Glee Season One

By Jake Brown

Published on Dec 13, 2011


This story is a complete work of fiction and all characters are copyrighted to FOX. This is in no way a representation of the sexuality of the actors.

************** Mash-Up **************

Ken was furious. He saw Mr. Shue flirting with Emma again, but this time, Will took it too far. He was giving her dance lessons, when she fell on him. Ken wanted this to be the last time, he wanted to teach Will a lesson that he wouldn't ever forget.

"Hey Will, you need to come to my office right now, there is something that I really need to discuss with you," Coach Tanaka said to Will in the teacher lounge. Will thought it was about teaching Ken some new dance moves for his wedding, however, as soon as he walked in, he knew this wasn't about dancing.

"Lock the door, Shueter," Ken told Will as he stood up. Will was about to question why he needed the door locked, but it became obvious when he saw that Ken was naked from the waist down, and hard as a rock.

"What the hell, Ken!?" Will yelled.

"I told you not to mess with my fiancé. Now, I'm going to really teach you who the real man is. Now, drop your pants." Ken ordered.

Will started to protest, but the look in Ken's eyes scared him. He knew there wasn't going to be any way out of this. There was also a side of Will that was almost looking forward to this encounter again. He still wasn't getting any from his wife, Terri. And, as of recently he was really exploring the pleasures of male on male sex, including fingering his asshole every once in a while when he jacked off. He knew that Ken's dick wasn't as big as most, so he knew it was a good one to have in his ass, even if the cock was attached to an overweight, sweaty gym coach.

Will slowly turned, and lowered his pants to just below his ass. Ken's cock was already really lubed up from him masturbating while waiting for Will to show up. He walked forward, wearing only his polo shirt, whistle, and tube socks, until the tip of his cock was at Will's asshole. He leaned over and whispered in Will's ear, "looks like you want this Shuester. Maybe this isn't a punishment after all. Now, hold on tight, because the football coach is going to fuck the glee right out of you!"

With that, Ken thrusted his cock into Will. Normally, he would eased it in, but his anger, and the fact that he was so horny he knew he would explode any moment, made him just want his dick in the glee teacher as fast as possible.

Will yelled out in pain. He wasn't sure how he expected it to feel this second time, but it definitely wasn't the feeling of his asshole being ripped apart. He continued to wince in pain with every thrust, until finally Ken pulled out. Will's whole body sighed in relief.

"What's the matter Shuester, not liking what I'm giving to you after all? Maybe that means you will stay away from Emma after all," Ken said, about to shove his hard dick back into Will.

Will quickly turned around so he was facing Ken, and pushed him against the wall.

"Look, I know you're insecure about mine and Emma's relationships, and maybe sometimes I've given you reason to be, but I love my wife, and I would do nothing to upset her," Will whispered to Ken, only inches away from his face.

"Funny, because I think having another guy's cock up your ass would upset your wife plenty. Though, I imagine she already expected it, marrying a glee teacher and all," Ken forcefully said back to Will, turning him back around, making him bend over, and thrusting his dick back into Will.

"Now, you're going to take this, just like I had to take walking in on Emma on top of you the other day," Ken said, fucking Will's ass even harder. He could feel his balls tightening up, and knew he was about to cum any moment.

"Fuck Shuester, I'm going to bust my nut in your ass," Ken moaned, as he began to shoot while being balls deep in Will's tight ass. Once he was done, he slowly pulled out.

"Now, I'm going to go his the showers, I suggest you do the same. I also suggest you stay away from Emma, before your wife has to find out about you loving the cock," Ken said, stripping off his shirt and socks. He walked bare ass over to the showers. Most schools have private ones for the coaches, but his was temporarily broken, and Figgins never would pay the money to have it fixed.

As Ken walked out, he almost ran into Puck, but didn't think anything of it. Puck walked into the coaches office just as Will was pulling his shirt over his head.

"Now Mr. Shue, I thought the school had a policy on not participating in those kinds of activities," Puck said to his now naked teacher.

"What are you talking about, we were just working on some dance moves, and it got a little hot in here," Will said, trying to cover up his junk with his shirt. "Now, if you would excuse me, I'm going to get cleaned up before I go home."

"Don't try to deny it, I caught it all on my camera phone. Two can play this blackmail game. This time though, I'll wait until I really need a favor. Now, go get your ass in the shower, you need to get all of that man jizz out of it before you go home to your wife," Puck told Will, then walked back out the door.

Coach Tanaka was fed up with all of the fighting on his football team.

"Enough!" Coach Tanaka yelled at his team after another argument between the glee members and the rest of the team. "I want you to start acting like a team again! I want you to start hanging more. Spend more time together, which is why, starting next week, I'm adding an extra practice Thursdays at 3:30."

"But coach, that's when glee rehearses," Finn interrupted his coach.

