Glee Season One

By Jake Brown

Published on Jan 31, 2012


This story is a complete work of fiction and all characters are copyrighted to FOX. This is in no way a representation of the sexuality of the actors.

This series is following along with the first season. I don't cover each story lines, so it would be ideal if you watched the series while reading the episodes to follow along if you aren't familiar enough with the storylines.

************** Episode No. 11 "Mattress" **************

"Hey Puck, can I talk to you?" Mr. Shue asked Puck after glee club. He was looking for another student to take the glee club picture with Rachel. He knew that he still had the blackmail pictures of Puck fucking Matt in the showers, and was willing to give them to Puck permanently if he did it.

"Sure, Mr. Shue. What's up?" Puck asked, while entering Mr. Shue's office.

"I need another student to take the glee club picture, so I thought I would make you a deal. I would give you my copy of the compromising pictures of you and Matt in the shower if you agreed to it," Mr. Shue offered.

Puck smiled to himself, making Mr. Shue a little uneasy about what he must be thinking.

"You see, Mr. Shue, I have learned a lot from you this semester, including how useful a cell phone camera could be. Nowadays, they even have video recorders in there. It's amazing the things you can find worth filming here in McKinley. I think I have one that you might particularly enjoy watching," Puck explained, confidently. He pulled out his phone and searched through the file. Mr. Shue couldn't hear anything, but remembered Puck's threat of having filmed Ken fucking him a while back. He assumed he was lying then, but it appears he wasn't. Mr. Shue started going red from embarrassment, and when Puck turned the phone around to show that he did in fact film the encounter, Mr. Shue instantly started to compromise.

"Let's make a deal, your video for my pictures?" Mr. Shue offered, hoping he would take the bait.

"Alright. But, I might need a little more. You see, if you go public with those pictures, you'll be charged with child pornography. The most I would get is suspension. Also, if I show the video of you and Coach Tanaka doing the dirty here on school, you'll both loose your jobs," Puck said, leaning back in his chair in front of his glee club teacher's desk.

"What else do you want?" Mr. Shue asked, nervous about what the school bad boy would want from him.

"First, I won't be in the glee club picture. Second, you'll suck my dick," Puck ordered.

"Puck, I can't do that. I'm your teacher, it's illegal," Mr. Shue pleaded with his student.

"Oh, so now you're worried about what's illegal and what isn't? Trust me, I'm going easy on you. Now, come get on your knees and suck your student's dick," Puck said.

Mr. Shue hesitated for a while, he could already see a tent in Puck's jeans form down his right leg. He couldn't think of an alternative, and wanted to get this over with. He walked up to Puck and started to unzip his pants. He wasn't surprised by the lack of underwear, but was surprised with how much bigger Puck's teen cock looked up close.

"Be sure to treat me right, and watch your teeth," Puck said as he lowered his teacher's head down to crotch.

Mr. Shue has never sucked dick before, and Puck's thick meat was very intimidating to the blowjob amateur. He didn't quite know exactly where to start, but Puck's forceful hand pushing his head downward told him exactly what Puck wanted. Mr. Shue took a deep breath, and started to suck his student's cock.

Mr. Shue made it halfway down the shaft before he was already gagging on dick. He started using his hands to go the rest of the way down. After a minute or two of this, Puck interrupted, "Come on Mr. Shue. You are always telling us to open our throats while singing. Well, I'm sure the same thing applies with this. Now, get down there."

Mr. Shue tried, and did get another inch or two into his mouth, but it still wasn't exactly what Puck wanted. Puck wouldn't complain though, because he had his teacher sucking his cock, and was in heaven. For being his first time, Mr. Shue was actually doing a decent enough job. Mr. Shue used one hand to rub the rest of Puck's shaft, and the other hand to play with his balls. He actually liked the feeling of how smooth Puck's balls were, and decided that he needed to try shaving his one day.

After a few more minutes, Puck started to let himself get close to the edge. He had an inner debate on if he wanted Mr. Shue to swallow, but ultimately decided that he wanted to cum all over his teacher's face.

"Alright Mr. Shuester, I'm going to cum all over your face," Puck warned. Mr. Shue instinctively took out his student's dick out of his mouth and started to jack it off. It wasn't long before he felt the first shot of hot teen juice hit his forward. Puck continued to shoot eight more loads all over his teacher's face. Mr. Shue milked the last semen from the teen cock, before Puck patted him on the head. "Thanks, Mr. Shue. Now, consider that video erased, and I'll expect you do the same with the pictures. Puck pulled up his pants, and left his teacher on his knees with a face full of cum.

