I Am Here for You

By Lady Misterious

Published on Jun 29, 2002


Yeah, this is pure fiction coz I still didn't meet the BSB! LOL Hey, I also have a story named We Went Crazy Dude! If you wanna check it out.

Chapter 5

Nick spent three days at that hospital. There was no night the doctor didn't give him sleeping pills or pain pills to make him go through. Brian slept at the hospital too and eventually he would go to Nick's bedroom and spend some hours with him. Nick was getting over the shock state, he liked it when Brian came to talk to him, but for some reason he would just move away whenever his friend tried to caress him. At the begining Brian tried to push a little, afterall Nick had already been comforted by him, but after some time he gave up and decided to just give him some time.

It was one of that times when Brian was there and Doctor Paul arrived that they talked about Nick leaving.

"Can I go home, doctor?" - Nick asked. - "It's been three days now. I feel fine."

Doctor Paul knew he was lying. He couldn't be fine. On the skin of his thorax it was very evident the purple bruise indicating two broken ribs. His nose was broken, his eye was also that garnish purple color.

"I don't think so, Nick. How can I let you go? You haven't eaten anything the nurse tried to give you! You've been all this time under the serum. I can't let you go like that."

"But, please!"

Brian looked at Nick and decided to help.

"I promise I'll take care of him."

"I know you will, son. Its just that I want to be sure he will be one hundred per cent fine."

"How can I be one hundred per cent fine in this hospital room?" - Nick protested. - "Please doctor, let me go home. I'm so thankful for everything you did to me, from my heart I mean it. I promise I'll eat food, I'll do whatever I have to when I'm home."

"Oh, be sure he will. I'll make Nick eat everything."

"There's one more thing. Brian, you have to watch him out. Nick can not walk! For no reason, I don't care. He can't get up on his own and walk around. He needs to rest. He needs to be laid all the day long. Otherwise his bones... They won't get together again."

"Did you understand that, Nick?" - Brian asked smiling at him.

"Yeah. I'll be a good boy, now please, can I go home?"

Doctor Paul smiled widely at him.

"Can I trust you, Brian?"

"Sure, doctor."

"Then yes, Nick. You can go."

Nick sighed in relief. No smily faces. He only sighed and nodded thankfully.

Twenty minutes later Nick was ready to leave the hospital, and before they did so doctor Paul gave his last look to Brian, he didn't even had to say a word to get a response from Brian.

"I promise." - he said.

Brian drove them back to the hotel and half an hour later they were entering their room. None of the other boys had seen them.

Brian opened the door with his keys and they walked in, he helping Nick with every step, against the little boy's will.

"I'm fine, Brian. Really."

"Nope, Nick. I'll only let you go after you are laid on that bed."

Brian kept helping him until they entered the room. Nick stopped at the door.

Although Brian had come back there from the hospital to take some cloths of Nick and him and to straighten up things Nick just wouldn't step ahead.

Brian looked at him and waited until Nick turned around and gasped something to him.

"I... I'm sorry. I just... I just can't go in." - Nick looked at that bed. There was no way he'd ever lay his body on that again. It didn't matter the sheets were from a different color and had no blood on them, even though they were dirty. The whole bedroom was dirty and Nick didn't want, couldn't take the next step.

"Oh, God! I'm so sorry, Nick. I'm such a fool, I shouldn't have brought you here, please forgive me!"

"No, Brian. It's ok. It's not your fault, please! I just can't... be there. Ya understand, right?"

"Yes, of course. I'll just have to finde somewhere else. Maybe Kevin could borrow us his room."

Nick was silent. Brian knew what he was thinking.

"Is it ok?"

"I guess he would have to know anyway. He will want to see me. We can hide something from Howie and AJ, but we can't even try to hide from Kevin. He's gonna ask either God or the Devil to find out."

Brian grinned but Nick kept statical.

"It's ok, Nick. Kevin will know what to do. We both know that he can keep a secret, right?"

"True that."

Brian tried to place his arm around Nick and without thinking he responded by moving away from the touch.

"Nick, its ok. I gotta help you to walk. I won't be any closer after you are comfortable in bed, I give you my word." - Brian said touching his own chest.

"Sorry, Bri." - Nick looked at his feet.

"No problem, buddy. I understand you. Let's just go coz you need to rest, ok?"


