Glee Season One

By Jake Brown

Published on Jan 9, 2012


This story is a complete work of fiction and all characters are copyrighted to FOX. This is in no way a representation of the sexuality of the actors.

This series is following along with the first season. I don't cover each story lines, so it would be ideal if you watched the series while reading the episodes to follow along if you aren't familiar enough with the storylines.

************** Episode No. 9 "Wheels" **************

"We have to start paying these doctor bills, Finn." Quinn whispered to her boyfriend before glee class started. "If we don't, they will go to a collecting agency, and my parents will find out I'm with child, your child."

"I've tried to find a job, but nowhere is hiring," Finn replied back, a little annoyed with how demanding Quinn has become these last few days.

"Well try harder!" Quinn whispered back, angrily.

Finn wasn't able to concentrate the entire hour. Mr. Shue kept talking about some glee-off between Kurt and Rachel, but all he could think about was how he was needing to make some fast cash. The only thing he heard was Mr. Shue telling the glee club about the school not being able to fund a special wheelchair accessible bus for Artie.

"Great, more money problems," Finn thought to himself.

"As I said, the school won't fund the extra money. So, I decided that we'll have a bake sale to raise the money we need," Mr. Shue told the students. The students all groaned in protest, but Finn was still more preoccupied with raising money for his baby momma.

"Hey Finn, you doing alright?" Mr. Shue asked Finn as the class was leaving the glee club room.

Finn just looked absently at the teacher, until Mr. Shue added, "How about you come to my office and talk a little."

Once inside Finn remembered what happened last time he was in Mr. Shue's office, and he started to sport a woody in his shorts.

"Mr. Shue, I don't know what I'm going to do. I need to find a job, and fast. Quinn's medical bills are already coming in, and she's not even that far along. I'm seriously freaking out," Finn complained to Mr. Shue.

"I know, I'm the same way at home, and now with the glee club. I've honestly started to consider selling drugs if I knew where to get them, or prostitution if I wasn't already married."

"I never thought of that before..." Finn said to himself.

Mr. Shue didn't mean to give ideas in his young student's head. "I didn't mean for you to start selling drugs. Remember how much trouble you were almost in at the beginning of the year? And those weren't even yours you said, what if they had been?"

"Uh, Mr. Shue," Finn interrupted, "I wasn't talking about selling drugs." He started to blush, and get even more hard with the idea of getting paid for sex.

"First off, that's absolutely not a possibility. You're still a teenager, and it's illegal. Secondly, sex isn't just something that you should be willing to do with just anyone. It needs to be special, and you need to always be safe," Mr. Shue lectured. "I just don't think the first experiences you have with sex should be with strangers for money."

"But..." Finn started, but didn't know how to tell his teacher that he has had some sexual experience, just the it has only been with other guys. Finn still desperately wanted to fuck a girl, but guys seemed to be the only thing available to him.

"Don't finish that sentance, I don't want things to get out of hand like the last time you were in here," Mr. Shue said. He didn't mean to, but he instantly looked over at Finn's crotch, and noticed the nice tent that was being built.

"You're right," Finn said, instantly feeling embarrassed. All of the stress, and now embarrassment, really started to take a toll on him. He could feel himself start to almost tear up.

Mr. Shue noticed the change in Finn, and offered a hug, knowing that the student was aroused, but also knowing that he needed comfort now more than ever in his life. He could feel the teen's pecker pocking up against his own semi-hard manhood.

The hug lasted more than it probably should, giving Finn reason to think that he could have another go with Mr. Shue. So Finn pushed his teacher in closer, and slowly started to rub his hand down to his glee club teacher's ass.

"How much would you pay, Mr. Shue?" Finn started to ask while feeling up his teacher's ass, "for me to pound this ass of yours. Or, have me suck your dick?" He continued to ask, while now groping the teacher's front of his pants.

Mr. Shue, though extremely turn on, pulled away. "It wouldn't matter even if you were serious, because I obviously don't have any money to waste."

Finn couldn't deny his attraction to his teacher ever since their last episode together in this office. He wanted to explore his teacher's body, so he dove right back at his teacher, pushing him against the wall.

