Harry and the Politics of Romance

By Ben Meova

Published on Jun 1, 2007


Harry and the Politics of Romance

A fantasy tribute by Ben Meova

Disclaimer: This story falls under the category of fan fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the characters in the original story by JK Rowling. The plot is pure fantasy that came solely out of the mind of the author. The events described herein never happened in this or any other universe. This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

Beyond that the rest is total fantasy and fiction. This story does involve sexual situations between people that may be minors in your state or country. If sex bothers you, especially sex between mid-teen boys or adults witnessing teen sex, you may want to go elsewhere.

Author's Note:

This story is the continuation of my first story on Nifty- "Harry and the Closet of Secrets". If you haven't read that one yet, you may want to read that one first. Otherwise many of the situations in this, Harry's second year as a Hogwarts teacher, may not make sense.

The ADRIAN CODWELL character was used by permission of its creator- Joey R. He is writing about Adrian and Harry's summer together as well but it may not follow my vision of what happened to Adrian in COS. His story is called "Adrian and Harry". Another has been written detailing what happened to Draco after Dumbledore was killed in JK Rowling's Book 6. That one is on Nifty as well and worth a read (after you read mine, of course...LOL) and it is called "Making of A Headmaster"...that is a top notch story...one of the best I have read so far.

Oh and if you are a Bush/Blair supporter you may not like the first chapter. I totally am against pre-emptively invading a country (Iraq) that had not attacked us. The majority of the 9/11 hijackers were Saudis...not Iraqis and yet we have spent billions to kill and maim in Iraq. I hold the mainstream media responsible for the illegal war and the fact that America is slowly heading towards fascism now that the Constitution has become nothing more then a piece of toilet paper for the Bush Crime Family...so sorry if you are a neo-con...I am not!

Comments and story suggestions are welcomed and can be sent to 1hungyungun@gmail.com

On with Harry's second year as Professor Potter....

Harry and the Politics of Romance Part One

Chapter 1- Feeding The Fears

Minerva McGonagall's office, in which Harry was sitting, was full of tension and for good reason. Two days before the start of the new school term the Daily Prophet threw caution to the wind and did a revealing piece on Colin Creevey.

In the article they described what had happened two and a half months ago and all that were involved. It mentioned that Colin Creevey was still on the locked-down pysch ward of St. Mungos awaiting trial for several charges that included using one of the three unforgivable curses on two Hogwarts students. One was a suicide victim and one was Sam Chang who was recovering nicely at home with his family.

The article missed the boat, thankfully, on many points and relied on innuendo and speculation for the majority of the piece. Not exactly credible journalism in Harry's opinion but then again who ever expected the Daily Prophet to be credible?

It seemed as if all media, with the exception of The Quibbler, had become nothing more than tabloids; a forum for sensationalized garbage or government propaganda. Oddly enough, in a world that despised most things Muggle, the wizarding world's press appeared to have taken a cue from Muggle Media, especially the UK and American Muggle media, which turned a blind eye to the fact that their country's leaders had waged an illegal and immoral war on another nation that never attacked them.

It appeared as though the conservative-owned Daily Prophet was waging a war of it's own with the article; it did what the Daily Prophet did best these days. It played on the irrational fears of its dumbed-down readers. This type of story sold papers and they knew it; it was not about reporting the truth in the news it was about bottom line profits.

Many times Harry had read scathing editorial pieces, in the Daily Prophet, lambasting the liberal Minister Of Magic Arthur Weasley. That is how the so-called conservative wing of the Ministry operated; they would feed the Prophet bits and pieces of the story and it usually would take The Quibbler to unspin the lies. But many didn't read The Quibbler, a daily that used to feature articles about Headlessless Snorklebottoms only recently had turned into an actual, credible source for news.

The article laid off of Harry to a certain extent, probably because bashing "hero" Harry Potter directly wouldn't sell as many papers as it used to when Rita Skeeter was writing her trash. Speculation about his sexual orientation was thrown around in one paragraph but friends of Harry Potter vehemently denied the accusations. So the paper went straight for the jugular with poor Neville:

Former classmate and Wizarding Nightly News co- host, Ernie McMillan, noted that Longbottom had never married and that he had always wondered about him.