After showing up for the glee club picture for the yearbook alone, Rachel booked the club a gig to perform for a commercial for a local mattress store. The group was excited about the commercial and worked out a routine to Van Halen's "Jump," and hoped to perform that instead of the original script.

The group showed up to shoot the video, and were reading through the lines when Rachel stopped and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Cusperburg. This script is brilliant, but we're a glee club. We should perform."

"Perform the lines, as I wrote them," he replied back, annoyed. He thought the script he wrote was brilliant.

"Wait a minute Denis," the store's manager said to the director, "what did you have in mind."

"Can we show you?" Finn asked, with a very excited look on his face.

"Oh course!" the store manager said.

The students started performing their number when the director had to cut it.

"I'm sorry, it's great, but we are going to have to get you girls too touch up your make up a little. And can I see the guys in the back room?" the director asked, still annoyed about the situation. He then whispered something to one of the workers, who quickly ran out of the store after.

The guys made it to the back room, confused. It was obvious the director wasn't happy with the change, but they were trying to think of why he wanted them to come to this secluded room.

"This idea you had of jumping around would've of been great, if you guys didn't have your little teen dicks bouncing around for the world to see. I can't show that on television, it's borderline pornographic," Denis said to the guys.

The guys just looked awkwardly around to each other when Denis continued, "You," he said while pointing to Puck, "are you even wearing underwear? I would think it would hurt your little pecker bouncing around that much without any support."

"I didn't think about that," Puck said, grabbing his crotch.

"And you," Denis continued on his rampage, this time addressing Finn, "did you stuff your boxer shorts with a limp salami?"

"No," Finn said, embarrassed.

"I know you guys are amateurs in this business, but let me teach you another lesson. Nobody ever wants to see the outline of your penis on tv. Always keep it tucked away, and for God's sake, rub one out before you come to a shoot, so you don't pop a fucking woody in the middle of the shoot," Denis lectured while pointed to the obvious tent in Matt's pants.

Just then the guy that ran out of the store after Denis whispered to him walked into the room with a bag from the local drug store. "I'm sorry it took so long, I couldn't find any at the first store," he said out of breath. Despite being out of breath, and sweaty, he took off his sweaty shirt, revealing that he was in pretty good shape.

"It's fine, pass them out," Denis told the guy.

"Which one?" the shirtless employer asked, while dabbing his head with his already sweat drenched shirt.

"The underwear," Denis replied.

He pulled out a large package of briefs from the bag and tore them open effortlessly. "I got smalls, because none of you guys looked to be very fat, and that way it would keep your man meat tucked away."

The guys just held the underwear, awkwardly. "Hey Denis, can I use one of these, I got my own pair soaked from the four block spring to the other store?" the worker asked.

"Sure thing Rick," Denis replied back. "Hurry up and put them on, we gotta make sure that they'll work before we continue on your real preparation."

Rick already unbuckled his trousers, and took off his shoes. It wasn't long until he was just in his socks and whitie tighties. One thing was for sure, he must sweat a lot. You could see his dick head perfectly through his almost transparent underwear. "Come on fellas, you don't have time to be embarrassed," he said, while pulling down his undies. His dick swung freely while he walked over to Denis. It was only about three inches soft, but it looked great with the trimmed pubes.

Finn was first to start undressing. He knew he was a leader, and the others would follow. He was right, and it wasn't long until all of the guys were standing in their new underwear. Kurt, Artie, and Mike didn't have any problems with the new underwear. Artie needed some help with it, but Finn and Puck both helped quietly. The waistband was snug on their small waists, but not uncomfortably so. Matt's dick was still hard, and his head was poking out above the waistband.

"Alright, now that looks like it'll fit just fine. Now Rick, pull out the porn," Denis said to Rick, who was still letting his boys air out and cool down.

"I know this is illegal, but we need you guys to jerk off quickly. So, here is some porn, take care of business quickly, and then get dressed. Take off your shirts so you don't get any of your teen juices on them," Rick said, throwing some porn on the table.

The guys weren't sure exactly what to think, and Rick knew that the guys had maybe five minutes before they needed to start shooting again. He then got the idea to start masturbating himself first, and hopefully the teens would follow. "This porn looks pretty good," he said, flipping the pages while rubbing his soft dick. It wasn't long until he was hard. "Come on man, I know you could really use this," he said while patting Matt on the back.

