Harry and the Politics of Romance

By Ben Meova

Published on Aug 6, 2007


Disclaimer: This story falls under the category of fan fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the characters in the original story by JK Rowling. The plot is pure fantasy that came solely out of the mind of the author. The events described herein never happened in this or any other universe. This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

Beyond that the rest is total fantasy and fiction. This story does involve sexual situations between people that may be minors in your state or country. If sex bothers you, especially sex between mid-teen boys or adults witnessing teen sex, you may want to go elsewhere.

Author's Note:

This story is the continuation of my first story on Nifty- "Harry and the Closet of Secrets". If you haven't read that one yet, you may want to read that one first. Otherwise many of the situations in this, Harry's second year as a Hogwarts teacher, may not make sense.




As a reminder, I started writing my stories well before the release of Rowling's final Potter book. I operated under the assumption that Harry won the battle and that Ron, Hermione, Neville, Dean, Seamus, Oliver Wood, Colin Creevey, Arthur Weasley and a few others lived. I also decided that Draco Malfoy had died in the end. Please don't email me, after reading Rowling's book, telling me that one of my characters should be dead. The history of the events, during Harry's 17th year on Earth, came completely out of my head.

For those who may not have read Rowling's last book yet...the people who I said lived and died is not a spoiler for her book. I decided all that months before her book was released on July 21st.

Comments and whatever else you want to send can be mailed to: 1hungyungun@gmail.com

Harry and the Politics of Romance Part Eight

Chapter 21- Missing Minerva

It was obvious to all but the most half-asleep student that something strange was in the air that morning; the large chair in the center of the staff table was noticeably empty and the staff table was unusually quiet. After the students finished up their breakfast they were asked to stay in the Great Hall. A somber looking Professor Flitwick made his way to the podium but due to his size he bypassed it and stood in front.

"Silence please," he called out over the rumble of conversations, "silence if you will"

"I wonder where McGonagall is?" whispered Patrick to Mark Mungo-Marsh

"I dunno...maybe off on some business...let's see what Flitwick has to say."

When the hall had quieted down Fillius Flitwick, who just hours before had been the Deputy Headmaster, cleared his throat and addressed the students.

"I come before you this morning with a heavy heart and some sad news to share. Last night at approximately 11pm the portrait of former Headmaster Severus Snape noticed something odd in the Headmistresses study. He immediately set off to his portrait in the Potions classroom and alerted Professor Trickle that he was needed to gather up Madame Pomfrey and head to the study.

I am sorry to say that when they arrived it was too late. Another portrait had already joined the others in the Headmistresses study. Headmistress McGonagall has died and despite the help of Madame Pomfrey and Healers summoned from the St. Mungos emergency squad she could not be revived. The cause of death is being investigated, but based on the recollection of Minerva McGonagall's portrait, it seems her heart just suddenly stopped."

Flitwick had to stop for a moment; he thought making the announcement would be easier but it wasn't. Minerva had been a long time friend and confidant and now, in a matter of hours, he had been thrust into a position that he neither wanted nor dreamed he would have. Tears began to fall down the cheeks of the little man as he heard sobs from the students and the staff table alike.

After a few minutes of silence he willed himself to go on.

"Because of this tragedy a couple of things will occur in the next few days. First I have, by order of the Hogwarts statutes, assumed the position of Headmaster. This will be a temporary post. As many know I was anticipating retiring after the school year. But in Headmistress McGonagall's name I will uphold the position until the Board of Governors appoints a suitable replacement. Secondly, in light of this tragic news all classes will be suspended until her funeral in two days."

Silence and sobs still filled the hall; the usual cheers, that normally would accompany the canceling of classes, were nowhere to be found. Everyone from the vilest Slytherin to Filch's cat was shocked by the news of the death of Minerva McGonagall.

"So carry on and keep Minerva McGonagall in your thoughts...you are dismissed and I ask, out of respect, you exit quietly and proceed back to your common rooms."

Flitwick moved back towards the staff table and then headed for the staff entrance door. The other staff members followed, obviously anxious to comfort each other in the wake of the news that one of Hogwarts most beloved teachers and headmistresses had passed on. As the staff went their separate ways, Oliver Wood was able to get a few minutes alone with Headmaster Flitwick.

"So you don't want to be Headmaster for the rest of the term, Fillius?" asked Oliver Wood

"I don't know really...I had planned on retiring and having a stress free last year. Quite frankly I am satisfied with just being a teacher. I never really wanted to be in an administrative role. When Minerva nominated me as Deputy Headmaster it was an honor that I couldn't refuse. You have no idea how much I owed her...but now...it just may be too much for me..."

