss him. I could also respond better to his shagging, pushing my hips towards him as he moved towards me.

Things began to get faster and we stopped kissing mouth to mouth, each kissing the others shoulders and necks in between exhaling hard. This was intense. I reached down to stroke my cock, I so wanted to come, but then stopped Gaz wasn't ready. However the pressure on me was intense and each time he pulled out he moved slightly sideways and brushed my prostate again and again.

"Go for it Gaz. Fuck me hard man. Hard."

Gareth got up again and had his arms fully extended as he began to pound my arse and I pushed back with equal enthusiasm. Shit its no good I can't last. My hand slid back to my cock and in two or three strokes I erupted a stream of cum, most of it hitting my chest and chin. Gaz tensed and I gripped his cock with my arse muscles as hard as I could.

"Whhoaaaa. Sam, Sam, SAM!" Gaz came into me with huge force, burying his dick as deep into my body as he could.

Gaz collapsed on to me, finding my face with his, dripping sweat from the end of his nose onto my chin to mix with my cum.

"Thanks Sam." he said.

"Thank you." I replied.


That was intense. Each time I forget just how satisfying the moment of final release is. I looked at Sam and kissed his nose. He enjoys it so much. I can tell by his reaction every time I have fucked him. There must be something in being a bottom too.

We lay there for a few minutes and then I pulled my softening dick out of him. Sam rolled away and went to the bathroom and I heard the sound of running water. Then the sound of a long piss and a flush. Sam returned suitably cleaned up.

He lay next to me and placed his arm round me.

"I could stay here all day love." He said.

"Fine with me babe." I kissed him, long and hard. Then as we broke the kiss he laid his head on my shoulder and ran his hand up and down my side. I stroked his shoulder with my thumb. We quietly drifted off to sleep.

I woke, maybe an hour later. Sam was still sleeping and I tried to move my arm without waking him. I couldn't and so I stopped trying and watched him sleep. I found it as fascinating as on that first wonderful night.

His breathing was shallow and his chest moved just a little. I looked at his face and studied the strong line of his cheekbone and his cute, sharply defined nose, which, from this angle, ended in a point. He had a very light beard; I think he could probably go two days without shaving.

I knew that Sam was the man for me. I know its silly, he was the first man I had ever had a relationship with, but I was sure. I had sung all those songs about love, yet I had never known what it meant before. I had always wondered what it felt like to be in love and now I knew. I was so happy to be with him, he filled my life with a purpose it never had before. I realised that until now I had been lonely and that missing part of me was filled now. Involuntarily I stroked his cheek and this was enough to wake him up.

Sam opened his eyes. He immediately brought himself up to me and kissed me. I pulled him closer and returned his kiss. I was absolutely sure about him. I knew it was time to take the next step.

"Sam, its time I tried being a bottom."

"Babe. You don't have to if you aren't sure."

"I'm sure Sam. I want you to make love to me. I want you to complete our relationshipÉAnd me."

Sam began to kiss me again and ran his hand over my face.

"I will make it as fine and fulfilling an experience as I possibly can." Sam whispered in my ear. Then in a normal voice. "Look the first time can be tough and not very satisfying. I'll try not to hurt you, but this is going to be very new and unfamiliar."

"I trust you Sam. And I've seen how much you have got out of it."

Sam stroked my face again and lightly kissed my neck and cheek. "Okay Gaz. Now?"

"Yes now."


I had thought about this, topping Gareth, but I hadn't expected it now. The one thing I was determined about was that I was going to make it the very best experience for Gareth I could. My first time had been pretty sordid and I felt that I had been used by an inconsiderate bastard simply out for a shag. Okay it was as much my fault as his, but it wasn't happening to my Gaz.

"Okay babe. We're going to do this real slow. I'm going to talk to you a lot and at any point if you're not happy you say so."


I looked at him lying below me. I wanted this so badly it hurt, but I wasn't the priority here. I lent forward and began to kiss him. No rush. I began to stroke his chest and while we kissed worked on his nipples with my fingers. Gaz seemed happy enough, but I knew he must be nervous and I didn't want to rush things.

I moved my mouth to his chest via his ear and neck. He was stroking my chest and back and squeezing my left nipple really hard. I paid close attention to his upper body with my mouth and let my hand drop down to his thigh. I just rubbed the outside of his leg and up to his waist, then traced across to his stomach and back to his thigh. Gaz was enjoying the sensation as I chewed and licked at his chest. I looked at his face; eyes closed head back, breathing deeply, then down to his rock hard cock, which was oozing pre-cum.