Matt loved the contact the hot twenty something year old just gave him. He decided to just go for it, and slid down the small briefs. He took a step closer to the table, and acted like he was interested in the porn. He really just wanted to see more of the man's hard dick. Rick noticed Matt's interest, and decided to reach out and he started to jack off Matt.

The guys all started to fill out the small whitie tighties, especially Puck whose thick dick was shooting out the leg of the undies. Puck was the first one who joined the masturbation festivities, followed quickly by Finn whose ten inch monster had absolutely no room in the underwear. Kurt quickly also joined, standing next to Rick. Kurt reached out and touched Rick's dick.

Artie wanted to join the guys, so he rode his chair up closer to the table between Puck and Finn. Both Puck and Finn knew of Artie's dilemma. They made eye contact, and both reached down and put their arms under Artie's and pulled him up so he was eye level with the other guys. The only problem was that now Artie wasn't able to use his hands, because they were behind Puck and Finn's backs. Puck realized this, and called over Mike, who was hesitantly still in the back corner. He has been around naked guys before, being on the football team, and even has seen some of them hard, but never like this.

"Hey Mike, come on bud, you gotta join the rest of us," Finn said. "Besides, I'm gonna need a hand," he continued while shaking his dick around. He reached over with his only free hand and started to jack off Artie. Kurt continued to stroke both himself and Rick, who was jacking off Matt and using his other hand to finger Kurt's fuckhole. Kurt moaned in acceptance the first time he did, so Rick understood that as the okay to continue. Matt used one of his hands and reached around and started to feel up Rick's tight ass, and the other to play with Puck's balls. Mike still just stood in the background, until Finn let go of Artie for a second, and walked back next to Mike.

"It's alright Mike. It's not really gay. Now come on, take off these," Finn said, while pulling down Mike's underwear. "See, you're hard, now come get some relief. I need some help with this thing," Finn grabbed his dick at the base, "because my free hand is going to Artie. And, I guess what they say about Asian men isn't true, so you have nothing to be ashamed about." Finn leaned in and whispered that last part, causing his dick to bump up against Mike's hard abs and smearing his precum all over them.

Mike was still apprehensive in his head, but followed Finn back to the small table. It was almost completely surrounded by naked guys. Finn slipt back under Artie's arm and went back to town on his dick. Mike reached over and started to jack off Finn's dick. He's never felt another guy's penis before, and was surprised on how much bigger Finn's was than his own. Mike had a good sized dick still, just about six inches, and averagely thick. His balls weren't too big, and hung close to his body.

The glee club, plus Rick, continued like this for about a minute before Artie started to tense up. "Fuuuuuuuuuck," he moaned as his first shot landed right on the magazine. The second shot out even further, hitting Kurt who was across the table. After having Artie's manseed hit him, it wans't long until he was adding to the cum on the table.

"Do you mind if we set you back down now Artie?" Finn asked. "My arms are getting a little tired," he said while he continued to milk the last cum out of Artie's now soft dick.

"Sure, yeah," Artie said, still trying to catch his breath.

Kurt whispered in Rick's ear, "do you want me to keep going?" "No need, I can take over from here," Rick said, pulling his hand away from Kurt's ass, and back to his own cock.

Finn now had two free hands, and reached over and started to return the favor to Mike. Mike started to explode nearly simultaneously when Finn's hand touched his dick. He never had someone else touch him like that. He moaned as he shot the largest load yet onto the table.

It was down to just Finn, Puck, Rick and Matt. Rick was still jacking himself and Matt off, while Matt was feeling up Rick's ass and Puck's balls. Finn knew he was getting close to jizzing, so he started to pick up the pace. "Come on bro, shoot that load," Puck egged his buddy on. Finn's load added to the already cum covered magazine and table. Seeing jizz shoot out of Finn's dick, Matt soon followed suit.

Puck and Rick were the only ones left, they stared deep into each other's eyes as they took control of their own jacking off. The pair's breathing got deeper and more rapid. They were practically in complete sync before they both started to shoot their load all over the table.

"That was fucking hot," Rick said, catching his breath and milking his dick for the last ounce of semen. "I haven't done shit like that since I was your guy's age."

Denis, who was just watching from a distance, finally said, "alright, now get dressed, wash your hands, and get back out there."

Keep the e-mails coming! I write faster when I have e-mails telling me people are liking the stories, especially with hot pictures of the boys of glee or maybe pictures of you enjoying the stories!

Next: Chapter 13

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