Harry and the Politics of Romance

By Ben Meova

Published on Jun 5, 2007


Harry and the Politics of Romance

A fantasy tribute by Ben Meova

Disclaimer: This story falls under the category of fan fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the characters in the original story by JK Rowling. The plot is pure fantasy that came solely out of the mind of the author. The events described herein never happened in this or any other universe. This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

Beyond that the rest is total fantasy and fiction. This story does involve sexual situations between people that may be minors in your state or country. If sex bothers you, especially sex between mid-teen boys or adults witnessing teen sex, you may want to go elsewhere.

Author's Note:

This story is the continuation of my first story on Nifty- "Harry and the Closet of Secrets". If you haven't read that one yet, you may want to read that one first. Otherwise many of the situations in this, Harry's second year as a Hogwarts teacher, may not make sense.

One of the readers correctly pointed out that in the UK it is called "futbal" not "soccer". I decided to just call the sport soccer for those who may not be aware of the difference. It would be odd if Wood was coaching American football...so when I write the word "soccer" it means the UK sport of futbal!

Comments and story suggestions are welcomed and can be sent to 1hungyungun@gmail.com

Harry and the Politics of Romance Part Two

Chapter 4- Manipulating Mungo

The editor's office of the Daily Prophet contained three people, all of whom were tense at the moment. The trouble was that The Quibbler had out scooped them with the Creevey/Potter story. While their story had a lot of supposition The Quibbler was able to get direct quotes from those closest to Potter. Sales for The Quibbler were outdoing those of the Daily Prophet and no one, from the CEO to the copy boy, liked that one bit.

"We need an inroad to Creevey...that's exactly what we need," said the Editor-In-Chief scratching his goatee, "we need to have access to him, but the question is how"

"I know, that has been a problem, sir," offered Andy Anderson, one of the Prophet's top investigative reporters, "the Ministry keeps denying access to Creevey and we cannot get near him. If he were in the regular pysch ward at the hospital that would be no problem but he is under Ministry guard- twenty four seven and even the St. Mungos Healer's are not allowed to discuss Creevey with the press."

"I am aware of that, Andy," said the nonplussed Editor-In-Chief. He already knew all that and he was becoming extremely frustrated by the fact that no one in his office was coming up with a solution.

"If I might, sir," asked Janet Wilkes, a cub reporter that had been assigned to shadow the more experienced Anderson, "I may have an idea on how to get to Creevey. My brother works as a Healer at St. Mungos in the Creature Induced Injuries section. He has been trying to transfer into the pysch wards but can't until his official certification is sent. He took the exams weeks ago but he is still waiting. If you could pull some strings and get him transferred to the prison ward I bet he would gather some information for us."

"An interesting idea, indeed," considered the Editor, "but he would have to be written in as a confidential source. I am worried that he would be linked immediately to you Janet and that will look bad for us."

"Not to worry, sir, remember Wilkes is my pen name; it actually is my mother's maiden name. His name is Elliot Edwards so there is no way he would be connected to me. He is the quiet sort and really doesn't talk about family in the workplace. I know that he dislikes Potter. While he was glad Voldemort was destroyed he thought that we...well the press in general...made too much out of Potter. He had said, at the time, that it was more like `hero worship' rather then appreciation for a job well done. I am certain he would help us get to the bottom of the Potter/Creevey story. He will especially help if he thinks we are doing this to protect those kids from pedophiles."

"Well in a way we are but we have other interests. It's up to the Ministry to do that. We have to protect our investors and not let The Quibbler steal our subscriptions," advised the Editor-In-Chief firmly, " so we need to move fast and get an exclusive, earth-shattering piece out soon that can be backed up by facts this time."

He raised his voice slightly and stared directly at Anderson who wrote the last speculative piece that didn't really have a lot of confirmed sources that were reliable.

"I get it, sir, we want facts and a way to back them up," said Anderson placating his Editor

"Yes, we do so I will make a call to my friend on St. Mungos board and we will get this underway. Meanwhile you two get some more background info on Creevey and Longbottom. I will expect it on my desk tomorrow morning...now get to it."

Anderson and Wilkes got up and left the office.

"He's a demanding git isn't he?" asked Wilkes as they headed for their desks

"Yes, but he has a lot of connections, Janet, and when Frederick J. Hamilton wants a favor he gets it. So you had better go see your brother fast and let him know that he is about to be a Healer on the locked down ward at St. Mungos."

"I'll go see him now then while you, I assume, will be gathering that background information"

"Sounds like a plan!"

The Editor-In-Chief of the Daily Prophet, the esteemed wizard Frederick J. Hamilton had started as a copy boy with the Daily Prophet nearly forty years ago and had worked his way up through the ranks. Along the way he had successfully climbed up the political and social ladder so it was no surprise to anyone that he had people in high places that he could count on in a pinch. He was a good editor and most all that worked for the DP respected him. Yes, he was hard on his reporters but what they sometimes didn't realize was that Frederick had investors and the Board of Directors breathing down his neck and threatening his job.

As people became more aware in the wizarding world they searched for alternative sources of news. The main source was the annoyingly liberal and accurate Quibbler. That paper was now taking at least 30% of the daily Prophet's subscribers. Profits were down by 10% the past month and Hamilton had gotten an earful from the Board and the investors.

