I Am Here for You

By Lady Misterious

Published on Jun 20, 2002





At two thirty Nick and Taison were coming back to the hotel. They sat at the reception to wait for the others, once they were the firsts to get there.

"So, Nick, did you enjoy the theater?" - Taison asked.

"Hell, yeah! It was great. I'm sure we went to the collest place. I just can't wait till the guys arrive to tell them this. I can't wait to tell Brian and hear him complaining about that boring museum Kevin made him go to!" - Nick was laughing.

"Sure. Maybe we can go there again with them."

"Really? This would be awsome."

Nick was distracting himself with some magazines.

"So, Nick... are you still as addicted to Nirvana as you used to be?"

Just hearing the name of his favorite band being mentioned Nick dropped the magazine he had on his hands and looked at Taison with shining eyes.

"You bet I am! How could I not be? They rock! They rule! Nirvana is everything!"

"Hey, calm down little boy. How can you like them so much and be in a pop group?"

"Well..." - Nick thought. - "I do love pop music, but rock is what I listen the most. Rock is to fullfill my soul, and pop goes to my heart."

"Good answer." - Taison looked around. No sign of the other fellows. His heart began to race. - "Yeah know, Nick, I'm kinda getting into Nirvana too."


"Yeah. I've been listening to some songs and I think they are pretty good. They are true. But crazy at the same time."

"Kurt is a freak!" - Nick laughed. - "I love his lyrics. Do you have any albums?"

"Oh, I wanted to ask you about it. I wanna buy one but I don't know which one to buy first. Is Bleach a good record?"


"Oh, why did I even ask?" - Taison said rolling his eyes and Nick laughed.

"But I think Nevermind is the best."

"Really? Do you have their albums here with you?"

"You kidding? I can't travel without them!"

"Oh, cool. Maybe we could come up and you show me the songs in Nevermind."

"Oh, I can tell ya without looking at the CD." - Nick grinned proudly.

"Nah, I don't think so." - Taison shook his head. - "I'm not a big fan, I can't make the connection between the name of the song and it's melody, ya get it?"

"Oh, sure. Then I'll show ya, no problem. When the guys arrive we go up and I'll play all my records."

"I got an idea, why don't we go now? We don't have anything better to do! I mean, we are just sitting around waiting for them!"

Nick thought a little.

"Ok, dude. I'll get the key at the reception and we go." - Nick said standing up.

"Fine." - Taison also stood up and waited for Nick to come back with the keys.

Ten minutes later they were entering the room Nick and Brian shared.

"Here we are." - Nick sighed heading to his radio and CDs.

"Nice place..." - Taison said looking around.

When Nick turned around to look for his stuff, quick as a cat Taison locked the room and kept the keys with him.

"Here." - Nick said giving Taison a pile of five CDs. - "I have the unplugged one too. It rocks. But let me play Nevermind first."

"Ok." - Taison said looking at what Nick had put in his hands.

The little blond was taking one of the CDs and getting it ready to play. As soon as Nick heard the beat he began to shake his head as if he was at a rock concert.

Taison grinned and Nick looked at him.

"Ya know you look like Kurt?" - Taison said and Nick turned down the volume.

"Really? Thanks. I think the guy is cool."

"Do you think he is handsome?"

Nick gave him an empty look.

"Not actually, I just think he is cool." - Nick said going back to singing with the song.

"Well, I think he is." - Taison said. - "You can turn it off a little Nick."

Nick stopped the CD and shrugged at his friend's coment.

"But even though I think you are way prettier, Nick." - Taison grinned.

Nick grinned too. He didn't know what to make of this conversation.

Nick was pretty much in shock when Taison reached his hand to touch his soft blond hair.

"Has anyone ever told you how cute you are?" - he whispered.

Nick swallowed hard.

"Your mouth is so beautiful... I would love to taste it..."

As soon as Taison said that Nick came to reality and took his hand away.

"I... I, I'm sorry man." - Nick didn't know what to say. He couldn't believe his friend was... well, gay. And more, he didn't know how to tell him he wasn't. - "Taison, I'm... I'm not like this... I'm not gay." - Nick finally managed to say.

"Have you ever been with a guy before, Nick?" - he asked in trance, still staring at him.


"Then how can you know if you don't like it...? I won't hurt you, I promise you... I just want to make you feel good."

Nick felt something inside his throat. He wanted nothing more than to get away of that room. He was praying silently Brian or some of the guys would walk in on them.

"No, Taison." - Nick said softly. "I don't want." - Nick tried to sound harsh, but he was feeling a little begining of fear building up inside of him.