Many in the present day had forgotten what it was like for the "small people" of the wizarding world over thirty years ago. Just like the house elves were enslaved, Goblins mistrusted, Leprechauns were also regarded as no more then fun pets to have around affluent wizarding homes. When the revolt broke out and the wizarding world finally realized the error of their ways Minerva McGonagall went to bat for him. He had applied for a teaching position at Hogwarts, but the board at the time still mistrustful of his kind, immediately balked at the idea.

If it weren't for McGonagall's intervention he would have never become a Hogwarts teacher. He owed his entire career to his friend and his confidant- Minerva McGonagall and when she had nominated him to be the new Deputy Headmaster he readily accepted it, despite his reservations, out of respect for he woman he had always secretly loved dearly.

When Voldemort came around and started the prejudice against Muggle borns Fillius joined with Minerva to combat that. At the time he was appalled that another group of people were being hated, just like his kind were before the reforms. These days he saw the same pattern happening again. Hate of Muggle borns was taboo now so people, that are not happy unless they have someone to hate, had found another group...gay wizards...to hate.

"I understand how you feel, " said Oliver soothingly, "but what if they appoint someone vile...you remember what happened when Umbridge was appointed here?"

"Yes, I remember that fiasco well...but in the hopes of preventing that, before breakfast, I sent an owl to the board. I told them that I would not step down unless the person they selected was one hundred percent committed to looking after the well being of all the students...not just the ones he or she may find acceptable."

This took Oliver a bit by surprise. It almost seemed like Flitwick was saying that he wanted his replacement to be someone that would not discriminate against the gay kids at the school. They had never really discussed the matter, and quite frankly, now was not the time. But Oliver was certain that was what Flitwick was implying.

"But..." continued Flitwick, "...as you know nothing is ever written in stone, so we will just have to wait and see what the board's response is. They are having a meeting in Minister Weasley's office as we speak."

"Well let's hope they do not repeat past mistakes," smiled Oliver, "you should go rest Fillius...it's been a long night for you as well."

"Yes it has," sighed Flitwick, " I still cannot believe she is gone...it just doesn't seem real."

"None of us can, Fillius, believe me none of us can."


Harry and Neville had sat in silence for a long while. Neither could find the words to express how they were feeling. The sick feeling in Harry's gut reminded him of how he felt when he realized Sirius, and then a year later, Dumbledore was gone for good. When Neville had showed him the Daily Prophet's headline, announcing McGonagall's death, Harry had to pinch himself to make sure he wasn't having some sort of horrific dream. He wasn't dreaming, it was true, McGonagall was dead.

Annoyingly the Daily Prophet had limited details. Harry reread the short story again.

HOGWARTS HEADMISTRESS DEAD AT AGE 79 By staff reporter Janet Wilkes

Late last night St. Mungo's senior medical examiner, Horace T. Huff, announced that long time Hogwarts teacher and Headmistress Minerva McGonagall died of what appears to be a massive heart attack at the age of 79.

In light of her sudden departure, Fillius Flitwick, who held the post of the Deputy Headmaster has been the rightful heir to the Headmaster throne at Hogwarts. Christopher Lyle Rand, long time member of the Hogwarts Board of Governors told us, last night, that while Flitwick is assuming the post of Headmaster it may be short term.

"I spoke with Fillius last night and of course he is willing to take the reigns. But he has been intending to retire after nearly 30 years of teaching after the school year ends. This creates a slight but fixable problem for the board. We must quickly find a replacement and the search will begin tomorrow."

Asked if he had anyone in mind, Rand said that there were a couple of names in his head but he was reluctant to mention them until they may or may not be confirmed.

A memorial service for McGonagall, to be held on the Hogwarts grounds, is planned in two days. Of course details are sketchy at the moment but should be firmed up later today.

Minerva McGonagall started her career at Hogwarts over fifty years ago....

Harry put down the paper and looked up at Neville.

"So Flitwick doesn't want the post for the rest of the year?" asked Harry staring at Neville

"That probably is true. Before we got sacked I had a nice sit down with Fillius and he told me about what he wanted to do when he retires. You know he is part Leprechaun and he is anxious to reunite with some of his family members," informed Neville

"No I didn't know that," said Harry flatly, "you know yesterday, when I left the office, I just ran past Minerva...not a word. I feel so...so...guilty Neville. It seems like when someone I love dies I always manage to not say things I should have said. I never told her how much...how much..."

Harry couldn't finish; his tears started anew as he stared at the smiling picture of Minerva McGonagall that accompanied the Daily Prophet's news report. After being consoled by Neville with a hug he was able to gather himself.

