Gareth and Sam

By moc.loa@maShteraG

Published on Oct 29, 2002


This story is a work of fiction. It contains scenes that involve sex between adult consenting men and if this offends you, you are underage, or prohibited by law from viewing such material leave now.

Nothing in this story should be taken to imply that Gareth Gates is gay or that the events portrayed are in any way real or based on knowledge of actual events. It is a work of pure fiction.

The real Gareth Gates has a speech impediment when talking (but not singing). While I have acknowledged this in the text I do not attempt to truly represent it.

Apologies for the error of calling his debut album by the wrong title in Chapter 1. It is actually called `What my heart wants to say'. In my defence it was not released until after Chapter 1 was posted.

All comments on this gratefully received at

Gareth and Sam Chapter 2


Mum picked me up from the airport. Dad was working, as it was 9 am in the morning.

We got all the formalities over in terms of questions about the flight, but I decided not to explain everything. I left it at having been given an upgrade.

The rest of the day was torture. Gareth had left me at the plane and by the time I was at baggage reclaim I was suffering withdrawal symptoms. I couldn't get those last moments out of my mind. The way he had lent so gently in to kiss me and then walk away. I longed to see him again and had it so bad that between getting off the plane and seeing Mum in the Arrivals Hall I thought I caught sight of Gareth three times.

We went to my parents new home in the suburbs of Melbourne (about half way between the centre and where they film Neighbours for those that know it.) It was a pleasant neighbourhood and a large, single story house with a large garden.

"Do you want anything to eat?" Mum asked.

"Not yet. I think I'll just go and settle in to my room for a bit." I went and looked around the unfamiliar walls of the bedroom she said was `mine.' I could only think about Gareth. What did the kiss mean? Was he being kind to a gay friend? Was he gay after all? And it was over a day before I could see him again.

I led on my bed and put Gareth's CD in my Walkman and played it right though. After that I mopped about the house, tried to watch telly, eat a bit of lunch and then played Gareth's CD again. This time I fell asleep and was woken at about 6.30 by my father coming home.

Stupid question time' ran from then until 10.30 pm when I managed to get back to my room to go to sleep. My mother, in particular, is good at asking the mundane question that nobody could ever really wish to know the answer to, such as: How that short boy, with blond hair, who used to be in my class in Cheshire is doing?' It would help if she could remember his name.

Of course the `have you got a girlfriend at university' question had to be negotiated, but I was getting better at it.

The next morning I woke early. The time difference and an unfamiliar bed I suppose. I got up and my Dad was getting ready to go to work.

"We'll go to the golf club tonight for dinner." he said.

"Ah. Can't. I'm seeing a friend in the city."

"I didn't know you knew anyone here." Dad replied.

"He's from the UK. We were in contact through the `Friend's reunited' web site. We organised it before I came." I thought that was convincing enough.

"Ok. Another day then." And Dad left.

Despite my best efforts the day dragged. I listened to Gareth's CD again and then managed to snap out of it for a bit and play something else. However as the afternoon wore on I became more and more agitated, willing the clock around.

I worked out that I would need to leave the house about 5pm to catch the local train into the centre and then find Gareth's hotel. By 3pm I was dressed in a shirt and chinos ready to go. I went and changed to a polo shirt, changed back and finally settled on the polo shirt. I paced the house, watched the TV from behind the sofa and made Mum uncomfortable by my general fidgeting. At last, at just gone half past four, I left, if necessary I would wait at the other end, but I had to do something.

"I might be back late. I'll phone if there is a problem." I called out as I shut the door behind me.

As I approached the small train stop I almost ran. There was no need; there was 15 minutes until the next train. Then 20 minutes into the city.

On arrival in the centre I asked the first person I met where the Hilton Hotel was. They didn't know and neither did the next one. It was only twenty past five, but I began to panic. What if I was late? What if Gareth thought I wasn't coming and went out?

A policeman was at the corner of the station and I asked him.

"Down this road and take the third left. Can't miss it mate." He said.

"Thanks." And for no reason I began to jog down the road. At just after 5.30 I was outside the Melbourne Hilton. I checked my watch. I would have to wait, so I went and sat in the lobby.