In five minutes Brian had helped Nick to walk until Kevin's room and he answered the door right away. He was about to say something about being glad that they had finally arrived but it was when he stopped seeing Nick.

His eyes changed immediatly and he mubled something.

"Oh my God."

"Kevin, please., let us come in and we'll explain everything." - Brian said quickly.

Not being able to speak Kevin only held the door open and Brian walked in almost carrying Nick.

"We'll have to change rooms." - Brian said in his way to the bedroom.

"Why... what is happening here?" - Kevin asked following them.

Brian helped Nick to sit on the bed and stood up right beside him. Kevin stared at Nick but he dropped the gaze.

"Who did that to Nick?" - Kevin asked as no one was talking.

"Calm down, we'll explain everything. Just tell me we'll change rooms. Me and Nick stay here, you get ours."

"Sure, no prob cuz, but will any of you just spit it out and tell me what went on?!" - Kevin was getting flustered seeing Nick's signs of injurys. His eye, his nose, his movements, everything was shouting Nick had been through hell. The look on his eyes made Kevin calm down. Nick was different.

Brian sighed and sat on the bed too, a little far from Nick.

"Kevin, first: Nick and I weren't at any aunt he ran into. We were at the hospital."

"I can tell that."

"That day... when we got here and went sight seeing."

"I remember. I haven't seen Nick after that. You and me crossed by in the hallway."

"Yes. Back to that day when I arrived I went to our room and I was shocked when I saw Nick."

Nick kept quiet looking at the sheets. They were white. Not red, they were white, he thought.

Without Nick noticing Brian reached out to him and lifted his shirt up until Kevin could see the large bruise he had over his skin. Nick's mouth opened in warning but he soon calmed down when Brian let go of him instantly looking at his cousin again.

Seeing that did to Kevin exactly what Brian thought it would do.

"Oh, God... Who did this to him?" - Kevin's voice was a lament.

Brian struggled against himself not to cry. At least not until Kevin knew it all.

"Taison did it." - he said at once and he didn't even have to look at Nick to know he had shivered at this name.

"Wha...?" - Kevin's voice faded.

"Taison smacked Nick. He did this to him. He... he..."

"Taison raped me." - Nick said never letting go of his lost gaze towards the sheets.

"I can't believe..." - Kevin muttered in shock and it was when he saw Brian almost breaking down. - "My God, Brian... I can't believe a person could do that... and a someone supposed to be a friend! Taison was... our friend, for heaven's sake I'm gonna kill him!"

"Calm down." - Brian said. - "It won't help now. We need to think about Nick, he is all that matters. And please Kevin, this is a secret. We don't want anyone to know. Not even the other fellows."

"Ok..." - Kevin sighed and looked at Nick. The kid still lost in his gaze. He felt something inside him building up and suddently he needed desperately to go to Nick and hold him tight.

Kevin moved close to the bed and put his arms around the kid, that instantly moved away in shock.


"What? What's wrong, Nick?"

"Please, don't touch me. Please. I don't want."

"But Nick, its ok now, you can let me hug you. I won't hurt you."

'I won't hurt you, Nicky. I just wanna make you feel good.'

"NO!" - Nick said trying desperately to get away from Kevin's arms, almost making him fall. It wasn't Kevin, it wasn't anyone. It would always be Taison.

"Kevin, let it go!" - Brian said making Kevin even more baffled.

"Ok, sorry..."

Nick put himself under the sheets to avoid the others seeing him shaking in fear. They wouldn't, they could never understand it.

"Ok... I'm, sorry, Nick..." - the kid didn't even look at him.

"Come here, Kevin." - Brian said taking him by the arm.

As they were leaving the bedroom Nick didn't even prostest. He was way too lost in his staring at the white sheets. 'White, not red.', he thought again.

Sat at the room alone, away from Nick's fragile state, Brian could finally tell Kevin the details of everything.

"Kevin, he almost died. He had two broken ribs almost perforating his lungs. When I saw him I panicked. He was coughing blood, he couldn't even move, and to top it of he kept saying he wanted to die..."

"Oh, God..." - Kevin was crying openly now. He couldn't help it. It hurt. Every word Brian was saying was hurting him deeply. Nick was their little brother, the prankster, the caring, the shy, the loving one. It was hard to accept someone could hurt him like that. Someone like Taison.

