Jakes Chance


Published on Jan 9, 2008


This story is purely fiction. I do not know the sexual orientation of Jake Gyllenhaal or any star mentioned in this story, nor do i really care, since it is all made up in my warped little mind.

If you are to young to read this kind of material then you need to leave. If this material is illegal in your city, state or country then leave. The author (that would be me) maintains all rights to the story. This story should not be moved to another site without consent from the author.

Jakes Chance Chapter 2

I picked up my book and started reading again. The flight attendant came by and asked if there was anything else that I wanted. I waved her off and told her that I was fine. She stooped down and whispered "I wanted to apologize for earlier, and wanted to thank you for taking care of the issue."

"Thank you, but it isnt you who should be apologizing." I turned and looked at Jake and realized that he was awake and was looking straight at me. I turned back and looked at the flight attendant again and asked "Are all your flights this exciting?"

"Not by a long shot" she said "its usually pretty calm unless you get someone who has had to much to drink or is just.. Ummm.. Well...Not considerate of other people or their feelings." She smiled down at me and added "I hope you enjoy the rest of the flight and I am really sorry about earlier"

"like I said, not a problem." I leaned my head back against the head rest and closed my eyes for a few minutes when they announced that we would be landing in L.A. in a few minutes and that we had already started making our dacent. I moved my seat back into the upright position, and stuffed my book back into my backpack. And stowed it under the seat.

Kirstens mom and dad had made arrangements to meet me at the airport and take me to the hotel that I would be staying in until the night of the party, which was to be the next night. We landed without any problems and I proceeded to exit the plane. As I walked through the door and into the terminal I saw them standing to the right hand side of the gate. I walked over and hugged Kirstens mom and said "Inez its so good to see you again, you look great. it looks like you haven't aged a day since the last time I saw you, which was what ?? Six years ago."

She hugged me tight saying "Chance its so good to see you again. You know when Kirsten left for LA and you moved to Missouri it was like losing two of my children. We were so use to seeing you everyday that it was like both of you had flown the coop."

I started laughing and hugged her tighter and said "thank you for that. I did and do feel like I am one of the family." I released her from the hug and stepped up to Kirstens dad and held out my hand and said "Its great seeing you again sir"

He pushed my hand aside and pulled me into a strong tight hug and said "I have missed you Chance"

"As I have missed you too sir" I stepped out of the hug and asked "so, which way is baggage claim? I only have one small suitcase to pickup and then we can go." we started making our way to baggage claim when I heard someone running up behind us yelling "Inez??? Klaus?? What are you two doing here?" All three of us turned around to see Jake Gyllenhaal coming to a stop in front of Inez. Inez smiled "Hello Jake its so good to see you again. We came to pick up Chance who flew in for Kirstens birthday party. Jake this is Chance Archer. Chance this is Jake Gyllenhaal."

"Hello Jake its nice to meet you." I said trying not to laugh at the expression on his face.

"ummm... yeah... nice to meet you too Chance." he stammered.

"well ..." I said trying to ease the awkward tension. "I will let you guys catch up with each other and I will go collect my bag." I turned and continued on. A few minutes later they had caught up with me. Inez came and stood next to me waiting for the carousel to start moving indicating that the luggage was on its way out.

I turned and sat my bag down at Inez`s feet and asked "would you mind keeping an eye on that while I run to the restroom?

"Not at all dear, go ahead" I smiled and turned looking for any indication of where the restrooms would be. Jake walked up to me and pointed down a corridor and said "they are down that hall to your right. If you give me just a second I will go with you."

"Ok" was my reply. He sat his bag down next to mine and turned and started walking towards the corridor. I followed not saying a word. We made it to the restroom, went in and did our business and walked out of the restroom heading back to baggage claim.

Jake was walking a little bit ahead of me, he stopped and turned back and asked "can I talk to you for a moment before we get back to Kirsten's parents?"

"Sure " I said "What can I do for you?"

"Well, I really wanted to apologize for being such an ass today on the plane. The way that I acted was out of line, and your correct when you said I was having a diva moment." he paused and then continued on. "I haven't had anyone stand up to me like that in a long time and even though it did piss me off... I have to say that I am sorry for the way that I acted. Would you please except my apology?"

"can I ask you something?"

"sure" he replied.

"Are you apologizing to me now because I know Kirsten and her family? Or are you just trying to save face, because she is your girlfriend and my best friend?"

