Harry and the Politics of Romance

By Ben Meova

Published on Jul 16, 2007


Harry and the Politics of Romance

A fantasy tribute by Ben Meova

Disclaimer: This story falls under the category of fan fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the characters in the original story by JK Rowling. The plot is pure fantasy that came solely out of the mind of the author. The events described herein never happened in this or any other universe. This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

Beyond that the rest is total fantasy and fiction. This story does involve sexual situations between people that may be minors in your state or country. If sex bothers you, especially sex between mid-teen boys or adults witnessing teen sex, you may want to go elsewhere.

Author's Note:

This story is the continuation of my first story on Nifty- "Harry and the Closet of Secrets". If you haven't read that one yet, you may want to read that one first. Otherwise many of the situations in this, Harry's second year as a Hogwarts teacher, may not make sense.

I took a little writing break and I will probably wait to post the next three chapters (16-18) until a week or so after the last JK Rowling Potter book is released on the 21st. I have no idea who she will kill off in her book. Remember that my stories go under the asumptions that Harry won the battle and Ron, Hermione, Colin and Neville survived as well. Again thanks to everyone who has mailed in and offered their praise and compliments!

CORRECTION: In Chapter 12 I increased Patrick Donnelly's grade level. I had written "Secondly we will set a trap; no doubt those two will be looking to get revenge on Michael so a few of us seventh years will sneak down there before you go by Michael."

Patrick is in his sixth year at Hogwarts so I should have wrote sixth instead of seventh...thanks to the reader that sent in an e-mail and pointed that out!

Comments and whatever else you want to send can be mailed to: 1hungyungun@gmail.com

Harry and the Politics of Romance Part Five

Chapter 13- The Lion's Den

Ron and Harry sat gazing at each other silently; in fact the silence was almost deafening. Earlier the day before, a representative out of his dad's office came to see Ron with some insider information that affected him, Harry, Neville and Minister of Magic Weasley. The representative had said that one of their operatives, carefully hidden under the employ of the Daily Prophet, had learned that the paper was going to run a story that detailed a conversation Colin Creevey had with an "unnamed inside source".

But that wasn't the worst of it. The rep said that someone at the Daily Prophet had sent an owl to a member of the Hogwarts Board of Governors and that the letter detailed what Colin had to say about Harry, Ron, Neville and the kids that were in their little group known as Potter's Protégés.

It was true; the Board of Governors had received anonymous word that The Daily Prophet had an exclusive interview with Colin Creevey that what Creevey had to say may very well affect the well-being of the school and the students as a whole...at least that is what McGonagall had said.

Harry and Neville had been informed the day before that another emergency hearing would be held the next day at 10am sharp in Minerva McGonagall's office. Both Harry and Neville had been preparing themselves for the worst.

Certainly the worst was happening already, evidenced by Ron's surprise visit to the castle and the quarters of Professor Potter.

"This could really bugger up dad's credibility Harry," said Ron finally breaking the silence

"What?" snapped Harry, "What is going to hurt him? The truth that his son is gay and his lover is Harry Potter? Is that not politically correct?"

"Not in this day and age, Harry. You know that the conservatives will twist this whole story around. It will be more then you and I shagging. It will involve the students and I bet they suggest that dad knew about it all along and covered it up. He's worked too hard to have his credibility destroyed by our mistakes."

"So me and you together has been a mistake?" fumed Harry

"No I didn't mean it that way...I meant the mistakes we made with Potter's Protégés," said Ron defensively

"So what shall we do then, since you have all the answers...or speculations? I didn't realize that our happiness, our relationship, our love was dependent on how the political winds were blowing."

"It's not, Harry...well I guess in some ways it is. Because dad is who he is we all have to be careful and the fact is both you, I and Neville were not careful and others...like dad...may be the victims of our mistakes."

"So what is it you are really trying to say, Ron?"

"I think we should cool off for a bit until all the drama subsides. I am going to take a trip to Romania to visit Charlie..."

"So when the going gets tough you pack up and run away?" said Harry stunned

"I am not running away Harry...just making sure that the press has nothing more to pin on you, me or dad."

"So when are you leaving then?"

"Tonight Harry...but late...I want to be around so I know the results of the Board of Governors meeting."

"Oh swell...can't leave without knowing my life is totally destroyed, eh?"

"That isn't even worthy of an answer," screamed Ron, getting up and leaving the room, "I will be at the Burrow...send and owl or don't send one after the hearing...that's your choice Harry!"

Harry watched the back of Ron leave his quarters. He knew deep down that it would be a long time before he saw the front of Ron Weasley again. This day was starting off as badly as Harry had expected. Mercifully a couple of the other teachers were substituting in his and Neville's classes so at least he didn't have to deal with that.

Harry knew deep down that this whole debacle hurt Ron as much as it hurt him but Harry couldn't help feeling like Ron cared more about his father's political career then his lover. Harry didn't go after Ron. There was only a half hour left until the emergency meeting so he set off to collect Neville and then they both made their way to the lion's den- McGonagall's office and the Hogwarts Board of Governors.

The first part of the meeting was spent rehashing the details of the last emergency hearing. Harry sat stoned-faced through it all nearly biting off his lip several times when simply outrageous conjectures were blurted out by one of the more homophobic board members.

"There simply is no way around this Potter and Longbottom," said the chairman of the board, "given the facts it seems as if we will have no choice in the matter this time."

