Harry and the Politics of Romance

By Ben Meova

Published on Jul 30, 2007


Harry and the Politics of Romance

A fantasy tribute by Ben Meova

Disclaimer: This story falls under the category of fan fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the characters in the original story by JK Rowling. The plot is pure fantasy that came solely out of the mind of the author. The events described herein never happened in this or any other universe. This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

Beyond that the rest is total fantasy and fiction. This story does involve sexual situations between people that may be minors in your state or country. If sex bothers you, especially sex between mid-teen boys or adults witnessing teen sex, you may want to go elsewhere.

Author's Note:

This story is the continuation of my first story on Nifty- "Harry and the Closet of Secrets". If you haven't read that one yet, you may want to read that one first. Otherwise many of the situations in this, Harry's second year as a Hogwarts teacher, may not make sense.

As a reminder, I started writing my stories well before the release of Rowling's final Potter book. I operated under the assumption that Harry won the battle and that Ron, Hermione, Neville, Dean, Seamus, Oliver Wood, Colin Creevey, Arthur Weasley and a few others lived. I also decided that Draco Malfoy had died in the end. Please don't email me, after reading Rowling's book, telling me that one of my characters should be dead. The history of the events, during Harry's 17th year on Earth, came completely out of my head.

So for those who may not have read Rowling's last book yet...the people who I said lived and died is not a spoiler for her book. I decided all that months before her book was released on July 21st.



Comments and whatever else you want to send can be mailed to: 1hungyungun@gmail.com

Harry and the Politics of Romance Part Seven

Chapter 18- The Darkness Gets Darker

The morning was starting off badly for Harry. If he had to single out one thing that justified him waking up in a foul mood he probably couldn't. Still he felt annoyed and he couldn't understand why. Maybe it was because he had been dreaming, a particularly erotic and peaceful dream, when he was suddenly awakened by a loud crack. Someone had disapporated outside of his bedroom window.

He rolled over in bed and noticed that Neville was already up. Harry was awake and his mind was racing so there was no chance of going back to sleep. He pulled back the covers and sat upon the edge of the bed. After a few minutes of resigning to the fact that he was now awake, hours before he had planned on being, he felt energy around the bed and his body.

Harry felt a swirl of tingly energy encircle his head. Immediately he knew what it was.

"Forgotten about me lately, haven't you?" said a voice deep within Harry's head

"Oh right, sorry about that Adrian...with all the drama that has been going on I guess I have neglected you," apologized Harry telepathically

"It's ok...I am still here"

"I'm glad because I have a question for you. I just can't get that story about another Malfoy sighting out of my head...I mean it's been well over four months since the last sighting...do you think that woman was mistaken? Malfoy can't be alive, can he?"

"Really can't say Harry..." responded Harry's companion angel Adrian

"Can't say or not allowed to say?"

"Can't...just that simple...but that can't be the only thing bringing you down today...it's the school and your replacement starting today isn't it? Hits a bit of a raw nerve, does it Harry? I think it does and that is probably why you feel like ripping someone's head off."

Harry considered that for a moment and when he looked at what he faced today he had to admit his angel was right- again.

"I'll say...the whole affair just sucks Adrian...why am I being put through all this?"

"For the greater good, Harry"

"Greater good? What is good about allowing bigots and homophobes deciding what is good for the whole? I just don't get it..."

"You will...just be patient, Harry"

"I am losing my patience, really fast," barked Harry out loud by mistake

"Well I am trying to hurry with breakfast as fast as I can!" screamed back Neville banging around pots and pans in the kitchen

"Oh sorry, love...I wasn't talking about you," apologized Harry loudly so Neville could hear him

"I'll talk to you later..." said Harry telepathically to his angel

Neville ambled into the room smiling.

"Better get ready Harry if you are going to make it to your appointment on time...come on smile Harry...there is nothing we can do about anything today so let it go, ok?"

Harry got up and gave Neville a hug and then promised to make the best of what would turn out to be a very long day for Harry.

His angel was indeed right; Harry had gone to bed thinking about his replacement starting the next day and then there was the owl that came just before he and Neville went to bed.

Harry was annoyed by the owl he had received just six hours before. It was the last thing he needed after being, for all intents and purposes, sacked from his job last week. His owl, Hedwig the second, named after his long deceased first owl, had unceremoniously dropped the letter in between he and Neville as they were in the middle of having a quite nice sixty-nine session before sleep fell upon them; that in it self was annoying. What was worse was the fact that Minerva McGonagall was summoning him back to the castle, today on short notice, and into her office because "someone needed to speak with him immediately".

The letter was evasive and Harry almost balked at going back to the school. His replacement was to start today and he felt quite uncomfortable being at the school again. The thought of running into one of his former students and their questioning was more then he wanted to deal with.

"Why don't you use the invisibility cloak?" suggested Neville

"I just might...I don't want to go and yet I owe Minerva so much...she was one of the few that have continually stuck by me...and you."

So it was decided; after a quick breakfast and kissing Neville goodbye, Harry set off for Hogwarts leaving Neville to relax at Ron's flat. While Harry was on his way to the castle, another owl flew in the open window startling Neville. It dropped the parchment it was carrying on the kitchen table and then flew out the window. When the parchment fell it accidentally unfurled, so when Neville walked over to gather it he could clearly see the signature...it was from Ron Weasley.