"There was something about that bloke," said McMillan in an exclusive interview with the DP, "he never married and was never that interested in the opposite sex so it does draw some suspicion on Longbottom. Potter and Weasley...there is something fishy there in my mind as well... ...they were always real close...too close if you know what I mean... It just makes me wonder why they had Hogwarts students at a nude island beach...something just does not seem right."

No sooner did the paper hit the newsstands, in Diagon Alley, the owls started pouring in from "concerned parents" demanding a Board of Governors investigation and the suspension of both Potter and Longbottom.

Some of the letters showed genuine concern but most were totally disconcerting. One letter said that since they (the parents) had read the story in the Daily Prophet they were reconsidering sending their eleven-year-old to Hogwarts for his first year of school. They said that they just didn't feel right having two potential "puffs", or worse yet, "closeted pedophiles" teaching their boy.

And that was one of the nicer letters from hysterical parents that let fear instead of common sense think for them.

At least a good 50 owls with scathing letters had come in since the Daily Prophet piece was published. So McGonagall had no choice; she had to convene today's emergency Board of Governors hearing. But she also backed up both Harry and Neville in a follow-up Quibbler article that tried to unspin the garbage and the fear mongering that was in the Daily Prophet piece:

"I have known them both for years, both as their teacher and as a colleague. I find it reprehensible for anyone to make assumptions based on hearsay. I might remind the readers that both Potter and Longbottom were instrumental in the downfall of Voldemort. Until we come up with concrete proof everyone should not panic and they should know that their children are safe with Potter and Longbottom! Certainly I would not allow any student to be put in the hands of someone that may exploit them. I am confident that has not happened in the cases of Professor Potter and Professor Longbottom and I am certain the Board of Governors, when all the testimony is given, will agree with me."

As to the sexual orientations of both Potter and Longbottom McGonagall also had a sharp warning for our readers.

"Both of them are adults and who they choose to be with, in their private lives, has nothing to do with their qualifications as Hogwarts teachers. I personally have not questioned them about that; it is a private matter and it is no one's business except theirs."

But Tallmadge Cruxton, a parent of a third-year Hogwarts student had a different view.

"I respectfully disagree with Headmistress McGonagall. Teachers are in direct contact with our kids. If they have some deviant lifestyle then we (the parents) should know about it. I, for one, will not be sending my child back to the school until the Board of Governors looks into this."

When asked what she thought of this comment, McGonagall just shook her head and said that it was a clear example of "parental fear-based hysteria".

"It is a shame that people read things in the paper and make themselves judge and jury before all the facts are known. As it stands now, both Potter and Longbottom do not have a 'deviant lifestyle' and have never crossed boundaries with any of the students in the way Mister Cruxton has assumed they have. This kind of irrational fear, based on something Mister Cruxton finds to be deviant, namely the speculation that Potter or Longbottom may or may not be homosexual, is only hurting his child's education. And I might add that despite popular belief being homosexual isn't deviant and the majority of these people are not pedophiles. That is just another myth created by less then ethical newspapers in our world and in the Muggle world."

Despite the backing of McGonagall things were not looking to good as Harry surveyed the grim faces of the Board of Governors.

"I am sorry Minerva, but this just doesn't appear to be proper," said an old and wrinkled wizard named Hugo J. Swarm, one of the 12 Board of Governors who were deciding Harry and Neville's fate, "if Potter had taken the group to any other place, a regular forest or beach, rather then a nude beach it may have looked different."

"Yes, but he has already explained that he chose to take them to his part of the island," said McGonagall in their defense, " the part of the island which Harry Potter actually owns, bypassing the nude part of the island. All the boys in his group have testified, to Ministry officials, that they were unaware of the nude beach on the other side of the island."

"We have taken that into consideration as well, Minerva," said another witch with a sour expression on her face that reminded Harry of the old witch Dolores Umbridge, " but people rarely listen to all the facts. They base their conclusions on fear and right now many parents are afraid that Potter and or Longbottom will...do...well...will do something...unnatural with their boys."

"Unnatural?" exclaimed Harry finally tired of people talking as if he wasn't in the room, "what is it you think is unnatural Madame Mallory?"