Though Finn was a big guy, Will still overpowered his studen, but not before Finn got one of his hands down his teacher's pants. Will pushed his student off, and yelled, "Seriously Finn, I could loose my job!"

"You can't act like you do not want to do this, I felt your hard-on!" Finn yelled back.

"But, my brain knows better," Will said back, calming down. "Look, it's nothing against you personally, I just can't have any relations with students. I'm already broke, imagine if I lost my job too."

Finn just stared at his teacher, not wanting to except neither the fact that he just threw himself at his glee club teacher, or wanting to accept that he was rejected.

"Look Finn, go off, and explore these feelings with someone your own age, in a safe and comfortable environment," Mr. Shue said while opening the door.

Finn walked out the door, and wanted to text his buddy Puck, but had a different idea instead. He pulled out his phone and texted, "hey Matt, be at my house in ten."

Matt replied back, "Dude, what's up? I'm lifting some weights in the locker room."

"Remember that day at Puck's when we all hung out? I want that to do it again, just us two this time." Finn texted his teammate back.

"Hell yeah man! I'll shower up and head over! Can't wait!" Matt replied back.

Finn was waiting on his couch when Matt knocked on the door. His boner still hasn't gone down since his encounter with his glee club teacher.

Finn answered the door, "Hey man, I know this is kinda a dick move of me to just call you over like this," Finn looked down to his boner tent, "but I'm horny and I want to explore more of what we did that one day. I hope I can trust you to not tell anyone."

"Yeah man, I don't want it to get out either," Matt said back, laughing nervously. The two awkwardly stood there for a moment, with Matt still standing outside of Finn's house still. Finally, Matt spoke up agan, "So uhhh...can I come in."

"Yeah man, of course. Sorry, I'm just really nervous. Wanna head up to my room? My mom shouldn't be home until late tonight," Finn asked, still nervous about the whole situation.

The boys walked up to Finn's room, Finn walked over and sat on his bed, with Matt close behind. They looked into each other's eyes for what seemed like an eternity. Finally Matt leaned in, and gently kissed Finn. He pulled his lips back just slightly, and they both laughed.

"What's up?" Matt asked Finn, still a little giggly.

"I don't know...I'm just surprised that I'm still doing this," Finn replied back honestly.

"We don't have to do this if you don't want, we can just talk or actually hang out," Matt said, slightly disappointed.

Finn didn't answer, but instead just went back in for a kiss. He pushed Matt down on his bed, and rolled his shirt over his head. He licked and gently bit both of Matt's nipples, before he went back up to his face. Matt was in heaven, he hasn't had a make out session with a guy like this before.

Matt decided to take over, and rolled over on top of Finn. He didn't bother with the shirt, and instantly went down and started to unzip Finn's pants.

"Woah, what's the hurry there tiger?" Finn said, grabbing Matt's hands off of his now unzipped pants.

"I thought this is what you wanted?" Matt asked.

"But what do you want? I don't want you to feel like I only wanted you here to suck my cock," Finn said.

"But, I want to. Honestly." Matt said, going back down to get off Finn's pants.

"Alright, but, come back up here. Let's take a bit more slow this time," Finn replied.

"Judging by how hard you are," Matt said while grabbing Finn's package through his boxer-briefs, "your dick doesn't want to take it more slowly."

Finn laughed, "I know, but he's used to not getting what he wants. Now come up here," Finn chuckled, as he pulled Matt's lips back up to his.

The boys kissed for what seemed to be forever to Finn before he rolled over back on top of Matt and took off his own shirt. He lowered his head back down to give a playful kiss on Matt's lips, then made his mouth over to Matt's ear, and whispered, "Can I give you a blow job?"

Matt's hardon grew another inch, "Of course," he moaned in response.

Finn's mouth traveled down to just above Matt's beltline. Finn got his pants off, and lowered his briefs until he was staring Matt's penis right in the eye. He grabbed it with his right hand, and exhaled on it.

"Suck it Finn," Matt egged his friend on.