"Despite this, or better yet as a result of this, I still need to go see Arthur Weasley today," said Harry composing himself

"Are you sure you want to deal with that today?" asked Neville genuinely concerned

"Look Neville, it's not that I want to...I have to...one of our only allies, at Hogwarts, has just died suddenly. Flitwick is refusing the permanent post of Headmaster so Merlin knows who will be there next. I want to make sure it's not a puff-hater...and make sure that this nonsense about criminal charges is put to a rest."

"I trust you, Harry...if you think that it will help then go and see Arthur Weasley," Neville smiled and got up to leave the room, "I am going to shower Harry...join me if you like"

Harry balked at the idea...he knew Neville was trying to get his mind off things but it just wasn't what he needed at the moment. He sat thinking, probably over thinking; he thought about how many people he had lost over the years. His mother and father, Sirius, Lupin, Tonks, Fred Weasley, Cedric Diggory, Dumbledore and until recently even Snape...all people that he never had the chance to say goodbye to and to truly share what was in his heart. Now McGonagall was added to that list and his heart felt heavier then it ever had before.

He hated himself for not taking the time to say what he should have when he had the chance. Of course at one year old there wasn't much he could have said to his parents, but the others were a different story.

His self-loathing was interrupted by a knock at his door. He forced himself up and went towards it. He hoped that it wasn't someone he didn't feel like seeing at the moment. So much for his hopes- last person in the world he felt like seeing right now was at the door.

"Well don't look so stunned, technically this is still my flat," said Ron Weasley inviting himself in

"What are you doing here?" said Harry with obvious annoyance in his voice

"I heard about McGonagall...I thought I should come..." replied Ron looking down at his feet

"Yes, yes, I suppose...listen I have to go handle something," said Harry gathering up his wand and heading back to the door, "Neville is in the shower. Tell him I let you in and you can wait with him. He will need the company, he feels awful about Minerva as well."

"But I thought we would have time to talk," said Ron quickly surprised at Harry's sudden need to leave

"Later ok? This can't wait...I will fill you both in when I get back...give Neville my love, will you?"

"Sure Harry," said Ron as he watched Harry turn to leave and hurry out the door

Chapter 22- Support From Within

Oliver sat quietly as he mulled over the information Patrick Donnelly had just given him about Mark Mateo, the new DADA professor's nephew. It really wasn't a matter Oliver felt like discussing at the moment. The death of McGonagall had hit him hard as well. But then again, with Flitwick stating that he was only temporarily taking the Headmaster post it was important to hear about any potential gay friendly staff members at the school. Fillius Flitwick was never homophobic at all and Oliver surmised that his lack of prejudice came from being different himself. It had only been a little over thirty years since his kind were not looked upon as drunken idiots searching for gold that never did exist.

So now with the prospect of a new head of Hogwarts, who may very well put an end to the secret gay boy club, if they were as homophobic as some, Oliver decided to hear out what Patrick had learned.

Oliver was hesitant to let any more new members into the group, that these days, called themselves "Ollie's Boys". A week ago he insisted that the teens avoid asking the two Slytherin bullies to join. His rationale being that people buried in the closet that bully, may panic if they were discovered being part of the group. Their potential hysteria could ruin it for the other teens, and most especially, put Oliver at risk. So he said no to those two. But Matt Mateo may be a different case.

After Matt was introduced to the "loveshack" and after dinner he hooked up with Nicky Lang and opened up to him. While all the other students were asleep they whispered in their common room. Nicky was heartbroken when Matt told him the whole story. It was a risk, Matt knew that, but he couldn't stand lying to his new mates. He sensed that he could trust Nicky and the people Nicky told him about. So worries about them running to Professor Sharp dissipated as the conversation progressed.

Matt told Nicky that he was pretty sure that his "uncle Julian" was as gay as he was. He had never married and didn't really ever seem that interested in women. As much as Matt would have liked to "do things" with Julian he never dared to. He only accidentally caught Julian coming out of his shower and swore that they never had sex. Matt said that his "uncle" always went out of his way to make sure nothing happened between them. "I guess he wanted to make sure he didn't turn into a carbon copy of my real dad."

Of course, the next morning, Nicky ran into Mark and Patrick and filled them in about the conversation. It was then that Patrick decided to go talk to Coach Wood.

Against his better judgment, Oliver agreed to let the boys invite Matt to join. After hearing the whole story Oliver believed that having the companionship of other gay teens may be just what Matt needed. He also changed his impression of JT Sharp. At first Oliver had found him to be a pompous American. The idea of him coming here and replacing Harry annoyed him. But now it seems that the Hogwarts Board of Governors had given them an ally without realizing it.