"The facts as they are in reality or the facts that have been twisted and skewed to justify people's ignorance," blurted out Harry

"The plain and simple facts that may very well be exposed in the public press, Potter," said the chairman whose anger rose along with Harry's

"We went through this last time...you heard the official testimony all the teens gave the Ministry. There was no wrong doing aside from taking them to my island and yet we are going to let politics and irrational fear make decisions for this board?" replied Harry trying to keep his anger under control

"It's not about what the press or for that matter what we think or fear, Potter. It is about what the parents of the Hogwarts students will think. We have to decide what is best for the students and the school as a whole. That is our job...nothing personal really...just the welfare of the school."

"Nothing personal?" repeated Harry sarcastically, "this whole hearing, as was the last, has been laden with personal opinions."

"Maybe in some cases Potter but we are charged with doing what is best for the school. If we let you two go then it may provide minimal damage control when and if the Prophet's exclusive with Creevey goes to print. On the other hand, if we keep you two on then it may look like the school is condoning the encouragement of homosexuality and students who may think they are just that because of...influences..."

"You mean influences like Neville and I who allowed those boys to be truthful, to be themselves, to not lie about what they were and to be happy being themselves?" screamed Harry

"Yes, Potter, yes. No matter how much it, in reality, benefited the teens that called themselves Potter's Protégés, the fact of the matter is that politically it is bad."

"So who someone loves is subject to political scrutiny? These boys are not allowed to carry on and be themselves because politically it looks bad for the school? They are not allowed to have adult gay role models and mentors like their heterosexual counterparts do just because it is politically incorrect and a bunch of ignorant and homophobic parents may balk and withdraw their children from Hogwarts, is that what you are saying, sir?" said Harry sternly

"Sadly the answer would be yes, Potter."

"So who I, Neville or one of the teens may love, even if it is a person of the same sex is subject to the approval of the government and which way the political winds are blowing?"

"Yes, Potter, unfortunately that is the politics of romance. It would be nice if people could just be with and love who they chose to. After all it really is a personal matter, not a matter for the state or outsiders. But when it comes to children it is another matter. The politics of romance place expectations on teens whether you or I like it or not. They are expected to date the opposite sex and one day marry and carry on the family name. All parents expect that and rightfully so. Perhaps the board could have justified having two gay teachers on staff...really that, in itself, would have no bearing on your teaching qualifications. But since you two involved yourself with boys that, most people will assume, had been convinced they were homosexual like you two, it complicates matters."

"I know, it suggests that gay adult men who give a damn about the happiness and the mental health of self identified gay teenagers are nothing more then pedophilic letches who care only about sucking the boys dick!" responded Harry coldly

"There is no need to be that explicit, Potter," admonished the chairman

"Why not?" retorted Harry, "that's it isn't it? No matter how much good we did, most parents will assume that we mentored these teens so we could get in their pants. That we used them to fulfill our latent sexual fantasies rather then make sure they were afforded the same stress free education the heterosexual students get at Hogwarts."

"Every student is treated the same at Hogwarts," retorted the chairman

"Bullocks!" exclaimed Harry, "have any of you ever spoken to one of the gay students and asked them what it is like to be threatened, shamed and sometimes embarrassed by being called names like faggot, puff or butt fucker amongst their peers? How can a student concentrate on his studies when he is constantly worried about someone discovering his secret and humiliating him?Have any of you ever considered any of that? And how can you say all things are equal when heterosexual students do not have to experience one iota of the mental abuse these kids get on a daily basis at this school?"

Silence filled the office; perhaps they all were thinking but more then likely they were just stunned by Harry's blatant honesty. When no one had anything to say in their own defense Harry continued.

"When it comes to people who love someone of the same sex it's always about the sex act, isn't it sir? It's not the love but the sex itself? And no one, absolutely no one, ever asks these teens what they want or feel...they don't and politicians and misinformed adults do the thinking for them despite what the teens may need to feel good about themselves and their lives...to hell with love...us puffs don't love we just fuck each other twenty-four hours a day!"

The room erupted with a din of conversations and calls for Potter to be penalized for his far too explicit language were heard again.

"Order...let us have order please," shouted the chairman banging his gavel loudly, "Again, aside from your expletives, the rest of what you said is sadly true, Potter. It's all about what people believe to be unnatural sex and that you all coerced the boys...at least that is what most will assume."

"Amazing, simply amazing," said Harry shaking his head, "people in their ignorance will not even listen to what the teens have to say and will think for them. They will believe the ramblings of Creevey, who we all know will say and do most anything to keep his ass out of Azkaban, before they believe Neville and I or the teens themselves. It's sickening really and that, sir, is what will hurt these boys in the long run if the board does indeed sack us."

The board stared blankly at Harry so he decided he had said enough and sat down folding his arms. Apparently nothing he had to say mattered to this collection of ass kissing board members. Rather then doing what is right for the teens these people, as usual, side with what will be the best course of action politically and monetarily. Harry knew that if students were withdrawn from Hogwarts, tuition money would be lost and the stock holders would have a fit.

The little people in this world never matter, thought Harry gazing angrily at the silent board members, it's all about the rich and the powerful...so long as they are happy the world is good and damn the rest!

"Longbottom, do you have anything to say before we take this to a vote?" asked the chairman breaking the deafening silence in the room

"Just one thing," said Neville standing and clearing his throat, "I agree with everything Harry says and this whole affair is just wrong."

"Very well then, will you two be so kind as to wait in the hall while we vote?"