"Why I guess that would be homosexual acts," she replied

"Homosexual acts?" replied Harry getting more annoyed, "what the hell are homosexual acts? Is the foreplay the first act and then the blowjob the second act? I guess the curtain call would be the stiff dick in the arse! And what if the boy or girl is actually a gay teenager or do we not care what they feel, or what they believe they are, so long as we are all comfortable and not appalled?"

"I doubt that would be the case Potter. The ones that do say they are like that are surely coerced by older people into that lifestyle."

"Of course, pubescent teenagers have absolutely no clue as to where they want to stick their penises without an adult deciding for them, how silly of me to forget that," steamed Harry with a sarcastic tone

McGonagall gave Harry a sharp look as the voices erupted in the room and the gavel was pounded on the table.

"Order...order please, " commanded the chairman of the board while loudly banging his gavel, "Professor Potter I will remind you that this is a formal hearing and that sort of explicit language is frowned upon!"

"And I will remind you, sir," replied Harry with a firm yet less abrasive tone, "that there is no room for prejudices or homophobia in a formal hearing."

"So noted but you are advised to watch your outbursts or that may factor against you."

Harry was ready to lash out again but before Harry could totally explode, McGonagall did the honors for him.

"This hearing is a mockery of true inquiry. There is not one iota of proof that Longbottom or Potter have ever laid a hand on any of the boys in his special group of select students. What that goddamn article in the Daily Prophet failed to mention, to the hysterical parents, is that the Ministry questioned all the students that were with Longbottom and Potter, during summer break. Our esteemed board member and Minister of Magic supervised the questionings and not one child claimed any `unnatural acts' or lines crossed with either Potter or Longbottom. So are we going to sit here and debate supposition or are we going to look at the facts?"

Harry was taken aback; he had never seen Minerva McGonagall this mad and cursing to boot!

Ron's father backed McGonagall up before she said more then would have been for her benefit or theirs.

"I have to agree with Minerva," piped in the calm voice of Arthur Weasley, "there is simply no evidence that Harry or Neville did anything objectionable to the teens. Either we rule to satiate the irrational, homophobic fears of the parents and daresay some on this board or we rule based on facts and the truth. The truth is that they are not worthy of termination or suspension. They both have received stern warnings from this board as to the unwise decision to take the students to that particular island. Beyond that I believe we have all the facts and we should take this to a vote..."

Arthur Weasley looked directly at Madame Mallory and continued after a pause, "...before anyone else sticks their foot in their mouth...do I have a second on that motion?"

"Seconded!" said two of the other board members in unison

"Very well, the motion to vote has been seconded and carried," said the chairman of the board, "if you two, Potter and Longbottom, will kindly wait outside we will vote on this issue."

Harry and Neville got up to leave the room. Once outside the door of McGonagall's office they whispered to each other.

"Good thing Ron's dad is on the board; I think he just saved our skin," said Harry pacing back and forth

"I hope you are right Harry," said Neville chewing what was left of his nails.

Democracy moved slowly in the Hogwarts Board of Governors meetings and it took them nearly another half-hour to manage to vote on whether or not Harry and Neville would be fired. After another ten minutes they both were summoned back in to the office.

"The board has voted to not suspend or dismiss you two but we do again warn you that any more missteps may lead to another hearing and perhaps a not so favorable outcome," said the chairman firmly, "this meeting is adjourned."

Both Harry and Neville thanked the board and were heading towards the door. Before they could make their escape Arthur Weasley cornered them.

"Might I have a word on the way out?" he asked politely

"Sure...anything for you, sir," smiled Harry

When they were alone in the hallway the Minister of Magic gave them a few more tidbits of advice.

"I would really be careful, at the start of the term, about publicly having your Potter's Proteges meetings. It would be best if you had another teacher, one that everyone from here to China is convinced is a ladies man, act as an advisor to the group. I spoke with Ron and he suggested Oliver Wood. Seems like a jolly good choice, don't you think?"

"Perfect Mister...I mean Minister Weasley," beamed Harry

"No need for formalities with me Harry; you know you are like a son to me"

"Thanks sir and I promise we will follow your advice"

Neville and Harry decided not to celebrate and each returned to his own quarters. There were lessons to plan and things to prepare since the students would be arriving in the morning. They both set upon their work happily, grateful that they still had their jobs and hadn't lost what they worked so hard to build in the past year.

