Jakes Chance


Published on Apr 1, 2008


Kirsten ended up staying for dinner questioning Jakes motives where I was involved.

I stopped her after about the tenth question telling her that I trusted Jake and that his motives were the same as mine. We were enjoying each other at this point and would see what happens in the future. She stopped asking questions and we enjoyed the rest of the evening. Kirsten said her goodbyes and left at 12:30. Jake shut off all of the lights as I waited for him at the bottom of the stairs. He walked up, pulled me into a hug and kissed me tenderly. After the kiss I laid my head on his shoulder and said "You know I am exhausted, I figured we would have been in bed a lot earlier than this."

"I agree, its going to be hard getting up In...." He looked at his watch, "Three and a half hours." I released him and started up the stairs. As I was heading up the stairs I heard "Nice ass!!!!!" I smiled and responded with "Thanks.. however you wont be getting any of this ass tonight."

"None? Not even a little fooling around?"

"None. We have to be up in three hours and I turn into a complete bitch when I don't get enough sleep." I walked into the bedroom and went straight to the bathroom to do my business and brush my teeth. I walked out of the bathroom stripped off my clothes and crawled into bed. Jake went into the bathroom and came out about five minutes later. He stripped off his clothes and crawled into bed. I rolled over closer to the middle of the bed as Jake snuggled up to me. I yawned and asked "Did you turn on the alarm system?"

He sat up, rolled out of bed walked over to the security panel next to the bedroom door and activated it. I watched as he walked back to the bed smiling as he watched me watching him. He climbed back into bed and snuggled up to me again, "You know you are absolutely beautiful." I said while I leaned in for a kiss. I snuggled closer to him saying "Good night Jake." I closed my eyes and was almost asleep as I heard "Night Chance, sleep well."

I woke to the alarm screaming.. I rolled over and on top of Jake to shut the bloody thing off. I couldn't find the button to shut it off so I grabbed the cord and yanked as hard as I could until it came unplugged. I rolled back over and laid back down. I could hear Jake laughing as he said "Thats one way to shut it up."

With a smile on my face I said "Well you should be glad that I didn't throw it against the wall like I was going to if I couldn't get it unplugged."

"I'm glad you didn't go to that extreme, I like that alarm clock." He said as he rolled over and kissed me. "We need to get moving... so you better get up and into the shower, and I will take one after you."

I turned my head and looked at him saying "You just want to lay here and go back to sleep until I'm done in the bathroom. I'm not stupid Jake.. so get your cute ass out of the bed and lets take one together."

"I'm not sure thats a good idea Chance.. It may take a lot longer if we shower together."

"Jake I'm sure you can control yourself for one shower, Plus we have a schedule that we need to keep. So keep Little Jake under control and I will do the same with little Chance. "

I moved over to the edge of the bed, stood up and held out my hand for Jake. He scooted closer to the edge of the bed and grabbed my hand. I pulled him up and off of the bed and walked with him into the bathroom.

We eventually did make it through the shower and arrived on time at the airport. Roughly two hours later we landed in S.F. Grabbed our bags and headed out of the terminal in search of the car that was suppose to pick us up. As we walked out the door I started laughing at the sign the driver was holding. It said "Anything but Gyllenhaal"

As we got closer to the driver I was still laughing. Jake turned and gave me a dirty look, which caused me to laugh even harder. I stopped in my tracks and sat my bag down. Jake realized I was no longer beside him. He stopped and turned giving me the dirty look again. I continued to stand there as he walked back to me asking "Whats wrong?"

"First of all.. don't give me the dirty look again!!.. Second.. Jake you have to admit that is friggin funny. Did you tell them to use anything but Gyllenhaal?"

"Yeah.. thats why I'm pissed.. they were suppose to put anything but Gyllenhaal."

I started laughing again and added "Come on Jake.. They did put anything but Gyllenhaal....thats why its hilarious."

He finally started smiling and then laughed "Yeah I guess that is pretty funny."

"Sure the hell is.. damn Jake lighten up."

He walked closer to me and said "I want to do you so bad right now!"

I'm sure that I had a shocked look on my face until I finally responded with "Your such a freak."

"You know it, but I'm only freaky because of you."

"Ok... well I'm not really sure how I should take that.. But I'm going to take it as a complement."

He leaned over and picked up my bag and walked over to the limo driver handing him both bags. I followed Jake as he opened the door and waited for me to get in. As I started climbing in I wasn't prepared for Jake to push me in and jump on top of me. I started laughing and said "You truly are a freak.. If you think that were going to do anything in this limo.. think again.!"

He was looking down at me smiling when he said "I just cannot get enough of you.. You make me so hard sometimes that it hurts. I never thought I would feel like this about anyone. But here I am laying on top of the guy that makes me feel that way."

"Wow" was the only thing that came to mind.. which is unusual for me. I laid there looking into his blue eyes as the driver announced that we would be at our destination in about forty five minutes. Jake continued to lay on top of me and stare into my eyes.

"What???? stop staring at me like that."

"Like what?" He asked.

"Like the way that your staring at me." I answered.

"You mean like someone thats totally falling in love with someone else.?"

"Well.. I was thinking lust not love.. but I will take love."

"Good.. because I am falling in love with you."

To say that I was shocked would be an understatement. I never expected him to say it first or to say it at all. To say that I was scared would be a total understatement also, I knew I felt the same way for Jake.. I was falling and falling hard, But saying it this early in the relationship was very scary for me. I continued to stare into his eyes.

He asked "Do you feel the same way?"

