I Am Here for You

By Lady Misterious

Published on Jul 20, 2002



Another whole year passed by. Now Nick was sixteen and Brian was twenty one. The Backstreet Boys were no longer a project. They were reality. Back to the US were they were rocking with the singles in their first album, nothing could be more thrilling than being able to tour with their own songs.

While performing this first real tour they were also being a part in the squeme of writing lyrics for the next album. Because Virgin Records sure wanted more of that five boys. They were famous. MTV playing their videos, radio stations playing their songs... It could have been a dream, but now it was reality.

In their personal life lots of things had changed too. We all know how money can change one's life. The boys were now being able to help their families, and to buy all sorts of things they've always dreamed about. Mansions, fancy cars, all the cloths you can wear... This kind of stuff a popstar can really do with.

AJ and Howie were just clubing around the clock whenever they weren't busy with their careers. Kevin was more peaceful, taking time to visit places and meet different people, beyond his own family and friends. Brian had broken up with Samatha and nothing was going on between him and anybody else. He had only been hooking Nick up with several girls now a days.

He knew Nick was still a virgin. Although he was always going in dates with cute girls, he'd never allow himself to go further. Brian never wondered much about it, he just thought it was one of his friend's decision and sooner or later he'd go for it. After all Nick was still very young.

Right now during this wonderful sunny day in Florida, their last before going to New York perform the last couple shows of this tour, Nick was out with Kathy. The last girl Brian had hooked him up with. Nothing could explain how happy Brian was feeling being able to help Nick, to see him back to what he was. 'I mean, he IS back, isn't him?' - Brian thought. Of course Nick still had some nightmares, but they happened rarely now. Sometimes he'd be even months without having them. Even though both guys kept sharing rooms. They were just best friends and loved to hang around watching TV or just talking about nothing and everything at the same time.

At four o'clock Brian sighed and turned off the TV at the apartment they were sharing in Orlando. All they boys had their luggage ready to take off at night. It was getting usual. Getting in and out of planes, in and out of hotels, in out of stages... Tiring, it was true. But wonderful at the same time.

He heard the noise of keys coming from the hallway and two minutes later Nick was inside with him.

"Hey, yo Nick!"


Nick dropped his keys and sat on the floor next to Brian.

Brian looked at him grinning.

"Got tongue?"

Nick bursted out laughing.

"You betcha!" - he said looking at Brian. - "Kathy is hot. What a shame we'll be going away tonight. I'll definitely miss her."

"You liar. You won't miss her. I bet next week you'll be with a different girl."

Nick only grinned at him and nodded.

"You know me just too well, Littrell."

The day the boys got in New York City they took to rest and recover. They slept the whole night without going clubbing because the next day they'd be performing during the night.

So they did. Once and then again two days later.

Their last day performing this tour was a Saturday night playing to a large crowd of little girls, teenagers, women, boyfriends, kids, families... Everyone having a good time.

Once again the day after this last show they slept a lot before roaming a little by the city. Now they would have a free week to spend in New York after a needed vacation of three months. Well, not actually a vacation when they'd be already working in their next singles. But nothing exhaustive. Pure joy.

Later that night the boys were still tired and just decided they would stay home again, they would still have a whole week to go clubbing. They hung around at Kevin's apartment. Howie, AJ and Kevin had got one and Brian and Nick the other. It was just about crossing the hallway and they were pratically facing each other.

Even though they were tired they managed to stay up until midnight just hanging together, talking and watching TV.

Brian stared at Nick and saw something in his eyes. Nick was spacing out. Yes, he was there goofing off, being himself, but Brian knew him way too much to know something was bothering him. Maybe not something big, but a little issue for sure.

Suddently Nick caught Brian staring and gave him the eye. He wanted to go to their room. He was tired. He was sleepy. He needed to rest his body and his mind.

"Oh, hey guys, Nick and I are drowsy, we will get going to get some sleep, ok?"

"Sure, Brian." - AJ said as both Brian and Nick stood up.