"C'mon, Nicky... It's going to be great, I'll be nice to you because you are virgin, you are so beautiful..."

"Can we go down? Please? I wanna wait the other at the reception." - Nick said with a straight face.

"Oh, no Nick... I came here to get something from you, and I won't leave until I get it."

Nick's eyes widened when Taison held his wrists tightly, hurting him and looking him in the eyes. Then he kept Nick's wrists with only one of his hands and began to caress his face and later on his crotch.

Nick was sweating cold. He was too strong to get away.

"You like it, Nick? You like it when I touch you here?" - Taison was babbling in trance.

It was when it occured Nick an idea. Maybe a last chance to escape that situation.

"Hm, actually I like, Tay."


"Er, yeah. You can let go of my hands. It feels good, I won't go away... maybe you are right, maybe I should try it..." - Nick said in a whisper. But it wasn't a good whisper, he was afraid.

Little by little he felt Taison's hand loosening his wrists till he was free again.

Just when he leaned down to kiss Nick on the neck he made a fast move and used his knee to hit Taison's crotch, causing him to lay on his stomach while he ran desperatly to the door.

Nick forced it like mad but it wouldn't open, and all the fear he was trying to keep down came up when he realized Taison had locked the door.

"No..." - Nick let go a small moan of fear when he saw Taison recovering from the stroke. He was twice as big as him, Nick had no chance...

"You stupid little boy, there is no way out for you! Don't you get it? I want you, and I'll have you." - he said walking towards Nick.

"NO!" - Nick screamed running away.

Not one minute later he felt a hand grabbing his shirt. He turned around and Taison punched him in the face. Nick fell on the floor and quickly turned around to him. He took his hand to his nose. It was bleeding.

Nick stood up and once again tried to run. Taison got him and Nick managed to hit him in the face, escaping again.

"Oh..." - Nick moaned with a heavy breath as he looked desperaly for the keys. The pain and blood coming from his nose didn't matter. Not now. He was running for his life.

"Where are the fucking keys!" - Nick yelled to him.

"These?" - Taison smiled with a little of blood coming from his mouth. He got the keys and shook them in front of Nick. - "Is that what you want?"

"Gimme the keys!" - Nick yelled.

"Come and get them."

Nick did not move. He looked around to the bedroom to see if there was anything he could use to protect himself, and that was when Taison came again and punched his stomach. Once, twice until Nick fell again moaning in pain.

Taison went down and ripped his shirt, he was trying to rip his pants when Nick grabbed his hair.

"Ahhhh, you little bastard!" - Taison screamed and Nick ran to the other side of the bedroom and took a large piece of wood from behind the door. He had no clue why that thing was there but right now he has happy it was.

"You get the hell away from me!" - Nick screamed while threatening Taison with the large piece of wood in his hands.

The man that was coming to get Nick again stopped seeing that dangerous weapon he had got in his hands.

"Oh, Nick... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you..."

"Shut the fuck up! If you take one step closer I swear to God I'll hit you with this!" - Nick was screaming.

"Hey, clam down, buddy... Did you think I was gonna hurt you? I was just kidding... I'd never..."

"The keys!" - Nick screamed as he had blood running down his nose. "Give me the fucking keys!" - he yelled.

"Oh, ok..." - Taison said as he got the keys from his pocket.

Nick watched him with attention, never letting go of what he had in his hands.

"Now give me them!"

"Sure..." - Taison said staring Nick into his eyes.

He was reaching his arm to give Nick the keys when he "accidently" dropped them on the floor right in front of him.

"Oops. Sorry, Nick..."

Nick sighed heavily as he leaned down to grab the keys.

Just when he had his head down Taison didn't waste the opportunite of taking away Nick's protection and knocking the boy down on the floor. When Nick realized what he had done it was too late and he felt that thick piece of wood hitting against his body.

"OH!" - Nick screamed with the pain.

"How does it feel now, Nick, huh? You didn't actually think you'd get away, did you?" - Taison asked with a jeer voice.

"Taison, please... Just let me go, I promise I won't tell anyone about this. I promise... Just let me go, ok? Nothing happened. No one needs to know, I swear..."

"You really think I'll let you go, Nick? There's no way, buddy. I want to fuck you and no one will stop me now."

Taison leaned down to once again try to rip Nick's pants. Struggling with him Nick eyed a CD box and took it with his right hand.

"Hey, Taison!"

When he lifted his head to stare at Nick he used the plastic box to hit him in the face, making Taison bleed with lots of scratchs.

"OH! You will pay for this, Nick Carter!"

Nick stood up and once again ran to the door. He was against the wall when Taison took him and made Nick face him.