Oliver finished up his conversation with Patrick and then decided to pay the new DADA teacher a visit. He hadn't yet welcomed him to the school and perhaps if he mentioned that one of his students informed him about Matt he could learn more about the mysterious American.

"Well this is certainly a surprise, " beamed JT Sharp looking down at Oliver at his door, "only a handful have stopped by since I started. Come in...come in...I was just having some coffee"

Oliver followed Sharp into his private quarters and then JT offered him a seat directly facing him. Oliver was still quite amazed at how tall the man was and tried not to stare too blatantly at the obvious bulge in the man's trousers.

"So what brings you here today, Wood?"

"Nothing really," lied Oliver, "just thought I would see how you are adjusting. I mean the passing of Minerva is a shock to us all but it must be especially hard for you since she is one of the few staff members here that you have gotten to know."

"That's true, she was a charming woman and I regret that I didn't get to know her like many of y'all have."

The small talk continued for a little while, Oliver was trying to break the ice and see if it was safe to bring up the subject of Sharp' alleged nephew- Matt. Finally feeling at ease, Oliver brought up the topic.

"I have to tell you that one of my students came to me with some interesting information about your nephew," said Oliver as casually as he could

"Really now? Information...what sort of information?" asked JT whose eyes narrowed

Oliver took a deep breath. Perhaps this wasn't a good idea after all, he thought. The look on JT Sharp's face changed from an at ease individual into a tense and unhappy man. Certainly pissing off a giant of a man like Sharp would not be good for Oliver so he treaded carefully as he spoke.

"Well he confided in a couple of the boys about his past and your relationship to him."

"Look what you have to understand about that is that the people that were supposed to be looking after him, in the Muggle world, let him down...this ruse was the only way to save him and if I ever let on that he wasn't a blood relative the shit would hit the fan...you haven't..." Sharp's voice trailed off

"No I haven't said a word to anyone and neither have the people he talked to," said Oliver quickly, "and in fact I think its admirable what you have done for him. Perhaps if I keep your secret you can keep a secret of mine?"

Oliver looked directly at Sharp and tried to read his reaction in his face. JT ran his hand through his hair and sighed and then leaned in towards Oliver.

"Secret, eh? What sort of secret could you possibly have?" questioned Sharp

Oliver went on to explain, in detail, about the origin of Potter's Protégés and all that had happened before JT had arrived at the school. Sharp's tension seemed to ease as he listened to Oliver. Finally at the end of the whole horrid tale Oliver told him that the boy's, as well as he, wanted Matt to join the group.

"I have to say that I think it is a great idea...to think that these kids have organized and now are looking out for new kids like Matt pleases me very much. The only question I have is how can I help?"

Oliver was surprised that JT had accepted the tale so readily. Perhaps Matt was right and JT Sharp was gay himself.

"Really just keep the nature of the group quiet and stress to Matt that he must not discuss it with any student that is not in the group."

"Yes, I will have a talk with him. Luckily he talked with one of your boys and not someone else that could harm us all."

Oliver's eyebrows raised; "Harm us all" was an interesting choice of words. Did Sharp mean harming his relationship with Matt or gay people at the school as a whole? Oliver decided that since the door had been opened he would dig a bit more.

"I hope you don't find me too forward, but may I ask, are you gay as well?"

JT paused for a minute and then smiled at Oliver, "Are you Ollie?"

Taken aback by being asked the same question Oliver blushed; his cheeks getting as red as a sunset

"Well yes, but I never do anything with the boys..."

"Well it's a yes for me too, but I want you to know that I have never done anything with Matt."

"I wasn't suggesting that at all and from what he told Patrick you have been a model parent."

JT smiled broadly again, "I try to do my best with the boy."

With the ice now completely broken JT and Oliver began talking about everything and anything. Oliver was impressed with the American man. He had a way about him, despite his imposing size, that made a person feel comfortable and at ease. An hour passed and they still continued to talk about both the wizarding world in the UK and the wizarding world in America.

"I don't know about you but I am tired of the coffee. After the last twenty four hours, with classes cancelled, I would like something a bit stronger," said JT going towards a cabinet in the corner of the room, "Flitwick gave me this when I started...he said it is called Mead...want some?"

Oliver looked at the bottle and smiled. What the hell, he thought, might as well since he had nothing better to do.

"Sure mate...this is a good vintage...have you ever tried Mead?"

"Naw...just plain old beer in America," said JT handing Oliver a glass

When they both had full glasses Oliver offered up a toast to their new friendship. One glass led into two and then into three. Soon both felt the familiar buzz of the Mead and were affected by one of its more desirable side effects. JT noticed Oliver staring directly at the sizeable bulge in his pants.

