Gareth and Sam

By moc.loa@maShteraG

Published on Nov 8, 2002


This story is a work of fiction. It contains scenes that involve sex between consenting adult men and if this offends you, you are underage, or prohibited by law from viewing such material leave now.

Nothing in this story should be taken to imply that Gareth Gates is gay or that the events portrayed are in any way real or based on knowledge of actual events or people. It is a work of pure fiction.

The real Gareth Gates has a speech impediment when talking (but not singing). While I have acknowledged this in the text I do not attempt to truly represent it.

I was overwhelmed by those who responded to my suggestion the story might end soon. There is a note at the end on this point. All comments on this gratefully received at

Chapter 4 Crisis or opportunity?

The last few days had been life changing for me. The sudden rise to fame that Pop Idol had given me was fabulous, but seemed to role out to a plan. Someone was always in control, although it was never me. The events of the last three days had hit me like a runaway train.

This morning I had woken up next to a guy I had met in a check-in queue just a few days before. My uncertainties had been swept away and I had been swept off my feet. I felt I had known him for years and I loved Sam like no one else in the world.

I had decided to ask Sam to join me on the plane on an impulse. I had seen him standing at the desk and had been overwhelmed by his good looks. About my height, 5'10", short blond, hair, which stood up on the top, and a well-defined butt. He looked like a dreamboat and when I caught him looking at me I thought that it was more than someone spotting a star.

On the journey I had begun to wonder if I had done the right thing. Sure Sam was fun, he was relaxed and treated me like he world treat anyone else. I like that. I like people to be open and honest, not to put up fronts. What you see is what you get with me, and so it was with Sam.

But Sam had not talked to me about music, or Pop Idol or how it had all affected me; like everyone else I had met for the first time for the last nine months. Sam talked about politics, sport, the news and books and had a joke for everything, including a stream of aircraft jokes. I had been a bit intimidated at first, but found his company such a change. He wanted to know what I thought and I felt he liked me for who I was, not what I was.

Then he told me he was gay. Straight out when I asked him about girls. By the time we got to Australia I was sure. I wanted to spend time with Sam and find out about my own feelings. I have always found it difficult to talk, literally talk, to new people, especially those I wanted to impress. I am much better now; lots of practice and something called the McGuire programme. But with Sam I just talked and talked

And so we had got together and I had discovered I really was gay. I was relieved, that's definitely the word, relieved, to have settled the issue. The fact that I had to contend daily with screaming teenage girls who would like nothing better than for me to pin them to a bed and shag their brains out was a problem I was going to have to face.

Now I was in a studio rehearsing my set for the forthcoming concerts and personal appearances. My mind wasn't on it. Since leaving Sam this morning I wasn't able to concentrate. Luckily I had been able to phone, but I am missing him so bad. I have to see him.

"Sorry Stella. That's it for today. I'm only doing `Unchained Melody' tomorrow and I've got that." I said and picked up my jacket. Stella is my singing coach while I'm in Australia.

I called Steve my driver and arranged for him to come straight round. I sat in the reception area waiting for him. My thoughts drifted to this morning. Not the sex, but waking up next to Sam. He had his back turned to me when I woke and I snuggled up close behind him and wrapped my arms around him. It felt so good, I never slept again, just lay there feeling Sam sleep in my arms.

Steve arrived and I walked out.

"Remember where Sam lives?" I asked.


"Let's go then." I said, a little impatiently.

On the journey I asked Steve where there was to visit in Melbourne over the weekend. He suggested the beach (potentially difficult if crowded) or a trip to Apollo Bay or Ballarat. I would see what Sam wanted to do.

One of the great frustrations of the sort of fame I have is that walking down the street becomes a dangerous sport. If someone recognises me the next thing you know there are lots of screaming girls. Crowded places are impossible; walking out the front door of my flat in London was becoming risky. I have to be very careful where I go. Still if that is the price of the success I have achieved, I can live with it.

At last we got to Sam's.

"When will we have to leave so I can go back to the hotel and get to the Thompson's for dinner?" I asked Steve.

"In an hour, at the latest."

"Okay." I got out of the car and almost ran up to the door and pressed the doorbell.

A middle aged man answered and I guessed it was Sam's Dad. I held out my hand.

"Hi. I'm Gareth." I could see Sam coming to the door. I was excited to see him and I wasn't thinking. "Sam's boyfriend."

The man's expression turned to rage. I didn't know. I didn't know.