Both Harry and Neville got up quietly and left McGonagall's office; both were certain that, when someone came out to tell them the news, they both would be without a job and without a home.

Fifteen long minutes later a somber looking Minerva McGonagall emerged, "As I feared you two have been placed on administrative leave."

"Sacked then?" said Harry not surprised

"No not sacked, just on leave."

"Same difference isn't it? Either way we have to leave the school"

"I am afraid so, they asked that you immediately pack your things and quietly leave the school grounds when the students are in the Great Hall for lunch."

"Ok we will go quietly, " said Harry moving past McGonagall and back into the office, "in just one minute"

"Excuse me...excuse me," shouted Harry ending the rumble of conversation in the room, "there's just one more thing I would like to say to you all if you don't mind."

"Well this is highly irregular seeing as how the votes have been cast and the hearing is adjourned...but alright Potter what is it?"

Harry waited until all eyes were on him and then raised his middle finger and told the entire board to "go fuck themselves".

Harry stormed out as the board's secretary made a note of Harry's parting remarks. Neville followed close behind, noticing an uncharacteristic grin on McGonagall's face as he hurried by. Neville's only regret was that it was Harry, not he, that told the board of homophobes to piss off.

As they walked towards Harry's quarters, Neville finally decided to break the silence. Harry, so enraged by what the board had to say, had forgotten Neville was a few paces behind him.

"I just realized that today is Friday the 13th, Harry," called out Neville stopping Harry in his tracks

"That figures...the day is going just swimmingly isn't it? And it's not even noon yet. Listen I am going to gather my things and you should do the same. I will meet you at the castle entrance when the students are all at lunch...we can go to Ron's flat so we can figure out what we need to do next," replied Harry

"Ok mate I will meet you there...and Harry...thanks for speaking out for both us...I mean you know me and its hard to find my voice..."

"No worries Neville, we are in this together and when it comes right down to it you and I may be all we have left."

Neville smiled a sad smile knowing that, in all reality, Harry was probably right.

Chapter 14- Just Like Family

Harry's first stop after the board meeting was the quarters of Oliver Wood. He explained what had happened and asked that the teens not be told until the next week. Seeing them as he and Neville were leaving the castle would complicate matters so Oliver readily agreed.

"How's Neville taking it all, Harry?" asked Oliver with genuine concern

"As well as can be expected, mate, it wasn't really a surprise for either of us"

"I know and it really is a shame Harry. No worries I will look after the boys. Monday Sam Chang comes back and they are planning a welcome back party."

"If Sam asks for me tell him...tell him I missed him but I had a bad headache over the weekend and Madame Pomfrey said I needed a lay down and to take a few days off," said Harry sorely disappointed that he wouldn't be there to welcome Sam Chang back to Hogwarts, "no need in worrying the boys with the truth until after their party...oh and you be careful with the teens Oliver. Neville told me about what happened with the twins...you have to make sure you aren't in the same mess we are done the road."

"Don't worry about me Harry...I have already set boundaries with the teens...just take care of Neville...ok?"

"I will...I promise," swore Harry

"And take care of yourself...you have a nasty habit of worrying about everyone but yourself...mind you it is a good quality but at times it can be self-defeating...you have to look after for your well being while you care for others...that's the best advice I can give you."

"Thanks Ollie...I will keep that in mind in the coming days."

Oliver gave Harry a hug and wished him well again. Harry left Wood's office quickly before he inadvertently ran into one of the students. He headed for his quarters, packed his things and then called Hedwig over to him. He took out a spare piece of parchment and scrawled a short note:


Just so you know we were put on leave...McGonagall says we were not sacked but it's the same damn thing. Have to leave the castle so I will be using the flat in Hogsmead...might as well since I have paid the majority of the rent for you. Have a safe trip...I know you will enjoy not havng to think about any of us back here at home.

Harry _________

"Take this to the Burrow, to Ron, and then meet me back at Ron's flat in Hogsmead," Harry instructed his owl patting her on the beak

Hedwig gave a couple of hoots indicating she understood and then flew out of Harry's quarters. Not far behind was Harry and soon he exited out of his quarters as well...locking the door for perhaps the very last time.

While the students were at lunch Harry and Neville quietly slipped away from the castle and headed for Hogsmead and Ron's flat. As expected Ron had packed up and went away; clearly he had meant what he said about leaving.

"Where's Weasley?" asked Neville surprised not to see Ron around

"He's gone," replied Harry coldly

"Gone? To where?"

"The Burrow then Romania...seems he thinks running out on me will make my life better and things easier."

"Oh Harry I am so sorry, I know it must hurt."

"It does but you and I need to press on...come here Neville"

Neville got up and walked over to where Harry was standing. He was taken aback when Harry's arms encircled him in a tight hug.

"You know I never really gave you credit a lot of the time but I want to tell you now," said Harry still holding Neville tightly, "you have grown into a fine man and I couldn't survive any of this without you"

Neville smiled at Harry and looked at him in the eyes. Before they both knew it, almost as if something was pushing them closer together, their lips met and the enjoyed their first passionate kiss. After a few minutes a red faced Neville pulled back some when he realized his cock had hardened. With his size there was no hiding it. Harry caught on quick; he had felt its stiffness pressing against his washboard stomach. He reached down and gave it a squeeze.

"Don't be embarrassed mate...I take it as a compliment and we might as not waste it...come on with me," cooed Harry

Neville followed Harry into the bedroom and eventually, after years of wondering what it would be like, they both would experience each other...just the two of them...almost like lovers. But before that was to occur Neville had a question that kept repeating itself in his mind.