"See something you like?" said JT leaning back and spreading his legs

"Oh right, sorry about that...should have told you that Mead does that to some people," said Oliver blushing again

"And does it have he same effect on you?" asked JT sitting up to lean towards Oliver and then resting his large hand on Oliver's knee

"Well yes," said Oliver now a deep shade of red, "that's why I don't drink the stuff very often."

"Then it seems a shame to waste such a nifty side effect," said JT getting up and standing in front of Oliver, "how about a closer look...seems like you are into it."

Oliver's eyes widened as he watched Sharp undo his belt buckle and drop his trousers to his ankles. JT reached up and slowly pulled down his powder blue boxers revealing the largest hard cock Oliver had ever seen.

He took hold of the throbbing snake in front of him and studied it for a moment. He guessed that Sharp had to be at least packing close to ten inches of rock hard meat. Throwing caution to the wind, effected by the Mead and the need for his own cock to get a bit of attention, Oliver opened his mouth and took as much of JT Sharp's cock as he could.

A big hand was placed on the back of Oliver's head, urging him to go deeper on the pulsating cock. Soon Oliver was stripped down as well and he got on his knees over the large body of JT Sharp. As he kneeled on the floor he sunk his cock into JT's mouth. As he face fucked the American he did his best to take as much of the ten inch cock as he could.

They both were lost in their cocksucking, totally unaware that someone else had entered the room. Another few minutes of intense cocksucking passed. JT Sharp's cock was nearly as wide as it was long so Oliver had to stop. His lips were numb and he needed to catch his breath. He took his mouth off the dick and looked up and was shocked by what he saw.

"JT," he said quickly, "we have a visitor!"

"What?" said JT nearly knocking Oliver over as he sat upright

"Sorry uncle, the door was open..." said Matt Mateo standing before them with his hand wrapped around his exposed hardon

"Oh shit," said JT as he got up hiked his pants up as Oliver did the same

When they were both clothed, JT turned back to Matt who, oddly, still had his hand wrapped around his cock.

"You better put that away," said JT firmly, "and come here...us three need to have a talk!"

Chapter 23- The New Headmistress

Arthur Weasley's office was crowded to the max; if one more person tried to squeeze in then he would have had to use an enlargement charm. The entire Hogwarts Board of Governors, along with several of Minister Weasley's staff, were discussing the death of McGonagall and who would replace her. Luckily the board had a plan well in advance of McGonagall's untimely passing. It wasn't that they knew when she would die, but at age 79 most agreed it would be inevitable. So a back up plan, for just such an emergency, had been put in place months ago.

The board knew that Flitwick was content being a Deputy Headmaster and was planning on retiring after the school year. When he had announced his intentions, a month into this school year, the board selected a standby candidate in case McGonagall left the Earth as she had not more then 12 hours ago.

Sitting in the middle of the conference was a steady-faced woman who, some suggested, looked more manly then feminine. Still out of all the people they had considered, when they made the back-up plan, she stood out as the best. When she taught at Hogwarts she was firm and yet liked by all the students. Her position belied the level of talent she had as a witch...spells that confounded some came easily with her. She always had credited Minerva McGonagall and Dumbledore as her role models and her mentors.

"So then it is settled then...Madame Hooch you will go straight away to Hogwarts and take over the Headmistress position. I am sure Fillius will be relieved. He sent an owl hoping that we would send you as soon as possible," said the chairman of the board

"Ah quite kind of Fillius...always one of my favorite co-workers at the school. Yes, I will go straight there after this meeting. I must say that I hadn't anticipated ending my far too short retirement this soon. But if it means following in the footsteps of Minerva then it is worth it. I am taking this position not for me and not for you but for her," said Hooch firmly

"Right then...it seems that we..."

The chairman was cut off by the door swinging open and voices arguing.

"I am sorry but this is a private meeting...you can't go in, sir...you can't..."

"The hell I can't," screamed Harry marching into the middle of the stunned politicians and board members in the room.

"Harry, this is quite inappropriate," yelled out Arthur Weasley

"Yes, have him removed," called out the chairman of the board

"Hang on," said Arthur turning a bit red, "I might remind you, sir, that this is my office...not yours and I shall decide who is allowed in and who isn't. Obviously Harry is troubled by McGonagall's death and has something to say...I daresay that after all he has done for the wizarding world we owe him our attention whether his words were invited or not...stay Harry but mind your tongue"

The majority of the board sat silently, some frowning at the Minister and shaking their heads. When all had quieted down Minister Weasley asked Harry what all the fuss was about.

