I Am Here for You

By Lady Misterious

Published on Aug 26, 2002



The boys finished the last tour of the Black and Blue album after traveling all around the world. Soon they would be working in another album, but for now they deserved some good vacations.

After spending a couple of weeks with his family, Nick went back to his house on the beach. There is no place like home, and this couldn't be more true. Nick knew all the fellows were in Tampa, from time to time they had some meeting calls, but nothing was planned for the next fifteen days.

AJ was the one Nick was hanging out with. AJ and Howie. He had never been this close to this two guys. Kevin was also treating Nick in a different way, he was no longer a teen, he was an adult, and his friendship with Kevin was more mature, only now they were having this little thing because Kevin got really mad at Nick with the whole arrestment issue. He wasn't liking the good life Nick was throwing himself at, but he knew it was his choice and deep inside Nick was responsible.

It had been exactly twenty days Nick and Brian didn't see each other. They talked a couple of times on the phone and that was all. They missed each other. But at this moment neither of them knew how much.

Nick was coming back from the restaurant he went to have lunch with his twin brothers. His sister Angel and Aaron. They were staying at their Grandma's and Nick called setting up lunch for them.

At two o' clock of a sunny and hot day in Florida, Nick was in his fancy car driving back home. First he dropped his sister and brother at their Grandma's house and after a brief "hi" to them he was now going to his house. He needed to rest. He could never get enough of sleeping, watching TV and listening to music while eating on bed.

Talking about music Nick turned on the radio of his car. He changed the radio station a couple of times before giving up and looking for one of his CDs. He wanted something like Linkin Park or Limp Bizkit, but he couldn't remember if he had those CDs in the car.

Nick dug his hand in the amazing pile of CDs at the back seat and took the first one he found.

Backstreet's Back.

Nick giggled looking at the cover. "Oh, my..." - he sighed happily.

Slowly Nick put the CD to play. He listened to Everybody and during all the song he could remember the days they took to make that video. It had been the best making off ever! The hardest one, but the funniest too. When it came As Long As You Love Me, Nick just jumped the song. He didn't want to listen to it. It reminded him of Leighanne.

All I Have To Give... one of his favorite songs... When he heard the singles Nick began to jump songs again and listen to a small piece of each one, he stopped when it began to play the notes for Thats What She Said. Nick smiled. How long he didn't hear that song? Months! Maybe a whole year!

Nick heard Brian's voice coming softly from the radio. He smiled dreamily. He could remember all the times they spent together, he could hear that voice inside his head whenever he closed his eyes. Brian's voice was so... so deep. Nick smiled again remembering how many times Brian talked to him softly, calming him down, those other times he talked harshly, forcing Nick to get a move on, and that times, just as in the country house when he talked to him with so much love...

'Love?' - Nick thought surprised. - 'Yeah, of course love, you fool! Brian loves you! Just like you love him!'

Nick turned on the volume.

'Well, then if he loves me why ain't he here with me now? Ok, he is married, big deal! But I'm his best friend, he has to spend time with me, right?' - Nick was thinking to himself as Brian's voice was still coming from the radio.

'Yeah, he definitely should spend more time with me. He has a wife and no time for me, I have fifty different girls and still have all the time in this world for my best friend. Best friend? Yeah, right! Damn, where is he now, huh? Huh? I hate him. I hate Brian.'

Nick kept quiet for a while and then he felt it. His heart. Seemed like it was getting bigger inside his chest. All those silly butterflies in his stomach causing a stupid smile to appear on his face.

"Oh, my God, I love him! I l o v e B r i a n!"

Nick's eyes widened and he laughed. Out of nowhere he had an outburst of laughter, and he was almost home when he calmed down little by little.

"Oh, God..." - Nick sighed seriously.

As soon as he parked his car in the garage he left and went straight to his house, the terrace from where he could stare at the sea.

Even being sat down Nick could feel he was breathing fast. All the thoughts running through his mind made no sense. He couldn't love Brian even because he was sure he wasn't gay. But at the same time he loved Brian more than anything in this world!

All of that came back. Brian's words. And for the first time Nick understood what he had meant.

Those things about finding the one.

Nick was confused about his feelings, but he knew that if he had to pick one person to be with for the rest of his life it would be Brian. He was the only one able to understand all the little things Nick does. Brian could see his soul through his eyes. Everything he told Nick about that special person... Well, he knew that if he had Brian he wouldn't care about anything else in this world. And it had always been like that. The time they spend together, talking, playing, just being with each other could make the world fade around Nick. He wouldn't care about money, parties, fame, mansions and everything else if he had love. But never in his life a person had made him think of giving it all up. His principles. His family. His friends. His own life. To give up everything for the biggest and most rewarding thing in the world. Loving and being loved back.

