Glee Season One

By Jake Brown

Published on Feb 3, 2012


This story is a complete work of fiction and all characters are copyrighted to FOX. This is in no way a representation of the sexuality of the actors.

This series is following along with the first season. I don't cover each story lines, so it would be ideal if you watched the series while reading the episodes to follow along if you aren't familiar enough with the storylines (I don't explain everything that is always happening).

************** Episode No. 13 "Sectionals" **************

After getting himself disqualified from competing, Mr. Shue was forced to give his team over to the guidance counselor, Mrs. Pillsberry. It was the day of competition, and it turns out that the other schools were given the New Direction's set list.

Mr. Shue knew that the only way to save his glee club and win sectionals was to get Finn Hudson to go help his teammates out. Finn didn't want to compete with the team after finding out that Puck was the real father of Quinn's baby.

"Hey Finn. I just called your mom, and she told me you'd be here," Mr. Shue said, walking in on the quarterback.

"Yeah, football season ended, so I'm just cleaning out my things," Finn answered back.

"Naked?" asked Mr. Shue, eyeing his glee student up and down. Finn was standing completely naked, his soft dick swaying as he shifted weight back and forth.

"Yeah, sometimes I just enjoy being naked in here. It's one of the few places where I feel like I'm on top, being quarterback and well, being a little bit more endowed," Finn said, looking down at his penis. "I feel absolutely humiliated now. So, I just wanted to come here to remind myself that I am a man."

"I understand completely. I have a new hang out place with Burt Hummel where we are men and let it all hang out. It's great. And trust me Finn, no one is questioning your manhood, especially if they've seen your manhood," Mr. Shue said. He used this as an excuse to look at Finn's swinging cock more closely. It really was amazing how developed it looked. It certainly didn't look like a high school's crotch. He just noticed the slight curve to the right, when Finn interrupted his gaze. "Uhh, Mr. Shue?"

Mr. Shue quickly looked back up. Finn started to swell a little bit once he realized his glee club teacher was checking out his equipment. "You heard anything?" Finn asked, trying to change the subject.

"Yeah," Mr. Shue said, remembering why he came to Finn in the first place. "It's not looking good. I wish I could be there."

"I can't be there either. I can't even look at Quinn without wanting to cry like a girl. And I definitely can't look at Puck without wanting to beat him down," Finn said angrily.

"I don't know what to tell you Finn. I understand, but between us men, I don't think they have a chance without you," Mr. Shue explained. "Remember, sometimes being special comes with paying a price. You can't always get what you want."

Mr. Shue got up and went to hug Finn, despite his half swollen cock. The hug lasted a little longer than normal. Having the feeling of his cock pressed up against someone really help get his dick up to full mass. "Looks like part of you is already ready to go," Mr. Shue joked.

"Look Finn, I shouldn't endorse this, but feel free to take care of this before you head over. It might help you relax and think clearly," Mr. Shue said while grabbing his student's hard dick.

"Would you mind helping your student out?" Finn said, slyly looking at his teacher. "Maybe take off some of your clothes, you said you like to let it all hang out with other guys."

"You know what Finn, that sounds like a great idea," Mr. Shue agreed. He half wanted to help his student, and half wanted to get off.

It wasn't long until the teacher and student were both naked in the locker room. "There, that's better," Mr. Shue said. He had a semi from all the staring at his student. He was happy he wasn't completely hard.

Finn went back in to hug his teacher, only this time, their penises touched. Finn's dick was pressed up against their stomachs, and Mr. Shue's was pushing down against Finn's ball sac and leg. It wasn't long before Finn went in for a kiss. "I'm sorry Finn," Mr. Shue said, turning his head to whisper in Finn's ear. "We can't do that. But, I will do this." He slowly started to stroke his student's hard dick. After all of the drama, Finn hasn't had any time to jack off. Finn followed his teacher's lead, and started to jack him off. He pulled out some lotion he had in his locker, and smeared it all over his and his teacher's cocks.