Most everyone that worked in the press knew that the bottom line was not reporting the news to inform the populace. It was a business and like all business ventures it can only survive if it makes a profit. The Daily Prophet was losing subscribers, and thereby, losing money by the day and the big wigs at the paper made it clear that Hamilton was to fix that...quickly...or else lose his cushy job as Editor-In-Chief.

So he needed a front-page exclusive scoop that would knock that goddamn daily- The Quibbler off it's high horse bringing readers back to the Daily Prophet.

The exclusive with Colin Creevey and some real dirt on Harry Potter may be just thing to bring that into fruition.


Colin stirred in his bed as he faintly heard a voice calling to him. Damn, he thought as he rolled over and saw the face of yet another Healer in his room, it's time for them to dope me up a little bit more.

Ever since he had been arrested and locked down in St. Mungo's prison pysch ward he had been fed a steady diet of sedatives. When he had first been taken into custody he had been fighting and acted quite mad indeed. So the Healer's, at the Ministry's request no doubt, had been keeping him sedated.

In his mind there was no real reason for him to be in the psych ward; he had done what he did because it was justified. But to avoid being sent directly to Azkaban he feigned memory loss and was deemed, by the Wizengamot Court, unable to defend himself in a court of law. So he was sent to St. Mungos.

Lying in a comfortable hospital bed was certainly a better option then sitting in the dank and dusty cells of Azkaban Prison for sure. So he put up with the sedatives and played the game so he could stay in the comforts of St. Mungos.

"Mister Creevey...Mister Creevey...please wake up it is time for your medicine," called one of the less then attractive female Healer's on the ward

"Are you talking to me?" asked Colin groggily; again pretending he didn't know who he was

"Yes, remember, you are Colin Creevey. You are at St. Mungos because you apparently lost your mind and memory when you..." the Healer caught herself.

She wasn't allowed to talk about what Colin was charged with.

The general consensus was that the man had gone insane. Lost in his mad plan to punish his alleged ex-lover Harry Potter he lost his memory. It wasn't due to a spell, as his lawyer's hired pysch Healer had explained, it was due to the trauma of the events that led up to his `totally justifiable' acts. The Healer had claimed that Colin was distraught over the fact that Potter had left him and the both Potter and Longbottom had secretly formed a group of boys that they used to satisfy their pedophilic tendencies.

Of course the Ministry dismissed this claim as ridiculous; the members of the PP had testified and none claimed any sexually explicit interactions with either Potter or Longbottom so there was simply no proof to the allegations. But the law did say that if a licensed Healer made a diagnosis like this then the person charged had to be housed at St. Mungos instead of Azkaban.

"Remember, sir, you are Colin Creevey and you were a photographer and reporter for the Daily Prophet," continued Healer Smart

"I was?" said Colin acting bewildered

"Yes, you were and I have something for you. It will help you relax."

"Help me relax?" thought Colin, "I couldn't possibly be more relaxed then I already am you silly woman."

To the Healer Colin verbally replied, "Oh, right, you people keep telling me that my name is Colin. I will try to remember that"

"Very good Colin...now swallow this and finish the water to wash it down."

Colin complied and swallowed the sedative. It wasn't all that bad and he kind of liked the feeling the pills gave him. After he finished the glass of water he continued the memory loss act just for good measure.

"What did you say my name was again, miss?" asked Colin making sure to put a puzzled look on his face

"I am Healer Smart...you are Creevey...Colin Creevey...keep repeating it to yourself and rest" smiled Healer Smart as she exited the room past the two Ministry guards

"Poor thing," she said to one of the armed officers, "still has no clue as to who he is...real shame isn't it?"


"Welcome Elizabeth, welcome..." said Frederick J. Hamilton to the well dressed and quite stately looking woman that had apporated into his office, " I am so pleased that you could make the time to see me on such short notice"

"No problem Freddie, you know I always have time for old friends," smiled the woman extending her hand

Elizabeth Mungo-Marsh was the only surviving grand- daughter of the late Marcian H. Mungo or "Saint Mungo" as his friends and admirers had called him. When both Frederick and Elizabeth were kids, and they themselves were students at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, "Saint" Mungo had established the first wizard hospital in the vicinity. Using his own fortune, with nothing solicited from the public, he built the skeleton of what was now the premiere wizard hospital in the whole of the UK.

Because of his selflessness his friends and those who immediately benefited from the man's vision and generosity labeled him "saint" and after his death the hospital was re-named in his honor. Traditionally one of the Mungo children headed the top position on the board and these days it was the desk of Elizabeth Mungo- Marsh where all the bucks stopped. She ran her business affairs like she ran her home thanks, in part, to her weak-kneed husband. Henry Marsh, accepted that she wore the pants in the family. Defying the wishes of his wife may result in losing the comfortable and quite affluent lifestyle he had married into so whatever Elizabeth wanted, Elizabeth got.

Frederick and Elizabeth had been close friends in school and the friendship continued into adulthood. Many at the time, thought they would marry but Elizabeth, had decided to seek out other romantic partners so nothing, like divorce or separation, would ever disrupt the close friendship she and Frederick had. It hurt Frederick at first but he understood eventually accepting her logic and her reasoning at the time. Frederick had never married and most assumed that he was patiently waiting for the day when Elizabeth would come to her senses and marry him.