Nick didn't even had time to close his eyes when he felt the huge man beating him. It hit his eye, Nick couldn't see anything. And couldn't do anything as he felt Taison hitting him over and over in the face, suddently has tasted blood and felt a little dizzy. He fell on his knees.

"You think you can play with me!?" - Taison shouted as Nick was struggling to get on his feet again. What chances did a skinny fourteen years old have against a strong twenty years old one?

"Oh, but I feel sorry for you kid... I'll make you pay, Nick. I'll hurt you. I'll hurt you so bad you will scream and cry out in pain. I didn't want to, you know. I wanted to be kind to you. To make you feel pleasure. All I wanted was to make you feel good, but now you are forcing me to hurt you, you understand why I'm gonna do that, don't you?"

"Oh!" - Nick screamed as Taison's foot hit his stomach. Nick curled in fetal position.

"I'm gonna fuck your brains off." - Taison grinned.

"You will have to kill me first!" - Nick cried. He couldn't help, he was afraid, he was crying, he wanted it to stop. He wanted to wake up from this nightmare. It was no longer bad, it was awful. And the worst, it was real.

"You are sick! I won't let you touch me! They are gonna kill you if you do!"

Taison took the thick wood piece and hit Nick again. And again. And over again.

Nick was screaming, his face swollen and all his body screaming in throbbing pain.

When Taison stopped Nick felt something was different. He couldn't move. It hurt. It hurt desperaly when he tried to move. Nick took his hand to his ribs. Something was broken and Nick could see an enormous bruise over his skin.

Nick kept his hand over his skin and threw his head backwards, fighting the pain.

"What happened, Nick? Did I break your ribs? Come up here you little faggot!"

Taison forced Nick to stand up and pressed him against the wall.

"Please..." - Nick whispered. His body in such pain he was getting weak. He didn't want to fight. He couldn't.

"What? Don't you like it when I touch you?!" - Taison shouted as he found the bruise showing one or maybe two broken ribs and punched Nick there. Once. Twice. Over and over until Nick was crying histerically in pain.

"Stop it!" - he screamed. Nick felt his body shaking. He was next to a collapse.

Still trying one last time Nick began to hit against Taison's chest. But he was weak.

Grabbing him by the hair Taison threw Nick on the floor again and he whined. Nick was trying to move, to get up. But his ribs... evertime he tried to make a movement it would hit something inside of him. Nick thought it was his lungs because breathing was getting hard.

The next moments came as a fuzzy and foggy scene.

Taison forced Nick to kneel onto the bed and he felt as if he had lowered his pants. But Nick couldn't tell for sure. He could barely see, he was losing it. All he could think was the absurd pain coming from his ribs. He couldn't move. Nick looked at the white sheets getting red with his blood. Nick began to cough. Something wasn't right. He was coughing helplessly until he tasted blood inside his mouth. He was coughing blood. Nick spit the red and salty thing out and realized something inside of him was bleeding. Maybe because of the broken ribs. Maybe that was why he couldn't move. Maybe he didn't care anymore. If Taison was really going to get what he wanted then Nick didn't want to live. He was glad and relieved to see the blood. It meant he was gonna die. And that was what he wanted. Because what was about to happen to him was already sort of a death.

All of sudden he felt the man thrust inside of him. Nick screamed. It wasn't real. It couldn't be real. That kind of pain couldn't be true.

As Taison began to thrust his hard member in and out of Nick he screamed more and more. Loud. Desperatly.

"Stop it..." - Nick tried to scream but his voice faded. It just hurted so much he couldn't bear to speak. Never in his life he thought this kind of pain was possible. It wasn't normal. It was as if something was burning inside of him. Nick felt as if they were trying to tear himself up from inside. He couldn't take it. His vision was darkening. Suddently the pain began to go away. Nick again felt blood on his throat. His eyes closed and that was when Nick fainted.

Reaching his release Taison stopped the thrusting movements and got up on his feet, putting his penis back inside his pants and pulling Nick's pants back up too.

"You are such a faggot! Why did you have to faint, you mother fucker?! Was that too much pain for you?" - he was screaming to an unconscious Nick. - "I bet you liked me fucking you." - Taison grinned.

He kept giggling for some minutes when it hit him. What if he had killed him?

He leaned down to Nick and turned him around. Taison placed two fingers around his throat to feel if he had pulse.

"Oh, yes, Nick. You're gonna survive." - he said and gave the kid a last look before walking out of the door.

He laid there. Immobile. Maybe just fainted. Maybe he would never wake up again.

LIKING THE STORY? Please tell me! Lionessy@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 3

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