What if... what if Brian was this person? What if Brian was his meant to be? Nick never believed in soul mates, maybe because he didn't believe he could find his. But what if... What if this person had always been Brian?

Nick couldn't help but feeling those butterflies in his stomach now taking his mind and heart. He loved Brian. And he loved him bad. How else could he explain the hole in his life when Brian wasn't around? The antipathy with his wife? Nick wanted, he needed Brian.

He was now looking back at everything they had been through together. How many times they softly kissed each other, the embraces, the caresses, the deep touches and loving words... It couldn't have been only friendship. It was love. What happened to them in the country house was love, how come he never thought about it before?! And nothing of this happened only because of him. If Nick was in love with Brian he was sure Brian felt the same. He had no fear about this. For sure Brian loved his wife, but they needed to talk. Maybe their deep connection needed another name. Maybe now it could be named love.

She could see him walking around the streets of Tampa. Whenever going to the movies or walking in the park she could glance him. For sure it had happened. The letter. It had brought Taison back to this city. He must have read the magazines to know the boys were all in Florida. And he knew Nick lived in Tampa.

Taison arrived at the city having no clue on exactly how he should, would act. The person who sent that letter ruined his life. His father hated him, he was all alone in this world, and worst, without the money that belonged to him. At least in his sick mind it did belong to him.

As more days passed by Taison fought his fear and went to one of the Jive Records buildings his father ruled. He was afraid they would know Taison was no longer his father's heir and worst, they would know why. Taison didn't dare to go into one of those buildings before because maybe his father told everyone what his son did, but as time closed by and he was running out of options, he decided to give it a go. His father wouldn't ever tell anyone about what Taison did. Papers and Magazines for sure would speculate, but sooner or later they would give it up too.

Following his every step Leighanne knew where Taison was going to get information on Nick. But she also feared Taison going to Jive's building to ask for this info. They would probably give him his address and call Nick right after to tell him about his friend Taison having chances to pay him a visit. She couldn't let that happen. Everything had been perfect up until now and she was a perfectionist. Nothing could go wrong.

Basically, what bad could happen? Taking Nick out of her life and Brian's was a need, not a whim. She needed to do that in the name of love, and besides, she wouldn't actually do anything at all.

Leighanne arranged things in order she was leaving the building when Taison was about to enter. The acting began.

"Oh, God! I know, you!" - she exclaimed gazing the extremely good- looking man in front of her.

"Er, you do? Well, I think I know you too. You are Brian Littrell's wife, right?" - Taison asked Leighanne. He was unsure. He couldn't trust anyone close to the Backstreet Boys.

"Yes, I am!" - she answered proudly. - "You are Taison Harriel, right? I've seen you in magazines. I know you were friends with the boys at the beginning of their career. Whenever I talk with AJ and Howie they tell me a great deal of stuff about you." - Leighanne smiled carefully omitting Brian, Kevin and Nick's name.

"Oh, cool! Doesn't your husband talk about me?" - Taison asked cleverly.

"Actually no. He said one or two things. I'm sorry but I don't think you guys were too close, am I right?" - Leighanne asked innocently.

"Oh, oh sure. We weren't" - Taison shook his head in denial smiling at the same time.

"Don't you miss the boys? I mean, why haven't you ever paid them a visit? I know they miss you!"

"They do?!"

"Well, maybe not my husband, and I've never heard Kevin say anything about you either, but the other boys miss you, Taison! It might suck following your friend's life through magazines and papers, right?"

"Yes, it does. Really does." - Taison was very aware of the fact she didn't mention Nick. He knew it was very, very risky, but hey! His life was already screwed, he needed to try that. - "By the way, I was about to go inside and maybe ask for the guys new addresses. I was thinking in maybe paying a visit while I'm still in Tampa."

They locked eyes.

"Sure..." - Leighanne smiled. - "I'll give ya the address of all the boys. Including mine. I'm sure they will love to hear from you personally..." - she grinned again.

As they had planned before, Nick had dinner at his grandma's house. He loved the time spent there. His grandparents were wonderful people, Nick loved them very much since he was little.

He was having an amazing time with his two youngest brothers, Angel and Aaron. They talked a lot with their grandma and grandpa looking back at the old times, hearing funny stories about Nick and their parents.

Nick was so proud of his family... Angel was a beautiful girl, and Aaron, oh well, he had always been sort of his favorite from the family. He wanted to follow this same career and he was making it! Aaron had his own records and Nick was helping him out to make him one of the youngest pop stars.