Neville reached for the letter, fully intending to roll it back up and set it right for when Harry came back, but paused for a moment when a line or two caught his attention. Not usually the nosy type, Neville dared to scan the parchment. He skipped to the second paragraph and read:

Speaking of Hermione, she came to see me at the Burrow. It seems all the grand plans she had fizzled out and we had a long talk. I found out she missed me as much as I missed her. I did tell her about us and she took it well. I am sure she has always known; it never ceases to amaze me how perceptive she is. I was shocked when she said:

"Well if you had to screw around with someone I am glad it was with Harry and not some bimbo!"

So Harry, I have to be honest with you too. While I truly do love you, and yes, the sex was amazing...I want to try to fix what I broke with Hermione. We want to try again and maybe try to make another "little Ron or Miney"...that will make mum happy I am sure. She has been hoping one of us would make her another grandson and name him Fred. Even after all this time, mum hasn't fully gotten over Fred's death in the final battle.

Ginny sends her best as well. She and Dean Thomas are dating again...although I didn't tell her about the little bit of fun we had with him and Seamus. She knew what we were up to...you know being lovers but I don't know how she would take it if she knew I have sucked her boyfriend's cock! Both are probably more bi then the let on but they play it mostly straight. I think it was the booze that made them want to shag with us...and I think playing it straight, for now, will be the best course of action for me as well.

I hope you can be happy for me Harry and send my best to Neville and Wood if you see him. Oh and is Teddy still coming for the holidays?


Neville stood open-mouthed staring at the letter and wondered how Harry would take all this. On the one hand it was horrible what Ron did to Harry...playing up his hopes and then running back to Hermione like a confused schoolboy. But on the other hand, thought Neville, this might be the best thing over all...it may finally get Harry's mind off of Ron and where Neville hoped it would be...with him.

Since Ron had left and Neville had cooled things off with Oliver, he and Harry finally were able to sort out the long buried feelings they had had for each other. Out of the insanity and the darkness of the last few weeks one little bright light shone through the murk and gloom. It seemed as if both he and Harry were destined to be together. Perhaps the insanity of what was going on was the catalyst that was needed to bring their relationship into fruition.

Whatever the reason Neville was happy; he had never felt more secure in his life as he was now with Harry waking up by his side. He wondered why Harry had failed to mention that his godson, Teddy Lupin, might be coming for the holidays. Neville wondered how Harry's eight and half year old godson would handle seeing he and Harry together as a couple. Christmas was a month and a half away so Neville wouldn't worry Harry with that right now.

Beyond Ron's decision to reunite with Hermione and to play things "straight" Neville's shock mainly came from learning that Seamus and Dean had apparently done a four-way fuck with Harry and Ron. He remembered the one time when he caught the two of them wanking each other, by his bed, in his fifth year and the fun they had that night.

But Neville had brushed that off as a one-time thing. Not an unusual occurrence in an all boy dorm where hormones run amuck. But after that day they never spoke of it...Dean started seeing Ginny Weasley again and Seamus was chasing around everything that had boobs. So Neville had always assumed that they were totally straight and just played that night because they were thinking with the balls and not their brains.

Neville closed his eyes and imagined the compact, yet handsome Seamus naked as the lithe and lean Dean Thomas went down on Seamus' short, yet fat uncut cock nestled in a large mound of dark brown pubes. He pictured the two of them servicing Harry's cock and Ron's as well. His cock started to lengthen and he gave it a squeeze; Neville had always been a bit of a voyeur and he wouldn't have minded being a fly on the wall that day.

"We'll definitely will have to invite those two over for tea," said Neville to the air as he rolled up the parchment

Harry apporated outside of the castle and quickly put on the invisibility cloak. He made his way up to the castle entrance and to his great relief it seemed as if all the students were in classes. As he walked through the empty halls he felt a twinge of anger. Just days before he had been walking the same hallway as a Hogwarts teacher, and now, he was simply a summoned guest who would be asked to leave immediately after the meeting.

McGonagall had sent the password to the guard gargoyle in her letter. Harry muttered the day's knew password and watched as the gargoyle spun and stairs appeared. When he reached the top of the steps he knocked lightly on the headmistresses door.

A thin smile was on McGonagall's face as she opened the door.

"Ah Potter, glad you could make it. I know this seems odd, seeing as how you were put on leave just days ago, but an old friend wants to talk to you."

"Old friend? Old schoolmate, then?" asked Harry perplexed

"Dumbledore Harry," replied McGonagall simply

"Oh right," said Harry nonplussed as he took a seat in front of the big oak desk, "where is he then?"

"He's visiting his portrait at the Ministry...I will summon him...now if you will sit tight, I would appreciate it," said McGonagall getting up from behind her desk, "I am afraid that just before you arrived a problem came up with one of the students. I must go handle it but I promise to be back in a jiffy."

"That's alright...do what you must Minerva, I am fine"

Harry got up when she left the office and he looked around. He noticed that one of the newer portraits was moving about. All the times he had been the office he had never seen him stirring. Today he was and Harry made sure he addressed him. He had been waiting for years to say what he wanted to say, but never had the privacy in the headmistress' office until today.

