Glee Season One

By Jake Brown

Published on Jan 20, 2012


This story is a complete work of fiction and all characters are copyrighted to FOX. This is in no way a representation of the sexuality of the actors.

This series is following along with the first season. I don't cover each story lines, so it would be ideal if you watched the series while reading the episodes to follow along if you aren't familiar enough with the storylines.

Sorry, this one is a short one. I'll try to make it up on the next few episodes.

************** Episode No. 11 "Hairography" **************

Mr. Shue handed out wigs to all of the guys in glee club. It was part of this new plan of using hairography to distract the judges in looking at the member's wild hair instead of their footwork. Most of the guys were pretty excited about this. "Dude, you almost look like a chick. If I was drunk enough, I would totally try to hit on you," Puck told Mike.

"Shut up, man!" Mike yelled back. "Besides, you'd be lucky to get a girl as hot as me."

"Please, you're 3 am, getting desperate hot. Me, on the other hand, would make a super fuckable girl," Puck argued.

"Whatever," Mike shrugged.

"Care to find out. Tonight, show up at breadsticks dressed as hot as you can try. The first guy to get hit on at the bar, wins," Puck offered.

"Wins what?" Mike asked, interested.

"The loser has to blow the winner," Puck said confidently.

"What the fuck? No way! Since when have you became a cocksucker?" Mike objected.

"I'm not, just like I'm not a loser. See you at 8," Puck said back. "Oh, and it has to be a decent looking guy. No fatties or retirement home waitlists."

"Deal." Mike agreed.

The boys met outside at 8. Puck borrowed a dress from Santana, a strapless red dress. His muscular arms were much too big for him to be mistaken as a girl. Mike, on the other hand, went to Tina for advice. He knew she would know how to help him out the most, because she shared the same Asian features. He also used a jacket to cover his man shoulders.

The bar was dead that night. The boys sat on opposite ends, but neither had a guy approach them by within the first hour. Finally Puck walked over to Mike, "this is ridiculous. There isn't anyone here. I guess neither wins. Which is too bad, my cock was looking forward to warm mouth."

"Thirty more minutes, man. I know for a fact that I look better than you. I just hope you like Chinese food, because you're gonna get a full mouth by the end of the night,"Mike said back. Mike was actually completely inexperienced with sex. He didn't want his first blow job to be by a guy dressed in drag, but he was tired of not knowing how it felt after hearing so much about it in the locker rooms.

"Alright," Puck said, going back to his corner.

The time was almost up when a thirty something year old man went up to the bar. He wasn't hot, but definitely attractive enough to win someone the bet. He looked over and Puck, who gave him wink. The man waved back. Puck recognized him from the local bank where he worked. The man walked over and approached Puck.

"How's it going tonight,sweatheart?" he asked, nervously.

Puck didn't really think this plan through, because he never worked on his girl voice. He decided to try to whisper and speak as high as he could.

"I'm doing alright. A little lonely though," Puck whispered, with a giggle. He knew he was a horrible girl, but this was buying into it.

"Well, we can fix that. I must say, you are the first of your kind I've seen in this town," the banker said to Puck.

"First of what kind?" Puck asked, trying to play dumb.

"First cross dresser. Something about a man in heels that really gets me going. So, you wanna head back to your place, or mine?" He offered.

"What kind of girl do you think I am? I'm not that easy," Puck tried to sound offended. "How about I buy us some drinks, to go? I can see in your dress that you have a boner. I can help you with that,"he offered, reaching his hand up Puck's thigh.

"Look man, I'm no gay. I was just settling a bet with my friend down there," Puck said, mentioning to a worried looking Matt.

"First off, the name is Jeff. And, if you're no gay, then why are you getting so hard?" Ben asked, grabbing Puck's dick through his dress.

"Give me a second, let me go talk to my buddy," Puck said, getting up. He was careful to not show off his tent in his dress. He couldn't fool Matt though, who noticed it when Puck walked over.

"Woah dude, looks like you are already ready for reward," Matt said, disappointed.

"No man, you're off the hook. That guy said he can't wait to take me home for a three way with his wife," Puck lied. "I'm not sure if he thinks I'm a guy or not, but either way I won, but I won't make you do it. I'll see you tomorrow."

Puck walked back over to Ben. "Let's go to your place. You suck my cock, and I leave. Got it?"

"Sure thing babe," Ben said, placing his hand on Puck's ass.

"Don't even think about it," Puck said, walking out of the door.

Puck followed Ben to his house. He wasn't sure exactly what he was doing, what was driving the cross dressing, and flirting with guys. As far as he was concerned, he was just opening himself up to get even more ass than usual. They pulled into Ben's house, and Puck followed him inside.

"So, this is it," Ben said as he let Puck in.

Puck wasted no time, he walked straight over to the couch, and pulled up his dress. He would admit to one thing he liked about the dress, going commando in it was the best thing he's ever done. "Get over here, and start going down on me," Puck ordered.

Ben wasted no time. It's been a while since he's had any action, and wasn't going to let this god of a teenager in drag get away. He instantly went all the way down on Puck's thick cock.

"Damn," Puck said, and he patted the top of Ben's head.

Ben felt up Puck's newly shaven legs. Puck was oddly turned on by this. Ben didn't need the use of his hands at all to suck cock, and it was driving Puck wild. Ben could do things with his tongue that no girl or guy has ever done. Just then Ben went down until his nose was smashed against the shaven pubic area above the base of Puck's cock. He continued to move his tonue up and down the shaft, creating a intense build up for Puck. He desperately wanted to cum.

"I'm gonna shoot, you're choice, in our out," Puck moaned. He usually doesn't give choices, but Ben was doing such a good job, he thought his cum would be a reward.

Ben didn't aswer, and instead just kept on working his mouth all over Puck's dick. Puck grunted, and started shooting his giant load in Ben's mouth. Ben swallowed every last drop of the sweet teen juice. Puck just patted him on the head, "thanks man."

It didn't take long until he was out the door, back in his car, and tearing off the dress and wig that Mr. Shue gave him. "Never again," Puck said to himself about the dress, but was excited about the possibilities of hitting on guys now.

Keep the e-mails coming! I write faster when I have e-mails telling me people are liking the stories, especially with hot pictures of the boys of glee or maybe pictures of you enjoying the stories!

Next: Chapter 12

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