"While I love seeing you Elizabeth I am afraid I didn't summon you purely for a social call. I have a favor to ask and it has to do with business."

"You know I will do anything, Freddie, especially if it helps you" said Elizabeth with a genuine smile

"Brilliant...well one of my employees has a brother that is a Healer at the hospital. He has been interested in working in both pysch and criminal justice but hasn't managed to get transferred. I was wondering if you could expedite his transfer to the locked down pysch prison ward?"

"Has he gone through the proper channels? I am glad to help the young man, especially if you are giving him a reference, but usually I do not like to go over the heads of the staff."

"I believe he has" replied Frederick looking away

He hated not telling Elizabeth the whole truth but in this case the anonymity of Healer Edwards was paramount. If anyone even suspected that the Editor-In-Chief of the DP engineered his promotion to the locked ward to gather information for an earth shattering story, the story itself may lose credibility. That would translate into more profit loss and more people subscribing to their competitor. So as much as he hated to, he kept the whole story away from his old mate.

"He has run into a stumbling block since his certification for pysch is still pending the examination results," continued Hamilton, "I thought perhaps you could tell the staff to move him there anyhow, as perhaps an intern, until his certification comes through."

Elizabeth sat quiet for a few moments and considered it. Frederick was sure the answer would be yes; as tough and head strong as Elizabeth was in public she was like jelly in Freddie's hands and he knew it.

"Consider it done, Freddie. I see it is real important to you so I will issue a directive to the staff. He will be transferred today, but you have to do something for me..." Elizabeth let the last bit hang in the air

"Oh and what may that be, my dear?"

"Join Henry and me for dinner tomorrow evening" smiled Elizabeth

"Consider that done...how does 7pm sound to you?"

"That will be fine and bring a big appetite!"

"I will, oh and I almost forgot, forgive me...how is Mark doing with his first year at Hogwarts?"

"He just loves it Freddie and we are quite proud really. His grades are top notch and he is enjoying the new mates he has met in Slytherin House."

"Excellent! So then I will see you at seven sharp...perhaps you can see if the boy can come home and join us since it is a Friday and the weekend will afford him some time off...I would love to hear more about how he is getting on at the school."

"That is so sweet, Freddie and Mark does love you like an uncle so I am sure he would be thrilled to see you again. That settles it, I will go directly to the school after this. I am sure Minerva McGonagall will have no problem with him coming home for the weekend."

"That sounds marvelous Elizabeth...so until then, my dear" Frederick replied as he got up and gave Elizabeth a peck on the cheek.

She blushed and turned to leave out of the office.

Frederick had forgotten that Elizabeth and Henry's only child, one that came as a surprise to them both twelve and a half years ago, had started at Hogwarts. Mark Mungo-Marsh was the splitting image of Elizabeth; the only difference was the masculine features that clearly identified him as a newly pubescent male. He started Hogwarts a year late since his mum and dad...for business purposes...had him living in the United States for most of his eleventh year on earth.

Frederick was always "Uncle Freddie" to Mark and Elizabeth loved it when he spent time with the boy. Henry Marsh had never intended to be a father; he never really liked kids so he had just put up with the "little monster" for the sake of pleasing his wife. Elizabeth knew this and she was greatful when Frederick offered to spend time with the boy.

Mark, now that he is at Hogwarts, may come in handy as well, thought Frederick as he leaned back in his oversized desk chair thinking about the spread that would be layed out at the Elizabeth Mungo-Marsh mansion tomorrow evening.

Chapter 5- Match Of The Day

Appearances were everything to Oliver Wood and when he had been asked to act as the new advisor to the PP they became even more important. Thus far the first covert meeting of the PP was a success. Anyone passing the clearing that sat east of Hagrid's hut would have just observed a group of teenage boys kicking around a soccer ball.

Since they were using soccer matches as a cover for the PP meetings Wood decided to take it seriously and was putting the boys through multiple drills like a real soccer team. He had even gone out and bought the boys matching shorts and tee shirts so they looked like a team.

Prior to the practice Wood went through the locker room with a fine tuned comb and made sure there were no traps, no spy cameras or other sneaky bits that may expose the meeting that would go on in there after the "soccer" practice.

"Alright boys, that should do it for today...everyone back to the lockers," called Wood to the obviously exhausted boys

The PP members gathered the balls and the other equipment and trudged towards the castle and the athletic building. Once inside the locker room the boys sat down on the benches waiting for Coach Wood to speak to them. Although they were tired many of them were anxiously waiting for this meeting; they hadn't received an update on Sam's progress and they hoped that, following the meeting, they all could have some of the old fun they used to have together.

Oliver came out of his office looking absolutely studly in his soccer coach outfit. No doubt it made a couple of the soccer weary boys' pop half hardons. They liked having Coach Wood as their advisor because he was so damn good to look at. Oliver stood amongst the boys and gave them a big smile.