Fuck, fuck. FUCK! I thought Sam's parents knew he was Gay. Sam was so open. I panicked. I must apologise.

I was trying to speak. Breathe, calm down. It's no good. I mouthed `Sorry' to Sam. I could hear his Dad making a noise, but I wasn't hearing the words. Sam will hate me. I've caused this. He'll never love me again. I've ruined everything. I began to feel sick and my eyes were filling up with tears, I looked down in self-pity.

The next thing I knew Sam was pushing me backwards.

"Okay babe. Don't worry." He said and wrapped his arm around me. I looked up and saw Steve get out of the car. Sam put his hand up to indicate he should stay there.

"It's okay Gaz. Don't cry." Sam's words were reassuring and calming. How could he be so composed? I could still hear his Dad, by now presumably shouting at Sam's Mum.

Sam guided me around the house and I found myself in the back garden, not really sure as to how we got there.

"Sit down babe." Sam directed and we sat on a garden bench. "It's okay." Sam was being so nice. I had just ruined everything and yet he wasn't angry, he didn't hate me. I finally burst into tears, floods of them, as I put my head onto Sam's shoulder. I had been so afraid that I had lost him with my stupidity; the tears were as much relief as anything else. He wrapped his arms round me.

"Shhhh. Babe. Gaz, it's okay." Sam continued to comfort me, rubbing his hand up and down mine.

I began to regain my composure, but my breathing was ragged and I just couldn't form the words. I looked up at Sam; he too had tears in his eyes. I kissed him on the cheek to let him know I cared.

"Don't fret Gaz. I still love you." That did it, I cried again.

"Hey come-on. If you cry when I'm nice what will you do when I'm angry?" Said Sam trying to lighten the moment.

I wanted to tell Sam how sorry I was. How stupid and indiscrete I had been. Sam would never have made this mistake. He was clever and sophisticated, a university student. I was just a good looking kid from Bradford who could sing. I wanted to tell Sam how much I loved him and how much he meant to me. I couldn't get a word out.

Sam patiently held me. In the past I have sung what I wanted to say as a way of getting the words out. It was worth a try. I looked into Sam's blue eyes. He was so good looking and I thought of `Everything I do' and tried to sing. It came out all choked up in tears, but I carried on

"Look into my eyes,

You will see,

What you mean to me"

I couldn't get any further, but Sam sniffed back a tear and smiled. "I know babe. I know."

At last we were making progress. I'm not sure how long we had been there, but I eventually sat up and put one arm around Sam's shoulder. I held Sam's hand in his lap with the other and we looked down the garden.

"Well I think that went quite well." Sam said. "I always thought Dad was going to take it badly when he found out." Despite my misery I had to giggle. Sam had a way of always seeing the funny side.

My breathing was under control. I tried a sentence.

"What now?"

"When you are ready we will have to go in and talk to them."

"ShitÉ Really."

"I'm afraid so. They deserve an explanation. They had no idea I was dating a star. Mum will want an autograph at the very least."

I laughed again. I was beginning to feel better. The sinking feeling in my stomach was subsiding as I recovered from the fear of loosing Sam.

"What will they say?"

"Not really sure. Dad has always been fairly forthright in his views. Anti-anything that wasn't what he is really. Mum will be okay, we might have to rely on her."

I began to think about what to do. Sam was sat here with me, not inside with his parents. When the crisis had hit his instinct had not been to try and talk to his parents and save his relationship with them, but to come to me. He had known his parents all his life; he had known me for four days. Well if that was the measure of how he felt I owed it to him to put things right. But what could I do?

I remembered how Will Young had stood up to Simon Cowell when he was critical of all of us in Pop Idol. Will had told him how unreasonable he was and how he should be constructive, not destructive. And all on national TV. It was very brave and it could have cost him his place.

I took strength from that memory. Now it was my turn. Sam was my boyfriend and he needed my help to get his parents back on his side. I must support him and show his Dad how unfair he was being by reacting the way he had.

Shit. Easy to say. I wiped my eyes on my sleeve.

"Right lets go inside then." I said and stood up, holding my hand out to Sam. He took it, looking rather surprised by the sudden change in me.

"Are you sure your ready babe?" he asked.

"We have to sort a few things out and we're due for dinner at the Thompson's." I had already decided Sam was coming home with me.