Finn barely had the tip of Matt's dick in his mouth when he his cell phone went off. He knew instantly by the ring that it was Quinn, the mother of his unborn child. He started to have doubts on if he should be doing this.

"Shit Matt. That's Quinn. I'm sorry, but I can't do this. I have a girlfriend, and it's getting complicated. I'm gonna have to ask you to leave," Finn said getting off of Matt.

Matt, got dressed and left without saying a word. He never had such a romantic physical experience with a guy, and he kicked him out as soon as he remembered he had a girlfriend. He was too embarrassed to even say anything, and Finn was too ashamed to try to comfort his friend.

Mr. Shue was kind of disappointed with how unwilling the members of glee club were in order to help raise the money for the special bus needed to take Artie's wheelchair to sectionals.

"The local nursing home was having a tag sale, and my AV friends here, agreed to help out. For the next week, each of you will spend three hours a day, in a wheel chair," he told his students while the wheelchairs were wheeled in by the AV club.

The students all stared at the teacher, dumbfounded. They couldn't believe what he wanted them to do.

"Oh, and we're doing a wheelchair number for sectionals," he added in.

The students all rode off angrily.

The next day at glee club practice, the students started learning how to maneuver the wheelchairs better so they can choreograph the upcoming number with them. Mr. Shue noticed that Puck was having the hardest time with it. He knew that Puck isn't the type of guy to call out in front of the class, so he decided to have Artie help him out privately.

Puck at first wasn't too excited, but he realized that he has to get better at it to continue being a complete stud. He invited Artie over to his house, because he has a big patio in his backyard, so the no one would see them practicing.

After about an hour, Puck's arms were feeling like jell-o.

"Dude, can we take a break, my arms feel like they are about to fall off. I don't think they've seen this much use since I first learned to whack off in middle school.

"Yeah, I guess you're the hottest guy at the school, so you don't have to use your arms too much, huh," Artie said.

Puck laughed to himself, "You'd be surprised. Even with regular pussy, I'll get myself off usually twice a day. But you're right, I don't use my hand too much for it."

Artie looked up at Puck confused, "how do you manage that?"

"Wanna see?" Puck asked, slyly.

Artie was still confused, "What do you mean?"

"Come on, I'll have to carry you up to my room, but I promise I'm not just trying to get you up there to humiliate you or something," Puck said, knowing Artie's apprehension.

Artie doesn't like to be carried by other guys, but he was starting to get curious. He was always trying to find ways to get himself off.

Puck carried him up to his room, and sat him on his bed, looking over to the fuck couch.

"What's that?" Artie asked, pointing the couch.

"It's just some junk couch I found in the gutter. But, it's a little modified. I put some holes in it just big enough for a fleshlight. You know what those are?" Puck asked Artie.

"Yeah, I've wanted to try one for the longest time, but no way to get one without my parents knowing," Artie said.

Well today is your lucky day then, I'm assuming you'll want to do missionary, laying on top?" Puck said, already grabbing his fleshlight and putting it in the proper place.

"Now, drop your pants, and I'll guide you over," Puck instructed Artie.

Artie normally would've been against this, but he rarely gets to get himself off, and he was very much wanting to try out the fleshlight.

Artie took off his shirt quickly, and Puck noticed, "Damn bro, you're upper body is hot as hell."

"Thanks," Artie said. "Could you help me with my pants. It takes me a while to pull them down. I'll lift myself up, and you just pull, cool?"

Artie lifted himself up, and Puck pulled down his pants, but didn't quite get down Artie's boxers too. "Sorry, I'll get those too," he said while pulling down his friend's boxers.

"Not bad," Puck said about his fellow glee club member's dick. He picked him up and carried him over to the couch.

Artie had to reposition himself, but got his dick inside the well-used fleshlight. Even though he had a very strong upper body and abdominal muscles, he was having a hard time thrusting his hips. Puck noticed and asked, "That's not working right, wanna try a different position?" He soon realized that the best position for Artie would be laying on his back, but he didn't have a way to make that work on his couch.

"Sure, but I don't know how. I could just lay on my back and pump it with my hands," Artie offered.