Chapter 2- Us Against Them

Harry was happy that he was sitting in the last class of his first day back as a Hogwarts teacher. It had been an exceptionally long day and Harry could tell that there was a change in some of his returning students. This class held the first year students and it certainly was a lot sparser then it was last year. Obviously some parents did decided to either delay or totally not let their eleven year olds attend Hogwarts.

Usually thirty or forty new students would come over the lake on the first day. This year Harry had counted only 22 new students. Despite the obvious drop in new student enrollment there were two good things that had happened today. The first was the fact that Oliver Wood was indeed a colleague now teaching athletics and flying lessons. The other was the fact that Harry's longtime adult friend, Hagrid, had returned to the school, after a year's hiatus, to resume his duties as the Care of Magical Creatures teacher.

Towards the end of the class one of the new students raised his hand.

"Yes, and please remind me of your name...I promise I will learn all your names by the end of the week," said Harry acknowledging the raised hand

"Sir, I am Nicky Lang and I was wondering if you would tell us about that island and what happened there?"

"Well Nicky, I hardly think gossip is a topic for Defense Against the Dark Arts, but I suppose we can talk about the unforgivable curses tomorrow because we are out of time at the moment. No home work tonight, but don't get to used to that, class is dismissed."

Harry had a gut feeling that someone during the day would ask about the contents of the Daily Prophet story. Harry vowed to himself to make sure that topic stayed off the table in his classes. As the first year students filed out Nicky Lang stayed behind.

"Yes, Nicky?" said Harry surprised to see the boy still in the classroom

"I just want to let you know that I don't believe all the things the Daily Prophet was saying about you. My mum says that the Prophet is nothing more then rubbish and that the real news is in the Quibbler. I think it's really nice that you took an interest in the boys that call themselves Potter's Proteges and so does my mum."

Harry studied the boy in front of him. He seemed so small yet his demeanor was mature. The look in his eyes seemed sincere and it didn't seem as if he was being sarcastic. Nicky Lang was a small boy, no more then 5' 2" with beautiful face and light brown hair that was nearly a full crew cut. His voice was on it's way to changing and it was a bit squeaky. Harry's gaydar was going off loudly. He wondered if this was this boy's way of coming out to Harry.

Was he hinting that he wanted to join the PP?

It was a possibility but Harry was reluctant, given the present circumstances, to admit any new members, let alone an eleven-year-old.

"Well that's awfully nice of you to say that Nicky and I appreciate it," said Harry giving the boy a smile, " now on your way and I will see you tomorrow in class."

Nicky gave Harry a smile that melted his heart, grabbed his books and scurried out of the classroom.

The more Harry thought about it the more he was convinced that the boy was hinting that he wanted to join the PP. Harry turned to his new friend, that made his appearance late last year, to help him with some answers.

"Adrian...can we talk?" asked Harry to the air. He still felt wierd having conversations with people that were invisible.

"Yes, but telepathically Harry...you don't want people seeing you talking to yourself; they will send you straight to St. Mungos"

"Oh right, " thought Harry, "what do you make of this boy Nicky? What did he really want?"

"He just wants to be included and while he has never had an experience his angel told me that he fantasizes about other boys."

"Ah...thought so Adrian...so what do you suggest?"

"You better leave it alone, Harry. Let one of the other PP students find out about him an invite him in. That way your hands will remain clean."

Adrian was right; Harry couldn't risk crossing any boundaries with another student. Worse still would be the boy's age. He and Neville were already being labeled as potential pedophiles by the homophobes and conservatives in the wizarding world. He would let one of the PP members sort Nicky out and he would maintain a strict teacher and student boundary with him.

"You're right Adrian, the last thing we need is more accusations that are baseless. Hey, while I have your attention I have anothrt question for you, if you don't mind."

"I don't mind," said Angel Adrian telepathically, "as a matter of fact I think I know what the question is. You want to know why Colin's demons didn't attack the members of the PP when the rescued you. Am I right?"

"Yes, I was wondering about that"

"Well as I told you, we could not interfere with your choices but we did call for help to subdue the demons.

"Help? What sort of help?"