We went inside, hand in hand, it was my show of defiance. We found Sam's Mum and Dad sat at the kitchen table. Mrs Bates eyes' were red and Sam's Dad had his hands clenched in front of him on the table. I guessed he had been made to promise to listen. We stood in front of them.

"Mum, Dad this is Gareth Gates..." Sam began.

"We know who he is. We voted for the other one." His Dad interrupted.

"Colin." Sam's Mum scolded him.

I decided to explain and squeezed Sam's hand to indicate I was going to speak. I looked Mr. Bates straight in the eye; I had learned that in the McGuire speech programme. "Mr. and Mrs Bates." I had to breathe to get my words out. "I'm sorry that our first meeting has been so difficultÉ I had no idea that Sam had not shared this with you. I've caused you unnecessary trouble."

Now I was stuck. I was expecting a fight.

"I know this must be a shock and you will need time to get used to the idea. But I want to ask you toÉ" Damn the words got stuck again, I had to breath carefully. "..understand that Sam and I are as we are. I hope you will allow us to find happiness as we choose." I looked at Sam and continued, "But if that is not possible, I would never want to be the cause of a family splitting up. I would let you get on with your lives. My family have been the most important thing in the world to me, I'm sure it's the same for you."

The bit about leaving Sam alone was a total lie, but it sounded good.

"No Gaz." Sam said as he held my hand up and squeezed a little harder. "That won't be necessary." He turned to his Mum and Dad.

"Sorry I never told you before. I never intended to hurt you. I've known I was Gay ever since I was at school. It was just easier not to say anything."

"But what about your girl friends?" his Dad said, "Were you just using them to fool everybody."

"Dad I never had any girlfriends. You always assumed. Apart from Gareth I have only ever had one other proper boyfriend, Mark. You met him at Warwick a couple of times."

"Always thought there was something wrong with him." His Dad snarled.

"Colin" Mrs Bates snapped.

I was pleased with it so far, but there was no resolution. I decided that drastic action was called for.

"I came around to ask Sam to come to dinner with me at the Managing Director of my Aussie recording company." I needed to pause. "After what has happened tonight perhaps it is better if Sam stays in my suite at the Hilton. When we have all had time to think we can get together again. Say Monday?"

"That sounds a good idea," said Sam's Mum.

"I don't know." Said his Dad.

"No that will be fine. We need a cooling off period."

"Good, let me take you out to dinner on Monday." I said.

"No you come here dear. More private."

So it was agreed. Sam spoke briefly to his Mum in the kitchen, while his Dad went out into the garden. I waited in the hall. Then we packed a bag for Sam and left.

"You were great Gaz. How did you do that?" Sam backed down the drive in front of me.

"I had to sort it out Sam. I caused the problem and I had to put it right." I thought his Mum had already done a lot of the work for us, but it was my moment of glory. "And I couldn't lose you." I felt really pleased with myself. I had stood up for what I believed, to people who would have intimidated me into silence a year ago.

As we got into the back seat of the car I felt immense relief.

"You okay mate?" asked Steve.

"Yeah. Sort of, its' been a bit of an ordeal." Sam was looking out of the window at his Mum, stood in the doorway. His Dad had not reappeared.

I asked Steve for the Thompson's number and then called them to ask if I could bring a guest. We were going to be a little late, but they didn't mind. Probably a `barbie' anyway.

Sam was very quiet on the way back to the hotel. I guess that he was only now coming to terms with what had happened. My girlie outburst of tears had taken his immediate attention, now he had time to think.

I was thinking about the way I had reacted. I had been absolutely terrified at the thought of loosing Sam. Then I couldn't get the title of one of my album tracks out of my mind. `Too serious too soon.' Was that true? Was I being a lovesick teenager like so many of my fans were with me? They weren't really in love with me, but my image.

I put my hand on top of Sam's, low below the seat so Steve wouldn't see. Sam smiled at me. My heart jumped at his look. No I wasn't being silly.

Steve must have wanted to know what had gone on, but asked no more. At some point I would have to explain, he was my bodyguard as well as driver in Melbourne.

When we got to the hotel we had ten or fifteen minutes at best.

"Look its been a really head spinning hour. Lets wait until we get back tonight to talk it through. Eh?"

"Yeah. Sure." Said Sam. I put my arms around his waist and rested my head against his.

"But let me just say sorry. Sorry for causing all this and thanks. Thanks for looking after me when the shit hit the fan. It meant a lot to me." And I kissed him lightly.

"It was a shock," He admitted, "but it never crossed my mind to do anything but run to you at that moment."