"Professor Snape...it's Harry...Harry Potter"

The black-haired man looked down from his portrait at Harry with a mixture of annoyance and curiosity.

"Well Potter finally caught me awake have you? Heard you have gotten yourself into another mess. Seems like you stay in the bog don't ya?"

"I hate to admit it but you are right...listen please and don't interrupt," said Harry taking a deep breath, "after all these years I never have had the chance to say I am sorry."

"Sorry Potter? For what, you living and I being murdered by Voldemort?"

"Well yes that, but I want to say that I am sorry that I thought the worst of you. When you left me with your memories, the night you died, I came straight here and reviewed them. I never knew that my mother was the reason for all you did...frankly I never considered the fact that you could possibly love anyone...had I known I would have been so much different when I was in school."

"Understandable Potter...but either way you still would have had your character flaws."

"Flaws...what do you see as my flaws?"

"Well Potter...it's your need to be a hero...maybe that has changed over the years but you are in another serious bit of trouble, that may well effect more then just you, because you wanted to be a hero to those boys. Remember during the Triwizard Tournament when Diggory was being entrapped by the Devil's Snare?"

"Yes, but I try not too think..."

"When he was trapped you had a choice...go on and win the cup as it was supposed to be...one winner and three losers or play the hero and rescue him. You saw what your heroics did...minutes later Diggory was murdered by Voldemort's servant Wormtail..."

"He was a friend...I couldn't let him die!" said Harry getting a bit agitated

"But you assumed he would die Potter...that's the point...you didn't stop to think. All the teachers were patrolling the maze...you could have just sent up red sparks...even without that alert we were aware Diggory had been trapped by the plant and we were seconds away and ready to rescue him."


"But..." said Snape in a louder voice cutting off Harry, "but you never considered that anyone else could help, did you Potter? You always wondered why I was harsh and bitter towards you, well part of that came, as you know from your attitude. Not unlike your father you made yourself more important then you actually were. I owed a debt to Dumbledore and to Lily...as you know the only reason I watched over you was for her. But it was hard Potter...your attitude never encouraged me to become a fan of yours."

"But you were always acting as if you had it in for me...what else was I supposed to think?" said Harry getting a bit put off

"In retrospect, Potter, I agree with you on that point. I will be the first to admit that I despised you...not the boy Harry but the hero Harry that had to be a step above everyone else. Perhaps that was one of my own flaws, but in the end you learned the truth so let us leave the past in the past. Now, in the present, the help you tried to give your fellow puffs...I mean the gay students...without you or Longbottom considering the consequences, has only earned you yet another hurdle that you may not be able to overcome..."

A loud clearing of the throat interupted the portrait of Snape in mid-sentence.

"I'll take it from here Severus," boomed the voice of Albus Dumbledore from his portrait

"Yes, I suppose you should...I think Potter gets my point," said Snape with a nod, "beyond everything else Potter...apology accepted and I hope you will accept mine...I take it you realize why things with you and I had to be the way they were?"

"I do and despite your feelings towards me and what you put me through when the truth be told I honestly think you are one of the bravest men to ever walk the halls of Hogwarts," said Harry with a smile and turning to face Dumbledore's portrait

"I suppose you are wondering why I asked Minerva to summon you here today, Harry," said Dumbledore with a smile

"Yes I was wondering that, sir and frankly I am not too comfortable being back in this school...especially today...so what was so urgent?"

Dumbledore's smile faded and he clasped his hands together and fidgeted in his chair. Harry stared blankly at the portrait waiting for his question to be answered.

"I will tell you...but first use the Secludio charm...this is for your ears only."

Harry did the incantation and their voices were muted from the other portraits in the room. Harry glanced back at Snape's portrait and laughed inwardly as Snape threw his hands in the air, shaking his head and sat back down in his oversized leather chair.

"Harry I am afraid I have some bad news for you...as you know I have a portrait at the Ministry...in Minister Weasley's office. Well I was there yesterday and I overheard two Ministry officials, who were waiting for Arthur, discussing Colin Creevey and you."

"Didn't they notice you were listening in?"

"I feigned sleep so as not to shut them up. They said that Creevey is doing well and that St. Mungos has been allowing him weekly passes to leave the hospital and re-acquaint himself with the real world. Apparently it is part of the therapy they give those who claim to have memory loss. He's been having these leaves for at least six months now."

"Well that hardly seems like bad news...I mean there really isn't anyone he wanted to hurt but me and I am sure he won't be coming after me now."

"Right you are, Harry...that was simply 'the news'...it wasn't the bad news...however this is...it seems the Ministry, based on Creevey's testimony in the interview he gave the Daily Prophet which they have subpoenaed, plan to charge you specifically with criminal charges. They mentioned endangering the welfare of under age wizards and sexual battery of a wizard under the age of 17...I am sorry Harry...but I thought you should know to prepare yourself."

Harry stood for a moment with his mouth hanging open.

"When are they planning on doing this?" asked Harry nervously

"No set time as of now...they don't want to move on it until the Prophet publishes the story...but there seems to be some hold up at the paper...some reason why it's publication is being held up."

"Any ideas why?"