"Battle angels, Harry"

"No kidding...there is actually an army of angels that do battle with demons?"

"Yes there are and they did a splendid job...and so did you Harry so you have to try to let all that go if you can and move foward," said Angel Adrian sending a flood of tingly energy through Harry's body

"Ok, mate, I will try to let it go, but it's hard to do, especially when it is obvious that a lot of others won't let it go."

"Understandable...but try your best Harry...it will be the next right thing you will need to do."

Harry was getting used to the conversations with Adrian. It wasn't much different from having a conversation with the Gryfindor House ghost Sir Nicholas and it gave Harry a lot of comfort to know that no matter what happened in his life he would never be alone.

After a quick stop in his loo, Harry walked out into the hallway and headed for the Great Hall. Dinner was coming up soon and Harry was starving. As he turned the corner he heard voices. Shouts and curse words filled his ears. Students were fighting about something, Harry thought as he picked up the pace to see what the fight was about. Before he reached them he heard the voice of Professor McGonagall sorting out the fray. Harry stayed back and listened to what was going on when it became apparent his name was being mentioned.

Some older students had cornered Lonnie Livingston and had been calling him a variety of homophobic names. They had accused him of being a "puff" and Professor Potter's favorite fuck boy. Lonnie did his best to fight back but he was outnumbered three to one.

"This is totally unacceptable. Minus 20 points each for Slytherin and you three will be doing a detention...all week," said an irate McGonagall, "And I had better not hear anything like this again. I don't care what your parents said or what the Daily Prophet reported. Both Potter and Longbottom were cleared of any suspicion and there was no truth to that story except for the fact that Colin Creevey had lost his mind."

"Yes, m'am," said the three bullies in unison

"Now get back to your common room and I will be speaking to you head of house."

When they hurried off Harry came around the corner and joined Lonnie and McGonagall

"Are you alright, Lonnie?" asked Harry genuinely concerned

"I'm fine sir," smiled Lonnie, "just a bunch of homophobic gits"

"Well try not to get into any more rows, ok? Those people are worth wasting your breath on. Off you go to dinner then."

Lonnie headed away but McGonagall pulled Harry aside.

"This may be the start of it, Potter," said McGonagall in a serious tone, "and I am afraid it will get worse if the Daily Prophet gets any more exclusive tips about the PP. Just be careful and tread softly, Harry."

"Believe me both Neville and I are" assured Harry

What a shame it is, thought Harry, as he headed for the Great Hall, that these boys can be teased and taunted just because they fall in love with the same sex. Neither the school rules nor the laws in the wizarding world did a damn thing to protect students from verbal or physical attacks because of their real or assumed sexual orientation.

There were laws on the books that prohibited any racial slurs at the school and in the workplace. The singling out of people that were Muggle born was outlawed after the downfall of Voldemort making it a hate crime to intimidate someone because of the Muggle parent or parents.

It seemed like the law protected everyone but gay teenagers.

But Harry knew why that was; people like to pretend that gay teens don't exist. They tell themselves that it is a phase or a perversion. They make excuses or claim that a boy is "turned gay", Until a time came where the wizarding world fully accepted the fact that no one chooses their sexual identity then there would be no change. Until then the need for the PP was justified, if they could figure out a way to combat it. The trouble was that it was almost acceptable behavior to pick on or make fun of a gay teen.

After all, the majority of the heterosexual wizarding world found homosexuality abnormal. Then there were the expectations of the parents. Most boys and girls were expected, by their parents. to grow up and make lots of babies and to carry on the family name. When they turned out to be gay it disappointed the parents and the homophobia and the hysteria would begin. Harry had tried, along with Neville, last year to be an advocate for these teens. But once their secret group was discovered the press had painted Harry, but Neville more so, as nothing more then lecherous pedophiles instead of the adult gay mentors they were trying to be.

But at the moment there was nothing Harry could do except have the dinner that was waiting for him beyond the doors of the Great Hall.

Neville's day was pretty much the same as Harry's. He had noticed the decreased amount of first year students and his returning classes didn't seem as at ease as they were the year before. First year student Nicky Lang also gave Neville the same reassurances he had given Harry.

After dinner Neville pulled Harry aside, "Did a kid named Nicky say anything to you today?"