"Well did you all enjoy the practice?" asked Wood

"Yes, sir!" they all said in unison

"I have to tell you boys, I was really impressed. I think that we may actually have a decent team that can make some Hogwarts history, but enough of that. All of you know that we had a practice for two reasons. The first was to see if we could really form a soccer team here at Hogwarts. The second is because we needed a cover for the PP meeting. Because of the stories, primarily in the Daily Prophet, Professors Potter and Longbottom cannot be with us. But I will be filling them in later today. I believe Marcus Long has something to say to you all"

"Yes, sir I do," said Marcus getting to his feet, "we have two new members here as you have noticed... Michael O'Toole and Martin Mackey both know what the group is all about and let me tell you, from personal experience, I know they fit in...so let's welcome Michael and Martin!"

All the boys clapped enthusiastically and smiled at the two third years that had been spying on Oliver Wood in the showers.

Earlier in the week Marcus Long and Eric Lynn, as per the request of Coach Wood, made friends with Michael O'Toole and Martin Mackey and introduced them to the shack by the lake. The shack that was bewitched with a charm to repell all but the PP members was a favorite "shag place" for the teens. Marcus tested out Michael while Eric took on Martin. When the four boys exited the shack, an hour later and two pounds lighter without all the teencum that exploded out of their balls, Marcus invited the two newest members of the PP to the "soccer match".

"Welcome boys," said Wood smiling brightly, " I am sure Marcus and Eric have filled you in on why this group is a group and why it is imperative to keep everything confidential."

"Yes, sir," said Martin, "we understand and I have to tell you that we both really do appreciate being included. When we got to Hogwarts, two years ago, we thought were the only gay blokes in the school. It's nice to know that we are not alone."

"Fabulous boys and that is one of the main reasons, despite negative things you may have read in the Daily Prophet, this group continues to exist. We have no secrets in the group. Because of the serious nature of what happened before the summer vacation both Professor Potter and Longbottom will be taking a hands off approach with the group. So for appearances sake please address any concerns to me and avoid a private, one on one meetingS with the Professors. The last thing they need is more bad press or speculation."

Marcus and Eric had filled in the two new boys in on the details of the last trip to Harry's island so all of the boys understood why they had to protect Harry and Neville.

"I have a few announcements before I send you all to the showers," continued Oliver, "Sam Chang is doing wonderfully. Professor Potter received an owl from Sam's older sister and Sam is walking with the assistance of a cane! It looks like he will be back at the school next month."

The teens whispered amongst themselves for a minute; all genuinely happy that Sam was walking and coming back to the school. Especially happy was Lonnie Livingston who was smiling from ear to ear. Harry had made it clear to Lonnie that Sam did not blame him , in any shape or form, for what his uncle Colin had done. So their reunion would be a happy one.

"Now I bet you all are wondering about me...why would Potter and Longbottom turn over a select group of gay teens to a straight athletics teacher? Well just know boys that everything in the world isn't always as it appears. Let's just say that I am part of your little family so feel free to be yourselves."

All the boys winked and smiled at each other; apparently they got the gist of what Oliver was trying to say to them.

"I just ask that, again, everything that happens in this locker room, everything that is said stays here," advised Wood as he pulled out his wand, " and in order to make sure there are no slip ups I am going to put a simple charm on you all. If you discuss what happens here with anyone except another member then the word `traitor" will be tattooed on your forehead."

Wood waved his wand at the boys; he hadn't really put a spell on them. The important part was that they thought they were bewitched so hopefully that would keep everyone's lips sealed shut and the PP meetings would remain confidential.

Oliver continued addressing the teens.

"Finally today, I have a mission for some of you. There is a new first year named Nicky Lang who both Professor Potter and Longbottom believe is hinting about joining our group. Your job is to seek him out and see if he is really one of us. You must do it very carefully and let him make all the moves. Chances are he is gay but given the present climate in the wizarding world, with spies and reporters doing all they can to get more dirt on Harry and Neville...I mean Professors Potter and Longbottom...we need to make sure this boy is on the level and not a spy...understood?"

"Yes, sir" the group said in unison again

"I know who he is, " added Issac Isley, "he is a cute bloke...looks like he is 13 instead of 11. Ian and I will sort him out...maybe we'll introduce him to the 'loveshack'!"

"Ok, but remember to let him make the moves...you don't want to send him off into a major homophobic attack if he really isn't a gay boy," advised Alan Keyes, "it would be horrible for you both."

"I totally agree with Alan so mind that you two. Alright then, now that who will sort out Nicky Lang is decided, off to the showers for your cleanup boys. This locker room is locked so you all have privacy. No one that is not a PP member is allowed in here during meetings and shower time...so off you go boys and make sure you clean up all your parts real good," said Wood winking at the boys

All the boys got up and went to their lockers. Oliver couldn't decide whether they were stripping down in front of him because they were comfortable with him or because they were rewarding him with a bird's eye view of their young bodies. The PP members seemed to be purposely taking their time; various conversations were going on between the naked teens with some pulling at their foreskins or balls as they chatted. Oliver didn't waste the opportunity and engaged in casual conversation with a few of the boys as well.

The sight of 15 naked teens standing around the locker room was not lost on Coach Wood. His cock stirred in his gym shorts and made a quite noticeable tent. Realizing this Oliver tried to hide the front of his shorts with his clipboard. After a few more minutes the boys headed into the showers, no doubt anxious to initiate Michael and Martin into the PP group sex scene.

