
By Tyrone James

Published on Mar 10, 2012


Disclaimer - This story is fictional. I am in no way associated to Hayden Christensen, nor do I claim to know his sexual preference. This story has elements of same sex relationship which may not be suitable to all audiences. My use of Star Wars references are in no way licensed, and is owned by George Lucas and Lucasfilm.


Tyrone parked on the road opposite from the hotel and looked at his watch. 8:26. He was early. He reached into his glove box and pulled out his cologne and sprayed some on himself. He decided to wait in the car for a bit longer so it didnt seem like he was too keen. He waited for another couple of songs to play on his car stereo before he went into the hotel. He looked at his passenger seat and saw the magazine that he had brought to show Pauline the night before, he quickly threw it under his seat so Hayden wouldn't see it. He looked at his watch again. 8:26. His watch had died. He quickly glanced at the clock on his dashboard. It was 8:39.

"Shit!" he said to himself. He turned off his engine, locked the car, and almost sprinted to the revolving doors of the Sheraton. He looked around in the foyer. Then made his way to the seating area. His heart sunk. There was no sign of Hayden.

Tyrone walked quickly back to the foyer and asked the concierge if he had seen anyone of Hayden's description. The concierge said that there had been a few people who sounded similar to what Tyrone had described, but no one in particular stood out in his mind.

He walked back to the seating area and eyed the room. There were a few older women who were sitting in a group, he figured they must have been the socialite types by the way they were dressed, there was a family who had seemed like they were waiting to be picked up by a airport bus, a man wearing a cap who was reading what looked to be a magazine, and an older man who was in a business suit reading a newspaper.

Tyrone glanced at his watch again, it was now 8:45pm. He had all but given up until he heard the sound of the elevator coming to the ground floor. He quickly turned around and waited to see if it was Hayden. A couple, probably in their mid 30's stepped out of the elevator. Tyrone's shoulders dropped again.

"Hey", came a voice from behind him.

Tyrone turned his head. It was Hayden dressed in a jacket and jeans with a white crew shirt. He was the man wearing the cap. "Hey!" Tyrone chimed, both glad and relieved.

"Did you get lost?" Hayden asked comically. Holding out his hand for a polite shake.

"No, actually, my watch died at the most appropriate time", Tyrone said.

Hayden flashed an incredibly charming smile that would melt gold. "That's OK", he said "I'm just glad you could come out on such late notice. I've been hanging for someone to go out with... I mean spend time with... I mean, you know, show me around the city and that sort of thing."

Tyrone breathed in deeply. "OK, so, what would you like to do? All the really touristy places are pretty much closed at the moment. There are a few haunts around the city that are open now. But most of them are like eating places and cafes and bars and stuff..." There a slight shiver in his voice. He was almost bursting with adrenalin. He placed his hands in his pockets just in case they gave him away with their shaking.

"Hey, I dont mind, I actually havent eaten yet, I've been working all day, I could use a bite to eat!" Hayden said.

"OK, well what do you feel like?" Tyrone asked.

"Um, to be perfectly honest, I feel like some home cooking!" Hayden said.

Tyrone laughed. "OK, well what would you feel like second?"

"Hehe, I dunno, I'd be in for pizza if you know anywhere nice?" Hayden said.

"I know just the place!" Tyrone said.

With that they turned toward the door.

"You smell nice, what have you got on?" Tyrone asked, trying not to sound too flirtatious.

"Nothing" Hayden said seductively, Tyrone gave him an odd look. "Hehe, just kidding, it's Romance, you know? By Ralph Lauren?", Hayden answer. Tyrone's knees almost became wobbly when Hayden said the word Romance.

They reached Tyrone's car. It was a red Mazda Protege.

"Nice car!" Hayden said. He was heading for the driver's side.

"Hey, are you thinking of driving this are you?" Tyrone said, joking.

"Oh, shit! Haha, sorry, I'm still not used to this driving on the other side of the road thing!" Hayden laughed. He made his way to the other side of the car and Tyrone let him in.

"Do you drive back home?" Tyrone asked, pulling out of his parking space. He pressed play on the car CD player and turned the music to a level where they could still hear the song and talk at the same time.

"Yup." Hayden replied.

"What kind of car do you have?" Tyrone asked.

"It's an old thing" Hayden said.

"Ah, old thing, what a detailed description. I know exactly what you're talking about"

Hayden smiled to himself. He didnt want to tell Tyrone what he really drove. "So what did you get up to today?" he asked.

Tyrone thought of something clever to say, instead of telling Hayden that he had been waiting all day for his phone call. "Oh, nothing much, just went to college."

"Journalism, right?" Hayden said.

Tyrone turned to him. "How'd you know I was in journalism?"

"Just a quality about you."

Tyrone did not know if that was meant to be taken as a compliment, but he was stunned at Hayden's accuracy, nonetheless. Tyrone's face gave him away to Hayden. He was clearly confused at how Hayden knew what course he did.

Sensing this Hayden laughed. "Relax, I saw this in your back seat" He pulled a text book from the back seat titled, "The Techniques of Journalism".

Tyrone face became flushed. What if Hayden disliked journalists. Would this set him back if Hayden knew what career Tyrone wanted to get into? Meanwhile, Hayden thought about how glad he was that he had found a seemingly genuine new friend in this strange new city. He hoped he could trust Tyrone and wondered when would be a good time to tell him who he really was.

They made idle chat about each other on the way to the restaurant. They volleyed questions about their families and interests. Tyrone was surprised at how genuinely down to earth Hayden was. Likewise, Hayden was relieved that Tyrone didn't seem like other guys that he had met in the past. He smiled at the idea of finding someone who was so similar to him. They discovered that they were both very much into sport, especially tennis. They were both 20 years of age, although, Tyrone was 7 months older. Hayden was careful not to divulge too much, and made sure that he kept references as to why he was in Sydney, low.

Tyrone on the other hand was itching for the right moment to ask Hayden about who he was. At the same time, he felt that he was developing an even bigger crush on him. Not only was Hayden one of the most beautiful boys that he had ever seen, he was also very intelligent and down to earth. He had often wondered about celebrities, and Hayden came across as being incredibly friendly. He toiled in his mind about what to say, or how to say it. He still didnt want Hayden to think that he was prying. Least of all, he didnt want Hayden to think that he was only maintaining this friendship so that he could get a story out of him. Like he had decided with Pauline, he was going to let things happen on their own.

They reached the suburb called Double Bay and Tyrone parked on the main street.

"Thats the place" he said, nodding towards a restaurant on the other side of the road.

"Cool" Hayden said.

They both got out and looked both ways at the traffic for a gap to come so they could cross.

They heard a female voice yell out from the opposite side of the street. They both looked in her direction, almost afraid.

"OH MY GOD! It's that guy from......"



Next: Chapter 5: Hayden Christensen 05

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