I continued to look into his eyes wondering how I was going to answer the question. He took my not answering the question as a denial. I saw the hurt look in his eyes as he climbed off of me and sat down. I sat up, straightened myself out and turned to look at him. He had his face turned looking out the window. "Jake..." I said and moved closer "Jake look at me please.." I asked as I took hold of his arm. He turned his head and looked at me. I could see tears running down his face. My heart broke. "Oh my god Jake don't cry..., please don't cry." I moved closer to him and wiped away the tears saying "Do you really think I don't have feelings for you?"

He put his head against mine so that he was looking me straight in the eyes "When you didn't answer my first thought was that you didn't feel the same way and that I had just made a total ass out of myself."

I leaned over and kissed away a tear that was making its way down his cheek and said "Jake.. I didn't know how to answer you.. I wanted to tell you yes that I am also falling in love with you.. actually falling hard... but I was scared to say it.. I was scared... hell I don't know why I was scared since you had already said it.. I guess I was just caught off guard. Jake I am so falling in love with you."

"Why?" he asked

"Why what?" I asked back.

"Why are you scared or why were you scared to tell me." He asked facing me.

I sighed from frustration "Because I'm only here three more days and then I have to go back to Missouri.. That leaves me in love with someone that lives two thousand miles away. Someone that I cant hold and kiss everyday. Someone that I wont be able to come home to. Someone that wont wake up in my arms and that scares the shit outta me. I keep trying to talk myself out of being in love with you because its only going to hurt both of us in the end." I dropped my head and sat back looking at the floor. "But I cant . I am in love with you."

There was nothing else said between us the remainder of the trip in the limo. I thought that we were going to be staying at a hotel the whole time that we were in S.F. But when we pulled up to a giant house and the driver unloaded our bags was my first clue of what was to come. I opened my door and started to slide out when Jake grabbed my arm and pulled me back in. He pulled me so hard that I ended up laying flat on my back on the seat. I tilted my head towards him and said "Ok... I guess I didn't want to get out yet!"

He leaned over so that he could look into my eyes saying "I love you Chance!!" then leaned down and kissed me hard on the lips. Once we parted I said "I love you too Jake." I reached up and wiped a tear from his face saying "I love you too."

We eventually did get out of the limo and make it into the house. Which by the way was beautiful. Jake took me anywhere and everywhere that he could think of in our two day stay. By the time we were flying back to L.A. I was exhausted. Jake slept as soon as we sat down on the plane. It wasn't so easy for me. I finally dozed off about an hour into the flight. Jake shook me awake as he smiled looking down at me. "Come on buddy lets get you home and into bed... you look as tired as I feel."

I finally stood up, grabbed my bag and we exited the plane. I barely had enough energy to carry myself to the car for the ride back to Jake's house. Jake would stop and look at me and smile at the way I was acting. He turned at one point and asked "do you want me to carry you?"

Laughing I replied "Yeah I would like to see that."

He dropped his bag and rushed over to me and picked me up and threw me over his shoulder and started walking again.

"Jake put me down.!" I said laughing.

"No..... I'm just doing what I need to do..." He lowered his voice "to get the man I love back in my house and into my bed."

"OHHHHH .. so thats the only reason your carrying me.."

"Well.... Yeah..."

"Put me down you idiot." I said laughing. He lowered me so that I could walk again. He then walked back and picked up his bag laughing the whole way.. Once he rejoined me we walked to the car, got in and he drove us back to his place.

I didn't want to open my eyes.. I yawned, stretched and rolled to my side trying to not wake up.

I must have fallen back to sleep because the next thing that I heard was Jake telling me to get my ass out of bed. I rolled over and opened my eyes and smiled at him. He walked over sat down on the edge of the bed facing me. I just stared into his eyes thinking... he is just breathtaking. "Today is your last day here.. what do you want to do today?"

"What time is it?"

"A little after ten."

"Why don't we go get something to eat."

"Sounds good.. then what?"

"I have no clue. Did you have something in mind?" I asked.

"My mom and dad want us to come over for dinner, if your up to it."

"That sounds good, is your sister going to be there?"

"Yeah.. Maggie will be there."

"Then I guess its a date." I said smiling at him. I got off of the bed and headed into the bathroom for a quick shower. As I was lathering up my hair I felt Jake move in behind me as he wrapped me in his arms. I leaned under the shower head to get the shampoo out and turned around so that we were face to face. I leaned in for a kiss and just held him. I slightly pulled away and said "I love you." and kissed him again.

He was smiling large as he said "I never want to not hear you say that."

"Well I never want to not say it."

"Ok" I said "lets get cleaned up real quick and go get a bite to eat, then come back here and make love until we have to go to your mom and dads."

That didn't even happen.. Jake was ready to go.. and it didn't take me very long to join in. We were lucky we made it out of the house for lunch. The first round of sex that day was in the shower. The second time was in the bathroom on the counter top. The third time was in the bedroom, which ended up being the longest and best sex that I have ever had. I didn't think Jake was ever going to cum. We laid on the bed snuggled together truly happy in our post orgasmic bliss. Jake rolled over partially on me saying "We better get cleaned up so we will be on time to mom and dad's."

"It cant be that late." I said as I looked over Jakes shoulder to see what time it was. With what I'm sure was a shocked expression on my face I said "Holy shit Jake this last round was way over two hours."

He laid there with a smug look on his face as he said "Yeah I know."

I couldn't help but laugh as I said "You think your pretty hot shit don't you."

"You obviously thought I was with the way you were moaning and groaning."

"I was.... and I do.. thats why I love you." I leaned over and kissed him, got out of bed and slowly walked to the bathroom. I could hear Jake laughing at me.

"You ok?" he asked with laughter in his voice.

"Yeah I will be fine.. even though I feel like I have been rode hard and put away wet." To that he laughed even harder. I turned back to him saying "Your day will come Mr. Gyllenhaal. Your day will come."

Next: Chapter 12

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