The last to linger at the lockers was Thomas Greer who was having a chat with Oliver about last year's Quidditch World Cup match.

Oliver's mind wasn't really on the World Cup; his eyes were glued to the quite fit and inviting naked 17-year-old body standing next to him with what appeared to be a half-hardon. As the conversation ended Thomas turned around and gave Oliver a view of his tight and shapely ass.

Oliver's cock swelled to full hardness in his shorts. Thomas then turned back to face Wood and started walking towards him. Oliver assumed that he was headed for the showers but that was not the case.

When Thomas was inches away from Oliver he reached around the clipboard and grabbed hold of his coach's hard cock. Oliver stood frozen in shock.

"Yep, it seems you are one of us, aren't you Coach?" said Thomas licking his lips

"Oh sorry bout that...does it sometimes after a workout..." was all Oliver was able to say.

Part of him wanted to push the teen's hand away...after all he was starting a new relationship with Neville...but it felt so damn good and seeing Thomas' cock rise to full hardness out of the patch of dirty blond pubes made Oliver even hornier.

Without warning Thomas pulled down Wood's shorts and went down on his knees. In one felt swoop he took the whole of Coach Wood's cock in his young, yet experienced, mouth. Oliver still felt a twinge of guilt but what the teen was doing felt so damn good. He loved the way the teen's tongue encircled his cock, occasionally licking the head that stuck sheepishly out of his foreskin.

Abandoning guilt Oliver grabbed on to both sides of Thomas' head and started face fucking him. In and out Oliver's cock went into the warm mouth of Thomas Greer. He was amazed that the teen was taking his six and half inches all the way down to the bush of pubes. Obviously he has been doing this for a long time, thought Wood as he started pounding his cock into the teen's mouth.

Thomas reached up under Oliver's shirt and found his pecs. He ran his hand over each one loving its firmness and soon found a protruding nipple that he gently squeezed in between two fingers. That was Oliver's trigger; tit play always helped him explode when he was jerking off. Thomas had to laugh to himself; he had discovered yet another secret about Coach Wood. He felt the tell-tale signs of stubble that indicated that the coach shaved his chest hair. Thomas smiled to himself and took hold of Oliver's fairly hairy balls as his mouth was being filled with the coach's uncut cock.

With five or six more quick and forceful pumps Oliver's cock swelled harder and jerked in Thomas' mouth. Oliver held tightly on to the boy's head when he started to cum, keeping his cock buried in the teen's mouth down to the pubes. Shot after shot of cum coated the back of Thomas' throat until it finally subsided.

Oliver let go of Thomas' head and the teen stood up still sporting a full hardon.

"How about you?" said Oliver pointing to the hardon before him

"Better not sir...better let the other teens handle it or they may ask too many questions...remember you said what happens in the locker room stays here? Well what you just let me do is between us, ok? Please don't say anything to Rafael; we sort of decided we were a couple over the summer break."

"Fine with me and my lips are sealed", promised Oliver

He could work with that; Neville already wasn't too happy with the prospect of Oliver having to pretend dating and possibly fucking a female. He was sure this little surprise would go over like a lead balloon. Oliver had to admit to himself that Harry was right.

A couple of days ago Harry had mentioned that at least nine times out of ten it was the teen that made the sexual advances not the adult as the homophobic straight world usually assumed. Harry had said that most times it was the horny teens that were the aggressors, or to claim a term from the biased media, they were the actual "predators", at times seeking out sex with more experienced adult men.

Certainly that was the case today with Thomas; he had made the moves and the choice to go down on Coach Wood. But if anyone found out about it, despite the fact that 17 was the age at which young wizards were considered to be of age, Oliver would have been accused of somehow making the teen blow him.

"Thanks Thomas...that's was nice of you....I mean....well...thanks...you better go get a cleanup. I am sure Raffy is missing you," stammered Wood who was still blown away by what had just happened with Thomas

"I'll get into the shower then, Coach," smiled Thomas leaving Oliver with a kiss on the cheek

Sure enough when Thomas entered the shower all the boys were engaged in some "shower fun", evidently initiating the two newest members into the group.

"Where have you been?" questioned Rafael Ortega who was stroking his cock as he watched Stevie Millsack feed his stiff dick to Michael O'Toole

"Oh just had to take care of something," winked Thomas who moved around the back of Rafael and began rubbing his hard cock in the crack of his mates ass, "seems you didn't miss me."

"Oh but I did baby...Stevie was just warming me up for you with a bit of a show," replied Rafael leaning back to give his boyfriend a kiss

"Well I certainly am ready and you feel warm enough," said Thomas as he rammed his hard cock up Rafael's tight hole joining in with the rest of the teens in the first shower orgy of the school year.

Later that night Oliver met up with Harry and Neville and reported that the "soccer match" practice went very well. He mentioned that they were looking at a potential new first year player. Both Harry and Neville knew that Wood was talking about Nicky Lang.

Harry went to bed happy, as did Neville. Both glad that the PP still existed and the boys accepted Oliver as their new advisor. The only thing that Neville didn't know was how accepted Oliver was by Thomas Greer. Oliver had chosen to keep that little experience quiet and told Harry and Neville that he let the boys have privacy when they showered and had their inevitable fun.

