
By Tyrone James

Published on Aug 29, 2012


Hayden Christensen - Episode 12

Disclaimer - This story is fictional. I am in no way associated to Hayden Christensen, nor do I claim to know his sexual preference. This story has elements of same sex relationships which may not be suitable to all audiences. My use of Star Wars references are in no way licensed to me, and are owned by George Lucas and Lucasfilm.

Tyrone took a right turn off the main road in Bondi to get into Brighton Boulevarde. The places here had a beautiful view of the Pacific Ocean. It was a cloudless night and there was a fresh breeze blowing inland.

Tyrone drove slowly down the side of the street with his street directory on the passenger seat. He drove along looking out the window, trying to make out the numbers on the buildings and apartment blocks in the moonlight. He had made sure he left ample time to arrive at Hayden's apartment if he were to get lost. It turns out that Hayden's place wasnt that hard to find at all. He arrived with almost 10 minutes to spare.

He figured he wasnt going to chance his watch dying on him again so he just decided to go out to Hayden's place early. He didn't think that Hayden would mind. Afterall, he was very excited to see him.

He parked the car, picked up his bag, got out, locked the car and walked over to number 27. He reached the door and looked up at the building, it looked like a newly built set of apartment blocks. It was white in colour and very modern looking. It seemed to be quite big. Inside it looked as if there was a lawn area inside the block with a small water feature in the middle. It looked more like an expensive motel than an apartment block. He scanned the Intercom for the number 412 and pushed the silver button beside it.

"Hello?", came an electronic Canadian accent.

"Hey, its Tyrone!" Tyrone shouted back at the grill.

"Oh hey, great, I'll buzz you in. I'm on the fourth floor."

There was a click, then a buzzing sound came from the doors. Tyrone pushed one of the doors open and walked in. The walls inside were a pink marble, the foyer was decorated with small palms and a bluish abstract painting. On the wall, the words "Brighton Tower" were spelled out in gold metal letters. Tyrone headed towards the elevators in the corridor that led out to the lawn in the middle of the apartment block. He stepped into the first elevator that arrived and pressed the number 4.

The doors opened and Tyrone got out. He looked at the gold numbering on the wall in front of him. It said 411 to 420 was towards the right so Tyrone followed. The walked along the doors looking at the numbers on them until he reached 412.

He knocked twice and listened. There was bustling coming from inside the apartment, and then footsteps which sounded like they were coming towards him.

The door opened. Hayden stood along side the door wearing a blue t-shirt, cargo knee-length shorts and a white Nike cap. He was barefoot.

"Tyrone!" Hayden stuck out his hand and almost yanked Tyrone into the apartment. Hayden was earlier deliberating as to whether or not to hug him on sight, but his better judgement told him not to. A simple handshake would suffice... For now.

"Hey! Great place!" Tyrone said. The apartment was beautiful inside. It had beige carpet, with white walls. The entry hallway led to the lounge/kitchen/dining area. There was a white suede leather sofa set, and a glass coffee table. The kitchen benchtop was a grey granite colour and the cupboards were white wood with silver handles. The apartment was lit by a bright lamp which sat on a table beside the sofa. There was an white entertainment unit with a TV, stereo and DVD player. Tyrone looked awestruck. Hayden on the other hand was bursting with happiness to see Tyrone again.

"It's very white!" Tyrone said.

"It the furniture came with the place" Hayden replied, "Have a seat... Would you like a drink?"

Tyrone sat down on the single seater chair and looked up at Hayden who was walking over to the fridge.

"Uh, yes please. So are you gonna tell me what happened or are you going to leave me in suspense?"

Hayden laughed, and pulled a bottle of Coke out of the fridge and grabbed two glasses. "Is a Coke OK?" he said, ignoring Tyrone's question.

"Coke sounds good, so what's going on?"

Hayden came back to the lounge area and sat on the couch. He placed the drinks on the coffee table.

"Tyrone, I havent been completely honest. There is something I need to tell you." Hayden looked uneasy, his eyes could not fix on the one spot, but he could not look Tyrone in the eye.

"What do you need to tell me?" Tyrone said. He knew what was about to come. He would have his turn later.

