Jakes Chance


Published on Feb 7, 2008


I do not claim to know any persons sexuality or preference. To each his own. If your to young to read this then you really shouldn't be here. If this is against the law in your state, country or city.. then you really shouldn't be reading this.

Jakes Chance Chapter 8

Jake pulled me through the bathroom door and into the bathroom. He drug me over to the bathroom sink and pulled open the first drawer and handed me a new tooth brush and his toothpaste.

"Come prepared do you??" I asked.

"I always have an extra toothbrush "

As I was brushing my teeth Jake went over and turned on the steam shower. He kept reaching in and adjusting the water. I had just finished brushing my teeth when I turned around to see Jake standing at the shower door staring at me. "What?" I asked again.

"Nothing.. I was just thinking about how hot you are... and how bad I want you again."

"In the bathroom" I asked with a confused look on my face.

"Bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, garage, hell anywhere." He said.

I walked up to him and wrapped him in a hug and said "Well I would love to have you or you have me in all of those places. " I kissed him on the lips and added "but.. you have to meet with your agent."

He groaned out "I would rather stay here with you. Your much better looking than my agent."

"Thanks I think.. Would you mind dropping me off at the hotel on your way to your appointment?"

"Your going back to the Hotel?" he asked confused.

"Well Yeah... Why wouldn't I?" I asked as he stepped into the shower and stuck his hand out for me. I grabbed it and stepped in giving him a puzzled look.

He picked up the bottle of soap off of the shelf and squirted some onto a loofah. "Turn around and I will wash your back." so I turned. He said nothing as he scrubbed my back, legs, arms and butt area. "Ok turn around so I can get the front."

I turned and stepped up to him and kissed him passionately on the lips. I stepped away and looked him in the eyes and smiled. He had a slight frown on his face. He squirted more soap onto the loofah and proceeded to wash my front paying special attention to my frank and beans as he likes to call them. When he was done washing my hair I took the loofah from him and started to scrub him down.

I am not one to avoid or ignore a situation. I figure if someone is upset with me or a situation then it needs to be talked through. I could tell he was upset because he wasn't talking or smiling. So I figured no time like the present. "Did you want to talk about it?" I asked.

"About what?"

"Why your upset?"

"I'm not." he said

"Jake..." He said nothing. He made no attempt to try and talk to me, or even discuss what was bothering him. So, I finished scrubbing him down and grabbed the shampoo and washed his hair. I told him that he needed to rinse off, as I got out of the shower. I grabbed a towel for myself and proceeded to dry off. I walked back into the bedroom and got dressed in the clothes that I had worn the night before. I sat down on the bed waiting for Jake to finish. I heard the shower turn off and a few minutes later Jake came out of the bathroom with the towel draped over his shoulder. I smiled as he walked naked over to his closet searching for something to wear. He pulled out a dark blue pair of jeans and a pale blue button down shirt. He went over to his dresser and pulled out some boxer briefs and a light blue T-shirt.

I just sat and watched him the whole time as nothing was being said.

He got dressed and pulled on some cross trainers without saying a word.

"Jake?...Jake????" I said a little louder this time. He turned and looked at me. "Could you come here and sit down please.?"

He walked over and sat about two feet from me.

Now I understand everyone has a different way of dealing with things.. and everyone works through issues differently. However, I had had enough. So I said "Did you want to talk about whatever is bothering you?" He just sat there.

He stopped looking at his hands and finally looked up at me and said "Chance theres nothing wrong."

"So your fine?? theres nothing bothering you at all?"

He continued to just stare at me and said "Nope."

"You know Jake.. If.. whatever this is, is going to work we have to start being honest with each other. The first thing that has to happen is... we have to talk about whats bothering us. Just like if you piss me off I will tell you, and I would expect the same thing from you. The silent treatment and no discussion really doesn't work!" I just sat there and stared at him waiting for him to say what he had to say. He stared at me and said "There is nothing wrong."

My heart sank. I have been in relationships that didn't work out because the communication was non existent. . If Jake wasn't capable of telling me when I pissed him off or what was bothering him then I wasn't sure I could put myself out there emotionally again.

"Fine. You know where to find me when you want to talk about it!" I stood up and grabbed my cell phone off of the dresser and shoved it in my pocket. I turned and walked out the bedroom door, down the stairs and out the front door. Once I reached the gate I turned to the left and started walking towards the hotel. I came across a park about two miles into the walk. I walked in and sat down at one of the picnic benches and people and pet watched. A beautiful German Shepard came running up to me so I scratched him on the head and tossed the ball for him. At that moment my cell phone rang. I pulled it out of my pocket and checked the caller id. It was Jake.

I opened it and said "Hello?"

"Chance, where are you?" He asked.

"I'm walking back to the Hotel. Why?"

"What??? What do you mean your walking back to the hotel?"

"I needed to get some air. I figured a walk would do me some good and clear my thoughts.."

"I don't understand Chance" he said with confusion in his voice.

