
By Tyrone James

Published on Mar 10, 2012


Disclaimer - This story is fictional. I am in no way associated to Hayden Christensen, nor do I claim to know his sexual preference. This story has elements of same sex relationships which may not be suitable to all audiences. My use of Star Wars references are in no way licensed to me, and are owned by George Lucas and Lucasfilm.

Tyrone stirred. He opened his eyes. It was morning.

"Oh my god!" he thought to himself. He had slept through the night.

He brought his head up from his pillow. There were wrinkles in his face from the pillow. After he turned the CD plyaer on last night, he fell straight asleep. He had forgotten to set his alarm. He looked at his watch, which was still on his wrist. It was 11:27am. College started over 2 and a half hours ago.

"Oh god", he said out loud.

But then, he thought, oh well. It's only personal development and job seeking skills today. I can afford to have today off. It was then that he noticed that CD was still playing on the CD Player. A smile crept across his face after remembering what had transpired the night before. He looked at the pile of unwritten party invitations which was on his bedroom floor. He remembered that he was going to give Hayden one today. Since he wasnt going to class, he decided that he would just take the day off to plan for the party and drop off the invitation. He considered visiting the Fox Studios set to say hello to Hayden, but then forgot that he hadn't told Hayden that he knew yet. Damn.

He got up, went into the bathroom and had a shower. After his shower, he picked up the pile of clothes which was accumulating in his room and carried it to the laundry. He had been putting off doing the laundry for almost a week now and the pile had gotten quite hefty. He separated the whites and threw them on the laundry floor and loaded the washing machine with the coloured clothes.

Tyrone returned to his room and picked out what to wear for that day. He grabbed a red long sleeve shirt with white trim and his cargo pants. After getting dressed, Tyrone decided to write the invitation. He picked up one of the blank ones, grabbed the gold pen and took it to the dining table. He wanted to be extra neat with this invitation.

He sat down at the dining table and starting addressing the invitation. He remembered that Hayden hadn't told him his last name yet, so he simply addressed it 'Hayden'. Tyrone did the best calligraphy that he could. He held it in front of him and tilted the invitation so the gold shimmered. He smiled to himself. He placed the invitation in the envelope and wrote 'Hayden' on that as well. Then he stopped. He knew that Hayden asked him to leave the invitation at the reception desk, but he didnt know his number. Suddenly, he remembered that Hayden had given it to him the night before and it was in his jacket.

"Oh my god!"

His jacket was in the washing machine!

He bolted to the laundry room, lifted the door of the washing compartment and fished his soggy jacket out. He fumbled in the front jacket pocket for the piece of paper that Hayden had written on. His fingers caught something and he pulled it out. The paper was soaked, and there was no longer any writing on it.

"Fuck! FUCK! Fuck, fuckitty fuck fuck fuck" he cursed.

He wondered if he could ask the concierge if he could just leave it for Mr Hayden Christensen. That was his only choice.

After drying his hands. He placed Hayden's invitation in his diary and put the diary in his bag. He grabbed his mobile phone, wallet, keys and sunglasses from his bedroom, and headed out the door.

He drove as quickly as he could back to the Sheraton. He secretly hoped that he would meet Hayden coming out of the hotel lobby, so that he didnt have to rely on giving it to the front desk.

He arrived outside the Sheraton and parked on the opposite side of the street. He ran across the road and into the foyer.

Hayden wasn't there. Fair enough, he didnt really think Hayden would be here. He knew that he might have been too busy at the Studios. He approached the concierge desk and waited behind an middle aged lady to be served.

"May I help you sir?", a woman announced from another side of the desk.

Tyrone walked up to her.

"Hi there! I was hoping I might be able to leave something here for one of the guests at the hotel." he said, undoing the zip on his bag and pulling out his diary.

"Sure sir. Do you know the room number that the guest is staying in?" she asked.

"Ah, thats the problem, I dont exactly know what his room number is" he replied.