"Are you sure you want to do this Harry?" asked Neville failing to undress as quickly as Harry, "what about Ron?"

"What about him?" replied Harry turning to face Neville, "he is the one that ran out on me. It's just you and me now and quite frankly a nice shag will get my mind off of things."

Neville considered what Harry had to say but then another thought troubled him.

"Harry, I hope this doesn't make you upset but I am not sure I want to be used as a substitute Ron...I mean I know it would be Ron you would be doing this with if he was here."

"No it doesn't make me mad," said Harry softly, "in fact I would think the same thing. But Ron isn't here and he really has nothing to do with how I feel about you. I guess I should have told you this long ago Neville. It's true I have been in love with Ron since we were schoolmates but over the last year the way I view you has changed."

"What sort of change?" asked Neville now intrigued

"OK here's the truth," said Harry taking a deep breath, "you know when we were in school you were always the brunt of our jokes...well up until that day at the Ministry when we had the battle in the Department of Mysteries...you were always the introverted clutz to us."

"Admittedly I was a bit awkward early on as a schoolboy," blushed Neville

"Yes, but these days Neville, I have found myself drawn to you more and more. Really it started after our fifth year; that year you showed me that there was more to you then we all gave you credit for. There has always been a harsh side to me...maybe it was some of Voldemort's character that I got when I was a lad and he tried to kill me. But you always seem cool, collected and quite sensible. I admire that and the times when I was totally losing it, it was you that came round to really make sure I was sorted out."

"Someone had to, Harry, the wizarding world needed Harry Potter to be of sound mind."

"That's true, but again when even Ron and Hermione went away...usually when I was angry and pushed them away...you always stuck around and were there for me. I tried pushing you away as well but you would have none of that."

Neville listened attentively and understood what Harry was saying. It was true, Neville could barely count the number of times he had come around and calmed Harry down when both Ron and or Hermione failed to do so. It was not a burden but a pleasure for Neville...helping the person he most admired made him feel good inside.

"I didn't do it because I had to, Harry. I did it because I wanted to."

"And that is why, especially in the past year, you have become just like family to me Neville. I love you like a brother and to be really honest I always wondered what would have happened if it had been you...instead of Ron, that I fell in love with. So don't feel like I am using you as a substitute sex toy for the absent Ron. It's you I want to be with right now...right at this moment...so let's just enjoy the experience. Besides how often, in the past year, have we had the chance to have a mid-afternoon shag?"

Neville believed Harry and allowed him to come closer. Ever so slowly Harry started to undress Neville. He pealed off Neville's shirt and gave each of his perky nipples a gentle kiss. Unbuckling Neville's belt was a bit difficult so Neville lent a hand. Once the belt was unlatched Harry sunk down on his knees and removed Neville's pants. Gently he nibbled at the length of Neville's swollen cock in his boxer briefs.

With his teeth Harry removed Neville's briefs as his huge cock sprang upwards. Harry grabbed a hold of it and slid the foreskin back and licked up the sticky sweet precum. He grabbed hold of Neville's oversized balls and squeezed them gently in his hand. His other hand was marveling at the softness of the patch of dark brown pubes that formed a good sized triangle above Neville's cock. Harry stood up and eased Neville over to the bed and then took a moment to look at him laying their naked and fully erect. The patch of pubes was the only body hair on Neville...Harry liked that...it gave Neville that boyish look albeit having a man-sized cock.

"How big is that thing? I am sure you have told me but I forget," asked Harry pointing at Neville's erection

"About nine...nine and half inches when it gets really turned on," said Neville languidly stroking his cock

"Well then it's my job to make sure it `gets really turned on' then!" smiled Harry joining Neville on the bed

Again they embraced and this time allowed both their tongues to explore each other's mouths. After what seemed like hours they broke apart and then Harry moved around on the bed. Harry's hard cock dangled in front of Neville's waiting lips as Harry engulfed Neville's precum oozing cock. Neville followed suit and took Harry's all the way down to the bushy pubes that tickled his nose.

Neville took the liberty of reaching around and feeling the firmness of Harry's fuzzy ass. He worked his way into the crack and eased a finger in Harry's hole. Harry let Neville do that for a bit, but then pulled off Neville's cock.

"Neville...I don't want to fuck...not yet...I want to wait and see where this may go and save it for then."

"Then?" asked Neville confused

"Then...means when and if it turns out we love each other more then brothers...if that happens I want it to not just be a fuck but making love."

"Ah, I see...that's sweet Harry...I am fine with oral...grandmother always said I had an oral fixation...always putting something in my mouth when I was a babe!"

"I must say that you have become...quite proficient...at all things oral," purred Harry as he felt his cock slip back into Neville's warm mouth

Maybe it was the intensity of the day or the fact that both of them had not had proper sex for at least two weeks with their respective partners...whatever it was the emotion and the feeling drove them into a frenzied sucking session. Each one was pumping their cock into the others mouth with speed and force. As the two of them bucked their hips and fed each other their hardons the old bed squeaked loudly.

Finally Harry signaled that he was ready to cum and Neville indicated he was ready as well. The pumping increased and soon they both were shooting their loads into each other's mouths. When they were completely spent Harry spun around to face Neville.

Neville had to laugh because the cum, like lipstick on Harry's mouth and chin, was glistening like icing on a cake. If any one could see the great Harry Potter with cum running down his face they would probably have a heart attack from the shock, thought Neville.

