I Am Here for You

By Lady Misterious

Published on Jun 13, 2002


Hey! My name is Luciana de Jesus, also known as Luciana Littrell... LOL I'm writing the story We Went Crazy, Dude! And now I'm begining with this one. Any comments, suggestions: LIONESSY@HOTMAIL.COM . You can also e-mail me through lucianapopstar@hotmail.com But I'd really rather the former coz the ladder's inbox is exploding. LOL

Legal disclaimer: I don't know the backstreet boys, and I still don't own them, but I'm working on my secret plan... LOL As much as I wonder a lot about Nick and Brian being a couple, as far as we all know they aren't, so this story isn't saying anything true about their sexuality. PURE FICTION!

This story contains sexual violence and m/m pairing. Hope you like it!


It had been a year and a half the Backstreet Boys had joined together to start the project of a life. Being part of a pop group, going for fame, money and a dream career.

It was their first week in Europe, where they had been sent by the management to perform some covers and get known. Maybe they could even begin to record some of their own songs written by people in the business. They were risking their luck leaving everything, including family behind to follow this dream, to go with the music.

The good thing was that they were already used to each other, one year and a half being together, so that it was way easier to carry on being in a country that wasn't yours.

Right now they were in England, putting together their stuff in their rooms at the hotel and getting ready to finally go to bed and recover the long trip by plane they had been through.

It was the first time Brian and Nick shared a room.

As soon as they entered the place Nick checked everything inside that small toom. A small kitchen, the living room with a large coutch, and only one bedroom with a large bed, a mirror and the bathroom.

"Oh, great! Did you see it has only one bed? Someone will have to sleep in the couth!" - Nick complained.

Brian dropped his lugagge, sighed and looked at him.

"And who will it be?"

Imediatly Nick gave him the puppy eyes and a huge smile.

Brian couldn't help but smiling looking at the fourteen years old in front of him.

"Ok, Nick. I'll go with the coutch. You can have the bed."

Nick grinned.

"Thanks, buddy!"

"Yeah, yeah... whatever!" - Brian muttered and Nick smiled at him.

A couple of months after the group had begun these boys had been sort of best friends. First, to Nick, it was just a good idea to be friends with Kevin's cousin, so that he would have someone to run to when he got mad at him. Which by the way wasn't a rare situation. At all. But soon they found out so many things and tastes they had in common and were really connected right now. They had formed this twosome and managed to get in the nerves of the other three guys by pulling their little pranks on them.

"God, I'm so tired!" - Brian exclaimed.

"Me too. Guess I'll go to bed. Good night, Brian." - Nick said heading to the room.

"Night, Nick."

The morning came in a beautiful and warm day and the boys got up early. They couldn't wait to get to know a little of London.

Kevin woke them all up and at nine o'clock they were having breakfast in the hotel.

"Man, did I use that night alseep! I was so worn out!" - AJ said.

"We all were." - Howie said. - "But still I can't wait to do a little of sight seeing today."

"Me neither, you know what they say about London! The city that never stops." - Brian said.

"Yeah, but where are we going first?" - Kevin asked.

"Oh, the theater!" - Nick exclaimed.

"Sure the theater, but we will have a whole week, I was thinking of going to the historical museum first..."

"Oh, no Kevin! That sucks! Definetly sucks!" - Howie shouted.

"Totally. I wanna see the musicals being performed." - AJ said.

"Me too!"

"So guess me and D. will go for the musicals..." - AJ was saying when someone suddently came close to their table.

"Oh, my God! I can't believe I'm running into you guys here!"

"Taison!" - all the boys exclaimed in union.

"Hey, man!" - Kevin said.

"Hey, people! I missed you guys! Has been like what? A year we don't meet?"

"Almost." - Brian said.

"What are you guys doing in London?"

"Oh, you know. We are here with Lou to try to begin our careers performing some covers." - Howie said. "How about you, dude?"