I tried to read the paper. The Age. I didn't know it and I couldn't find anything interesting so after 10 minutes I went up to the reception desk.

"Can I help you sir?" asked the clerk.

"I am here to see Mr. Gareth Gates. I have an appointment." I said, and for some reason came over all hot and felt myself go red.

"The clerk looked at the desk below him.

"Are you Mr. Bates sir?"

"Yes." Wow, how organised of Gareth.

The clerk banged a bell and a teenage bellhop appeared.

"Take Mr. Bates to the Grainger Suit." The clerk instructed, and I followed the boy to the lift.

I couldn't get there quick enough, but was not sure what to expect. The last contact with Gareth had been that sweet kiss, yet it seemed an age ago. I was not sure how to greet him.

The boy took me to the suite and knocked on the door. Nothing. Oh shit, what if he's not here; or changed his mind and doesn't want to see me? You get totally irrational in these circumstances, because just a few seconds later Gareth opened the door.

"Thanks." I said to the bellhop. Gareth pressed some coins into his hand.

"Hi Sam. Good to see you." Gareth had one of those cute wide grins fixed to his face. He was pleased to see me!

"Got over the flight?" I asked.

"Yeah. Bit dizzy at times, but I've been busy all day. Fancy a swim to cool off? They have a pool on the roof." Gareth was confident and speaking quite fluently. Had he practised the question? He led me into a large, light, living room with several doors off it. The suite was high in the building and there was a panoramic view of the city.

"No trunks." I said.

"I have some. We must be the same size."

"Ok then." So I would get to see him with little on. But so far there had been no close contact and I decided not to force the issue.

Gareth disappeared into one of the rooms and returned with a pair of baggy trunks. "Here." He said and handed them to me. "There is a robe in the room on the left; we have to walk upstairs."

I went into the bedroom Gareth had pointed to and changed into the trunks and put a white hotel bathrobe on. I returned to the living room to see Gareth in the same type of robe.

"Come on then." He said and we left the suite and went upstairs.

There were two other people at the pool, which was quite small, but sheltered on one side by a wall. The two guests already there ignored us. They were two women of middle age and I guess they had no idea who Gareth was.

Gareth went to a chair by the poolside and started to take off his robe. I followed, but watched as he revealed his hot body. I have always liked looking at other men's chests (and for some reason armpits) and I immediately looked at Gareth's pecs. He has dark nipples and some hair in the middle of his chest, it was quite thin, but black so very noticeable. A line of hair ran to a large triangle of hair around his `innie' bellybutton.

I looked away and put my robe on the chair next to his. I didn't want to stare. Well I did, but I didn't want to be caught starring.

Gareth dived into the pool where it was marked `Deep end', he didn't come up bleeding, and so I followed. We swam around a bit and then I picked up a tennis ball from the side and threw in to him. Gareth dived and caught it just above the water, it was an athletic and well-timed catch and he threw it back like a rocket.

I managed to hang on to the catch and decided to throw high to make him stretch up. I wanted to see his armpits (see I told you). Gareth jumped up and I watched approvingly as he revealed a pleasant patch of thick black hair under each arm, parted in the middle. We threw the ball around for ten minutes or so, and in the meantime the two women left. Possibly it was a bit boisterous for them

We went and sat at the poolside, dangling our feet in the water. It was fun to be sat there looking at his body, the hair on his chest and arms and legs. Something only a few would ever see.

"Your speech is better today."

"I just have to get my breathing right. And not rush it." Gareth replied. "It is much easier when I'm relaxed. If I'm stressed it gets worse."

"What stresses you out?"

"When I have something difficult to say, like asking for an upgrade. ..Or I hope you didn't mind me" -- he breathed several times -- "kissing you yesterday." Gareth said.

"Hell no." I replied, "But I've thought of little else since."

"I guess I owe you an explanation." Gareth said.

"Not if you don't want to." I was lying here.

"I've never had a girlfriend, or a boyfriend. But I have been thinking about it. I have just never had the courage to do anything about it."

"So are you gay or straight?" I asked.

"I thought I was straight, but was afraid I was gay. Then I met Will Young and all the things I thought about gays was turned on its head."