I kissed him again and said. "Right. What are you going to wear to the Thompson's?"

"These jeans's and a shirt."

"Sorry. Can't have the worst dressed boyfriend in Pop." I took Sam's hand and led him to the bedroom. "Look I have been given most of this to wear. It's called product placement. If people see me wearing it then they hope to sell more. It's pointless of course because I have a professional wardrobe for shows and appearances."

I pulled out a brown leather jacket, a real cool pair or dark trousers and a smart shirt that set off the trousers well. The jacket looked shit with the shirt so I put it back and got out a black one. A pair of boots to replace Sam's trainers and the outfit was complete. I threw them on the bed.

"There. You wear those. I'll look good in anything."

Sam looked at the clothes, and then at me. "You look best in nothing." He said and smiled a big wide smile that made his temples flex.

"Fantastic, you're back." I said. It was the first humorous thing he had said since we left his parents. A record for Sam. I stripped down to my boxers and went to grab some deodorant from the bathroom.

I came back to see Sam just about to put his trousers on. He looked almost edible. I looked at his smooth bare chest, and admired his six pack and well defined pecs. How did he do that? I was proud of my own six pack, but his! I would look into that later.

"Look after tonight this is difficult." I began, "but we can't let people in the business know about `us' yet."

"I do understand." Said Sam, as he pulled the shirt on "I've been gay for a while now."

"It's just that in this industry you are other peoples property."

"Hey. It's cool."

"We have the weekend to work out where and how we go from here."

We finished dressing and headed back out. Steve took us to David and Dawn Thompson's and everything went well. David's daughter's were obviously used to having well known music industry people round and didn't get all giggly on us. I introduced Sam as a friend from England who I had double booked with and they were more than happy to throw an extra shrimp on the barbie.

They gave us some great red wine and lots of steak, so I was more than content. Sam didn't seem to eat much. I did admire the way he got involved with the Thompson's, chatting with David about cricket and England's awful performance and with Dawn about his university course. He then became a star with Kylie, the eldest daughter as they talked about economics. I was like `Eh! What about me?' But how can I be jealous of a girl paying Sam attention?

At ten thirty we were on our way back. As we got out of the car Steve said.

"I'll be here at 6."

We walked into the lobby.

"Did he mean 6 am?" asked Sam.

"Yeah. The TV show starts at 8 and we have to get there, do the make up and hair thing and run through what will happen."

"Shit that's early."

"You don't have to come." I said.

"What and miss my chance to be behind the scene's at a TV show. Not likely. Anyway they might have someone famous on."

"Hey. I'm famous." I punched him on the arm.

We got to the suite. I walked straight into the bedroom. Sam went to the kitchen and then joined me with a glass of water in his hand.

"We need to talk." He said.

"Let's talk in bed. I'm quite tired and we will have to be up at 5.30."

"Is that long enough to get ready?"

"Sure. Breakfast will be laid on there. And I don't do my hair and grooming on workdays. If I do they just do it again."

We both got undressed. I couldn't help watching Sam as he took his clothes off. I just wanted to hold him close to me and stroke him. My dick began to get hard.

I got down to my boxers and then thought. `Hey' what do I wear? Nothing? Stick with the boxers? I decided to do whatever Sam did.

The plan failed because Sam was thinking the same thing and was looking at me.

"Nothing?" We both said together and grinned.

I got into bed while Sam went to the bathroom. As he returned I watched as his dick swung from side to side above his low slung balls. He has much less hair on his body than me. His pubic hair just tapers out to a thin line running up to his naval. As he is so fair the light has to be just right to see most of it.

I quivered in anticipation as Sam slid into bed beside me. I put my arms around him and he rested his head on my chest. His skin was soft and smooth and I gently rubbed my hands up and down his arm and back.

"You were great with my parents." He said. "I didn't know what to say. Then the soft spoken voice of Yorkshire takes over."

"I was making it up as I went along. Do you think it's going to be okay?" I asked.

"They need time to get used to the idea. But I don't know. Basically Dad is a modern day bigot. He won't talk about his prejudice in public, but its there."

"I would hate for you to be on bad terms with your parents." I said.

"Well they will have to get used to the idea, because I'm not going to stop being Gay. No matter how much Dad would like me too."

"What about the whole issue of telling people about us. What do you think?" I asked.

Sam began to gently rub his thumb over my nipple. I shivered a little as a ripple of excitement went through me.