Harry wasn't as naive as Neville; he knew that it would have been quite the sacrifice for Wood to at least not have a good look at the boys in the locker room. Maybe when the PP met again Harry would pull out the invisibility cloak to see just how well accepted Coach Wood really was.

Chapter 6- Dinner At Seven

Healer Elliot Edwards was a fine looking young man of twenty-one who, unlike his overly ethical sister, would do anything to make an extra buck to supplement the modest salary St. Mungos doled out to him every two weeks. When his sister had seen him earlier in the day and told him that Elizabeth Mungo-Marsh herself was transferring him to the locked down prison ward he couldn't believe his ears.

Like anything in the world there were conditions; in this case he had to try to get some first hand information about what really went on between Harry Potter and his group of select teens from the incarcerated patient Colin Creevey. He readily agreed to help his sister; if there is one thing he had mastered during his twenty-one years on Earth it was the art of manipulation.

So Healer Edwards reported, bright eyed and bushy tailed, for his new assignment in the St. Mungo's locked down pysch ward. As his shift started he manipulated his way into being the primary Healer assigned to Creevey. At seven o'clock dinner for the patients had arrived on the ward and he took it into Colin's room. He told the Ministry Guards that he would be in with Creevey for a little while and they took the opportunity to wander down to the nurses station where the coffee and the single female nurses were readily available.

"Hello Mister Creevey...I am Healer Edwards and I will be taking care of you tonight," said Elliot with a beaming smile

"They change Healers here like I change boxer shorts," said Colin getting a good look at the new male Healer

He certainly is a hell of a lot cuter then Healer Smart, thought Colin as Elliot put the food tray near him. Colin picked at his food but really wasn't in the mood for eating. The damn Healer had come in right when he was in the middle of yet another masturbation session. Really that was the only thing there was to do in his locked-down bare hospital room so Colin had been jerking off at least three or four times a day since he had been locked up.

The sight of the new Healer hadn't helped his horniness dissipate. Healer Elliot Edwards looked hot in his white uniform. Colin could tell that the bloke was quite fit and when Healer Edwards bent over to retrieve something on the floor his ass looked really inviting to the sex starved Colin.

Colin also noticed how the new Healer was looking at him. As Edwards wrote on Colin's chart it was obvious that his eyes were darting over to the tent that Colin's hard cock was making under his thin bed sheet. Elliot had indeed noticed it and he formed a plan in his mind; the perfect time, he reasoned, to get information about sex out of someone was when someone was horny. Obviously his patient was just that judging from the erection that kept moving about under the thin sheet.

When Elliot had spoken to his sister he assured her that he would be able to come up with a way to get Creevey to talk. What he had never told her was that he was gay and would use his charm and his looks to manipulate the truth out of Creevey. Janet was the queen of homophobes and she just wouldn't understand, or put up with for that matter, her younger brother being a queer. So he kept his sexual life private and tus far succesfully hid deep within his own private closet.

Elliot was happy that, on the first night, it seemed as if he could put the plan into motion. It was quite timely and lucky really; Janet's editor had included the promise of a thousand galleon bonus for some real good dirt on Potter and Longbottom and Elliot could really use the cash.

"Looks like that bed is making you a bit stiff Mister Creevey...how about a nice massage?" suggested Healer Edwards who made sure his crotch, with his hardening and quite visible cock, was nearly in Colin's face

Colin caught on quickly and he was excited for sure; it was obvious the Healer had a hardon...at least a good six or seven inches from the way it snaked up the front of the man's tight uniform pants. It had been months since anyone had touched Colin's special parts and now the new Healer, who obviously must be gay himself judging from the boner in his pants, was offering to take care of it.

"Umm...yes that may be therapeutic," said Colin in his sexiest voice playing along with the Healer's apparent inuendo game

"Let's see what part of you is the stiffest," said Elliot looking over the whole of Colin's body

"I think the middle of me is the stiffest, Healer Edwards," said Colin pointing to his crotch

"Yes, it does look like that seems to be needing a bit of attention," smiled Elliot pointing at Colin's hard cock in turn

"Well, yes, but if you do take care of the stiffness won't that put your job at risk if you get caught?"

"I won't get caught, believe me and I would be willing to help you provided you help me out"

"What sort of help do you need?"

Elliot paused for effect and then was ready to begin the prepared speech...well the prepared lie he was about to feed Colin Creevey. Colin, meanwhile, anticipating the best pulled his sheet down to reveal the fact that his was without underwear, revealing his small patch of pubes.

"Well I am mostly straight but I liked to suck dick every once in a while when I was a teen. It's been a long while though and I have a taste for young and smooth boy bodies. Aside from that little patch of blond pubes you still look boyish so I probably could get into you. I usually don't do anything like this; I am too afraid of being labeled a puff but I have to admit you definitely have gotten my attention"

Elliot gave his cock a squeeze, through his pants, for effect.

"Even still I need some inspiration if you know what I mean," continued Elliot, "It's real risky for me to do this for you but if you could tell me a story or two...perhaps one of the things you witnessed when Potter and Longbottom had that boys on that island it may make me horny enough to do something special for you."

Colin considered this for a moment and remembered that the main reason he wasn't in Azkaban was because he had been pretending to have memory loss.