Soon enough all this family thoughts went away. Nick spaced off most of the night. He was thinking about Brian. As each minute closed by he loved him more and more. No, maybe it was wrong. He didn't love Brian more, he was just realizing how big this feeling was inside of him. And the more he did this, the more he smiled looking back at the old times. God, he loved Brian! And as soon as possible Nick was going to talk to him. He just needed to talk to Brian and only this thought could let him happy and having those wonderful butterflies inside of him.

"Nick...!!! Nick, where are you? You home?" - AJ was screaming as he entered Nick's house with the keys he had given him. - "C'mon, dude, Nick!!! Damn!"

AJ gave up. Although the place had lots of lights on Nick for sure wasn't there. He probably went somewhere else to eat. Which really was a shame once he was there to invite him to catch up with him in this new disco opening in the city. The place was probably amazing and AJ felt bad for not being able to share his company that night. Going clubbing by himself sucked, but for nothing in this world he would miss on that opportunity. He could take Nick there some other time.

As he was about to leave he heard the noise of someone entering the house.

"Nick?" - AJ ran to the door. - "Taison!?!"

Taison did his best not to show how surprised he felt. He almost fainted when all of sudden AJ called his name out loud. 'Guilty conscience.' - he thought.

"J!!" - Taison forced a smile. He didn't know what was going to happen now. For sure he had been too lucky finding the door opened, but things would be a lot more difficult...

"Oh, man! I missed you bad, dude! How come you never showed up again! I don't see you since London! Geez, Taison, you look the same!" - AJ softly punched his shoulder.

Taison's eyes widened as he loosened. Oh, he was a lucky bastard and he knew that.

"What are you doing here? Come in!"

Suddnely Taison felt confused.

"I, I thought this was Nick's house..."

"Oh, yes! For sure it is! I just have a copy of the keys and I came here to invite him to go clubbing with me tonight, but I think he went somewhere else to have dinner."


"So, won't you hug me? We haven't met in years, man! Years!"

"Oh, sure..." - Taison grinned hugging AJ and gently slapping his back.

"So, have a sit! Where have you been? Why haven't you showed up before! And why do you want to see Nick?" - AJ asked smiley.

"Oh, well... lots of questions!" - Taison giggled. Soon the nervousness disappeared and he began to act. - "Its a long story of traveling around the world, getting into new jobs, spending time with my family... I know I never called again, it was very rude from me, but hey, I tried sometimes during the years to talk to you guys, but you too have been so busy!"

"True that."

"Right now I'll be spending some time in Tampa and I happened to run into Brian's wife..."

"Leighanne? Wonderful woman."

"Yeah, she is adorable. We talked a little and I mentioned I missed you people and would probably want to make a visit before I leave again, she said you guys missed me too, so I just asked and she gave me your addresses. I don't know why I came to see Nick first... I think I miss the little prankster of ours!" - Taison laughed and AJ followed him.

"Sure... Well, Nick's changed a lot. He is still that goofier, but he is more mature now. Oh well, did I just say that? Nick is all grown up but he's been enjoying the good life, as you probably heard on the news."

"Yes, I did. You too my friend, I know you've been overdoing it too." - Taison was talking about the clinic AJ had been to.

"Oh, well... This is a long story, my friend. I would love to be here talking to you as we wait for Nick..."

"Sure, I'd love it too! But hey, didn't you say you wanted to go clubbing tonight? I don't wanna spoil your plans. For me you can go there and have a good time, I'll still be a couple of weeks in the city and we can have all the time to hang out."

"Oh, definitely! I really wanna go to that club, but I don't wanna leave you here all alone waiting for Nick, it would be kinda rude..."

Taison laughed and friendly slapped AJ's hands.

"Go for it, my friend. I'll be fine waiting for our little friend, Nick. Don't worry, if he went out for dinner he will probably be home soon."

"Ok." - both men stood up. - "But you gotta promise you'll come and visit me. You got my address, right?"

"Sure, buddy. I'll be there." - Taison smiled.

"Ok, see ya soon then. Bye bye!"

"Bye ya!"

Hugging his friend one last time AJ left and Taison closed the door.

It was just perfect. Too perfect.

Nick got home at ten o'clock. It was a wonderful night. Although the day had been hot, at this time you could feel a soft breeze coming from the windows or better yet, walking on the streets.

Nick yawned as he parked his car and entered home. He knew he had left some lights on, but he didn't remember it were so many! God, he was getting too absent minded.

Nick crossed the living room and went up to his bedroom. He could watch some TV or listen to some music. Or even better, he could only lay down and think about Brian.

Nick walked in and didn't even had time to turn on the lights when he heard that voice.

"Hello, dude!"

Nick froze. He didn't move. He didn't think. He could only babble one thing...


Hm, Im so busy... don't know when I'm gonna update this. Maybe if people e- mail me I can find some time to write... Lionessy@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 17

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