"There now...we each have a part of each other inside us!" said Harry gently stroking Neville's hair

They both laughed loudly and collapsed in each other's arms. After another long kiss Harry looked directly at Neville.

"Any regrets?" asked Harry

"Just one really, " said Neville with a serious look on his face, "that we hadn't done this sooner. I feel comfortable and safe with you Harry and I like that a lot."

"I feel the same way Neville and who knows...I heard that one usually goes through several lovers before they finally find their soulmate."

"I've heard that as well...if indeed that is true for us one thing is certain."

"What's that?"

"Neither of us will forget each other's birthdays since they are on the same day...no argumeents about one of us missing that day," laughed Neviile reaching over to hug Harry close again.

They eventually fell asleep that way, leaving the cares of the day behind, safe in each other's embrace...at least for today.

Chapter 15- Bad Luck For Bullies

Alan Keyes, Patrick Donnelly and Rafael Ortega waited in one of the musty alcoves that were all over the dungeon area of the castle. For the life of them they could not understand why the Potion's class had never been moved to another part of the castle that wasn't so musty and dreary.

Normally students wouldn't hover around in the hallways; the dirty musty smell was putrid and most hurried into the Potion's classroom to avoid the stench in the hall. Not that the Potion's classroom was much better but at least the smell of whatever Professor Trickle was brewing was an improvement over the horrible smells in the hall.

But today the three sixth years were there for a good reason. Today was the day they would hopefully teach the two bullies, that had nearly raped third year student Michael O'Toole days ago, a lesson they would never forget. Rafael, since he was the smallest of the three sixth years, was armed with the SneakCam Lonnie Livingston had lent him. It was difficult fitting all three teens under one invisibility cloak but they managed. Thankfully it was extra large...apparently designed for a portly adult...so they all were able to fit.

Michael O'Toole was standing in the hallway, visible to anyone who came around. Leaning against the wall he nonchalantly read a Witch Broom magazine. Patiently they all waited in the hopes that the two mystery bullies would come round.

After another ten minutes Patrick noticed two figures coming down the shadowy hallway. Conveniently they stopped to have a whispered chat right in front of the alcove where the three sixth years were hiding.

"That's the puff O'Toole, isn't?" whispered the first boy

"Yeah that's him," confirmed the second boy

Patrick was frustrated; while it was a lucky break that they were overhearing this conversation the two boys were just beyond the sight line of the three sixth years...they couldn't see the faces at all. They didn't want to risk moving about lest they be caught. So they listened and hoped the plan was going to work. Patrick was certain he had heard those voices before but wasn't sure where he had heard them.

"My nuts hurt for three days after that git crushed 'em and got away"

"Yeah, mine too...I say we give him a little payback."

"Yes, let's see if we can make him do it right this time...hope he pre-greased up his ass."

Patrick heard one of the two voices whisper the incantation that produces a black mask that covers the person's entire face and then footsteps heading back down the hall. As the two mystery figures headed toward Michael the three cloaked sixth years went into the storage closet that was just past the alcove. They made sure to leave the door ajar, certain that the bullies would force Michael back into the closet like they did the last time.

Rafael came out from under the cloak and crawled up on the highest shelf and pointed the SneakCam at where he hoped that the bullies would be standing. He was able to lay down on the shelf, only visible if one craned their necks upwards and were purposely looking there.

No sooner did Rafael get settled and still then Michael came through the doorway with the two masked figures behind him. One of the two closed and latched the door and then whispered "Secludio" which rendered the room soundproof.

"Nice to see you again, cocksucker," said the taller of the two masked boys in a gruff tone, "we haven't forgotten how you nearly twisted our nuts off the other day."

"Yeah and we thought that it would be nice if you made it up to us"

"Sorry bout that," offered Michael playing along, "I guess I just panicked"

"Well we will forgive you, provided that you do what you are told today," said the taller boy

"Alright then, what do you want?" asked Michael flatly

"How about you start apologizing to our nuts? Kneel down puff boy and maybe we won't beat your ass when we are finished here"

Both of the masked figures quickly undid their belts and pulled down their boxers revealing their half hard cocks and low hanging balls. Rafael, meanwhile was looking at the Sneakcam as it silently snapped pictures. It was Michael's turn to put his part of the plan into action, he held his breath for a moment and hoped they would believe what he was about to say.

"Listen I will let you two do whatever you want with me, in fact we can make this a regular thing...my way of making up for what I did the last time," started Michael, "only thing is that when I was 8 I was raped by a man in a mask...that might have been what made me panic last time...could you take those masks off and then I will feel more at ease and able to do whatever you want?"

The two boys considered this for a moment. Michael smiled to himself; Patrick was right it seemed. The two bullies may be buying the made up story Michael just told him.

"You want to see us so you can tell a teacher...ya aint fooling me," said one of the masked boys who had blond pubic hair

"Yeah," agreed the smaller of the two who had a small triangle of black pubes, "but if he did do that then he would be telling on himself. We could say he propositioned us."

"That's right," piped in Michael, "if I tell on you then my secret is out and I definitely don't want that any more then you two do."

The one with blond pubes considered it for a moment looking, through the eyeholes of his mask, at the boy with black pubes. After an inordinate amount of thinking time passed he responded.

"So you are saying you will do whatever we want you to do with us if we take off the masks?"

These people are really stupid, that's what I said you gits, thought Michael as he shook his head in the affirmative.