"I haven't a clue Harry...the best we can hope for is that it will be permanently held up and will never get into the open press...again Harry I am sorry that I have to be the one giving you this news but I thought it best that you had a heads up before..."

"...the shit hits the fan," finished Harry

"Yes that would be an accurate descriptor...and Harry, just so you know I have told no one...not even Minerva."

"You can tell her, sir, if it wasn't for her support I may be...well let's just say that I trust her."

"Very well Harry," smiled Dumbledore again

Harry thought for a moment; the recent discussion that he had with Snape filling his head. Suddenly fear crept over him again and he felt a lump in the pit of his stomach. If they were going to charge him what about the others; would the people he loved be affected as well? This wasn't all about him...Harry the hero...others were certainly involved and could be implicated this time.

"What about Neville?" blurted out Harry, "Are they going to charge him as well? What about Ron and what about Creevey? He was there and part of everything even if he denies it these days."

"It seems they are not that concerned with them...only you. While there are no longer people that support long dead Voldemort some, however carefully hidden, still resent the fact that you were finally able to off him for good. I am convinced that it is those, that hide in the shadows of the Ministry, that have encouraged this action solely against you...I am truly sorry Harry..."

Harry didn't want to hear anymore...he turned and ran towards the door. Over his arm he waved his wand releasing the Secludio charm and then ran out the door. As he did he flew by McGonagall.

"Potter! Why are you leaving and off at a run? Dumbledore what is it you said to him?"

"Just some bad news, truly bad news Minerva...sit please and I will fill you in," said Dumbledore with a touch of sadness in his voice

Harry cursed himself as he ran; Snape was right, he thought as panic set over him. Playing the hero may very well cost him dearly. His lack of thought about what may have occurred if the true nature of the PP had been discovered had come back to bite him in the ass...again. How stupid he felt...he had always done that like Snape said...acting without thinking things totally through. Now he would have to learn his lesson the hard way it seemed.

When he got back into the main hallway, that was thankfully still deserted, he kicked over a small statue and cursed out loud...after a few minutes anger was replaced by overwhelming fear.

"What the hell am I going to do...what am I going to do?" asked Harry to no one in particular as he sat down against the wall, still concealed by the cloak, and buried his face in his hands.

Chapter 19- Look Sharp

JT Sharp arranged the papers on his desk and waited anxiously for the last class bell of the day to ring. He wasn't sure why he had butterflies in his stomach all day; for years now he had welcomed new students into his classroom at Hawkclaws. Still they were there, fluttering about in his stomach.

Most of his classes went well; the majority of the students assumed he was just another substitute for Professor Potter. McGonagall was saving his formal introduction until after dinner.

He heard the shuffling of feet and knew that his last class of sixth years were on their way in. He had decided to start off with a lesson that would keep their minds busy and the personal questions to a minimum. He looked down at his wand and smiled. His wand was made out of a hickory with a detailed carved Lion on the handle. Two small pearls were used for the eyes of the lion and it even had a hair from a lion's mane in it's core. Today he was going to talk about the Patronus Charm and the fact that his, of course, took the form of a lion.

He had always been drawn to lions since he was a boy. Perhaps being born under the sign of Leo helped with his love of the beasts. He watched as the sixth years got settled and stood up from behind his desk. Once again, like in every class of the day, the students stared in awe at the overly tall man before them.

Seconds later he acknowledged a hand that was raised.

"Yes, and your name is?" said Sharp with a smile

"Er...well I am Patrick Donnelly, sir...I was wondering where exactly is Professor Potter?"

Sharp cleared his throat and prepared to give the answer he had rehearsed, just in case, all day.

"Yes, Professor Potter seems to be a bit indisposed at the moment so I am filling in for him..."

"Excuse me sir...indisposed?" questioned Patrick, "is he that bad off that they had to import and American to take his place. It's obvious you are American...I can tell by your accent."

"Yes, as a matter of fact I am and this all will be explained by the Headmistress after dinner," said Sharp firmly, "all you have to concern yourself with at this moment, son, is paying attention to today's lesson...which has nothing to do with Professor Potter's absence from this classroom. So shall we get on with it then?"

Patrick put his hand back down; there was no use pressing the issue. It was obvious there were going to be no real answers until later in the day.

Patrick had to admit that the American bloke, who was teaching in the place of Professor Potter, did do a good job making the class interesting. Ever since Patrick had heard Harry's tales about how he formed and used his Patronus, which turned into a stag, he had been hoping for lessons on how to form his. The charm was seldom used these days, only an occasional Dementor surfaced to trouble the wizarding world in the past six years.

"That bloke was really tall, eh?" smirked Patrick to Rafael Ortega as they left the classroom

"I'll say he was...just imagine him naked...has to be hung like a horse for sure," grinned Rafael

"It's like five inches soft," broke in another voice behind them

Patrick and Rafael stopped in their tracks when they heard the second American accent of the day.

"You know it's not good to listen to private conversations," said Patrick a bit annoyed

"Well, you guys weren't exactly in a private place...besides I would know...he is my uncle!"

Patrick and Rafael looked at each other and then at the boy. Seeing that they were a bit surprised by his sudden appearance he continued.

"I am Matt Mateo and I transferred here from an American school, Hawkclaws...well Professor Sharp is my uncle and since he is my legal guardian I had to come here when he took the job teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts..."