"I guess I don't either Jake. Why would I want to stay around if you weren't even going to talk to me!. Shutting down and shutting me out doesn't work for me Jake."

"I know, I know. Where are you at?" He asked.

"I'm at the park about two miles away from your house."

"Don't go anywhere!! I will be right there." He said and hung up.

I sat and played with the German Shepard since he kept brining his ball to me instead of taking it back to his owner. The young man walked over to me and said "I'm really sorry that hes bothering you."

I smiled up at him and said "Its no problem, I love dogs. . I have a black and yellow lab. They love to play ball."

He grabbed the ball out of the dogs mouth and threw it as far as he could. I looked over and saw Jake walking towards us. He walked up and sat down next to me and said "Hey."

"Hey yourself." I said back.

The young man turned back to me and said "I just wanted to say again that I'm sorry if he bothered you." The dog chose that moment to come running up to us and straight to Jake wagging his tail. He dropped the ball at Jakes feet and sat down. Jake picked the ball up and threw it as far as he could as the dog raced after it.

Jake smiled and said "Nice dog. Hes a German Shepard right?"

"Yes he is."

Jake looked over and said "Ive been thinking about getting a German Shepard. I hear they make great guard dogs."

His face lit up. "My mom and dad raise them. If you want I could get you one of our cards from my car? My names Chase by the way."

"That would be great. I'm Jake and this is Chance." He replied.

"Ok.. I'll be right back." Chase said as he turned around and ran to the parking lot.

I looked over at Jake to see him staring at me. I looked away.

"I.. I'm .." Was the only thing he got out before Chase came running back. He handed Jake one of the business cards and said "We have another litter coming in about three weeks. You can stop by anytime and see the male and female that we breed. They're great dogs and are awesome guard dogs." Jake stood up and slipped the business card into his wallet. He knelt down to check out the dog better. He then looked back up at Chase and asked "Do your parents know anyone that can train them?"

"Yes they do.. they send them to a guy in Arizona that trains dogs for the military and the police force."

"Great.. tell your parents that they can expect a phone call from me to set up an appointment."

"Cool. I will let them know." He said excited.

Jake walked up to Chase and took off his sun glasses and extended his hand.

Chase was frozen in place. He wasn't making a move to shake his hand. He blurted out "Holy shit your Jake Gyllenhaal."

Jake started laughing and said "That would be me."

Chase started to ramble until Jake grabbed his arm and said "I'm the same person you were talking to just a few minutes ago."

"Sorry.. I just wasn't expecting to meet a famous star."

"Your not.. I'm Jake. just an ordinary person, just like you."

Chase smiled and said "Ok. Sorry. Jake."

"No prob.. Tell your parents I will be calling within the next few days to meet with them."

"I will do that. But they're never going to believe me." He whistled for his dog and waved goodbye and made his was back to the parking lot.

Jake sat back down and looked over at me. "I think we need to talk."

"I agree..."

"Can I give you a ride back to the Hotel?"

"Sure. " I said as I stood and made my way to the parking lot with Jake following close by. We got into the car. Jake started it and pulled out of the parking lot. Nothing was said the whole ride back to the hotel. I opened the door to the room as Jake put his hand on the small of my back and guided me into the room as the door shut behind him.

I laid down on the bed as Jake came over and crawled on the bed next to me. He rolled over so that he was facing me and said "I'm really sorry."

I rolled over onto my side so that I was facing him and asked "I don't understand what the problem was Jake. I cannot handle someone shutting me out. I would rather you just tell me what the problem is rather than not talking to me." I rolled back over onto my back and added "Jake I have had relationships that didn't work because we couldn't tell each other how we felt. I will not be in another one of those relationships."

"I am sorry Chance. I... well.. I just."

"Jake spit it out." I said getting angry.

"OKKK... I was hoping that you would want to stay with me the rest of the time your here. I don't want you to stay here!!" He said waving his hands around indicating the Hotel. "I want to spend as much time with you as possible. I really want you to be by my side every moment until you have to go back home. Thats what I want. I don't want our last week together to be in a hotel room." he said raising his voice.

"Why didn't you just say that Jake?"

"I didn't know how you would feel about it. I was scared you would tell me no."

"Good god Jake... Do you really think I would rather spend my time in a hotel room... than spend it with you.?"

"Well... when you put it that way.. it was kinda dumb wasn't it?" I looked at him and just shook my head yes. He just laughed and rolled over so he was partially laying on me "I really am sorry. I promise From now on that I will communicate with you."

"Apology excepted." I said smiling at him.

"So will you come and stay with me then???"

"Of course I will. I would love too." I replied.

He laid his head on my shoulder and asked "Are we ok now?"

"Yes we are.. and we'll be even better when you kiss me." Jake lifted his head off of my shoulder and smashed our mouths together as he forced his tongue into my mouth.

I pulled back and said "There is one thing though."

"Whats that?" He asked with a confused expression on his face.

"Since this is our first fight... I will expect some great make up sex tonight."