Hayden finally made eye contact with Tyrone. Tyrone looked at him, waiting for Hayden to say something.

Hayden curled his bottom lip and took off his cap. A thin foot-long braid of hair fell from behind Hayden's right ear.

Hayden turned his head so Tyrone could see it, and the short growth of hair at the back of his head that was pulled to a small ponytail.

So this was why Hayden had always worn a cap all the previous times they had seen each other. Of course!

Hayden opened his mouth to speak when Tyrone cut him off.

"Hayden, I know."


"I know that you're making the movie" Tyrone confessed. Now he looked down at the floor.

"You know?!" Hayden said, surprised and a little confused. "How?"

Tyrone collected his thoughts, "I read about it on the train, in a magazine after I left you at the Opera House. I didnt want to say anything at because I wanted you to tell me yourself. I figured that if you knew I found out, that you might think I was only interested in staying friends because you were famous. Thats not why I want to be friends with you. I think you're a great person to hang out with. I had fun that day at the Opera House and even more fun when we had dinner."

Hayden was still shell shocked. He was over the moon to find out that Tyrone enjoyed his company so much.

"Wow. OK." he wasnt quiet sure how to take it. "I guess you're right. I should have told you that day at the Opera House. I just... I just thought it would be better if it seemed like I was any ordinary person you know?" Hayden rolled up the hat in his hands.

Tyrone sympathised and knew EXACTLY what he meant.

"Hayden, look, its fine. I understand why you didn't tell me. I can say that I am glad that its all out in the open now. I hated pretending I didn't know."

"I hated having to lie to you all the time!" Hayden added.

"OK, now, tell me how you ended up here?" Tyrone asked. He picked up his glass and took a sip.

"Ah, OK. Well, last night after dinner, when you dropped me off, I had a call from our producer saying that the Studio traliers were broken into and that some of us had things stolen. They took my bag that had your phone number in it, thats why I couldnt contact you. They moved us from the Sheraton because one of the other actors was caught there by a photographer. The producer was worried that the media would badger us if they knew we were staying there."

"The producer, that's George Lucas right?" Tyrone asked to clarify.

"Yeah. So, he had us stay at his place at Elizabeth Bay last night. That's when we all checked out of the Sheraton, and then earlier today, we went around Sydney with a real estate agent and we were all relocated to different parts of the city. I chose this place."

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Tyrone said, trying to take it all in. It all made sense now. "Yeah, cause I went to the Sheraton to drop off the party invitation, which I have here by the way. And the guy there told me that you had checked out and he couldnt give me any information on you. I thought there must have been an emergency for you to check out so soon, but then thought, you would contact me if something happened. I didnt count on the idea that you lost the number. And then, I panicked because I didnt know how I could contact you so I went to Fox Studios cause that's where the magazine said the movie was filming and they kicked me out cause I was asking about you. I knew then that I would have to tell you that I knew who you were, but I was going to have to risk that because... Well I just wanted to see you again..." Tyrone's voice was starting to break up. He momentarily relived the idea of not being able to see Hayden again. His emotions got the better of him. His lips quivered and a tear fell from his eye. He breathed in deeply.

"Oh, Tyrone, I'm sorry." Hayden said, getting down on the floor next to him. "I'm so sorry. You know what, when I realised that I lost your number, I panicked too. I didnt know how in the world I was going to contact you. I didnt know your last name or any of your friends or where you lived! It wasnt until I saw an advertisement on TV, that I remembered you told me you worked at the Theatre Royal, that I thought I might have a chance to contact you again! So thats when I went down and asked your friend Kristy for your number, lucky she gave it to me!" He placed his hand on Tyrone's left knee and looked up at him sincerely.

Tyrone let out a little laugh at the lengths that Hayden went to get his phone number back. He felt warm inside. It was good to know that Hayden was just as worried as he was. He wiped another tear from his eye and looked at Hayden.

"I'm just glad to see you again." Tyrone sniffed.

They stared at each other admiringly, looking deep into each other's eyes. Hayden inched his way forward, never breaking eye contact. Their hearts were both racing. They both knew that look meant and what was going to happen next.

Hayden finally moved the rest of the way forward, tilted his head and leaned in.

They kissed.

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