"Alright...but if you tell anyone who we are you are a dead puff...understand?" said the one with blond pubes shaking his fist at Michael's face

"I understand and I promise," replied Michael as sincerely as he could

Michael watched intently as the two said the counter-charm that removed their masks. Patrick nearly let out an audible gasp, which would have given him and Alan Keyes away, when he saw who the two were. Standing there, unmasked with their pants and boxers around their knees, were two fourth year Slytherins that Patrick new well.

The blond haired boy was none other then Todd Hamilton, the burly Beater for the Slytherin Quidditch team. The other was Gabriel Rivera, who was known as "Hamilton's shadow" amongst the students that made up Slytherin House. Both were notorious for making inappropriate suggestions and passes at a good number of the female students. In fact, once last year, they were caught trying to sneak into the girls shower room. Everyone assumed that they were heterosexual and fond of nearly every female that had a heartbeat.

As is usually the case with homophobes, these two always made a big deal out of being straight arrows and would brag about sexual conquests with girls that most brushed off as total bullshit. Patrick had been right in his assumption that the two culprits would be people like this. He smiled to himself as he recalled how, just over a year ago, he was the same sort of foul git these two are now. If it weren't for Professor Potter catching him being a bully then perhaps he would be in league with the two boys before him.

People just don't get it, thought Patrick as he surveyed his two fellow Slytherins, how much good Professors Potter and Longbottom did for us teens.

In a year's time Patrick had become comfortable with his sexual orientation and through the support of the others, that were in their small circle, he felt less alone in the world. Still he wasn't ready to announce to the world that he was gay, but at least he didn't have to hide behind a skirt and corner suspected puff boys in a closet like these two fellow Slytherin teens.

Potter had made a difference in his life and in the lives of the other boys. It was a shame, thought Patrick, that the adults in the Ministry and on the board of the school couldn't see that and accept it as a good thing overall.

Michael dared to speak again, putting phase two of the plan in motion, "OK that's better and I feel more at ease. Why don't you two jack each other off so you are good and hard when I suck you and you fuck me."

Both Todd and Gabriel smirked at each other. This was better then they had expected, the puff was willingly going to be their sex slave. Lust took over where sensibility left off and Todd reached over and grabbed hold of Gabriel's fat uncut cock. Gabriel reached over as well and grasped hold of Todd's slightly longer yet thinner uncut cock.

This act of mutual masturbation was not foreign to these two. For a year now they had "helped each other out". It had started a year ago when Todd had cornered Gabriel, the same way he was cornering Michael today. Todd, deep in his closet since he first could cum at age 12, suspected that Gabriel was a puff. Eager to experience male on male sex, he had entrapped Gabriel in this very closet.

After a while the two became close and had decided, since they were in the same house and in the same dorm, to become wank buddies. A month ago Todd had noticed Michael and suggested to Gabriel that they both give Michael the once over. Gabriel readily agreed; happy to be the abuser instead of the abused. So that is why, here in the closet today, the two of them seemed to be so comfortable with jerking off each other's cocks.

Rafael and the SneakCam were not missing a thing. The SneakCam took shot after shot of the two Slytherin boys wanking. Rafael ground his hips into the shelf, watching this from afar gave him a raging hardon but he didn't dare to adjust it. The movement may give him away before the big surprise was sprung on the two unsuspecting Slytherins.

"That's hot," cooed Michael as he watched the two boys wank each other, "I am about ready as well, one of you can fuck my face and the other can fuck my ass...but before we do that I have one more thing I want to ask of you two."

"What's that," asked Todd still slowly stroking Gabriel's meat

"I want you to meet my friends..."

"Well we will be busy after this so I don't think..."

"It won't be after, it will be right now, " said Patrick in a loud voice exposing himself and Alan to the two startled teens, "seems you two have forgotten that today is Friday the 13th...some say it's a bad luck day...it seems it is for you two!"

Mouths agape and hands still on each other's boners the two Slytherins were in absolute shock. The looks on their faces were priceless; Patrick hoped the Sneakcam was working and that Rafael got that picture."

"How'd you get in here?" was all Todd was able to say. Gabriel, who was naturally tan, was getting whiter by the minute.

"Came in before you two...Michael tells me that you two have been bullying him into doing sex stuff without his consent and it appears he wasn't lying," said Patrick with authority

"Yeah well he says that...but there aint no way you can prove it, can you?" replied Todd cockily

"It'll be your word against ours, " added Gabriel

Patrick and Alan let out a hearty laugh which silenced the two Slytherins who seemed to have forgotten to let each other's cocks loose. Their bravado was lost; its hard to be the tough guy with a boner in your right hand...especially if it is someone elses, thought Patrick. They both still were gripping each other; apparently total frozen in a state of utter disbelief.

"Raffy come on down and bring the cam," called out Patrick to the shelf above

Finally Tood and Gabriel released each others softening cocks and looked at each other; fear was obviously coursing through the minds of the two boys that, minutes earlier, were the ones trying to instill fear on Michael.

Rafael eased himself down from the high shelf and smiled at the two Slytherins, who's cocks deflated the rest of the way, as they once again stood there open mouthed. Raffy handed Patrick the SneakCam and then looked on as Patrick reviewed the pictures. He found one good pic of the two Slytherins stroking each other's cocks and held it up so they could see.

"Seems we can prove some things boys...what do ya think?"