Mr. Shue moaned in acceptance. "Seriously Finn, if anyone question your manhood, just whip out this monster, and you'll shut anyone up."

"Thanks Mr. Shue," Finn said. Mr. Shue noticed that his voice changed a little bit. It was obvious that he wasn't going to last long. Not wanting to be left with a hard-on, he tried to really quicken his orgasm. "I'm gonna cum soon Mr. Shue. Sorry, it's just been a while since I've had any time to think about anything besides drama." Finn lowered his head to rest it on his teacher's shoulder, he started to use his other hand and play with his teacher's balls.

"No worries Finn, I'm in the same boat," Mr. Shue, half moaned and half said. He reached his other hand around and started to play with Finn's ass. He remembered that time in his office, and knew Finn would like it. He could feel Finn's breathing quickening against his bare chest.

"Oh man," Finn moaned as he pulled his head back. Staring right into his teacher's eyes, he said, "here it comes."

"Me too, Finn!" Mr. Shue said, looking right back at his student. The two started to cum at the same time, all over the other guy's chest and stomach. After a few moments, they went back in for a hug, smearing and mixing the cum all over the other's body.

"Now, I'm gonna shower up and head toward the choir room," Mr. Shue said, walking over to the showers.

Finn waited a while to regain composure. He couldn't believe how connected to his teacher he just felt. When he entered the showers, Mr. Shue was leaving. He quickly showered, and headed back just as Mr. Shue was tying his shoes.

"Hey, you forgot your car keys," Finn yelled out as his teacher was leaving the locker room.

"No I didn't," Mr. Shue said as he turned the corner.

After realizing that the other glee clubs were given their set list from the cheerleading coach, Sue, the glee club members went to the green room to try to plan something out, but nothing was seeming to work.

Finn showed up just in time. He walked in the room with a plan and the song. "Look, we don't have much, but we do believe in ourselves and what we are singing about," Finn told the club as they started to circle up and plan out the new number. All of the nerves and anxiety seemed to leave the room, being replaced by optimism. Before heading over to help with the new song, Puck walked over to Finn and offered his hand, asking, "So, are we cool man?"

"No," Finn answered coldly. He leaned in closer so that only Puck could hear, "And if you think it's cool to fuck your buddy's girl. You wait and see how cool it is when your buddy fucks the shit out of you."

Quinn didn't hear what he whispered to Puck, but she hated seeing Finn so cold with him, even though she understood why. It just was so uncharacteristic of him, but it didn't last long. Finn seemed to relax and return to his happy-go-lucky self as he walked up to Rachel. "It's up to you now. You're the star, and now's your time to shine."

"Alright new directions, we're here to lead you to your changing rooms," a twenty year old lady said with an older looking man. The lady didn't seem to be very happy, but the older man had a soft smile to his face. He was probably in his fifties, and had a small belly to him.

"Alright team, don't forget to go over your new moves as you're getting ready," Rachel said as the girls followed the lady a different direction than the guys.

"My name is Ron Ipson, and I'll be your guide. You have an hour before your show time. I'll give you both thirty and fifteen minute warnings. You should plan to be in place ten minutes early. Here we are," he said as they came upon a door labeled "men's changing room."

The room looked to be a mix between a gym locker room, and a green room. One side hide showers with a few benches, the other side was full of mirrors with lots of lights and outlets. The boys walked in the room, a little unsure what exactly they were expected to do.

Ron noticed their confusion on what to do and said, "Is this your first competition?"

"Yes, sir," Finn answered back, looking around the room.

"Well, most guys shower and then spend the greater amount of time on their hair. Others just practice their dance steps. I've even had a few teams allow ten minutes to the guys to take care of themselves to help ease the nerves," Ron explained.

"Take care of themselves?" Finn asked, honestly confused.

"Masturbate," Ron said plainly, then gave a little chuckle. "Whatever it is you guys want to do is fine by me. Just no smoking or drinking. There are towels over there, just put through them in the used towel bin over there."