"Yes, he did, " replied Harry, "he was quite nice and I think he was hinting around about being in the PP. I don't know though; I am worried about admitting a first year."

"Me too, Harry, but then again the official advisor of the group is Wood and the whole wizarding world thinks he is a straight arrow. We can leave it up to him and the boys if you want."

"Absolutely mate, we don't need anymore suspicion cast around us!" said Harry, "Matter of fact I am on my way to see Oliver...want to come?"

"Well I will see him later tonight," said Neville blushing

"Ah...you two are getting on well then?"

"Better then I ever thought Harry. I just can't believe that Wood would like me. He still looks like he is 16 and could get any guy or girl he wanted...not that he really wants a female. I think the bi excuse was a cover until he got more comfortable with his true sexual preference."

"Well then I won't keep him long; just be real careful. Make sure all the students are in the dorms and that you two get together late enough to not be caught. The success and the well being of the teens in the PP depend on everyone believing that Wood goes out and shags every woman he sees on his time off."

"Agreed, Harry, and Harry...thanks for being a good friend. I couldn't have made it through the last month without you."

They dared to exchange a quick hug and then took off for their individual destinations.

Harry headed towards Oliver Wood's quarters and came to the conclusion that any meeting between them should be seen in public. Any inkling that Harry was secretly meeting with Oliver may cast suspicion on Wood. In public no one would take much notice; Oliver had been Harry's Quidditch Captain for years so it made sense that Harry and he would be good friends as well as colleagues.

Before the school year started Harry, Neville and Oliver decided to use code words when they talked in public. The code words for the PP were "soccer match"; the reason for Oliver being involved with that particular group of students would be extra curricular sporting events. No one would believe that a bunch of gay boys liked playing sports; that didn't fit into the stereotypes.

"How was the first day, mate?" asked Harry shaking Oliver's hand

"Fabulous, all except for some smart ass Slytherins. But they changed their tune when I made them run laps around the Quidditch field," winked Wood

"Excellent! Are you setting a date for the first soccer match?"

"Oh yes, this Saturday we will have a private practice before lunch"

"Great news. " Harry said quite loudly for the benefit of the students that were around him, "it's about time Hogwarts had a soccer team."

They chatted about general topics for a few minutes more and then parted ways. Harry new that there was plenty of time to talk about other things and that obviously Neville could relay private messages when he and Oliver had their late night rendezvous.

Chapter 3- Spying Eyes

After a few years of drifting from job to job, it seemed that Oliver Wood had finally found his calling. Given the fact that he had always had a "take charge" attitude, teaching athletics at Hogwarts suited him to a tee. His first week had gone quite well; he was happy that he was given free reign to design and revamp the fitness program at the school. Athletic classes were hard on the boys; but then again it would be worth it, justified Wood, when they all were in shape and fit as fiddles.

On the third day, Oliver had decided to take a risk and have a peak at the mirror that hung outside the showers. For some reason the former instructor, Madame Hooch, had a circular mirror hanging near the entrance of the showers. You could clearly see everything that would be going on in there. She had explained to Wood that she had installed it so she wouldn't inadvertently walk in on one of the boys in a state of undress. It was up to Wood whether he wanted to keep it there or not.

Of course Oliver left it as it was.

After the last class of the third day, once all the students had left for their dorms, Oliver was feeling particularly sweaty and dirty. He didn't feel like going all the way back to his quarters for a shower so he decided to use the boys locker room showers.

He stepped under the warm spray of water and started soaping down his body. Images of the students in his sixth year class, who he peaked at in the shower, filled his head. As he soaped his groin, his cock began to swell to its full six and a half inches. Nestled in a furry patch of brownish hair his cock was perfect, like the rest of him. Perfectly shaped, uncut and accompanied by a low-hanging set of slightly fuzzy balls Wood became lost in the sensations his hand, slippery with soap, had on his penis.

There was something hot about soapy boys in a gym shower that always turned Oliver on. Despite the fact that everyone, during Oliver's school kid days, thought he was a straight arrow he had always loved the after class showers he had with his mates. Many nights were spent jerking off reliving the images he had seen in the showers. It always had afforded him the luxury of seeing his mates in the all. It also gave him the chance to show off himself, although he had to will his cock to stay half hard most of the time.