"Well I am just concerned over who will be taking over as the head of Hogwarts," began Harry in a calm voice

"Well seeing as how you are no longer actively employed at the school Potter, I fail to see why this concerns you," said the chairman condescendingly

"Hang on...Harry is not teaching at the school?" questioned Hooch

Harry was taken aback. The last person he expected to see was Oliver Wood's predecessor Madame Hooch...he listened on.

"Yes, well due to some...let us say...highly questionable behavior with students that claim they are gay Potter and Longbottom were put on permanent leave."

The chairman went on to fill in Hooch about the whole dreadful story. Harry wondered angrily why the chairman was recounting the whole affair with Madame Hooch. She was no longer a teacher and certainly not a member of the board. When the chairman said "since you are our new Headmistress, I thought you should know all the facts" Harry looked stunned...Hooch was the not yet announced new head of the school!

"You are kidding, right? You actually dismissed him because that rubbish? It all sounds a bit dodgy to me..."

"Yes it does, doesn't it?" said Harry in a loud voice, "there are some other dodgy things going on here as well Madame Hooch. It seems that some in the Ministry want me in Azkaban...Dumbledore told me he overheard people in this very office discussing criminally charging me."

Arthur Weasley looked genuinely surprised, he sat up straight in his chair and addressed Harry ignoring all the rest

"Harry this is the first I have heard of this...are you certain? What are they basing this on?"

"The so-called testimony of Colin Creevey to a Daily Prophet reporter," said Harry folding his arms

"That rubbish?" yelled Arthur Weasley, "That is ridiculous Harry. That interview was secretly recorded. Creevey was never advised that his conversation was being recorded. By law he has to give consent for it to be a legally binding bit of testimony. It doesn't have to be legal for that rag to print it in the paper, but here it does. Did Dumbledore say who they were?"

"No he didn't...perhaps you could ask him...I assume part of the Magical Law Enforcement Department"

Before Weasley could respond, Madame Hooch stood up and shouted, "Excuse me, Minister!"

Everyone turned their shocked gazes towards her as she spoke.

"Let me make myself perfectly clear. It sounds to me that some of you on the board and some of you in the Ministry have it out for Harry. I will not take this position and sanction this ridiculous witch-hunt. It seems to me, years ago when Voldemort was still around, Harry, as well as many of you were fighting against a man...if you could call him that...who wanted to rid our world of people that were different...namely Muggle borns."

Harry had never seen Hooch this angry and part of him was glad she was now saying much of what he came to say.

"That is true Madame Hooch, but..." injected the chairman meekly

"But nothing...thanks to Harry and his work, namely ridding our world of Voldemort, many new laws were passed outlawing any discrimination against Muggle born wizards. It was a proud moment for the Ministry and the wizarding world as a whole. But, sir, some of you are now contradicting yourselves...you are saying that we needed laws to prevent the public hate of Muggles and Muggle born wizards and witches and yet we do not have the same laws that protect gay and lesbians. Like it or not they exist in our world as well...not just in the Muggle world. Tell me how can we say it is wrong to hate and discriminate against one group of people when we allow it to occur with others?"

"It's not that cut and dry..." tried the chairman again being cut off by Hooch's louder voice

"Bullocks, sir, there is no difference and from all you just told me it seemed as if Potter and Longbottom were looking out for students that have no rights to protection under our current laws and the bylaws of Hogwarts itself. You just stated that all the children were interrogated and none suggested that Potter, Longbottom, or even your son Minister, crossed any sexual boundaries. So clearly by going after Potter you are doing it based on hate. It is absolutely wrong and a crime to suggest that these people, who surely are amongst us all, probably even one or two in your own families no matter how carefully hidden, have no protection at the school and under the law against harrassment and hate crimes."

"Madame, this is not the time or the place to debate..."

"Yes it is chairman...what better time to discuss this as we remember one of the kindness, most accepting witches of our time, Minerva McGonagall...did Minerva trust you Harry and believe in you?"

"Well yes, she went to bat for me several times in the last month."

"Well then if you all cannot take the cue from her then that tells me that you refuse to deal with the truth and base everything on your hate of homosexuals. This is no different then the hate of Muggle born wizards the Death Eaters poisoned our world with before Harry put a stop to it. As I understand it Fillius Flitwick wishes to step down from his post as Deputy and just deal with his teaching duties as his career winds down. I also understand that it is the Headmistresses prerogative to appoint her Deputy. That being said, I am appointing Harry Potter as my Deputy Headmaster!"

The room broke into a roar; angry conversations and infighting started to creep around the room until the chairman banged his gavel.

"Order please...order...Madame Hooch this is totally unacceptable...Potter has been dismissed..."