There was a pause and Gareth continued. "I have always liked nice looking boys. Like Leonardo di Caprio. But I was never sure."

"It can be difficult to come to terms with." I said.

"When did you know you were Gay?" asked Gareth.

"About three or four years ago I guess. When I was at school and I was watching the film `Beautiful Thing' on the telly. I realised that what I was feeling was denial not confusion."

Gareth thought for a moment. "I lied to you." He said. "I didn't ask you to join me on the plane just for company. And I hadn't planned it in advance. I saw you and thought you looked nice, so then and there I came over."

"Thanks. For liking what I look like I mean." I felt I had to say something.

Gareth rested his hand on my arm. "I asked you to come for a swim so I could see you in the trunks." Gareth continued his confession. "You know I think I might be Gay, because sitting here looking at you I've got a hard on."

"Me too." I confessed. "Shall we go back to your room? Sorry, suite."

With that we both got up and covered ourselves up with the robes. I had got my answer. The best answer I could hope for. But what next?

We returned to Gareth's suite and got dried off and dressed in different bedrooms. Gareth came back to the living room and had not tried to do his hair in the 221 formation, having left it flat. He looked pretty good anyhow in a smart blue shirt and jeans.

"Shall we have dinner?" he asked. "I'll get it sent up." I agreed and we ordered. Gareth ordered steak and I asked for fish. Gareth admitted that he would eat steak every day if he were offered it. We decided to drink beer from the suite's bar and settled down on the sofa.

Gareth now began a series of questions about life as a gay man. Was it difficult to tell people? How did `normal' people react? What was the gay community? I answered honestly from my experience, but had to say I was sure others had found it quite different.

The food arrived and we ate it at a table in the suites dining room. Gareth asked me about my boyfriends and I told him about Mark. How much I had enjoyed being a `couple' and how much confidence being in love had given me. I didn't tell him how useless I had been for the two months after we split up.

"You know I can talk to you as easily as I can my Mum or sisters." Gareth said. "I haven't been able to talk to anyone else like that."

"That's good then." I said.

"Sam I really like you. And I want to ask you something really important." I felt the tension build in both of us. Suddenly he found it much less easy to speak. "Could we be..." He took a breath, "boyfriends?" He swallowed hard as he said it.

"Gareth. I really like you too..." my hesitation panicked him. He looked distraught, he expected rejection and he was going red with embarrassment and started to stand up. "No wait!" I almost shouted it. "Of course we can be boyfriends, at least for a while."

"Why just a while?" he asked.

"Well, student, international pop star and jet setter. We won't be in the same place often will we?"

"One day at a time then." He said.


He walked towards me and took my hand, pulling me out of the chair. He looked straight into my eyes and I saw there were tears in his. He said, "You're going to have to teach me." As he did so our arms locked and we kissed.

At first it was a light kiss and then I took my teaching instruction seriously. I put my hand behind his head and pressed a little, as I did so I opened my mouth wider and pushed my tongue into his mouth. He tasted sweet and his upper lip brushed surprisingly roughly against mine. He always looked like he couldn't grow a beard in his photo's, but that was good make up.

Gareth kissed back hard and our tongue's explored each other. We broke for air.

"Wow." Said Gareth. "Lets go into the lounge." He led me by the hand to the sofa and we sat down. I reached around him and we began to kiss again. "I like this." He said and we continued to kiss for ages.

I was lost in the sensation and began to stroke his chest through his shirt. Through instinct my hand found its way inside and I began to rub his left nipple. Gareth seemed to approve and I broke from his lips to kiss his neck and then shoulder, pushing his shirt back. His top buttons were now undone and I could see the patch of chest hair.

"Let me help you off with this." I said. Gareth pulled back and I unbuttoned the rest of his shirt and we took it off together.

"You too." He said and started to pull my polo shirt up over my head. Unlike Gareth I had no chest hair to speak of, but Gareth began to stroke my chest and it was as if there was electricity flowing through his fingers. I resumed my assault on his neck and shoulders, rubbing one hand up and down his back while the other roamed over his chest. Gareth was making contented, quiet, moans and kissing my ear, I moved down to his chest.