"I think it is your call as far as the rest of the world is concerned. That means I don't tell my friends either until you say its okay. Otherwise it is bound to get out."

"I will have to talk it through with Simon Cowell and my management. Maybe with Will Young first." Will must have gone through this.

Sam began to place light kisses on my other nipple.

"Mmmm. Seems fair enough." Sam mumbled.

My dick was rock hard due to the gentle attention my chest was getting.

"Nothing much else to say then." I said, even though I knew that a huge issue had now been opened up. I put my head down to Sam's and forced my tongue into his mouth. He tasted so sweet. His hand grabbed my dick and began to work up and down the shaft and my foreskin slid gently over the glans. I moaned a little and put my head back on the pillow. Sam's teeth bit at one nipple as his fingers pinched the other.

Oww' I thought, then No. That's nice.'

Sam pushed back the sheet and all too quickly began to move down my body. He never lost contact with me for a moment though. It felt so good to feel his lips on my skin, then his mouth reached the head of my by now aching member.

Sam had definitely done this before. First he licked up some of the precum and then gently tongued around the head.

"God Sam. That's great."

He changed his position so he was facing down the bed He was up on his knees working his head up and down as he took more and more of my dick into his mouth. I looked over to his own swollen cock. I put my hand on his butt and gently rubbed, then pulled to encourage him to move it closer to me. Finally I was able to get a good grip on his rod and began to stroke it along the shaft.

"Hey. Sam. Move over a bit, lets try a 69." I said. This was another first as Sam slid across.

"Move onto your side babe." He said, lying down beside me as he did so. I shifted my weight and found Sam's delicious cock right in front of me.

Leaning forward I took it in my hand. It was like grabbing a smooth hot poker, except I suppose pokers don't pulse like that. I began to stroke it and with my spare hand I started massaging his balls. Yesterday it had been strange to put Sam's dick in my mouth and feel its warmth on my tongue. Now the taste and smell were intoxicating. I placed several gentle kisses on the end then took the head in my mouth. I began to move my head backwards and forwards and at the same time had the fantastic feeling of Sam working on my cock.

Sam had seemed to enjoy it when I wrapped my tongue around the head. I have always had a flexible tongue. I began to do this again and he let out a muffled `Oooh.' Clearly relishing the sensation.

I was concentrating on giving Sam the best blowjob I could manage when I felt his hand leave my cock and move around to my arse. He began to gently rub my cheeks. Then his hand brushed over my hole and a thrill went right up my spine.

Sam was playing with my arse while quickening the rate at which he moved up and down my shaft. I was paying less attention to Sam's needs now as I felt my orgasm rising within me. I tried to hold back, and was succeeding, but then Sam stuck the end of his finger into my arse. My sphincter contracted and as it did so I lost control.

Letting go of Sam's cock completely I began to shoot my load into Sam's willing mouth.

"Ohh. Sam, Samm." It was as if I couldn't get my breath

As the sensation subsided I realised my neglect of my lover. I quickly took his cock in my mouth again and concentrated on the head. Sam certainly liked my tongue trick.

"Yes Gaz, Gaz babe." I shifted to a kneeling position and rubbed my spare hand up and down his firm stomach. Sam placed his hand on my head and began rubbing through my spikes. "Yes Gaz." Sam's balls were tight to his body and as I continued to stroke his cock I moved my mouth to them. I licked and then pulled at them with my lips. Sam shot his load up and onto his chest.

"ohhggh, Gaz." The sound came from deep in Sam's throat.

I worked my way up his body. Licking the spunk up as I went. It tasted quite bitter to me, but I lapped it up, enjoying the touch of my tongue on Sam's skin. At last I reached his face, Sam was breathing heavily, his head back on the bed. He looked up, red faced and smiling, and we exchanged kisses, wrapping ourselves in each other's arms and legs.

"It's been quite a day for our first full day as boyfriends." Sam said.

I snuggled into Sam as he pulled the sheet over us.

"Next Friday 13th we're staying in bed" I said. As I did so I thought about how I was going to tell my family, and briefly I got that sinking feeling in my stomach again.

Well that's the end of Chapter 4 which is as far as my initial planning took me.

Given the response I will continue the series, but progress will be much slower. For me the story is most important and I take some time to plan it with relevant plot twists. Please bear with me. I am up to my eyes in work until the middle of March, but I will do my best. I have a plan that takes us to Sam's departure from Australia.

Next: Chapter 5

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