"Thats fine sir, what is the guest's last name, we can find the room number with that." she was awfully bubbly.

"OK, it's Christensen. Do you need me to spell it?" Tyrone said.

"Yes please"

"C H R I S T E N S E N"

"Ah yes, I have a guest under the name Christensen, but it's a Mrs." she said.

"No, his name is Hayden." Tyrone said.

"Let me just try something else..." she kept typing. "No, Mrs Christensen is the only current guest we have with that surname... Let me just check one last thing for you."

"OK" Tyrone said, looking close to being depleted.

"Oh OK, we did have a Mr. Hayden Christensen staying with us"

Tyrone's face lit up, but he was a little confused as to why she said "did". He thought knew what she was about to say.

"But he's no longer at the hotel. He checked out late last night." she told him.

"What?! Do you know where he's gone to at all?"

"Ah, let me have a look... Sometimes the guests tell us where they're moving to." the lady typed away at her keyboard furiously, "Oh... OK... Um There is a note in Mr Christensen's account that says we are strictly forbidden from discussing his account with anyone. I'm sorry sir. I wont be able to help you with anything more than that"

"So he's checked out?" Tyrone said.

"Im afraid so"

"Oh. OK, well thanks for your help" Tyrone said, putting his diary back in his back.

He turned around and headed for the doors. He couldn't believe that Hayden checked out. He must have frightened him off. That was the only possible reason. Hayden probably didn't want him to know where he was staying and realised that he made a mistake when he gave Tyrone his room number, and because of that, he must have checked into another hotel. Tyrone could do the unthinkable and check every hotel in the city. But even then, there was every possibility that Hayden checked in under an assumed name.

He could not understand it. He wanted to know why Hayden did this. He seemed too keen to want to keep in touch last night. Why would he do something like this. Wait! Maybe there was an emergency and he HAD to check out for whatever reason, but he was sure that Hayden would have contacted him. Hayden still had his phone number.

Tyrone was totally confused. He got into his car and sat there, looking blankly at the dashboard. He was in two minds over what to do. After much deliberating, he decided that he would try to catch Hayden at Fox Studios. It was the only sure way he knew he could contact him. He turned on the car and headed for Fox Studios.

Tyrone arrived at the Fox precinct and parked his car in the parking station. The Fox Backlot was the facade of the Studios, so he headed in that direction. He saw a huge metal gate which was about 15 feet high. It was a copper colour and looked heavy. It was manned by two security guards in light brown uniforms. This was probably the entrance to the Studios.

"Can I help you mate?" one of the guards said, as Tyrone walked towards them.

"Yeah hi. I was wondering if I could leave something here for ... um ... One of the people who work ... here?" he struggled to think of what he should say.

"You'll have to see Fox Admin, just over there" the guard said nodding towards a white building about 20 metres from where they stood.

"Thanks" Tyrone said, walking away.

He reached the admin building and pushed the door open. There was a woman in her 30s sitting behind the desk who had the usually receptionist look about her. Lots of fluro post-its, pens, papers, letters and a headset.

"May I help you" she said.

"Hi, I was wondering if I could leave a letter for Hayden Christensen please?" he said, pulling his diary out again.

"What department is he in?" she asked.

"Oh, I dont think he actually works for the company. He's shooting a movie here." Tyrone said trying to sound formal.

Unbeknownst to him, George Lucas had issued very strict orders to the staff at Fox Studios that anyone who was suspicious or seemed to want information of the new Star Wars or any of the actors involed was to be dealt with by security. The receptionist realised what Tyrone was talking about the second he said "shooting a movie" and immediately pressed a button hidden under her desk.

"OK, sir, and what movie would that be?" she asked, trying to stall him.

"Um," Tyrone wondered if he should tell the truth "its the new Star Wars Movie"

Two guards came in the door. Tyrone and the receptionist turned to them. Tyrone gave the receptionist a confused look.

One of the guards spoke. "Would you please step outside sir?".



Next: Chapter 10: Hayden Christensen 10

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