His nipples were dark, hairless a little smaller than the size of a 10p piece. Perfectly round. I started to suck on the right one while I tweaked the left. Gareth began to writhe, putting both hands around my back and head to hold me closer. His nipples became hard and erect.

"God that's good." He sighed. I worked between his nipples, sucking and biting at one and pinching and massaging the other. He didn't have really large pecs, but the were firm and sweet.

I was so engrossed in what I was doing I didn't feel his left hand leave my back. Gareth loosened the top button of his jeans and forced his hand inside his boxers. I realised he was stroking himself and I took it as a cue to move on. I travelled down his stomach and got to the top of his jeans. I looked up at him, his eyes were closed and I said;


"Yeah. Great."

"I won't go on if you don't want me too."

"Please. Get it out. Its agony like this." Gareth was breathing heavily.

I didn't need a second invitation and I unzipped his jeans. As I did so I got off the sofa and knelt on the floor between Gareth's legs.

"Lift your hips." I said and as he did so I pulled his jeans down to his ankles. His boxers stayed on, but his erection was clearly visible, tenting them. I tugged at his boxers, but he had to help by pushing his erection flat against his body to get them off. They came down quickly and his dick sprang up and out. It was about 6 inches with a slight upward curve and his foreskin was still covering the large head, but was clearly stretched to the limit. He had thick, black pubic hair above it that became thinner as it approached his stomach and then widened out over his naval, but his balls were hairless.

I took the base of his dick in one hand and pulled the foreskin back with the other. Compared to my own it was about as long, but slightly thicker. I worked the foreskin back and forward a few times and Gareth pushed his hips forward to show his approval. I looked up at his face and his eyes were closed again.

Leaning forward I flicked his piss slit with my tongue, licking up a lot of the precum that he was oozing. He continued to gyrate his hips gently and reached out with a hand to hold my head. As he did so I pushed his foreskin right back and opened my mouth to take in the head and a little of his shaft. His dick tasted hot and sweet, I could taste the precum as I began a gentle sucking motion. I tried to take more of him, but he pulled back as I was doing so.

"Stay still for a moment baby." I said and took his balls in my hand to massage them, leaving my other hand at the base of his dick. I was able to establish a good rhythm and Gareth was beginning to breath faster. He started to move his hips in a fucking motion, this time in rhythm with me. I was able to get his dick to the back of my throat, but I've never been able to take it any further. Gareth seemed happy enough even so. I pulled back a little to work the head with my tongue and then took him as deep as I could again.

I felt his balls tighten, and his breathing and movement became ragged,

"I'm goanna come." He screamed. I held on as I felt his dick get bigger in my mouth. The next second I felt the first powerful spurt of man juice hit the back of my throat.

"Yeah. Yeah Yeahhh." Gareth screamed and pulse after pulse of spunk was blasted down my throat into my stomach. It tasted so good I continued to suck until I felt him going soft.

"That was awesome man." He said

"Your damn right." I replied. I got up to look down on the sweetest man in the world lying with his trousers round his ankles on his sofa, spent and content. I undid my trousers and quickly took off my shoes and slipped everything off.

"Jesus." Gareth said looking up at my tool. And he got onto his knees and took my dick in his hand. He opened his mouth and put it over my dick. He licked his tongue round the head a few times and put his other hand on my arse cheek. He began to suck and move his head back and forth. I tried not to move as I wasn't sure how well he would be able to take it if I forced my dick down his throat.

I looked down to watch him. The sight of Gareth with his lips wrapped around my cock caused me to be overcome with the moment. I forgot my good intentions briefly and he gagged a little so I pulled back. Frankly I was in no state to resist for long after the experience of sucking him off and in a few more strokes I was ready to blow.

"I'm cumminnnn." I said in a sort of low moan and Gareth backed off and gently worked my foreskin back and forth over the head. As he did so I shot a huge load over his face and shoulders. Belatedly Gareth decided he wanted to taste it and tried to catch it in his mouth as it flew towards him. He got a few drops. But missed the rest and so began to lick what he could from my dick and off his fingers.

"That was great Sam, thanks."

"No need for thanks babe." I replied, and helped him off his knees. We both went to sit on the sofa, Gareth kicking off his trousers and boxers from around his ankles as we did so. We sat together, arms round each other's shoulders and basked in the after glow. Neither of us said anything for ten minutes or so, we just kissed and stroked each other.