"When he told me what had happened I swear I could feel his pain. He didn't want to, but I took him to the hospital. Thank God he is alive. I don't know what could have happened if..." - tears rolled down Brian's cheeks and Kevin pulled his cousin in a hug.

"Shiii, Brian. Nick is fine now."

"No, Kevin, he isn't!" - Brian said against his shoulder. - "Nick won't be fine ever again. I could kill Taison for what he did."

"Me too. Every decent human being could've killed him for that."

"Kevin, he did this to the most pure kid I've ever seen! I do know Nick was always wanting to know about nasty stuff, but he is a kid, right? He is curious! But I've never seen such boy at his age with this lack of malice. Because Nick didn't have malice! He was so innocent... I don't know why the hell I'm talking in the past because Nick is still an angel! I know none of us will ever be able to define the pain he went through."

Kevin felt Brian letting go of the embrace.

"I can't believe he almost died, Brian..."

"Talking about pain. I didn't hear him complain about that. Because to him it didn't hurt anything in comparison to what Taison did to his soul. Nick is feeling humiliated. He is ashamed. Kevin, I'll give my life to make this kid back to what he was. With the tricks, with the laugh, with everything. And God help me with that."

Brian finished standing up.

"He will." - Kevin said.

After they changed rooms Kevin came up with a good excuse for what happened to Nick. A car ran over him while he was at his aunt with Brian. They had to come back and now Brian was taking care of Nick. The reason they changed bedrooms? Well, not only the bed was larger, but the view was much more interesting for Nick, once he'd have to spend all day long laid or sat on the bed, for at least another two days.

This taken care, now Brian and Nick were sharing another room, the former with the coutch and Nick with the large bed.

It was seven o'clock of that same day they got back from the hospital when Brian was trying to make Nick eat something. The kid was willful though.

"Kevin won't tell the police, right?" - Nick asked avoiding the spoon Brian was pointing at him.

"No, Nick, he won't. Although he wanted it bad, like doctor Paul and me. But we won't do that. Lets pray this bastard gets what he deserves. Now, don't change subject, Nick, you have to eat."

"Can it be later? I'm not hungry right now. Besides, I don't think my stomach will accept anything. I'm just not in the mood... later..."

"No, Nick. This is one of the things you promised you'd do in case you were back home. Now you have no choice, and I'm not kidding when I say I'll take you back to the hospital if you don't eat this." - Brian said moving the spoon towards him.

Nick looked at him for some seconds and saw he lost the battle. Brian would really do what he was saying. He just had to eat that stuff.

"Fine! You can give me it here. I can eat by myself, I'm not sick." - Nick said taking the plate of food from Brian's hands. He smiled.

"I know you are not. I just thought it was cute like that!" - Brian said giggling and unexpectedly Nick grinned too.

Brian didn't do anything, but by the look in his eyes Nick realized it was the first time he was smiling since... since what happened. Then Nick stopped.

He was thoughtfully for some time and Brian waited until he came up with a question.

"Brian, say honestly, do you feel pity about me?"

Brian did not expect this question coming from Nick. He didn't know what to answer him.

"Nick..." - Brian said placing his hands above Nick's free right hand.

Nick felt the touch and tensed. No, he didn't want Brian to touch him. Anyone. He didn't... he couldn't bear with it. He tried to take his hand away but Brian held it inside his own hands.

"Hm..." - Nick whined pleading Brian's eyes to let him go.

"I believe God knows exactly what He does to us. So, I don't feel sorry for you. No pity."

Nick forgot completely about his hand looking Brian with different eyes now.

"I'm proud of you." - Brian said. - "You are stronger than I ever thought you could be. I'm proud of you, Nick. And I love you."

Brian looked at him and smiled, Nick smiled too but took his hand away. He didn't say a word, but his eyes told Brian that he was thankful to that answer.

Brian stood up and sat on a chair in the bedroom to watch TV. Nick was glad he broke the closeness. He liked Brian, he just couldn't stand being close to anyone at all. And Brian could feel this. And it worried him. And now he couldn't think of anything else besides this fear of Nick in being touched. He would have to give his all to - maybe - someday change this.

Brian looked at him and smiled again.

Nick didn't smile back, but deep inside he knew he couldn't go through this without a friend being by his side. Without Brian being there for him.

So, like the story? Please let me know if so! I need to know that there are people reading it so that I can add chapters faster! LIONESSY@HOTMAIL.COM

Next: Chapter 6

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