
By Tyrone James

Published on Mar 10, 2012


Disclaimer - This story is fictional. I am in no way associated to Hayden Christensen, nor do I claim to know his sexual preference. This story has elements of same sex relationship which may not be suitable to all audiences. My use of Star Wars references are in no way licensed, and is owned by George Lucas and Lucasfilm.

============================================================== As Tyrone approached the train station, he decided to buy a magazine to read on the trip home. He grabbed one of the entertainment magazines and headed to his platform. The train pulled into the station and Tyrone got on board. He sat down, pulled his magazine out. He began flicking through the pages to find an article he was interested in. Then he stopped. Tyrone stared at the picture that accompanied one of the articles. It was titled, "The Lucas Empire Returns To Sydney". The picture, was of a young man, dressed as a Jedi, weilding a blue light-sabre in fighting stance. He breathed.


Tyrone's head spun.

"Oh my god," he thought to himself "He's the new Anakin Skywalker!". Tyrone stared out the window of the train trying to take it all in. The idea that he had just come in contact with potentially one of the most famous people in the world flew around in his mind. His feeling was a mixture of excitement, confusion and anxiety.

It all made sense now! Hayden had said he was in Sydney for work and that he would be in Sydney for another 2 and a half months. Just as it was reported in the article. All he could think of was how much he couldn't wait until Hayden called. He didnt want to wait, he wanted to see Hayden again right now!

The train came to a halt and Tyrone disembarked. Walked home, while his mind replayed the day's events. He could not believe how ignorant he was, that he did not know who he had spent the day with. He wondered if it was his indifference to Hayden's "fame" that made Hayden warm to him. Or, would Hayden prefer it if Tyrone acknowledged who he was? All these questions. Foremost of which was ... Is Hayden in any way attracted to me? Tyrone ran through these questions in his head, and wondered if he should tell anyone. But who would believe him? He decided to tell his best friend, Pauline.

That night, he arranged to meet Pauline at Hard Rock Cafe. Hard Rock was Tyrone's "restaurant of the season". It would always change every few months. Tyrone arrived before Pauline did. He was shown to a booth table and given a menu.

"I'm going to wait for my friend to arrive before I order anything." Tyrone said.

"Sure sir, can I get you a drink while you wait?" the waitress offered.

"Just a Coke, thanks" Tyrone replied.

After about 10 minutes, Pauline arrived. Tyrone saw her enter and waved her over to the booth.

"8 o'clock huh?" Tyrone said, teasingly.

"Ah, shuddup. So, what was the big emergency tonight? Is there something wrong?" Pauline asked.

"You're not going to believe what happened today while I was in the city." Tyrone said.

"I dunno, you saw a naked man run through the streets?", Pauline said. She knew it must have been something to do with a man. Tyrone was always talking to her about the men in his life. Or lack, thereof. Tyrone hadn't dated anyone in over a year and she hoped that his news would somehow involve a potential boyfriend.

"No," Tyrone said, trying to contain himself "you know how they're filming the new Star Wars in Sydney again..."

"... You saw them filming in the street?" Pauline said, cutting him off.

"Yeah Pauline, Obi - Wan and the droids battled it out in the heart of Sydney with business men and Japanese tourists in the background..." Tyrone said, sarcastically. "No, I was at the Harbour and this guy came over to me. Guess who it was?"

"Um, George Lucas wanting to know if you're free to take the role of C3PO cause they cant fit that old man in the suit anymore?" Pauline said, relentlessly.

"NO! The guy who plays the new Anakin Skywalker!" Tyrone said, pointing to the magazine article.

Pauline reached over for the magazine and eyed the picture of Hayden. "Hmmm, cute! A definately high on the hunk scale. So, when did you wake up out of this dream?"

"I'm serious." Tyrone said. "Look, I gave him my mobile number and he said he'd call tomorrow. I just HAD to tell someone."

Pauline thought about it. Tyrone was right, he wouldn'd lie about something like this. Unless, he was being really cruel and was trying to set her up on a practical joke. She gave him the benefit of the doubt. She asked him what they did today and Tyrone told her. He asked her about what she thinks he should do when Hayden calls. How to react, whether or not to tell Hayden that he saw the article. They came to a conclusion that he should just run with what feels natural.

They left the restaurant and Tyrone dropped Pauline off. He drove home without any closure on the subject. He had a class for his journalism course tomorrow and knew that he would not be able to concentrate at all if he was going to think of Hayden. He decided to try to forget about it until Hayden actually rang. What if he didn't call? He'd just made a fool of himself to Pauline. Tyrone's palms were clammy. He went to bed that night, and tried to sleep. Of course he couldnt. He made sure his mobile was fully charged. He didnt want the battery to run out in case Hayden rang. And he made a note to make sure he got a contact number from him when he did call. With that, he turned over and tried to fall asleep.

The next morning, Tyrone got out of bed straight away when his alarm rang. He usually took his time getting out of bed, but the previous day's events had spurred him to want to get this day over and done with. He got ready and headed to the city for class.

The whole time Tyrone was at college he could not stop looking at his phone. He had to have it on silent. He would have to excuse himself and leave the room if the phone rang. He didnt care, he wanted Hayden to call.

11 o'clock.

12 o'clock.

1 o'clock.

"This is the last time I let someone go without telling me what time they intend to call!!!" Tyrone thought to himself.

2 o'clock.

2:19pm. The phone vibrated on Tyrone's desk. He snatched it and held it out for the lecturer to see, to show that he was leaving the class to take the call. The lecturer nodded. Tyrone stepped into the hallway. He looked at the phone display. It said "Private Number". He gulped and hit the green phone button.




Next: Chapter 3: Hayden Christensen 03

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