"On trumped up charges," finished Hooch," the Daily Prophet reporter had already left before Potter arrived, and I am sure the headline announcing me as Headmistress is being readied for the evening paper. As far as I am concerned Potter is re-instated. You wouldn't want me going to the press, especially the Prophet, and telling them that, after all, I was refused the position because the Hogwarts Board of Governors and the Ministry itself is justifying demonizing people like Potter whilst being on the bandwagon preventing hate and wrongful imprisonment of Muggle born wizards...would you?"

Harry grinned inwardly; Hooch had done what he had intended to do. She got both the Ministry and the Board of Governors by the short hairs. Harry watched as all the important people, well the ones that thought they were important, sat with their mouths open and unable to present a counter argument.

"I hate to say it," said Arthur Weasley breaking the silence, "but Hilda is right. It is quite hypocritical that we claim to despise anyone who hates, bullies or discriminates someone who just happens to have Muggle parents yet a good number here at the Ministry and on this board have justified punishing Potter because they hate...they fear homosexuality...it is just as wrong and I believe Hilda Hooch has made a strong case against us...I think it's time we look at ourselves."

"You're just saying this because your son was involved with Potter," called out one of the snide looking board members

"And so what if I am?" shot back Arthur with fury, "Frankly after losing one son I couldn't care less if Ronald screwed a banshee or a man...it doesn't matter to me....what matters is the fact that Madame Hooch is quiet right...we are hypocrites if we allow predjudice against gays to occur whilst making sure predjudice against muggle borns is illegal."

"But it is different, Arthur," added another board member, "Muggle borns have no choice about what parents they are born to but these people, that are gay, have a choice. They could just as well be normal and marry..."

"What may be normal to you may be abnormal for someone else," screamed Harry enraged, "even Muggle science has concluded that no one chooses their sexual orientation. In fact, some suggest that it is genetic and determined at birth. But the ignorant believe that it is a choice. Tell me, which one of you would choose to be hated, made fun of and treated as a second class human being? Do you seriously think anyone would choose that life?...I do not think any of you would leave your acceptable heterosexual lives to take on mental and physical abuse of a gay person...just as Muggle borns, back when Voldemort ws around, surely would have chose to have pure blood families rather then risk the wrath of Voldemort and the Death Eaters, gay people if they actually had some choice in the matter, would chose to be heterosexual...you sir are nothing more then an ignorant homophobic git!"

A few members of the board, Madame Hooch and Arthur Weasley stood up and applauded Harry. Harry blushed and sat back down. He had said what needed to be said...he didn't want to push his luck and go too overboard.

"It seems you all have a choice of your own to make," added Hooch after the applause died down, "either you treat gay folk like you do Muggles...decide not to let your personal predjudies influence the equal protection under the law that all wiards and witches deserve or you allow your ignorance and your faulty beliefs to justify descrimination. If you choose the latter then we are no better off then we were when Muggle baiting was a common practice in our world."

Another round of conversastions and discussions filled the room with chatter. Minister of Magic Weasley continued standing and silenced the room. When he had everyone's attention he spoke with authority to the wizards and witches that were in his office.

"Again I believe Hilda is right. Clearly no one chooses to be different...it just happens and for the Ministry or the Governors to descriminate against Harry or others that had absolutely no choice in who they naturally are attracted to is as wrong as doing it to a Muggle born. I say we vote on Madame Hooch's nomination of Harry and that we all vote to reinstate him and Longbottom...and apologize for our ignorance as well," offered Arthur Weasley looking firmly at all in the room

"Very well..." broke in the chairman recognizing defeat, "this has to be put to a vote. All that feel that we acted hastily with Potter and that he should be re-instated raise your hands."

Harry nearly fainted as he watched one, then three, then seven, the ten hands out of the fifteen board members go into the air. Madame Hooch's words obviously had an impact on them as did his and Arthur Weasley's. Harry knew that politically, justifying his suspension based on illegal testimony, would leave a lot of egg on the faces of the board and high ranking Ministry politicos. He was sure that was the reason most voted to give him his job back, but maybe some thought better about the hypocrisy that had been hidden until Madame Hooch decided to speak out.

"Very well then Potter it seems you have been reinstated, but I don't know what you will do at the school. As you know we have imported another DADA teacher..."

"Clearly you thought I was joking," said Madame Hooch, " Harry you will report to the school tomorrow as my Deputy Headmaster...so if that is all then?"

Harry was clearly shocked and overwhelmed; he had forgotten how Hooch could silennce an unruly class of students and control the most uncontrolable situations. He had never expected his visit to the Ministry to turn out with the end results that were now before him. Before he got too lost in his internal revelry he remembered Neville.