"Well, I've been here for almost a month now. I'm working in this city. Its really a nice place to live in. I'm loving this." - Taison said.

"C'mon, dude, have a sit!" - Nick said making room for their friend.

"Oh, ok." - he said smiling and sitting to have breakfast with his friends.

Taison was a dark haired, twenty years old boy. Black eyes. Tall, very tall and good looking. And strong too. He was totally into the whole working out and healthy life program. Life meant adventure to him.

He had met the boys at the very begining of the group, back in Orlando, Florida. He was the son of a producer of the Backstreet group and he was there at Jive Records dealing with the marketing progam. So many afternoons that six boys had spent together having fun... They used to hang out, or better, to work hard to promote them every day during three months, till Taison decided he wanted to travel around the world to meet different places.

It was really good that they all got to meet again. See how sometimes this world can be really, really small.

"So, Taison. Me and the boys were here arguing about what we wanted to do today. We were willing in go sight seeing, but it seems like we can't decide were to go first!" - Kevin said.

"Oh, I see. I understand that. London is just irresistable." - Taison said.

"Sure. But to me we should go see the theater first!" - Nick exclaimed.

"Oh, the theater! Definetly a good option. The best if I may say." - Taison sighed and turned to face Nick. He smiled.

"What about the historical museum?" - Kevin asked.

"Oh, I've been there too. Its great but honestly, sorta boring."

AJ laughed.

"I didn't even need to go there to know this." - he said.

"Me and AJ want to go to the musicals, to see what they'll be playing during this week."

"Oh, thats great too, Howie. They have lots of interesting things going on." - Taison said.

"Ok, so here it is: I think we should go to different places in towsomes, so that everyone will see what want first. We have lunch out and by three thirty we meet here again."

"I agree with AJ." - Brian said.

"So, me and D. have our squeme."

"Yeah, the musicals." - Howie said.

"Brian, you'll go to the museum with me, right cuz?"

"Er..." - Brian looked at Nick's pleading eyes.

"Thats ok Brian. You can go with Kevin. I will love to go to theater with the little prankster here." - Taison said stroking Nick's hair.

Both Brian and Nick laughed.

"Ok, Kevin. I'll go with you."

"Fine. Nick you go with Taison then."

Nick looked at his big friend and smiled.

"And Taison..." - Kevin continued. - "Keep an eye out for this little monster. You know how he loves to pull tricks." - Kevin gave Nick the eye.

"Hey!" - Nick laughed. - "I'm a good boy!"

Everybody laughed at him.

"Sure you are, Nick!" - Brian grined at him.

"Ok, then." - Taison sighed as they all stood up.

"Guess we'll meet later then." - Brian said.

"Sure, later you all!" - AJ said as Howie and him walked away to the leave.

The other four boys said their good byes and did the same.

"Oh, I'm so glad you came with me! Damn, I couldn't stand spending five hours in a museum!" - Nick exclaimed.

Taison laughed.

"Me neither. I know Kevin may like it, but Brian will have a hard time!"

Nick laughed.

"Poor thing!"

They were talking in a high tone once the noise coming for the traffic was very loud.

"So, you and Brian are still driving the guys insane with your pratical jokes, huh?" - Taison asked as they were walking in the side walk, heading to the theater.

"Yeah! We luv to drive them crazy!" - Nick giggled. - "So, you think we'll have time to go for some chicks?" - Nick asked cheerfully.

"Yo, Nick! Fourteen and already on fire!"

Nick laughed.

"Sure we can go for some chikas, buddy." - Taison grined as they got to the theater. "We stay here for three or four hours and then I know a really good restaurant."

"Oh, cool. But this can wait. I'm not hungry at all!"

They entered the large and magical place.

Nick looked at everything around him with an amused look.

"Wow!" - He let out a sigh.

"Welcome to London, dude." - Taison smiled.

So, did you people like the begining? Please, i'd love to hear your comments! It inspires me and makes me write faster!


Next: Chapter 2

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