So far so good. My hand changed to the inside of his thigh and I began to stoke up and down, gradually reaching the base of his balls. He began to move his hips against my touch and I felt I could move on.

"Alright babe?" I asked.


I moved back up to his head. "I'm going to start loosing you up. It's going to take a while, but stop me if you're uncomfortable."

"Okay Sam." he grabbed my head and stuck his tongue deep into my mouth. I guessed he was still up for it. I took the lube, which was by the pillow, and a condom and moved down the bed.

I lifted Gaz's legs up and slid underneath, his left leg resting on my back. I took his cock in my right hand and worked it up and down a few times and then began to lick around the head, slurping up the pre-cum. Gaz put his hand on my head.

I took the head of his cock in my mouth and sucked gently. I had the lube in my left hand and working blind took the top off. Gaz was pushing his hips forward to meet my mouth as it slid down the shaft, his cock head hitting the back of my throat as he did so. No need to rush, but I wanted to begin opening his hole, because I intended getting him very ready.

I left his cock and squeezed some lube onto my finger.

"Okay, I'm going to stick my finger in now. Try to relax." I looked down at his virgin hole, pink, with a few dark hairs around, I placed my finger against the hole and looked up at Gaz, he was looking back at me. He smiled and rubbed my shoulder.

I pushed my finger in to the first joint and felt the heat of his body surround it. So far so good.


Sam was being so kind. His finger moved into my arse and instinctively I felt my muscles close against it. The cold feel of the lube didn't help. I tried to relax, but it was hard. Sam let his finger stay there, it felt like it was in quite a way, but I don't think it was. He began to lick my dick again.

After a little while Sam moved his finger in a little deeper. It felt more comfortable now. He moved it out again. I had done this to him without realising just how it must have felt. Slowly Sam moved his finger back and forth, straight in and out. He had the head of my cock in his mouth now and began to run his tongue around the head.

Suddenly the finger was gone and briefly so was Sam's mouth. Then both were back, more cold lube on Sam's finger. I began to be much more aware of the blowjob Sam was giving me than his finger. I was getting used to the invasion. As I thought this Sam's finger withdrew again and when it returned it was bigger, two fingers now. I tensed against them.

"Okay babe. Not too much?" Sam asked.

"NoÉ.go on."

Once again Sam hardly moved his fingers at first and I felt my muscles relax a little, soon I was once again most aware of the excitement rising within me as Sam took my prick deep into his mouth. Suddenly I felt a wave of overwhelming pleasure come from my dick. Sam had rubbed my prostate, I knew because Sam had helped me find his. Again he rubbed his fingers over it, again the wave of pleasure, it was like I was shooting a small load, then it subsided.

This was really something, Sam sucked and rubbed and each time he did I thought I would plant my seed in his mouth. On the fifth or sixth time he hit my prostate I could hold back no longer. I came in powerful bursts; arching my hips up and into Sam's mouth, I'm sure the top of my dick must have been forced down Sam's throat as I did so.

"Shit Sam. God that'sÉAgghh."

Sam took it all and as I came down form my intense high he simply looked up and grinned at me and blew me a kiss. His fingers withdrew from my arse again.

"Enjoy that Gaz?" he said with that wide smile of his, a little cum appearing at the corner of his mouth.

"Intense man. Intense."

Sam's fingers were back, bigger again. Three fingers and I could feel him stretching my hole wider. Surely I was ready to receive his magnificent manhood inside me.

"I'm ready Sam." I said, eager to experience the pleasure of being loved by him.

"A little longer darling. Nothing must hurt you." His fingers went deeper than ever before and he twisted them gently in and out. Sam continued to probe my passage, loosening it to the extent that his fingers seemed to pass easily along it now. Eventually he seemed satisfied and by now I had regained my hard on.

Sam sat up and reached for the condom packet.

"I think it would be best if you got on your hands and knees babe." He said, ripping the packet open with his teeth.

"Oh no. I want to see you."

"Love it will be easier at first for me not to have all my weight bearing down on you. Less chance of hurting youÉ. Please."

"Okay." I knew he was only thinking of me and I sat up and kissed him as he rolled the condom on. God his dick looked big today. I suddenly began to doubt my ability to take it. But I trusted Sam totally. I turned over and positioned myself on my elbows and knees.