He started laughing hard, so I smacked him on the arm and asked "Whats so funny?"

"That is not something that your going to have to talk me into. Hell yeah.. I cant wait for tonight." He leaned back in and started kissing me again. After about ten minutes of tongue play I pushed him off and said "Your going to be late.. You better go."

He rolled over onto his back and said "I would rather stay here with you."

"I would like that too.. but I'm not going to be the one getting you into trouble, so go already. " I pulled him into a sitting position and then onto his feet. He kissed me and started walking to the door.

"Jake wait." He turned and I walked up to him and said "turn around for a minute. He turned and I hugged him from behind and added "You may want to do something about this" and grabbed his hard on.

He was laughing as he said "See what you do to me?"

"Yeah I see it.. and I want to be the only one seeing it." He stuck his hand down his pants and adjusted himself.

"I'm off to my meeting. Are you going to pack while I'm gone?"

"I'll start as soon as you go. How long do you think you're going to be?"

"It shouldn't take more than a couple hours."

"I'll see you when you get back then." I said as I walked him to the door. I opened it for him and watched him walk away. He turned around about 20 feet away and waved. I smiled and waved back.

I finished packing everything that I had and sat reading as I waited for Jake to get back. My cell phone rang and scared the hell out of me. I checked the caller id and it was my mom.

"Hey momma whats up?"

"Nothing much here.. just wanted to see if you were having a good time."

"Great time. I miss home, my dogs and you of course."

She started laughing and said "Why am I the last one on that list? I should be first."

"Yeah.. Yeah.. at least your on the list."

"I can feel the love from here." she replied.

I started laughing and said "Why are you bothering me on my vacation?"

"I just wanted to call and see how my baby is doing.. and if hes having any fun. But I can tell your having a good time."

"I am.. probably one of the best vacations that I have ever had."

"Thats good you needed it. So when do you get back into town." She asked.

"I fly into St Louis a week from tomorrow."

"Ok, I will drop the dogs off at your house that afternoon then."

"That will be fine. I appreciate you watching them for me."

"No problem.. I will see you a week from Wednesday then."

"See you then." I said and hung up.

I sat and read for about an hour before someone knocked on the door. I figured it had to be Jake. So I went and pulled it open saying "Took you long enough?"

He looked at me and said "I'm sorry, I probably should have come over sooner, but I felt like a complete ass. And I really didn't know how to tell you how sorry I am for doing what I did."

"Sean I really don't have anything to say to you. Actually yes I do, How would you have felt if someone you barely knew did that to you."

"I probably would have done the same thing you did."

"The only thing I can really say is your lucky I didn't deck you." I was not about to let him in the room. I figured he could say he was sorry but that wouldn't change anything, anytime soon.

He kinda leaned around to see if anyone else was in the room with me and said "Arnt you going to invite me in?"

"Nope. I'm not." I looked at him harshly and said "I accept your apology, but thats all at this point. If your not ok with that. Then I would have to say too bad and piss off."

"I'm ok with that. I understand that I crossed the line, and that I will have to earn your trust back."

"Your correct you will have to. If thats even possible." I looked him straight in the eyes and said "Thanks for stopping by Sean." and shut the door. It wasn't two minutes later and there was another knock at the door. I thought maybe it was Sean again, but was hoping it was Jake. I opened the door to see Jake standing there with a bouquet of Purple tulips. He said "These are for you. Are you about ready to go?"

I took the tulips and put them on the dresser top. And said"I am.. I just have to go check out. Thank you so much for the flowers, there beautiful. How did you know I love tulips?"

He started laughing and said "Kirsten told me a while back."

"They are beautiful. Thank you so much." I walked up and gave him a kiss and then said "let me go check out so we can get the heck out of here."

I checked out and paid my fee. I walked back to the room as Jake was coming out with all my bags. I took the big suitcase from him and followed him out to the car. I put the suitcase in the cargo area and got in waiting for Jake. He got in and said "I'm impressed once again."

"What?? why are you impressed?" I asked confused.

"I heard the whole conversation with Sean. I'm impressed because you just tell it like it is. Do you know what draws people to you?" He asked.

"No.... not really."

He turned sideways so he could face me while he was talking and said "The first thing is your this totally great looking hot guy and you don't even think that you are. The second thing would be.. You tell it like it is.. you don't mince words with anyone. You say it like it is but not in a mean or brutal way. Your a really down to earth real person."

"Wow is that all." I said starting to laugh. "Jake... I am no better than anyone else. Just like everyone else is no better than I am. I treat people the way that I expect to be treated in return. Its how my momma taught me to be. I guess its just who I am."

He sat there with a smile on his face and said "thats what everyone loves about you."

"Ok.. if you say so."

"I do." He leaned over and kissed me and said "Lets go home."

Ok.. thats chapter 8..

I hope everyone liked it.. Your more than welcome to email me at jakeschance@gmail.com.

Thanks for reading.


Next: Chapter 9

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