Gareth's ample dick began to fill again and I laid my hand over it to work the foreskin a little.

"Will you stay with me tonight?" Gareth asked.

"Sure babe. If you like." I said.

"Is that my new name then. Babe?" he giggled.

"Would you like something else?"

"No, but you could call me Gaz. Most of my close friends do, and I guess we are close friends now."

"Yeah ok. Gaz it is." I started stroking his chest hair as we spoke. "I will have to call my parents. Where is the phone?"

"Use my mobile." Gareth reached for his pocket, and we both dissolved as his hand hit his naked thigh.

Gareth retrieved his mobile from the floor and I dialled my folk's. As it was ringing Gareth began to stroke my dick.

"Stop it. I'm on the phone." He stopped, but as my Dad answered he started again.

"Hi. It's Sam." I began, but as I did Gareth squeezed my dick really hard and began to lick my ear and giggled a bit. I tried to turn away. "I'm going to stay at Gareth's tonight, I'll be back in the morning." I was struggling to keep control as Gareth simultaneously worked my foreskin and stuck his tongue in my ear.

"Who is Gareth," my Dad asked.

"My friend from England."

"Ok. See you tomorrow."

I rang off. "You bastard. I could have really made a twat of myself there Gaz."

"Poor old Sam. Hey, want another beer?"

We sat and drank the beer, neither of us making any attempt to put any clothes on. I marvelled in his body and then caught myself thinking. `Hey this is Gareth Gates and I'm his boyfriend.'

"What did you and Mark do about anal sex?" Gareth asked quite suddenly.

"Well Mark preferred to be a bottom and I a top. But we were both happy either way as it suited us."

"I'm not sure I'm ready to take it yet." Gareth was clearly struggling to find the right words, not through his speech impediment, but through inexperience.

"We don't do anything we don't want to. Either of us. That's a rule. If one says stop we stop. Ok?"

"Sounds right to me," Said Gareth. "but if we were to have anal sex what would we need?"

"Condom's and lube. A water based lube, like KY jelly or 121. Some people use amyl nitrates too, but they fuck you up"

"Right -- Good -- I have both in my bedroom. If you're willing..." he spoke softly now and stroked my arm, "I wouldn't mind being a `top'." His big brown eyes starred into mine and I went all gooey.

"Love to Gaz." I was falling in love and didn't mind admitting it. Right now I couldn't think of anything better than having Gareth make love to me.

"Right. Talk me through it." He was earnest now and we talked through some of the less delicate details of gay sex. At one point I thought he was going to make notes, but he just got two more beers from the fridge.

When Gareth was satisfied with the details he said. "How would I know if I was hurting you?"

"I will tell you. I'll shout `stop' or something. But don't worry, relax and enjoy it."

With that he took my hand and led me to the bedroom. It was a large room with a King sized bed with all the bedding white. Gareth went to the bedside drawer and got out a pack of condoms and a tube of lube.

He looked at me slightly guilty. "I had it sent up this afternoon."

"My God you have taken advantage of me Sir. You are a Cad and a Bounder!" I said in my poshest voice.

"I will be happy to show you just how much of a bounder." And he grabbed my hand and yanked me on to the bed then dived on top of me.

He began to kiss me and stroke my arms. Then he worked down to my chest as I had done to him before. His tongue flicked my nipples and as he did so my dick got so hard it almost hurt. Gareth was, however, a man with a mission and he quickly passed my chest and headed south.

He spent a little time on my dick and then started paying attention to my balls. He lay below me on the bed and I lifted my legs up to allow him access to my arse. He gently sucked on one then the other ball, but then flicked his finger across by hole. He reached for the lube and squirted some on his index finger. Slowly he pushed his finger in, unsure of what resistance he would meet. I pushed a little and his finger entered easily.

Gareth started a rhythm with his finger, and as I instructed earlier began to loosen me up. I began to relax, which when you have Gareth Gates sticking his finger up your arse and your balls in his mouth is not easy.