He smiled and said "your not going to make this easy are you?"

"Why the hell should I?"

"Your right you shouldn't. As I said I am sorry, and do hope you will forgive me."

"Answer the question Jake, and I will consider it."

"No... "

"No what? I asked confused and a little pissed.

He held up his hands like he was surrendering and said "I'm not saying I'm sorry just because you know Kirsten and her family. I felt like a complete ass on the plane. The way that you ripped into me for being that way told me that you wouldn't hesitate to do it again. I really did want to apologize while we were still in the air, but since I made such an ass out if myself I didn't know how I was going to do it."

"Apology accepted. Lets go get our luggage. You know I really am tired, its been a long day having to deal with all the drama and drama queens." I said laughing.

"Very funny... " he said with a smile on his face.

We walked back to baggage claim not saying much to each other. Thankfully the luggage had already started coming out and mine had already gone around once. I walked over and grabbed it and dropped it down to my side and pulled the handle up so I could roll it behind me. I walked back over to the group and said "I'm ready to go. "

Jake walked over to his and pulled it off the belt. the first thing I noticed was that it was friggin huge. So I asked "you think that thing is big enough. I mean come on, you could fit me and my whole wardrobe in there and still have room for more."

"I've been in New York for the last month and a half. When im gone from home for such long periods of time you have to have this size suitcase, or a lot of smaller ones."

"I guess that makes sense. I just have never seen a suitcase that big."

"your joking right??? Havent you seen Kirstens??"

"No.. she has one bigger than that?" I asked pointing to his suitcase not believing that they made suitcases bigger than the one he was rolling behind him.

He laughed and said "Just Wait until you see Kirstens"

We said our goodbyes to Jake as he had his sister waiting for him at passenger pickup. We chatted about Kirstens party, decorations, food and the band that would be playing the next night as we made our way to airport parking.

As we drove away from the airport i asked "What hotel did you guys say i was staying at tonight?"

"We booked you a bungalow at the Beverly Hills Hotel. Thats ok isnt it?"

"Im sure it will be wonderful and way too expensive. You could have just booked it at the closest comfort inn or days inn."

"The party is located in the ball room at the hotel, so we figured we might as well book your room at the same hotel. This way you wont have to worry about how your going to get to the location of the party." Inez turned and looked at me sitting in the back seat and added "Plus they gave us a great deal since we were booking the largest ball room in the hotel."

I smiled and said "ok... you both know how i am with money. When it doesnt come easily to you, you fight to try and keep every penny."

Klaus starting laughing and added his two cents to the conversation which was "And we all know you have more money then you lead everyone to believe."

We pulled up to the entrance of the hotel. I opened my door and got out as Inez rolled down her window "Chance dear, just go in and give them your name and they will check you in. Everything is taken care of so the only thing you should have to do is show some id and then sign your name."

I grabbed my suitcase out of the trunk and told them that i would see them tomorrow night at the party. No they werent just abandoning me... they had to finalize a few details for the party. I went into the hotel, checked in and was escorted to my bungalow. I tell you what, its an awesome place, however it is a little too high profile/extravagant for my liking. But if they wanted to spend five or six hundred dollars a night for a hotel bungalow then who was i to argue.

I decided that i would take a shower, put on some fresh clothes and take a walk down Rodeo drive to do a little window shopping. As i was getting out of the shower i heard my cell phone ringing. I rushed over trying to answer it before it went to voice mail. i didnt make it. I went back into the bathroom to finish drying off when i heard the phone ring to let me know i had a voice mail. I went back out and put on the fresh clothes and checked my phone. The caller was "unknown" so i dialed my voicemail and Heard "Hi Chance this is Jake... ummm...Jake Gyllenhaal. I umm... called Inez and Klaus to find out if the three of you wanted to have dinner with me tonight. My treat of course. They told me that they had other plans but didnt...." I heard a click on the line when the voice mails voice came on and said "The message exceeded the time limit" I started laughing, wondering if he was going to call back.

Just as i shut the phone it started ringing. It identified "unknown caller " again so i asnwered it.



"yes, whos this?"

"Its Jake, Jake Gyllenhaal."

"Oh hey Jake, whats up?"

"Well i left you a partial message a little while ago, that was until the machine cut me off." I chuckled thinking god i hate it when that happens to me.

"Yeah i heard it. So whats up?"