"Excuse me chairman...one question if I might?"

"Yes, Potter...what the hell...it seems you have become the center of this meeting....again..."

Harry ignored the sarcasm, " What about Neville? If I was wrongly dismissed he was as well..."

"Yes, yes, " said the chairman not bothering with another vote, "tell him he can report to work again as well. Perhaps he and Professor LaRouche can split the class load...let's adjourn...I need a drink."

"Seconded!" called out Arthur Weasley

When everyone but Harry, Hilda Hooch and the Minister were left in the Minister's private office laughter burst out in the room. Part of it was spurred on by the memory of the looks on the faces of some of the more homophobic board members. Most of Harry's laughter was sheer relief; the stress of the day had left him completely.

"I suppose you are wondering why I came to your defense Potter," said Hooch with a smile

"Yes, I am a bit curious about that," admitted harry

"Well I can clear that up in a second. I want you to meet someone Arthur already knows," she said as she went out to the anteroom of the Ministers office.

When she came back in a quite beautiful and well-dressed woman was with Hilda Hooch.

"Harry Potter, I would like you to meet Anna Wall...my partner"

Harry's mouth nearly hit the floor, "So you are gay as well...a lesbian?"

"Yes and it's really not public knowledge so..."

"I understand...and Arthur you know as well?" asked Harry still amazed at the day's turn of events

"Oh yes, Hilda and I were in school together and as a matter of fact I introduced her to her first girlfriend"

Harry sat there for a moment with his mouth hanging open. One more shock today, he thought, and I might just have a heart attack. As long as Harry was having an open dialogue with Arthur Weasley he decided to ask a few more questions.

"I must say that comes as a surprise...I have to ask, sir...during the meeting you alluded to the fact that you knew about Ron...and well...me...has he..."

"Spoken to me about it?" finished Arthur, "no he hasn't Harry but I had a good idea that you two were more then best friends. Like I said at the meeting, after losing Fred I am happy to have the rest of my children alive and well. Ron can love who he wants and after all isn't loving someone, even if it is of the same sex, better then hate over all?"

"It is, sir...but has he told you that he is going to get back with Hermione...that he now wants to make another baby to please your wife? Maybe he is sincere and maybe he loves her as well but if he is using her as a cover for his true self that is not a good thing."

"Yes, Harry he mentioned that...I am afraid Ron has his own fears and he will have to sort through them. Both he and Hermione are old enough to know right from wrong and uless he was sincere about his intentions I don't think she would have him back...she is too intelligent to be fooled, don't you think?"

Harry thought about it for a moment; Arthur was right, Hermione was a sharp cookie and she surely wouldn't be fooled by Ron using her as shield. Perhaps Ron was indeed bi-sexual, but Harry still hoped that Ron wasn't using Hermione to cover up the fact that he liked a big cock up his ass now and again.

"Have you told Ron you know and accept him?" asked Harry

"Not yet...it's a sore spot with Molly and she is coming to terms with it; she made me swear to not talk about it with anyone. Of course she is overjoyed that he is back with Hermione...so it is almost as if his little diversion with you never happened as far as she is concerned..but Harry she still loves you as well. Don't look too harshly towards her. Mother's just have expectations..."

"I won't judge her Arthur, but you really should offer Ron your support. He needs to know that one of his parents will accept him whether he is with a man or with a woman."

Arthur paused for a momemt in deep thought and then continued, "Perhaps you are right Harry...I will have a talk with Ron...soon."

"That's good to know...I just want him happy and being true to himself," finished Harry

Harry smiled and thanked both of them again for their support. Soon the conversation turned back to the sad reality of the day.

"Well Harry, I had better head for the castle. I have to address the staff and the students this evening and prepare for Minerva's memorial. I'll expect to see you bright and early tomorrow."

"So you were serious about the Deputy Headmaster thing?" asked Harry

"Damn right I was...you and I are going to make some real changes at the school...for the greater good Potter!"

Harry had to smile as she left the office. He remembered the conversation he had with his companion angel, Adrian, the day before.

"I'll be damned," he said to himself as he too found the door, leaving to rush back to tell Neville the incredibly good news.


CHEERS! -----------


1st year: Nicky Lang , Mark Mungo-Marsh

2nd year: Matt Mateo

3rd year: Michael O'Toole, Martin Mackey

4th year: Lonnie Livingston, Marcus Long, Eric Lynn

5th year: Ian and Issac Isley, Sam Chang, Stevie Millsack

6th year: Alan Keyes, Patrick Donnelly, Rafael Ortega

7th year: Thomas Greer, Andrew Kelley, Earl Craig -----------

Next: Chapter 9

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