
By Tyrone James

Published on Mar 10, 2012


Disclaimer - This story is fictional. I am in no way associated to Hayden Christensen, nor do I claim to know his sexual preference. This story has elements of same sex relationships which may not be suitable to all audiences. My use of Star Wars references are in no way licensed to me, and are owned by George Lucas and Lucasfilm.

Tyrone turned down the CD player so that he could hear it, but still talk on the phone at the same time. He positioned his hands free phone attachment to his left ear and pressed the number 4 on his phone, then hit the green dial button. The phone display read, "Pauline".

"Hello?" answered a sleepy sounding voice on the other end of the line.

"Hey, it's me. Sorry, were you sleeping?" Tyrone said.

"Oh, sorta, I must have fallen asleep watching Sex in the City." Pauline replied.

"OK, well, I just dropped him off back at the hotel. I wanted to give you a call since I had to leave you real quickly before when you rang"

"Nah, thats cool, so what happened?" she asked.

"Well, he rang me like earlier tonight and asked if I was interested in going out at all, so I said yes. I went to pick him up and we decided to get something to eat."

"And that's it?" Pauline said, expecting more.

"Yeah, I mean we talked and that. I dont know, there was a second there when it seemed as if we were connected, but I dont know. I thought about it, he's only going to be here for another 2 months, then he leaves. There is no point getting attached to someone who is only going to disappear."

Pauline sensed it straight away, she knew that he had fallen for him and was looking for an excuse to get rid of those feelings. She decided to humour him though.

"Ah OK. Yeah I see what you mean. Well how about you dont take things too seriously, that way you wont expect too much and you wont be disappointed." she advised.

"Yeah, I dunno, we'll see what happens", he said sounding undecided.

"Are you going to see him again?" she asked.

"Well, I'm not sure, I told him that I wanted him to come to my 21st next Saturday"

"That'll be interesting. I'd love to meet him myself." Pauline decided to change the topic "So, have you guys talked about the new Star Wars movie at all?"

"Thats the weird thing, I havent actually told him that I know who he is. He must still think I assume he's a Canadian tourist. He hasnt actually come forward and said anything himself. Which is cool I guess. He doesn't want to flaunt the fact that he's this big shot actor or whatever."

"Wow, he sounds like a really nice guy."

"He is a very nice guy. Too nice, you know? Almost too good to be true. Argh, what am I getting myself into!?"

Pauline let out a polite laugh, wanting to lighten his mood so he wouldn't think so badly of it.

"Listen, I'll let you go, you sound tired. Sorry for disturbing you! I'll cya soon" Tyrone said.

"OK, you take care! Drive safely. Goodnight". She hung up.

Tyrone removed his hands free phone attachment and turned the music up a little louder. He spent the rest of the drive back to his place thinking about Hayden's eyes. They were so beautiful, so mischievous, yet so handsome. They twinkled like sky blue sapphires peering behind, long slender lashes. He could get lost in those eyes.

Finally he reached his home. He turned into their driveway and stopped the car. He walked past the side gate of their one storey home. His dogs Ben and Delta, two purebred Collies, had stirred when they heard his car coming and stuck their heads between the white bars of the gate, as if to greet him and welcome him home.

He patted them both on their heads, "Hello Delts. Hello Benjamin", he said in a loving voice. He never called them by their proper names, Delta and Ben.

The house lights were all out which meant that everyone was asleep, the only light in the house was a lamp which was in the living room. He locked the front door after entering the house and headed for his room.

He removed his jacket and threw it on top of a pile of clothes which lay on the floor beside the door to his bedroom. His mobile phone was thrown onto the bed. He walked up to his CD rack and stuck one of the discs into his CD player. Then, turned around to the bed and slumped down on it. The CD player remote control was on his night stand, he reached for it, pressed play and forwarded through the songs until it reached track 10. He waited for it to play as he lay face down across the width of his bed...

[CD Player] [...Lying in your arms, so close together, didnt know just what I had. Now I toss and turn, cause I'm without you, how I'm missing you so bad. Where was my head, where was my heart? Now I cry, alone in the dark, I lie awake. I drive myself crazy, drive myself crazy. Thinking of you. Made a mistake, when I let you go baby, I drive myself crazy, wanting you the way that I do...]

Tyrone listened to the rest of the song and closed his eyes. Images of Hayden flashed through his mind. He recalled the first time he saw him out on the Harbour, the first time he saw the picture of Hayden dressed as a Jedi in the magazine. He recalled looking into his eyes, while their hands touched. He smiled to himself at the thought. Soon enough fell asleep.



Next: Chapter 8: Hayden Christensen 08

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