"I hope its ok but i asked them for your cell number to see if you wanted to hang out tonight. Maybe dinner and a movie or dinner and a club?"

"Its a little after six now. What time where you thinking?" i asked

"In about an hour if thats ok?"

"I was just going to walk down to Rodeo drive and do a little window shopping and people watching. But hey if you have something better planned that sounds good to me."

"Great" he said happily. "I will come by within an hour then."

"Do you know where im staying?"

"Yes i got all the info from Inez. Ok Chance i will see you in about an hour."

"Ok, see you then" and i hung up.

I walked around the hotel for about a half Hour looking for the ballroom that the party was going to be at. I finally stopped and asked someone. They pointed me in the right direction and off i went. They were already setting up for the party. Let me tell you it was going to be beautiful. Everything was pink and white. Down to the table clothes and napkins.

I headed back to the cottage.. excuse me....Bungalow. just as Jake was walking up to the door. "Can i help you sir?" I said a little louder than i should have, starteling him.

"No im looking for.." and he turned and looked realizing it was me. Smiling he said "Your an ass"

I smiled and responded with "i guess that makes two of us then.. isnt that what i called you just a few hours ago??"

"ok youve got me there. It sure was."

"Well, Jake Gyllenhaal where are we going and what are we going to be doing tonight?

He gave it a few seconds thought and said "well if you dont mind i thought i would cook. We could go to the store and buy some steaks a bottle of wine or anyting else that you want and rent a couple movies. And head back to my place."

"Sounds like a plan to me. Let me grab my cell phone and we can head out."

"take your time im not in any hurry."

I unlocked the door. Grabbed my cell phone off of the coffee table and headed back out the door.

"ok im ready... lets go." we walked out to his car which wasnt a car but an suv. Black Range Rover. I figured if we were going to be friends then now was the time that i start harassing him like i do all my family and friends. So Ileaned over closer to him as we got in and asked "Why would you own a gas hog like this with gas prices what they are?"

"Well.... its comfortable and i can get away from stalkers easier than i can in a car."

"Yeah i guess. I know you dont have to worry about money or anything, but dang. I dont understand why people dont make a more concerted effort to be aware of how everything around them affects our enviroment."

He turned and looked at me and said "First off i am aware of everythng you just said. and second, just because i have a little bit of money doesnt mean i spend it foolishly. Since you brought all of this up. What kind of an automobile Do you drive." You could tell he was a little bit ticked at me.

"Oh.. I drive a jeep." I turned my head the other way and started laughing. "and how does that differ from what i am driving. its just as big a gas hog.

"You are correct, however i am not a role model and no one looks up to me... well my dog does.. ohhhh.. and my nieces" i yelled "but theyre still young and love Uncle Chance. Im sure they will grow out of it."

He punched me in the arm and started laughing "I am going to have to be on my toes at all time with you arnt i?"

"well i would say its better to be on your toes than on your back all the time." We both started laughing.

"OK lets go... Im hungry."

He drove away from the Hotel and headed to his favorite grocery store. ok... first if my life depended on having to say or spell the name of the store we went to jsut kill me now! because i couldnt say it. It was actually kinda funny. The two of us were walking around the store and Jake kept repeating the name every few minutes trying to get me to say it correctly. then he started saying really really slow like i hard a learning disability. So.. me being me.. the smart ass that i can be, saw a few people staring at us like we were nuts. i walked up to Jake and patted him on the back saying. "Thats ok sweetie.. you will get it. Just keep trying." and turned and walked away quickly before he could hit me. I walked by the people that had been staring at us to check out the melons for a salad.

One of the younger girls walked over to me asking "is that Jake Gyllenhaal?"

I started laughing and answered "Do you really think Jake Gyllenhaal does his own grocery shopping? Hell if i had his looks and his money i wouldnt do my shopping either." Jake chose that moment to walk up to us and ask " are you about ready"

"Yeah i am, but i do have a question."

"sure, what is it?"

"do you think Jake Gyllenhaal does his own grocery shopping? This young lady and I were just discussing that he probably doesnt."

He kinda tilted his head to the side and said "I doubt it.. why would he with all the money he makes."

"thats what i told her too. She thought you were Jake."

"I get that all the time." he said and walked away.

Ok heres chap 2.....

Let me know what you guys think.. You can email me at jakeschance@gmail.com


Next: Chapter 3

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