Puck wanted his friend to get the feeling of not getting off without the use of his arms, so he decided to lay Artie down on his bed, and he would pump the fleshlight on his friend's hard dick. Artie objected at first, but Puck already had him on his back, and the fleshlight on his teen cock.

"Oh god, that is good," Artie moaned. Puck was getting hard, so he quietly took slid down his pants and started to jack himself off at the same time. Artie was in heaven, so there was no way he would even notice, or care.

It wasn't long before Artie felt his orgasm arriving.

"Fuuuuuuuck, I'm gonna cum in it," Artie moaned louder. Puck noticed that his upper body got to tense up, and then he saw the manjuice spurt into the clear fleshlight.

"Do it bro, let it flow," Puck encouraged while Artie's last spurts filled the fleshlight. As soon as Artie's penis started to get limp, he pulled the fleshlight off of his friend and put it immediately on his own throbbing member. He couldn't wait to add his cum to his friend's. He started to pump it harder and faster until he felt his own orgasm arriving. Artie just laid there, catching his breath while watching his friend use a fleshlight that he just jazzed into.

"Fuck yeah," Puck moaned while he started to cum.

"Look Will, I appreciate you having auditions for my kid to try out for that girl's solo. I know it's not ideal, but I know it will mean a lot to Kurt. Let me know if you ever need anything. My house is always open. Despite Kurt's best efforts, it's still quite the bachelor pad. Just call before you come over, so I can be sure to put on some pants," Burt said to Will, jokingly.

Will laughed, "Sounds like paradise. Anytime I even try to walk around in my own house pantless when my wife is home, I never hear the end of it."

"Well, come on over if you ever need some `hang out time'. I'm planning on watching the game and ordering a pizza tonight if you wanted to come over," Burt invited.

"Sounds great! Terry is working late anyways," Will accepted, excitedly. It's been a long time since he was able to hang out with just some guys, let alone a man around his own age.

Will showed up to the Hummel's house thirty minutes before the game, with a six pack in hand. Will found out he lived only about a block away, so he walked over and asked his wife if she would pick him up on her way home. He made his way to the front door and rang the doorbell.

"Come in," Burt yelled out. Will was shutting the door behind him when Burt walked into the living room, wearing nothing but a somewhat small pair of tightie-whities. "Glad you could make it, man," Burt said to Will, shaking his hand, then grabbing the bear out of his other hand. "Go ahead and make yourself at home while I put these in the fridge. The pizza should be getting here any minute now."

"Wow, you weren't kidding about letting it all hang out at home, were you?" Will said, eyeing Burt up and down.

"Yeah, sorry these are a little small," Burt said, while snapping the elastic on his briefs. "We're doing laundry, and I would just be in my birthday suit, I thought that since we have company, I better cover up." Burt turned and walked back into the kitchen laughing. The briefs were barely covering his hairy ass.

Will took off his shoes, and walked into their living room sitting down on the couch. He loosened his tie, and sunk down into the comfortable couch. He wasn't sure what was the polite thing to do in this situation. Should he take off his pants and join his new friend in an undies only night? He knew his son was one of his gay students, but he wasn't being a teacher now, and if he knew Kurt, there was no chance he come up to watch the game.

Will was taking back to reality from his dilemma from the doorbell ringing. He stood up to go get it, since he was still in clothes, but Burt quickly came out of the kitchen.

"I'll get it," Burt said, already walking out to the door. "Tony is always the pizza man, so I know I won't have to cover up."

"How's it going Tony?" Burt said after he opened the door.

"Good, Mr.Hummel," Tony replied back. "I see you're wearing underwear this time."

They both laughed. "Yeah, I have a buddy watching the game with me, so I thought I should have some sort of manners," Burt replied back jokingly. Tony works for Mr. Hummel in the mornings, and delivers pizzas in the evening, so they have a good relationship.

After Burt paid for the pizza, he walked into the living room and placed it on the coffee table. He noticed Will was still dressed, "Is that what you call making yourself at home? Loosening a tie?"