"Hang on...took the job...as in permanently?"

"Well yeah, I guess the other guy quit or something so Hogwarts and Hawkclaws established an exchange program...the Headmistress is supposed to tell everyone tonight after dinner...so when Uncle Julian...I mean Professor Sharp took the post I had to come as well. The only thing that really sucks is that I am 13 and in the second year. Back at my school we start at 12 and finish at 18...so the rest in my year are all a year younger then me..."

Patrick and Rafael took it all in and had a myriad of questions pouring through their minds. They surveyed the new American newcomer for a moment. Matt was a smart looking boy who apparently was the middle of maturing. His voice cracked a bit and he had peach fuzz on his upper lip. Just slightly shorter then Rafael's five foot six inch frame Matt had beautiful big blue eyes and curly brownish-red hair. His face was almost angelic...not a flaw on it except for a few freckles on his nose. As Patrick gave him a once over another big question popped in his mind. He was determined to ask it but first he wanted a private word with Rafael.

"Excuse us for moment, will you?" asked Patrick pulling Rafael by the arm and a distance away from Matt

"This is not good at all...what do you think they did to Potter?" asked Patrick in a whisper

"I don't know really. That kid said that McGonagall is going to fill us in but I bet it is going to be a load of bullocks," said Rafael with a frown

"So you think he was sacked? I do...I don't think he would have just up and quit...let's go see Coach Wood after the announcement at dinner...he may be able to fill in the blanks."

"OK, yes that sounds like a good idea...hey what do you think about this bloke saying he saw his uncle's cock? Seems a bit odd that he would blurt that out...I think he may be a protégé," whispered Rafael

"Yeah I had the same thought...we'll deal with the absence of Potter later...let's find out more about this boy. He sure is cute...I get really turned on by those American accents!" winked Patrick squeezing his lengthening cock in his pants

Rafael and Patrick smiled at each other and then returned to the waiting newcomer

"Well it's nice to meet you mate but I have to ask...how do you know how big your uncle is when he is soft?" asked Patrick with a wink

"Oh that," replied Matt blushing and thinking quickly, "I accidentally caught him coming out of the shower few months ago...no big deal..."

"I see and did you like what you saw?" asked Patrick winking again.

His gaydar was telling him that this American bloke might be just like him and Rafael. There more the boy spoke the more he was certain. Matt blushed a deeper shade of red and thought of another quick response. The last thing he needed, during his second day at Hogwarts, was to be outed as gay.

"I dunno...would you two have liked it?" asked Matt doing a bit of fishing himself

Patrick and Rafael were surprised to get a question instead of an answer. This one is trying to find out if we are gay, thought Patrick, what a little bugger! Throwing caution to the wind since he was almost certain Matt was like him, Patrick surprised both Matt and Rafael with his answer.

"Yes, but we would rather see it a bit harder and longer!"

Matt taken aback took a minute to answer.

"So you two are like...gay...you like sex with other boys?"

"Yes and I suspect we are just like you, mate, aren't we?"

Matt paused again. It could be a put on, a trap to get him to admit that he was gay. But then again, he thought as he watched the body language of the two older boys...particularly the redhead who was making no attempt to hide the swelling in his tight trousers, they may be as queer as I am. Matt was ready to gamble that they were not trying to trap him and were, indeed, as gay as he was.

"OK, yes, I am and you two are..." Matt let his voice trail off

"Gay as well," finished Patrick

"Seriously...you are not just fucking with me are you?" asked Matt with a concerned look on his face

"Fucking with you?" asked Rafael confused

"Oh yeah, that's an American expression. It means playing a trick to trap someone."

"No we are not Matt and if you give us another minute of privacy we may be able to prove it to you."

Patrick pulled Rafael aside again and leaned into his ear.

"Shack?" he whispered

"Oh yes, let's break him in. We still have a couple of hours before dinner," smiled Rafael

They walked over to Matt and they both put their arms around his shoulders.

"Come on mate, it's only proper that you get the full welcome to Hogwarts...I promise you won't regret it!"

Happy that he had actually met two guys that seemed to be just like him Matt followed as they headed towards the exit to the castle grounds. Once outside Patrick and Rafael led Matt towards the lake and the loveshack pointing out landmarks along the way. Once at the shack Patrick performed the Secludio charm and they all went inside.

"So this is some sort of a secret clubhouse?" asked Matt surprised that the old and ugly shack was so well appointed inside

"You could say that, " smirked Patrick," it's our secret place to have a bit of fun if you know what I mean"

"Sex...you mean sex I guess," said Matt rubbing his crotch, "but how do you get away with it? I mean the shack is visible..."

"Ah yes, we use the secludio charm...it repels all that not a member of the club. Also when we are not using the shack, if someone comes upon it, all they see is a falling down old storage shack. It appears to be all musty and spider ridden so no one really dares to bother with it."

"Wow,"" said Matt with eyes wide. "that's really cool...so what do you all do?"