"What do you say guys say about a shower?" Finn asked.

The guys all agreed, except Artie who said he didn't want to get his wheelchair all wet before the show. Ron offered him a chair and said he had a handicap shower head in the corner. The showers didn't have dividers, and there was only four shower heads, including the handicap one. They all got undressed and turned on the showers, they were surprised that Ron stayed and watched them shower, but didn't think much of it.

Matt and Mike doubled up, as well as Finn and Puck. Kurt took the far side, and Artie took the other side with the handicap shower head. Finn had to carry him over to the stool under the shower head, but Artie didn't seem to notice. He would've felt more awkward just watching the guys shower.

Finn, after being hard in front of the team already, decided to pop a boner to make Puck realize he was serious about tonight. Once he was at full attention, he walked up and poked his dick in Puck's ass.

"What the hell, bro?" Puck said as he jumped from the dick contact.

Finn didn't respond, he didn't really care about being hard in front of the team, and acted like it was an accident to the rest of the team. Puck knew it was intentional.

After seeing Finn's hard dick, both Matt and Kurt started to stiffen up. Mike gave Matt a weird look. It's not that unusual for a guy to get wood in the showers in gym, but never this close to other guys. Matt shrugged it off, and decided he should just towel off and get dressed at this point. Much to his disappointment, no one looked like they would jack off.

"You know, you should take care of that thing before you go out there, or just make sure you placed your Johnson well in your pants," Ron said, pointing to Finn's erection.

"I got us all some whitie tighties, that should do it," Finn said, turning off his water. He walked over and got Artie and placed him on one of the benches to dry off.

The team was drying off, but Finn's dick didn't go down. "I got these on my way over," Finn said, pulling a pack of underwear from his back pack. His dick was swinging around as he handed them out.

"There is no way you're going to fit that in there," Ron said to Finn as Finn's dick passed just in front of Ron's face as Finn was walking around handing out the underwear.

"You're right," Finn said, while trying to pull up the briefs. He was already spitting into his hand in no time, leaving his undies pulled up around his knees. Finn just went for it, and started to jack off. "It's not like this is the first time," he told his team.

The guys all followed suit, but each stayed in their own area. Puck and Matt both pulled their undies down to their knees like Finn, but Mike and Kurt kept theirs around their hips, and just pulled their cocks over the waistband. Artie remained on the bench, excited about having another chance to get off freely.

"Oh, the pleasures of being young," Ron said to the guys. "I remember doing this same thing when I was your age with the basketball team after games."

"Feel free to join us man," Finn said.

Ron was excited, he loved watching the young guys shower, and always secretely wanted to join them.

"I'm also wearing whitie tighties, too" Ron said, as he stripped down to his skivvies. He was an average older man, with a hair all over his body. He pulled out his cock, and started to rub it. It was only about six inches, and his balls were very low and full looking.

Matt was standing only a couple feet away from Ron. Ron looked over and asked, "Can I help you out son? It's been a while since I've touched a young cock."

"Sure," Matt agreed, "Only if I can touch yours.

The entire glee club watched as the older guy walked over, reached out, and grabbed Matt's cock. He first felt Matt's balls. "Wow, I remember when mine used to be this tight." Ron then reached up and grabbed Matt's shaft, "but I never remember my dick being this big!"

Ron's dick was a little under six inches, but fairly thick. Matt reached out and started to jack off Ron.

Finn was feeling a little adventurous, and said, "you think Matt's is big, try mine, Mr. Ipson." Finn walked over and practically put his dick in Ron's free hand.

"Wow, that is big son," Ron said, now jacking off two glee members.

"Hey Mike, come bring Artie over here," Finn instructed Mike. Mike did and set Artie next to Finn on the bench. "I thought you would like a little help, bud," Finn said. He reached down and started to feel Artie's hard-on. "I can't really reach, how about we sit down?" They all did so, and started a huge jack off chain. Artie was jacking off Mike, with Finn jacking off Artie. Mr. Ipson was jacking off both Finn and Matt, and Matt was jacking off Mr. Ipson.