"Okay Gaz. If at any time you are uncomfortable yell."

"Sam." I said.

"Yes babe?"

"Be gentle with me." I giggled, I was please to be able to make a joke at such a tense moment.

"I will." He kissed me on the back.

I felt the heat of his body behind me and I looked around to see him very close to me. As I did so I felt his hand spread my cheeks and the end of his dick rest against my hole.


"Uh huh."

Slowly I felt the head of his cock press against my ring. I tried to fight the temptation to resist, but it was difficult. Sam made it past the first hurdle and it felt like my arsehole was stretched as wide as a dustbin lid. Sam stayed perfectly still, maybe for thirty or forty seconds.

"Get used to it Gaz. Tell me when I can carry on."

I guess just the head was in my hole because I felt nothing much other than the stretching and the contraction of my sphincter on his cock head.

"Okay." I said.

Sam pushed forward a little more and I could feel the side of his dick press against the sides of my arse wall. He stopped again. I felt full and like I was going to shit. It was an odd and totally new feeling. It hurt a little, but it wasn't a really bad pain. Again Sam waited. Then he pushed further in, stopped again and then withdrew a little. The sensation was amazing, really like shitting his dick out. The pain was subsiding and replaced by a pressure that went outwards in all directions. He had withdrawn only a little, I realised he was advancing less than an inch at a time. It just felt like more.

Finally Sam pressed his dick in further and I felt his body touch my arse. I felt his dick head, hard against my insides, pushing up against my internal organs, whatever they were there. Sam took his hands off my hips and lent down onto my back. I looked around again, realising that all this time I had been looking straight down onto the bed. He wrapped his arms around my chest and his head rested on my back.


"Yeah." I smiled a wide smile. "Fucking okay."

Sam kissed my back and then licked my ear. He got up and held my hips again. He began to withdrawal his dick and I got that shitting sensation again. Ever so gently Sam moved back and forth. It was slow and I found that the pressure/pain from earlier was now much more of a sensation of fullness.

Sam lent forward again and placed his hands on my chest. He began to rub them over my pecs, brushing and exciting my nipples as he did so. His thrusts were shorter and quicker know and I wished I could stroke my own dick that was screaming for release. This was too much and while I still felt the pressure of Sam's invasion I was become consumed by the passion.

"Sam." He stopped dead.

"You okay."

"Yeah. Please can we change round so I'm on my back? I want to see you."

"Sure." He said and withdrew. Wow. The feeling of him completely withdrawing was really like shitting him out. What a buzz. I flipped over and looked up at my love. His dick was standing bolt upright; his body was covered in a sheen of sweat.

"Come on then. What are we waiting for!" I demanded his attention.

Sam lent in to me as I raised my legs high, copying what Sam had done to let me in. He placed his dick head against my hole and slid in easily. I dropped my legs down over the top of his and Sam's face arrived next to mine. I grabbed his head and forced his lips to mine. As Sam began to move his hips slowly and I forced my tongue through his lips. I loved this, being able to kiss him while he fucked me made my dick go as hard as I had ever known it.

Sam's thrusts became quicker and at this angle he was rubbing my prostate consistently with his dick. I began to push forward to meet him. He was breathing heavily, exhaling on each completed forward stroke. I felt I could come again at any moment. Sam began to fuck me harder and harder, my return thrusts encouraged him, and all thought of pain and discomfort overwhelmed by the pleasure his dick was giving me.

I felt Sam tense. His hands tightened on the top of my shoulders and I knew he was close. I certainly was and as Sam drove into me again I felt my orgasm serge forward. I began to come between out stomachs and soon Sam too was reaching his climax.

"Oh yes. Yes Gaz. GAZ."

"Sam. Christ that's it babe." We both called out in our moments of extreme passion. Sam came with great force shuddering in my arms as he did so, then collapsing on top of me.

We lay there momentarily and then Sam looked up.

"You okay babe?"

""Can you do it again?" I asked as I wiped some sweat off his brow.

"Give me a break babe."


We drifted back into sleep, not waking until gone 4 pm. I looked at Gaz who was lying next to me; already awake. He seemed to have a glow, radiance. I realised it was the contentment he was feeling. What a relief. I was worried that he might have hated being fucked and it might have put him off our relationship completely.

"How are you?" I enquired.

"I have this strange feeling."

"That will pass. It's your arse will get used to it." I replied.

"No. That too. I have this feeling that everything is right." And he kissed me.

Next: Chapter 7

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