"What are you going to do with that?" asked Todd in a fearful tone

"Depends really on what is decided here today. Let me put it to you like this. The tables are turned boys...you have a choice to make. Either you do everything Michael tells you to do today and then swear an unbreakable oath that you will never treat him or any other boy you think is gay as you have him or we will print out this lovely picture, blow it up to poster size and post it in every boy's loo in the school...I'll give you two a minute to talk it over."

In didn't take long to get a response. Todd and Gabriel whispered in each other's ears; obvious looks of terror still on their faces.

"Alright...alright we will do what you want...just destroy those pictures...if anyone finds out the we are..." Todd stopped himself in mid-sentence

"Finds out that you two are indeed gay yourselves...was that it?" finished Alan

"Er...well yes, but no one can know what Gabriel and I have been doing..."

"Why are you telling them that?" interjected Gabriel annoyed and alarmed

"You two are lovers then? Sneak off at night to have a little bit of sexual relief?" asked Patrick with a grin

"Yes...yes...well...no not really lovers...buddies that help each other out," said Todd defensively

"Same difference really," said Patrick coldly, "you see just over a year ago I was just like you two. I was so afraid of people finding out that I was gay that I did everything and anything to make sure my secret was safe. I fucked girls....I bragged about it endlessly...I even did what you tried to do to Michael to cover up my reality and my truth...you two really remind me of the old me."

"It's just that my family would kill me...and I have a reputation at school...if anyone knew...if anyone figured it out then my life would be destroyed," explained Tood nearly close to tears

Patrick listened to Todd and noticed the change in the boy's tone. He was telling the truth now. For the first time in their lives Gabriel and Todd, to a greater extent, were actually talking about their reality openly with another peer. Again Patrick recalled the feeling he had, at the time, when he finally spilled his secrets to Professor Potter. It was a feeling of relief; the big, deep, dark secret that had been begging to come out for years was finally released into the open. Patrick was sure the two boys, especially Todd, were feeling as if a huge weight was lifted off their shoulders.

While he empathized with the two Slytherins Patrick wasn't ready to let them off the hook completely. There was no way he was going to let them off scot-free without a lesson in humility; the same sort of lesson Patrick had to learn.

"So now that you know," said Todd breaking the silence, "what is it you want us to do?"

"It's up to Michael really," offered Patrick, "it's your ballgame Mike...tell `em what ya want to see"

Michael rubbed his chin as if he were in deep thought. In reality he didn't have to think at all. Long before today, he knew exactly what he would make these two do, given the opportunity. The best part was that in the room, amongst his friends, were the two guys that had the biggest cocks out of the bunch- Patrick and Alan.

"First you two kiss...come on now...a nice wet sloppy one...I will tell you when to stop," instructed Michael pointing at Tood and Gabriel

Todd and Gabriel moved slowly towards each other, eyes locking on each other's they paused. Throwing caution to the wind, Todd grabbed the back of Gabriel's head and pushed him closer. Truth be told Todd had jerked off many times thinking about what it may be like to kiss his friend's soft and supple lips. Their mouths met and they kissed open-mouthed until Michael ordered them to stop.

The kissing had reawakened their softened cocks, which were now standing up proudly out of their patches of pubes. Meanwhile Alan and Patrick pulled down their pants and were stroking each other's cocks into full erections. Likewise Rafael came up behind Michael grinding his engorged cock into the boy's soft and pliant ass.

"Ok next comes the fun bit," said Michael who also had his cock out and was stroking it slowly, "Todd you get on your knees in front of Patrick and Gabriel you get in front of Alan and suck their dicks."

"I dunno if I can fit it in my mouth, " protested Gabriel

"I have and I am certain you can," replied Michael giving Alan a wink

Michael and Raffy moved around to watch as the two Slytherins did their best to suck off Alan and Patrick. When they became accustomed to the older boy's girths they looked as if they were enjoying having their mouths fucked by the two monster cocks. Both were stroking their hardons as they sucked on thetwo older teens.

"My lips are getting numb," complained Gabriel pulling off Alan's cock, "I heard that black blokes were hung but I never thought that it could be this long and thick."

"Just think of it as a big, yummy chocolate bar filled with sweet cream, mate," said Alan pushing Gabriel's head back down on his nine inch uncut cock

After a few more minutes of watching the two bullies blowing his mates Michael was ready to give another order.

"Ok right...seems you two have mastered that task...how about we let them do what they probably wanted to do all along with each other?" asked Michael to his friends, "I want you two to sixty-nine and suck each other now."

"Great idea Michael...I bet they have been waiting for one or the other to pluck up enough courage to do that for a long time...get to it boys," added Patrick returning his hand to Alan's cock

Without hesitation Todd and Gabriel laid down on the floor and got into position. In no time they were sucking each other like pros; finally fulfilling a fantasy that they both had for a long time but never dared to reveal to each other.

Once the two Slytherins were lost in their oral pleasure Michael went over to Alan and went down on him. Rafael, not wanting to be left out, went down on Patrick. They sound of sucking and slurping filled the room. Patrick's cock swelled harder in Michael's mouth as he watched the two Slyherins sixty-nine. They were really getting into it; as each pumped their cocks into each other's mouth's they explored each other's asses. Todd dared to slip a finger into Gabriel's tight hole. When he didn't protest he tried two fingers which apparently Gabriel liked because he pushed his ass against his friends hand.