"Good night, cousin, Nick..." - Kevin said.

"Yeah, good night, guys."

"Night, Howie." - Nick replied.

Soon the boys were back to their room and Nick sighed. Brian looked at him.

"Is there something wrong, Nick? Do want to talk about it with me?"

"Huh? Oh, no, Brian. Its nothing. I'm just spacing out a little, I know that. But I'm fine, I've never been this happy in my life." - Nick smiled and so did Brian.

"Ok. I'll get ready to sleep."

"Sure." - Nick said going to the couch and taking some cloths he had left there.

When they were both ready Nick went to the bedroom and laid on the large bed, turning the lights off. Soon Brian was there lying on his left. Without saying a word Brian got into the blankets and cuddled to the pillow. Nick turned around facing the wall and closed his eyes.

"Good night, Frack." - he heard Brian say.

A smile spread across his face.

"Night, Frick. Luv ya."

"Luv ya too, always."

God, that was an amazing afternoon. He spent the whole day with his family. Nick missed his parents, he missed his sisters. They all missed him too. They had laughed and talked about everything that was going on in their lifes. As he thought before, it was a perfect day.

To top it off Nick ran into Kathy in the afternoon. Oh, geez... she was so pretty... Nick loved to be there hugging her, kissing her, touching her face.

"Nick, I have a surprise for you..." - she whispered seductively into his ear.

Nick smiled at her while the girl took him by the hand.

"Come with me. I'll guide you."


Nick followed her until a large theater. The place was huge and beautiful, and Nick knew he had already been there.

He waisted time looking at every detail on the walls, staring at the paintings and the great stage in front ot him. The chairs, the ceiling... everything was so perfect!

Kathy took them up to the stage. They were the only ones there. Nick could feel her hand guiding him. But he wasn't looking at her. He was amazed by the beauty of that place. It was enormous! Again, where did he see that? Had he ever been there before? He was feeling something... Something in his heart everytime he looked at a different picture on the wall, the flawless sculptures... astonishing!

Nick turned around. He wanted to tell Kathy how much he loved the surprise. He wanted to tell her he loved that place, but when Nick saw she wasn't there. There was no one there with him.

"Kathy?" - Nick asked. - "Kathy, where are you, girl? I love this place, come back here! Kathy!?" - Nick ran a little in that large stage. - "Kathy, what place is this? Where are we? Kathy... KATHY!" - Nick called again.

Suddently he felt hands on his back making him turn around.

"Kathy!" - Nick said happly before seeing those eyes.

"Welcome to London, dude."

"Taison!? What are you doing here, where is Kathy?" - only his presence could make Nick shudder in fear.

"Kathy? Whos Kathy, Nick?"

He was getting closer.

"My girlfriend, where is she?!"

"Girlfriend? Who are you trying to fool, you little faggot...?"

"SHUT UP! I'm not this!" - Nick was stepping back, almost being against the wall.

Taison forced him onto the wall and touched his face.

"How can you say you are not after what happened between us...?"

"Nothing happened, you forced me!"

"Oh, are you sure, Nicky...? C'mon, be honest to yourself... you know you liked it..."

"I didn't!" - Nick was screaming as Taison began to touch him.

"Well, ya know how they say the second time is always better. Don't you wanna give it a go, Nick?"


For some crazy reason Nick got weak whenever Taison hit him. And he did it now. Nick fell in the middle of that stage, his nose bledding while he struggled against the man rippind his shirt and pulling his pants down.

"Don't do that! Don't, get away! Leave me alone, I can't stand it anymore, GO AWAY!"

"You better be nice to me, this time I might not be a decent person and let you live."

Nick whined trying to free his hand from the tight strings Taison tied to keep his hands still.

Nick was fighting, kicking him, moving desperately.

"Stop it!" - Taison yelled. - "You has got to be a good boy, Nicky... all you have to do is be a good boy to me."

Taison kissed his lips and Nick bit him hard, making him bleed.