He remembered the after Quidditch match showers. Seeing Harry Potter nude was a thrill but he was really fascinated with the Weasley twins. It seemed as if they were showoffs in all respects. Oliver closed his eyes and ran his fingers over the head of his cock as he remembered how the Weasley twins would purposely cock tease in the shower. Hung like horses, with what Oliver guessed to be at least eight inches when they were fully hard, the Weasley twins always seemed to make a big deal out of soaping each other's backs. When they would wash their cocks and balls they would take an inordinate amount of time doing so.

It was almost as if they knew that Harry and Oliver were gay and were giving them some really good masturbation fantasies for later that night. One day both twins' popped boners in the shower, after Oliver and Harry had gotten out, and the twins decided to indulge themselves. Harry had quickly dressed; he had an appointment with Professor Lupin to learn the charm that would repel the Dementors that were at the school in Harry's third year.

Wood had stayed behind because he had forgotten his watch outside the shower room. As he approached it the images of the twins filled the mirror. Wood was stopped in his tracks; awestruck by the image before him.

Oliver nearly had shit his pants as he watched the Weasley twins turn and face the doorway sporting fully erected cocks surrounded by generous patches of red hair. He had watched in amazement, with his hand down his boxers, as the twins slowly masturbated each other. Wood marveled at the fact that even their cocks were identical; both twins' cocks proudly jutting out with the heads peaking out of their foreskins.

Oliver's eyes were glued to the mirror as he watched the Weasley twins pleasure each other; at the time he had no idea that they could see him spying on them. They turned to face each other and with each other's hand firmly around their brother's cock their lips met for a passionate kiss. Oliver reached under his boxers and squeezed his balls with his other hand as he watched first George go down on Fred and then vice-versa.

When they grew tired of that they both sat on the shower floor and resumed the mutual masturbation. Oliver watched as each twin furiously jerked off the other and soon both were shooting what seemed like endless loads of teen cum into the air and on to their flat stomachs.

The sight of this made Wood's cock swell harder and he picked up the pace of his stroking. Without warning his cock jerked in his hand and spurts of cum soaked his boxer shorts. After he collected himself he found himself in a bit of a quandary. He couldn't go back to the dorm with wet, sticky cum soaked boxers so he quickly stripped them off and left them on the floor. He went to his locker, dressed quickly and then ran out towards the dorms.

What he didn't see was the twins when they came out of the shower. They noticed the boxers on floor and gave each other self-satisfied grins when they saw the obvious signs of cumstains on the front of the boxer shorts. Mission was accomplished, they said to each other, as they headed toward their lockers to get dressed. They were both straight but had learned early on the secret joys that only identical twins could share. It started out when they were eleven, both comparing their boners to see if they were identical as well.

They had a feeling Harry was gay and now they knew that Oliver was at least bi-sexual. But being the kind of people they were they both pledged not to say a word to anyone about their little show for "ladies man" Oliver Wood. These days both twins were married and there was never any gossip about them being bi-sexual so Wood assumed that they had only ever dared to do things in private with each other; the ultimate show of brotherly love indeed!

Back in the present, as Oliver turned to let the shower spray his back, he caught a glimpse of the mirror outside the shower room doorway. He was taken aback as he saw two students standing there, obviously sneaking a peak at their masturbating athletics teacher. Oliver recognized both of the boys; they were both 13-year-old third year students named Michael O'Toole and Martin Mackey.

Michael was typically Irish with wavey strawberry blond hair and a slight trace of freckles on his nose. He was at least an inch or two smaller then his companion. Martin was slightly bigger for his age. He was quite fit for a 13-year-old and quite the looker. He had jet-black hair that was cut short and stood about, as Oliver guessed, five foot and six inches.

Oliver pretended that he hadn't noticed the two boys in the mirror and continued to give them a show. He watched slyly as the two boys were staring at him and were jerking off each other's cocks. Oliver was able to notice that, again, Martin was the more mature out of the two. Clearly he was already sporting a full bush of jet-black pubes that surrounded his six-incher. Michael was just beginning his journey into manhood and only had a small circle of strawberry blond pubes surrounding his four and a half inch dick.