"Shall we show him?" asked Patrick to Rafael

"Yes let's," agreed Rafael as they both moved closer to Matt

The American teen stood fixed to the spot as he felt the two older teens undoing his belt and pants buttons. With ease they slid Matt's pants and boxers down to his ankles. Both undid their pants as well as they watched Matt's young dick rise out of a sparse patch of reddish-brown pubes. His cock jerked and grew to an amazingly long, for a thirteen year old, six inches. Patrick grabbed hold of his smooth balls feeling the fullness and the firmness in the palms of his hands. Rafael, meanwhile, paid attention to the cut cock that belonged to the extremely cute American boy.

Circumcised penises were rare at Hogwarts and this one looked as if though an artist had made it especially for the boy. Perfect from the head to the root it bobbed expectantly in front of Rafael's face. Patrick reached up and put his hand on the back of Rafael's head, encouraging him to go down on the American boy.

Taking his cue, Rafael opened his mouth wide and took the sweet tasting teen cock into his warm mouth. Obviously Matt loved it; he began pumping his cock in and out of Rafael's mouth. Rafael could taste the bittersweet precum as it mixed with his thickening saliva.

Patrick got up and stood on the bed so his massive cock, in its bed of red pubes, waved in front of Matt's face.

"I assume you like to..." said Patrick waving his cock around

"Oh yes," hissed Matt grabbing on to Patrick's cock and pointing it towards his lips

"Oh yeah mate, that feels great...I think...you are going to...fit in...nicely," exclaimed Patrick as wave after wave of pleasure, being caused by the American boy's mouth, swept over his body

After at least another half hour of welcoming the newcomer all three teens were spent. They had a clean up and then headed towards the Great Hall for dinner. Matt had excused himself and claimed he had to get something out of his dorm room so Patrick and Rafael parted ways with him as they headed back to the castle.

"I think we just found a new member," said Rafael brightly

"Yes, I believe so but we better check with the Coach. He wasn't too keen about letting the two Slytherins in and I don't know if he will want Sharp's nephew involved. We better not tell Wood we shagged with Matt...let's just say he came out to us."

"Agreed, but we can deal with that later. I want to know what happened to Potter."

"Yeah me too," said Patrick nodding his head, " hey isn't that Mark?"

"Looks like him," said Rafael pointing at Mark Mungo Marsh

Mark noticed them as well and hurried over to them.

"Mark wait until we tell you what we just did, we found..."

Patrick was cut off by Mark holding his hand up, "There was another teacher in Herbology...Professor Longbottom is gone...that makes both him and Potter."

"We know, last class was Defense and some tall American bloke named Sharp took over, what do you think it all means?"

"I don't know Patrick...well maybe I do...let's go hear what McGonagall has to say" said Mark leading the way, "the new Herbology teacher said she would explain things at dinner."

"Yeah Sharp told us that as well," said Rafael

They all quickly headed for the Great Hall and wolfed down their dinner in the hopes that it would make McGonagall's announcement come quicker. Despite their efforts, dinner seemed to take forever to finish. Finally when it looked as though all the students and teachers had finished their meals Headmistress McGonagall called for silence and walked up to the podium.

"As most of you have observed we have two new teachers on staff. I am happy to say that Hogwarts is participating in a teacher exchange program with the America wizarding school Hawkclaws. We are lucky to have Professor JT Sharp who is well regarded in America as the best teacher in the Defense Against the Dark Arts. I am equally pleased to welcome Professor Ellen T. LaRouche, who also has kindly decided to join us from America. I hope you all will give them the respect they so readily deserve..."

"Excuse me, m'am," called out Mark Mungo Marsh interrupting an annoyed looking McGonagall

"Yes, what is it?" she asked curtly

"So this means Professor Longbottom and Potter are teaching in America now?"

"Well let's not worry about them...they are...elsewhere at the moment and I don't think discussing their career moves is appropriate at the moment."

Mark looked across to the Slytherin table and caught Patrick's eyes. It seemed as if Patrick was silently urging him to let it be. Mark had a pretty good idea that McGonagall wasn't telling them the whole story and that somehow his uncle's exclusive story had indeed got Harry and Neville sacked...not exchanged as McGonagall was leading the other students to believe. He decided to leave it alone. When McGonagall saw that Mark had ceased to ask for answers she continued.

"So please let's have a warm round of welcoming applause for our two new staff members."

Everyone joined in with McGonagall clapping loudly.

When they all were dismissed Mark hooked back up with Patrick and they sought out Coach Wood.

"Listen I can't talk here," whispered Wood, "we will have a practice tomorrow at 7pm and there I will fill you all in."

"But sir, it just doesn't add up," protested Mark

"Be that as it may Marsh, you will have to wait until tomorrow. In the meantime you all be careful and watch who you are talking to!" finished Oliver turning to leave

Patrick and Mark looked at each other in frustration.

"I'll get the word to the others then," said Patrick shrugging his shoulders, "guess we will have to wait"

"Maybe, maybe not," said Mark firmly, "I have a bit of investigating to do myself. I will find out if my uncle's paper had something to do with this and if it does...well there may be more I want to tell you...it may be the only way to stop him..."

"Tell me?" asked Patrick totally lost, "something about you, your uncle or the Professors?"

"About me mainly...but not now...not until I am certain...just trust me, ok?"

Patrick dared to put his arm around Mark's shoulders, "Ok mate, I will. Merlin knows that the only people we can trust is our little group these days. If the adults won't tell us then we can find out ourselves."