"It's just what I'm used to at home," Will replied, somewhat embarrassed.

"Well, you're not at your house, it's just us guys here. Whatever you want to wear, or not wear, is just fine. It doesn't matter to me in the least," Burt explained to Will.

Burt went in to get a few beers, and when he came back out, Will was sitting on the couch in just his black Calvin Klein briefs. Burt just smiled to himself. He's happy that his house can be a good environment for men to be men.

After a few beers, and a somewhat boring game, the two men were caught up chatting away like old friends. They discussed everything from politics, to sports, and ofcourse sex.

"One of the best things about this being a bachelor pad is that we have a open policy to jacking off. The convience of being able to watch porn on my big tv and rub one out right here on my couch is about the best thing that's ever happened to me, other than getting pussy on a regular basis. I bet you don't have to worry about that much, do you?" Burt confessed to Will.

"Actually, since she's gotten pregnant, it's been nothing but a few hand jobs. One time she caught me looking at porn, and it was like I was caught in bed with another women. I now rely on my imagination to get a quick jerk in the showers in the morning to get me through the day," Will confessed back to Burt. "I'm quite envious of the situation you got here."

"Well, how about we check some pussy flicks out? Give your mind a break for once?" Burt offered, already grabbing the remote. He had one of his favorite dvds still in the player from earlier a few days ago. Little did he know that Kurt used the dvd player this afternoon and forgot to put back his gay dvd. It took the guys about a minute to realize that there wasn't going to be any girls showing up.

"Oh shit, I guess Kurt must've left this one in the player," Burt said, turning beat red. Will thought it was really Burt's dvd, and he was embarrassed for it.

"Look Burt, it's not a big deal. We're all curious sometimes, me especially lately. It's nothing to be ashamed about. We can watch this if you want." Will offered, trying to make Burt feel more comfortable.

"No really, it's my son's. I got one right here," Burt said while holding up a burned dvd.

A few minutes into the real porn, both men were sporting a very noticeable bulge in their briefs. Will was trying to hide his by putting one of his hands over it, but that only caused him to start stroking it slowly. Burt took that as an okay to start masturbating, too.

"Now, these are really too small for me to be staying hard like this, you mind if I take them off?" Burt said, already with his thumbs in the elastics of his tightie-whities.

"Not a problem man, I think I might do the same," Will said, also sliding down his underwear. The two men started to slowly stroke their cocks.

"Man, that bitch can really take a dick, can't she," Burt said.

"Hell yeah she can, and that's one dick too!" Will added in. It wasn't long until both men were fully stroking their dicks.

"Hey dude, just planning a head little, got anything to clean up with?" Will awkwardly asked.

"Yeah dude, in the kitchen there are some towels on the counter. Grab me one too, will ya?"

"Sure thing," Will said as he got up. He walked to the kitchen, and noticed that the fridge door was opened and someone was looking inside. "Oh shit," he said to himself, "that must be Kurt." He went to quickly grab the towels, but it was too late. Kurt turned around and gasped.

"I'm so sorry Kurt. I'm just grabbing some towels. Me and you're dad are just hanging out. Please, don't ever tell anyone about this." Will said, using the towels to cover himself up.

"Kurt was in awe of his hot glee club teacher. He just nodded, and turned around and went back to his room, completely forgetting he was hungry.

"Hey man, you're missing out. This chick is really taking it to the next level," Burt yelled out to Will.

Will was already walking back into the living room. He was relieved that Burt didn't seem to hear his encounter with his son, and he was surprised that having his student catch him naked like that really turned him on. He was surprised with how many feelings he was starting to have for his students. Will quickly plopped down on the couch and went to town on his cock. Burt noticed, and did the same. It wasn't long until they were both cumming all over their stomachs.

"Wow, I haven't enjoyed some porn with a buddy in a long time," Will said, cleaning the semen off of his abs.

"Yeah, well you are welcomed over anytime," Burt said, also cleaning up his jizz from his beer belly.

Keep the e-mails coming! I write faster when I have e-mails telling me people are liking the stories, especially with hot pictures of the boys of glee!

Next: Chapter 10

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