Patrick noticed that and smiled to himself. The last task Michael would give these two would work like a charm. He continued to face fuck Michael as Alan did the same with Rafael until he felt like he was close to cumming. Not wanting to shoot until the grand finale, Patrick pushed Michael off of his cock and picked up the jar of lubricant he had set out on the shelf. He waved it in front of Michael's face reminding him that there was one more thing he needed to make Todd and Gabriel do.

"Ok everyone stop...time for the final bit," said Michael waving the jar of lube in the air, "time for you two to consummate your relationship...who is going to fuck who?"

"Wait a minute...I don't mind sucking but I aint going to let anyone fuck me," protested Todd

Before Michael could respond Gabriel surprised everyone in the room.

"You can fuck me Todd...I've jerked off a lot thinking about you doing it to me...in fact I took a bog roll, a few pens and wrapped them in a condom and have been shoving it up my ass, pretending it was you, for months now when I jack off."

"Are you serious?" questioned Todd seemingly forgetting that other's were in the room, "from what you always told me I thought you just liked us wanking and anything else would be too puff-like."

"I did, but that was then and this is now," said Gabriel squeezing Todd's still rock hard six incher, "seems that today was a lucky day after all...at least in this room our secrets finally came out of hiding and will stay between us...and the rest of you assuming you guys will keep your word."

"You keep yours and we swear no one, who would not understand, will ever hear about this," promised Patrick

"Ok then, give me that, " said Gabriel reaching out to take the lube from Michael

The others watched as Gabriel greased up his nearly hairless hole and got on top of Todd.

"Better safe then sorry boys," said Patrick throwing a condom at Todd

Todd opened the condom and slid it on his cock. Like a pro Gabriel set about sitting down on Todd's throbbing cock. Down and down he went until only Todd's balls were visible. Gabriel purred as he let the feeling of his friend's cock in his ass course through his body. Todd's face showed shear ecstasy and he hardly could believe how warm and tight his buddies hole was.

"Wow this is way better then pussy...much tighter..." said Tood breathlessly as he pumped his cock slowly in and out of his "buddy's" ass.

"I knew you would like it," smiled Patrick, "andyour cock won't smell like it was dipped in dead salmon when you finish up!"

All the boys laughed and then quietly focused on the action before them.

Gabriel began bouncing up and down on Todd's cock; his own hardon bouncing up and down as he impaled himself faster and faster. The rest of the teens laid down around them stroking their cocks as they watched Todd jerk Gabriel's cock as his friend's ass jerked on his. Gabriel could feel the curve of Todd's dick hitting his prostate and announced that it wouldn't be long before he shot his load.

Todd increased the force and the speed of his pumping, slamming his cock into Gabriel's ass until finally shot after shot of Gabriel's sticky white cum flew onto Todd's chest. The look of shear joy on his friend's face and the squeezing of Gabriel's hole on his cock sent Todd over the edge and he unloaded into the condom...his dick still buried deep in his friend's ass.

The sight of all that made the others cum nearly all at the same time. Todd was coated with cum and soon Gabriel was as well as he leaned down to kiss Todd again.

"Maybe we should try being lovers," said Gabriel dreamily

"I think we have already," replied Todd pulling Gabriel back down for another long kiss

"Ah nothing like young love, eh mates?" grinned Patrick, "you love birds and the rest of us better have a clean up before someone comes round and catches us...the Secludio charm only lasts for an hour, you know"

When all were cleaned up and dressed Patrick made the two Slytherins swear an unbreakable oath and then sent them on their way.

"Think we should let those two into the group?" asked Alan as they were preparing to exit the closet

"Maybe...let's wait and see...we'll do this again just to make sure they are really one of us," advised Patrick turning to look at Michael, "feel better mate?"

"Loads better...thank you so much you guys...I love you all like you are my brothers," beamed Michael giving each of the three sixth years a bear hug.

They all went their separate ways and headed back to their common rooms. On the way back to his Patrick ran into Mark Mungo-Marsh who was reading a letter.

"When you finish up I have a hot story to tell you," winked Patrick, "good news I hope...I always worry when I get an owl."

"Yeah...it's from my uncle," said Mark who seemed a bit distracted

"Right then...I will leave you to reading and will catch you in a bit."

Mark nodded and then re-read the letter from his "uncle" Freddie:


Hi Mark,

Just wondering if you forgot about our little arrangement. Haven't heard back from you yet and I really do need the information as quickly as possible. I know I can count on you to respond without delay.

Uncle Freddie ...

Mark crumpled up the parchment and cursed to no one in particular. He couldn't stall any longer. He had to send his uncle a reply, he just had to decide what he would write and if a new broom was really worth betraying the group of new friends he had recently made.

He couldn't decide right at the moment so he shoved the crumpled parchment in his pants and decided to make his decision, perhaps the next day, after he slept on it.

----------- THAT'S IT FOR PART FIVE- IF YOU HAVE IDEAS FOR THE NEXT PART FEEL FREE TO WRITE ME AT: 1hungyungun@gmail.com -----------

ENDNOTE- For those who may be wondering what a bog roll is...in the UK that is what they call the cardboard thingy that toilet paper is wrapped around!...cheers!


1st year: Nicky Lang , Mark Mungo-Marsh

3rd year: Michael O'Toole, Martin Mackey

4th year: Lonnie Livingston, Marcus Long, Eric Lynn

5th year: Ian and Issac Isley, Sam Chang, Stevie Millsack,

6th year: Alan Keyes, Patrick Donnelly, Rafael Ortega

7th year: Thomas Greer, Andrew Kelley, Earl Craig -----------

Next: Chapter 6

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