They exchanged a quick hug and then parted ways. Patrick headed for the Slytherin common room and Mark headed towards the Owlery. He had an important letter to send that would not wait until morning. It was time to manipulate his uncle, just the way his uncle taught him by manipulating Mark all these years.

Chapter 20- Preparing For The Worst

Neville sat frozen trying to digest all of the horrible news Harry had learned at Hogwarts. It seemed like another witch-hunt; the same sort of hunt that occurred in their fourth and fifth years when everyone was out to prove Harry was a lunatic and a liar.

"Are you certain you want to go to the Ministry and confront them?" asked Neville sheepishly

"Damn right I am...tomorrow I am going to march into Arthur Weasley's office and demand the truth."

"But couldn't they arrest you right there?"

"They could but I doubt if Ron's dad will let them. Look Neville, if I don't defend myself from the start...before it gets into the papers then I may very well find myself in Azkaban."

"It's just so unfair," said Neville sadly pulling Harry closer to him, "we just tried to make everything alright for those boys."

"Yes, but when has anything been truly fair in my life? Seems someone has always thought they knew the real me...someone always thought they had all the answers yet never bothered to find out the facts."

Neville knew Harry was right. It was human nature, he supposed, that people would tend to speculate rather then take the time to learn the truth. It was much easier to blindly believe what a newspaper had to say rather then seeking the truth for one's self. That certainly was true when they were kids and Voldemort was still on the loose.

"I think we should try to sleep Harry. If you are damned and determined to go to the Ministry tomorrow then you need your rest"

"As usual you are right, Neville," said Harry giving him a kiss on the cheek

Neville had decided to wait on giving Harry the letter from Ron. He intended to when Harry had got back home but couldn't bear to dump another load of crap on him given his distraught state that evening. They rolled over and Neville flicked off the light with his wand. Soon they both were asleep, safe in each other's arms again.

Meanwhile back at the castle Mark had sent off the letter to his uncle and a few of the "Ollie's boys" snuck out and met up by the "loveshack".

"So I sent a letter to me uncle," said Mark to his mates, "and played at being indifferent about the loss of Potter. I told him that I really liked the new teachers and how clever it was to use his might to have Potter and Longbottom sacked. I asked him exactly what it was that the story he is sitting on has to say about Potter. I am sure he will answer me with the truth...he will know it's for his own good."

"His own good?" asked Nicky Lang

"Yes, I can't say anything now...really if I don't have to I don't want to," replied Mark looking down at his feet, " but if it becomes necessary you all will be the first to hear it and then we can go from there."

The rest didn't push the issue although later as the group dispersed a couple of the older boys surmised that Mark may truly have some dirt, really damaging dirt, on the Daily Prophet's Editor-In-Chief.

After a bit more gossip the others left Mark and Nicky alone figuring hat they may want to take advantage of some alone time in the shack. Not one to waste an opportunity Mark pulled Nicky over to the bed and then proceeded to strip him down. Mark too got out of his clothes and soon the shack was filled with the sound of two young lovers making passionate love.

When they finished up they realized it was close to curfew so they hurried back to the castle and back into their dorms.

JT Sharp had been busy reading when a faint knock came on his door. He reluctantly put down the book and walked over to answer it. He was pleasantly surprised to se his nephew, Matt smiling at him.

"I just thought I would come tell you about my day, uncle"

"Come on in...but I don't want too many noticing that you visit me after hours...too many questions," said JT firmly

"No worries, I know who to trust and who not to," smiled Matt giving JT a big hug

He went on to tell his uncle about the two older teens he had met and their little adventure after class. He didn't tell his uncle exactly where he had the fun only that these two were trustworthy.

"Well, that sounds like you had fun," said JT, "but be careful...you don't want the wrong people discovering the type of fun you like!"

Matt thought he noticed a bit of sarcasm or even jealousy in his uncle's voice

"Well yes it was but we are being careful," said Matt hoping to ease JT's mind

"Yes, the last thing we need is suspicion early on Matt. I mean it is great that you found others like you but you have to make sure that no one connects what you like to do with me...understand?"

Matt nodded in understanding as he cuddled on his uncle's lap. He knew it was very important that no one at Hogwarts learn the truth about who Matt really was. Both he and JT were uncertain as to how the sometimes-stuffy English would view their living arrangements.

It was true that, for all intents and purposes, JT was like family to Matt. JT had found Matt two years before when he had been visiting Chicago. It had been a very cold and snowy winter's night and the temperature wasn't fit for an ice cube let alone a human. As JT passed by an alleyway he heard the soft cries of what sounded like a child. Sure enough when he investigated he found the cold and shivering small form of Matthew Mateo cowering behind an old cardboard box.

At first the boy was scared senseless. Out of nowhere a giant of a man was standing over him. But there was something sincere, something gentle in the man's eyes and in his voice that made Matt trust him. JT had convinced the boy to gather his few belongings and go with him to the warmth of his hotel. Once there he let the boy bathe in the warmth of the tub water. He ordered room service, bypassing the use of magic in front of what he assumed to be a Muggle boy, and made sure Matt ate as much as he could.