Kurt walked up to the other side of Matt, and Matt reached out and grabbed his cock. Puck was the only one left, and wanted to be a part of it, he went over next to Mike.

"You remember that time when you owed me a blow job? Do this for me now, and we'll be even," Puck whispered into Mike's ear. Mike reached out and started to jack off Puck.

By this point, each of the glee club members, plus Mr. Ipson, had their briefs down to their ankles and were sitting bare ass on the bench.

"Be careful not to cum on your undies guys," Finn instructed. "You don't want to perform with jizz filled whitie tighties."

The guys all continued to stroke each other off, until Artie was the first to interrupt the silence by saying, "I'm gonna cum."

Artie shot all over the floor in front of him, barely missing his undies. As soon as Finn saw that he almost hit them, he immediately pulled Artie's cock and pointed it to his chest. Artie finished cumming all over himself.

"I'll help you with that as soon as I cum," Mike said, while he shot all over the floor. He pulled his legs back, so that there was no way any semen would hit him. He then picked Artie back up, and headed to the showers for a quick clean up.

Puck was left all alone, he didn't want to go over to Finn, with how made he was. He quickly just grabbed his cock and started jacking off like a twelve year old. Only after a few seconds he was panting and adding his own man juice to Mike's on the floor.

Kurt was next, but he only leaked a little cum. He jacked off right before loading the bus, so he wasn't too surprised. Matt told Ron quicky, "Mr. Ipson, I'm going to cum sir."

Matt wasn't ready for what happened next, but Mr. Ipson pointed Matt's cock right at himself. Matt started to shoot all over Mr. Ipson's hairy chest and stomach.

"Alright kid, looks like you're the last one," Ron said to Finn. "Anything special I can do to help make you cum faster? You don't have much time left."

"Use your mouth?" Finn said, half jokingly. However, Mr. Ipson actually obliged and swallowed all of Finn's cock. Finn was amazed, and instantly started to shoot inside this guys mouth. Mr. Ipson had his nose right up against Finn's stomach, something Finn has never experienced before. As soon as Finn was finished cumming, Mr. Ipson pulled his mouth off of the teen dick. "There, I hope you have a good show," he said, while whipping the corners of his mouth.

"Thanks, sir. But what about you?" Finn said, while pointing to Ron's dick.

"I can take care of myself," Ron said, slightly disappointed.

"No, come on guys, anyone else wanna help him?" Fin asked. Matt instantly walked over, and started playing with his balls more. Finn grabbed his old dick, and started pumping it. After a few strokes, Ron started to moan and cum all over his body, adding to Matt's juices.

"Looks like I'll have to join you guys in the showers," Ron said, while rubbing the cum through his man fur.

The guys quickly showered up and changed just in time to make their entrance for the competition.

The new number was a hit to the audience, but all Puck could think about was Finn's threat. Finn didn't help, smacking Finn's ass anytime they had a move that would allow him to do it without much notice.

After the New Directions were awarded first place at the award ceremony, the glee club members were all hugging and celebrating. Finn went in to hug Puck during the commotion, and whispered again, "I hope you're ready for tonight. I'm still pissed. I just hope you can handle this," he grabbed Puck's hand and lead it to the front of his pants where he could feel the outline of Finn's python.

Puck tried to not think about it and continue to celebrate the win. The glee club members went their separate ways, and Puck went straight home despite being invited over for a party at Santana's. He went straight to the shower where he cleaned up, and started to try to loosen his hole for what was about to happen. He's known Finn for a long time, and he usually is a forgiving kind of guy. However, hearing how angry he was, he knew that there was something different about his rage, and he didn't think there was any way to get out of it.