"I don't know if I can remember anything...as it is I have to trust you people when you tell me my name is Colin Creevey..." Colin let his voice trail off

"Understood but let's just say that if you can remember I will suddenly have a memory problem as well and won't note on the chart that you remembered anything," said Elliot thinking quick on his feet

"Could this guy know that I am faking the memory loss?" thought Colin in a panic

Could it be a trap by the Ministry to prove that he didn't really need to be at St. Mungos?

"I know what you are thinking Colin, you are worried that I am trying to get you to admit that you really do not have memory loss for the Ministry," offered Elliot seemingly reading Colin's mind, "Well let me tell you this Colin. I have read what your lawyer's Healer said about your diagnosis. I think it's rubbish myself but I totally understand why you may tend to forget things. Even with the crappy food St. Mungos is a far cry better then Azkaban Prison. I don't work for the Ministry and if the truth be told, I would be doing the same as you if I were in your shoes!"

"Well let's just say I sometimes can remember some things," said Colin. His gut told him that this guy wasn't a Ministry spy. Just a horny Healer that may just give Colin the blowjob he had been craving for the last two months.

Colin's balls did the thinking for him. What the hell, Colin thought to himself, despite what this guy says he is dying to suck my cock and I want a damn blowjob...I'll tell him a good story that will make him cum in his starched white pants!

"Ok, I have a story for you," said Colin verbally to Elliot

"Excellent, let me make sure the guards are still down the hall and then tell all that you can remember," said Elliot squeezing his cock through his pants and looking out the small window in the door. He locked the door and closed the small blinds that covered the window and then turned back to Colin.

"Ok ready...give me your best recollection!" smiled Elliot setting his clipboard on the bedside table and then sitting down on the chair next to Colin's bed.

"Alright, let me think and get more comfortable," smiled Colin pulling off his sheet the rest of the way and exposing his hard cock for Healer Edwards to behold, " I seem to remember a trip to the island where all of the boys were making Potter, Longbottom. Weasley and me do what they told us to do sexually...sort of a master and slave sort of game...I, of course, was forced to participate...I can faintly recall Potter being ordered to go down on..."

All in all Colin had given Elliot exactly what he wanted; a juicy first hand story about one of the secret trips to that island. What Colin didn't know was that during his "recollection of the events" Healer Edwards had turned on the small recording device that was imbedded in his clipboard. After he got the whole story from Creevey he turned it off...he didn't want the rest of what he wanted to do on tape.

"Wow that sounded like a hot time and I am really horny now Colin...see it worked!" said Healer Edwards undoing his pants and exposing his uncut and thick precum soaked cock, "but first you need a little reward for offering up such a juicy tale. I believe we were going to massage your stiffness?"

"Yes, that was the treatment plan I believe," said Colin giving his balls a squeeze

"Well, then I better perform my duties then. After all patient care is primary here at St. Mungo's," replied Elliot as he bent over and took Colin's cock into his mouth

Colin closed his eyes and focused on the sensations that were coursing through his body. Finally a mouth instead of my hand, thought Colin, as he pumped his cock in and out of the new Healer's apparently experienced mouth.

When all was said and done Elliot not only got a first hand story about the sexual goings on of Potter and the boys on his private island, he also got a complete history of Colin and Harry's relationship. Perhaps the best part was that, on the recording, Creevey actually came close to admitting that he was faking the memory loss.

This certainly will please my sister, thought Elliot, but I just have to think of a way to explain how I managed to get the information out of Creevey without outing myself!

He would worry about that when his shift ended; there were still six more hours to go.


As Colin Creevey was getting his first blowjob in months, Daily Prophet Editor-In-Chief Frederick J. Hamilton was having his own oral, orgasmic experience as he savored the creamy richness of the chocolate mousse that was dessert at the Mungo-Marsh estate.

"I must say," said Frederick wiping the last remnants of chocolate mousse from his goatee, "that your chef really outdid himself tonight Elizabeth!"

"Yes, Carlton is a master indeed. That is why we snapped him up immediately and offered him double his the salary he was getting at his old job"

"How about some Brandy, then?" asked Elizabeth's husband Henry

"Marvelous idea," beamed Frederick

"Mark dear, why don't you run upstairs and have a clean up while we have some adult talk?"

"Yes, mum," answered the mature looking son of Elizabeth Mungo-Marsh

"Let's retire to the lounge then" said Henry leading the way

The adults went into the lounge while Mark went upstairs to his shower that adjoined his spacious room.

Mark studied himself in the long mirror that hung in his private bath. For a boy of 12 and a half he surely had matured fast. Mark had silky black hair, that was cut in short and sporty style, and had the hint of a puberty mustache. His face resembled his mother; she still was considered one of the most beautiful women in wizardry society.

Puberty had started hitting him just after his eleventh birthday. In no time at all everything seemed to grow at record speed. Now, as he looked over his lithe body, he took in the shear artistry of his thick uncut cock lazily laying on large, low hanging balls. Those bits were almost adult size but the hairs seemed to take forever and a day to grow.

Mark ran his fingers through the sparse patch of black pubes that felt as smooth as silk.