"You know what? I've had it up to here with Shuester and glee. Here's the story quarterback, and be sure to tell the rest of the glee club when you see them. That practice is mandatory, no exceptions. So you'll have to choose what's more important to you. Football, or glee club," Ken ordered Finn.

"Now," Ken started to address the rest of the team, "hit the showers, and start bonding!" Ken said as he stormed off.

The team got in the locker room and started messing around like normal, until Finn made a decision that he was going to choose football.

"Alright everyone listen up!" Finn yelled out.

"Why, you gonna sing us a love song now?" one of the team members jokingly asked back.

"No," Finn answered confidently, "Coach said to bond, so it's time to bond. Everyone jump in the showers now and circle up."

Finn remembered in Celibacy club that after they all jerked off together, they all felt more comfortable with each other. Everyone in the room had one goal, to get off. Plus, he wanted everyone on the team to see who really was the biggest guy.

The team members apprehensively all walked into the crowded shower area together, and made a circle.

"All right, to really emphasize that we each have each other's back, and that we're willing to lend a hand when needed, we're going to do a massive circle jerk. Because, if we trust each other with that, we'll trust each other on and off the field more. Now, everyone reach over and start jerking off the guy to your right."

The whole team started protesting, but Finn already was reaching over to jack off the most trouble causing member of the team, Karofsky. He knew once he had Karofsky by the balls, literally, the rest of the team would follow.

"Just fucking do it. Once your guy nuts, he can clean up and leave. So, you don't want to be here, I imagine you try your best to shoot your load quickly," Finn said while stroking Karofsky's already hard dick. Finn was surprised how fast his teammate got hard.

One by one, each of the team members would shoot, shower up, and then leave. Finn was purposely trying to last, to make sure that nothing funny would happen. Finn could hear most of the members mumbling the name of some cheerleader, but he noticed the guy he was getting off, Karofsky, was closing his eyes, trying to remember his football plays. He thought that was bizarre, but wasn't going to say anything.

"Oh fuck," Finn heard Karofsky moan, then he started to shoot a massive load all over the locker room floor. He didn't say anything to Finn, and just walked away.

The last two members were Finn, and the outspoken black team member, Azimio Adams. These two by far had the biggest dicks on the team.

"Looks like it's just you and me cock sucker," Azimio said to Finn. "Since your dick is almost as big as my big slab of chocolate, I'll take it you'll understand how to work it right? If you want, you can just get on your knees and treat me right."

"Almost as big, bro? Seriously, I'm a good inch bigger than you, and no, I won't get on my knees. I don't do that. But get over here, I will treat you right, if you treat me right."

"An inch? Hell no, let's settle this," Azimio challenged Finn.

"How would we even measure? It's not like any of us have a ruler handy," Finn asked, wanting to prove to his roommate that his dick was bigger. Azimio had the biggest dick on the team soft, but Finn was sure that his hard-on was bigger.

"We'll just stand facing each other, whosever dick touches the other person is bigger," Azimio said, already walking over to face Finn.

After their dicks bounced around, smacking each other, Finn grabbed his dick and held it straight out. Azimio let his dick smack against Finn's a few more times before he grabbed his too, and held it up against Finn's.

"See, I told you!" Finn said, smacking his dick against his teammate's hard-on. Azimio's dick was a little over an inch shorter than Finn's, but was a little thicker.

They ended up staying just as they were, facing each either while standing bare ass in the middle of the locker room. The rest of the team already showered up and left.

They started jacking each other off again, but Finn didn't want to be the first of the two to cum, and it looked like Azimio was the same.

"My arm is getting tired, what do you say we call it good and take care of ourselves now?" Finn proposed to Azimio.

"No way wanna-be Justin Timberlake. Look, it's just you and me here. Let's be honest, you want my dick. It's fine, I'll let you have it. A mouth is a mouth. I'll even return the favor," Azimio offered to Finn.

"Seriously, no way man. Look, let's just get each other off, and go home," Finn said back, his voice wavering a little.

"It doesn't mean we're gay. What's the different between a mouth and a hand anyways? We're just two team mates, helping each other out, and never saying anything to anyone again," he offered one last time.

Finn didn't want to give him anything to hold against him in the future, but he was surprised on how much he actually wanted to try sucking Azimio's cock. Just thinking about it sent him over the edge.

"Too late man, looks like it doesn't matter," Finn said, as he started to jizz all over the locker room floor.

"What the hell man, now what am I supposed to do?" Azimio yelled out in protest.

"Looks like you're on your own. Unless you still want some help," Finn offered.

"You know what I want glee boy, now get on your knees, and taste this chocolate," Azimio said, while grabbing his dick by at the base and swinging it around.