Gaz put a second finger in and more lube, then three. "How's that?" he asked

"Good babe. That will do." Gareth got to his knees, his hard-on sticking straight up against his stomach, foreskin right back. He bent over me and we began to kiss. Deep passionate kisses like there was no one else in the world but us.

We broke and I reached for the condoms. I opened one of the packets and took it out. "Come here." And Gareth shuffled forward a bit. I placed the condom on the end of his dick and rolled it down the shaft. Shit it felt good to have that hard cock in my hand. I then applied plenty of lube.

"Ok babe. Be gentle." I said and turned over on to all fours. We had agreed that this was the best way to start for Gareth's first time.

I felt Gareth's fingers at my hole again, and he gave it a few gentle brushes. Then one hand was on my back and I felt Gareth's dick at the entrance to my love tunnel.

As he pushed the head against the entrance to my hole I tried to open my arse for him. The head eased in and then `wow' it felt like the whole length filled me. Gareth had not expected to enter me so easily and virtually his whole dick must be in there as I could feel his body almost totally against my arse.

He did not move for a moment, letting me adjust to having him inside me. Gareth was almost an inch bigger than Mark had been, there was no pain, but I felt completely full. Then he began to gently fuck me.

"Go on Gaz. That's right. O God that feels good." I encouraged him. Both his hands were now gripping my waist as he established a good fuck rhythm. I was in heaven. Gareth Gates heaven.

Gareth was grunting quietly and so, I realized, was I. I had lied a bit when I said I had been a willing bottom for Mark. I always preferred being a top, but this was fantastic. It felt an electric charge every time Gaz got right the way in. With Mark I usually lost my erection when he was fucking me, but this time I was rock hard and it was almost hurting with the strain. But it wasn't right.

"Gaz--Gaz. Stop babe."

"What's the matter? Are you okay."? There was genuine concern in his voice.

"Pull out and let me turn over." I said. He did and I turned on to my back and put both legs in the air. "Now I can see you babe."

Gareth lent forward and I put my legs on his shoulders. I held his dick to guide him in again. He supported himself on his hands and started performing push-ups on my arse. My dick was bursting and I looked up to watch the mixture of ecstasy and concentration on Gareth's face. Sweat was forming on his forehead and running into his eyebrows and off his nose. It poured off him and drips fell on me, it was an incredible turn on. As he pushed his dick into me and I pushed back.

He was using a mixture of short and longer thrusts. Every time he pulled out a longer way he brushed my prostrate with his slightly upward curving dick. Each time I thought I was going to cum then and there. I decided I needed to last at least as long as Gaz.

"Kiss me Gaz." I was breathless but he heard. He dropped to his elbows and I wrapped my arms and legs around him. We kissed, deep long kisses and our sweat mixed on our faces and bodies. His thrusts became more uniform and shorter and the pressure on my prostate was replaced by the friction of his stomach on my already sensitive dick.

Soon Gaz became rather tenser and he stopped kissing and bit my lip. I felt he was close so I tried to use my arse muscles to heighten the pleasure he was feeling. I squeezed hard and as I did so he raised back up on his hands.

"God Sam... I love you." Gareth screamed so loud it was as well there were few other rooms on the floor. As he did so his dick brushed my prostate again and he lunged deep into my guts. I felt my orgasm surge and my arse muscles contracted around his dick. He tensed like an iron bar and began to cum too.

We were as one person. Totally joined together at that moment. I had the most intense orgasm of my life, and the first one ever while in the act of being fucked, shooting wad after wad of spunk onto Gareth's chest and my own. He shot his load into me in six or seven huge pulses. We then collapsed in a heap on the bed, soaked in sweat.

We just lay there, getting our breath back. After a minute or so he said. "And I thought the blow job was awesome."

"It was intense man. I've never experienced anything like it. Not bad for your first time." And we began to kiss as Gareth's cock went soft inside me.

After a while we stopped and lay there. Holding each other close.

"I do love you Sam. It wasn't just saying it in the heat of the moment."

"And I think I've fallen in love with you Gaz. Ain't it obvious?"

"That's corny. Even for you."

I buried my head against his chest and we drifted off to sleep.

(`It Ain't Obvious' is a track on Gareth Gates' album.)

Next: Chapter 3

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