That new conditioner really does work well, thought Mark as he stepped into the shower, even makes my pubes feel like cotton! From a distance they were barely noticeable but up close it was clear that they were starting to fill in nicely.

"Must be at least twenty-five of them now," he laughed to himself as the spray of hot and soothing water hit his back

Meanwhile downstairs, the adults talked...well gossiped really...while sipping their brandy. After an appropriate amount of time Frederick asked if he could go upstairs and visit with Mark.

Elizabeth readily agreed. Henry, on the other hand, had again wondered why Frederick always wanted to visit Mark upstairs instead of down with them. But he brushed it off and assumed that Mark liked showing off his latest material acquisitions to his "Uncle Freddie".

Quite frankly Henry was glad Frederick did the job, with Mark, he was usually forced to do. He loved his son but being a father just wasn't Henry's forte; he left the parenting up to Elizabeth for the most part or Frederick when he came to visit the estate. Henry was never a fan of children so Mark's birth was an unpleasant surprise but he tolerated it, assuming that having a son would ensure his stability in the quite profitable marriage to Elizabeth Mungo.

Frederick excused himself and made his way up to Mark's bedroom.

He knocked on the slightly ajar door and called out for the boy.

"Come on in Uncle Freddie...I figured you would be coming to see me," said Mark as he finished slipping on his pajama bottoms

"Yes, you know me like a book...how about a hug for Uncle Freddie?"

Mark walked over and gave Frederick a long bear hug and then sat on the bed.

"Listen Mark your mother and I need a favor from you," said Frederick getting straight down to business

"A favor?" questioned the boy

"Yes, we need you to use that invisibility cloak I got you last Christmas and try to see what that select group known as Potter's Protégés does at the school."

"Why is that, uncle?"

"Well let's just say that if you can find out anything juicy for me, my superiors at the paper will be very happy. In turn, I will be happy as well and you may just come home, when you have your next school break, to that Nimbus 2008 broom you have been wanting...so do we have a deal?"

"Yes, sir, that would be a fabulous surprise and I will see what I can find out for sure," exclaimed Mark, eyes bright with the prospect of getting the coveted broom he had been wanting for at least a month or two, "mum says my Nimbus 2006 is still like new so she won't get me the new one. Mums just don't understand that brooms get better and better every year...so yes, I will see what I can find out for you."

"Brilliant," said Frederick getting up to close Mark's door, " now shall we get on with the other usual activities? Why don't you show me what you have on that Muggle machine...what is it called...a TC?"

"No uncle, " laughed Mark, " it's called a PC...personal computer...yes, come here and have look....I am sure you will like this."

Frederick walked over to the boy's desk. Mark was right, Frederick loved to tinker with Muggle machinery, and this thing was an amazing piece for sure. Frederick sat down next to Mark as he started to explain how the machine worked and what the term "online" meant.

Downstairs Elizabeth and Henry were still in the lounge and sipping on what was left of their cocktails.

"He's been up there for a long time," said Henry meekly. He knew that it was usually taboo for him to say anything negative about "Uncle Freddie" since he was like a brother to his wife

"He loves the boy, Henry and it's good that Mark has Freddie to turn to. He needs male role model in his life since you always seem to busy to be bothered."

Henry let the obvious snipe go, "Yes, dear I suppose you are right. I guess since Frederick is up there so long Mark must be enjoying the visit...no doubt showing off that damn Muggle machine he begged us to get him...well then, shall we head off to bed then, dear?"

"Yes, let's...we can say goodnight to Freddie and Mark on the way up," said Elizabeth getting up to leave upstairs

When they got upstairs they knocked on Mark's door and Frederick answered

"Getting on well then?" asked Henry

"Oh yes, Mark is showing me his Muggle...err...damn it all...what did you call it again Mark?"

"PC uncle, it is a PC," laughed Mark from inside the room

"Well we are off to bed Freddie...you know where the guest room is...I assume you will be staying the night?" asked Elizabeth

"Oh yes, much too late to travel now...thank you both for the hospitality...again"

"It's our pleasure Freddie; you know you are one of the family. Now don't keep Mark up too late and I will see you in the morning," said Elizabeth giving Frederick a hug, "goodnight Mark, dear"

"Good night mother and father," called Mark as he came to hug his parents goodnight.

Elizabeth and Henry then headed for their bedroom while Uncle Freddie resumed his visit with Mark Mungo-Marsh in the privacy of his room. After a little while longer Freddie excused himself and headed for the guest room.

When the mansion was quiet and everyone seemed to be asleep Frederick got up and walked back towards Mark's bedroom. He had a feeling the boy was still awake and on that Muggle machine. Sure enough when Frederick peaked in Mark's cracked door the boy was sitting in front of the monitor.

"I thought you would be awake, you little devil" said Frederick whispering in Mark's door

"And I thought you would come back to check, uncle..." said Mark with his eyes still glued to the PC screen, "...come on in then."




3rd year: Michael O'Toole, Martin Mackey

4th year: Lonnie Livingston, Marcus Long, Eric Lynn

5th year: Ian and Issac Isley, Sam Chang, Stevie Millsack

6th year: Alan Keyes, Patrick Donnelly, Rafael Ortega

7th year: Thomas Greer, Andrew Kelley, Earl Craig -----------

Next: Chapter 3

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