Puck slowly started to work his finger in his virgin hole. He never thought he would be doing this to himself, but he never thought he would be doing a lot of the things he was doing this semester. After a couple minutes, he took out his finger and thought that maybe what was going to happen tonight wouldn't be that bad after all. He then took a second look at this finger, and compared it to Finn's cock in his mind. He immediately went back to fingering his hole, trying to stick in three fingers this time. It took a little longer, but he was getting them mostly in with it beginning to feel almost comfortable.

He was interrupted by his phone ringing, he knew from the ringtone it was Finn. He got out of the shower and picked it up. "You better get that ass over to my house tonight. My mom is working the graveyard, so we won't have to worry about anyone," Finn told Puck over the phone. Puck was back to being terrified. He's never been fucked before, and never wanted to try it, especially by someone as big as best bud Finn.

Puck got dressed and took a shot a few shorts of some whiskey before he left to Finn's. He was hoping that he would be a little tipsy, hoping that would cause him to relax more, but it didn't seem like it would work. "Hey bro," Puck said as he walked into his friend's house.

"We aren't bros, now get in my room and take off your clothes," Finn said angrily. Through all the years, Puck has never seen Finn like this. Even though Puck has messed up quite a bit, Finn has always been there for him. He knew he had to do whatever it took to keep this friendship, even if it meant taking Finn's dick in his ass.

Finn followed Puck to his room, where Puck did just as he was told. Finn already was hard, and quickly dropped his pants too. He quickly grabbed some lube, and put it over his cock. He wasn't even going to bother get Puck ready. He walked up, and saw Puck's cleanly shaved hole. He started to press his dick head against it, then rubbed it up and down Puck's ass crack. Puck really started to get freaked out with how monstrous Puck's cock felt against his ass. The light pressing and rubbing of Finn's cock stopped, and Finn slowly tried to push his dick up his friend's ass.

"Ughhhhhhh!" Puck yelled out.

"Take it," Finn answered back. He barely the tip of his cock in, and almost felt bad for his friend. Then he remembered why he was doing this, and quickly tried to shove his entire head up it.

"Fuck!" Puck yelled. Finn slapped Puck's ass, leaving his dick where it was to hopefully stretch out Puck's fuck hole a little more. He slowly started to buck his hips, Puck did the same, not wanting to have any more dick in him. Puck was surprised on how fast his body was reacting to Finn's cock, he already lost the feeling like he was being split in two. Finn has fucked Matt in the past, but there was something different about Puck. Maybe something about being able to dominate someone who hurt him so much, or knowing that he was the first one to ever fuck this stud. Either way, it was driving him crazy.

After a few more thrusts, Finn was working almost half of his cock in Puck. Puck was doing great with taking it, but was certainly very verbal with each thrust. Finn wasn't sure if Puck's groans were from pain or pleasure, but he didn't care regardless.

"Shut up and take it," Finn said to Puck. "Do you still think it's fun to fuck around?" Finn asked while thrusting more of his dick in Puck's virgin ass. Finn started to rhythmically slap Puck's ass. Puck buried his face in Finn's pillows, which Finn took as an excuse to go harder.

"You. Fucked. My. Girl. Now. I. Fuck. You." Finn said each word with each thrust. The feeling of finally getting revenge was getting to Finn. It didn't take long before he could feel his balls start getting close to cumming. He quickly pulled out, causing a sigh of relief from Puck. "Oh, you're not done yet. Get over here and taste your own ass," Finn said, while grabbing his dick.

Puck was disgusted by the idea, but didn't see a way behind it. Finn's cock smelled of precum and ass, but Puck was surprised on how he almost didn't hate the taste. He quickly engulfed the most of Finn's dick as he could. As soon as he felt his dick hit the back of his friend's throat, Finn started to erupt in Puck's mouth. Puck pulled off his mouth from the dick, causing Finn to shoot all over his face.

"Alright, now, this twice next time you wanna fuck my girl. And seriously man, don't lie to me about it," Finn said, while patting Puck's cum covered face.

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Next: Chapter 14

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