As the evening went on Matt opened up more and told probably one of the most horrific stories JT Sharp had heard in his life. It was the story of a boy that was mentally and sexually abused in his own home. From age nine his biological father had called him "fuck boy". Every time his mother had left for work his father would be all over him and the game would begin.

His father would make him dress in nothing but a pair of stockings with flaming red garters holding them up. Knowing that not complying may earn him a good beating, Matt always played the game. Once he was dressed in the female garb, he would get on his knees and suck his father into hardness. Then he would assume the regular position...on his hands and knees with his young ass in the air.

His father wouldn't call him Matt...he would call him Missy as he would slide his stubby, yet fat, cock into Matt's unlubricated ass. Matt knew he wasn't allowed to cry...that would get him beaten up. He made that mistake one time and his father whipped him badly. When his mother arrived home his father lied and said that they had been wrestling and that is how Matt became bruised.

As he got older, his father dared to bring home other men and teens that would have their way with him while his father either masturbated or took pictures. Matt assumed, and rightly so, that his father was making some good money off the pictures of him being used as a sissy boy, sex slave.

Finally when he had turned eleven, just a month before JT met him, he had enough. He had exploded imwardly with rage at both his mother and father. All the anger that had been buried for years seemed ready to boil over. But something happened that was horrible and yet unexplained. As he stood over their bed, as they slept, he watched in horror as the bed sheets began turning red.

It was blood, real blood and it was soaking the sheets.

Matt had not touched them; the only thing he remembered doing was wishing that a thousand razor blades would cut them to bits. When he saw that both of his parents were not moving he dared to pull back the blood soaked sheets. They were dead as doornails and it looked as if thousand of blades indeed had slashed them to bits.

His wish had come true but he had no idea how it had happened.

In a panic he ran away. He found his father's wallet and luckily there was a couple of hundred Muggle dollars in it. He managed to pack a few of his most precious belongings and then ran out of the house. The next morning he saw the headline of the local paper, which screamed:


Matt assumed that they were guessing that he was killed and missing because of the trail of blood he left in his room. For some reason his hands were cut up as well and bleeding...he had only noticed it after his panic subsided and he made his escape. He couldn't reveal himself, although at that time there was no picture of him in the paper, so he paid a homeless guy to buy him a bus ticket to Chicago. He assumed that he could survive better in a bigger city, but he didn't count on the blizzard that came days after his arrival.

After JT heard the whole story he vowed to look after the boy. He explained to the amazed eleven year old that he was a wizard and more then likely Matt was as well. That was how his parents ended up dead and cut up just because of a wish.

It took some time for Matt to believe this but he was easily convinced when he saw what JT did with his wand. From that day on he had been with JT...loving him as an uncle and entering the wizarding world where surely the Muggle authorities would never be able to find him.

Over the years each of them told of their hidden secrets and finally Matt had to confront his sexuality. He had always been troubled by the fact that he, in some sick way, enjoyed what his biological father did. His cock would get harder, especially when he was sucking his father's dick.

JT explained that his biological father, like so many Muggle men who hide behind a wife, was probably gay himself. He noticed that his son was a bit effeminate and rightly guessed that the boy would probably be gay as well. Cowardly bastards like that, who hid deep in closets shrouded by religious shame, sometimes used their own offspring as a safe haven to have the type of sex they really desire. That didn't excuse the crimes his father committed against him but it made Matt understand and accept his sexuality all the same.

Quite frankly, without the love and the care of JT Sharp, Matt knew he would have ended up dying himself. He loved the man like his real uncle now...JT was his family as far as he was concerned and it was no one's business in the wizarding world that the man and the boy were not really related by blood. As far as everyone else was concerned his parents died in a Muggle car crash and his uncle was granted custody of him by the Muggle courts.

"Best get back to your dorm, Matt, it's nearly curfew," said JT noticing the time

"Ok uncle," said Matt reaching up to give JT a kiss," you know I love you"

"Yes, I know and I love you too...now get before you get in a heap of trouble!"

JT watched as Matt got up and left his quarters.

"How can I not love that boy? " thought JT as he smiled and returned to his book

The next morning Neville was awakened by the sound of an owl dropping the morning edition of the Daily Prophet on the kitchen table. Getting up as quietly as he could, so as not to wake up Harry, Neville went out into the other room. He had decided to subscribe to the paper so he could keep an eye out for any story relating to him and Harry.

He unfurled the paper and nearly hit the floor as he looked at the huge headline:


"Harry! Harry wake up!" yelled Neville

"What is it? Something wrong?" shouted back Harry groggily

"Just come see...it's terrible..." was all Neville could say

Harry found his glasses and trudged out into the kitchen. When he got out there he saw tears running down Neville's cheeks.

When he saw the headline his tears flowed as well as they both held each other sobbing in total disbelief.


CHEERS! -----------


1st year: Nicky Lang , Mark Mungo-Marsh

3rd year: Michael O'Toole, Martin Mackey

4th year: Lonnie Livingston, Marcus Long, Eric Lynn

5th year: Ian and Issac Isley, Sam Chang, Stevie Millsack

6th year: Alan Keyes, Patrick Donnelly, Rafael Ortega

7th year: Thomas Greer, Andrew Kelley, Earl Craig -----------

Next: Chapter 8

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