Now that Oliver was the one being spied on he realized that the Weasley twins must have known that he was watching. They put on a show for him and never said a word about it. It just went to show what sort of blokes they were, thought Wood picking up the pace of the strokes on his cock and peering back at the mirror image of his two spying students.

Wood, being a natural showoff, turned around so his ass was facing the doorway and purposely dropped his bar of soap. He bent over and took longer then necessary to retrieve it giving the two peeping Toms' a view of his muscular ass. When Oliver stood back up and turned around he had rinsed all the soap off his groin, which afforded the boy's a clear view of Oliver Wood's wood.

Oliver picked up the pace of his stroking and the two boys matched his speed. A few minutes later Wood was ready; his balls exploded and jets of white hot cum sprayed out of his cock landing on the shower floor. As he was shooting he saw the two boys throwing their heads back, obviously shooting their loads into each other's hands as well.

After he caught his breath Oliver soaped up again to give the two spies plenty of time to make their escape.

"Well those little buggers will go to bed happy," thought Wood as he toweled himself dry

After dinner that evening Oliver pulled aside Marcus Long and Eric Lynn, two fourth year members of the PP.

"Pass the word that we will have a private `soccer match' on Saturday at 10am to the other boys, if you will," said Wood winking, " also there are two Gryfindor third years named Michael O'Toole and Martin Mackey that will definitely fit in. Invite them discreetly please."

The boys nodded; they both new what the code words "soccer match" meant. It would be the first covert meeting of the PP this year.

Wood had decided to wait on inviting Nicky Lang; he agreed with Neville, who had filled him in about the boy, that including a first year without really getting to know more about him might be dangerous at best. They would wait and see if the boy truly was like the others in the PP.

Sorting him out would be the first assignment for the boy's that made up Potter's Proteges after this Saturday's meeting.

"No kidding? They were spying on you?" asked Neville with a grin later that night

"Yeah, I couldn't believe it. It was like something out of a porn movie...the students with a daddy fetish spying on their teacher!" said Wood with a chuckle

"But you had better be careful, Oliver. Remember everyone is convinced you are totally straight. That's why you were chosen as the new advisor for the PP."

"I know Neville and actually I was thinking about that. I think I need to be seen with a female. I can make the excuse that I am just casually dating but that I don't want to make any commitments because I want to focus on my new teaching career."

Neville considered this for a moment. He and Oliver were just starting their relationship and already he was suggesting dating females. Neville knew that it wasn't because Oliver had a yearning for pussy. It was more of a necessity for appearances sake. Yet it made Neville a bit uneasy.

"You're not going to have sex with any of these women, are you?"

"I don't know really. I may have to from time to time just to keep up the ruse."

"I wish you didn't have to do that but as it is, with all the media attention over Creevey's upcoming trial, I may have to let it go for the sake of the kids."

"Yes, you may but remember I will be thinking of you if I have to fuck a female," said Oliver leaning over to give Neville a kiss

"Ok but two things- always tell me when you are going to do that and make sure you wash off that nasty pussy smell off your cock before you get into bed with me," Neville smiled as he returned Oliver's kiss

After the inevitable lovemaking that followed the kissing and Oliver returned to his quarters, Neville laid awake thinking about how ridiculous it was that Oliver had to hide behind a skirt. In a perfect world they would both simply be out as lovers, but sadly that wasn't possible.

Like it or not the events of the last Potter's Proteges field trip had changed the rules of the game. Despite the fact that it bugged the hell out of Neville he would have to allow Oliver to seek out females to date and possibly sleep with.

Damn the world, thought Neville throwing his hands in the air, damn the world for not letting us live free.

As he drifted off to sleep he wondered if there ever would be a day when people like he, Harry, Oliver, Ron and the boy's of the PP could live freely without fear of being outed.

Sadly, Neville would soon realize how impossible, at least in the present, that dream would be.





3rd year: Michael O'Toole, Martin Mackey

4th year: Lonnie Livingston, Marcus Long, Eric Lynn

5th year: Ian and Issac Isley, Sam Chang, Stevie Millsack, Tommy Collins

6th year: Alan Keyes, Patrick Donnelly, Rafael Ortega

7th year: Thomas Greer, Andrew Kelley, Earl Craig -----------

Next: Chapter 2

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