"You asshole! I'm gonna kill you for that!" - Taison smacked him and Nick cried out in pain.

The man didn't lose time in getting what he wanted. He began to thrust into Nick as he was still fighting against the heavy body on top of him.

Nick didn't want to scream, if he opened his mouth he would taste the blood coming from his nose, he didn't want to taste blood again. He was whining madly trying to make him stop.

But Taison kept his movements, making Nick bleed, making him cry in agony with tied hands.

"NOOO!!!!" - Nick screamed fighting with all his strenght.

"Shut up! Stop moving otherwise I can't fuck you!"

Nick cried.

Tasion held Nick's arms strongly, keeping him still as Nick's head was shaking frantically.

He kept entering Nick, forcing him more and more.

"You know you are so tight, Nicky... God, you feel so damn good!"

Nick shut his eyes and foght against him. He tried to move but strong arms were keeping him. He couldn't get away of those strong arms, they were too tight around him.

'Please, God...' - Nick thought. He was moving and moving but those arms were still holding him, tight. Suddently Nick stopped fighting. Without opening his eyes he realized those arms holding him were Brian's.

Slowly Nick opened his eyes and Brian was holding him tight, his eyes full of fear, moisted with tears and their faces inches away.

Nick loosened. He was safe. Brian would never let anyone hurt him again. He didn't know why, but he felt like crying. And Nick broke down in Brian's arms.

"Oh, no, no, no... Shiiiiii... Don't cry, Nick... These nightmares will go away... Shiiii....."

Brian put his body close to Nick's, as he was on top of him comforting the boy from another of those nightmares that wouldn't come to an end.

Nick was still crying as Brian ran his hand softly over his cheeks, whispering sweet words, holding him tight, making him feel safe.

Nick opened his eyes again. Brian was only one inch away. Nick placed his hands at the back of his neck to be able to bury his head there, crying.

"Taison was there in London! The theater I was there with Kathy but she went away! Then I saw, I saw him and he... He was forcing me and it was everything again and there was nobody there and again he was too strong I couldn't get away I couldn't!"

"Shiiii...." - Brian said as he kissed Nick's neck softly. - "Its ok, Nick... nothing of that was real. I was here with you all the time."

Nick's sobs calmed down and he again laid on the bed with Brian staring at him. Nick moved making Brian get out of being on top of him and lying on the bed again. So that Nick was able to rest his head on his chest and cuddle to him. He did that two years ago, but still it made him feel so safe... He knew no one in this world could make him feel that way.

Brian was now caressing his hair as he brought Nick up to share the same pillow.

Nick closed his eyes and Brian leaned down to kiss him. Brian placed his lips on his for some seconds until he went back to his place, inches away.

Nick opened his eyes and they stared at each other.

"Thank you so much!" - Nick whispered as he cuddled to Brian's body again.

Brian sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

"Nick, one day you will have to open up to me."

"I know." - he said with his head under Brian's chin.

Nick remembered of the dream and all those things Taison was saying.

"I'm just not ready."

"I understand. But let me know when, ok?"

Nick nodded and stared at Brian again.

He pulled him closer and their lips met once again. This deep connection of lips pressing against each other's showing all the love and care they have been sharing.

Slowly the ylet go and Nick feel asleep with Brian smoothing his hair and neck, just as he always did when he had a nightmare.

Their friendship was perfect. Not only to Nick, Brian knew it was the most important part of his life, this love, this care Nick and him shared. And feeling Nick's sleepy head on his neck gave Brian the faith in life. He was lucky... for many reason and the greatest one because of this especial friendship, this connection he shared with Nick. This something that would last forever.

Oh... did you like the chapter? Please e-mail me telling me if you like how the story is going on! :o) lionessy@hotmail.com

Oh, I have three other stories here at nifty - Frick and Frack slash - if you wanna check them out: * A dare made me see the truth * We went crazy dude! * Where can we go from here

I'm in winter break here in Brazil, and I'll be traveling next week.

Commets and suggestions are really appreciated! Lionessy@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 10

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