"Yeah, so you can tell the whole team I sucked your dick. Then I'd really never hear the end of it. I was saying how I would keep jacking you off," Finn said, trying to get out of the situation. He knew that if anything did ever happen with Azimio, he would never hear the end of it.

Finn grabbed his team mate's cock with his right hand, and started to jerk him off again. It wasn't long before he reached over and started to rub his Azimio's balls with his left hand. Azimio slowly pushed Finn down until he was eye level with his dick.

"Now, how about you..." Azimio started to say, but Finn already had his teammate's cock his mouth.

Azimio moaned, "yeah Finn, suck my big black dick."

Finn continued to work his dick, barely being able to get half of it in his mouth. He cupped Azimio's balls, while he flicked his tongue on the tip of the black cock.

"Holy shit. That's way better than the bitches suck," Azimio said, while grabbing the back of Finn's head. "I'm about go shoot man!" He yelled out while pushing Finn's head as far down as it could go.

Finn gagged on the dick in his mouth, and then even more by the man juices that were flooding into his mouth. He tried to swallow, but it was too much for him to take and quickly pulled his head off of the dick and started to cough up cum. Azimio finished jizzing all over the ground.

"That was fucking awesome dude," Azimio said, while pulling up his teammate off the ground. "And don't worry, I won't tell anyone. But if you think this means I'm going to start being nice to you, you're wrong."

The day came for the boys to have to choose between glee club and football. All of the boys were going to choose glee club, except for Finn. Puck had an idea to help him change his mind.

"Hey Finn, come over by the house after school before practice. We gotta talk," Puck said to his best friend Finn.

"About what? I already told you I'm choosing football. I know things like popularity doesn't matter to you, but it does to me, and especially to Quinn," Finn assured his friend.

"It's not about that, just show up," Puck told Finn.

A few hours later Finn was walking into his friend's house. He wasn't sure what was about to happen, until he heard to porn being played from his friend's room.

"Seriously Puck?" He thought to himself.

Finn walked into his friend's room, expecting that Puck forgot he was coming over, and was jacking off again. Which was partly true. Puck was butt naked on his bed, stroking his cock.

"What's up Finn?" Puck asked, without taking his attention off of his own cock.

"Why don't you tell me?" Finn asked back.

"Look, after the football team circle jerk, I thought you were trying to experience more of what we have been doing. I thought I would invite you over to try some more stuff out," Puck explained.

"No, I'm good man, but you enjoy. I'll see you tomorrow," Finn said, slightly annoyed.

"Wait!" Puck called out, jumping out of his bed, and running over to his friend, his cock bouncing up and down with each stride. "What do I have to do to get you to stay in glee club?"

"What's with you and glee club all of a sudden. I thought you would be happy it'd be over?" Finn asked his friend, who was now so close to him that his hard cock was poking Finn in his thigh.

"Don't worry about that, just tell me what I can do to get you to stay. I'll let you have another go on my couch. I'll even suck you off man, that's how serious I am," Puck said, putting one arm on his friend's shoulder.

Finn hesitated and finally said, "I want to fuck you."

"What? No way!" Puck yelled out. "It's an exit only! Besides, your monster dick would rip me apart. It couldn't even fit!"

"That's my offer, take it or leave it," Finn said, already turning around.

Puck pulled him back around, pushed Finn back onto his bed, and started taking down Finn's pants.

"Is that a yes?" Finn asked, surprised.

Puck didn't answer, and started to jack Finn off, he then did something that surprised Finn. Puck took Finn's entire cock in his mouth, but after a few quick sucks, he reached over and grabbed one of his fleshlights. He slipped it on Finn's dick, and started to stroke. It didn't take long before Finn started to make his cum face, and shot all in the fleshlight.

"There," Puck said, "now your mind is clear and you can make the right decision.

Finn rolled up his pants, and left, more confused than ever about what to decide. An hour later, he found himself putting on his football gear. He almost made it all through the practice until he noticed Puck in the stands, watching practice. He was worried his friend would be pissed about him still not choosing glee club. He was right.

"Hey Finn, get your ass over here!" Puck called out to his friend after practice "I thought after what happened in my room, you would choose glee."

"I said I would choose glee if got to fuck you, that didn't happen, so I stuck with football," Finn explained.

"But I fucking sucked your cock!" Puck yelled in a hushed tone.

"Yeah, but, I still had to stick with my decision. Look, I'm going to go talk to Coach Tanaka now, he'll let us do both. I know it," Finn tried to reason with his angry friend.

"You better be right, I didn't suck your dick for nothing," Puck said, then walked away.

I know it's been forever. School and work this semester were crazy. Finals are over, so hopefully I'll finish out season 1 this break, and get season 2 going. Be sure to e-mail me if you're liking the stories. Also, if you have any pics/videos of either the guys of glee, or maybe something to inspire a story, let me know.

Next: Chapter 9

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